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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Oct 1964, p. 7

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Miss JFean Cote, tAndoni.iThank.zgivin2 wçekend wý,ith Ont. spent the Thanksaiving Mn. and Mrs. A. H. Davis. ePekPnd at her home. King St. Eýa.t. M r,. J. W. Willhs. Por: Mn. and Nirs . NelhsnJack- Arthur, sppnt a werek w;thman, SI. Catharirnes. biaw ber 1;ister. Mr.c. M, .1. Hlitchi-' been xîsitine Mr. and Mrs, inson. Doiglas Jaekman and famiîv, Mnr.and Mrs. Fredi Cow]e Carlisle Avenue. and familv îoured the Miiz- Mr. T. Cabte and sons, koka area over the Thank's- Brian and Robin, Sacramento, gîving weekPnd. Calif., have returnrd horne Town Clerk and Nir.Jack afier vi5itiîig thrir grand- Rid and boys visitrd hii; par-, mothoer. Mr.,. T. Garton. ents in St. Thomas for the Mrs. J_ B. Williîams. Town holiday weekend. h-n dâughiter LUetla. bîîsbanr Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Faire'. and famjlv entertained fri- mpent Thanksgivinz weekend ends on Thaniksýgiving sundav at their cottage, Twelve Mie Ai the Caesanea eoita'e, Lake, Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz. Ma:.! Mr. and Mrs. Trrry Mses and Walter returned Iasi Parkwa -v Crescent. 'spent an 'veek froni a viSit in thc, enjoyable Thanksgivinjg we-ç._ Worlds, Fair, New York Ciîv, enid in Buffalo. N y. and other places or ners Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Daru:i. .Mr. Charles Frdgertorî S, î -0Seaforth. Long tsl1a nd, N.Y., ris. Manitoba. and Mr-, and sýpent. a week's holiday wih' Mrs. Frank Sprv, Rochester .Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke. NY., visited thPir cousin_ Mrs. A. Kershaw, Scarbor- the Misses Mqr.jorie anc oîigh. was a ThanksgivincîGreaO Mondav guesi with MIS,w Mr. anîd Mrs. Har.,- Colla-, r A. Fdger. Wellington Strert. ('u1tt and familv and MIsF. Miss, Louise Magîîire ,;pient GPnrge McMVillen spent the thp holiday '.epkend with Mri-.AOCir with Mr. and Mrz and Mc. R'1. Willhamsotî and~ Murrav P!-rsoti arîd faniilv, Pat at thpir coçttage .nei ari-au-St. Catharines. crofi. Ni'r Johl iE.Ja nies,'r- Mr. and M ns. S. IJ. H allio0 ', v- hoi o of- Hamilton wcre gîlests over Tlîaîîks_-v:ng wee,(kend il OBITUARY ROBERT HUGH ARD The, death of Robent H. Aid nceurnedi ai Memorial Hospu- ta]. Bowmanviito. on Tîîesda", Octoben fth. 1964. H-e v-as un hia 771h 'en Son of the lie FHuiphirc andt Mac '.- AnuiCooper, tie cieceased was bornnun ClankP township. Oui De-ember.t 22, 1914. hp marniod Elsie Buir- For mosi uîf bis life thlate Mn. Arr! facmed and did eils- tom thnoaghinV in Clarke township uîntit il beatth fore- rd hlmîo rmoi-c îo Kicb'. whpre be iv-od for the pa>1t three veau-s. Hoeuvas a nieno- ber of Kirbi\- Unibted! Chîuîclî. Kendat LOL. and 100.F. No. 436. 