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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 5

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Pic-Ax Players Win Top Hon ors at Drama Bowmanville High's Big Team Defeats Clarke Representatives 1 The Canadiari Statesman. Bonimanvfl1e, Oct. IF, 1964 Festival in Orono K eldter ArDsic The excellent entcrta;nmcnt kle'*.directed by Barry Bate- mee- Otoer l3th.Siste One-Act Plavs. presented by %vas donated by Odd Fellows iter L..Fall.nTe rm~e~îeo the Durham Central A\ýricul- Lodge No. 436. Orono, and it *.arba, g m lura] Socetv in the Orono was presen'ed by Roy Patton. SiNobe r avnd pes ed it Bo m n j e, wl p ror Town Hall, w as Cfjû'.d bv ap- Janet Stevenson won the Sister Betty' Newn, ic:tehnrs preciati-,,e au diences on Thrs'- P st Aetress Award. She play-' Grand. assisting.Roi au Itasm edndecnd dlay.. Frida\ and Saturday cd the part of Myrtie Baggot' showed three officers bet ht~ehl u nulbza evenings. Franci '. Jose. presi- tin Iii Coward's Still Life",. Minutes of the last etn al n D c m e. Sse dent of the Oro ioi Fair. w l directed by Joan Hill, whic were readi by Recordn Se- Ml ed Rie , wth a g o cOred those who atte-ndo(.d. \Aas produced by the Pic-AxA retar'v Sister Mae AllnIo mte,~ilti ercn Toi) honors went to the Pic- Players. This award was do- ý Sister Betty Newmnvsvn h aar I ebr Ax $-ayers, Ajax aind Pi('ker- nated by Rebekah Lodge No.i con *venoir of thec Visitil Cm r wr fti nulpo 9n, whn on < f ive awards. 334, Orono. Mrs. Betty New-!» mittee gavie her repor ntec~ . t' a Next came the Ncw Play m3n made the presentation.. work she had done dinth aa i ega prc- W orkshop, Ontario Count, Th e~ Best Set Award was, atI o w e s i âwards. the scene depicting Brother - ----i-ll--!eprtoeder.tii EseW.Lungli. the Aldjudi- Prdcslvnro.L a It took quite a while for Bowmanville High School's senior foot- Gerald Harness, Walter Rickard, Denrns McFeeteirs. Don McMurter,' Sister Lola Kennedy a Cator, is prominnit in th.e the- donateci bythe Orona Recrea- ball squad to g et rollixng last week gis Clarke Hgbut when Wik Lucs L yLee, Mabt Va Hfe den and Convenor oftepr- atrical world, He -,as a stil- tion Commission, and Roy aantHih Mnarta, ry e, ~uf Vru, inVn Hoof. det t heRva Damtr orstrmade the presenta- !they got under way, they piled up quite a margin over the visitors. Back row from left to right (standing): Dan Hughes, Bob Cam- sîî&hadchitekealpope Theatre in Stockholm, Sweden. tion. They also, inadvertently, knocked over one of the Clarke spectators eron, Tim Prout, Rick Bromeil, George Rickard. Phil Johnson, Doug belongîng to the Iodg n reig xr xeddt lic came to Canada in 1927, The Pic-Ax Players wn theýand broke her Ieg in a tackle near the side line. The team members Ferris, Charles Ewert, Howard Mutton, Jim Grovn, o upy edbrrpr fsne itrHlaWoSse ao and became activelv associat- Best Play Award for 'The Re-1 o Mcon-a le epr o a ed with the Winni .peg Little sounding Tinkie." This award'are: Front row fromn lef t to right (kneeling): Art Jackson, Doug Ronald Hooper, James Kitney, Fred