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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 13

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CADET CAR and a HALF Lots of storage and xc.-nrkc-stop %parc. This roomly 10 x 20 ft. Cadet wvitli ouîxenient froit aceess dlor ir handy for bikes, a.wn mow- er. outdoor furniture and barbecue stocage in fthceex- tra 80 sq. t. of garage. s6 eut. plans and donc li in- I)cliveced - Nothinz l>cin cludeci. Only $514 a Month! - ,ivre -Nothtng Dois-a $527 a Month! CADET TWO CAR A coni eniont " doîîr, 22 x 22> ft. garr-ge w 11h b-xck waII storage area. Rafters and studs Pre-cut. casy -to foiloxi plains. comptete inatex-ias. $529 ,f-TRENDWOOD GARAGES Tvo Car 20) x 22 Ft. Attractive. panel and sidixrq waiis. with wide roof overhand and qlid- inq action 16 x 17 fi bondfrized door. Your chaîce af 210 lb. 3 in i thinqies. . . ail siuds and rafters pre cut. DELIVERED $ NOTHuNC DOWN $ 39 ONLY $32 A MONTI! TRENDWOOD 2-CAR SINGLE CAR 14 x20OFt. Larqer than th. standard s;z q Trendwýod, de an$3 9 sto raqe arca. Quality ~ 9 TRENIDWOoD rnaterial anid con 0AUOT suction 1thrauq haut.'2A 1NI Economy GARAGE Standard 12 x 20) ft. Single Car. Complete materials include plans, ail steel door and de- liver3'. Iithout cuttinz corners or sacrifi xx .2 3 Eronmy s stll nlyDELIVERED! NotingDow . .Oxily S12 a 'Month Delivercd' BEST BUY' Canada',s Fiiîîest Lnw -Priceil Garage Doors ot'fe t'ieçp. riridIv cr.r strurterl. hai'de'-ted 'fe-os in mndera, clun. Quiet. Paav up .3rid or-er artinn nvlon h;0l heairiie. A !%upprinr dnonc -if asurpri.sý- n l ~prîc S' x 7' I)or 9'or x V Door 7 10 mlr AI tiî'slic aý il1) xte 2 x 20) FT. GARAGE FRAME s99 A do-it - ourselt niatrrial Package to t xild a stjn- dad l'! \ 20 fl i. are~ . .. 4lds al i ftrrs on 24" centres5, pi-viiod rnoT itheathit'g tpidy for rnnf- ing anr d î' 4ty rnPFfLIFr,% BARGAIN BIN (iaiýaze & Cottage Speclal PLJICida se CEDARC 9 BEVEL $ SIDING per 1000 DEPENDABLE BEAVER LUMBER QUAI ITY & SERVICE 96 King St. F». s623.3389 B BE VER GÀ R G ES ~Ain. aghtr ofM:and . r J anohad'inçi, Or~cn'cTfia- n1cprj h- r40 icd'cs"-b Have Your Hearing Aid Cleaned & Checked by an Expert (7i r niTrntM- - Ga" .1- octaC ~l' ~l:dr- r EATON'S HEARING AID REPAIR SERVICE CLINIC r olm;w..e~- u- ~fle mIh elMr~lan ' -"k n -'r cm--SATURDAY, OCTOBER l7th 'tlx ~ ~ r "uAM-mt, "l fmf. a--n tn- -n' -C:nro b -n a A factorv tchiliciaii wîll bhemEATON'S HEARING ADCENTRE \lr ic-d Kelcg Ih ;mm m- i n e'Z' .wn~~- - -Ou - uZ -t toim 01 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17TH FROM 9.30 A.M. to 6.00 P.M. He m -\x 1av- remni-l wi- fl- \ -l'um'hPr-r. l-rim r -'c -~1rw'l check aînd cean voul' hearîno aid at no charge and if repairs ai"i m--!--r D Poil ci Cr Scaii' -u ~r- nf t, r c-ci rd - -should prove necessary lie wîll gîve you an estimate without obli- C7onimF'.e 1 ritn ln'o - uL n ccigCi-h i l. -c-uil l ard,. -r ;c Su'i. aun fyu nt-unîent is flot working properly, do have it c- c- fc- i lim- oea-n c- thF e r . ~ u-tnf , '-u tc" 'Ii'r' t i.