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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 11

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Clarke High School's Football Team Loses at Bowmanville -t m » mmmI& -- ý T;iis husky- squad fi-o.m Clarke Iligh Sc'hol made their fii'st. p hîa (î rn' emlasi wcck againsi otmrvlr fîniSlni îdcm In nîlie short end of the sco>re. lx'vr.txmui akdsh - ilL éoi c i 1a thie Season crn tinues, expect to do niLCI; hette, T"le teann ~ne)dus I 01 .', left to î'ight ,tEr Ilculo Bob panks. Bob Best, Grant Yeo, Keith Swarbrick., Teî'rv Grahamn, Mike Rousseau, Alex Dunseith, Briari Hlaick and Idso WVeirýsma; back row, Fraser 'Wallace, Ron Goodr, Kelvin New',man.: Ar'nold Wa!lace, Stephen Witherspoon, Grant Wade. Gar\' Richaî'dsoîn. Har'old Reinstra, RickY Nea], Chas. Reid, Brian Foster anîd Coach 3,r. Lowryv. Clarke's Lion Makes Big Impression jWhen the Clarke Iligh Sehol football tearn ran aie, from Jeft bo right, Sandy Ferren, Beverly Rick anto the BIIS football f ield her'e last week, thev xvere Shiî'leý 1V Mercer, Kathy Tur*sv.Cnd1tok rlccn)mpatiiec1 h b' an enthusiastie cheeting Mgroîîp[, plus Jane Wvitherspoon. 2 h I lon in sehool colours. The- ch-(eirleadcreis .1 7/se /1'e.ca4& ~ .~~d Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phtone 987-4213 Fifity -Three Cubs Regîs fer Unit--No. 4 Wl! h Sf111 More Expecfed Talk 'on S Ncu uasîile îii inEý Olobr ih, thf- Nexw- uilrCii b: Met fou'.Ithe fi rst lime lhis ,4as.oti. Fiullx-*,it*rce andi'rinin' ,a re (expmcced as a in . s.sistant i imsc Ydiiiii ii -u1k 'laig cf the el-coing %i ile MnI \rt Dibsi udt Ciîhnîaster Dou - en N'e'-îi i auud brassistiiv I'oeic lil:isni And ail the Fnllo\i'ir ig i :a l' i . Co!l i i.h . i l o', RU IFp Ln 1o-'; ,ot ruudri i'um 'taý ie tuif uuîuî fi oui 'i co "ho-ii oni lu tue ce"- ,'tt Q ebet- uflt t.Ia'i a ui ' t he Cnt nf thAt 'î'uuhmli -1'. ~ne pns'e ho H3fafs Mir a -'c I r z C r-c 'R.111 ur' u' M "ou au ic Ha' bpi'i, - ft ia-- f D .\-îu; liCh'::) .l Ail -'r t ofî' Ga- 'a u CN) -Anc) sudv t' Nîri'a', n 't' r (îa;î ii i:î~u 't" f' "'ler 1 GAV "0 u ri t l 'à \-. \or and oFi, -e Wi ""Ïs anl'lt- -in"' i- xa" t' i '-"- tîcu aH asked ho sit alouug ite, t uhx ) s ide(s oif t ile liait1 Iril ;t C.ri bni ashe e îz-Y)vi c.\ tc.t p a vks. aid rtra'li sak w'uîild idenrt ifi i iwIeiîsc i ir' s "-A-'pac-k aînd 'B' ia The uc Cî;bniîa le; a' i 1<i. asstailix r-Inn uiu tii l i. liiesluandli11)(,t î-cîîîaitîder of ihe Juai-. it ('lumns îî ne î ' tii t-ni'ot i un îlon y. iîî1ýiird wixiil thr stuîinl nn N1i i (i lu M 'is. Ida BI a;u 'i ci Vi- n- ex~~~~~~~n Deiî-h.