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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 10

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.1.0 'rh Ca~din 5at~rn~t Bwm~tx-UeOct. 7, IP You can A BENRUS Z BLACKSTUCK rprsnttie o teCoiB UBKETON nt r) vell atel. lK hpe1n farnil*. Toronto. wPae nt discuss the report, h'r condition xviii seln heîm- Stirndav guiests of Mr. and Mri. 1 The Generat U.C.W. met in pending a meeting betwveeîî Mr.H iGr.atcm- i xi thiprnîx cd. P. G. 'Gatcheil and lamilY. the C. F. Centre Tuesd.- officiais of the ConipanY. and' an acwdrentonr l Pi vrox-r -- __________ evening, Sept. 29th. with !9 the Tow.nship. 1 ng %w-heii hisî actor uipset, nembers and seveti visilor. .Mxe b-Cuî-illir Btîdaî cotsitig îiI . 10 ihisshouider attend;ng. The president, NMrs. and Deputv Roeve M1%uir triat'and hodx H farrt is iinMc Neil .Malcon-u, extended wci t , ts meelinR adjourn. rnoriai Hnsoîta!, Boymau-uc ýorne to ail and especialîy -t Io - \c v ish hurt a satîco rro, the cruc.,:ts, tien offered a crý. brief prayer and read a porr r .J cismlzi-i, h on "Compensation.' Secretar IUA YToronto GHonorai Hosial e Mrs, Ralph Larmor conducteriwisil him a apoodo tj ('h % the. worship periodi, rradin- 31R S. HERBERT E. BRAD) M- itiada ~ the scripttire passage, and af- 'l'lie iM luifor Dui xx t'Herbert* r tie singing of h.\mo 5f0 1a9 61. r ii -'..a ýý .Braie\, ageci 77 ycars, of Dn ogo i'B B sic ra ameist.Atln tOshawa, ot-currec i aIthe Osha- S t-it-o fri- P-'.'-n storv of a rta-ibr a General Hospital onit un'îtd;' Ot rda- ,Durer. whn painted tri~ a etmer pic1-4 Al- '-t- -a\oti lui-e Prax-ing Hands. closing daSpebr27 9" l-E-ito" is 1(* lc lv W; ain,ýthough in pont- attfo i fo no'.on Frda, evo t )coc w~r i -em Paii -cars, the dccoasecdiapd ber,- a gond atencîdatc-c. lIc wl Had n» Aer ic ofndfein- iiifor just a. fexx- imurs. niec r' o tttcsul oil i cated zhc read "On the Wing,. Dautghter of the lile Jamnson iti-ridia-v 0îting. O C AAD Ethel W'ilson u-as bot-n at ticCP.R. lias hccidodi i usiesidwenreoriît e tr-t- -:Ponts-pool andi attendlNov. coolit' tic dav sror'.on it intieawhnroot wcoPark School. 0!, October 17, Dax huirt . Wc hoin ip !heard frnrn lail rdepartmonîtF- 9~ i irre eir a oi~oîtti ath iThe Mental 1Healili ito sprIli -Baty'xhopcee-dhh1hv i- rtt orhy Por-t Peri- Hnrpi*taMrs. Bradiex- hadtmadrier The C I . xi*ii e! October lfth, 'as annottocrrJ. .ho mo wttflt he da uzhteî- tto î-huiiii-h iia'i if ,npn Mrs% Borentgav-e a littiead- [onNr.Rr dm.(sa lorav- 0\oiit(iii v.ertising talk on t Ice fi ll a'ol 1 Q u estio n ý w hy-a, for t tottce p st fou ir -arýZ- S ttn di: '. S clitol a t I1-4 show-n ii thpRecreatio Cn-Mr. aiid Mrs. Bradie . vtarmmcd andl Ch tlt WoI ait1t:p Ire Oct, IRh. D lgae ria nii kllon foi- 2_ 5oars-ianm. A crdil vi t t io ti,-( dcrii ti Dpa tmct tiiiI îei(a tdiat t".- Tio dceaed isoro.dol iCd exil, bd al]. i the Regional Rail'.- wcrc nami- BwfiniO5i n iviS" Rr.T ins% fIoot c.