!MeLALGHLIN - RO~SS Prettily decorai cd %th whî 1' R1adioli and 'mums. ferns and candele, r;, Innerkip Prrsh 'v- terian 4hurch was lîhe setting on Sattirda.v aftcernoon.Ag list 29, 1964. at 4 oYclock. for the marriage of Miss Lindit Jean Ross, Ottawa, damghter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Glover Ros~s of Tavistock, atinJ r Remnember the name ... IP Contest WINNERS: lst Week- .ANN ,%1ORPtS, Rnmnnvle 2nd Wreiý- V - 6 'MORE: DRAWS Easy ta enter! Here's evcrY little girl's favounr- ite doit! Beautifiil Barbie cornes in a bathing suit plus a complete ready-to-dress outfit. Cone in for fuil details. LLOYD ELLIS SHOES - 49 King St. NV. BOW3IANVlILîý THE CANADIAN CLUB 0F WEST DURHAM 1964-65 SEASON BEGINS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 at 8: 15 p.m. in the ions t'entre, Bowrnianville Openim, Speaker' - DR1. J. J. GREEN. IM.B.E. I)ire('tor of Rlesearch Litton S.ysteirn,u (C'anada), Ltd. Trfpi(' '?sJen onn the 'Moon - And What Next?" Other Speakers For the Season: t'riday - Novernihr (, -1ICK BIRI), F'.P.S.A.: A.R.P.S.: F.Z.S. Topir: "A Canadiati Naturatistinii the FichU' Wedilesday - January 21) - MISS MARY LOUISE LYNCH Topic: "Juv'enile Detinquency In Canada" Monday - FehruarN 22 - V. C. WANSBROUGH Topiç: -New~ Wealth For Canadians" Ttiesdav-, - '.%arch 16 - DR. FRANK E. MacKINNON Topic: 't'onfederation Aftcr a ('entury" D)ate to be Announced- THE HONOURABLE GUY FAVREAU Minister of Justice m.ill address the West Durhamn Canadian Club Aprit - to he announced Memhership: $4.00 per aduit, S:1.50 for each succeeding nieniber of the sanie fanily; $1.00 per student. Subscriptions avaitabte at the door or fromn any member of the executiv'e or phone Mrs. Morley Vanstone- 62:1-5422, Mrs. K. Werry - Newcastle 987-4458, Mr. Ainold Wallace. Orono 1207: Mr. Russell Best. Hamnpton. 263-221e' WESLEY VILLE Mesdames A. Austin ,A. Clarke, and Messers Clarence and CarroIl Nichoîs, Percy Snell attended the joint ses- Sion meeting held ah Morrish 'on Tuesday cvening. Sept. 2lst. - The majorits' of Wesîeyvil Sunday School people wore un o able ho attend the Stinday Srhool rally ah Ponrytown or Friday evenîng thhough ollîci activities of the young people, iîlness among the little folk and work pressure of some of the older people. Those xvhc wcre there, including the Mur- ray Paynes and Clarence Ni- ebols, tell tus we missed an ex- cellent account of wonk in other lands by a rctirned mis- stoîîary. A lhappy bithlday was cdce- aested ah the home of Mm. and M.rs. Allan Clarke on Sunday when they enhertained the rosi of hem family and friends af - -Mrs. Clarke's mother. Mis. Balfaur of Toronto. SA small quilt was quilted at Mrs. Reeve's on Fidav and Saturdav. Bemniece Best ne- turncd homo from Peherbor- .ugh hospital on Friday and is much improved in health. Heu many friends in Wcs- lcyville weme saddened to lîcar of the sudden death of Mî's. Ina Bebee in Port Hope last Fni- day. Mis. F. Barî'ow'clouîguî au-d Earl Asliby attended tie umeet- ing of the Port Hope Stamp Club on Wednesdav cvoning. Miss Elizabeth Offers xvhose visit here is drawing to a close, spent part of last week with I relatives in Peterborough. She will be returning to Holland later this week. Bill Barmowclough of Kempi- vulle and Canal Greenwxay cf Kingston were ah Mi. and Mis. H. Barrowclaugh*s during hhe weekend. Sunday School is still in the midst of changle and has not settled down ta regular pro- cedure yet iii the îîew work. 