menu, and the next day a tour dal.I The ua rad di. 'Th of Prince Edward Island. 1Jitte Sirr ig Brothe~ I~ CanaIvaan StatesmarWe i..i.d i'ch rs. van arro lef Wed theseevens themainnesday on a motor trip to Northern Ontario and c hi Reports from iness was carried on, with an 1Mci <01 ~address by Mrs. Hagerty,' ihMs hmsPtikadK n f President F.W.I.C., also a talk Mr. Rex Sherril. teS bv Dr. Mary Nicks of McGiIi orn n I stituUniversity, lier subject being Mr. and Mrs. Francis Cow- S ocial M dic m e".w eek en d w ith i r nd M s BOWMANILLE W. 1. j fui and enjoyed bv al TheiThere wvas also music by the'Ovll hatrto and aMil heBwmnîiel oensmeeting ciosed with The convention choir, a play,; at therCoattena nde. lubTheid teir irs heBwavleQueen and lunch was served 'uiia far"ade- Miss Sandra Bowins, nurse- on Sept. 23 at 8 oclc Institute heid their September by Mrs. Perfect and lier tertainnient by Scottish danc-. in-training at St. Joseph's Hos- Fling DutclimanMoe meeting on the 24th in their group. 'ers.piaPtrougscn-ewrsdn E USual meeting place. with al_____Amiong Mvrs. Milliglan's souv- aecn wihlrprnt.rsdng good attendance. With theý enirs \vere a triîîium pie, Mr.alcnd with r ae wns. pedsines p president Mrs. Wiseman in NEWTONVILLE W. 1. fashioned of leather, and worn Mr. ano Mrs.Lorne owins Th cai, hemetngopneby Ontario delegates; a pair.Caerrcnty itMr meeting consistedofv thca the minging o eCn-d After a holiday of tVO lofi obster crackers, and a aMrs. W. S. Moffat wMr. committee reports n adIsipeOeadrpa-months, the Newtonville W. sample of Prince Edwardl onmIto r adIsipeOeadrpa-Mrs. Geo. Allun,NecsepitntoPoet ing the çtord's Prayer. The met again Wednesday after- Island's red soil. NewcasRle, men. Plans were dsus miues'vrera, raurrsnoon, Sept. l6th at the home The roll cal vas 11my fav- . .'.O et letnii:teanual masquerd reot ien n creso-of Mrs. Arnold Wade. Thereiourite cake". The hostess and ~Ms e.WlePr oe be held on Oct. 17 a h dence dait wîh. A lvel ere 19 present, aIl happy to igroup served lunch, and the vleadMs ayYug rs o hsocso letter wsnea ifomMissb tgteraai.'ucky cup' prizes were won Marian Waddeli vbo goes to President Mrs. T. Hender-: by Mrs. G. Stapleton and Mrs. -".~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vanotin._ Guelph this year. son opened the meeting with R. Bruce. Mrs. T. Henderson Horne of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs.___________ the Institute Ode, Mary Stew- moved a vote of thanks to the Robert Kent and sons of New- It was mentioned the Con- art Colleet and Lord's Pray er.! hostess and group for the . castle, Miss Carol Kent of US vention at Royal York is to Mr.S acse edtepewtafternoon J PtrhrubMs.Fe ARRIVED bov.nie ad ewere mnutes, financiai report and Taniblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos beNv 46h ad-rrespondence. The resolu- Tamblyn were Sunday dinner TeLts auh e a ytions to be voted on at the STARK VILLE V guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. *6 odl tagtm"wsanswered b Area Convention wvere read S. Tamblyn, Antiock, when ~ îiuu all. Motto: "Every home is a and some of them discussed. Mrs. C. Walkey, Newton- four September birtbdaso techer." Thsnwas er oh al It was planned ta hold a card ville, visited Mrs. Jim Stark wer-e celebrated. o tahr Ti a el ihparty in November. It was iast week. Miss Ednab M. Stutt, forni- verylefficiently by Mrs. Park. decided that Mrs. A. Wadei Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, .'