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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 12

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12 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvflle, Oct. 7, 19641 P ONTYPOOLBaflyduff, with Mrs. Cliffordj Pontypool School reopenedt Miss Mary Donahue of Rea- P~l schedule with two new boro has been secured as tcachers. In the Senior Room ' Music Teacher in a numnber of v;e have Mrs. Gordon Clifford 'the Manvers Schools. cf Millbrook; in the Juniorl Mrs. Olive Neals was ad- 1 Loom we have Mrs. Ray Rob- mitted to Civic Hospital in ilnsOn of Janetville. Both Peterborough recently. We young ladies corne highly re-1 learn that Mrs. Gertie Bradley cornnended. iWho is aiso in the same hos- Other local schools with new pital is inakiflg fair progress. 'teachers included Drum with I Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bradley Vrs. S. Bail of Leskard andiare enjoying a short vacation. lis ?RICE REDUCTION INi OPTICL COMPLUTE WITII FRAMES AND BIFOCAL LENSES KRYPTOK ULTEX FLAT..TOP $1750 $1750 $1750 ALL CLASSES ONE LOW PRICIE OMPLEEWITII $ "5 FRAMES $ 50 ANDBIFOCAL ITHI LENSES THS WEIEI ONLYU! THtE MOST GUTSTANDING OFFER IN OPTICAL HISTORY Tc eryone and anyone vbo needs or vears Bfocal Glass.,: haro l hé tii sensational offero f aiii tms. For THIS WEEK ONLY you cars buy the. finest1 Nationl 1 randed flost quality Bifocal lenses comploe with the. frmne of volir choice et th; ONE LOW PRICE cf $17. 50. 6 5 STYLES, eSHAPES AND COLORS TO CROOSE FROM Chocs* the bfocastiat you want and orly ycu need for Y0UPR special requite. monts. Select trams a wde assortrnent of frimnes, tihe or% desiqned especially for jour tast., personality and facial contour. Kin: offerst the Lowst Pric.: and the. rllghest çualUty et one 1ev price. Won't yov ":ompere .. .. compariuia, cvei. SALE POSITIVELY ENDS SATURDAY, OCT. 10, 1964 GLASSES WITH- SINGLE VISION ô LENSES ..Stili OnIy .$1 - NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY Apple Growers in Full Production &Il the school (afternoor). iuaU A A ~ 5Trit read an addregs, th@ Bail game with Bethesdal' -ri i a L 1i w presentation of a cabinet School with Bethesda winning iv ore thapng 4 5 0 ,-u e nd -bridge table set and steani iron 8-6. was made to the young couple, Friday, Oct. 2: CBL Radio < i Mr. and Mrs. Todd greatly Program, -Voices of the Wild,,Jn ep is I / n e appreciated the kind ex. ITim ber Wolf". 5 t-o e h s D n e pression of good wlshes. Monday, Oct. 5: Entries for _______________ Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hailo. speech contest reviewed. In The annual Turkey Dinneri weil and Jini spent Saturday lia afternoon, soccer game held by the Catholic Women's! T 1V7Tt in Toronto. wvitli Haydon. Tyrone won i-0. League in St. Joseph's Audli-! STLL.LV.LJJ Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hl The nine members of the torium, Libert tet South,1 Mr. and Mrs ToronootndMe.lJon