1tF-ef t oIcil îou i i hi'. Iss a re hi'. wufo. [anr El.rie B'.rLPosz: dimiugte-s. Char!'. a(Mu-a. "' rpnce Gnoenwoodî, Kouid-il, Kathleen (Mrs. Ra\-Rr'.sonn . Bowman'ilef: a son Jam'c;. 'R.R. North. Ornuo: one it, Mvanganet (Mca. Cha clos R- therfondi, and Ion grand- chuid coen. The fuuueî aI ý(ou '.h is r billd fnom the Barlow Ftiuuocial Home, Onono, oui Thiîuada, October 11h, ".ith ihe Roc. B:asit Loup c'ridticting tbc- 4 "e.Inteulmont vtabinbeh T bhe îxalfoirn on> esn.Kon Heuideu'.-ýiii,La'- iufnee 1-lanis. Arehije Ltiî'u. Ernnest Bn.v3or'ci, John Stouce J s;cd ChanTie Cooper. John M. Jamesý, and hrotbpe, Bob and Rick. M r. and Mca. At Hooper. Mn. and Mns. Bav Lathanugue. Mr. and Mrs. Gondon Sturnocis and Mr. and Mu-s. Doit Runidle spnt-I.the holidav. werkeiîd in FErie, Pa., '.vith Mr. and Mr,-.! Jino Shil1iii , M rs. Enilv Gorrdoniof 'Toi- Oni os a gîlosi of Mr. anîd Mr. Aîîî. Kbiîuz St. Est. Roceol '-isiiors '.'itl Mn. and N'rM L,î:xtn î wre Mr.. sud MIs. Wm. Gordoni of Toronto. Mrs. W. H. and Mrs. Hi. Hiimphries s;pont the, holiday xeekend witb the foi -ý nirrîF s on and dsîighter-iî-_ aw Mir. and Mu-s. L. S. Denî- seul and Scott ,Jr.. ai Iticir cottaze, Davis Lake. Halibiir- Ion. Mr. aîîd Mi.,;. t twau d Wes- Ir *v and sons Keniettli and Ras'\, Rseîoi.Mr. and Mrsý. Coi-dniMa rtinîaud Iiîîda. Mi:s HosiltierMi-lean, Maple Grovr, wrre liolidav -)ss f Mca. R. L. Worden, Browni St. Northi. Mn sand Mrs. V. Snidpi anîd scîîî BR'c-k wrre, holida v week- cnd iei of Mr. Snider's parenits. Mn. and Mca. H. M.. Srîidori. Raiccrofi. and aI<o sud Mro îr-i-s-,,'î. and Mrs. T. Pvacock. Goodvrham. Mr. anid Mrs. Donîald Co1e-, Ailan and Cvnttîia Mar. Oalî- avva. snd Miss Marjorjo Cote, Town. . xier'e Thaîksgivin.g Day visitors with Mr. and .Mca. Albort Cote . Master :AI- Iaui Cnie rencaiod for afo' TYRONE UNITED CHURCH 96th Anniversary Sunday, S ervices Octo ber 2 p.m. and 7:31> p.n. Speaker: Rev. Chris Di)gan, B.A., B.D. Special Choral Music (huests - The Cotinîrv VFour (7OME AND \VURSFIIP WI't'l US TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister -- Be'.. Wrn. K. Fouisuinder, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Coli ton, MuaSz;.., L.R.S.M. SL;NDAY, OCTOBER 18, 196-1.( il a.m. - MNlrning W'orshliph Il' "Lif e Needs a Foundation"E darg'hlitda,' r vth hiq rtn- parpnt;. Mr. anri Mrz. CGeorag Liw- inzPr and familv nofrndon. Ont. ;ppnot à rprini %weeFkpnc w:ýth Mrs. Lawinger's parents, Mr. and Mrsý. J. Newman. MrF. Newman returned wih *hem for a %v eek*.s holida v in London and bas since reiurn- ed to town. lioliîav weeisend g u e s t s wîth Mr. and Mrs. F. Kramp and famii v we re Ma vor and Mrs. Ruis.cell Pro'ce. Bramp- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Patter- son. Mr. and Mrz. Don Bro-n- le'. of Woodbnidge, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClure and Su.