- o rmir farc cf'tT mih Ma ~nd- e- -icmr l e - c- ,. u. "c-,'~cmq ~checked and cleanleri F 'Ir ar. h ý-u .rr arc 01 a '17 -I- r - - -e. tch.--c a- ie-- z -- - la-r cnurnber heft tri Add c1. ar Tud ,~dr ~ Rr- Ir, n f- G r-Cfen.1 MNr W. E.Lanrg. EATON'5 traiined hedr-îngaid consultant wîll also i'r-lhain -u- c ,7iîo-- l-e. -i ~ fIAe r-"-- r- - ft cbcukr be in attendance to asst you at this chinic. rr rn- ica--inî 'rc' mi. TnI r k z - ~ "- 'un--tn no , - a I -r 1 1,i e r c rri m-- t ri hcc - hc luniC m . er -p>n zc- s h4oArw- . i in,---'- v 5 a-.- \~' n.-c '-- -Àâm'ww-u.'c Phione 725-7373 Today for an Appointment! .lt--uf Tire - -'-.s'-- f the C Cu iO -t',c -cn'r iir ro - n5n:~r fe D old _-1 crp barn, iri -un Zli mu' m ecn'gn -'z, n' iy Pcei nirer arnW E.LANG r-'-'b, free, an rmes-eri- er~ -.more i-Tati- -~r- - ,!ri't-, ifrm er Cra-c er,- Baoi' eating Cnutn EATON'S HEARING AND OPTICAL CENTRE, UPPER LEVEL forr or, a nd Iadf-d nfmc r \ i A uur acurrEto ~ Cnutn tc'uckg b'< tt-i_,e!fortz -fM c eNi r - vho " -ti c ea a - r-- T7rne-I tropr' mýala O0 - San Harnez; aund rial -'ýf :t ccic t' l-pc--- ti -hi . t rie tc md aslitin' to-ctcirf- £- '17, ':---,p;, (e ýI tre~9 <* 60 pm onday to Saturday '1= rc tic ý,n c- fe in. - - , e~. l~-:' ~'-.f "' -- cn~~ ~t- Oshawa Store IIJuIrs Opemi ihrsdav and Fridey nigbts until 9. is hia tl i mprovement. Jfer wa.;ini &9 marvi-, uheî..Diai Restaurant. 1 '130 Attend i riwa.hgtrrchurches:____ ____ 13________ 4-1 nnadan tntcman,41 nv11e, Ot. , 194 C rhîching Iirk thc' OntRrioJack M unday ExpIa i ris day niight at 6.30 in the church Men¶& Hospital and EHoSpital r w basement. Iaksoc G idsBrwnesfor qçfa;dt'd and Crippled MEducation Changes toild B l c s o k G i e , B r w i are visiting si Stlrllng Hod M tenDu he a q e enri r. divrof the Soutahh, H. S. George Cril n t krei iîp a riinning commen- SorthandutMrs.H &helrGlatives Hold M other, Daughter Banquet frv 01n Ail pointg of intcre3z r adMs Pi I Th n Ontad rio Semcfd-ai lic radrs 4 ma d6Mis Baine and Kim, wer at Che. district comprisina htindred- Educatton i nat eod W ,G~ce nd 5: Mise mong over the weekend. The annuai M\,other aind pass thosr ha;rd test-- soon got lis liimbred i;-),andOi rsur ils saso ary Schools was a ftmelv and Millix-an, GraqdÉs 2 And 3; Miss Anogteuerucalr Daughtrr Banquet of Black- '%hten we reltirnt home from iflic, Programme cofixciiid Wîfhl place fol- naixrrXs cnIoring of interesting su1i e s explaini- Dv Grades 1 and 2. Miss wvho dropped in at the old tele- Stock Guides and Brownies was cm.w xri r itv u gt- fhnr rateto;from grf-'cu tn crjmi- rd ftothe Septernber tmeeting Arnold. tracher of S.S. No. 4 phione office, Saturda ven field in ite Recreation Centre, Btt nhcr jlit:smîles and Comm. 1î. Mr. Cook or s~~osf,,_d hsonshd