Strik\werda, Ted Brown. Bra'd Sister Jean LewisasBd, ite Vlm Wton Theatre during his 1.5 vi-ars xas donated by the roajNichais, Dave MeFeeters, John Hughes, Peter Werry, Irwin ColwelI,1 Lucas. vnro h eeo in the newspap r b uisine'ss-in Chamber of Com merce. Thet'yo k tav e a nd ep r c mA s ca o r w s s e t a ta- iy$2 rn hmeofCom-centIy with Mr. and Mrs. Times.a se n rM 1944, Mr. Ljunghi won the merce Prize for the Runner- R. Taylor. #Y '; iste r ddoc thane_______ Canadjan Drama Award. He UP was also won by the Pic 'rVn Ms i ithlN gh -a k ear tr Lewis io-e tesaf fteCBC, Ax Players for "Stili Life."I . andMrs. SidMitchell J01e h tf fteiMa M r ere mt;R gional rCs.Uw. FIP >WIs e b and was tansferred to Toronto The presentation of the BestiMand mlMr. Geo.rge Sml g xha lad ..elped durg DiyuAnw ape in 1946. He has had a notable Play Award and the Runner-adfmiy 1.RgHrdn ha **___ou Wifll \eai rahe vnafe îrvsi career as a television director ip's Prize were made by and Mr. Herb Richards, Bo w Io ,un . i i n KL U I . kSister Bett'y MajorrertdTe beae ioxgn ec in connection with ni ma- Francis Jose, president of the: manvile Ms.Pery esd V M gM edan10 n atrig tBte &opsP .gveoflcubobdoxiea jor dramatie productions. In Orono Fair. 1Iae, Mrs. Grant Glaspell an d** IM. UUSeCoombe reception recently and hn-mitr utlk uas'o recent years hie has also devot- The Festival Committee wasi Dwayne, Tyrone, visted Mrs. . oo dlc n l hoe w o ha vrk d T pe ev't erfqs n~ ed time ta administration, but composed of Mrs. Robert JohnHý Frank Westlake Sr. and Mr. The Business and Profes- ader women to take refresheî Donna Haley, Toronto, wth1 M. Hodgson ------ nit. adfaorte hudh he continues to bc the produc- son, Convenor; Mrs. Robert! and Mrs. Frank Westake Jr., sional Women's Club of Bow- courses, or provide training in 'Legislation" and Mrs. Lillian'G. Scott,~ Tresurer, Sister IreeMrkptaincvespoibey ~r f BC cdesav igt.Chater, Co-convenor; Mrs.! and family on Sunday.manville held their dinner new occupations. Therefore Dilling will help "Stump.1e , Searr reported the balanci fal'trn he narfieao end the Stage Series. Hartlce Barlow, Prizes: Mrs. Gardon and Shirley West- meeting in the Bowmanville we should do something ta get!'Experts '. 2 rayTipl In Orono on Saturdav evn Floxene Reid, Publicity; Mrs.! lake visited Mr. and Mrs. SidiHotel for September. iwomen over 40 more e mpoy Mrs. Ruth . Carrgan wilt }igi Tri gh Ti An invitation was rciedt e tey ik bst s btw e Jng the Special Adjudicators Robert Taggart, Programs;1 Mitchell, Bowmanville, on Miss Margaret Purdon intro- mn.Acwetann ur ovn usns oe'Higlî Single--S. Coombes 325 ville, to attend a Penni aeape i hefezn opît Awada wsd nwbaShnwors.DonldStapeseoMars.trdaDodneldicguetaseakr, urSelvsitatae n mi-ere-Wee. Te UICE tahefî Aeraes tspeaionkCetrein ctoer.:meteosth reitaeraor Parkhill, wbo pia.xed the nart andDoad tpls Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden Regional President Margaret sponsibility? We must instiîl ho iin charge of Mrs. Victoria .Cobs29 .Serr I a eie oprhs <ifLon y i th Onarn C un- Mrs Flre ce eid was