îsan of Brampton. Messisr..Jim C r o n b i e,' George Cawker. Don Githoo- 1v. Paul Chant and Don Morris were in New York Cit.v nier the Tbanksgiving w.eekrnd and attended three World Series basebaîl games: between New York Yankee.- anîd the St. Louis Cardinals. Mr n aod Mrs. Gordon C.' Marttin Doris visiîed Mr. and Mrs. Alox McNeit and1 famit'.. Ottawa: Roc. and Mrq.1 Lloyd Reaume (ne Enid Mc-' Neil) and their infant son, at Bearhrook: Mrs.LloYd Mar- fin and familv, Dorval. Llo vd as on a Micro-Wave project for the R.C.A. in Iran, Pakis- tan and Turkev. OBJTUARY Firsi Birthday Scott G;ilbert Beacham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Beacham. 23 David St., Dundas, eetebrated bis birt.hda * on Sept. 12, 1964. Hie is tie grandson ol anid Mr,. foY Wcbher. Bowmainville, and Mr. and Wm. Bcacliam, Hamiltoni. 1f- qspe thtsir Paurif, '. t. . . or, with NMr. mnd MR!T. t.f 'StrivPm Fr Prm in. jMr. and Mrq. Fred Kt-nt, anrd Svmpathv nf the communitv Mvrs. NM. Muinia. Brantford, iextç'nded tn M.andNMrs. nt1endied the late Mr. R. R. HarvPY .t. Brooks, in ili- ci - Sicvens' funerot on Monda.v. de!) passing of bis Ssirtr. ?ls anid Mrs. Muindlav also visit"'d Har Groom;zi Effir Rronks). lier sister-in-law. Nirs. R. R. Tornto. The'. 'vill attend thle Stevens. furirra I on 'l'hunrsda v, Mr. and Mr GCordonîMar- Nilr Gordon Bucch 'sý a Pa- tin' Miss Linida 'Martin. werP tient in Memoriat Hospital. Thanksg-iv îng guvst.s of the formeî 's sister-în-taw. MOrs, T. iW. Martin and family atI Brampton. OBITUARY ýf Mr. Mrs. 'lie doali of a wlitibî' 'cc-D U det vîarq;esoc-iirfrl M A PLE GROVE O'chii'.'.a Hospital fol- Te npatlo hsCn bera i\t Helen Baker, 'l'or- owui_ a brief bios~ The îîîulîît,%' is exîeîîded to Mrs. R. ontO, wene Siuiida >v caltons at dceoased wvasii bis 6(3tb vear R. Stevenai and faiiil'.. iiitbe Mrs. L. C. Snow,ýden'a. a id rosidod at 129 rn oîîbsof hltshaiid a id fatIlio. Cori gri;t îîlat1ionuis 1 M. n.îid street îîorthî. Abl o Mr. and trs. Leslie Mrs ..John Logan (Mars'N Bu- He wias itheo or ifeholaie, Col lacuuut, in t hoelassiîîg of b isniai ion theî r recent nia niage. Joseph and Nlarv H an.sdnieue . M rs. Jtac-k Se a rauri, MnýI. and Mrs. C. P. Swaîlow was hbou-in iiHock stoil, C reî- Brantuforci. 'l'liev ai Icuded the ca lIed cri bon moîher, Mvrs. vileCoint'. S c.;rss '.. fuiieral on Saîni d 1,'. ccom-Fred As:hton,. Red Witii Nurs- c1diicsted -4I Southi Mounlaîn îîaiîied b'.