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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 6

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Thé Canadian 5tatesnian, ;owmanv-illp. Oct 7. 11114 lt,'v G1aàpell 'Robert Macflon- !ng lirely following rtejM &Id, Ailari Walker an~d Kenneth PlL U'eUr Ibout of iincs m ra j Véi i fHM P TNI1nirtther, M .John iWaraki Bnth A md 8 Packs Arè tàk- %vitb brr nt presenit. ing a three weeks' course of Rev. CAttn conductcd thé, visitorç ývith Mr, auli Mr.c. Art Rudy JàArnmer and Clint. Port On F'rida.vt. MqpSe yR pr Funct io of (hildren "S A id lectures ponsored bythé fDe- church service on Sunday. Reynold.s Perry, and were teR i~t Ort~ee~~ ion jzlestc rav Admettsionsi D e a l d a o a y M e i gthrir cyclists' badges. Iected Scripture passagEs.- foi- rigan on Sulidol.. daughtcr. Mrs. W. C. Brydon, were Ica gursts withMrnd- D etaielietR otariMeetng r e e laendî , owed by the Lord's Praver T r and ?r Sid Coliizh:flnry, C., and Mr. Gien Mrs. Dn Black of CutcDshre The services of ithe Cbild- Mr. Finnie said that w'nvde ber and rare for ai oreunt cho hsren's Hymn was JssLoe a -èr ni odvre Brydon. Toronto, were visit- on Siinday.Maoopatnsi rs Ad !ieywe out- a chjId becomes a ward of the cbildren îintil thev are piac- week after a stAy in OshAwa LTtieChiirln s cithalrs GN. Amor rvcrna. owrn AhviliesetStrdv irecytctct lind h' A T3u . F innie. Childrcns Aid. the orRaniza-1 rd in fo!zýer' hnme LtdesGne4osial-hesrmnws nVite n is-t a Armour Odcn Satur. M. ndMi. vlMnand M srs. i if Pr Hpc.drco ofthe tion assumes ail UIcleparent1ç flot, rive JouR trrm Crr. MsCharles Grren-Poole or No. 2, Honcsty. 1-lyrn 'Da22Ms(1 - ___otr n audaM. n vis itlad iS orgaflujatjon. tinhis address at responsibility and obligations. Ciidcrcn i pend troor four Cornlwall. England, and M Hr.OM od e h~M uMrrs laryyuile Favmn Frow cd i -i a riin oi: ro a~ the luncheon meeting of thr t provides a hnr ît i he' 'f rc. 0 M L<, ~ ~ Y ord Scmmînhnto. iiitv rrc sund(ayvsçitl Mrs. Morley Ross and M (hnStîIti~.lin B o w m a vI llo trthu o e aen ts.Ia d p ro v id rv " ii h l d c n s A d S o le - s id r , E n g l n d , h a v e b e e n e n - ia n d th e B c n ç d ic tlo n . \ si n S it r o M Mr l kBD a t r o k j .C .. a n d< i c a iir h to . M hedatte îing Dutehman iclothing of the type wornib, an n8 hdt of $20,000 .* flph Sallid c and datuliters,l On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bryvdon, P ý . Motor Hotel. other children in the enmi- n'. naysute oS , .oyîng an extended visit withi At Hampton, At 7 Turc:- L-n Tcsa\ fterîionn, Mrs.jRayOiord Far-rowý, Roger, Gien Brvdoii. Torontclie ontate onouc hemnty swlla edclfl pay s slarieS of their brother Mr. Ben Hitch-iday evening, interested young Gro 0rnpan MsMrl' n lrivstdM.o r.nlMs e tvn gu e sp ak er M . inodui nd ane mu n t, a el as medical the staf. but also providcsý in s and his fam ily this su r- people from n'Il points m et to 'or orin Cnie. Bow nn iilsf nM.Car ncrav iedAl Mn .at n M r.a ndrdav . 