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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 7

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vn;'. loâf: irr ;;t: iv sehu sin rSF a ri-eiIll I: J , rpa kfou r tmcs nier the je (SOcIaL & Jý--ersotia/ %veekcnd. II a.-n. adir 7 pin, onu Siidiv anri .1 and 7 :3c p.m. . Phone 6 3-3303nu Mondav. There xw:11'ne a Phone 6233303ti rnrrThor Kr ____________________________________________ iav nizlit af .5 uc ock- 1h:ýi Mr. and M_-s. Walter Gilbert, Geisi andi Mrs, Allun attenedc Confercî-ire hin h h i a p e t'lxbridge. werfe Sundav sup- the Haas-X'eo weddtng t Chi.reh A -ieîa!nrîçr r-ergu-cst with -,,r an dMrs. Hampton. fric cfo! xx celui Ii)i-cra1s1,iL A. J. Clarke, Town. Mca. George Clark. M ,on.' eur);îgh mor r tue t-nul- Mr. and Mcs. W A. DaviF. Sylvia Clark. Oshawa, M rs peînn h hr- ae Ottawva. spent the xerkend ilida Muers and Ray-mon niment, With ber mother. Mcas. Annie Mrs. Leta Geist, Rochester, Wrigh,. Church Street. N.Y.. Mr. and Mrsý. .Xtbuc Rev. and Mca . F.S. w. Clarke, Mr. and M7Vra. Ken ELJZABETHVILLE b h ý1u.-an and Tommyv spent M,ýon- Hooper, Town-r. wce Saturdac- diay >;ith bis mother. Mrs. Bert evening 9uesits with Mes. Coca ('i.c ei e c-'ra Un el] and brother Irwin. Allun and Mc. anti Mca. Ken Cno I. :rnalof (la ,r. Vernon Saunders, Tor-Palmner andi farnily. Ifrîpe '- ',vel.-rSu-i onfto, visited bis parents. Mr. Mrs. Albert E. Allun s en- dat ehcc w- ed ec a- And Mrs. A. Saunders, Waver- route to her home in Fort Wil- i,î'ual. as le'. Rd.. over the weekend. liam after a week's holidav On Wcie fa tceîiucef Mî-,s Mary RL]th Osborne, with relatives andi friends in Mcssrs,ý Jim and Don Riekard, Bowmianville and Hamptnn. OUdnts atIh, AricltualWhile Mrs. Allun was in the ~'udntsat he griultralEasct. er husbanti.Dr. Allun, College. GIielph, spent thean so Dvi ofTri, weekpnd with their parents.wand son avioof utongtip Many ceaders ,wifl be having in north - west Saskatchewan. ,upsts, or c'îsîting out of town. thîs Thaciksgiving weekend The Chcistening of Robin We wvould be, glati f0 recee Hol brook. baby- son of Mr. anti this information. Phone 3-33 Mrs. Jack Osmonti. took place vîr an Mc. F. V Horon Octobrr 4 at St. John's rn . EaH. etrnei îsAnglican Churchbvbuthe Rex-. UngSt.Eas. rfured astJolin Frampto n. 'Tbe Goti- wýPek from a most enjoyable prnswr r n r.J seven weeks' tour of Norway prnswr r n r.J Swedien, Denmark, The Neth- 1'VV. Mitchell of Toronto. Mrs. erlands, Englanti andi Scotland. graen Ogmothe the childetien s granimoherwho is here on Mr. and Mcs. Willard John- vacation from Weston-Super- sOn and son David are spenti- mare, Somerset, Englanti, also lnig their vacation with bis fa- attenàdt. t ber, Mr. John Johnsnn of Can- terbury, N.B , and other reda- Garnet B. Rickard, Shaw's, tives anti frientis in New lel't Mondav for Montreal tri Brunswick and Mainc. attend a meeting of the Na- Miss Helen V angtone, tional1 Advisocy Committee onMTH ~~1s Quens nvesiyKngtoAgriculture, in connectiorî SMIHBR THERS Qn .Bucensrr y Univsiu with the W orlds Fair Exposi - vecsity fTrno eewe tion 1967 to be helti turing ynt ofisToronwihterefoc -Centennial ear in Montreal. mTothec. Mrs. Morley Vastn r. Rickard will be represent- andi sister, Miss Barbara Van' îng Mc. E. T. McLaughlin, < 1CCO GHD R OPS stone.