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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 2

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'Meh Canadlan Statesmnan, Bowmnanv!lle, Oct. 7, IP94 Hlospital Auxiliary ComnIplFpc Dlnnc finr Riders VWin Top Awards Button-ville- Mausoleum at Cemetry Smithi. A brief addccss wi!l report fram P. 1B1ock, a JudoE N-iIiExp Dm nstrI5II-also be iveii hs Miss Kave- professional engineer, wbo bad > McFa rland, Cliaimnian off hae afexamined the mausoleum in EC l Ontario Progressive Conserva- ed council regarding defects(f Il 'sr Cnmtc.Ms oa i n the structure, the repaîrs IT hE e êr.Ji III tE L io n sEC lu b . tlîv Èowning. National Dirc- required, and fthc maintenance toi-off the Progressive Caoi- Frae M #10 -M Wz3# @% 3 ail Hobbs, age 16, older Deputy Reeve Stevens. sec- Bo wmia"nvlle LionsiClub h -1d:-. s. andPrwniihoed n esomvd hi inof aaa il odc * ~~~~~~~~dau,ghter of Mayor and 1,,, onded by Reeve Little, moved at the Lions Community Cen-,gv an cxuQit and amazing was seconded hy A. M.To -aCad-lh Ccnon f fvn or b o the Bet e troutfi that a copy off the engineer'steo Mna eeig Demonstration cf their judo son. and carried. ognzto.wihwPcn report be sent to the owners Marsden was inducted litto, skill and provess. Theywrc Te cout ere peet ld h cii~s r S hw & CrP a tin the Fairdon Charity Horse of the mausoleum telling themn membership. He xvas present- thanked bv President Laur- rd h- Secretarx- H R1 Bd himn vi eAdra At th-e meeting off the. Presideni Rudeil reportediRegionial Chairman. The new: was donated by Lynn Valley stucroedup tothe Dcotn dnRaphcn Teand thpedin We brthbïEas aodf Wal_ cd billMr. Tur. neod ta oo Women's Hospital Auxiliaryj on the Fali meeting off the1 Secretary-Treasurer is Mirs. R.ý Stables. Bobied heki in the Board Room ati Women's Hospital Auxiliariesl Thomas, Lîndsav. Jack Woodward, R.R., Witil the towvn. This %%as car-iClarence Hockin. Bill Burk, wvere celebrated by their tel-Drw er: ctbr î ICnrviv Asoiinar the Hospital on Fxiday afer-1 Association of Region No. 8,1 iVrs. Rosswel lR. Callan.' Bowwanville, riding 0O- ried. and James Bell. low Lions. Lawrence Crowe and Gog urham oîubrai floon plans were completedý which was held in Cobourg the Corresponding Secretary,' manche, w-on the Best Ail- A motion was passe d by for the Card Party and Amna- last Wednesday. The dele-, presented h (,r report. Its, Round Co wb o Yt ro ph Y council that C. E. R edr of H.~ A. Cuthbertson intro- On hehialf off the Ladies MUoore: October 1l7h o'Peebr 1Vcora rn ter r Sowt b hl b ats rm helca axlir adoption wasz seconded by' whîch %vas donated by the Bowmanville Foundrv bý duced the ollowing members Night Commîittee Ro *v Turner Copeland and E. Bromei c ea digtn the auxiliarv at h in:wr rsdn uel, thet Mrs. C. G. Morris.t R Mrs. Cal- Cro * lac. r od nvtdt ten h e~off the Peterborough Judo announced that the committee' tober 24th, Bill Davisan Mr.Et.Hsng Wct Communit . MorCentre7 anchter. ohi-invVicetoPresidentnex tToniuth. te ae tiiVcewî ie th Ayre, and Mrsl-.'ian thanked those who hadý ward aiso came first in the meeting off the Board off Works Club, Miss Janice Jackson, would like to have the Lions'Ronaîd Hawthorne.Prne dadLno. rnnh oitetreasurer, and al carried on her auxiliary worki Musical Chairs Ride, 2nd in Ïto discuss the matter of Stuc ___ Convenors for the event attended. ýfor ber during her recent ill-, the Saddle-up Race and 3rd rock Road.Afo were appointed as follows:1 It was decided in Cobourgnss he also t.hanked thel In the Flag Race.