the ad Bruce werc Sundav' vii-iJons of Cobourg. "Member-ian interes t in governim nt at Frank, on October 16 and 17. ý188, K. Camp bell 187, M. Bis- caendars with the m eig Y New Play Workshop's pro- Festival Stage Manager, and tors with Mr. and Mrs. D. Iship Participation" was hierc'ail levels, legislation should be, Mrs. Pauline Storks most oeeî,M.Smn18,dtscrld TeecanasAr kI' D.u? duction of 'The Gentie Gera- Dane Robertson was the As- Flett and familv. themc. She asked, "What areiost important to us as mcm-.generously invited the club to'ýs Hodgt1 1, . S ott 1609,dae s ent a ageentoee LIIIjIU I. nium." The trophv was cdonat- sîstant Stage Manager. Ernest Solina Schocl Club met ~w ligfrteclub? and ýbers of society. bl t nx etn nhecr HWrgî 16,F. Satt169: L mebers of HeterLg ed by the Kendal'Womens In- Dent was in charge of ight-, Wednesday nigt. Graduation l"Wat arc we getting from' She encouraged participa- home. in Newcastle. This in-:' odok13 .Wolck Anwrgbsbe ad S ldsegtrle stitute, and Mrs. Arthur Lowc îin". pins were presented to, Sharon the club'"* On an interîiatioiî- tion in the Regional Confer- viainwaortfuloccp-12d. Aîîeîî13 .59. M. FAîrtbughasb mnade the presentation.- Huggins, George Konyk and, al and provincial scale, some ence being held in Port Hope ed. This club sponsors aiM Chago 1.55. J. Manr John Paxton, the dîrector of Michael Stea bv Trustee Frank B & P W Clubs are providing on October 24, 1964, and ask-' Senior Hîgh Scil 1Suet o M rao15, J. ars 146, M. 'Th eeedsaet erhî "The Gentle Geraîîium", Was -SlTM Westlake. Mrs. Rosevear an.rari esadsco1sip oc for cepresentatives frorn the United Nations' Seminar Fse 5 .MNî bursaries 1n4. B. tuescost andd tiebSubo50inateH'r"Asso14, f.ienTheersuakadsmereote, the winner of the Bcst Direc- nounced that Ope House assist in the hîgher educatioîî this club to assist. Each mcm- in Waterloo. We are lookin' oser143,5.~, el 4 3eioto artecSuttir.pole lse eif CNs tor Award, donaed b\' Rieka- Mrswouid be held on Wednesday, of women eîîtering the pro-!ber introduced herseif and ber forward to heariîîg Miss Sheila ' 31,L Brges 16, . TJ ' i ws e i îan by's Limited, Bowmianvillc. . . Bruce Montgomery as' October '-1. Pro.gam consis- fessions. Courses are provid- profession to the speaker. Ms. Thompson, who will report on. Sar'n 3 V a hI yuwn es eiffortepi The presentation was made b\: !instess for the U.C.W. meet- cd of vocal solos by Jean cd, as well as funds t asistMaron Jef3yw5, V.s is leSatviie t irsSeiar son;~iiiOici casge te insurance o u Don Staples. i ng on Monday night when Baker and a Piano solo by ton3128E. CoM - 19,K. ' I I trt t c The winner of flic Best Ac- 2-) ladies werc present. The Mr.Dn.alr.TeprnfI'0112.M Neil 126, A. Lorus- value of ,the rug and the rt-bguatsadmsurpnr trr Awarci was l[acrv Cbap- meeting opened with a mcdi- MPsl on Tyourie Tiihe pn iu lu l milites witii :1 dependants, ,o 194. J. G'bîîer 119, V. Bart- ers will carry haîf thensr DLCNaocSe htosad fian of the Pic-Ax Players for talion and praver b he p al ofr. Curtie h coolC anad ian C ub of sx sngle porsons, six deseri- tt17 M r. S p e e rs, w a s g o t p e a k e ~e d c a se s w it b 2 0 d e p e n d a n ts , T u r a b u I 1 0 2 , R . W illia m s 8 1 , T h e c le c t io n o f o ffic rs t o I fa î n- r y u m ne b ck A k f r T n i e t r s . J . K n x . 