- Seci-etarY - Manager of the_ CaainSecti Growers Asscc- Mrsý. Andrew. Hawkins and ciation. Mr. Rickard is R Past STP TROTTCL Mrs. Mae Sykes of Rome, N.Y President.STP HO ICL Are visiting'lhe formrers cousin Mrs. M. E. Lcask. Ontario St.- Mrs. A. J. Ly-mer, Mcr. Chru>se froin Black. WiId On SuAnday Mrs. Leask enter- Douglas LYmier, Oshawa. Mrs. lained! with a familv partx' at Bert Colwell and Mm. lIrwýin Cherry, Smiokeî-s Drops, lier eQttage at Pine Point. Lake Colwell. Town. spent the 31edicated. Scugog. weekendi with Mrs. Atnie Mr. Walter F'ranck and one Bradley andi familv, Bond ')f bis salesmprn, Mc. Jne Bar- Head, anti attended the Davev1- noski, returrneti ast wekn Sutherlanti wedding at Bond from alifa wh e eenu Head United Church on Satur- lerom healifa wbee the' t- nday .Other guests attentiing ofti the aninAssoconvtion the wedding included M. anti Real Estate Boarts. The event .1aLm r M. B I L-- mer Oshawa, Miss Reva Tiers, w-lotel nte oaSct ou cic'e, anti Rev. and Mca. E. S. Colxvell, Coe Hill. A. W. Runtile, Oshawxa, bas Mc. and Mrs. Albert Zituer hfen appointed Io represent si thv eun the Ontario nurserymen smt GeorgeSthv eun the advisory committee of the emom 'vaatn enol ixo Ontario Vocaion Centre in Ot-motsvatin n olni tawa. The appintment waý. travelling bh« the "*Franconia" of the Ctinard Line. from made at a :eccnt meetfng ofMnte.Te-lftHlai c the Ontario Nurserv TradesSetm r thaion u Association. ta * - anti Moniav Septembe Mr. and Mrs. Nornman C. 20) anti 21, their pleasant home Willson of Edimnnton, Alta., ward trip was marred when have been visiting the latter's the ship ran ioto the tail ent' O u sister, Mrs. Howard Couch, of a hurricane that tossedsdntrsts..aIdy Beech Ave., anti other aî-ea theiz- sbip arounti like a cok unidnuesfS ..aldy relatives. Mis. Willson Quite a terrifying experienie formerfu Myttle Viola Bragg, anti to quote Mr. Zilversrmit, 49c 89c 1.29 daughter of the late Mr. and 'I thnughit 1 vould neyer ser Mrs. Wm.1J. Bragg. Bnwmanvifle againi." Mrq. Hiltia Meyers ancd son M'cr. Keith Whitikar. heinf Rax'îWpnt and Mrs. Leta Geist bis own business The R.K.W.tIL , nf Roc hester. N.Y.. wcre xveek- Specialties of Por-t Credit. xx-il WhaIf«< 1 end gucts f Mrs. Coa AI- be the guest speakcr at th(, p me 4and family. On Saturda 'y, the Baptist Cburch. 'Mr. Whiti a d os M Meyers, Raymont, Mrs. kar la especially giftet as a HAYDON UNITED CHURCH THANK OFFERING SERVICE OCTOBER lltm 7.30 P.M. "GOD'S SURPRISES"l 11EV. CHRIS DUGAN. B.A., R.D). (-cUEST SOLOIST: GLAI)YS BURGESS COME AND WORSHIP Wll'H US TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H Mnster - Rev' . K. Hlousiander, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. SUNDAV OCTOBER Il. 1964. Il a.nm. - àlorning Worship "Thanksgiving Requires Thoughtfulness" Ho].