Stoe. Tyroiic Giddy Guardians met Bohwllirono were Sunday guests forther tirdmeeingat 1won Sunday afternoon and ev-, Bowai ville, spent Sunday with Mrs. Stone. home of Maxine Alldread. ening was a great success. W îth Mr. and Mrs. usehi Mr. CIfford Fonk spent the This wck's discussions were More than 450 people enjov ,d Saverv. weknitBuksfis about the "Club Girl Keeps the delicious meai.N. Mi- Mr.n Llcw lHallowell and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Toddl en- Fi' l1hv3-ica Ily" which jinclud- chaei Heenan, the immediate rsSc Hallovell wvere guests tertained friends at their homet: ed posture and bodly move- past president, wvas the con.-; wîth 'Ir. and Mrs. Harold Tuesdav evening last week. 1 elaxe u ovnr Little, Campbellford, last week Mn.,I and Mrs. Jim Caswell trou?. burns and fractures in Others on the rommittîce ind aso ttnde te firand family were guests withi first aid. Lunch was enjoyed charge of arrangements were tjr Mr. and Mrs. Brian Casvw-, by ail Mrs.J. E. anci.11l)sin, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Farrow, Sunday evening. b y l l M s . J . E . R a d , t h e p r s i e n , I r a n M s . K e i t h R o w e a d Man d n d re.M a u i c Mr, and Mrs. George Wills, Mrs. John Muitrphyý, Newton- 'iîl B*mnilMrwee . 'eland Michel, Neto1c Ingcwud, pen th weken vilea cuncllo, Ms. a-c - u11&ix guests at Mr. Howard ville, were dinner guests aI with Mr. andi Mrs. J. C. Cook Fair, Mrs. Bert Payne, treas ?ru\S r ie aiwl',Sna and accumpanicd themn on a uirer, and Mrs. Delbert Hen c s-, Nanv friends attended the e ening.wl's Sii tour through the north count- bee. pcel'ij o r ndd tes. vein___________ try. Beautiful bouquets of dah- 1?os., Toddc in Newtonville,, ttks3,0 loecn M r. and Mrs. Kenneth ]lias, chrysanthornums, gladi- Saturdav evening. Mlr. White I ae 800 loecn Crowells and Jamie, Oshawa, oh, andi atuýmn flowers cen- wýas chîirroman for a vaniedifixtures to light the General speni!thte weekend with heritred the tabl!es. These lov('ly rga n atrM.Cali oospansa1sa brother, John and Mrs. Cook.lflovers lhad all hocu donate -I pormadatrM.CaleMt lnsa saa Mrs. Don Anderson, Karun andi arrangoci bv Mrs. P. Wit- and Kevin, I3owmarîville; Mr3.ý tiveen, Newcas?.ie. Victor Kntox, Fenolon FalisjToewnt,.itdi ev vi.:itod Mrs. F.Scott îasl-~ingThoe who s .Iossi. 4 F E E V C ! Thiursday. î1g re Wilimrc.A ________Virs.______lu._ Mr. andi Mrs. John E. Gr C e1te, is ereC IV, e are offering a FREE DECORATOR fi, Linds'îy, %werc Sundiiv' oth 0of N wa Mr.SEVItoou.usorer.Ifyo vi u (v(!iiflg, calIons of Mr. andI Nowlan, Mr... Par EVC oou tsMnr. fyuws u Mi',. W. ltahri. Bonnie Chishol, \1ssRo ý*- expert advice on: - Mr. and IMArs. E. Deolcy'mary Rnac h. MiksLoi visiteci Mr. and Mrs. M. Mc- Parry, 'Miss Baudine xi't:- Cuish, Cookc;town. veen, Miss Tina Hu"ýhes. is Mrs. Aura Squair, Bowman- Linda Masterson, M\iýs Anno ville; Miss Mlary Young, Toron- Prins, Miss-.Marlorie 'Murnh, lu, were supper guests of