îi-u- i No !, Vn tcu, \i i fiînnu i R i Nrt NI' ' cuit-e Hja e X,- ta 't'-t iHillir sid V' X'iar N " Button Club Holds Session at Campbellcrof t li Cîîb wa z îel r!,! - tm 2, C"bc' 0: i:-c Os lis ex ---c F I- hne u-'.oneer, 1 i-the'Thalik-gix'ing 1Holiday, un eîîi1i beo unmeeting, but uic- Mouda - Vfoiloxviîg the boys Vi il iîehdownstains iin ehheî' tic, Lionîs inom or the kitchen. 'ihOsex-1ho did îlot take the icgisii'atin teof $1295 werc a sk-bi'd-i b riit hh -e îext 'o Cridrlof bheinieetiîg,1 htbovs wcnc, haîîded forms' ut. ýakr lîhomer' 1parents io- illiî att leaders. Scoîîlers an-1 Ii t o attend the Boxuman- vj1,adDistrict Boy Scouts tei iiIsA ntiîîa i Mccl îuîg Ibis n'l.The boi'\s xveî'cthpiî n 'i lui r leaders ho go uii ii R ij b r lPrincipal J nihe fl icRGives f<en 1Iii ýý ;u ý cs Ild(, d q ...~ .. ,~ t- ich:uîi s'JIidch JI rO ý New-ca.Stie:- The O c tboh meeting of Unit No. 4 U.C. was lhetd at hli tnieof Nj Frank Rickard xviîb il i ber's prescrit. Mrs, George Allîî oc the meetiiîg wilb apo Pu rer in hurt, Hctp ie) be."- sSoîîdcîî 'tnd c-i the, deî-otioliaî par' îîtîý; cOn-sisîcd of tbe h%îmi M Loxe to Tliee' sritun- u ung bY Mu-s .Harveu topic "P i-ave r b' h, n . den: 1readîng And lprave: .Mr.g. Ccil Fe'giison. -Mrs. Cenu-ge Ahlit i lin gA, quen-. >.old;cis,, sailoîs, In- U IS. onosýidentsq, hea <ii- n.l:ii". ansd 'ois and gunîs. ax Netia nprcsenlg Ih V ký oi-r) buuîbouîfor tue cm'. cr îum i nd fish fr ilie au n: -:,; buttoi for .ns nu'ta h lutclî' -for Nioses. g:rfo-rniRuh, arp for DA- 1. - l!- for- Daniel, Ibook for nh Riler. 'le Staando),he Crce zra- --andi grapes for Saann coMl S~c5ioi 5epet- e ciuial. ,htînep cnnuns toni, r~ ~ ~ ý-1 Viini" ml i1ver - a'niu'e- Of ail- fo' 'i hm betrayal angebs t ' :uue îralr) 'ngci- lic mx or 0f horos u t - s-eue, Beth'e- --iLI 'Suffer 'lie lit-. e )ý t t ide or; tome 'lîtoV rie nl'n nvug iv i -1 'ttu tar ck anrl liR]t 'r'un, ni'-and night- t 2' uir)e -crop for - - iEden, we Sentent. x VX- 'i tr, a trur,. tep ,e rriF -n 'ti!on, etl o -' :-- i'th 'IlîPnmbe n fint deucî-,s u~cnwas aerved. Newcasitle - Tue i-e g ;i t a nmeehing of the Sclio> -i u -as eld Mouchai-e'u.î ithe school. Ail niember. . i one. w(1 CI in sttendani-( Chaurniau b-Jai, R.ckardn, cdi for tbc minute., of uhiela, meectiiig; hccw ere vre ams Approvénî B: ; xî'e r reýe'îi cd, and s ,Int;nr lai t:iet- paid usAs mrante andi ;econder Principail on Munorn gai- h î: riepon' sehn' vs o for 17 O'. i c:u'iu total ntimben ofrciys - se w as5 4,339, unr) tiee iiiinibcr o dtai ahst-ili xxas172. Tic peu' cePnl aiteudance x q6 P.jj3t The ennolment on thîe s'da' ft uhe rnnnth \was 265ý. In Septemocr iîu c" 1rnm otheIr s-oi-1ta 'ens from î 'luie'-pnr nc.i ouii-nc;au)one e-duu- .:nri Thi- -î s s o& f .5., admussion>. Since -* mit. f -u hpre hbaie hoco tue '.a, feî'ncd nuJt. '0)no dlae PInomo)' n Hig2- Su-hînn. linee 'os' bau-e le]- '-'n, ne trAnsfer tb a ,Ic;'.,se ýýh-l . amid nunr i o-î 2- ,-' wor,1 'lh, - àa itîl. n ' 3 Z!