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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1964, p. 8

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Thé C«MaaAan Istatesmma, Bowmn=vfe, Octy, 19641 SPORTropuc.S By Frank Mobun 623-7234 ZMON FnXALLY WINS Zion camne up with a 2-0 wîn Cmritce, las! Wed-; UleaY nlght to win the Darlington Senior Soccer crown, attér a lerxgthy six gamne series. The clubs battied to tie5 in the first five games5 of the ori&'înal best of five frip.l. before, Zion scored once in, each periodri o frhit-k "the string Cf deadlocks. t t t t 1 >ur r. r a .1 r' -I 'I O - 'r tri ru' <'un- brrr'. ir 'r 'En.' r r i. 'tri- e. (',,r. r Iri n a t hit ig (r's itiiiilit( fi r..'* li r." r r' lin r. .! 'r- r i i- , 1iI nir r vrir ' 1;' r r vr, c v r " t k r, I h '- I l<. r X nIci .-' > r r, rl.rngr, 'mri' "r li rlri>0j n r"r" "'- iid,, l t'.'l H I 1ibrr O:n ',' I Un ': r'mn . 'srrl-' r ' : 'n "ia r t - ra. r .' - Ir' "' n ~ r rîr'~ ~ ~~~~~~~~l irl.-,. I" rn 'r, r' r 'n... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a 5i ' '. i'ý<*rI r1r:r u i.> - rra;, 'r-rtrnrri 'r 1 rplla Y(r".'1rr;' ni r ,Mixed Major League - 'v MixeA M,.;.w rirsi HO HUM YANKEES AGAlS League We took so mnuch kidding since la-zi ý Par's "olunri en the World Series, that the old scribe was wondering whether On à1onday night, Sept. 21,ti or not we shouid attempt our annuai prediction this tine jin the Mîxed Major Bowling,!i around. 0f course we have nearly always called the Yankees E. Ballantine once again tooki to wn -mainy bcaus thv ar ner-lyalwvt i th b; top honors for rolling the High to wn - ainy beauz the arevealy away in he in îgle of 368, and Ernie Per- rlayoff. fect, for the second time in a, We've always admitted to be i og slightly prej udxced at1 row, rolled the High Triple of this time, for we have been a real Yankee fan from way 310 271 and 256 for an 837. back It ooka log tme bt tose t. Doris Joli rolied a nice 70.3 bac. I tok alon ure bt toseSt.Louis Cardinals f inally' triple to keep the girls in the mnade it, and they have always been Dur National League1 r un n ing. Congratulations, favourites, so by golly we've got both of Dur tearns in Ihere.! bowiers, keep up the goon. Of course this column wouldn't be corn-plete if wp didn't! worký The 600 triples and ;ho over: E. Ballantine 760, like take a dig at those Yankee-haters. All those people wh MTurphy 715, Ppte Dobbins 699, clalxned to be Dodger tans last year ~i suddenly discover1 George Elliott 687, Ross Wright that they always did like the CardnaIc 640, Vern Connors 628 and And so, after an unibelievable coila psc b, he'lb poor Phil- Albert2S0man 613 lies, we neariy had a four frturoirr, in <he seirrr circuit, . O3'8. 200 Garn but Wednesday atteir n(oon ii i - .r "Nr- x" ork visiuing ùthe Ie. Balla1r. -17, 6; 1. E Cards in Busch Stadiuin. Us -uvs wl-r dont get hoiidays at Murphy 260. 