'Mr. Gillam 0of Hilton spoke ta the sehool before t canclu.d-, cd, with a message for the lit- tIc people who were not stay- ing for church service. Mr. Gîl-, lamn was in charge of church' 5cm vice here as Rev. J. Cargo was taking anniversary ser- vices at Hilton. Several flocks of wild geese flby last week on their way sauth - oui annual warn- ing of colder days to came. George Best eturned Iast week atter a trip ho the Mari- times. Mn. aid Mus. Kein Ashby were ini Toranto on Wednesday hto attend a dinner gathering put on by one of the firms wihh which Ken deals. Mr. and Mis. Gen. Brooking and members of their familv of Port Arthur, visited with their aunt. Mms. Hector Darke on Monday. line skirhs with Empire wa lines. They wome fiower he dresses of 'mums to match- crescenh-shaped bouquets Iwhite 'mums carried by thi Mr. Thomas Jenken ofV g;ton Grave was best man,i gs the ushers were Mr. Ra. Winslade of London and Bri Hutchison of Guelph. A reception was held in e Church Hall. The bric mother received the guestsa wore a powder blue silk sh' csoesadcraeotung sheath with matching pink swehtheart roses.1 Mis. W. Hian-,* McLaughlin of bIne silk shantung and c Rev. E. Eaîle Eatoîî officiat- roses. ed au-d the xedding music was As the couple lefi onuth piayed by Mrs. George Shields wcdding trip the bridev of tnnenkup. Miss Marilyn wearing a heai blue coat-drE Stewart of Denficld scas sala- white hat and gioves, hIE ist. sosadbg hywl Gixen uiiiroarniage by ber side at 2078 Weshbury B ýfather, the bride wone a full- Apt. 6, Ottawa 5. Iength gowru of white peau de The bride is a gradtuate soie wîth scoop necklinc. cI- Macdonald Instituhe, Gue]l bow.ý- lngth sîceves and fittcd and is an Home Econon hodice. The skiut had con]- with the Ontario DepartME trolled fnllness and a bruef of Agriculture. The groo train flowed fiom pîcats at the who is a science teacher back xaistline. Hieu eibow- Rideaui Higb Scbool, Otta' icngth veul of silk illusioni feIl is a goraduate of the Ontai from a peau de soie pilîbox Agricultural College. headpuecc anîd she carried a crescent bouquet o f white giardenuas and pînk swcetbear, Ms(ls. i MORRISH Misý. L ouis Gandiei, H icksou;! Miss Joan Bednarz, Toronto The news cf the sudd aund Mis. C'harles Mc.Millan, passing of Mms. Ira (Ma Dryden. weie the bridc's ah-!Bebce came as a great sho tendants un forest gr'eeni peau ýta aur eommtînity where, u de soie stvled wilih fittcd!tiI a few ycams ago the fan' bodiî es. l-ioi t îceves and A- lhad resided on the farmnin P 0('cupid by her saoi Dona We eIéxhendl the deepest syr pathy ho lier sorrawîng hi band and family in their b IICE! reavoment. Wc who knew Mi VREE DECORATOR xity in the social work of tl ners. If ',ou %'îsi (Mr church where she worshippe and hem cheerful and frienc disposition endeamed lier toa mnts Reutiredshe came in contact with.1 untsRequredsickness and distress the la 'icrns Mrs. Belice was always" n~ SeemetFriend in Need." It is wit il. scieniessarrow wc record the passin Il arrange to have 31n. of a faithful memben of ou anc im WA..naw th r of our slaff ('mile < U.C.W. of Morrish. un. 