1 -l uesoft s er Mr. Finnie, and a n den al sora tre T e dor 1a- Ilte m aintenance, c ar , and ail, m er. plan a V aricty N iglit. M av is e C o. . . Presecitt. f W ooÎa d vM !:i l ar nei . i o l a u d v l'he C i dre dicacd S c e i er z tio c s i se nf there çelli n. th r ex enses for Iflec e ild-* M r. and M rs. M ax B allard L ittle F ricnd's M cssenRei-Ms P A .i W Pre-t-n t i L p e n S tu d y M . a il M s r no \rý. F ranik li ri l M f'o(tlrd M i sAf bisl n a u r a . M r n s av. 0 ,0ere.S t n d ay g e t ý. ( C b il d r e n A d c î e vin th e e a d u c t n o f th e ye h il-n h o n e m n c i a i y o f M o o r e J a w , S a s k a tc h e w a n , b g n t H a m p to n ( n W e d ol e s - ; - x , s p ' t T s i v ' v e n f W i. C n o la i da r l y w t br o r L r z o " the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l O n y s c a g n y i h e . a d s c h t u e a - - f u h c i d p y 2 4 a d y spr int a w eek w ith M r. and C a , O ct. 4t b t 2:45 p . w th h r ra c pa en s ý.S carbo rou gh , algo M rs. O tto T irili. S e M r. and IV. R e l beljnte ndCo ue Nr an ltb he- p oer r c o n. an 1011V tnwarris th e epto tal 1I l "'~-'M r:,. Ross Lee on their W aY! A very prettv w dding took M m an \. iSu-C- %%,vKry beraland it an ubro ntiypeBsSotsad Gi! ue hettlbudget of homne from the Gencral Cour-tlceinHapt1Chrc o A w 'i,-nt,.Pfriffer. Witb\, were guests Sunderland, vr aura a tr deals witb many types of Guides. ~ ~ S12000n. The ha]a;ce k odecil of th(, United Church of'aturday afternoon. wben Miss 1 at Ms-onCrli ari unitb Mrs. LthAlun u istos t ueTril hm Prohierois. Mr. Finnie stateci. The iziist speakrsaidtl o u f governnent grants., alsoiCanaria fit St. John's, Nrw- Eva Yen w-as united in roar- rdInîi.tiitdnatî- na, Iis Aln wtr,. M. iî M. l.A.T3rr The hiirens Aid Socle- many of the chili-en tundi- dnationisfrro organnzation" fouîidlani. Mr. Bllard wVa8 r'àge with Mr. Edlw.ard Haossay cxc-ninc with Mcj. oidnn Mrs. Cikesr- wasidnnV ~oî.--siu nSn NAT ty investigates ail caser of the rare of the Childrelo's Aid alnci niîunsMr icetPr -t itoMr. ini"HubarIl 1wthMcaild _Mr ai tlegleeto bitf fciddciac .st fa Mis, Maie Gnvc-oeiisinard, .d,,î~Briî- It is aIso conerned witb "This sumrmer one Chiilre7n.i kapreî h there wns an intorest- l'ni ,rares of desertion, non-sup- Aid Nvorker took 10 hovn-el' tll(Ierp iodai n flic ;- Miss lune Davis, a student ronviile, reeentiv splent two spent nliu fnitciooninFIa'week and fatrily, Oshawa, Visitoind nv;ibM ulMs pot.uemlomnt ebsa00 we< nioe -trîp ig questiao- n sveri '-ed niflcurse at Toronto General fins- davs with bis cousin-;. DehhiP, itîIvir-p.Johlu fiaknn.Mr. Pnol Mmý. Sici Krn-O P-cylv \iit lueledelinquency, marital throiugb the Trrnt svsteuin aI d i he ~npital, bas just compieted two Steve and Jann eyenolds.c iy Scnoi ura uef- br'tr cO i discord, aicobolisni, and dif- the h ft-iock at Prteriiuoî h i i uunuus ear- rk' oidys at ber borne. Mr. andi Mm .T, WliteNn2r uiwu. uovrr- Mr. c nul Mrs onu 5Iý11 autu.n pt- ' X vIed [terresai.ig f o heh ai.i-pb.e 1 te'Mt-,and Mm,. Ross Leeme- Oshawva, xvere Snturday nigiil. iivhî cl or'vth ii e irr v3'suiai\i in, t Nt-,'11111îîci tlin in if c e luii tensijons and pressures of The speaker ftitli- ' vote of tauk.; to Nit. eitiy enfertaunid 18 peopli Mu ý.A, . 