f ouhCnurtice Homei and Schortl uas also presrrnt. xng, s Mrs. Cecil Burley who Splurda v ening. Sept. 261h. says Myoit look healthv- wa in z!lclkr VC rv' hriefiy, Unld, rnînetvll& -School Asocatin i-. Jack Nlt î'rriî McKnxghfa bindlich distinction of -heini After sining the Oeen andThrii thrr is th scr\ibbind, andVicrrsPrincipalppcf rptaiderrVit ltd dznt andnforrn- afdiornfirftc operatorraeoervehirer Gracp,.1130 nmothers and adopt- anid washinz whpio ,e bring lvifcd. M rs. Cook ange and clîsvts acrlwifi CtrieHg cin.r ztdito ISAnlsn!frtil o.I sitrsiï Cd motherS. G u i dl e s a ni d unpat'k, fhioiiplht hat Nwe xvould ail be silver: atu îxnforRettablr sizhf. 'lihe information walz qccoi- a deligblffxil ýolo -pAthWqv b to noté that Mre. Burlèy's Bicownio,.s, ctlown fo a de- But couraue anîd failhi ou more iiofpie.esfedin ihle fexf Thosr who wrnt nthe trip anird by coloured cslides tak- fil(,Moon- Mrs. Lloyd EDown:daughtêr. Mrs. Mary Vinie, ligigîfuI ronsf heef dinner, pre- !;urelv don't lack. speaker.\e( r l RyMs r tîgiiySMcý. oMunnnday aaf. Courtice arccompanied Karrn' on the'iS One of the operators just re. were Mr. lfarv flvlv. Mrt Iligl eolada oth p fin.txred fcom the job, on the parnd hv fhe meoihers of the Toi coutil wliat xvo 'ns-e 'u, .;îùile IKa1hY -Nrlsoi ior ct ons.ouin; c ere Tcchnioal School. New ardi- RIn c ont il%-vn bMr. recent change to dia]. Mofherc' Auxiliacv.,% nd verv %we wolildlif' kiow mw Prr-. sh cdu i soi l,'r. TdSeciy, in il ettlf-fCtie Ch', -romian iAs e-Cmrsnaio shedn capahlY spcvcd h huis - Btil Wc love and TakYi oti.tlti flier ndveni- %I rz.. iuar i W ra fier;-îi H'JSloo. v 1-pc - d îedfCgv amoear rîe munity Hall, Saturday IbPnds ,fatheri. rothers and for everything now. tiirs !n flic Hcîtaige Camp au L.awrelieo Stapies.zcaI.Trchnical and Agricuiforal fil- of $2 (0 as Weil as flic p nrnant!night. ii honor of Mr. and Mrn. Scu;Brownies. Guides, and iftfume Mariloba, alid ainctiecap çis M , ccl i lit-es ill bc xacclt ot', omhvnnh oéos od eetymri The provramme .for 'ho' arc otherr, àtOhinU.S.A. thaf shréaln \rs Witiniri M 'oc rs Mr.e aenpnddt 0 h om aig h ot 5 od, rcenlyarr ed. evetng afft-r ecvcrx one îîad Stand up And 1tcflu' dlikab issfriiiroia.Kth rr fyrM t'lo ienmofth(if 1t100 prcdt-thi paTreiioaidganpreis u c. an rs. HnayWd snîsîd li nnrn'o.tti Toast fIo otu thr ;. (b1lnd i ra-y inferestinz taie rs las-kF()tir. \re'.aî--omfcfIfi)ptis iltx emC, n v vlie Spetî i wc 'siosSnd wt s2ti;fje-l lic nnerman withe1 c'xl few vearq. Tirr i lce i(ibefai-her and phîpils as they their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. openehYdt 3sf. Comm. Mr,. H. Mr-. Henry offon rpiteird fn fell, fi aiarn aifriltharsn. MUt-. M11n7CI Finncv, MIqprit o afl af i nw Siuop cccxi- igb, Brttc Smith and Miss Grace K:weh-o welcomoid ;aI1,pre(- t 10the Tnostin flic otlir; f însîbe wit tenlaîoin îwr, irsiRsnflt ndi i epefei 0 erediMcqllî Clerred li