'Sunday School was heldi 11:15 on Sephember 27th. Mr D. Haines, superintender 1': conducted hhe session. The ai tendance was hclow aveu'ag ITTlSBUR(GIlI AINTS owing ho 50 much sicknes among our young people ai s - NVAATXAPERS, bereavement of a dear grand -' mother in one family. Nex Sunday. October 4th. the Worl -Stornuî Sash, Etc. Widc Service of Communi(. wilî ho hield aht 11:15 a.m. fo Welcome charge. Janice Heu S INTS & derson was given the birthdaý S ALLAIIDAflRb greetings. VV~L.I~i~P~ Recent visitoî's withh Mu. aiý Bowranîvtte Mrs. Rudy Eyman weme Mr Bowilalivlle and Mrs. Ronald Fawcett au( family. Susan and Jamie Ey man rehnmned haome last we ,after a short visit with grand ýparents. Sisters Cheryl anc Kathy weuc ah home fraiy school ail last week with severE colds necessitating several dayý iiibed. RaIIy Day was hcld ah Peu' FiaSeptember 25hh aht p..Thene was an average ai- 1 tndace. Morrish Sunday icolwas weli ersne able Trouble oîiilt.MrM.s. K"e'rr-v Tvrone: gldc"rd oiies fr eî inkem.Wryi odci t Liruda Boweuî: xv-hute s] io frm peî ler home and read scn u tn t Shelle," Browyn. Ncwtonville.ý a poem 1*Va-ic of a Sm-ile." -uive hi'oîli a~ ea Ninr.Mî R. Rossýan ýax'e the dex'o- 'r booc andraringtional npening xx'th lîymn 578m. Mn.. Beinice Stark. Newton- Tlic sciiptui'e xvas hakun from ville; sheets anîd pllow case-. aîh-w2 ercses 14-29. She George Richards: teapot, Mis. ance of Being Third Rate." AG Nellie Lunn. Wabasso pillow which explained Iliat each of cases. .mis. Beunuce ('ollus: us have, a talent She closed man'.. spart Shiu't, Jimmy xitl puayei.FOFU D Youngman. Tvone: nen, pen- Ral cal %as annouriced FOtN D cil and cuff liniks. Mns. Jean wvith a houseliold hint. Min- onl Callan, Cobo 'a k- pot 1 aId- utes of the last meeting weme cis Shellev Brown, Newvton- read and approved. The Auc- vle-Th;t-,Pll tion sale xilîl be leld October OT t 17 ah 1:30 p.m. on the back - an of the church. 1h was MNA. If You're TIRED Mi.K.MGlta 1964 -f rom 2 to 8 pa. m UC.W. pay for prizes and ALL Ti E T treats for children xvho collect.. Now and then everybody gets a 'for UNIC.EF. ai Hallowýe'en. W~u "tiredout" feeling, and may be Mrs. A. Wvýerrx'- and Mrs. J. bothered by backaches. Perhaps nolli. McLatighlin will look aftei GIVE GENEROUSLY e*A NDU IV EMNO ing serioualy wrong, just a temporary U.N.I.C.E.F. boxes and Mrs. Hl condition caused by urinary irritation or Ashton the puizes. Treasurers' ' edt bladder discomfort. Thts the time to report was, given by Mis. R. Iftevou terC I cn ase ise tdo<~ b~~aJ take Dodd's Kidney Pilis. Dodd's help Virtue. Miss Sandra Werry Iftev lu te ZNIB arv se'mse ou o ae 'l stimulate the kidneys to reliee thi3 plaved a Iavely piano solo. Mr. James Bell, Treasurer, Bowmanville - WVest Durham .týdvg's OrYCm- condition