1F. Hurt MsVnLuike on SiinclaN-. %t111 2ýl ,ribrspresu dlailv living. plained thattint. oulv dr ii" llFitlui, nie ou-IIi; ..Ze'telpnt a ai a nsupper paIrty for Law- us es rcor Hevea-IMr.AIfln Mr. aluîdMmZ. Vnc-Iate.P" m Xr in ph-Su uopo The gue-t speaker explained Ciillren's '\icl v gf' Ill-1-Ht.,lu- --j. 1rouit- Allin Jr. anudJudy Busliai il nîte cil 1 tl-ofat-jvl.A ate.'-ciinrsifîuiacrtc lhfrpc- 'I ln r v Fric -l)olu2i rt-v. A preseuitAtion of - - arli i f Ilir uc-tv î'sîî iucaiîia, . Anoie XX ; W lii-fi t c-c-ll lhat the Children's Aid Socie- Public- or Separa[e S (nll Wiivtc.presicl-ut JohnBoiî£i-, ffi-tr iiji)ljv ly heips people to solve tlîeim education or Oese Cbhdro1al exprosscn i h innbms plnte ws ad dr- couniany ~ VufvEncIluk. M- ic-i 'rîPieituetfnuiidi-u pemnolmad epine u gie n -g the evening. Mr. and Mcas. ___________M. ajîi lista-,q b Ke-ssItin ut qaol ir c-i ) ow rolroan e ontdbu uidsthern 1 iniali i ppec tion tof-)flic Mre.Bra Leaendust a heRY . ILIG--iudAnRioberPtcr n-wnrndancricdiC out that this strcngthens the the right choice of flue cotirscs speakerr uet t Y .DLLN-G n n Ma M.Pte e r . nM -îbrtWilit. cIl gave U(,ic- urecrn-prttî peolecoceredbvdevlo- vaiabe be tleyenerjAiWiiiespon a ircir.Allun - Dougherty weddng Chrtered Accounitant iloi. Mrs.Susîn J ones, ail OjrsMri infjoyMrcantd wt it'tonî;; -tvorned 2 jing self reliance and reasion- Secondai-y Schoois. y~ Ade AiePoa re ieo n whirlb fook place in Guelph 93 Cburch Street jWondbrinlgr.. wr-e Sunda.YlMs ewnMinjyrcn on Oct.Th ipotanerfd.epr- D623-3861 ivisifors Pl the A. W. Presc-oit1chigeofy.z P ~ib1it. Te iporane o prpam- l) en-,s Perfect Attendance The iast week liSeptember inîd also ncidou i Mr, and Mrs. Mrrwun Moint- c-liai-go of Mu- s, slotaî Evcry yerIr, more and more tion towards becoming establ- Pini. Tire presenltafion wn stbe andedronolUC. W. catered LEONARD JAMESFar onMisBROOKSColfr peope ae Mr.[trilMcon-Clshe ine tde rsoîsfedt, nby tHhatedrm UC.ts caeou E- ARDÏ-ÜS-BOOK peole re olutailycom lihe ina tadeorotier u jma h l lue Attendante for tbe men wbo attended the Chartered Accountant anlMs. Dr î A.rrlin. .Fo t tedd MrkamFimonMssl n CkofTutr nî Ms ecaiostnd(.1i ing to the Children's Aid for cupation is eroplasi7ed fori1 Ciairuiun Art RTiboy. The Plotugbing Match at National Trustee in Bankruptcy Mf m li î. F rt Satudy s ewn n-fr. Vuct k 'S cunc-.a Otlitmct problemrs, Mr. Finnie pointed 15 to 18, Mm. Finnie assortcd -nlGogeVc 1e ceic feand ox Untheseto the Oshawa Shopn Cnr \vitli Mr. anc-iMm, A. L. Blan-ýiy, iii coropany wîtb Mm. and speakrcfthie eveniiigv ctcfo csfîu i out. The organization needs Last June sevemal girls gradiu- brated by their fellow ROn- mon in the fields sit noon, and WM. J. H. COGGINS ch. ard. 'Mrr. Douglaitijam s Higginsauîd Mtn ot infmifx akon Op- thec. Cli onus fo ,th c-oertio o te eope te fomhaidrsspgcous-taias.Units Il and III served a bain- Chartered Accountant Dufliie. Collingewood. Missesionto on Sunda to visit Mr;. 