______-R # artsho, rs.Jese an Nest;î No. 8 would have a one year that she had received. Woodward took part in the food, Mrs. W. M. Rudell, the term off office. Mrs. Rudeli Foll.owing the meeting tea N o r th Oshawa Western R o tairian s I AE LZBT IE president; kitchen, Miss Maryi said. She told the meeting xvas served. and then the Horsemen's ClIu b H or se I IfrwI Jewell; and tickets, Mrs. A. L.:l that the new Regional Chair- members enjoyed a visit toý Show. He came 2nd in tlin eî Mis Mabe Elizbeth ylc\- H>ooeY. Mrs. Van Nest is alsol man is Mrs. K. W. Griffin. the Bowmanville M u s e u MI Sack Roping and 2nd In the Toono eten osial fl in charge off posters, and it, Lind.say. Mrs. Wilbur Mc- where they were weleomedi Suicide Race.FOM AGON>ligavrybefins. was decided to send a poster: Cartv, Lindsay, is the new by Mrs. Rov Lunney, a mem- - lFsfrROiMtt îvdl Peiet udPAGdEer- SnaCln aad omi- SeN-Eboni)Btav to achchuch n te dstrct.Co-Chairman, and Mrs. A. W. ber off the Board off Director".s, b. the Police Committee and, The delegation would like ý odge. Sunnybrook Hospitaltarv Piper will look after the tee. 'onetduhe ftelt Members of the Oshawa and' Pratt,__Cobourg, is the Past and Mrs. Aubrev Smith. :__Police Chiet Bernard R. Kit- to discuss with counicU the w ere discussed at the meetin o teDvdaeLde Fol lowing the businesmetAre Rlvan Eiabt Port Hope Womens Hospital ~~~~~~~~~nev, Councillor Hlooper stated. POSsiiiy flddtoaoprff the Bowmanville Ladies bie ng a delicious lunchwasrvAguan -sthistur Auxiliaries will be invited to A He pointcd out that the coin- land as lands to the north arelAuxiliary to the Royal Cana- vi-Sit.cdb sVie-Psd aten.jye M j ore te mittce does not recommend the being soîd and the sub-divid- dian Legion heîd at the Legion Se-i-etai'.- Piper, vho wvas cdBr t Vic eresint Ja, me ffterfml Tooe will be ft i te a'-, ie*frda nthe town at ers could grant somte property Hall on Monday evening. catering copnvenor for Branch Burton ad thre ciodcniaslacoun Tho wl e r Ta two nthe1 ter this time. and asked that a for this purpose, Mr. Smith A tentative date was set, 178's Mîllionaires Night Dmn-- g sh waornitnte tofour o'clock, and t lin bcntb te Twn sate. Th Rl poas sleuesday, October 20th. for the fl(r, presonte e eot evening from eight to 10 .m V ien LI IEopiJ. eII Cerk to Mr. Welsh telling him wished bo talk off the TFopoinshrsotersleah Ticetswil beavalabe fomlabtelcmmfteemdeisin..extnsinoofmiarneAvnuex-iit o te odervetrantatConion Wiofas xîvowasWou enAveeaceuen te Snda Scoo1 eIl members off the Women's flCounciflor Hooper moved the to the south, and the planning w Seisrcredta r Ann te Pip co o off the oiîcis rSru sexvnot anove o HoptlAxlir n l adoption off his report, and thN 1off other roads in the area. lieie a ntutdt rt h tteRbo uosS Hopia Axiirv d a t wsi"onedb Cue losaid. authorities there to conffirm aiso gave lier report. ahiew rehetoabu- Rickaby's, Lin-ite, K Carlneslie.Mr.tWrberrotuged tht ate. President Rundie spoke off Lte sh wnt o orotoan Preidet udeI nd he On Saturdav Oct. 3rd. T"u Chamberlin 7 7C uc7orG.en evervone is aware of tlw, President Edythe Rundie an- the intresting annual Ontar a~ o Trent River Ntoa ao' oie