\Mrs. Iv-an Thorripsoit read tiolitil ItîýstitttPforth ie Blind prox ides responsihi e p-Is Booanvalle iotto tnted il Bix-T. LttrHaon t What snme xvomen find ino tins for xx-rll trainrd blind mein and women. M1ýiyi immerc h ntr ieiooiaf0« IleMore " ise on*Ctrcli. ig. Itî U W. MisesBonie thari 600 sightlcss pet-sons succe-si uh]v opet-ate fond Survi-t-ttg areiottrcc dtgi -rvgaotaîîrt in anrd Cail Malcolnm of Nestie- srie nidsrofchidn- optl ýisSilvAr- ý ton. aecompanied b. tci rxicsi tdstx.ofcehîlîgs and hsptals los, I s. E a r 1 A d alrit s! hax :. ur mrother, sang txvn duits Th, Xour dollar- sGs hegener < Looi - O lîawa: M r'..Hart'or rnat v.a.O1 N otn Pati of Prayer' a nd Ctttosyt h cpt to-oo t-îuî. fns Luicas i Mr-lie) of Edmnon. o uloi'its E tnîîst ou1yt tecurrerit CN\IB annual appeal for fns 'Alta., andi Mrs. Edia Strutt off for 1tîoîr fie t-oiîtrth'.ution i Vouir Biessings." Mî-s. Ken-,,_____________________To___________ ronto, and ione son, Lorn- e r vAoi\ l i1IVeSti]1ien ineti Lee thanked the M-Il-o lmîo r a-t.Poi colma. Ms. Harod i<yîcpro- r . 1".T-0 sistor-S of a faou f aîîd girls. Ostîaua. we ro Siiit i i L' sented Miss Hvacinth Boouhi, f ln t n iIl I ht e brother'. aîd fout sîstors, dax \- stsof Ms (r c',a OIy dW l Jamaîca, witt- a little gift ail Mirs. J. Clysdale Maujde', Balv atH- lt c iludo n recognition of ber serxvices atiad'Ms1. hli ndr. ptrh t-iurch on Sept. 27th.-A fii. I otnto aid rsh CoumbaPhih -.MoPatdrbor- iiott tîrî- Thits is <o>-Frnrd", shnwiti' ) o i- ai i"-t a oflîd tîa srivtf itta Cinha or. Petot -\îgI. an MoSit whthelp some firdlle- cil nin in fileMunicipal Bitl(- crintenonttho' and]îî1re r,1 rncdreherîtniHa .v gli Liosor. ai is foratte and ies an 1santrx-tx.-o.I)l' shut-ins ('an do to tcr pri-i t. Ree\ , Blanc-tar-d pro- surface tthe roadfsîdo froîîigatd1 ra-rncirron. r î 7r, . np- sht-nsta d 1 -ee aîî tsidttg£. lUdtrl Ciii c-h. Th'e fît tora i service xxvas tîold Wîth' ralid NI: s. tioir. Aai a hicama i ra îch or shetip hem do tMcing and Nooi0.ic :l io-- Mn.citt.Cîttiîo t rt;ti ni t hoNortlîctt t & Smi tii DoNt ilc ,anohfauti t'. -Oshaw'a, Fuinotem Meeinghomo.ed Il cIlv11 cninc-tll Btili'.x'cal îmrSutita'. tatt-s t a'the . O O T -IION with prayet bx- vMiss BnotlîoIM'iti iirl iotîilo itiaîîd DoxxitlIttt Ctitt on îosa.Soptonihr 291th. tîit' iof irai M7r-. B, llth- Lu rin chi of mao-ou- y i ai t ho(,'toris h, andrt s tice- arîtpt to i i-m-niîl ttotof anrd '\,vas cooîdîîîci h.'.' Rex - A.- bath sandwiches andi eoffee and aibi iitii-o ticontact tIrn1- artîîîgoîî Planinîg Boiîa ilst-t. E.Larko of Albert Sirot uit- Mtis i,;itî iii tm t - Xii vlr. W "Whc~crc ço]c nîakc the dîfferenice social haîf hotîr y-as ejxei id - )i rof Iti-att t xxit1lIntri tt îîîohîuîoît tr i lt f ti hCitrl sa..a llrîil Pl-alo rttxîil 'o In the Un ited Chirci Suit - i Plo' 1 -i:i-tu txr . i P aid 11tîo Zou i îg B.-Lax -xxas il Bx,'. i'.tt e Ceîîîc-Sîit chu'.- gîto ts onI N Ii aort i-- day monom ng, tic. choir sat <tsi rai-ti ni- i-oi it olit ii sto it bo I n iti ot rcr ini- ir'. L . Artoaild f ' an a niieni, Tustn n iusBaqsi-hte. las 1r-oot tort h. tuutig i"' l e uîi-nhorl inia 1ro l orî ti Illeo Patihoati (r r'. 