'Lako uin norfliern Maoba concernied, and aIso the co- es, and arc now doigwlJ quiet in the lower hall of the Second Floor Leona uii 1li Stainfon,iMary Philpan. and Mr s..t- ;tanvd ntuiin operation of ministers, doc- and many boys are aise nliuu.j cburch at night. . New Library Building Oshmaxv, Mrq. L. Veruiet, Tor-ýJack Pummell. fnli ii the formaîtionîo iii t e an drwer a e t bs, he added. i g a suces i dfee tK D f NThe Hi-C group spent one Cor. King & Tempeance Sfs. oInfo, \ver(-, isiorss \ ifli M .: Mr. and M s. Harold Bal- first Ectuuîîeiicai wo k c- m Whken c hdienf havp e t e o bs, h o adrve., f iI ,of it.s Saturdays picking apples __ __P one 623-3612 __ __ nuîdMrs. A. L..Blanchard. son and family were Su niday fo be bld in Caada. flow then cairen'Af cetl y as thr ers-ires of lic Th oumu-at Boss Lee's and preparing YALE, FRIEDLANDER Mm. anul Mrs. Keitll Bran- guests af B. Pingie's, Bow-:ing a patternî of a'iiîP luA theChldrn' Ai Sciey s1 bidrcs id ocetyde Tu CluuobusKedron..Rag.. tiienifor sale to i-aise rooney & COMPANY foui, Moiiu- aid Mark, Kiug- mrniville. xvork camp ho pamitipaed the result of an order froro a scribed bv' Mm. Finnie xvero; mui charge lias called a new Famiy CurtJude, he r- nvetigtios rgariuî cu- W uto. e.Wnîfue rd-four the group. They still have Chartered Aceountants stouî, slueut flue, wrccIçitd with l'he Oshawa ShiineClub wliilc- n esidieof ris.ina,;i ganzaio cotiue towok odysoe asktsofMeItoh.Lieensed Trusteel Mr andiMr.Biirmnxvs. Laidie-s lîiel their first meef - Africai. ganzaton ontnus t wok td"of cblîdren in divorce;' o, wlîo s presentîy semviuîg sm asesoîMltsh nBnk tyi r. anodiMrs. Eric Phillips iuîg of the senson al the homnelie aisci sli\dicutlîîres wit te amlyafecedin proceedings, famuily allowanicc! tii) ile White Lake-Calabogie- l4Kn t E 2-31and ulucuu.OinvMr. A.'of Mrs. Cliarlie Warrenî. sie ac i oi <rder to re-establish its well spending, adoptions, anîd tfli BuirIIside chiarge iin Benfrew Oshawa, Ontario - Mr.1nuicTaylrs Bro weasi uthe r.Shas.inerseolfttndiametsao1 fin ffHiRde tumn of the cblidren, Mr-. Fin- thors and their chldrcuî. tako up bler uew dîulies on MONTEITH, RIEHL. WATERS !dat-. a Islington, on Monday. Next meeting in careo 625612-49 nie told the Rotarians. The Childreis Aid Societ.v- JaIutuau- 151h.j Tast week's big news around & Co. NMt. anîd Mms. BLirrnws ce- Wo are pleased to kuîow that Mrs. Pringie to he heldoOc Themo are 170 eilidron who in the United CoinnUes isi Mearuwhile ftie tu-ce church- bei-e was the annual fowl sup- Chartered Accountants cent]iy called oui Mr. and Mrs Mms. Douglas White is recover- tober 28t1. are now wards of the Child- staffed bv Mm. Fuuue i e es ai-e uuîdcr tue pastoral rare per held on Wednesday even- Oshawa Shopping Centie rîsAd Society un the Unit- dirertor, seven social workers, nf Re.S. J. Millr of Brook- iuîg. The weatîîec was per- 728-7527 Court Judge bas decided tha tlkeeperthe ýmati-onof tii. Re-flic parables of Jesu,aîrprai s5 mc oeHon. J. W. Monteitlî, F.C.A. -' thLs us in the best înterest of ceîsung Home and lier hus-drai-t-ng oui bis ii experience pleasant and also a happior A. B. Monteith, B. Corn., C.A. . the youngsters, the guest band.i i te miuistry, Mmr. Hillier occasion for the 320 or 330 G. W. Rîehl, C.A., RIA. ,speaker stated. The Receivîng Home ,pr-o-can ho tounted on Oacli Sun- people who attended. Hem (Licensed