rbes hthv eu dlo fteIiiadcahe Tilng Cnthtun e niWilson 4th, 9.4: Dialla Ther- posaI tu remove a,,angl, west off this count fr n ee otk t h ilWme' hita Ayre were appointed to oc direction off Mrs. Jov Towns- tell 78.4. pakn ntews ieoIten olto.Fe added;be neddiitk otevet-CndaLeonhlaIorhAsctin Ceers: lo the auxiliary's voting dele- lev drew 600 entries from as! Intermediate, Il1-12. Gavîc'epan o e stsdeof tramillion. Idlas-Insa iaaeLdg.AByfo enebr2t o Mr.H .Hrio gats t th anua Coven fr away as Utica, N.Y., andl McNalîy; Chervl McCune Temera6e tret t Qu ein tmllins y off ollrsarernso a Diad ae d odg.A B rom st.Pembder ht a Ms. H.ofe Sna . Hr-so mt.scea f heTrntFad beo oelf a the oal AuxiIar.ýStreet. "This was debated boters by the auxiliary mem-:Secretary Piper. arnd 5cr- 1off the Women's NatioalPofatu m beofS.Pus bes Asocatin fOtai T. A. judges were Elaine Ja- Blake 82.8, to allow angle parking to con- could have been preveoted. br during the visit. geant-at-Arnis (eorgina Carter Igressive Conservative Asca vneR.Uie hrhi J{otel, Trno n Yr cobs, Marjorie Stamelia, and;. Novice. 13-14 \ca> SUz- tintne," he saîd. This angle 'We do not want to cail theý Cororade Florence Knight wxere the delegates off h in ilb h us pa-Trno Octobcrh,27t Bob Courtnev fromt across the anne Williams 2uId place, 81.3: parking is a convenience in: land we have purchased Ro- Comrade Bertha Williams:: Bowmanviîle auxliar hse tteAna etn f Rv r rsly Hne 25th, 26th, 2 th ad th . e - border. and Joan Cousins 1Joan NMajor 75.3, the centre off o wn ri for people, tary Park, but n is to developc n eni n.te as t Cetre i stiC t W - h d c a g of t e fu ra Mr ts ue wldi to To Betty Feist. Irenie Harvey. Intermediate, 13-14: Leilvn hc ad il for the benefit off the peoai the petilian be filed for re- Comrade Knih a ap- tiv inotate drie ov aTior- Ran and Wayne Kopas off Chamberlin :îrd, 78,3: Judv onclorlooc rtrtdpIe. We feel Bowmanvilîeiference in dealing with the!pointcd catering convnorfo Association to be hl tA .MlsCaewt ea tay attnd rthe conventaionOtroda. h ots are t,7..ihat angle parking is a prob- nessc akasw ln atr;Ti a are. .the Armistice dinner ta be elduthe Port Hopel on uili tefml lta t talit she willme ga agîve Arena in the Peterborough! Henning 77.7: Karen Branton senme distance awav a r-be omnsta ti nîDprmn fHat eadýCnda eino audy usaOtbr11 lif t asmen r ffthe Exhibition grouinds and was, 7. ie akn o o cs h usisnw ndwl eigteana eeting off theievening, November 7th. Corn-, alTheonee tin hil egi ihRleRbrERly a aRuxiliary who might like ta dao o uhalag ap- M ui orTeuie a rkingHe otis o srd th od fors onlv and ecinw Ar oluin onrl soca rdeFane Buc ndCmhelnhenfo heExctieRvav ioet acsnL ni The president also rcrniod- - C amponshp 11-14 \eaî 0 ra . He AiPSo sre adhethînk forowmnlvineectilow. lutibeneld n Tor sontolrade FAmesDiBruc erendmor f eEs eteDsrc a e]adA .Mls attend the sessions. titian. nhxtioJonc, 11v4 eareceved ad e Aner i-nv esfr e 1:0nnnaibn-foe i- Seissried b ed the members ilat Pt the The Tartan Twii-ers from Pats Blake 82.ID miin1tre hd o 1d t In 15 or 20 vears,or fr this2:0 paîkobefol ennual C nvention off the the Harv y Dance Academs-- the e St re art off Knv e t o ul e a ls the cernt e xfied n e a s ot ion b' Co nci- Can e dding .