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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1964, p. 3

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Set Records For September AII-tîme sales records ior- the monih cf Septembei andl for a model year w.ere repor' - rd ibis %veek buY Goieral Ç 1Ç . nitd hr ws Echange Vows in Trinity United ChurcIh prettily decorated with bou-, t quets of yellowv gladioli spik- cd with white for the mar' !êTTCHELL -TITHNCI-E r'f -e bride. AI!ston, waz rnage on Saturday afternoon., o:ue, f wi'ri~l rs ad t-heý'September l9th, 1964, at 3, Pncre Md S. US jo'clock ofPatricia June Davis. enhnod t Lnn~i1~CINvkcrzon. Rowmanvî!lc. andi daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chu. o rcAi tn 03 r. arSEep.To-to S Ralph Davis. Solina, and Mr. rîa onFriavovo n f P er of the gr*oomn. Thcy were F. D. Ross Kossatz, R.R. 1, trrûi-b"r 4. 11H., ý' 2 ':îcm oa bn eud OCEn fi a rl M-i , L,,hn, rrr-.%-l biiepea étf1enniskiIIen, son of Mrs. E. W. x autr o Mrc Lai, ue hah ril pnesKossatz, Pembroke, and theý dau~hrsrcfM'a'~1 ' ro-'i the back w'aist, SCOOTDi late Mn. Kossatz. Keith Lathinguu< md inc Mr. nclineý and Emipire ait Rev. Charles Catto officiat- T'cr. and , I itc h 1.flor Tc wr ryl lecd and the wedding music PlrofAd Moý. rv . F. O"Inhbx ed~cs dreiwas played bv the brides ShIlto cf içîa'. nov. .1wO i F x brief \-cils and their aunt, Miss Gladys Yellowles Shihon ofîci-,odqiitF vere of white chry-ý Mrs. Lloyd Ayre wasth The wd:-" 0 kZathrus oloist. paved hv Nlrý.B , e . NKn' Ir. Dnug Mitchell, Cooks-I Given in marniage by ber who alc aonoi n r V( iloe, brother of the groom, father, the bride wore a gown Givn h ka~bort man. and the ushersl of white imported lace de- Givenein the bride's brother, Mn. signed with a fitted bodice,l father, the hbrownro a sr-(VO Rn' Lathangue, and Mr. Ron-Ilily-pointed siceves, and neck- sbeath gown of w\knc- aiad Stoîtz. both of Alliston. ilne re-embroidered witb seedý clesae.tran. Tir or.~ ,,)n2:n reception ,vas held in the pearîs and sequins. The bouf-10 fashioned wjitr a,, Emir pa rlouir of St. John's Chureh fant lace skirt, over tiers of! waistline acentrrl "%-'h W ,, whcro1the guests were re- nylon tulle, was caught up inl appiqu. lng loro- apr. u;k'rlb\ the bride's mother a scalloped effect by four selfi ing to points. and rro md nook- whnO worr a turquoise blue roses. A headpiece of lily-of- line. A white ;hho-<hori- chiffon sheath with corsage the-valley and pearîs caught niee auhtbo oor te-nfwhite carnationŽ. To as- her billowy shoulder-lengtl face veil and ýhc coaried -1.is1t the groom's mother chose veil of tulle illusion, and she. crescent shape nd bouquet of an aqua peau de soie sheathi carried the groom's gift, aý ,Ore(-InPink ro'-e< and corsage cf white canna- lace covered prayer bocký Miss Ann L'a;e î in crested with a gold orchid Beforr teavinz for their and wvhite streamners entwin- Peope are talklng abou.t-@* hnney' noon in Europe, th, ed wtM rs eenss easn,Osaa bride dnnnedi a travelling en-1Ms osPasn saa ýroihIe of a navv blue silk was matron of honor and the - wostedsuitwithwbit ac-bridesmaids were Miss Donna cosorms ad crsae c whteMcLachlin, Hamilton, and