1T hh o m e san dO L C I N T e b Ieta. 6 4- nie toPic Facts About the United Ebenezer, who wce 35 yars 13ptinsEnnusngh . ewl 74, EM . yt6.'lc and intla i Cburh" ws caablypreent-on Otobe Stbwer aamv a persons, wbo ce- Ccd by Ms E. R. Tylr. eTo Si e nOcoe t, ee cvedOA.A. and O.A.S. Sp e ý opeasantly surprised on Sat-W eslemenharvPAid. those of us who are flot so urdav èening when thel cjg Tae Buid ~Y~~/1)646~// wcll-infocmed on such mat-- hThre BugaicldrciD ~ ~ ~ing1n spe ct o r tors, this proved very inter-ý netindtei tatrkesi II Ronald Hetheringtnn, report estîng and cnlightening. Tedne nSln omni roll caîl was answered with dinne in oîn omuîî d ht . Builing SPerit thHuis0 hchofc al. L~ adies of the W. 1. 5ser- On Tuesday evening, Sept. students frorn Ciarker. Bnw- ber and the total cost of con- ,, a éy u . theduiesofa hurh ffcia. edthe meal. 29, the executîve of the Ca-!rmanvîlle aîîd Courtice High strution was S72,365. There h ca 4m ~A letter of appreciation for sr parcels sent, was read, fromiA rg esbcrowd ateondcd ,i-mc.nda lb fWs uham jSehools wîll lake advanfage, wcre 13 pluning perniits is- Steens mîsîoar da afernoonsae o Saîîc mt at the homie of the Presi- 'of the vcry low studcîît mcm- sucd. Mny receivcd fo in Africa. M cs. Clarence Vice;T c ae et[r E S m e.bershîp fee of $1.0 ,hich will building perm-its amounted f0ol I -Yled the worship peciod withi moved to their new home The Speakers' Commîttce re-igîve them an oppoctunity to $179, and S20 wareceived iGladvs ;Yllowlees rcading thejnaCutc. ported that: fîve speakers of- hear any or ail of these'ouf- for plumhing permits. scripture pass.age. Members Miss Arvilla Beckett, Mcr. fered by the Nationîal Asso- standing speakers.Thcewcr 6Abildngin Oliver Beckett, Bowmanvi!e, ciation ad been accepted. Tspeions65madeding thn- were rcminded of the Presby- Miss Marie Beckett, Enniskil- The first meeting will be spon adseven renc h i j .'terial at Pickering on Oct- len. wcre Sunday visitors wîbh:held on Thursday, Oct. 15, in C mPrC seonas M. ethenchin-H RRtND P RTnN pucsts of Enfield U.C.W. onMr and Mrs. R. Page and the Lions Centre at 8:15 p.m.iS~everalad furinesigtins aî î Ocober14thwas cceted. ThespeaerDr. J. J. Green,i - Y. aOct ber l4t wa accepte.! speaker. Iere w re 10 inquiries. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Rig Lunch was served. ' Ms. J Ha m , Bowman-,M.B.E., a fellow of the Royal Ringudy Ot l.Hr ville, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mor- Aeronatîtieai Society, Fellow \en e s a Hext S ervi, ces 1,H- ton, Oshawa, visited Mcs. N. of the Canadian Acconautîcal viesî wîila a 2 .m e Wotten and Francis. and Space lInstitute, a FellowG r n h p e held t Eldd at p.m.Miss Marjorie Conich, Bowv- of thew American Instîtute tof r nh p e minister will be Revercnd W Hecbrf o Kig St Unied anville, Miss Eileen Couch,]Acconautîcs aîîd