% fi 'lie st-hoo 't uc-eu- )ver lasI; 1lne f P Thp clasSP: Arcpine .e 4 pupils inrnon-r I- 'omr 2.i3nu rr, 2 2 'mmIr 4,n3 -r.n'-nori. rom R.' nror- a..2 Sv grades, ti-hu wothd mean Ladir.q - -(q) atld, over - JLIr Kramner 284., Lit Farrow' '>d yO t.1 RuhCOIh24-2, eltti Ms .Sau day Ot. 2 3, M iinie TaVI or 224. Bel,-(a te tll w n niece P artner, H elen C ou r- erîn ilhe her o nre ur oux 214, Donoti Mencer 21,3 that hoard or botties in vour Joax Ar 21. May Hnde cellar, or maybe thrnv theni 1son' 206. Dnn)othv -Teýnnaîîl 202. ot w db ththe garbage next and Mary Foster 20t. collection day" Meni - 200 ai oxer - George flon't do cither, %vait an- Kimhait'279, Rick Pearce 241, nthcr few days, and leave Joe Lexîi.q 241, Clen Ro0ue them out for the Newcastle 238, Ron Gond 231, Keîî WhitRoy Scouts, whn will be ne.% 230, Lini d Ta.vlor 225, making a village-w'ide search Dennjsi Riidmnan 2t9 and Mer- for bottles on Saturday'. Oct. * ru lleuni 13. 7th, startiniz at 9:30 arn. Bd-' ili -200, aiîîî Gin our contributionsf in the e 22, Cari F26o1geî 2.\ ainn past have heen greatly ap- Dar23nBoxyc; 2-2.preciahed and eî'erv i ar the Talîîi ro wrixed2 La2 i collection seems an even Th0 îd 0c a;ci o- greater one. The money 201)éindMalierri Poý%-.[raised from the hotties goes elI- Gsd race C'i 214. into the Scout funds, mwhere New:oîiyville lad ies -137 1 it will he put into good lise. i- anud nier - Jean Hiall 23 n . idr * those who generalîz F da-Mixd Leagzue - 200 phone for pic-up, the num- aî d v e - R i h î oî ehi7 e r to a il is 9 7 -4 3 5 1 . andrîir'e Pri ir 270, Ted1.Every~one es saskcd ho Berran 263,aBfilr 1,ng1ampil 226, kindly leave any and all Tlorc63.Fmblogk2arnp '126î' hottles in a conspicuo,îs PearY te 221. Cen26e Nibari -lae.Sthat the uniformed * 216., Na ige Paterson 212, Scouts may collet them. Murra v Pal ersonî206, JoliîIl * Culniingham 20 t and Ka - Powell 2016. ENNJSKILLEN Leagie Sand iigsluidale: Ldes:t Roi as 16, Keiidal- Bey, Thos. Lindsav, Toronto, ites 1.7. W Iduats t12, Corvettes was guest m iiiisher at nur Su r- Il. Oroînlie 9, W'tîi rtîbirds dav morning service, Ilits text 9, Pontîiacs , Je. 5'.îs î Was from Jeremiah 'Stand Ye Mî'îî's; Sp; tfi ci'. 21. ()rpliais inithe1w ai s, and see, and ask 21."îpiii 19, Parîneis 9, for thIl Ipîaths, wihcre s thec Wt ldcats 7. Sabres 0, Muistangs gond , w-ai-, and wialk therein ard, 0, lliiinicaiîes fi, and Ye'e shahl fiid lu-si foi- and Fi <laiMixer!. Su -ed ns19, 'von i soi-ls." Ife str ed tOIr 1'iîde-dog1 17, llntsbots 14, old ways xi hich we' stîi li ave Ili Jack.s 13, Misfits 13, Rose-'Ioda*v-- the nId probleni - sin, buds 12, Alicu' Cats 12, Sugar the old book-- the Bible, the Jets 12. nId habits and nId fi'ieîudship. Junior's: Pecaos 18, Peanuts S r. Choir iinder M rs. F . 