thel rarntiov Tex' vih hore-bride's cousin, Miss June Da- ~ A is of Taunton. The maid cf sid~g nCamlride. Eg-.honor was in street-lengîb! th ]and fo tbre crsbronze peau de soie witbh Tho rideattoded ow-matchin- sboes and mittens I muux'î'lo HighI School and and the bridesmaids wvere in! 1 Ban nz- Memc'ria1, Alliston, street-length gold peau le~ y a n ci .v an emplo ' ee of the soie witb shoes and mittens Bkof Montreal. A civil to match. AIL wore matching ' cner. the groom is a gra- wedding band headpieces with .....I chilof the Uiversity ofj veilin g, The maîd of honor ~~ I Wate,* no H o shlrcarried a cascade bouquet of -hiDîn Tos'ndv at Camnibridge v eîîow, spiked with bronze, Lo r'vEnlnd o h mums, and the bidesmaids'i1' tai a hD._____cascade bouquets were of bronze, spiked with yellowl 'mumns. Mr. Harold Yeîlowlees, a cousin of the bride, Enniskil- Len, was best man, and thel Mr. and iVrs. Joseph Grahiani M lila i e r 1)wiî] iii t o ne photo fol- ushers were Mr. SherwoocI own ter-arig iTriii Iiç'i('ii eu.Bmwaxi lr. mon Sa-utudav af- Kossatz of Oshawa, the 1lowig thir itrine iilTrmî'ririinnChirhe PEACH fiin con to replace 1 groom's brother, and Mr. John tsnon, Ocoe 3 16,a hneuc.F'piul îe niceSurver getly McLeIlan cf Toronto. bride is the daugýhter of' Mr. and Mc. \'..-.\Irrm. ounif'Bnwiniii'illc. The groom JELLY ROLL rygenly The reception was beId ah is the son of Mrs. J.C B.13 ;icri\lullai nof O.;luuka and thie laie Mc\. J.C. PB. îMac- JELu'O L o dîstribute peaches the Solina Community Haall. Millan. Phioto bk lreand Studio t\cl\ n top of can. The bide's mather receivedl- 1il an aa i('oice Placemin refr-igerator to . the guests and wore a dress1 Peachce' lcf mink chiffon over taffeta: 1 pg. eiloilwith French lace bodice, minki Seting Wv as Eldad U niecd Church gclat o dssert 1 . unmould onto tone velvet hat, matching ac-î c-r mp I tîuce bcaves and cessories, and corsage c)f M a ke ' 1 lot nu rloie t 'ilnîsh xit h maras- bronze and yellow 'mums.4 liiCii lehaif tlîe hînShe was iassisted by the Uahig nlv 11< c'ieirie and mlav- 'ros mother who wore a water callod lor-um p-uc- (11ri,1111 for a shimmer- green silk dress, brown fea- k;lgo directions. in-, pairi' - style salad. ýther hat, matching accessotyies, Draintur ton fmu r or dessert., simply and corsage cf yellow 'mums. As the couple left for a es amnd or'iwily i\'n spon out of can into boneymoon in Northern On- refrg ranufori uemn ii urivîdual dessert glas- taio, the bridewswein fruit drinks. ralad iores- ses aund top with whip-1 a go]d and brown tweed, knit- sin., frappes. 1' teir- ped cream and a mar- ted suit, niatchîng blouse, gold lemo gebtîn rii\Imi e îrchrîochery. at with brown feather trim, mon_____________________cherry.______ matching gloves, brown ac- cessories, and corsage cf yel. how roses. They will reside at 573 Gierson St., Oshawa. 