which may often cmue bacd- 'Mrs. W. Gruffin then introduc- £ R l ' - . ache and tired feeling. Then you eedl ed Mu. Albert Rundle of "The mittee, BDank of ±vonreal, uow'manvîlle, Ontario. better, rest bette,. work liciter. Get Garden Centre" xvho showed Dodd's Kidney Pilli now. Look for the ns pictures of the man'y xvarie- THE CANADIAN N TO A T'PT'V'Y FW, 'Te BLIND blue boi with the red band at &Il drug ies of sprîng tîoneing bulbs N TO A AIAL I O ' counters. You can depend on Dodd'a. ôo ~aalablc, This was folloxved f - by a queEnion and answer i te 0m Pctre ofFlria nu Am.Please note the change The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanlville, et f.16 Se>_--_M arried in Ecuadorer h FodaadftieCoeGrean ofi ~LakdM.R defocm- Ms lteaching mn PortHp.M~ iem. ~~~~Png and meeting closed %ith findrit haa NcolHeopatoeEabt MnayadMr. ~prayer. Unit 1 served a dainty Ry Wnso rhatnîgIar aefo lreHg lunh eekndwith the former's Enter îlhMr. and Mi's. Garth NMcGilli parents, Mi'. and Mrs. C. H.fne tains Ab~ot 100 new teach f ~~~uce ~~~~~~~and Mark, Orillia, Mr. Jas. A.' Greenham. 'e v r'lcoe inote raan SWerry, Mr. and Mrs. R. Vir- MranNwloe t he raan tuean Juy isîedwit M. M. ndMrs. Lloyd Snow-ýNew eacners, the profession by the president thean Mr. . MGii.den and Mrs. Sain Snowden. of the district. Ronald Scott. tues Oshawa spent a fewdays Mr.t Four teachers Of Bowman- Bcwmanville. andMis Caol ellwles, sh-week with the former's sister ýviIle High School who are ian- ~~~~~~~~~awa, spent the weekend with, adhsad Mran Mr.starting their Ieaching careers To Lat.psdntfth ali er arsMr and Mrs. R- Rov VanCamp a' their cot- this \'ear wvere entertamned at Ontario Seconclary School JeRowan aandhelped celebraetaea MnrLk.a inr hrs1 igtiTeachers' Fedieratian outlined heThte ite aef is Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton Peterboroughi. smtigo hi ucin andte Mrbadmrthdav.hoe h atedd r teachers and as members of ress Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb 'iie r n Ms aad Toe h teddfom the Teachers' Federation. cor-iwer vistor wit Mr.andBudd Cobourg, on Sunday'Bowmanville wcre Miss Sandra err eevstrswt r n and atte nded Bethesda South Crawley, Mrs. Doris Regan, A film strip outlining the iar Mrs. Don Lamb, Bailieboro. .ýAnvraySrie îr .MMle n r .ognzto n h okn. Mr. Herbert Wright, aniceAnvrsvSeve.ir..MMlln ndM.Boraiaon ndte okng heir iand Linda accompanjed by his Mr. and Mrs. 1-1. G. Free- McDermot. Also presenit was af the Fedieration was prescrnt- was I~parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman mani in company with their Mý,r. Bill Osborne at present ed. ress, Wright, visited Miss Marguer-Icousins. -Mr. and Mrs. Brucc. lack ite Wright, St. Catherines, Mr. McGregor, and Mrs. Bert re- ~and Mrs. N. Wright remained Montgomery, Oshawa, visitedýI RdMfor a holiday. the latter's brother and wife,i l Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Mr'. and Mrs. Lloyd McGre-; r ieancrs EY ucd4/e faywere tea guests on Sun- gor, Brampton, On Monda,,, Iph, .'dayat Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd evening. Mr. Bruce MeGrego r