- onSram daev b ceto f ti ice n w e h w , M s Hospital Auxiliaries Associa-ý brought homne 17 trophiés', beyond Liberty Street, not as; Off the 'own as il now is ta lor Hughes, seconded by ReeveýOctaber 171h. President Run- cers forth DirctAocaC.VMulanTrnt: rs W esley an wken r ar esif, entec: Drill Corps, Team Twir' , e~ ed up town. declared. D.A. also in regard ta a forth- were delegted to attend tlic At 2-:30 p.m. he geea G ore A Ry y. Bat rd withan HnorayLie Mm-' Dance Twirl, Solo Twirl, liî-The Departîment off Higli- Mr. Brown s.ho\wed( a larce coming meeting wa.s received meetings off the Bowmanvi lit- meeting will hegin ~iiaA rc yc f chn bership b MaaeG restran Fnc Stuta k n ga-s ecmended that ail, acrial aPhotograph that cleaiv and filed on a motion hyB ln Vanier, wife off the Governor- The Tartan Blues Juveo.ile' aglPpikig e oneawy epicted the entire area SOUthP onclo coeiseodd Grenéral of Canada. Il was a Corps 'von 2nd place Nvith' wîth. This is the a nly angle!Ioff King Street and No. 2i by Cauncillor Hughes.B l n great honor for the Women's Captain Marilyn Cross, and FRMPG N akn i omnîlad IfHîghway. The u7 acrespu- Notice was receîvcd froni Auxiliary off Memorial Hos- Troupe Cindy Chamberlin, ta work out an agreement xvth it is peanuts," ('auncillar chased by Rotarv were clear-' the Coonties Council on il 'BUz pital ta have a1ebrc- ed Aln ed mt, the Kiwanis Club and Me- IlooPer Clainied. 1%, picturcd as was the former plans ta publish a brochure ona z ceive such recognition for her Sherry' Davis, Kathiy Ross, marial Park Association. Thisý Reeve Little said that lie. Zamolynski nopeîy 0W Northumberland and Durham, ReOIM PAGE ONE) Eaid. Valerie Brooks, Marilyn El- Ken Hooper, and carried. tin that angle parking be dis. 1 Oshawa, which Mr. Smith saidi garding historical and other: paignviI i go 2n d M o rtg ag ese Mrs. Caw-ker inffornied the sey, Cheryl Young and Mar- Simnpson Avenue Sewer continued. H-e added that alis being plannedi as a sub-i points off intcrest in this flic many set-vices off the meeting that anv memrbersigaret Neu«eIl. A By-Law la autharize flic car had once backed out intu ivsin.municipality, a list off indus-i Canadian National Institutej wowudlk oatnthconstruction orf a watermain hi'- Councillor Ilooper said that tries, types off farming activi-, for the Blinîd. Anyone who! banquetta be hld an Mn- Corp won 3î0placedvith .tary' sewer on Simp Deptîtv Reeve Ross Stev-ens, he is lec-y offsanie proposais fies, pictures, and a brief his-:was out wliei the canvassers' pt 0 o prie 'baqoe wold helfn0 Mnattep n TeT rtan laseJunior nd an d'y evening, October 26th, CaptainKae Brno ad son Avenue, a sanitary sewer stated that while there is sorte, presented ta caunicil. -yau tory off Bowmanville. calîed on Monday and sa miss- poet au Kaedaato n on Meadowx-iew Boulevard, lhazard in angle parking thislsaid Ratarv wants ta deveiop Deputy Reeve Stevens, sec- cd making their donation, is durîng the comiog convention Troupe Patsv Blake, Linda; and a waterrnain on Duke st.,î also applies ta other parking., a park. and tom i ve ath nedb oucl o ope-. requîested ta send their con- musnthdecide by Octbe rsen t in. Bryaot, JDale iM a , Gav n de he L ca mpoement 1Drivers have ta get out inota town. What expense would itl moved counicil cncur i the tribution ta James Bell, the Tens p to1 y ar Awbe therlist h a mo e setutt. McNll , C Joan M ajor. Dioana!Acf was passed, ad it williftraffic. then be 10 the fown ' Cotin-, request, and