1 The bride attended Solina 1 Public Scbool and Bcwnian- Gcet the JUMP . ville High School and isa On Christmas pital Sehool of Nursing. For- m nerîy with the R.C.M.P. at IjSaskatchewan and Nova Sco- LAVÀAW AV 1 ia, the groom attended Pem- broke and Bowmanville Highý Sehools. He is presently em- ployed by General Motons. B U L v. ', i Out-of-town guests attend- * .. ,cd from Oshawa, Bowman- - W ville, Napanee, Woodstock, Windsor, Kingston, Brook- ville, Pembroke, Barrie, Georgetown, and the North te41West Ternitories. îe -Prior ta her marriage te bride was guest cf honon at several parties. Mirs. G. Da- *i e '. >" vis, Mrs. J. Hall and Mrs. P. 4 Davis gave a pensonal shower in Oshawa. A miscellaneous shower was held by Miss Anne Wenry, R.R. 1, Hamp-ý ton. and a similar shower was + held by Solina Community Another miscellaneous sbower was given by Mrs. G. GlaspeIl, R.R. 1. Hampton.l flAMND IREA i s ii C IPER RgeSa',Mrs. Wr. Davis and Miss June Itely car epr rp'd ~ pS *.'(Vd01 , i ) l Fali lc Sale There are sorti pennec who feel that ou* froce onhirprisc system tends to dividc and iýo late rnenibers of otîr i 1 community, The roui t rul h J the inatter is just the ocrc Under our fre enterpriso svs- tem, with fis incentive foi- 11w, !littie" businessnian. thoerc a natural tendençy tnwnrdcl n- operative'~ ants xvho are conipl).itni- s \k th each other *ioin for-ce.s tb u 0lh stand the. ibreat of giant chu o and discouint storeý, thus pro scrving thocir oxvn position alnd future within the comimunît v This is one of Ihie rcason, why our denorac,'v xwnr1\s L t is also one of the reasons wxhy consurners nii the suhîîrhs r The Canaclian Statestnan, Bowmanvflle, Oct. 14, 1964 3 - uitowns can shop locally or pi ces %vimch are ofien bet- icr tiuurn comm he found in the hrocilu' toree. nt"'othiiuoutshauding cx-t iîoh o f Pis is the uvcîl- ýiiOi\ îî lcxall b Sale - an 1 k"f k 1cb egau iin Cancmcla 0km iioli a century ago and -o mdouickly to other paris- of tii' uvomId. The availabilit% o' -i'riclibmurhood drug stores nt IA.treolî*v hundreds of cos- Iiî ic. x ut auin. drug and sun- rirv imocdiiets ai appnoximately t tite i, - something x.'e 1ior141n't iake for granted. It i.fl or-m b mt. ecause cf the mmui'rorlationship w'hich oN-f cîuu'ei the Rexaîl Dnug Cer oiux)ii- anîd ox-er 1.400 inde- pi droit 1Fixaîl druggists. V~sutluto our ouxu Rexal clîno\ut. mF C. Tippîns. as hc pr opmi-s for the annual Fali, ýiDry Cieaners CliucWe 'i l v facher had assigned lier ciss to %i'rite a, composi- lion on tfli nnu'iiist thing they liad vver sani. .TlntNn sat there, lost for snniethinz tini rite, then after ivriting v'cry fem? words, fold- ed his paper. The teacher ask- rd hiiin tobrin,- it forward if hie %,.as fiflislied. 'Jhiis i what the teacher r-cad: "The funniest thing 1 cver sa%%"lýNas too funny for Carl Leslie CLOTIIES CARE HINTS: If youi have drycleaning problems . . . phone 623-5520 for rNptrt ;sdvice. then use our free pickup and delivery. RIIOBOTH CHURCH CHOIR FALL CONCERT FIIIDAY, OCT. 2ârd - Bowmanville Town Hall success is not just a reflectian cf the wise shopping habits of oun wvomenfolk - it is another trihuite teoutr wav ocfhe. Artliritic Pain? ASK FOR DOLCIN for fast relief -or money baCk! Dolcin lias thousands of frlends wha tell others. Mrs. H.W., Port Arthur, Ont. writes: "Whenever 1 hear of anyone suffering from Arthrtic Pain, 1 maie sure ta tell them about DOLCIN. My relatives and friencls have ail got relief and thanir me for spreading the news."' Dolim must heip you by relleving the pain