%,Communion SUNDAY SCHOOL Junior, Interinediate and Senior - 9:30 a.,u. Priniar:, and Kindergarten - 11:20 a.m. 4REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH S Sctigog Street, Bownianville 4Rev. Jofin C. \*(ibr-ugge, B.A., B.D., Mlinister 4 Telephone 6213-5023 4 WORSHIP SERVICES 4 9.,00 a.m. - Dutcb 4 11:011 a.m. - English 4 7:30 p.m. - English 4 Proclainiing the Whole Counsel of God 4 Back To God Houir" Broadcasi 4CKLB Osha-wa- Sundav. Oct. lIth t 9:15 P.M. rcurcgcnpa s ifs maimc.'.Is rnot-, t' iid, and 1cis %n pure ittctransear-cnr. Mostitmportant. rnuîa r-cc'.n-i do -fatcand id ly the skin, ca - î-i - sc-cTh,% Double Edge Blades F"or that fresh iMade feeling Shav'e after Sluave . .en report 10 tg)I15 andI more shaves per blade... 5 Blades - 79c I 44:Lft I K1 U L TABLETS, 40's L o Rememer ... you must feel stronger fast- wil'hin 7 days or your money back. STOP RONSON'S Typhoon Smiokers Kit 3.45 value SMOKING Contains Ronson Typhoon Lighter, one 4 oz. can i Noyoi a Lrý p 1ý 'a i eIN R n o o ihe.'ud a d 5 fitpa k o o s n Fi poutt ,rým braN ononl igte Fud nd5 lit ac f-ononFln19~ rcttr '3 ,1ý( B NS OKE tur;. r br. . cu g hatt. ' Dont (Clay>. ý,trtc .gyPRS RP I NS1 .A.RM DE PR SC ITINS-- .A % 9 11 %và &eL.%0 ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e f 1 a v o r r torta ' 0 allr 36's 1 1.98 -i- PHONE62-79 Oniy $j25 > - 5 KING ST. W. fen Hi! and Canvon wr efre. NIrs. NI. C,-,uçe and NIrs N. Garrdinr sang aduet. NMrF. F&nnîd od f NI bm ck pre- cuc11(d ziidcý cf fher :rip ,r roupe rand lne Ea..i She hid OxcQ.ent nc'r-. f the Bvr- -i1 Waf. a inu.fow 1 11W qhnc Vai!s ln anmne of :hr, li'.- LauriVvc-, u ec-joycç-î hem inmna ,.Lu 00c va ,rvcd. silo f:îu.abu he c nelo- )rhond. NIrs. Samccc Notrr anrfhad )noula %-cu- conme o(1a1' lay afler speridîog ,a week vKh her pamnitr.Aire and &rs. H. Thir-kson. She xvent ifar a: Oshawcii xxith hier arcuts. Ken and Raymoud t own. ri%# I u ton-p NinMcAnd «,MrFý De 'PyoiDdcin Koker'F. ater Mc. anti NI ParlD dutin DeKoker cu-ee 10 a;ke hec on to Trono.Make it Easy ta Bi Mr. anti Mca. .O Mcrer c ati cue e ei'.hlc a.tfo t cC anada Savings B c -;pcn', the %weeknrt wî:h Mr' aur1 I Mrz. R . Fovo t. Pele- l1e. z i s~s GelaierT~cr. Pete-ni hnrnucndweatMerr epec.- tuve homes. Nvir. and Mis- W. Trebo)nvh.'- Port 1Hope. c!ebatc :hil ueddîng anersarv v.h ca OP in :o gara FaCs a. weekend. Last! wevk severai of hei( Suilday School children at- tended the Ra:yai Perr- INiIirT16 oz.,2.O0value DELSEY Toilet Tissue Tm-in - Pak 3 for 89c MISS CLAI ROL lair Spray 14-oz.sugg. lisl 1.98 1.79 PEPSODENT Tooth Paste HALIB T LIER OL i.i.A. ows eg. 1.,5 c- 5 For Upset Stomachke... 1.25 value Pepto Ses maàai Tablets 97 c PARAMETTE Syrup 10o,. 5 PARDEC Kapsealsils sPlus 3O's Sugug. lIst 7.50 POLY-VI-SOL hy ' Meais .51)cc stug. list 5.«25 FACELLE Royale Facial Tissues ...... 3.97 4.99 4.29 33c can ic' Nc c aer v h ým ;cfei confýdec Yr ,Nc' utogcni $ a Akc, but what it does is FRUIT -A -TIVES1 OE [ Iý -1e ý§Co11 t l %l oodhi-to Fem inine N apkins *)'tract Natture's lierhs Vitamin Ri t Nm )YC. 70. PERSONNA EEN X Stainless Steel L EE 12's once I Th C'nacîan~ t~esma . ~ w-m iwi1e.Ort. 7, 19847 uy .