'oi t ilI trt- Mi and Mi- .N Tutl'. C race untît I see Hlm Fac-oe isrctNItnr ptRtgîto. iîîooti-tg ttold Spoito 1) ioto sVosrs. (art Brar-i -<t a t-tiloni ~sî -B. L. BURE~. Manager Face" Revý P. R o ni c r îil On rntiotîs ias fiirt, a b'- j196-I. b ' a coînnittoo apprîttt. 'ho'. -Clarenco, Bradtov andîciiaîîdfriorth tin flic illage oit Bowmanv-ilIe Branch pî'eacied on -The Breadi froiiuta\\'10 fîtrtîoî a-moudB\.-a.'-cIh\'Planniîngriard. aitri!lIinowarh Buadio, and* tînrf, Heavn." ic Sc-raent f 21 t i xvs gxoiils svtlIiat lîoi(,satd Comîîliltoî- is'graithsons. Mosrs'. Ma'-o. Nr. andrlMni- Rn'A - i flt.*'vCommunion y-as amn oruigstîo.scattriaîîd ;ittil-i /oc tîîîn rtd - i-o i.iiiut -Dotîald Fï1inung atîrt t-att-rt otii \ri:c -C.u. ister-ec. îî îhr-t2,279. ioot tî rpît t t tî diî 'îttî. t.. t o itan'iiSv.'____________________________________________ Il -1.1; vet.Ttiaiiksgiv iOr titîo oits as titoilv a v- irie se rv i f, i St. Joins \txo b aiirisoitic toe Canarîtain tng service lii St.Nat hîa coiîpaiv 1 S o v e retg i~i W ATCH Churci. Canon As Ltnior e, -t la snriioai-rosaia preached on "-Now îiaik y-e, fort-tr pu ira n r2hCti- al oui. God." Tic Sacramentitni BF. x arnLod 3faaCd aîtd_ of Hohy Commutnion was ah- stioh .. oa.e-vdad and iirc ministered. Thec ebnrci xas 2. beautifuliy and prolificaîl'.- rrutri' a.ftd ' he-rorated xiti flo-eu-s, fruiits '.'.- t ii lttîorî/o tîoI -oi'.\'._ A N D TIiL L and vegetables. ;1a(1 or- rt of ai nopi Mrs. loinston aîîd g i rls. 26 anîd 2-, Cou., 5, ..'sgîx-tuil sý- -Brooklin, were Satuî-dav dioi- svvxoral roadiîtgs anih sig-iîod, ner gtîest.s of Mn. arnd Mrs. souîtoh aîand it'iriî)teorl 2281.- - ~Neil Malcolmi and 0amtt i', mit ons as f'iled. a tîv- M r . a n d i M r s . f l a n - ' . - S t a n i t v t t . . I r ' s l o i u î i s . n and bovss are holida.i ti -(r l' - ootuj itte To'.ilsttip Penn,ÙUS.A. 'v- i'.tt il. -vtararlin Vý EMr. andi iVrs. Raipti Latirw gui- t-îrttrimîîtt- and famil'.- .x-rc Scinda'.-suiî- 2 peu- gue.sts of Mr. arid Mrs. Nu'. t n-rt t ut C icîil loi s tt' ON YOUR MILK COSTS! mer St.irPauhomes UCW frori a picasant xisit '.'.-tthherl t au' C sîster and niecco aîd famul' It Dunrcan, B. 1-eres your chance [o \vin botih ways! Start Mr.iaho-k s. Cuceee Partyo visiterl witb Larr' H oskinuul! W eII kdtended using and enjoylng 2"ý Ail-Jersey partly skimmed Hamilton on t Sunda\ . Tt b' i rîoullituai Courcge. w-a'. home Pt1-t r' i tî Sair lioli w I n-ilk, and at the sanie limie qualify for a chance for tie weekoîîd. Pai1 hitti chini to win a beautÀfuliy sty led Beni-us Sovcrign rman's and Janicpro eM inB> on-. li I to itith vas aioti -ioi' per guiesîs or Mn. arid Mrs.f iidort slitICeS. t.sFtor enco ~' watch! Harold i-ay-kti, Port Pprnov Gardtinor, poioî fSt. or lauys wI hMrs. Fred Hamilton attend- Paitia ' ('wxax thc zen- edt-heticfuneral of Mr. lame'. ral t-on'.onot - Heffron, Toronto, andirh - Utît 2 hîoadod iv Nir- h lau-- spcnding a few <ha.-.. xith ieio t t irx i hro You'll save nioney on your rnîlk costs Loo, for frienci. Mrs. Heffron. tiîo uof oftumo bakiîî-. Uir Mrs, Harr'. McKrcc and Nir - -,a'l h 'iv Mi- S., \ icli-tor if- 2% Ail-Jersey costs less than 1regUlar milk, yei. is "eh ~McKer.Norwichh,'.'