~eriy of Orono, passed away L n ie As tbe meeting was on Edi- would be our convention dele-' Hampton, were Sunday din- .. suddeniy at St. Thomas on cation, our convenor Mrs. gt. nrpr guests with Mr. and Mrs. SudSet27hFnra Perfect introduced the speak-' The main part of our pro- Jim Stark. "Vitn wa rmthe Barlow Funeral rae er, Mr. Hardy. He showcd' gramme was Mrs. Miliigan'si Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark at- films of pictures lie had takený report of the triennial con- tended Roseneath l'aim Satur- ~mn rn eeey h sC onbs trips out West, Nurth-ivention in Wolfville, Nova!day. siîrvivcd by bier sister Leta E ern Ontario, and thie Mari-!Scotia. whicb she attended as ...<. Mis. J. F. Demaray), Detroit, iMîchigan, and lier brother Mr. ham W.I. District. Mrs. Milli- gan told us in an intemesting PONTYP__________ VISIT .. train trip and tour of Mont-ito hear that the C.P.R. had n uoosmneWfhrTi onuî~ vssrv real, where tbey saw amoîîg19 decided to dIscontinue its other tbings, Notre Dame Ca- 4-ris(aciwv ekyRpr thedral and Montreal Island, I prh ee tans ofeact.ay LRE then o oNv cta ee The midfnight train wiiî stilFrteee fSp ARE she was bilieted in a room, run Tliis is a big loss ta our 4inluiv \ > 1 SIZE with three ladies, two of therni iî 1 ad uruni 1:oi ~ .1:PPE m ins ............ 5OH over8 in years, but Young at m inclucflng Lindsay. . . . . . . . . . . ..,. itemon te atendd eaLbrtal Conve COATngSt. Rheu atic bs pa d i meh rs lesinbe srpis-j h1t C oth an ofe tue village bas almost..dis- veiors, some So eK nn r R S-c n iiORt ei r ai it rL r, 5 m ntspntheat s D u la ,egh neahlrea s istn .us38 jdal . as ioivntash$4 D oLCIN wms the fu time d P CI LIMr. aTdoMas. Witrold Tho adomp-ig tB y n i y as h yaeth hlrno M .ad M s fmorst itreiiem nybcsonte atnid tMr. W. J. Bogs an WhyiputinpTortntaon Waytefterada? viswturnedhomwaftnrispendind isseMadelinepBogs haverre-r.Thnd COATS Oldrelef actin inerstel csui- rn and . nMrds. Jwamvles Ed . Rcan rds, Ed .Witofecoe Bulky knitthousanda commend 00tm, bethenpondStates cardigans, cuse theonta s a special ngrediedist good seltionr utsmmedpet $4c Ms 0 r.oved .1-ith dth xcpn McaladKnyHto rRxSemlo-erî r d -oo oot, as low afast ssonfct andayu uitnofheMouea. inn bi..pettJ, Been wt ter gîstd ercusnMr.Ivd afoPyfastreief offr f satisactio. orai bissogs have ee T hen1IVI0Drga Hrdofebiw s Whumbagoo burs in youIftrdayoltns t n h e aforer rs t g a nd obr Ms Nî a 3 OM oc irso etn USE OUR CONVENIENT pcancsy0f rheum t athrjtiesscri vaca ion Minn MsWareateCatrMnadCManob.doron Ask our nds ugg stforDocin e- thY was retl phoevae byCoîbmnemetorn Ri haWes ern t cardigans,______________________ T ih Aoas Wliie MirThohs Pth ckaiîdProvnces goo seecton$ 6 - 5 ot som ch pse. Dicn wrksso em ved Wih t e xce tio Mi hal a d K nny Huton MrMr. x Shand ofDMrsi.Mr.W.a S.m oM oornfat, a ony-ac ffr f atsacio. o pntth w een wt t e er at 1th tbmi ssr I Hari-o panso remadînghrts catc Rabulinsniversarke Fro%, 1y.Wson HÉ R ANDPRTI lumb go o buritisyou'l fid'Docin 'S'M r. tan JoueMa shaof ChPo rt nd'w'Ro t M r BUDGET LAN truy effetivewfekfastthothengCelief. 