WfsnatPais gin fo crit. Mc,-. Vernon 1llitdson. Presi-, ail. Stl, lhartitfi lier nîtun- - irison. Mca. lar sDavxdsoni,ifoctise in Sept.,19166.M. on ol t flfliere to St George, where Mrs K Dusmoron phlfdrn O fle nt,,-,,' liilirv rnii m GTrenlstrer s report xhc:tivwere dinner guests ai Mrs. . flunsmoo on bbaifdont f fli Mothus Aixxririrtcoiti.onznto; lît sulitahâi! rdlrc. Gervuin Nîlligaé.t r, Mc. Minday Sifafcd Iliaf :lbiclaaltie c 1 .2 caîiMs oetNx of ail tho5r lprescrit gniotli FIave a rcsrpP(*ortionivnrklii pu-fl'111p iu lie- r 111 1uliWalter Neals, Mr. .TnPr ',ro20sîdtfsfcsti-Tee oesv ral vo lerandynihsupoer Nueon. tt;il; il f11 hruse i-brilin ai cf flicroniittce, a i tikrIn< f xi - ic "xr ntcrrt - lrr. Mt.carl Pnteuois, Mca:.: y lv cirolld i n Couirt ce Il l il) ofq _rni îniifcf etu fMS Laî icaisfper ncued ipcrd wii flich inriiet lire. Cvrvo).nc wbo lîad ierlldier ~i tiival-o .hilwc-( uiovple t;inii-v Situifli, Mis Ile,:Sho tu ccrin oflcauieîorul fortt' ito et MP-1Mr. aitToer, Mnled.n purationis.andiri ave ail c- ir i i ur lpaF rt io r Ilei, i e ;n apcthlin'sioMufi. .Inriar D iveuccnnbt in uiii n icf fcc adfi -uintte vsM- Wn 'uu.Ms a Iig f! bank xcii ntofli îir whc a"s T'n',tdnuIf - and ns irsar t idil A n xcUru ýrt ry Iippy Mrc; Gari-; alcoi11nii. M!--. ftie area that nitiiber xiii asko fuinlhavie a defixite x-, Mgfoiî,M. r . E.Miss hb car-h voar fakp pon fuis joh cf ite hope that 1;onie noithornoli- b In ai-e Kathî wihifitîsaxid(].tWTlliqro PhllIîps, Mc;, Rossidouble wllhin flic next five or crimnuintion i\ the finie 0fý witlng non fable. \Viiat wtiîld: er wcild fake cP veu ber l'ihfir;n. ikbcc- uuîuueh for a(Ca r r M'Wr;Claronic fowann, 1 va lcOtcerîetxgand Wiltîa, ail of Port Hope. Wedowtlnt ler"At. fuis poitnt Mc;. Merlin Sî-:picararit anrî c-ijoîablce veui- .,\nrtiiricWciehf, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Browxn wc do wilioof Lieni?~u i, u~ i sd ii ufe Mtir rli, Mca eeird M s. lid nijl ý1 A cor d nin o flic Onfrîn Dr. KEifli Billett, Optormcf-, ivere Stnday visitors with Mr. Mca. Ralpb Larnier p olos guff presnîîfed Mca.litidanui E W'llîam ,lndauîrMportPc-cv M txfstc cf anîucatuons cepel cd the Toast f0nbbc- Guide Wifit n'I a i 'bîln.c Ii IIEdwl fi irf" s.adM.Ke Bl,-ro. Mcvc-.niouif. Hc-c cc-naxks wcre F Ocfail'f'tluocitali-' i Oi iVi-urui-uivfrflc\r.hv Wr' ii tl, ii îuy urnny Change-s il1il( r, rtf jlonînilee slb -adr. enBlforoo yen- f i mm ru ut n-tii MeCill. Mn;. I ur aun îanaiI oiec lcc lcdct sprnîkp fr thic next Ms li ebt xet ~~liought -proî-okiiig nid Btoi Tilriluîîrix nic Mliuign'Gî d-issigooAllien MQuaih'ar rirccîtiî viccuceui f lier uic-mei-cflFoiendfhip.thSecv- CMpt aiitiippicoxianduiînrrtfe!r1- uîtgloui0M1iM.. OctOI, 1e.veMcxModaayforraaweeteer uc-e anrd luîfcgnty, gave uts ail ports ou(flic Pcwi ; uî .aic;idfluîuir, flic dr Coi le c Iu-ar hhienI fCuc tel Qcic iI.