- Mn. and Mrs. Bob -ing Homne, Toronto, and visit- Piiblic Sehoot. hn 1922 lie nia r- ,tlîsc.CoLIic . cd lier biothevr and wiie, Mn. ried the formetr ' ena G. Col- Sti s. A. J. Camipbeltliuâ. î'c aond M A. Deîsem. Ton- borne at Hock ston. lu i uid home a fter att icdiup 01i10. M r. Hloss a a 'lico ieri f lier da ugici Ca tiarioca xvcd - Mis'. .1ails Nintor anid fa ini- Si. Mark's Unitied Chkircn, dîîîg iii Vanc-ouveu . B.C. Sorri-il.v wei-e Mondav scîpper get Whith'. Hoeivas enîplo 'ved as Io report she lias hceniî ll ic.iv ith Mn. and ins. S. S. Mon- a }îoistiîrg, steani sud lnaeîioii tIen dauîgbîer Mraewhci ton. ei£!neonr. The docevaseni '.vuS s a teaClier at C algai-'v Illi h Quiil a lai-re îuiier (if also a nîernhoî' of L[.. No. Schol Vî'.as hil vithtciînoisr-deiatnddhefnra 6981. P!ea.sanl, Valîov. aîîd inable li attîcld lier sis- reui Monuidav fIýPhe aieMr R Mn. lIrtsas iSur'. î'.'od bv hii s'Odd!ilog C lad "0 report R. Stevenus. iife: lb nee da iigbters. M'.. W 'le 5 lack leacliiOg Spa .1 i.i Mn. Dort Browic. Ge ii Pî'oclon iFerri) of Whitby- Sonie of 'tîe cuIder residentasîîpeît the weekeuid with lus Mrs . . Drew t ilab) oOf M'api leCove' \'.11() r mm-parents. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. H-fnipIoii. aîd Mis. A. J. La'.- ber, wben the Du"pc'.c familv ne-_ Brown. Mi-s. C. Pilch, Victor, rîîdoîes'ir of O's'.'.'a: alit :sided ai Maphle Grove, wvi1 Ih' Vivise Pitchi. Tor'onto, Mn. and four sonus a! »u'.ý sur'.-ive: Hon Ir'. sorr>' Icit lcs cii thlait lie son orifMis; A.Rusiieti.and datîphîor of Cracc-iiburs,'t. Ormaîî Ofthie laie Mi'. and N'ra . Joseph Rith, Niagýaca Faits .sîiesof Isiia vani Of Brook liii Bitlons iec ,teoîîie eiî. 'r.W.H wn1n n and George of UWhîtbî . ' .lJosephi Ra\ 'oînl Poilons, Mn' . RCbsn. rase ano, The oc'osed îs<î' tassed a ca>'sidcn a t Pert h '.er' Sunirav sîîpîîer zursi s; Thed(,pa.ýpdPls iCa'. a a iospitall, 'mndicaF bhîînd 0o1 iilihie latr-, itos sigitei-and sisien, Mi-S. E. Lanîocv (Lin- MoiaaIPuIcbîan.M.nd rsW.H da) of Whitbv; a. brother, ,Olaa ( .H Anibroso, of ' ,ntaigishene. Mn. Jack JVtrtoîi.Base lUne. Bro\u-n. and! 13 ganPiicineîîu ForcI Dealer, tit from Mltton, Mr n. b ' Tîuî,'ouoiou, grudcildo.Airport, Toronto, ocu SsturIday spent th(,e weekend '.iilihi s The remaiuîs îosîed a na t l( o'1(icud th(e Viorlds VFit. -arg'iîctpat-riis;Mn. and M'r-. F. WÀ. C. To'.n Fiinenal Cbs1ieh, ai No'.'- York incdiieiuîi a B. Stevens. Mn. anîd Mrs. Roc lbtv 'liefîuîîerstsevîce inîhr Of otherJFor-d deai1nCr S. ppn 'or.Ms.N ' p \v as lîeld iii the c-la pet ai 3::30 NMIui CarnoIe Ccnî i-Rn'- îcu u, Toronto, Mn. a nd MnIs. p-in. Monda y, Oc-i. I2th. Be'. erscuu- Potn'techlinic-st Institut(, ;, lsi-ndSte'.ens anîd fsm il'.' John îSmithî. minislIen of St Tornito. sýz-iîthe hlotiday Mapto Cnv .'eo Sna Mark's Uniied Chtiuicb. cou'- weekorid ai home, aud atteîîd- slippul- puesîs v Iil Mn. and d'ucIor h te serviie. Inlerment cii i-I..Ogaii - Budajýi \woddbng Mn'.. F. R. Stevens. Mn., and was iii Groveside Cenîetony. ouin satuî-dav. Mu a. lvisouî Miudsv, Tow'.n, Bnokbî.Nrs. 