that the iatter treasurer ai the Banik of, o hd e h r e Ah Hospierlfroard JamSn, Theorte, Ceryal eCne, Lola take effeet when approval of "Much use is made off Ihp cillor Ilooper askcd. ibe turned avec ta the Indusl- Montreal here. theHosifa Bord haiman~ More BrndaHening De- the Ontario Municipal Board:parking nieteu-s on the westý Mr. Smith replied that the trial Commission. This \vas -eN oue ithanked the auxiliar-y for ilsibie Zakaraw, Leslyn Chani-, is ofTmpane baw arwudbeafegiîtacre. datio un if $10609 tapyfrbein ThSaCdtDum Counil also gave thre read- Kin. They are essenial, and the twn. "Naturally if would; Fres on Highwav yoboeaete pato uritue ouhtfor the! mers, Jini Bczzant, Way'ne El- -ng ad passcd a By-Law ta ýIpefe ase ihni remain, have ta be maintained. Thie Alte rn lcOh ihosita ths somer Mr. liIt nd ariePaniadidauthorize the sale off Lot 10 in! Deputy Reeve Stevens said. wceds cut. We pr-opase ta. arid District Labor Catin iYucnpepya rpr Rlude]] said. nih of help the Lassies th the Broken Front Concession:Cucilr uhe aid tamake it, a presentable place:' 1mentioned a truck fire on40 The presidet a nnounced thcic snappy beat. fa Harry and Jack Locke by the IGA parking space is little: lie said. 'Highway which was not look-a n ie uhu tha MssL3Mdiss ztaucm TudTrtn Lsse ea th Crpraton 1gaohe popTagrnttath "heCreniof Bale is acdafthbe fCobriadporROaPtiOonn.ic c ba rcivd the Women's' Twiri with Leader Patsy The Police Comrnitîee repart1 banks and stores in the centre! private Park. Franklin« Park from any municipaîity. If sk- eetiGwaEld E'naty ~opia1uilar's$00Bu- lkean Tilesal ihwas gîven by Councillor Ken of the town. is not really a park, and Me- ed that by-laws be amended. cutive meig - edta igarv for a Clarke High Sehool son. Gayle McNally, Joan Hooper, the chaîrman. It mc- Counicillor Patii C h a n t mariai Park is uscd ta capac-1 so that fire protection couil esilted ini several îîew ap- student takingz up a carcer în'MaJor, Cheryl MeCune, Bren- cmmnded that sigos bc' agreed aod said that the park- ity. We are short orf largeý be given in similar situationls) paiîtmeots. Lloyd G. Preston !hospital wark. Mwiss West-Ida Hcnýning and Leslyn Chani- cte nScggStet adig i hecnre off the tawn open ,:Daces;. This is an op-: Counicillor Hooper toa ' - bs aken avec as Publicitv Fora FR EE brochueo UEIR otaerî lhauser is now studying ours- beîlîn, wvon fîrst place. ,ta the Bowmanville Publiclis uised mare than any other parfunitv, for somethiog ta belception ta this letter, and said Chairmaii. Rick Rickabv 111neo ii IeSPRORofc eaetyu -ing in Kingston, she said. The Lassies Cha Cha DanceSehoal Board be notified off in the cammunity. The angleidonc," Mc. Brown asscrted that counicil had lcft the ques- charge off Finance reported Simlar Busares ffcrc ad Timlplcedforth, with[this. parking on the w-est side off Mayor Ivan Hobbs inquiredl tion of attending a tire an the samne confusioni avec a ladie.-1-ERELYDVIIN0 Iby the auxiliarv for Bawman-î Leader GaYle McNally andý No More Angle Parking Division Street is valuableihow -long il will take the Ro- highway ta the Fire Chieff's group meeting oiginally sehe-TH 1 ville and Couctice Highl dancers Dale Wilson, Pafsy King Taxi xvants mare space parking space, he declared. An!f tarians fn develop the park. discretionI.fle moved that a dulcd for \-esteday. affemnooo S School students inîercsted in'Blake, Joan Major, Cheryl foc ils cars, Couincillor Hoopeci1amendment was mnved by!1 Mr. Smith replied that ,,,,.capy offthe letter sent by This lias 'changed b R i Jiospital work bave not yetlMeCune, Lola Moore. said, and he added that Ihe ýCouncillor Hughes that the could nat say. Bldzn~cuclt h i- Depart .