of arilritis, rheumatism, sciatica or lumbago-or your money baci. Ask your druggist for DOLCIN Tablets, and you too will be proud to tell others how de soie accentedh pLqe'ad whie ai es-uiru- Auni EC NO YBUc f French lace encnuisted witrh corsag;ofîOC. L rudIrnd EC N M Ubseed pearis. The fuill-lengih stephan0t1 i ie M ~l'If l ' i 'h ilrîîn' Slîeced gow'u \as 'tYled wîth a scoop n Kitcbeclrto OGN LIVER ~aud panel train. Her bouffant ed fi-oui \Iontl. r flmr B OG Ot-fm.o ui rr PRv K I VE elbow-lengthbveil feilIfrom a Winîdscoc. Tmo" ca.scade bououet was Of or-ý APoriteî -Ir 1bl13 bs $ cu'idcrtonsand e \ha it d e a d o i'i 3 notis. Ohw GnrlHispiuLal. 1 Mis_______ 4 vrn tegron ý tuet . DELIC101 S FRESBetty Pbillîps, yro'ne the room n, 'tliakstuiicu ý '~îîi~ î~î BEF ~bridesmaids %'ere the hride'sl Gordon, Kitchener A lC DEEF sisier, Miss Karen Monrisomî.î Sex'eral par1ie- lomîomcri 1ie ,)Iai(, t',e.,It H ARTs 29 c Bowmranviîle. The *v were iiu The gîoourotit. Mrs.LNI LLtret-length emerald green* Ferrîs. Winclsor. gave a un.ý- FSIY '11 ti )lNI) t HRISTI1 S oeau de soie witb V-back' cellaneouk- .lîcîwcm À mScu1-ý necklînes and three-quarten tation partv was bield hb%-Mrs. HAMBURG BREAD length sîceves. Te skirti R. Hicks and Mr' . H. r. 99Cbacks were higblighted byl Hawkshaw. f')slîwa. fripncî- 1h.i 1-05 înaNc es 9Cflowing panels. They wore' cf the gîromr i ot'ir.'lin 3 ~matching wedding ring bats, a card l he ancl eha:. .vcccI HOME FREEZER SPECIALS shsta daiescae M.M Hannah. %Ii-s B" -rIONTS SIDES HINDS Mr. David MacMillan, bro-1 Phillip~ and M EI-ie Dox.!) '" "____ Ither of the groom, Kitchener. classmates of the bride. we:-c MrI. ald ic ts.Robert Johni-Mitchell. above, are lb 9 4 59was best man and thre ushers bostesses for- a rnîscellauou- lb. 39b. C ere Mr. Ian Robb, Oshawa, shower at M rrý Haininah- i i l1lS.John éiitcdtIti ch, eFIrl'~mî irria e and Mj-. John Evans of Tor- borne.Oaaa A.uîîrii .JhnIiî ciîth. Alt.îî.cnFîa vn SIDES 0F PORK lb o nta. sbower \vas held 1)'.' Mr- j in-_ Sepj-tere 4. Î,1961. at ~2 o'c1ocob. The bride is 60-70 lM. Average .__ _ -I 9 The reception was held inî Syer and .Mis,; L Orcrrd r' t he lotnrir Carnil Man at(îeo.raurhtC1 of Mr. AU! Freezer Orders Ctnt and Wrapped Free' Trinitv Church Hall wbere M.%rs Syer' zhoueif. Bownlao'- aiol \Mr-i j 'Ii a lg.ailcitiir' on is the son OPEN THURS. & FR1. NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P. iMath er emauthe cs voileMs JA-aAtmw - ao- Mna eperpeu e oi, -jsa bostess fon a mimcellaneou. fM.di r.Jh icel i fAlsoi lime cire ihmatching ac- ahower. i Photo by Andrews, " ' 0, ýGM Products Durng September GM doa- ers acnoss Caniada sold 142 North American ty-pe x-ehiclceý compared to 10.à79 in Sep- hemben 1963. Last m-oth'.*,- total included 13.548 passenger cars and 2,790 trucks. Salis lin the same period a ' vCar api were 8,349 cars and 2Pu trucks. lu the 12 moîîths otf lic 1164 miodel year, eudiinîg SeLitOihi - 30, GM dealers sold 32": North Amiienican xoil' cluding 274,437 passeorîgor aï and 4î,992 tmucks. Sale1. ol 288.400 vehicles in the 196:, model year were made rip of 247,492 cars and 40,908 trmmcký. Jury & Loveil

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