'led t-oan. Misstes Iiauia vvre Mona *v suipper giesta - - and Leanîuî Hoan, Ne'À'\casi;le, with Mn. and Mns, F. R. Stev- TTTITTmrI, u"ocScinda'.'visitou's with hoereu s. B UtIIS.IN tparents, Mn. andi Mns. L. C. Mn.aand Mus. [)on Brooks Cotîscuit. and fami-Y, peni the huiiday CIar!bI npoi I hat thé- Mn. anud îMca. tuitoun RaId- iu'eokend witlbbhonparents, Mn, ('.1'R. ha.' decîdper!ino(-a rryv xx un, WAaterfond, were îveokoud auid Mrs. Alex Tanner. Stir- on t ho iraiun service beluceern visitons wiitfi thiu cousins, tiuig. Peterbor-nughliriu Toronto, Mn'.;. L. C. auoiceî nd Mn. Mn, atunt fvts. Heuir>5vat iiinîîl ftirthei- notice. Bob 'S'nowden. Mns. Howard toi'., Rou'.-ey, Athonta, are vus- Doot forget Ilie Ruil.' R'.. (' oli-Bic'h nsîll Mnrs. iiing iheir cousiins, Mn. and ser-vice oui Frucha'v be w eul Nor'manWitson, Edmonton. At- Mca. Wmi. Laird, and Mn. and Roumani-ilIe and t.udan.Mna. C P. S'.valtowv. Clid un report that Mr. Miss Hazel Wnfotk, Whiihv. flarr * C rac-e is progressbng WONI- N HOSPITALI4 isiied ber eouuin, Mn. and favoutuablvirn Momnoiial Boa- Mca. Wm. Laird, on Sunda 'v. pitah, Rowmaui'.-ilIe. AUXIL i RY Mrn. ud Ntns. C. Russellaud Mr. A. R. HuLibhard vab(o amutiy, c-nipecd at Beaver Mn. and Mrsý; A. J. Trieck, A Park, Onienece, <on Satunda '. .îdaon Fnida.'. -C R aud Sunudsv tasi, oui Monuda ' called on Nic. and McIs. Mur- Chris Smîith cetebralked bus ý ; rai- Mc-Kunuouu, Caoîbnsv, and 7th binthîda'. ln Satuuu'nh aî-t ~*~ M'-.sud Mca. Boni Douglas, hisi hume, uuit h S iiimhie of P A R T Y Ca 'neron, susieus of Mrs. C. '.c'ooh pals and frint.s hein,- Russell. i t'se ut. - AND- Lais o f thtle r-îuuigat in NIr. Haru'cld Mai hiw.ý, lt-n plraesso rmemheu- the U.C.W. lait Station,. . Waloî A A EUrA T nieoiing ouin'hnda'evening, CPaIchihl, Niagara FaII'*c. visil' A AT U R (iomnorrn\'. uught) «also ther ed '..itb Mn., Cheston Hoskiuî. X IBTgîft (on a parc-ct Ioibe sont to Mu-s. Florence Catîphill, su!Id Misa ý;Muiri Stev.ens. mission- Mrl. and Mn'. ,Jack Sinclairug t u' n Africa. and famîlv. mhurs.,Oc.e2'p.. aud Mr.s. I)ouip Ence- A ucumben luronu lieu-e al- muri, dsiugzhtec Ntsrilvi.I, Hm- cuuiiddthe Pîowinz athin LON CNT E itin: Mn snd Mr-,-Ed lMathi- 'cetorborouigh îbbs coek ou'. , anîdd raughten luith, [,on- Mn. aud Mns t. ohî cn . Roui îladiesandrif nîrn o don; M i-ssGCrac-er MacBain, Br'amipton, W ePe xeelPndSariau, ttend'i- he ftinenat lof tuetcof Mn. aud Mn'..W R. P peoe lay any c P e thein cuuîc-te, Mn. R. R. Sueceuis ccoli'ciwn' îd fatiili - card game from 2 p.m. and oui Monda.