Astronautics,' HebetofKngSiinie Toronto, Mr'. and Mrs. Nor-'and a Membcr of the Engin- GirClcc, sbaw1-1 amof aManWillson, Edmonton, Alta.,' eering Institute of Canada willith EGran Chatr, Orhdrinf Gil 0 2-6yer a g visited Mr. and Mcs. Tom'address the meeting on theteEsenSar a edi Ring wiil meet at the home of Miss Bkradfml nStî-tp~ e nteMo the Royal York Hotel, Tor- $55.00 %oc>.' Gladys Yellowlees on Friday day. And What Next." There willj onto, from September 22nd taý nîght, Oct. 9, at 7 o1clo a Mr-. 'abna otfe atTomt teBcose26th. That yoti selected a begin a C.G.I.T. group. j adMs b akerbcacfieprytthclsAenngheonn a- and Mr. Maurice Baker at-,aI the mîeeting at wbich time Atndn bcopîig a- uaatedprf it'W orcid Wide Communionltcnded a famih- di oner svitî-îmembers may get acquainted qe n h ssin cm BLUEBIRD Dia mond i Sunra was observed at El- Mr and Mr.'. neetDrGen.uha aprwr:Ms1 -Threis a ine. 1 dad on Sunday with RcverendMran Ms.N Will son at D.Gen uhm Catrwr:Ms -Thee isno fner.the Flving Dutchman Motor The second meeting will beý Edna Anderson. Past Grandi 'C. R. Cafta in charge. His Hatel, Bowmanville, on Sun- held on Friday, Nov. 6, iný Matron; Mi-s. Leola Thra.shes 'relvl Sily splendid sermon was an -Hoin- day. Trinîty United Sunday SchooL Grand Adah: Mrs. GIad:vs1 Teig o" ely 'S le y 'es v.' M r. and M rs. E. C ryderm an H all. It w as necessary taWic , o t y Mar n r Dein tyc y Mcs. Bruce Tink, Mrs. H. E ýacopricd Mc. and Mrs.,change flic place of meeting, Earl Walkey. Worthy Patron;! visitad Mrs. W.P.ermistan liam Carrt utsville onias the Lions Centre had aI-1 Mrs. Velma Sutton, Mrs. Viv-1 BrookE1îRlov,it on sda. , Sndx edy been booked when offerý ian Pickard, Miss Velma Gay, okindr e wre aopa PO FT A B L Diamnd ad WedingRins Mr andMrsC. Lngr Dr. Jerry Milison and farn-'of speaker and date was given: Mrs. Anne Stephenson, Mrs.! Dia on an W dd na ndo s c . ad rnd M c es u . n ma idt ily . T o ro n to , v isited re la ti e T h e sp ea k er w ill b e D ick , A u d re y M artin , M rs. B e h i an Sndy e here on Saturdav. tvesBird, F.P.S.A.: A.R.P.S.: FZS. Teeple, Mrs. Jessie Marr, ai] guesr,,s ofMcn Mr sW.M. and Mrs. EdeRbcs His tapie will be "A Canadianî Past Matrons, Mr. Harrv lO O PE R S Ashton,, Bradîcy's. Orhawad visited Mc. and Mcs. iusîracd wib he ip "icula Freeman, s Mparo.ln,___________________________________________ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid rNaf'usralte inthe iceld," iii Freeman PstParo.lnMs____________________________________________ J EWVELLERY & GIFT Ocopne c n rL tn Misono atraa For over 45 yars hie hasý Corden, Mrs. Nora Colwiîî! Preston, Bowmanville, ta îyvuu'utsdy eveninga good- travelled bhc globe producing' and Mrs. Nellie Pcing. SHO tr. onMuil an, urlng friends )f Bradley and En-Iduced wild hIfe sequences for were MU. Howard Corden and 2P Kint St. E., Bownianvjlle Mr. and Mc's. J. MeKeever iedcmunities gatlîcred at:the Walt Disney studios, other Mr. James Martin. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lar- Bradley's Scbool to bonourU S. pcodtîcers and for the Ca- Congratulations ta Mils. Ed- i h CndP e m mer, Blackstock, visite r- Mr. and Mrs. P. Nesbitt and nadlian government. His wifc, na Anderson, Past. Graîdý b--Iai r.and Mr. Byroni Nes-,another natuiralist cinemapho- Mafron, wbo was rc-clectc î it S.,and Mr. ' and Mrs. tograpiier xvbo.xitb him, is ta bbc Grand Executîve Ci- doÀ É- 1Herbert Prescott and family nw__ gge i.,podicng.,l mttc fr1bre ar Crcsig anbcltYa'%' llemembers. on behaîf 0f Brad« eliurman of flic P.E.. Cc'ntcn- Richards 129. M. l\Ioffatt 126, Wtdr aI n ean rn % pcilAcnnt n AppliainF BAKE) ~RGlNA HN! ey's eommunityM.v .Kox ilCmitee. He addresscdA. Shebler 126, R. Cowan 114, ________________________________ 13tlIAanMrW.B"%a pent the recent Canadian Clubs Bi-ilv. Aberncthy 111, N. Eldridge ... .1t1, asuu auce adM .Bwinpe en lCneecei ... 8, .Gaa 6 ROATil ERai-,, B EF d each familv with a tri-1ue e naPo fr n e in P l 4 . G a a 6 e pudinglamp. The Nesbuît girls, Wen- Hon. Guy Favrcau. Minister AH< u. \onksbir 'pdigdy and 1w-uns Lnaa aiof Justice, bas consented ta irng C n dan o O e 0 - ,ýIN TA id n jeel- ceîbor orcJubiarv.tedt a e evn C ndas fr O e 0 er Br'OILIt) SAî.lN TAKwceepresented xibh adres th clb eylin De- \ /la lii.1îý-e Butter C dciPca s er. and flic P esoît rtOrlic anuuiccd. ae efaeCa e Pai Bn~ P ttos - asl vBoiled Potatocs reeeved books. .\lrs. M-ýto bc an o ri(c y antne Pa n ca pe D lgit -,sn tdFrit P uesIn appreciaîolî for hem r - biuiu f te M m csi . e pincý,jý(, Jcligi .1ilkvices as treasuirer of the club. Commibîec, eported that hec Tri' 9 w Mra.cuP. nsbwaucpr.sencommittee bad niet and plans The Weifare Department T eao r os2. . i i u a d . - u e for a m em b ers ip can vas co mn - R p r u m b e ~ o n IIda>' Mrs. Ella Smibh presentcd plcted. If was cmpiîasized that Wclsh, the Administrabor, ta Mr. and Mrz. Prescott wii'î a anx- one wbo is iîîterested may Bowmanville Town Councul Ul U ~n e Suiavadlovci 'v picture andi ammered be a, member of the club and on Mondas' vening showed aluminum tra.vs from Enfield do not have to be asked ta1 thatthcwrc9wearC A . A M r i lii. N N i communit. obtaun membcrship. Member- recupients durîng SeptemberCND EMI Mec. H.bit ePrecî a I r . ship cards may be obfainedI16 less than in the previous PecvNs .tteprsed ý:n- froue members of the execu- monbh. S cerc tbanks toa]ailpresent for tfi%. r _ai ti, door i i igbb Total eost. o welfare for ' ~~the 2ifts and in%,te an\oeo hemeîî September weme'$3,3 16.6.5. bu*, - ta visut thcm un tlîcir lirw This i-car 'a memnber nîay as the expccted cecoverueŽ pel ~honîeý - tlie Prescottus at Ma - hrîng a visibor ta anc meeting' tram orovincial and fedecai nHacack Road, Courtice. wil sigo the Visitors' Book. amount to $2,753.32 the actual _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _h o -n e._ M r._ _a dMc f ode , r ý! ýq a r a sv i.Sif r s b is56 3 3 3 h a g b e J . W . F R O U D , M a n a g e r , O s h a w a S h o p p i n g C e n t r were welcomed iniobbcecorm-Ilu s btheope of the Cana- Wclfarr rccipuc-ntý during munity. dian Club that High School September were 10 heacis of

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