- Thursdav evening -when dfe- PoeClet~56 bee awmde, Ms. udel ariyn ros piced2ndcamitfee had decided unani-1 angle parking item be seti wilI stact soan. We could have ment cegacding fires an 401 tails off h roPeh(izt Ohaw told the auxiliaryv, b Military Strutt, 7-10 years; mul adanu h hl aside for further investigatio.ftaalbefrue ypol n 5HgwYs be sent to!cause foinds- will be dîscussed 17 Simcoe St. A satisfactary f i i a n c l ai and Karen Braoton tb in the; area by doing away with angle The ameodiment w-as lost on a in a ycar, although the hoild-; the Oshawa aid District La- by Ede Cale, w-ha is In charge Open daiiy t, :tf .î,Fm.l .>>pm istatemient xvas pcesented by 11-14 yeac graup. There were' parking an the west side of, vote, and the ariginal motion ings would nat be prepamed bvbrCuîi.Ti a econd- off this praject.Oteevngsbapitm t !vlcs. R. G. Cowie, the treasur-! about 'foty bn eacb groP. Temperance Street below King, for adoption off the repart was. then," he said. cd by the Deputy Reeve, andý Mrs. Vic Jetferx, of tueý erwh maedif adpton. b any S rt t Bena Sretand remaving two ,carricd.î Mr. Smith furtlier expiain- carried. 1 Memorial Park Association: "31 Superirofcstosreyu This was seconded by Mrs. Henoing was 3rd, Judy Har- mneters on the cast side off Church Wants Sig-n ed Ihat altecations would! "I w-as concerncd about thisl reports thev are planning a Dunican Smith, and carrîed. per 4th. and Karen Branton. Temperance subject Io a ental A report froni the Building have f0 be made ta the ocllette-. I wondcr if thev în - hingo in ai' f heprd 1sfVic Prsidot y e he 1-1 ver gaup areeeotwit Kig Txi.lîspectar, Rooaid Hethering- milI building, and he qUggest- derstandthie position offaur fond. aîîd other donations are!i .i-cpoted for the Marathon Intermediate Solo, 7-8 'eacs. This would allow space for fa esrciedi eadt d that it could be oscdaîrbiae rgrig Bwa-epced as ine fo- b Bridge in the absence off Mcs. Margaret Newell ltIplace,'n mr txtIo paem ntal he re v i esgarod S. osw-!bacCrsadScu ille fiegratectio a e xevedas cis fi- _____ _______ J. ONeil ad Ms. . V Hoa, 8.1:Lîna FrreI nd Place, charge off $20 for a trial period Anglican Church for permis- meetings and sa on.'metwhDalgonTw-- _____ Ihle co-convenors. Site told 82.6, off anc yeam, he said. sian Ia place a sign either at Mr. Walters pointed onI thaîf ship. Havîng only two truckF the meeting that a monetacv Adlvanced Solo, 7- xers. Councillor Hooper also e- tecre fKn n e-tePr ol o er-teecudb ae hni donation had been nmade b'-,Cliecyl Younîg 4tlî Place, 73.8- ported that a letterliîad been teracmnteî offK ong ad te tithed oar auld liou.T b ehere ct ossld e c ae whei Mvrs. Ted Samucîs off Curvply Novice Solo, 9-10 vrars: receivcd a fter a child had been! Peth-anc resor Knand th ridaan y oud egroups.The isnot posbect ardveiheI Wood Produets Linîiîed. Oc- Kath-v Ross Ist place. 806: struck on Libertv Street North so'0 atcre f igan aain al ega a on înrtce eadn Scugog Streels. .have bail teans is uecit, he fice," Mayor Hobbs said. ono. Mmrs. Samuel tîad miade Weiidy Smith 74.5. by a car. This communication 'The Building Inspectors me- said. 1 Deputy Reeve Stevens slat- this financial conîcihtition in-' Intermediate. 