\,airi calted to 500 l'Flue C.W anc si'u P1a 8 P. M.thuein amiti, Mna. R. R. Ste'.'oui' 7anadla Packens lbetaPloas MnvI. Lornc Mudi '.,Mn. Ons. - ai-e thein, il 'ould certaini-Nla nY of ie pictîres o una M' .Bao 'Paprpiaed dspaydwîillhe on a Neb'. auud Ms'. Jim Leutch, nieco' e sîiuc-iio diplaedand ieplhew of Mnaý. B. R. Mn'. . RHuhlcsîd caited ou at reasonahie prices. îyis froni Sarniia, Court- ion sick brother, Mn. Bsoî u îigi nx'.ood, '-isited the par,- )avidson, Baitani ou i Sîîuda'. loi-soui Sîuidav. Tho\' all -altod Mr.- R. n.. . -, i.. t.iule tjîu- fî'cuîuî fciu'ore SUND.-Y SCIIOOL 1 tospiiltullf i (-Iluuuîch u- Juli or, I nt'nuedile and Senior - 9:3o~ a.nîi. Mi-c sit NI cs LI. i- u Prinia i-yand Kicderga rteui - 11:20 a.mi. iiTooutc ci Sîîa iv Beines-îNI r.Russel; Spuuîk.ý Os;- aua. 'lled oui Mn. aund Mr- afid Mur.'. , r2uîc oui Si uuîda' ~ ~ ~ Mr.i: a n Mn. Ha rnoîn I, REP HCORÔTk1 CHRISTIAN 4Sida.gusi'.of %,Il- and N 4 AlAf ia .rmen. Tnoouîîo MnIrand Sirz'.-Ou'.l e ue- 4 ~RI sud ir-ls, Oszhaua. icoepSuin- REFORM ED CH-URCHM an c ns tIi nEuRv;ý' S aîlem. r.s t ella Scugog Street, Bownan'ville Ms WihM.Caî- Houe Bouc ý.vm auxritle. ep ne 4Rev. Johri C. \"Qot rîge, B.A., 13.D., Miîister 4Siîîîds'. -ues'ýsofN M.i'-aud Mr-z 4 ~ Lloyd Reech and fml Telephone 623-5023 ý4nIsd S Gs eouge cal"Pl, 4 ~WORSHIP SERVICES lM'.RbnCnera! - i uuds r. M . and M s. 4Kolrnoth Carquil and John,. 9:00 amni. - Ditch MissChP- Ro'.saîî. Fui Lk il cu %Vie r o 411:001 arn. - English < weekcnd gucatz t' cfMra. A. 7:30 p.rn. - English ~ uCda Shio a ti45a i 4 Proclaimling the Whoie Counsel of God Churcb Won'.bip ai Il1:4.5 a.,1ci 4 4 Boy. Miss M. Doii2hient'.v .îili tqke change o'f 'ho so. rvy ,e 4 - 4 Aud our ,;0os: oost ul, -ce SMrs. E. Essenv 0of Courtuce. îuîday October l8thc A cor- "Back To God Hour" Broadcast al iiiîîii Ir n I!A F ic CKLO Oshawa - Shaie 'etOct.r19er! nt 9:1.1aPf'er :15P.M. heîida in to he Ottaw.îa dis- trict. St. Johin's Ambulance EMO. FIRST AID COURSE (8 WEEKS) STAXRTS TUESDAY, OCT. 20 7:30 UNION HALL 19 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE NO CHARGE - OPEN TO EVERYONE l'or Further Information - Call Recreation Dept. 62:3-3314 Mr.Dav.idi Star-es, anid son !Allaii, Pcmbroke, is visiting ai ber sister's. Nir. and M'rs. D. Beckett anîd familv. ',Ir. aîîd M ns. Et'.ood Fawc-cti and family, speîît the '.veekoîîd v-ith ber sisîci' and busbaîîd and famil%. Mr. and Mrs. D. Beck ett. M'ir. and Mis. RoY Stetcalf, Base Line, were Sunday visit- HAROLD) 0. IRAKE Followî.nR ailn os fonue year, the deatb of Hiarold Oatmaîî DrakeC occtIrred au MeýmoriaI Hospital, Bnwmaîî- vile, en Wednesday, Septemn- ber 30. I1981 He was ini bis ,54tb y.ean. Sou of hic late Mr. sud NB., on Saturda\ . Oetobeu' 2. auîd Saleîîi Scbool 'thp Canariian tatmzmn. t, nninv-t!1. Ort. 14. 