242, 213; G. Elliott World Series time _murh1 ;-et, a break ,vitàî the hiolid1ay. 256, -31, 200; D. JolI 249, 232,1 week-end cemlng up. rrnlepss t'.s over Jr) foui 222: V, Connor'- 248. 1-. Durna - 92.P. Dopbins 240, 234, :2; Naturally gojng to pick th<e anker's Io %V117r1in,4*ann2<. 1:M vc sixproab. bt vo r budon~ 11< e ono~ or heNtjîry 229. 1%. Ànnaerl *22 8, Cards. We'll eveilu;iý!thre games a la Crri<'iuz ClaY New -114: R. Wright 221, 211. 2 0 F,; York will win tfl-rfis, lb <. r.r and s'tlrIip inac- J. lilolro.yd 220, B. Colwell 215, kerel! -- We'vur, :-r:.'udi ~n~b.' ogG. Bebee 210, 201; 0. Patfie1dý agan a usalr209, . J MNulty 210, B, H01-1 Bickeil 203. 0O FtI o.~r P, 3uday 200, GENERALS OPEIN UERE TUESDAY The question e-.un' crru i-< - kirrlthese dpvz i'~s '"o'do the Generais shape iip Ibis zeasnri ""('eu have lookedr pret-' ty good in fhrep exiuibrIîi u *fii(ci;roiaz iue" ý<rfuri Meniorial Cîip "iampion T'i o or dc air burc - 1 ting v.ith Ptr' ro jzi-rr '. - < n:*-;b Oshawa ha, arro: iie(:ý rî'r!' I' 1< rr~tl;err Clintori Conrers. b-eoî e cpuurnr h"A ewson i 'J'r'reor a Falls Fidat' nieln Thu Gtprçt -ric , hoîrro -r-a;on au the Mernorai n'.' ed' 'r 'i i'- 1 i nadiens ,x'il i bu IrCi' Thlc e î'rei'al~, b,.r club - Bill Srntl.r and Gecrr w â- ia,-'i n('< courudli tr 50 goals betweun the,,-? arr') iil b' bard la replace BIll Bannerrnan, v.-iii', 'agi-, 'a FaIbý last, \ ear, '-t-tIIreplace VaIL orn a line with Buchranan arncLrrîîe. 'gu-1ririg <o fornm anotherý patent ibreesorne. Mkr!!jrI, -. ' bda porjûîeason, basý retired, ]eavirig OShed ard io 'rrrlulool. 1cr a lefi. svmrer. Bil] Whiite has beer îrrŽkrrr , nue < id and coud fl] Iheý cap. FIigh 1%~'erages Pei fecc Ballantrue Flliotl - MrîTrph' i IV! igli 1 ICanada Goose Brought Down shin 4-3 vin over pace-sctIîr12 *Ben'retl o: the NMrxed Bowhing Lengu.e Frida; 'n:ghc The de- Pe'tec "~ orforth' on ~ ~ ~ o :u-rn*r f5-2 \\.î1 ýov,C B Rock. 2 <'e Bru r't o Pd rntu fUib 'xrijon Fbu de- feating 'Welsh 5-2. Ta.i-end H arr'snrî bo\cod IoL)lohb )5-2. andt Proiu', afler a -ýnaky t' mide ' two ach.Xrri.2z 'Dtke' Brurit .rýd Phi. vo.:~ tid foi- hih ,ngIe .z o, -v. rtha parinof big. cr ~rr m-,and')"l o uolt- donc. tlwâc !adie eca., ,tic- Of 'lor n.r', Rrr'h Gr ,urr Mar eLearnn ach ha n fo" 24.1 'D'rkr" Brun i n op u ,'r h ce hr'ch trome of w fui<'c v ed hY Ph;1 V\vklu 777, Piner -,4,, i1b71. Bon, 1679, Morley t.w :.1- P53, Ken Nicho!I 647, Frank T-onper S43 and r] nnk: Wrig<-t 6j?, BRuth Grar nm-dp it a in in th lad ruedivi\n. '.rl i ýUp FI 62' Rpr 1 Team Standings EBcenr Cri l;: Prock Flprr1 :r'< 2.j 7 f) joli1 , 222' B. FI da v '25 NI. Anrraert21, Tr ri r. lr MXl otî-oyd - 210' n r.Not Lak-. <tid 'r \'t<h Bebue~.. 207 n un 'r.23 Pkwv. Cres , proidllr ldup th ctri oCyy 12 Holi'oyd 1~I93< grO.s( that Mr. Lake 4 t rni'i'a cîrrrrî (mr 'r.Sarau .. oi ocuk . rr n1( n il-)I 14 , i' ;_1 Teain Standings Willianr L 1aken.. la 1rllil),N.x -s N r'< î n Tea Standings ,,ior weights were available, bui in was rre 0 ni ho S BiekeIl - ,46183 ,,xh'b*IionOf pener Oý Patfield . d 4 60' 3 _ .. ___ H- Dunn i -i- . 