9-10- Marilyn had asked that radar be used hatpitdoI hftecm- Cooncillar G lee n h o I1nm eý cd that he felt counicil bas, Chrci igî e caust e ofthe sggstontrtnnth pan: r.alaleprpetyth Fr heMyrsaid. Bth akdiluor tiognes, and carried. Hcoaper, scconded bveCouncil- centres a Air circ-uiation assured i o n dSFI Mce' . Smith then suggesfed lac Rtîndle, ia h request LOUVRES a 2" fibre glass Insola tio lI n3"n G ET TWrV CE À S M UCH FOR A PENNY AIOREI jif-covuncil bhad àa-ny usugge-stionshat a member off Town Bowmanvill Business and, ceiing 0 Large proiective 24" boxed-in evs for action i h meantimne ta ci] be appainted Parks Chair-' Professional Womcn's Club Ti ero lncmltl ie n rce 8TART8 umprave the situation. man. Mayor Hlobbs infformed: for nermission fa conduiet ilsý Whileit inatgood ta aethe delegatian that cauncil annual drive fac fundz for'- ,-I car prkeStere Cuncllr as not appointed a Parksý U.N.I.C.E.F. an Fiday even-1. -,OL Hooper said, if council sug- Chairman or Commitîce be-' ing, October l6tb, and Satur-1 OCTým 1 ~~gesîs that tlic police stop park- ah <s o ý 10 IG DA Y BI5 ng there, then if must be cause cauncil bas been for-e day, October 17th1also a tig 10 B I O A Y ! ' T IURS AY OC . 15 stoppdelswherent:et tnate in th:îîthe Memorial 'the Cotîncil Chamber as MONTHIT UW~udvesmsnts~sshePmaal~ ~~'~"'< T RU ounci lor Hoer 90 iPark Association bas pravid-1 quarters, he gcantrd. provid- amd fundseforofemarsapaPark. iut does not confliet other mad aImtounbîs e p llse.~t le le and as for whicb the Council' 24nmdoisisecMd are ta pick people up camîing PR N aff shifts. H-e contended that1 Councillor Hughes said thal Chamnber is reqîîimed, was car- PLAN -C.V. 15 -22x40' ~ .um transport trucks parked half the matter off a Park-s Coni- ricd. lN mFULL SIZE BUILDINGS ON ILA AT. SATU BAY OCT 24 way p te hll dd t th co. 1mittee Chairman could be dis- A lette:- fcom the Ilosoitalý gestionî, and be added that if cussed at the next Board, and Adnîinisîcatar, Bernard î-lot- STORMT ~ùpport our Olymîc tam-H. G. MacNeill, flic plant'be moved ut be mferred ta the den. complained off oarking 29« BITO V.E &jpoýyo rOympi eaimanager, wece ta speak against next meeting of this board. close ta the intersection -f 1 Juif 1ato riiyRo aive Ibeosya orRxilDu tr ORtis ta the transport drivers il Seconded bv Coincillar E. J. Libemtv and Prince StDOeetA genrouly t ourRexilDru Strewould heip ta rectify btie situa-: Rundle, thec motion was car-! obsfructiiig bbc vbe\\ cf dri-' i fuon. ried. v'ers. Councillor Hiieheý Sec- an 26 SAMRR JU R & O V EL oucio reasta:le for Opposed Ii se:ver onded by Couruilor Pauil Just 1>~faw.c il us a public street, and there- A pefition signed i v 13, Chant, moved that the Police RE S 1 OPEN DAILY 9-9, Saf. 9-4 ff ODfsi DRUSTOEl otGoder If cars art. cd sanitarY sewer for bbc areaý Administralor c o n f e r and PfEcaiou 2 King St. E. Phone 623-3361 Bowmanville parked illegally there is nw-as received by councit. Dep-' bring in R recommendation tIo , alternative but la bave the utx Reeve Stevens, secanded counicil oui ibis malter. This,- 1poliçe correct tbiâ matter. îby Reeve Little, moved thati was carried. 1

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