1QA4 7 STratoh Drke.lie v as bor,, nt Proi. Canetonn Count'. e". Rviînswvî'k. anid rpeeived b is, reducation thorr. 0 u Aiîs, 30. 19.32, he niarried the for- nlie: idred. Gardiner who Thtilececeasc.d had resicded it R.R. 5. Bowmianville for 1.1 vear.i and uas a Grnvral Mo- tor.z emplo pe. He u as a mvmbr 0f the RoYalCana- Stirv'. ib tiside.s cia w. fe aie four ci drcnî. John, Ha c- olcd. Ralph and Bornie .1aul: a iso five îutr and t h rve bro 0t 1)ie ns. Thr, deccased rested ai !Iie Morris Funeral Chapel. Bow- mni'ille, '.'.th service in Kit- cotlins Fuiîeral Home. Bath, 196L. Re\. , I-hi r1 n .Gi ern ,ondîîeted cithe .er\ ce irciin- io' ce \%vA s piv o 'led h-vth ch1oir of 11e r:" eS tî ChIlinrchIl i 1i l Nr R'a Rroad a a 'c Therý ' a enid", Good N':i, îviG-Cnn M\orn:ngz' and 13.' \oe an'- Pal 1bca 1-i cs UxIVCe \"a LodEldoti Nvc .\Yb- Cît Cat.Bi-onk Aniong t'lic il ' r.v"tri, butes, eieieoý' lic eatp(e'î n which lî tue dceca ' zd ii'ai held, were thîosc' <i'oîîî luE! RoYal Canadiaiîn u.Gnrii - ci-il mntors. S 1Cm U.w,, SPECIALS Good 'tii Oct. 17 Helene Curtis SSPRAY NET.'*" k6 o/. aci o'-ol tin Sug is,8 f794 FLASH BULBS EXCEDRIN Tablets HALO SHAMPOO SWEETA J. & J. BABY OIL RESDAN CORICIDIN Tablets SN FA NTOL MILK of MAGNESIA GERITOL -- LiquiJd (;.E.. A.I or M2 1! 1.29 FaMiIy 517r. 1.19 'aIuur 24 suzr. ist 1.50 2' 'r.list .8 .9 i.D.A. 16 0 . , 4c i 44c 12-07.., or TaIets Out3.'-.' 2.87 Sugg. List 1.49 49e 87c 63c 68c 1.29 1 PRESCRIPTIONS 5 KING ST. W. 1. D. A. IýEMEDiES PHONE 623-5792 M M ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e What Have We Got Against Colds? CONTAC"C Head & Shoulders 1.7 oz., 89c- 2.4 oz. 1.19 One dandruff shampoo that really works 7 7c 99( Bathroom TîOssue 2- 27e SO M IN EX20's, Sugg. List 1.50 Ahn Aid To Sleepra e3 ý Sugg. List 69c Bromo Seltzer 53 For relief of Upset Stomach 5 L 1 T R 1N E Sugg. Lisi 73c The Safe Antiseptic Kilis germs by the millions 5 Dodd's Kidney Pis FRUIT-A-TIVES, s a N' g.o d 1 'N'e For backache. t ired fecling due 10 CONSTI PATION V n nary Jirritai o n a nd Bladdecr 1)iscom f or 7 9 I a( -rî ph Fi Ut tt. 75c R EDUCE STOP SMOKING! No\, y' ou can purchase a newv prodUt t b lu lp Newv rdcding plan lets you eat vou brecak thec igarette habit. lUs calh d BAN- thrce mcaks a daY, eerN, day, MOKE Medicatcd gum., BAN-SMOKE work, y et lose lip bo 5-10-1-5poin ds in ShIo 1»theiî ou eurh i ohacco urgn ... 1bel p break on]y 10I short wcceks. >EIr smoking hahit. D)on*t delay. GeL icui*l.eshinlyiý 1.9 3.98 f* =e L avourcd BAN-SMOKE 36s1 8 1,98 3,98 ~Medicated Gum today36s19 LYIMAN HESS

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