~uicc.tiî ladwtîfi or îxîgM.adMa alcs- ti,ýi"d z rlc'qti, Mue vill Mcea. Wll'flintlibocks -and Mr. and Mr . J. Sigsworth Mrs . mliiiBuul u uurg i t lic-i'Flic-Nil-S.ufii'e cfflicblocalfocrClrnrlc-s il axd tii-c mcîbecs secvedci efcesh- iii BxraiBC praiun- for flic Leaders of M ý o n B IiIýII ll"So(ai-ttoi i-li Ito aik ali lii i If dt, M s rth 12 are chnngcd aind M ath. is ments fou- a scial b haî oîur. Remember our Thank-Offer- G uildes and Broîvoies. xvliu-b prese tCd flic lca deurs vxiii h (, F ie uofinca if Cii l cIr a tci Sf wui rt, M ra. Laura oui d l g d duast k-niiy rit flic -S r ic s -t Su d yO t ibm>- certitiiy desctx-e. wu - t herrserývi'e sftws, rtl xiiti- rou a t-io bhedii fl te nuîth Mu-a , Lcuuard GNi~.cCrade Il leve1. Enculiiient ii~,C t-cr- sircerc. Lieuf. Mns. dcitîg so. slip spoke cf filic Ptu-- -cprtoio i( b Srvics net nda7:0 Ot. Gordoni Paisley replicd to the comp)lislirnents cf cadicrioc hilart i fhi niu.Cvu.Math. and Science lins dooblc-d BASE1! atK. a.and 7:30B .nA.D Toat.bhoogliout flîcir ycar Scf sert-IVW iliottheir lici ells h lîuildi Mu-s. ditli Stewart xvho s inOxntario Seccndacv Schools B S IEo oonoIilb us GudeElzbehthmponie.LoeGudeCpfMs x bch able fo carry on xith 0 2 >eac; cf age was fhelicife withiin the past 20 yeacs, whilecfTrto wl egus GudeElzaet Topsn,]c. on uie ap. r t hese >-arly geltogetiiers. of filicparti', alniost firt4 iutrEnglish. Histocy andi Laxîguag- Mca. C'. W. Siemon. Ni oic wiîî et ashseis.bThe proiosci lictoat tritlie Fred Hamilton witlî 21 year-,~r1sekra bf evcs h mothers, iin a very clevcrty service, atîdi xho tvas instru- On vcri' imporbatf item ni cevcry stop and rInjovtngc1s are failing behînd. Falls. Sncxti lie weekend the 1 Lloyd Keogg cf elcoyMe. witten poem. whîch is reprint-! mental in gcffing Browxîics and filainfntosi rot ]efbi<tut cf 1cre> minute cf filicfoutu-. At preseuit 80 - 85111cf ftch ocf f c. nc Ma.J..I s'oif.iiKeeeg g . eloe cd hece.. Guides off fo the gondl atarl, flua report, w-as flic resexîta- CaPl.TmQk nucelcisctunsaei gnclcus sf ocafMran .JR. Newitouinle eUnitedChrc A Toat b ur Mohers thai fliey iad; Broxn vn Dxi fnothe ficRobin Pbo hfrlaxing brpictuce tIkli wifli but in the next fix-vear 0 JekWowc okWneîhliterfrtFi Tonibf hae th hooortiiTiti-ten, ciplit,'<cara: Crupi. xx'uiiiitg thîn Coiiîmnissîoxier's hiii. as Ptobablv the oldeat. !vill bc faking filic more Val- part in compefitions ducing meigbtecuc a Torpos1 e ic mm ni toast, Thîrînpson, svn>eu-;Lieut. Chl-ine, isaic-clhi'.'Conîni. youIngC-St passenger Fhe wotiid noble Techinical and Commer- lcx-ektd aButnrlementiniSe. 30,with ae-i prooposse-cr i--er:m'atsuittMoast,-cri "Lec. Ma one-chave on board TflicMiss cilcourses,1iih30lnic, o vti sf plei tnic si-imentoMrSp. W30redWood preie To ea-hi cf or Mofhiers, whom Owi uat.fv < liiîlois-cî-hfi-xîuii Muskoka. dni oes. Fcom 30 these Chîauî race ani n abe gîMdl ive thinîk are flic most. Lic-ut Pailir>-oncc ear*ssc-c- Picol anudi resenfeci euch -ure îesuii f a ccfaîl Cnir f-cdle adwo aisg - it pesnedthwr Frn eyoutngcst cf Bu-ci-ties ire. tiicie xîîîîîanuatutogruiphibook., f0Iothe Unutrcrsitv lex-el cf ccl Dru inii 2îîc Bacc Brickeîw s Io e aresouifoGhaecuir Guide Malletue 'Toinri- iiugufIf' 0fCouîînî. Ky-bc. 