1.5, Almionds 5. WaInîîs 4. Wrigtis leadership sang an Thîrsday Mixed: mps 21, athem " Rooni for Jess, C als, 9, Res 7. B ti g - 5. wth Mrs. M. Staintonî, organ- Hligh Sinîgles: Geor'ge Kir-n- iS1. hall 32.5, Bon Good 104, Jure The S.S. session i.; intru the Kr'amer 285, Ruth Couch 271. nîew curriculum wihh apparent High Tr'iples- " George Kim- ntbuISiaSM and diligenîce. hall 709, Ted Hoar 701, Ruth Next Sundav' iill be 1101va Coucli 702. ComimuniionwihbBey.* F.* La nleP of Lindsa\' nfficiatîng. II~I I ~jSr. Choir pnacetie'e huIrs;., at UCWvv ears 8:30 pý.m Dr. and Mr1îs. Clark Wer', John and Elizabeth, Witloxv- dew'erc necent visiitons at Mn, ad mis. Leoiad Sta ii a t a k it C h a p te r 5 ' m v to n a n d f m i y a h l n d d Ili Un i f rrn t p ý ',îthj 2 x11 -ddinr aniiersai'l- 0ou un nt'it ' foî ili s-uIx Saturdiai- vi'ining of Mn. aîîd book M rbr.îaîî ls e . C (cit1 M it t1 aia1NI1pl1e Orus. (1111- T'v-ar wlit be a serles of -Math-r ernatie Periôds so that thef new proigramn for zrade ~xe can beRîn next vear. Grades $eVen and eight of Newcastle are takîng il this year. f. eferring back to th, r,-D was, hou, mari- more studenîs t could be brought, into the schOOL. which wa.salreadx v they coud hande fro 16 :r 20more. The% xvould boE crowded, but 'the,. could C handie them. If mort, were to T1 corne ntothe c shoot anothcr R teacher would be. nveedd and thîs %w ould eaul for another st change in clasS rooms. Look- a] ing over the report. and sec- ing the high numbers of .6, .3la and 48, another addition to a; the school in the. ver near t future seemsý to be thie oniv P ansver. Mr. Ed. Barchard'. secretar 'v. made the comment ce that there were 1.8 chldren tr, betweeri the age.,;or 1 and 3. Where wîl l these children go Fp in a few years' Mr. Doug Walton advjised MA the board that the wreath from M the schoot, usuallv- bought forM Remembrance DaY, had been orde'red. The meinz Was C then adjourne'd until nex' gr Commu-ni tSouts Search r s c F S c n fi n. Mrs. P@rcýý Burley, Mr. aind Mr,. John Bird and famlilv visited Sunday with Mr. and N4rs. Earl Burley and familx' and also attPnded the dedica'- ion service in Kendal church. Mrs. Lorne Martinell and MIrs. Bob Brooks spent Wed. nesday wvilh Mrs. Mary Luxo1i. M.Wrn. Mercer. M rs. Eddie Couroux and Mrs. Ted Coatham xxere in Toronto on Thtirsdav x', isiting Mrs. Chantie Sonie tobacco growers have tarted stripping their tobacco i1reaov and putting io inbales. The Public school pupilF had iholida * Fridav% when Mr. Ton id Mrs . li\JcMiillen attendet1 îe T'cachers' Conv ention. The1 )pîks are buîs * selling Christ-j nas cards. Lasi vear the pro-i lecds heiped finance their bus ip. Mrs. Edith Allen of Niagara ~ls is spendiog a couple of ýeeks wîîh her nîcce. Mrs. len Foster. Allen and Mrs. a r]a