Lph, ~~~~Ashton's, Haydon. and Mr. Freeman attended Act o n onr ient'Mr. and Mrs. Don Wearn the reception in honor of the lad were 'valklng down a om, land family, Scarboro, Mm. and former's brother, V.W. Bro. street. Coming toward themn IMrs. Narval Parroit, Marquis,i Lloyd McGregor, Grand Stew ýwSask., were xisitors ait A. L. ard of Toronto District No. 1,1a rde ftect aroWearn's. xvhen lie xvas presented andýbeauty parloir: permanent wave iaMrs. Fred Anderson, and invested \vith î'egalia. drugstore complexion and Jim, Peterborough, were recent, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Green-' gaudy Iipstick. visitors at Mr. and Mrs. S. R. ham, Mrs. Wrn. Jacobs, port hic's.Huron, Michigan, spent the -What do vou think of that" Mr. and Mrs. Fr'ank Dor- weekend with the foî'mer's akdte iyby land were Sunday tea guests brother and wife, Mr. and dewith Miss Elsie Oke and Mr.'Ms hi rehm ýae) 'Albert Ok-e.' . ckMr. and Mrs. Geo. îmwin Mr. and Mrs. Jim Systma, "Speaking as a farmer,1 ock were Sunday \ isitars of Mr. Brampton, were weekend visi- should say that it must have unrinad-is al tors w'ith Mr. and Mrs. Jack been mighty poor soilo e -ilv 0OÂ Bowen, Bobcaygeon. Morton and family. 0oWMian Mr. eihMGl Th quire that mueh top-dressing." Carl Leslie ald. MMr.anands. Terv Wright re shwn abve asDale'anv friends or Mr. mr. they.Trr rih aesonabv sDl and Brian. \verc Sunday Charles Greenham are glad hI THE BEST DRESSED MEN 'm- heysign the î'egister following their \vcdding onl te guests at Mr. and M-ýrs. knnuw that hie has recovercd b,: i Saturday, August 29th, 1964, at the home of the bride'siL va] Brock's. Bowmanville. sufficientl ta return home. HAVE THEIR SHIRTS LAUNDERED BY US' rs., parents. Formerly Miss Magda Coello. the bride is the M.adMs dmSap Ms lm Brown, Vancani- iY5dauhtm o Mr ad Ms. afci oolo f Gay ui, attended the baptismal service ver, B.C.. Mrs, Joe Jagger. HELP THE BLIND HELP THEMSELVES Ecadatro r. groom rs aalCeloo uyqi of Paul Andmew, son of Mr.! Miss Marilyn Peters, Mr. Mike BLITZ- MONDAY, OCT. 5th. 't-Euao.The gomi the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clair and Mrs. Bill Kay at Emman-i Jagger, Toronto, Mms.Jon ed, Wraight of Hampton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Wraight will uel United Church, Toranto.ý Huband. Oshawa, were Sun-ý d1v be residing in Quito, Ecuador. on Sunday and were guests of day visitors, with Mrs. L. C. aIl Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Kay, also Snawdei nd Mr. Bob Snow- /..%ý1 I;were visitors at W. M. Henmys den. /sa sr àV %W. UA.. Holds M. and Mrs. Grdon Beechl .A e e a o g o d Somry Little Miss Susan and Miss Bannie Beech weme______________________________ Tt Werry has been verv sick Sundav visitons with their' - -n aga!n, we wish hier' a speedy sister 'and brother-in-law, Mr. I. iurA n a Pe n 7î - e recavenv, other childnen have and Mrs. Wm. Bragg, Prav-TU he hiad a fîti germ. including aur' dence. Miss Janice B(eh I 1 The annual Penny Sale and, pear i îec kla(c andiearîîngstea<'her. Miss Small. spent the weekend wihiieýj c l R T RS at Tea held by Beehive Rebekahi Emnie Horsleyx Ica tawe1s, 1Mm. and Mrs. Albert Rundle, cousins, Mm. and Mrs. Bruc rs.