Trustee) or Xa u day foc a clear and tlîought- fellow memobers of the United G. E. Tretbewey, C.A. puovoking message. Chui-ch Women were delighted R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. i ogtFE orTRE O In the interini, annocuuce- to see that Bemniece Best was ___B. R. Waters, C.A.Ys...i spsil ogtAsltl THE LANADIAN CLUB mnits for the calendar sh-oirld weli enougb ton be prescrit ai- -W iLSôN-& -BUùRROÔW'S XMAS. Through to December lStb, ahl Red & WbtVtrswilb sun betelephoîîed t iîr. lantougb h a nbet do Cbartered AccountantsFRET KYBOU CUPNec ot Frai-iis b ' Thursday nigbt. the many tbings that were 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. FE UKYBNSCUOS ahwrh5.Teecuosaeaal O F W EST DURHAM S~The groups of Guides and usually hem special coare, One Partnors : able to you in two ways: 1. One Coupon witheah$00talprasan SCOItS Cbs ndBrownies ai-e o! these was the armanging o! Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. 2 o ilrcieFE OPN ihmn 1964-65 SEASON starting up again foc the newj flowers for the tables and G. Edmond Burrows, C.A.2.ouwlreieFRECUOS ihn-a3BNSBYSec wek vear xith a few changes inj other decorations and tlîis wasý Phone 728-7554 ____________________________________ BEGINS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 the rauîks of the leaders. done by Mrs. Allan Clarke. - - START NOW TO SAVE Leaders of the 20th Bi-ownie It was pleasant to gi-oct once <t et 8:15 p.m. in the Lions Centre, Bowmanville Park are Mms. Bon Lambert, again visitors wbo made a C h ir op r a cfI c THESE FREE COUPONS Brown Owl: Mrs. Stan 0gle, special trip from Toronto, in-______ Opening Speaker - DR. J.J. GREEN, M.B.E Tawnie Ogle, anîd Packies Jan- cluding Mr. and Mrs. Hinton, G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Y's you could get your DrcoofRsac itnSseset Waddington and Nancy Roger and Meredith; also Mrs. Chîropractor___________________________________ Dircto o Reeach îttn ystmsBcnoks. To lautîch the new Ida Toppin wbo spent a few Office : X31AS TURKEY FREE! (Cnd) t.yeac the girls anîd leaders en-:j days o! last week with Mr. and 15 Elgin St., cor, of Hc'rsey St. -r- Eopie: "Men on the Moon - And What Next?" joyed a crin roast on Satur- j Mrs. Wm. Young, Port Hope. Phone 623-5509 U K Y CPOB N S day ut Mr. Cami Jordan's camp.1 The socialcmite wh Office Hours: By Appointment,TURKEY COUPON BONUS BUYS Other Speakers For the Season: TenwAkelanof the 21A ýwere in charge o! airange- Supreine - 8-oz. Clark's Fancy- 48-oz. RglrSz Cu ak sMs.Bl EIotmnswere: Mesdames A.____R,.L P D er To ao aRrm Friday - November 6, - DICK BIRD, with Mrs. Chai-lie Thoroas aslAustin, H. Dai-ke, K. DinnerBl c e p r «oat u e11 Topc:UA andin Ntualit n he ied" as Audcek. people. o! the church who 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Topi: "ACanaian aturlistin te Fild"The B Park is again under1 were in a position to do so Office Houns : Wednesday - January 20- the leadership o! Mrs. Bruce contributed thein share o! pi-e- 9 a.m. f0 6 p.m. daily BEST BUY! Save 11c! Libby's 28-oz. Tins BEST BUY! SavE12!4-.TwnPc MISS ARY OUISELYNC MacDonald, witb Mrs. Donald r paring. serving and