t. Masters Russei and Steveiî irnîî theis xiere wîl h J heir andiparentîs, Mr. and Mrs. 1-l. 0-Ster' white Mr. and Mis. Bob arr'uthers 'Acre on a trip i rtii. The Snlndav prex'îOus Il r. and ?ls H. Foster attend- thIle ct'steniiig or theïrd ,andsan, Steven Wtýliamn Car-~ thers. iin St. paut-s Ui hurch in Bowmanvilîe. For dinner Sundav evening bi th tIrs. Irene Mercer were g( r.Vance Allen, Mrs. Ted tl atîam and famil - , Orono. tVIr. anîd Mrs. Truman Gar- ni t iiet a few daYs lasi Li Pek in Tor onto with th 1eir son ar Id hk is eMr. and Mis, .), -k rabtt ie Ross Jackson is;;takinii s ki.; n 'aoie t13 t Pembroke i-bis do r and Keîth Swarbrick is rvinî;îng is aI Clarke. Dî 'noir has îit that the reason C], mani'v dîdnot gel their M. ade t3 last Year was bc- ise t he Universities could t, take them al]tin. Bn Ors- AIx a Swarbrick spent 0(, iveekend with her dangh- h,, Mrs. Edith Ferguison in for nonto. B r. and Mis .Jac k Staplet(lo ()(, iMr. and Mrs. Les Reid re- ned Satîîrnay from a Most a o'vahle trip to Saskatoon. l and othri points west, speciat service was held Sa.v n r Kendal United irch with Rex'. R. C. White iating. A bouquet of' cers was ptaicd in me- 0y f Mrs. Thortie. A beau- 1guest book table %vas ca ted il) memonv % of the ,gentlemen who passer!* y n 1963, namnel.v: Samuel le. Alle r Cathcart and' Bîi13(rle.*. The table is to' their names on a plaque. iiîiiîioii service was also The, choir sang "That s I Love Jiim So" with Mrs. 'ster at the organ. Next a v, xîhich is Newtonville x'ersai-v\, tlhe Rallv Day: ce will be held here iii P-o' ut he Suîda.v Schoot le USuial hour of 11:15. We lopi' to hav e ail the Sun- School folks out as well le church-goers. *and Mi's . .on Sar- and family, Toronto, down t0 their sunimer for the weekend. and Mrs, John Thomp- Susan and Jerry and Mn. Mrs. Gordon 'Langstaff Dann 'v holidayed for a; \&,eekrend in Algonquin with Mr. and Mrs, Baulke rmiiy. Sou he t10rAîa ak fir ', n k*bAChton en.tts eoffenui;-. aslgaci. a t Itue boni'- of rnue of h :0îî - u ift lmc ed, anid ruae Is , M iF.sAnne GC if n tua, t rerY r por gx S eï- Pie.CatMedoit ied-u!v di 'ci nie i-aH,;ix top;- M .a tnt .lrs ýFraink Spi otu u-a i m ur u--tin(d plaiMSi Cnut lisiiiîis AI E. V,'i ig t'-z uîrr marte, for n tak Mri Chantes Eci grînuul, Soi ('n - Iil tofr ui( i lie rd)ni.maluitfoba. - liasSutîda - t( Thf mntiet ii uî î-omert il cd Miss Etsieok1eanîdbî nil l it M z p i b e d r ( i u't l n i a frI( r A l h e r t a n d îa le d a i m VIns. C'. B Wa"gd t'xbuCd ~peîJ a 'oiiln-Of dais xî mu, aînd Vn- '.\Jwr-are Min and Vin' FIiyniPeti. R. M unro asn i LSuanrosinqpoil' Pchbck. ort at er -îc Sa: i rda î' n gbt 1-tsit Mu'. and rl Mi iauii, ah Allin Oke"- on aumn Vint . CIenu la rd 9 F a d c 2 2Y U in g ra d e 3 8 ' l N i, M n ds u r i . C S îaîîuîîu ui unirp . 