.e e r-v und n'.('tarl'.Rîco tuti Mes.srs. Bill and Roxt Fer-gut tuuits 7 andrt!) xx it NI rs.[H. full of that traditiotial Jcîscy quallify. Son .'vrs. McKec i-emiauîînî I. Citi-tutoîandri rs. Har-ý for a fcy- davs-vs '.1 ri uîlr t llt( NI intii ha ut t lt o tokrh Save-e our bottie caps or the A-J tradcînark d118 (M-a BtFeg If, -ato t Jaluvckrt i waud tin fromn the cartons - staî't today! 1 rsM-.1. Jni Doi.M n ii, uttg ft; ad anid Janice florreil x-sîîod M'-. and Mu-s. G. H. Wilkiîisoi. ,'ilT(h Enter [he A-J Contcst. Scnid your nine and Mor.cond Mrs. Ernest Bpltvoa YL± anoh Nanicy,- Bronte, calird t,'i lIf"' rtcn 'u it"ni address along wilh a bottie cap or [tie A*J fn nhaunTusaiea or nda> p- N- vi --ttit mv, and Miss Paulnt t t ic 1 soit, thei uia t uto'.v- t r ut t ii' x-e trademark froni a carton [o 'Toronto. spent thc wcekeîîd'.vîtîtîost oriytoatt enuu-tîît witi Mr. and Mrs. John Hami- aI jei. oan(,rîî ra' of te Fatr. iltoni. Master BEintatWilson toi'uk o'.er Mu-. and Mu-s. Rn>' Turner foi.r brothr-t x '.-a*'. ' o- and igirl'., Mn. aon 'iMrs. Briaiui tgr iin -i-' it -ii, - aif hlamiuitoît .-peil thlie 've-ekenud lu Ut- iiou iiîît'.ctîf Ci'tl Kil» 1 theicTurner - ttuae. Con)wi joi-u rut, r1rw-t ,t- qwl5nuim Dtulry 98 King Street West Bowmanvil le iWinner wîi-i be aiiîioun d 11.00 a.rn. Saturdayâ, Oct0her If), 17, 24, 11 at the dairv. Mîr. and Mmi-. to>-d wigi- t Cal!tînîrtittislx' h itlio andi family and Mu-. Rt-tvFer- At-tgt-.stioxou i'a miio girl usotiw-eu-e Suirdax- 'upiîer Mis- Rrniivo tf Ontario Cîtitît. gniests of Mn. and Mu-s. Noot Whît o: tut' tivai C us ieur - Mou-toi-tanid box-s onit îo o-t- N il-t'.'. auouchdri mlidrî s-oti of Dax-iisfotrtth-ttîî-- six wu!'.. tîtWlit ua ttiil:at ciao Oî-niîiFaim 1xx u oucn.out'..o Mn. aînd Mis. Pent--.,- Van fmm-' Camp '.isîucdMn. and Mol. Cu he lttiu tuo..îNaî Rihl 'Iovxderi, Ida. Scinda'. x c rs o- n'.'St t oug utiv".n- aflernooniingtic a nipticit fa t aor ".'îI h Miss AtlcetiiNaît Cati.ns a-arit .Vgît'.- Hn.' vstoi-u iostev sfora kthouisho'.r-r xx ti Sri At Ar a 1h.lA'.amît- for- Miss e'tt MedMutlOn tt nt îtir V t"rua v rc ruîuîand Frtdax' rirgt A xci'. ploaiz-u-tt trh- 'c ri-o N i VFtt-' irm e-crns. ".a' pro anid tcxtiihr r-rîtîi PthuO m u-mni hide-to-bpwas thic :cr-tp:ouu t Mul-t- . :î Nr aulxcinoc of tnawnus!fiuigf;S'ai-t c Dtrio-of 'licFair, Mtr anci Mu-s, Ont\i'i tg I C'ri tv . c kPt d, o .sîled ici-osser and-,! t--o-Sat:tuit-,'- atîtî.:'cîu 1ih ther-i-laun'0 Mn atnt Mu-.i chanci-to'Anà-ho î;- Raipi WAnrh and atouidori o-a't-i ho'. tat iW hi" the Bohoavgen Fa: rsatu ciao giot' titaui Saturhav evenirie Mrc W-i NI'. Fox h St - :ry 'm;ur 4tW fer I.aîrenî-e entprcita iprhi Av' lin htigt O'tft Aftlreo, about 201 frenh'. for ia ur e- 11091 Mthoharini cH - taneoas iov,-r ihi hnni- if Coîg t zliitltrius at-o 1!1ordi Ms.Mary Passant, a hi-do- OW te0s'. oî aiincrtoKritl.'t N10- -tiiti cgtiitc uc"lained Mr. andi Mu-s All Bahe'.-and Aluis. OAa'.va . a"d Née .Fuank Baile.-NéC. a utî I Mt-. Hec-ior Siortnicige and i B intodinner Scîndav- exor.