Mr. Miss Corinne Sweep, M~ and Mrs. A. Iis. 1MarIeiie Pelletier. andi Miss Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Prescott Sandra Crowles. and <hîlciren, Oshawa, visited Mmeso h oyNm onnt Hunayih. adMrSociety also helpeci. LèoGou- Konnth Hrdy.]ah was in charge oi tickets Congratu]ations to Mr. andJ I the door. The ushers we"c' Mrs. John Wagenaar (:ne,, Joe Cooper, M\ichael Heenan,I Ihennie Reyenga) who were, pat beddy, andi Frank Wool- marrieci on Saturday. Those 1 attending the wedding from ner. Tyrone were: Mr. and Mrs. Others who assîsteci were Kenneth Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leo Goulah, Mý,rs. P. Eari Pro cuctt, Mr. Stuart Willems, Mrs. Stewart Chis- Hooey, Mýr' andi Mrs. Douglas' holm-, Mrs. Hlenry Eikens, Miller iind Mr. and Mrs. E. A.i Miss Margaret Mah'oney,M'. Virtue. Frank Woolnen, Mrs. J. Scolt, Mrs. Walter Rahrni spent Maurice Conway, Joseph Cul. several days xith her daugh- dahee, Jack IneÏiand, Tom M(,- ter Doreen, in Burlington, who Hugh, Bob Pelletier, Andix hart pneumonia. Teresa and. Murphy, SobDstian Swe, Jolie Smiley returned homne!Larry McLean. andi Walter with their grandparents. 1 Verleysen. * Estirnate Amounts Required 1 *Painting Problerns41 ~Choosing Color Schernes Cal 63-531and wve will arrange to bave Mr. SLloyd Preston or another of our staff corne to your homie and assist you. SSEE US FOR THE BEST: SKEM% PRODUCTS - PITTSBURGH PAINTS THIX JELLIED PAINTS - WALLPAPERS, We Relace ETC. We RelaceGlass in Stormn Sash, Etc. . Abernethy's WALLPAPER ~ .King St. W. Bowmanvill For Your Thanksgiving Dinner 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd Floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA HOU RS: MON. TO SAT. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. Closed Ail Day Wed. ;A-l gýnia oe UC n d ,.n FLnjý ý 0 While help foir pickiin<, and packing is flot too plentiful, the many apple growers in the area are doin,_, their best to have their Macs and other early varieties off the trocs before they are hit by a heavy frost. This year's crop in most locations is excellent anci wom-en are playing a considerable part in harvest- ing the delicious fruit. These two photos were taken recently at H-aroldi Wat- son' s orchard w'est of Bowvmanville and shows Lenore Crook, Oshawa, and Mrs. John Stainton, R.R. 3, in the process of d )ing some picking, while in the other photo four womeri are busy placing thý--m in boxes. They are Mrs. Grace Evers, Miss Brenda Birn.Mrs. Lou Goodwin and Mrs. rrheresea Cowles. (i. ..