5 73 7 D Joli ..5 .4 6 ' BHolroyd t>5458~G eas D w al On Monday>. Sep' 28t,%mn r ls D w M ri Top neu, protýpcct rle, -rr b <i'~'~'r1' 'çiAa Doris Joli w alkecl away withl-a home either al r.enr.ri' -f, crfi r i.'. cra !0ï,cf , l-n' «< 'p h~onotrr. or th,- lg could %wind up tiirri,j, o g<ir r n r n (ISr -r lt> ie of M ai nd t'l i Cashman, Ma oj-Biw hua. Good W t gurr' h a c ri g F Judgit-g b' n> prarr ,r'r Srrs rrlî rri r..1 . U 'ri t-cie Petfect iard "'B" Daryl Leacin 5 ýq a .u -ot r otl'ongng rv iP î uUrrrre 304 tri kee-p the oren ', Ui'r rr ',,. "'rj'r,. .trr " r ' -.: Reid and Palt np-rJiîriBooth iwas h2rtrats-r] i ý'j,r.'t t lI tre îun poi n s o -'r -ri >i r')Obrr'atk ,'.< . irirrnr - 'i -' r \.r" 0n or- Jerry Dionne 'rrr.'l1 oi ,i l r.BitÀa.'. ,rd Joli tnouk r 'Ar'r.. r'r' t> X 'i'-, ', j r . i 1. r', rriir Bobby Orr rs bac-,,, lrrrlk ring r 1 ' lb i * a'rî nu ti- l t on Ilj-r Ch i1C iillt)i l teaiii standings.l'te '.rrtr'rlu rrl 'h .111 .rur filai rn rrrr0 'rfs'rr. 'p'uc( r n.i trr. X Atnyone on the club makes tlb,. N..L. ibis i 6-y'ea-old t-as Tht. 601rr triplusq and ù, off at a a--aê, Art tir' h','4rl2 a " i'ýI '.- ' (crr 'rir l rI ic' tai be airnost certain to (Iolu, r.Bok, Kilfler -on ~d onDîrirs Joll :80, pete DotbinsiCGencrFaîs r prili xeir- rr"fplrir p.Frouaryi"'"'v.rr the bbinebrie and Chrrs Roberts, arrotlf?1n youir.:'l I rcrrbr, M2 . N i riaert i2.L, Conr il i iie p(ru ).oi-ing pisys as rtber- u' ..-! r. '< 'rr"' l b tr <ir rn 1'rF' fmprvedgrealy'lr't sesor an sholc<be r2cai" er. ri-sC91, fE ,Perfect 681.5 ouI -..hofire Mrrr Nfilies 2rr-fi T'rî eclî,: r'-rrII'tç nli -u Bîrvd getl e-o nd so l eu r- kel 63 . M N ly"'r:rrui rr H rrn ' iriai- lu , - r , <' - Il. j t r' ~r ' 'r former. Four othet hlue-lrners arc in rcam-p-.ri 3'~~'e- X tod63 M:p 0 idtenhîdd'rIb '"Piia.Ornl < ~rvri --t"' e on"' ni "cm riku) * Bruce Myles, Armanrd Giroux ancr CN.NrSâ;o a 9r-6Y.jX Oo61 i-d1.Co-oc&BarGalrr uoet-ý pc t 2r Ee" r i nrr'rri:lJirn '-ir. former Rick Bradford duim Cheunr.x' repr-ais a if-<,-.rr'er rueli 6oi, players oui. earlv y-".'l uik'r'atrn i u'b;r geea aae rnBa:200 gamnes and sover. D. Joli The defending Merrr WCioo ' t ' -h. h ai1l.t1 r ah trt ten anO-ad uc-aarïpal î<,r- j3 3 28:E. Perfect 304, 206 _ at Se asnd IBsouOhararre, MurP. hy ,i-- 283. 2024,M202;aerfirst Period Brawl of ls esnI o saaGenerai,- wil!'be roht in ther P. obirphy 28326. 24, 2(12; because they arp morFn exprreir-r')ai-rîr pruar to httter i 276, 23<9, 205: L. ConnOrs28- balance 231, 202; W. Holroyd 249, '13- J Webb 238, 211, S. Bieke11 1 y ',18, 215, 0. Patfieid 243; ilB.t lk e n dGe rs HIGH.LIGrn's C~olwell 234, 207; Jý McNîi P t s ar d G e er l MGR-LIGHTS ~232, 22 1 ,G.