% NI-.and Néus. Be'.-Dca'.. T'nto spent flic .'-ro w-11, lieu- parri-ot., NI,-,arlti Nir.- Ken D-iri'moor iidrm \nplo. oa',ti ta'.'.-ir-:n 'o 1,tPan te thi an d guru' b', ro- niunz fimheft b'.-stickv foocis The noîîth heni-fits from hotii thc fibre and fl-to iectîr, in appies, an.-11-nm an îîcrea- ed flow of salIva. I -T-- Day of the fast new Rambler Classîc Mccitich beautifuîty re-slyled Banîbier Classic for '65, proof positive that a famihy-mîindeh car cao be a gu-cat road perfornier, 100. Stant vwuth engines. Take your choîce of three great ones for fast-movîng action. Get Torque Commiandi, tic most remarkably respoosive new six-cylinder engîne on tie market today. if's a six that perfornis ike a fui-fledged eîgit! In thec'65 Ctassic, Torque Conimanci wîi dehîver superior overali street andi higlîway performance. lis new 7-Main Rearing crankshafî with cîgit couniterweights gîves you an unbelîevabhy sîîîooîi. vibration- lcss ride. Choose Torque Comnmand wîth 128 h.p., or 145-155 i.p. a If you're a iard-to-phease V8 man, move lo tie Ciassic 198 h.p. V8, a quîck, brilliant performer tiat neyer wastes a moment's travelling time. Put your foot on the accelerator for V8 action tie way you like it. a Look inside the '65 Classic. You'Il fînd m-ore people space, tianks to re-designed înteriors, Tiere's more foot-roorn. eg-room, ehbow-roomi- and much mou-e luggage space. a Intertors andi appoîntments are the best-Iooking, iandsomest you'Il find. Style andi uxury au-e standard equipment..a You get exclusive Ratiibher qualiîy fedlures. strong, safe, raîte-free Single Unit Construction wîîth Untside; Deep-Dip Rustproofing; Cerarnic- Arrnoured Muffler; Double Safety Brakes. a Wti great new 6 and V8 performance, plus nmore people space and more luggage space, and a wihe new range of power options and features, the Rambler Classic is more than ever Canadas best car value mn every model -sedans, wagons, iardtops. Don't miss the day of lie fast new Rambier Classic. There's a convincing test drive waiîing for you rigit now at your Bambier Deater's. CL.ASSIC 2 0D0on A80lt0 '65 Rambler Classic Six,3ndý,V po-o mano t te;r mi ai GrPat new erigine ch, elî c ra Il((, cui otds To) NIr. mand. the boid new s ai 1)1,é 1- F i 1 ilUc I r g:woniiAvailable in 145-155 x ~ ~ o sn'ti ci-i'rrth-:îî carburetor of 128 h. in r idî iJinxck i lr'on s a -dClssîc 198 h.p. VS <taý x.totr *rt î-oa Anlbarre! carhuretor. tn!. u iln % iiho(, tfiitiincoi '-i teamed with regular- -, c-r n!:- ' ( ' 11 nim -your foot on the fast ýhis ac.;e1erator. Take a t* On: Satiidt; c orh t(,i~~<r Mt i,,ii SEE THE PROS TANGLE! WATCH EXCITINO Port xic ";la ý-i)Î,etl McQUEEN MOTOR Mi lorc- 219 KING STREET EAST home lium the ho pital Ckss.cStsIom wagot toî,cei Get Torque Com- six that acts likeain eîit. 55 h.p., single or 2-barrot h.p. Or go VS' Get the 3wuth new impfoveci 2- Quick-moving action -grade fuel savîngs, Put ;t new Rambler Classic's tst drive todlayi NFL FOOTBALl EVEP\ý SUNDAY ON CB3CI SALES LTD. Phone 623-3356 1 botà ! qip MR p4ýà%ýýmý

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