20 ,il rad e 7. and ciciig i usils ai S La ni b 2 i3a d ~i ,1 'li c V i. a n d VN s ý. A r t ilu r B r u n i P a , n . N T 7l i î ni e x p l a u t i e ) w i x î t r .in a d M n s . O n - i ' i-unr,- 'p - - a ss' J tte , ort P erint 71 a - ce P ii n u î h i e n i r :on a n M n . J im M G e g op n g lh q v aq O xx cnc Suninau dnopi guic:Jsnt ' F l c 1 ' j r o n l a ; ' n q c s l d nI r . a n d M n . ( ' . A e n C 'a Nuxes'c sbno app;c Mrndson VinsHaroînt Skini i -riun oo--,: fo" P gnoîp cf nen, Tvnonc. werp Suincis stiîdcn 'Ca. u rfn" Tnroin- x isritns i i oss ,Shuarp',s i n 'lunFrî gunî;p i ' andt Fiu au)M' rsl Mazît,; Cc. re Nnxc',icî-air] A sert famili - Boîx nioxle, xens - enulgrî)it î.. ;.ï- Sîînday ve-cing litonsant RB -i i Nn\elli ht rRonu; nd ord a IVint uc , m a, on ;.-- b i-, hlin ;eede i nl ' N i G erdiie S inrk. B o\v-- tiese sc in ' ntn and i CV I l unrn îni le, M r. ano)d n s. Granti asked 'tC - boa rd) f the , k 'ue,- 'eu ni Sujç,isa and S olt, nI au tille 'uiontnid lap 'i ee and MIbn.,-\llnî Wrrn And s u d e n s d .iu u'-' th e '- 'ta ' y , fa n il î , N te ar. pm s AW V 1 c 7' ra: Ifrcpiota - Pr: dan Imme guest Pi Nu ntMrsn - p r r i d e ' ' - - e i < , E . A . W r ' n x ' gu-au'nnî t.." - -(un suc .e is. D ou i -î, ((na p r m ' u - p A h î c ' l a î .~M . M u r n a % A f n l i m i n ba i e i d a F t e ' r ' n u -: M - v l 'a x n c R p r k o t i . xx e n e A u s p w p u % a s --h S t a ' l - e s, s'a ýf xxî i ' ,r suint -- fe.i 'A'ri RgIbîS b a ' i : 2 r s u ' c i l i c A r - M r n r d V I s r . \ 'nW r g h t , Iakr li t- -cci r-,f')- n'y 'innoti, wir eSai rris',. ftér- cx"a enlie; ~o0t-i-calles ai E. V ibu. Ih iVnan") VIns C. Sliuiton (ý N -NIAnd famulv Inadri înAtes POP An'urmin t a N uny rc inFlus"ruDirkey's., bnon ci, ý1a NI : N ;n aif, Bo%% manvîille gt*Adc ;cîru-,'er'-te! "iart been Mnr R PD. Prer, Vj ýlap(p CcOIPies;cre n " ueDir- r G arev îiiA fnri,*nini Mns hA-'n -' 2Tcaclienz; i "' ,I1 gl nif RBoxi rnani illr,.\;fvrr for t l riP oitnc vFar Mcs wtIb Mn and MVis, A Briint' H M M-,n"o îxAz cleetent pro. Mn anci Mn 'flou McLatRh- ~-t-Pn' f 15P C(larke Tpc-nrn.:lin'. Ralpb and Brenda. Union, fo, n;:' ar Thr Clark,-x%,Mr* Satinda" ,ex-coing itr Teachers 'or this at Mr. and MNri C. A. ery*à. ies t ur I SPECIAi LOW PRICÉS ~ jî *ON NATIONAL BRANDS* JiAt Your Local Druggist's - Thurs. - Fri. » Sot. lIli FJ1 I: HUDNUT Egg Creme Siapo 99 ' I'DELSEY Toilet Tissue -.Twn ac 3 for 89C jPARAMETTE Syrup -oz, 03.97 JI,, PARDEC hapsealg 100's plus 30's mugg. limit 7.50 4.99 jiiî OLY-V.SOLh.