~ ~± '~Agricultural Calendar' I AT JUICE 420z4 110W UiJ USL Iuctioriei aste 80good Because Coca-Cola Itd. kept the flavour in FREEIL B Coca-Cola Ltd. took the calories out of Ta b, but flot the flavour. Tab is brimming with full- bodied flavour. but Shas just one calorie i n every six ounces. Taste Tab. Pick up a carton today.., Àhe ..Idbw otf .5T-b ",dt c..h'.c 0hCo.Coe LW. HAMBLY'S BEVERAGES (Osh awa) LIMITED Oshawo, Ontario October 7-10-International Thursday, Nov. 12-Miss Pat P 1 o u g hi i n g Match. Peter- Wray, Home Economist. wiil borough. ho in the Bnwmanviile Dopart-! Thursday, Oct. 8-Miss Pat ment of Agriculture Office. Wray, Home Economist froin Nov. 12 - 13, 10 a.m. - 4 Ontario Departiment o! Agni- Odd Felloxvs Hall1, Oronio, culture-(, Lindsay, vill be in Training Selhool for W.l. mcm- the office in Duîrham from bers. Project-New Lamips for! 10:00 arn. to 4:00 pin. Any Oid. ladies wishing to sec Miss WdnsaN eme 1, Wray on homcmaking prob- 10 arn. - 3 lems are welcome. Northern Workarsfor- DurhmE Ceon Ontanio Stocker and Feeder er frDramCut, Sale, Rainey River Stock Yars okshp at Stratton. Saturday, Nov. 2_1 -Durhamý October 1-9th Biennial 14-H Homemaking Club Mcm-! Conservation Authonities Con- ýbers Achievement Day, Ocd f(et once, Pruducore's Ho1ctel,lFellows Hall. Orono. Projecti Viac ianc, Ontarîo. ý-Club Girl Stands on Giuid. j Thndav%, Oct. 1.5-Northern Wdesa, o.25-Dur7- Ontari o Stocker andi Feederihanm Holstein Club Annualý Salo,. New Li:ýkeard. i Meeting, Departrnent of Agri-! Ft idaiv, Oct. 16-4-H Inter- culture,' Bowmianvil]le. Club Cumnpetitions, O.AC. -1 Thursday, Nov. '-,, - Patl University of Guelphi, Guelph, Wray, Homie Euonoîuist, will: On ta r io. 1 0:00 arnm-Districtibhoin the Departnient of Agni - B. and VW Chýinipionship Show,, clture, 14 Frank St., Bonman- Pet~~~~~ (rioeu î,vil le. s' t odav , Oct. 18-Tentative, Saturclav, Nov. 81,I on. dntu, Durlihum County Junlur Durham County .Tm i' oAw:irnd Fa :nier Cttusoh Service. 'Night. Town I lal. (Iroano TLif'. ia", Oct, '201 0 iia.rn. - leo 1note the' cloaii, O'si' .1 p.i. 'Y: t C;'itrai lOntario ' Moncd:î, Nov. JO. 7 otî:> 4'ict Graýin Cornianci Day ,I Durhamn Grain Crop Coriiipo- tara'ï o! Norman Leemnan, itition Banquet. AIlice' C lane m n t. must ho pujrchascul front AI! WVcdnesda ' ,,Oct. 21-10 an-m AIliri, Chiairmni, or so'ni behrs -Gcorge Arnould, Farm MaIn- lot the committve b.v dt agemocnt Sýpcciilîst, xvîll ho in1day, Nov. 25--No tickets forý J)urlarn Cî;unty. Call 623-3348 ' sale at the door. for appûjint nonti. 8 p.m.- I Friday, Dec. 4-Durhant 1o-ý Duntiani Junior Farmon Debat- st1cm Club Banquet. Timoe andi ing Tieam Meeting, Dopant.. mntplae to ho announceci. o! -\gricffltur(,, Bowvmanville. Dec. 9 - Il -Zone Cou fete" Tliursday. Oct. 22-10 a.m.- for Extension Service, Dpît 4 p.nî.--Quinite District Corn- 'ment of Agriculîture, Nictn lan~d Day, Longstaffeo Farmn, Thunsdaiy, . Dec. 10 Peit Ca ri ' viîg Place. i Wrav, Home Economnist, wh Oc,,. -2, 10 arn.-Miss Patlbe in the Depantmerît of Agri- W'ray, HomTe Econist, wîlliculture office. Bowmianville. ho in the Durham Couinty Thursdayv, Jan. 7, 10 ar.n - 'Office, 14 Frank Street, Bow- 13:30 p.m.