- B eb eeP2 2 4;0 E Howabot înîuur f 'rrr.arr" -rrr2ry r;~ rrr, ,cher 11,A, Sananr P6; C righ n ont ia ention . i-uir'. lt-rrà box., d nt 1,o"'s'r t L o s o Sa o right in contentiontoc Tt-,m StandinirF r t L s f Sa o bad agairist Calgary and B.C Lions la..!r' e'-l. Musi Bu d a., P 'a.0P7, have been the first t ine ii in to' -a p--ir of Canadians!,Patfre lýLi: 90 f wound up lied for tile tr-ad <n aI-rLS ionU tournamrent.iDunnîr ... il H eL U o n S u n d a y 7 g 1 Knudsori beat 13a1')iîu' or, tlt"- >r.uurrrnl c lr oe .Wouldj Bir-kel] .. 4 rP,0Ji yrou have belleved an rral rn r '!iijo tîrreago Beau-s ai-d' EJo l'3 11.310' )r hii r -.r.' enenti1s. tr.i ! r,,,- M(i r r i iP),r'r' : i'oi'r)F ra "-s.r rrur N'ew York Giants would lose r breeo f oIi(tur nr rsî four garnes. o.rrli- ut of the irrelin'. a1< îi'bir îrrir a"ir and a ui 051< it-13,4r'r. dr-r cîraj; Eve G ee B y a~ nrt v'ru XXr'-ttI ra I gl rer ~ Averages dPlsrd eilr fi r'-l rxiii irli or ai in l ,rrli -rn') r1r11;< e e -l - t r ' thatN atioenalBa rr' a oseal , frn C W.rniil a' t gel, XVh rîe Fox n J l 'a i t,-tint H rree rrliil <rî'n, . \ ,n r.tirrgu r r ar'r.rir. <' \r'j:"'l;- Lairlai igave it quite a battie ton . W'rlI or'n -, Ie r an inter-, P. DoýLrtir . ....3 b l' igb1ete5z ttr Vr ori<rl . 'rr<I trP--.1w 'o . * in i z nediate tean t tirs 'ear- K. Brrî. jilnr trn e -27 X'r.r bre Srrerr riIiirt ' '1 : 'I(f' îrr l'rll lr ti'li 'r JUVENILE ALL-STAR'S Boys 16-18 desiring Iolu r ,i toi riuAr-t a from 9 ta 10 Saturi, riY :n2r2 lý- i i .'. ' n W cover ice LosiŽ.S'rŽu , NIAn-naeri G. llot- Ml. Murphy B. BrdaY 1. oit:.1-s t land) a tresrr m r1i ~ nnr 'r- bl'r' Irf"c' tiîira N' 2t 'rutri ,ri ri "r rrt'r ' :o< < rerrr i "'t <r'- 'r.. i, 02 t .3 x 'r'r ' :- ,s rilr M , rtherr tr i't<<r. ' ~ ~ ~ ~ 'i I prf 1rrrrrc rn "Nig ht-ha wks" Bowling <If Sept,"?. 1'4h4 Team Standingn M. Hodgson 4 J. \X'-Oodlocrr G . Scot: Hu High Tr'iple CaK irI681 h(tair'<' High Single - j. S.rri2(3 «) brr' Averages lea.gui - S. (ottbes 19.5. K Cýi-p - i st' bel! i9,5,. 'l Sednanrr M9,1 I.hon') Shearcu' 189i. G Sc-rr t 14. 1.. Wosrdcock l ,nr' Là'rd 'f9, M Hogno'168 nWriqhb, i66. r' j WXoodlck IRri "ir u'. k58, F. Aller> 152. J, 1inrr i50 .Kî J1. Mairz 143ý B Beers ~B~rm ML Crapr 4'F :gŽ.1.BX'-: W 'ccNuei 1 3. A 1 r fer' 3, D - C. Sum-' ' ' ~ 'l o Çoomtoes 1,:(j, K Fiai-ton 82, J. Gibner 1'25. V. Bdrilett 118. 1 *j "M. -Neil 110,1. Turnoull105,. \rinr:er O. Moffatt l01, R. Williams~ 84, D. Dewell 74. E, M. Loysl jIr. 6J Snearer 263, 233; K Wmr Campbell 242, 24(),2PO0'L. Woodcock 224; F. Lan.d 2211. S. Coombez -210.'202, J. X\ood- R br " ck209. £D. îl COF BOWLING 'Flir 'c -puni, t O trr~' -' r îî r . - .-rr Comm: ilir. r.' rX' r'isrr - ,r ~j irti il-rn' Ir ra r I .. n tir- .1"' n. ni 'r e' tir I erum Stauidtiîgr, lrt k>' Ilîgh SinglIe Iligh Triple Menr 'nli'arln tir'- '<Ir. :-..~ l'..'rg xv r -r r i-s k 1'>.'>, ni e n 'r t,7 - 212i 21î 114.' -- lot) t:: -- ilils 161 165 12 'lt) <Cames ~- h 26G: t) ',? U, 'r. 3 V etlake 2 1,'I l "25'. 