ý Meads 50 cc sugg. iît 5.25 2 jKOTEX Feminine Napkins - 12'sg sugir. ieîsir 44C iKLEENEX --- - -2 \1 C i 1GERITOI. -liquid or tahlets %ugg Juist 3129 ~ 8 Iii ONE-A-DAY Vitamins imrls 4.49 value 3.39j iMISS CLAIROL Hi pa lo. Ugî~ 1.79 f J! WATCH FOR THIS AD JEACH WEEK i fui BOWMANVILE jNEWCASTLE f1 J JACKSGN'S DRUG STOIRE JOHNSON'S DRUG STORE 'I IALEX cGREGOR, DRUGS 1O011 JUR LOJLLSTUTT'S PRARMACY q À& 4SL eI Clarke Planning Bd. Outlines Proposed Thep Clarke Township Plan- ning Board on Mondax- even- ing- Sept. 28Itii OUt'iied a Re,'tr"ictced Area B-ax'pro. POSeci to memibers of -,hr Clarke Township Couicil and Police Trusteesý. The Planning Board aie to presencjt th;s pro-, POsa1 to Cnne;: a, thieir next meeting119at which timne thewi1'hseck coiinci Isj su pport ;n1 H. S. News Clarke ( 11Y Eit7aheth K,î T1i sPar-, ,veekatCH. 1loirî ',n o hE , ' ebLit ed~ oap:- 01Fr.daY. Dur'ng ne sW ýript ions . At'b-) ecipts bar e:îen(otiiîed no Fridia-- x exvredeltibec t! e- that we had reached and P ne omer ou" quolta, vl;u n i ar'vaS $18j);1. o \lco < the cc l osi uida Re'~ OSS Waniîjai.,ý id ithe îead t rasurer BrC D \Iii. Good w-ork! The stu- vi 1nts A'.tsO -houd buj-)(, c),tu-- n nP) for" meýv ie th(, ones ki 0 ng0 thle xvork. h'l't l e 'warded hb'Fn Diî'î jockey 011- o OctotirrI 6th. xvith ýKEY's Riu'k Grant actinug as C. for the evening. l'ni sort, v o iCpnrolt hedu ,a of Ouîr footbail lteam ! hxîa nvile ast Thu rsdav. lir boVS %xere in there trv-in; 1i to wnbuPwre 'un- -iiiaev overpoxvcred h\' .H.S5. The liext game s, on t. 81h. \vilh Clarke pa n NEWCASTLE BOY SCOUTS 10th Serni-Annuai Pop Bottle Drive pa.ssinR the h'-a Following the meeting bte Board is lîkrl\v Io make some changes which have been re- commnender) hx' the Depar'. mcii' Of Planîning &~ Develop. men: . The by-iaw folIlowg Close: ' h 10!nd-use fregula. tions whîclî are iow contaiti. (Id in the Bilidinp Bv'-iaw a1on"12 th ome idci'tions.. fil eftec' the bv.laxý,v s:a'o. lis'hes ai: land lin' tc Towin- shin as ýres;:deiitiailtand %îv:i penssion Ioing b he ob- taiiied fo' th(,lise, Of land for 'iess.- Per1muss.c'î xmI-ni also uiaxe t', ý)bu chtia I1iuocha thr iîes isru~ ofnidng ~~~50 ~ ~ : ~iîC itchu' ealong .vitb tronta ge i '. ttal1 'îî!d.îc ie, o; s]nt and tlele ir f land for àan" ,puIr- poýp thai "t e a nîisancp. no rmciss-<ou f !in~gz bucr:~oabîc o or thn(ibeun- i2ul.soraz2e of nd auic li appnydOf the> tenu ~ n 'teuJifPlannîî îngpru- "e iii' N I l'b le 1'-a m nehnle uai s da" -. St. George's Church Harvest Thanksiiing Sunday, October Ilti, RÎ Arn. Holv Communion Il a.rn. Matins and Sermon 7 p.m. F.vensn and j- 1Nla3' B. rlrked Up In Any ATTENTION! FARMERS & TRUCKERS SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON PER NOW ATYOUR ... SERVICE DX STATION Hwy. 35 and 115 - Just North of Newcaitle k'eattirlng PREXII'UÏQl'ALITI'PROJ)U ("S At the, MOST REASONARIE PRICFS STOVE OIL ex en- li/eWca st/le eS" ori / (1tiC / 1SY, GAOLNEAN DESL u m 9 KENDAL

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