'ri thoic choice. iiiil ae vt tesi evcwith Mrs. 0. CO R ICb-c onteFliccbe E f ollwd readingse y ri. Mohes er ly tî ade, ave a trîlk on Autrahias a Guiles (if tilaPatrol xec: A University in Fiorida is rllic b rpi-fi Rc cgro1edigtesrpue Fo prs egcrtics, or swash- egoicidCord. Eluiubftri tieonipsti, Bouitiie hours withine Fo rsigo rtc ,frw s -ipart f ier projett boîvrd. JILtdî- Sîîi. Jouiie Balligal. j. st-h e pe im ntn with lnger 'XIi Roundc Cowboy which is T. icnderson a d M-. C Four esesfi meig Hxiî at [ruui- atiii'-MF-olit. ELori Tuirner, Dianne Bi- Esther flosevearin o ress xu- uriua cix'ities ch onpaterl b>'the Ccown "' "Buricy. Hymns eesn auc ai tb caesssw- e re au a liffle siiff, buti a T' n.Nrnia Wotteti. Deiii-as ryeBarn firsealigasuiln fn1ach A u Five Points and Mrs. G. McCullough gave For lic rcpratin nusing siuug song ivithi c nî RgcuiRousieFrcy. l ie- ign i îcish a fotur vear course in Noriî Ohaiva Stampede hie a reading"Sit or Sinners". forcanpa-- --an-- ahaîf. ane seconid !i the Sack Ra.Ce Roll cali was answered by anid that first wxelcome letter ofcif:-il luk c hîccsuuîg si Mn. Mutudnv stafeci liat sccond iflic Suicide repou-ting cf a summer trip o r Forailth enou-agmct, oI~~ _ ~it.J t i cChecîadeca,.,dictLions arc thatt un 50 p rsRare. holiday. Recordtng Secretary crie coutîc do beffer. Kl Ln C o m p etitioj n ,rioecIicen are Janet Dcxvii, finie on>- 10% cf flic years Mrs. Cyril Luke, Oshawa, rendi minutes whleh were ap- For ail or cquipmcnt an d * Alice Killen. Suzanne Gai'lut ion might lie emrployecl with ix-as a recent caller xith Mr. proveci and Mrs. W. Boughen, hel twars romtinDeFbie Ccultiii, Rutb Porter qo'1 on welfnrc. This is a rnorst and Mc;Ir. Roy VanCamp. treasurer, reported. Thankc promotion, F t ures Fie Id DIy aci Jane Pollard. Our c,%nior igtning prediion and stu- eerlfcrm this district you notes were i-ead. Forai th hrdwor, henFotLy-ouî Stuinton Esther of evecy possible amuunitof C-hurcli turkey supper held whicli will be spent on church the ronci was se rough, AL D ýC15.1 R NoraD ' y aleuai-n ff Ot he futr. nWiîdflt2dy exening and all hymn bocks- a letter wuîî ho We say "Thanks foc youc hlp" tr1 B ackstock H1 ilgîlihi- Fler andi Janet Robsrf. i 1\,r. Munday was introdu.uced: re 'Port an excellent mneal. wcitten to Ïembers of Parlia- whcn the going wans teugli. Mr. 5Speers, cur hriuripi. bv Mca. Jack Morton, who Mc. and Mrs. Fred Wright ment o-e lotteries, this request Fer vouir exemple cf perse- u - - -inXhCt~6 - formed Ible Studeaf Bod>y gaie a fcw bighlichfa cf bis crilîccioncruM. and Mcs. Mel was read from head office o! vcratce,dot>-, aci