\zain tc.-. cd: îciîiitiet- :ttcrcs- at $t,; c ph,. fat or *,iIuta!1i- - o e-cc îcovce ciic stý.N'11orca-- o tc fa cu t o rmý.c.(la 1*r . ) ' , fcr e a c o fr t r ciii ~ CaMrs xl h aunmi-.c- ue\ 1r yera- nd ac512'; for eti d-ui:c ic-_,:ccbt-:- ut-ci No-(a-'11 Of tIl-e na1 csl!'imeua Vee: îr t r' lît lic l96-t PrIr-T 'Fie :a coi pa of C a il a(i-. a v i !- ý- R o nc id r t - c iu ~ î l t t f c m o : t h le p a t'y r o 11 i e d Ll(.t i n ll C o :f cî e . tim o '. c t' a n c a s y a n ti pt-li' '. yc-o'f ax-tng for fila'.. Ilie c lî i îe emploi-vc 'lic ttc.-. it- c'..: ii- ci ,i ai-eu t'c o: der w :cx s in- o- a: p1 i o.etc-c-c5 an-" p loi - f or the' aiont-:I ofri a rr -- co1) i)n -. dre d cl n-chîc-c! cYu'. -lcec to lur-hase. gl-c thce iut'. acccan suera ueEacih ncnîc ti. s spee fit- amnout at-ina:--eci rt-cof W if the rn t ioi-e-,A de dtteed f roi- boncdsarate elci ',0 mat n:'.,- tic fi - .X a t( î' n l -.c -c -tac cîcu Pi-t-c lt-c Otitarjo lu '.-csms Th uni pot-c hexir feu-- tice fcui id. - Tiese pa'. - brokemc. anti ::c:-t -nil i aloîce. sale-.. tlcmotigfc I-c-c-t-c c-cV cOtîiiitiii tea. ments can extpnti over a 12. *month pertoti. MoSt Caluadiaîcs have a ita- tom- ceason for-.savînz - a chter- shtifturý!e proicer: scj(,jjas P.cocuIfortable rtrccn h etiuic-aî:ou o0 thildicuti ancilv trac(, . narage nt o, ,ic gmoxx- Oaf-il .c.':g a fnit-cc. u- nc1-ilor a fanà,1oafoc : l- -ý Bonds prrcx-îte «au deal Ilce - hfod 0!f:acc-inilatiinZ eti)oîi;l 1coi ,, to ,aeh !ieh pialvet-ni- 1. -a . u..5I.iii et intc sîtc- ' ai Infîtu i llc , aoti aoiic, sacls tx ci c t iyrif SHOPPERS SAVE et I.D.A. Asin firnier %c c-ar:. Catcarla 5vnsBnd'c max %-bc ca.xbedi i soc 'iniehutht hlder Pt anc hatik inc Canadi for 1cr fili facce valuen ir a-rce FIM, c' u- mrli llof cx il aI-o1ie xiCS. o pt I. I. IlEl, EN P' , CURTI SIBIR 1 1N G S YO U AN, INCR ET)BLE ('OSMETI(' THAT S1fl()'Tjj, A\VAY \YRINKLES IMIN I' KE IEPS THE'M AWAY FOR MIURS, C;\fLGiuC S-ECR,]TTU BY HELENE CURTIS A elear, naitîal profirin lotion that containa no hormones. CLEANSING LOTION 1.75 DEODORANT - Sugg. List 51c Use each fresh littie pad away q .and throw it 20's ~49~ Ob Soft 0 Strong e Disposa hie 20OOs SPECIAL General Electric Best Buy 40, 60 or 100 watt 28c each FASTE ETH IlI1>S 1-ALSE TEE'lil IN PLACE 3OItE FIRMLV. NO> M'tORE Ii0CWSII)E OltSIP. 0 C ACHING BACK ' I.IGHT B u te s 2 Ra 48 iailtN, eIimcinaIiun ait make vou lu~iversQ Feel Stronger Fast With S ugg. List 3.29 reifII h el fKLS DR. CHASES - trftly t. LIUIDloz. ~K & L PILLS 69 Now find out what new Yardley Lipsticks can do for you. Moisture Creme formula soft.ens HIP%, ne« frritates 15 new, slightly wicked àhaoe. EIegamt droe-way case- These SPECIAL PRICES Good Until Oct .10 Egg Creme Shampoo q 1 i savings last N-PRr amotinted to nearlY $81-millinil. ONE-A-DAY Vitamins . loo's 4.49 vallie 3.39 69c value 53c 20's 623-5792 Lil Il 5,75 5 DAY PADS - 49c 16 PHONE

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