clearing up Closed Saturday and Sunday Mail in offer on Butane Candles! Liquid Buy 1 - GtiFre MISM R OIELNHRing as Audcek and Miss June as well as supplying music. Office Phone - 623-5790 m m Topic: "Juvenile Delinquency In Canada" Watson cas Balu. Friends wene pi-sent from ail Res. Phono Newcastle 987-4261! I o I V The B Park formed an bonorj the surrounding district and P UP K N2 or3c-IR D J¶onday - February 22 - V. C. WANSBROUGH- guard at the wedding of Miss the only regret o! the workers DR. E. W. SISSON, Ale ac 5o. ae2e BS U!Sv c tkl' 5o.Tn Topic: "New Wealth For Canadians" Sue Appleton and Mi-. Gino lis that th ey are unable f0se L.D.S., D.D.S. yieFac15o.Sve2c B TBU!ae Posterai-o on September 5th at, and welcome them all. Office in bis home Tuesday - March 16 -, St. Gregory's Cburcb. Lateri Thene wene 59 at Sunday 10111Liborty St. N., Bowmanville' ON Ce mSye6 fr9C P À m inu September Mrs. PosteraroiScbool with George Tufford, Phono 623-5604 C O R Cea Stle6 or 9c PESaHv e y o o DR. FRANK E. MacKINNON was entertained at a coi-n roast acting Superbntendent, anîd Office Hours : BEST BUY! Save 14c! Saico Reconstituted 48-ni,. BET UV Sae1eShrifJlyDsrt Topic: "Confederation After a Century-" with the boys at Mrs. Mac- most o! the assistant feacheî-s 9 ani. to 6 pnu. daul.vt Date o be nnouned -Donald's and pî-esented witb present. Following Sunday - .. ___ ________LAWRENCE C ISN ..FOR THANKSGIVING! Save2c BISCUITS 3 for BISCUI Barrister, Solicitor Luncheon Size I)inner Sîze F Nofamy Public KLEENEX NAPKINS 27c 33c acyeS King St. W. Bowmanville Save 6e! Libby'm Fancy iS-oz. 'Fine ASSOR'IID - LlahtCo Mais - arty Wfs Phones : Office 623-5688 1D2r hcMlo& fies. 623-5553 P A & C R O S .............. 2fr35c aeg!Nap L f HOGN OR SaSve 4g.! 1-1h. Pka.MICMA Banristema, Solicitors GOOD LUCK MARGARINE........ 2 for 57c OCNSPA15o.4e' Notaries Public OTinsPRA 14 Frank St.7-lb. Bai CRANBERRYMSAUCE1b.31c E. RICHARD LOVEKIN MNRHPSRYFOR6e Aunt Marv's Biend1-bBa B...L .B iv r n a n-312-nz. VT D EIEYBârrister - Sôluctor PR LUNCHEON MEAT 39 COFFEE8c D ELIV ER Y King St Wv 9 a;ta le ~ !Save B.'De!!-li 1%prm.nzn 2o. Phone 1 r 16 CORN RELISH 33c I First NMot14izpFunde ~wTi aPr Residence - Fqrmm S LIP !wT urn S Parkfr 9 BusinessPropertuos LPO OP o 9 E T Regular Milk Delivery Ofl:Mortgage rmonoby availableTnnuatn %sgetabl -- hirko-n Noodla ,1re lug ed R g lrM l eiey o :for mll purpo5m,;. ava 8c' I avr Stylm DeLuxo. ORANGES doz,5e iCuîfoe.1 Let us àrrange youm farro DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 43c Fresh O'~Srvil.p~ loan comning due or * new loanA Wri ca handle mortgages Of C' .- I aa C RA NB ERRIE S 9 TUESDAY, OCTOBER l3th every description. SUNSPUN ICE CREAM 79e _ ; ý HAROLD C. PEDWELL Sav1' 5 r fOff 'Park Tilb."n LOUIANAYM Im 9 Proker SUCCESS SUPER WHIT TE WAX 5,9e LUIN f Gleno Rue Duzry 1 iomeiryMAPLE GROVE RED & WHITEMpeGrv KEITH A. BTLLETT, O.D. Optometrist 11King St. Eý - Bowmnanvile C R IH E HT BO M N LEoffice HeurS: By 2anpointrnent C R IHS R D HT rn BOWMANvI ILE MOfl~~Teleohone 623- 252 Fi ALIEL1 au n m PECK' * RED & WHITE r e 1,uecL and Sat. - 9 - 12

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