ailiche Tiere usas veux cencoinei- Otutis. t s 216point', fhla nuiw svsteni cf examaS career. Mrs. Norcis Couibov ex- Sil ndfml' Oshawa, churcl organizations. The bale rcst, petitioti in ail tîîc evexîfs at.Tiget- Cals 165 points, Ookpiks lias been aioptrdi b:>- liffer*eiitipresseci a sirîcere thîank y5o on on Saturda>' evening. was discussed and plans made Is just whîat w-cneedeci L0 flicCacfwýrigslit Higlu SCIbOOl167 po;iit,-. sel1icl; 1fhcou-ghout Ontario.ibehmlf cf fhose preseuît foc We Weleome Mr. andi Mîs. for ifs dciivery ta Blackstock. FildDy hi ealudes: ifle girls' ex-c-ts fthe icli- Cutc -ih is inclucleci the m-oat intcrcsting discourse C. W- Crandeli tri cor neigh- The yearly bazaar was set for ~ ucci Dy ths >-mrWcn- vicionl chamîpions ixece as fol-iGracies nine ,o twelvc xvjiianci pictures. Ficuchîoci. They have moved Nov. andi tables arranged. i cf lu seoo hae eendiici mci,13poits Inerenlries al exmain Jîtnc. Gracie;bell wcicomed ovet- 40 ladies cttPied b>' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph onage fond was discussed. As Thi Xorl Wcl Comu- d iuto bouses focrflue purpose -elen Sixai. 211 Points; flîirteen xiiix'ienJnî-au etemnac lcmef oeeP. oui- church annlversary ils next ionsericeuva beci hisyea.of compefitiexi flrouglucut tli(, Juniors -Joan Ilocfeuî.15 pfs.;ar>. in May, anci in lIune. opened wxith "0 Canada" - ISînaathkofeigoa. yemr. Tlîe bouses are idecti- In flue boy-s' exexts flic indi- Speers als,'o ienthoneci thatýanci the Loi-cia Frayer. Mca. I tion was made from the organ. ut Mocrish United Chucl for ludbyte foiiowing namcs:4viîuual chiampiouns are as fol-Ithere is a change in fhelCampbeI1 reand a poem '"People, uzation. Money, was aiso Wlcecag onSunday,1 Aiicy Cals, Tiger Cats muid loîva: Seniors-Don Brownu, 2.31îcngtîu nf~ grade thirtecris ex-Liked i Hm' b>'Ecigar Gucat, E T NVL E dcnated for the Hallowe'en October 4th, at 11:15 arn., Ookpiks. 1peints: Intermcdits-Rich- anseaecxetn 1 ftigti.t etelt Tîiece was a large cengrega- s.W ar xetn ! iigtibeInhele prizes for the Sunday Schocl. lion. The Bei'. J. Cargo offi-ý At the conclusioni offthe mcci Reifsnîa. 32 points; Juniors number of sets cf test, rnia c. Rbr . Mc. anci Mcs. Art Bonnett 1 A forthcoming quilting was cuateci. Flowcrs on cither ide' Ficîci Day the scores tvere ra Bob Kyfe., 43hîpoints. ____ hroughouit the '<car. 'Storcy who passeci away in and family cf Port Credit discussed. A donation was cf the Communion table w-crc' On Tliurscdayý,, October I.,JuIy. Alilstecd forer imn were at tîie Robb cottage here, guven flue cluurch choir for in loxin- memory cf Mrs.i Bo Vcu-- Senier football tearn anci utc in silence in memory c r.Nf ic of Orono Mary Slêcrnan of Welcomei B ET H A N Y ý~~cheerleaders t r a v e il e ci îo Mr. Storey. ie ofOn MsC.Brywathhld xsho passedi away on Thurs-' Whitby te play an exhibition Installaftion cf officers feoc penta few days