'lonen sortPr(peitv.Thi prperIMcally and Mr. Me Hope spen t eedasoas As or rgis o Dli. 642 tý a ecn1 urhs. yC lbre Mo riss Ca theePo er no îToronto aisited Mm. ondKMr-: GOdoPeon Sunday.miyo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ogat r a tl t i s o M m e a n d celMrs Doa s Parry, the fm m-ei 'e Miss Chneray n opr.G Hop mspno ev umeal days loeabtIs Rev Bail . LngCffciatJoes~uu lo gnoumvisiteM.d Mrs. I Robion ratuatind tMr. aWd.IGDooraLEart Mrs. DLuthar FoodtheIGArM-LK ArtbuMiss Cery an attoper,; ontheiomige, riea Cour- 1 IGA Choic eic UOn nitedd chrhenhmi-1o ra tl Rev7as pi Ed. gofiiaeddiflr& as 6 tin c As 6 btS o Beca se ocaCola Ltd ke t th flvou inMr. and Mrs.nFrancis.Hall o nrtn wiere Mis Cmol U LE x Reeinwasofn igto.M. Ba.LthBrrow balof Kent1P tFo iis8 C G K6 tn 8 Sna hMr. and Mrs ri euaro ue o calories outic a Cort-i fA Tab, reabutyl ThceUnig hgbhaf henpatlierSINGWIT JU FRSHZ.R weekat gB.H.s. nAtur Daielt Beca se C ca-C la L d. ept he favmo inthley ance etiied. "Back D 4 in 8CE" LON 52oin Roas to . anhool op.trodtoSUNKIS cause ofTrtohe appe rance of O GADeux Istn evey ixuce. rw many fvrabcm- W .WtisPoro entsom the ClrgeTodbs 1 FREE Tb. ickuppSent. Ca idan n a d a syN'ie o i GradeegSnor hiteab-l.Av.l Ut-F"CULR 19c CenayedCutrLoin rho gooAK EITEE udayprofits fiit.Caad o.i raeageSacks Ap o rrs. Aen ortonou rofie Col urSSU LENue 8 Football Teani lost a cl-ose___ ~~ ,., , gaine nt Cotîrtice last Tus day. The score was 3 to 1. AI- '~ though Bowmanvi]le played al'"FROZEN FOOD SALE!f" "SPECIAL FEATURES !" good game, the Courtice Éxa got a few breaks and wenLo e',bas iit oiI a ks David'& Canada pkq. et iCo E Better luck is wisbed for GRE N IANkT 2fMIXc ecl ou unior Team Who u play 29c range eeiea tbmir tîrst game thîs week, RadmNsEGACNIS 2Sks4cI~L Last Thursday, a number of RecaeolBn i Nthe Grade 12 students went toCD CI~C I Bravo Plain i-ox. tUni eevea h ~~Oshîawa to sec the film of te ILIJ I. iC Spaghetti Sauce ....... 2 - 49c IAPA Burton version of "Hamlet". This Tbursday morning aur Chieken, turkcy, beef 8-oz. pkg. Haspitaiity B L E annual magazine sales cam P L IE ...... -h 9 R paign gets into full gear. This MORTON PIES 4for89c APEPE.. ah3cCETT year's goal is$2,500 iisuh- O2En sh3pkgs. of 6S Rcia n seiptions. Being the Students' GodesM rn -oz. pkg.MUFN......9 Spget Council's major source of in- Receiiea oewexeteeyt-.trpk.fden to seil at ieast one sub- FRNH FRIES 2for29c EXHIITIO OLS 23'onrh ription. Any person wish-FoenB . g to subsemibe or renew a Oid South Frozen 6-oz. tins rz maaieisasd to get in' magzie .S. tden.Oag uc o 9 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO Sîiced oo This year our magazine salesLITQUTTFs CELLOS chaîmman is Janice Black. If we each aour $2,500 goal * h rîz .d ho t H o f T b u d c ua ntro d w h C o c a-C o la L d a S a le sm e n 's D a n c e w ill b c :lei el eIAF IIAAITfl mitted free. AIl salesmen arc HAMBL S BE ERAG S (O hawa LIM TED lîgible for a free draw for a Bw gatOokpik doil and L.P.z ')shawa, Ontario Iivta al selinges io ie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _$10_inB O W M A N V IL L E magazines.________________________ n, Bowmanville, Sept. 30, 19645 Plan for rde Bail Cinette President Evelyn pmesentedl ieeting iaOc tabs to several Kinettes. at the The following new Kinettes ýwitlwere pmesented with corsages Wermy and welcomed into the- club: Peari Frank, Cathy Corden, if tbý Woodward, Carol ofrthu'Knowles, Mamg. Lever and 7rosAudrey Read, the. latter beîng dair- ltansferred froni Peterboroughi ;d for1Clb mail to'ý The memainder of the evenuw Lions ing wvas enjoyed by ail Kin- ecidcd ettes participating in games to beland climaxcd vith a delicious JUST$ SHOLDSYOUR"' WVitl n au.îerý FOR CHRISTMAS! )PER'S ERY & GIFT SHOP Bowmanville SJORA N in Bonus Tapes extra $000 Bonus Tape wlLh SQUIK il extra $6.00 Bonus Tape Wlih NUT BUTTER Ja SERVIETTES w5 29' OOTHPASTE fr extra $4.00 Bonus T&pe %'I*1 or Macaroni O âq extra $2.00 Bonug TOPO wlth M iargarine r00 ld. ri ,ad Dough aib. 'Opkg. ked Meats vuuu sont mc pkq. ýINACH CJ.«d O.1Pg ýdiue r