1. E mark 2%1.205> sr9 Lemon League .19: Dennis 68, FMr'A 1 9,',: D G1bson 69, B. Brshop 8Ri. 82: SStephernson , 7 I- 2899; 1 Sno'.rden 98, B. Hawk- -217 ins 91. Ilii 'F"s rnr'rcurî'ý.idt.,rab!e rirs;air.c '.r.itb w 'shoî- r ltl u'III l~'< r r l ! r "O l'r j 'r i ng ii, (r'rr "I Oerfr> S occer Hi -Lites, Senit)i r r; ,Sefrr L'.n:n:,c ln Zron battled tc, a 1-1 deadlor'b a 2rai, n ua] <nr ('rir',rree v-- ru' , o p1ý- r' bail " 'r,'f a( dt -1Iý',cx l- o r - -an, - eriGan agir> ipp t U r: rral!,'r' i'r -n i rrtl Fine rt ne' bi-rd-F-al off r~ ~ ~ ~~tE tr rS-rrr'otrfcorner grvrflg HEc- na'- P"akken fno ch eban are 0r trie pbr'Nuex 1, earm' r î 1 r <in i- ,I îurrrtle're a- Firrrl I.fa, nrr- il'arr 'r ' e lveri on Sàaturda' .i un orN r~~~~~~o Ih . i' - ' i drr.'3 brr 'rr rI, rais-e ri' .rîr r..'îrt I Nr'r<nrs, 1 St ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n P«i.r il .-~.W Jr ~r olîd f B .'.i i C riIn- Fr5 'r r- r') r a k' 'r r' Cor MrIr Bu .0 Wrightn 'r, ' i 1l' 1GA7 B *iir'Ir \îty le r) Ni on Vr:rl BeJjif l ich--rNEa-. l ' vfc R: ol M 'ra rie mA-"1.' 183 171 1 :3 i6!> 166 M53 i 160 352 41 !47 4:7 14(i 14t' j4; 121 123 .39 Diok Pn \'înr'uBrî Duke rr Bob c;:a-1ville Joe .\'o'jrni J 111 13c: FranKx %rphi Mra'(;ranr 1-fda Broek K'1n N'nbcrîs Fi'rnk liOul)fr Biob Mthl BowMard Bomel (Jnru BIcher 'Ralph CuFnýr Gnordr;r. r.Vnrcct Ferne Pradiey. Kurr I oxtan Don Bradie-, O.H.A. JR".-V MONTREAL JR. CANADIENS OSHAWA GENERALS TUES., OCT. i 3tih -S:00 11 j> ni 21j! I~NI PASSANT 1 95 14 fehder Avr. T-', Boit mani Ile 4 Sun Life Assurance 12 iM C ompany of Canada :2 186 ____________________________ MEMORIAL 'ARENA BOW~MANVILLE # Tleflione 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING, FRIDAY, OCT. 9th SATURDAY, OCT. 10$h 8 p-n'- ADMIS SION Ens- $1.50 Standing -1;1.50 Child reni, Seat' and si a,îdjuîgýi .Q10 Sider - $.. Siudeuts anud I I I 1960 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4-DR. HARDTOP cm-; 'I.ine %'.til luautoniati i ransilîssion, c'itî,îîî î'.ld i.,pl us pa - h i-akes andi %tering. LorallY ow ned since new'- 1960 OLDSMOBILE #,88" 4-DR. SEDAN V-,S. autoinalic. cîstouiî radio. Gitaranteed original 49l,000mîiles. l>rev'iuîs >tns naine on request. 'This car caniîîî e tlid Irait> îîRewç 1960 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. HARDTOP 6 v-' %1., aîtomatic, custorn radio. t"inished in gleauîiig, black %ithll hitie trim. Here is an exceptionallv good axtionobilp' 1964 PONTIAC DEMONSTRATORS ,-er i our chance ta huy at a saving! We stilil have a gond seler- tion of Laurentian and Parisienne nindels lef t to choose f roin. Excel- lent terns on these cars. Weare pa ' ing prenjuni prices for 1959 Parisienne and linpala trade-ins on 1965 cars. t o 1963 t( ie-nera 1 ,l () 1 rs BUY FROM VOUR AUTHORiZED GM DEALER Hap Philip Don Armstrong, Sales Manager Stew Preston Ray Lathangtie Colin Conke1 -'i 1'- OPENING GAME' O.H.A. JUNIOR "A", HO0C K EY Montreal Jr. Canadiens Oshawa Generals Bowmanville Memorial Arena TUESDAY, OCT. l3th 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION Sidas - $1.75 Ends - $1.50 Standing - $1.50 Students end Chiîdren, Seats end Standing - $1.00 A d u 1 tes es 5 to 1

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