lest week er cf the "lucky cup", whuch day, October laU: There mvasl Mcs. Cecil MeGil Tocante ,S . Mmcxs Cefcctey, north cf Lame agairisf Anderson ý h 9416 esnwspr with Mr. and Mrs. Clinfon incidenfally, served a duaf nor xvocshhp et Welcome. Tlis'spent the weckcnd tvîth herý Bethauiv. !High Sehool. We came homeiformed by Mca. Nick Lakas Brwu purpose, as she was having a day« vihe fiowers werc broughtý parents, Mc. anci Mca. Jaumes '\IM n ud\i Jamies Gra-, affer wiuinug a w-cil matehed'Fînance Cluairman cf flue Osh-' Mc. and Mca. Wiilis Farrow birthday as well. te Morcish foc this unifeci sec- MeKînnon. bimn uid fauîîilx- vxx li fornier-1 gamne. The score was Courtice awa andi District Home axîci weic 'isitors at Mc. George Set-re1e.Aidrsn12. Rckcol Associations. The inew Sfapiefon's lmst Wedncsday. t-ire - ~~~Mr. anci Mrs. Norman oxvîud Grahumnis SIeecuuveisas oilws Prsn- MceArsonlum c2Toono MET OU FRGaDy! The Wesieyviile choir luaciBoothby and son John hax-e Centre anci Bowling Alley,1mmdce escore ilu fwo exeuMc. rci Cmpil as oVisitesi' M.AfrahIm f Teek to Mc. OU RE SA charge cf the musical part cf movec hîce froun Peferbor-: moveci to fhîeîr nexýv home in ýtoochidewns, a fieldi goal and 1 ie.Peiet c rdWilfcd', ocl'a flue serxvie,under flue leader- ough ocrup>ing the cesidence'Lindsa.ive Wdresciax-. a it ighc Point.f. oîorbleîWih n Vice - Pet r"ed frMa ea Joocs, ise siîip of their orgranist. Mca.!owneci hi-1Mc. muidMc. Frank Dc. Normni Lowies. Ocluaxva , iin yO i ien te Dat-e Reg- rgt n ie-Peiet Ms e oeMse O W er-Tc Selta niT Mca. Ai Baker; Serretar>', Mrs. Barbaca Ovens. Dale Imlaclu, xarvocrc--i huirgefira Fniencis xiii regret to carnritci Mca. Doînaldi Lextec:. -Ouiflic sanie day-, ciri-Jî- John Collier. Special cenven- affended tfle Teachers' Cen- FA IR pnart cf tershi. ffle cfhcfMssRyrmonc.aniMc. laresNw--football teau w-cnt te Port esare - Progcmms, Mca. Jack \-cnfinnii the Haliburfon Intaic leouls T-o rocnto, w-lic dieci in Western-t~oi andi Mcs. Frank JIackson. PrryHgSho pa Morton; Membership, Mcs. district, Thurada>' niglut and THANKSGIVING the Rex-. J. Cargo teck foc flis Hocspifal. Wednesciay,, Sept. 30., Torontio. i-isifcî ivifb Mr. muid cca1lgueolt l' aiNorrds Conbey-; Social, Mca. Friday.WEKN acidrs; te fleunyof U it> fmiss Ry-ieYtva; boni in Beili- VMrcz. RosCarr on Stiuidm' - .ifongrn.Th:coeArt Paats; Speciel lex'nts, Mca. Messrs. T. Henderson, C. Wosi)thofhuttewrl ndagie o lclae-i. t lulsGidwms 7-0 for Port Pecry. Alvin Mefcalf. Bur-ley anci D. Vinkie were M .1 worhin hrourbo',uthelueadvocacian>,d s.Auiet fe Rle M S. anauul's Gund inctngc teFciia'<monirig. October 2, M. .Campbell introduceci dock hunting cver the wcek-] SATOCT.1 -v;- hit I h c. lrciR...m A--bicd etngcf lc -i tueifBc>'a enl-iM._aii oel.B..Bc.,eud rad Caia Sos ,o.i",L gtlerude li-t-ihbermebreqbt dre-nntucc cRn.P'u.- ngi

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