--Dtirhanîi County Soi] mnanviilc. from 10t a.m. to 4 ancî Crop Imîtrovemnent Aý- sociation Annual Meeting, Ocdd ,Saturdiay Oct. 241-Short- , Fellows Hall. Orono. hem Feeder Sale, Lindsay. January 27 - 29 Ontanio sponsored by Shorthorn Bneed-' Soif and Crop Improvement ens. eas? e! Toronto's Yonge Association Annual -Meeting, Street. Toronto. Wodnesday, Oct. 28-Zone Farmn Safety Conference, Hast- ingz. Courity. T B N Octuber 28 -30 - Ontanjo j Fas-mers Union Convention, JTeUCW etn ilb Orillia. TeUCW etn ilb S:Ituirdia., October 31-Dur-1 held in the Sunday School hai Sltorthorn Breeders Club,lroom, Oct. 14 at 8 p.m. Blue Ribbon Sale, Tnewhaven Somne events of Ty'ron Pub- Sales Barn, Blackstock. lic School, Wednosday, Sept. Friday, Nov. 6 - Durharn 30th were: CBL Radio Pro- Rural Safety Council, Rural gram, Geography: Down from SafetY Night. Odd Fellows Scheffevil. Tîte Sr. Roomn Hall, Onono. Junior Red Cross Auction was STuesday, Nov. 10, 7 p.m.- a success. Proceeds S4.50; tîte Durham 4-H Agricultural Club children brought old toys or Leaders BaIl Banquet aînd books that they didn't want. Meeting. Place to be announc- Thursday morning, Oct. lst: ed. School films, six films, shown IStokely Fancy 2-z PUMPKIN 2 tin 39 NlIaple Leaf H M l,2l CàANNED HAM $1.39 IGA Sunny Morn Royal nrr 1b. Gues1-lb.79 LUFFEE 1-bg5 GuýbagIf IGA Coloured MILD CHEESE 12-oz. eut 4 c Maple Leaf MINCEMEAT IGA CHOICE PEAS ,in. 83c 4 15-az. 55C CRANBERRY SAUCEwh>01rsPé-lyd 2 Sweet Mixed IGA PICKLES IGA POTATO CHIPS LADY BETH CHOCOLATES Outspan Valencia "Swcct and Juicy" doz. Oranges2l6's49, Produce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Gd. SEEDLESS GRAPES Iroduce of U.S.A. Can. No. 1 Gd. CRISP LETTUCE Produce oft SWEET U.S.A. POTATOES l'aiey Grade BARTLETT PEARS GRADE "A" PREDRESSED-READY FOR THE OVEN TURKEYS Young Toms 20-24-lb. avg. lb4lcl Smifts Ireniurn-Skitiless-Sbort Shank-Ready-to-eat SMOKED m AMS l Swift Famous Grade "A" predressed Butterbail Turkeys hens 10-16 lb. avg. toms 20-24 lb. avg. Attractively priced Royal (GuestiI<ndless SLICED SIDE BACON 1 ao--2 9 c E x t r a pl. *g. i 8c bi We box87ThsWe A total o $34 in Bontis Tapes 2 Ibs 39c 2 for35c 3 for 25c 6 for 29c I-lb. pkg. 59c Receive an extra $6.00 Tape wlth STUFFED OLIVES iGAMaz ja Kleenex Dinner Napkins pkq REYNOLDS WRAP 18"vyDuty Receive an extra $4.00 Tape with IGA GINGER ALE 2 3-oz. REYNOLDS WRAP 12 o Receive an extra $2.00 Tape wlth 2 MIDI NYLONS pair FROZEN LIMAS Fordh..k V..tuaa SAUSAGE MEAT Mople Leal pur. park Prduc@ of U.S.A.1-bbg CRANBERRIES C--N.l1 Grade PLAY SUPER TV BINGO Fraservale Frozen STRAWBERRIES 15-0"69c white-pink or yeiiow 2 Ballet Tissue pkg. of 2 ralis Kleenex Towels Kinenex Towel Hoîders }{ospitoity Pumpkin Pie Hospitalûsy Orange Chiffon Ring Bowmanvi'lle IGA Foodlïiner - BOWMANVILLE 1 ' ài1 Prices Effective Oct. 7, 8, 9, 10. We reserve the right to lirnit quantities. Deznpster'a pkg ofi 8 GRAHAM ROILS 30c Ki»ex Lunchecis NAPKINS pkga. of 75 Econo-y 5 pkgs. of 400 KLEENEX 55C Coigas. $ 1.19 apeciai Eccnomy ais. TOOTHPASTE 88C Ziwin packse 45c le 45c ea. 49c ea. 45c 49c Yo ung 10-6lb. avg.lb4c 14 oz. ýkaý 55C 1.1 1

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