* Ladlge, No.1-1,5, at the Lions'Mt's. Betty We i.fannel- Oshawa, were Monday even-ý Travell. Oshawa. ue 47 King St. E. QUALITY MEATS 623-5081 it,ý Commý1unitv Centre on Friday ette blank'ets, Mrs. Ernie Per-ýing dinner guests of Mi'. and Wamen's Institute will meetý "The Home of Quality and Personal Service" t- afternoon' and evening syns feci: pair of men's socks, Mrs Mis. R. Rowen. on Monday evening, Oct. 5th.i ge enjovcd by a large number of Marie Carpcnter; $1 bill, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. ,Jolin Belle and Please note the change of theý Lean, Sweet Pickled, Peamealed ýss peaple fron the town and Gord Richards-: pillow c:as,;Philip. Bowmanville, Mr. and date af meeting. The pro-i ndý district. The District Drpu'lfV Mr.s. Marlcv Ok-e: towel set' ýMrs.* Russell Griffin, weme gram, 'Tour of Bowmanvillei -1.Ag idý reien, r. raeMu- r. Li,,"SpcSunday evening dinner guests Museum," tooeatege Roil AV.lb. 45c d-Prsien, rs Gac Mr-Mr. ub Sier: baby pa- a r n r. .Gfns at 7:0 ipm. aerthe church! ýxt doch, officiallv openied the l amas. Mr.... Marion Hayes. r.n Ms JhnC1 W.fn nd r, s t7:0pm . orstarts ati Id sucessul eent.tea art n leter i oendsay. wei'e 'allers at the Mr.anvMs Murc Fresh, Meaty Pork Lean, Store Slieed O The Noble Grand. Mrs. Edîia ficid: piliow A"CaSes. Mrs. JimW. Giffin's. Ma.ynd. 'rauic or Kerr, was the -eenai con- Kane: baby, set in white, r n r.DaeBtxelNottingham, England, visited Shoulder1 Breakf ast1 L n-: venor. Thase who jrcceiv"d Launra Griffiin. Lindsay; cup and.NancyMaple aveotwerl Mm. and Mrs. H. Brown, Maple LD J B C N I U c iy a th dor wî'eMns. Elva and saucer, MIS. Charlatie:with Mr. and Mrs. C. Stain--____________________________ Beckett, Mrs. Hazel Sami, Byes: towel gift set, Mr.tn'.M. and Mrs. C. P. Swaiiow id Mrs. Elsie Richardsý and Mrs. Vera Clarke, Peterborough;, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muller, vîsited their cousins, Mis. Lean, deliclous, trlmmed Lean, Fresh, Tasty r. Grace Murdochi. doilv set, Mn... Bill Lyle: larg sa'v n Mra xford, Louiise Philips, Mn. Leslie 1,I.-Basn id is lIîd Clwel ndMis. ecru doily, Michelle Lamant; 'Master Brenton Clemens,Rok M. and Mrs. Robt. I I I~-I s y- Amy Tait were iin charge of fIanuieletIte shects, Mu's. Stew- H-am ptan, were Sunday tea Griffeth s. Mis. Wm. Sprack-! STEAKS lb79I R Bs 3li 'k the lboxilv di-aw. The Iiuckyl art Crago: to\vul and face guests at E. Wrigh t's ling, Toronto. Mrs. Wm.1 d- prize xinners werc Mrs. Joan ciotli, Mrs. Lester' Highfield; Sorry Mis. Floyd 'Beckett is Sprackling eturned with heml Delicious KING OF 'EM ALL! d Bedford. Mis. Mau'y Tomn-ý oval dish anid baby bootees, in Bawmanville Hospital with cousIins for a weeks visit.I m soni. M ilJdy Britton, Ras' Mrs. RaYrnouud Davey; tawcl a beart conditioln. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rice, Mis- Short Rib St ~anding 'eý Youngmian. and Mis .Mar-ý and wash cloth set, \4rs.Ciff ses Sally and Debby Rîce, or lb 49 9 IlsRah('t,.Coan pllýý Ms.Mitchell's Square, were Sun- Blade Roast c 1 Rib Roast 1 5 The Home Bakin- Sale wa. BettsY Wesýclls: double wed- M P ~ fTp day' visitars with their dau-~ r- conby Mns. Lste g qu i i lt r.Br'r er1 Mg c. iilt';Mis. ern Me LE G O E gî.ter and husband, Mn. and! EFAUES IT' EDRDBE nr Ilighfield, and Mî's. Rase AI- Stepýhes: pillow cases, Mis. Mis. Rav Dubeau and boys. ____________________________ 8 exander was tlie convenor foi' Ruiter: batliraon scales, Mrs. Baptismal service On Suni-:Mn. and Mis. Reg Dundas,! O EFEZRSEIL tthe candy table. Mis. Aimai Cli ff Tîewiiîî-doll, Mms. George day whien the following chil-i Waverlv, spent the weekendý O EF EZRSE IL yv Powell was the convenor of Grahani beau pot. Linda Me- dieu weme baptised: Chnisto- ýwith theim cousins, Mr. andi R T SIDES HINDS I. the Vaietv Table. Mî's. Olive ýRobbir': (hip and dip di lhppher Roy Dubeau. son of Mm. Mrs. Rav Dubeau. i FO lRichards w'\&as conyenar for Mrs. Ex'erct W7inacott: euhý and Mrs. Ray Dubeau; Chris-ý Teachers foi- Sunday: Baby 1 37 1 l.4 9 - the tea tables, and Mrs. Rujby uIiit, Mi- Jeani Coî'kburn- tine Lyno Thompson, daugh- Class, Mary Ann Doyle, Ka-! b 9 7 9 Hutchinson was the pantrv anid girl's lumper. Launa Grif- fer of Mr. and Mms. SamlthY Wiltoan: 4-6 year olds, Mrs.j convenor. 'fin, Lindsay. Thompson; and Shirley Lynn, W. H. Brown. SIDES 0F PORK The beautifullv appointed The wiining t ickets foahtr of M. and Ms. E-, Sympathy of ths communi-1 07 lb. vrg i 9 serving table was centredi with prizes stl Iobc, elaimed are gin Greenham. t'V Is extended ta Mr. andi AIl Freezer Orders Cut and Wrapped Free! an exquisite arrang-ement of as follows- 377. baby sweater, Communion Service on Sun-'Mrs. Ray Dubeat in the pass-! auitumo fiawers, and there Pink: 0,mscl eaor day; Sunday school 9:30 a.m., ing*cf bhis brother. Don, o)f OPEN THURS. & FRI. NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P.M. ,was a nother attractive bau-ý 653, harbeque utensîl set' and churcli service at 10:451 Timnmins.-- ------- yquet of flowers on the piano.1699, baby receivîng blankets; -Mrs. Annie Wood, a talented,782. apran buttemfiy embmoid- pîanîst, playved selections dur- ered: 824. glass roliing pin: ting the aftemnoon. Mrs. F'lor-, 909. flanuIelette sheets: 1220, ernceC Moore xvas responsible ubr2i: 16, cup and zaLiî- foi' ail the floî'a] arrange- crer. petit poinit Pattem 818 KEZP niet-its. l'le tea tables weu'e binue sweater and hootees;i neach centi'ed i vtIbtiny lilas- 184,1,ceut 9lass pitelier: andý -somts un a crYstal bowl. 2124. large barbteqtuu. ,,Mrs. Annie Wright. .- Bertie Smith, Mis. .1essip TH E fProut and Mis. Hazel Sanis N IKL E Dpresided axer tetea ENNSKILE Members of tlîe lodge assist- At011 uda nonn cd iii senving. .4wnornmcAV "a;fnep,'e.îe a sepraice sae ofac f BLIN» AFRE WC are offg SERVICE to ou expert advice on *Estimau " Painti Schoosi CatI 623-54.31 anl SLoyd Prestoni ou your h omne and(Ia PSEE usI"ri SKEM PRODU'(" THIX JEIED SERV ir cu'tion îlte lxilu ng Prohi ing Coloi (1 w~e i ýr allothel sis"t .vc)i ['5 - j)J SPAINTS ~II ETC Iv1~e Replace (lass ill ~Abernethb 3 3 King St. IV. A BEAUTIFUL ~4 DOLI in aur Savage ShoE Weekly rýý L