f FINE IVEEKENDIZ ù~SlP<>iTS ThOi.srunsr un ,-m, u nd reahzizunr' .. gohly it v~< - and tri1.e. . a flice ca'i.:l(ý'. It waS> t We !cft to .ri thlkdy <if Oh "a'le * the g Uri. t': u îth a coel(!. l: Itinprfivcri ii * '1'rî tfel! t! * ' î r stuf 1e 'c hels i I huïitieig jtiJ' who rîicç , Pprhaps x' ! met. Fx ci) i <f>I' . e.'rrp, I - and a siiîîgleL'-. I h opp'îre J tme. Andil ' rI hockey l&irr ' J j Jr., "A"" clc'l ' 4 (~ ~-< t.. r <, ' r (r t r r i. c~ r £ a . .1 <r J r r r r r r , r i r , r.' 'r r) .~ Jr r 'r tiA ' -',e r ~ w ~ , 17)..i ~a s l ' frr.'r'7~ ~r9r~~r. * , ,1o'~ ~ * c:. ~:i~ c-i 7-4..' "L.~ ci - r r.~r <r r r r r r hie relaxing at the c-a' Work. with the vii r? .!. M~OREPR:u , the WortdJr! r F are just tir' j entire rrrrr pee 1v 1 iit x. c jtldgEnicic. : ' action. N: . Eulor A2H.>' the 'xxeek t- i v *IIotOnItin . 'he acid. ii rr Up front fi'r 17 r tinlers r'r rr to bh i' .ir.(- r Red <i r r ers arr'c, [ r h ov e llil!it. . r ' r lies is. (10 n' t T ii ' , on 111-îî i' ip ha vemla1 en w' it : r! ri Tht i r r 'r inr' Tonyo) cre li CAR[)S (A".Il XVetl 1Iliý-' r . : , the 'orl r I T n ,litrh( r ,ri wvas ti""l t . l'us 1 iic lm Bit ini took a tiii Kind (if r in hi'-' h: r luit iii>iJilil Cr and xxic r r tOh c. ' ci andBrx"rr ers lhave 1)r 'r the home ir ':i ; partmleîit. t! r'C. Stadiuiinrr' not goîna r I the lîoîtîr' ln tO r-ri pett!e feri. il . r gecond i g:il . for tic.' !crr .î Maili lat i r'r r âwa'c Io a t.' ' r ser. Sr e feoi s t1(Lî, wial c.mp ,' r t' ' ' w4th a tliîu:.i .........r . -"o rr~ i..- r'~ ' "r..' r. r r r I I.. r "r r (r L~y 'r *~ 'I. , r . r t .\îir r r' 'r" lr 'rit r r r r r r i r r r r ' lr i1 r r r .2 eh r '~ , r r r r i. t' r i. r r r r: 11k r k1 ..r r ".1 r1 'il:. r r.r!.ricr r r r i 'r.r Jr r .. r,. <'t.' rrrr r r rît> fi ut Cl' E: /-ý ý jý r r r i r I .Jîst. p ior o the opening of the 1964- 5 N to a J h Ixe Lekueseacson, Molson's Bî'ewverv (Ontario) I .ic. l~le e nerci nieen i o' f ther Staîî1ey it îiir (~rIllehe Toront.o liXiaple Leifs at pca im op ion n t eir onou . f ereleff Io 'ight. P. T. r' rr r \îî ' i. 'ice -P i- sid ent and G encra l Mlanager of îl e- p% rw. .. t1.iscssd h' npcomninc ~hokey' season m1%t 'r i r r ' )xe Creî ic BOW PLINGd r" S 'r Pir~'k~~~ rr'~S~r I 'r"13 Oc-" r" r' "i f r Hi:hsinllIe - lien I r lfiz~hiTriple r I rîî.îl.,Stanhdings r 1,rl'v, k. c r' t>. 't r iXirji F. Si.exr.'dcn 79£) 'J. Gihseix 'iMixed League Bowling t. 'r r', ; ( G. E. SPENCELEy CENTRAL ONTARIO BRANCH OFFICE MÉMORIAL ARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, OCT. 16th - SATURDAY, OCT. l7th 8 11.111. SUNDAY SKATING 2 - 4 pivn. ADMISSION Adults -!Or Children - 33e N1ONDAY, OCTOBER 19th TOrS' SKATING' - 3 to 5:30 p.nm. ('hildïicii and Accoinipanying Aduit 25e each HOCKEY OSHAWA GENERALS TUES... OCT. IOth Standing n .i A iiDM1nSasIOndSain braesandsterng.Loal.v Clnd ilde iSctsanSanin .1e c t"aiihî usf wnr'snieo Studciî t . n Thscr - Ibetl ronn 1960 CPONTELAIAC P. ARE4D. ARTO fi cyl, aine maticahîtom ti ransomFiisin custoninioblackpowe bit rakes ndseeris an. Loepllyonal gd automobile! 19604ODONTILEM"88"4-DRSA ti-nof au oîîati, cantoîParsin.e Guaran td hs forigna E9xceml- lentviers own ter' aiors. ct fi crcno etodfotn Paisenterd nipaaais on 196.5 cars. BUY FROM YOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER sîdt's - $1.7') r, i' ( r r £.'i L Ass;uranice Conwîan~y of Canada i r' .i r i'tti! PuI ci t i- r ." ir t ill iirii r> ti heir I 'rt r r Lrrrrili ' (i rot a 7 ro r 'r~ r r' (. r~ e lid r r . .r r JI'> 'i.t r I r r .1'. i kk'l'î îrk'Cilu fli1 p chr> r i ~ '0 seiit ci r iii il! 1' i'.k vrr e rce i ai ilg (r i ' r (c 'u Iî e 7 Jo'e . îl r> isnil 11:1rd;l r ~ ~ ~ e .r, i ' ue lî"! x'i' \7rao r r r nu ic'uts gilug e l a' r r i r r i'r 'J 1.. r r i 'r iii *'i ' n <'r ri.r i c' r . r r r r r ' i r i~r ~' r ti2ht-hawks bowling rr 1' cTrile ji rý'u " 'r r.,rG .ri iiir'IC I, i r r S' .\ l D . u e ' i 14. t 2r'. \1)rr I 4 r 'r . t .. .1 r' R?' i '. r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J r ,. ...H c îlîcîî 21'. , ""r' i r,? St >kvile ige.i 'r T'eani Standings ?()0 (kimcs and Ov'cr ni' S r."~ '43 Ma rie Truc>l '3. 'Grraf, L-1h.krc1 14,Joýce Stacey W'omenm t1 qV. hilig I) Averazes '%e R. 13i,çiic'k i'nab 285 V. 1îîWomen 13. Wer.,îsake PF. SnwVlat 'ki île, Pieu t 294, Phl I\'avICr o3> I ix.ard r!1îorne] I -.9.Bah J'17. hik. cc 27:1, A 1 B!,. Rolb J-'emari 26Yr.'Ai LInhO :66. 10 îtIi Bedr! îid 266 and Jean Bruat 2(i-' Iliîrlî.veraces V i i kiriri22 Bob trr', Il k t 2 1r f; toi Nov' 'i l2 U Fim Vci>k ' iîg'it LI1.7 ream 'Standings R' r Ic t t G; tla fi vr'lle Bricrnel Rr c iel 152, Mica FIlialt 15t.r Baîce Bccr-x "il 24 ;lMac'.'Skeîdiicg. teei "lc'u!ltil 11. hC)x'ie r 10r9cei. u 1 lra Sai 623-3396ok Don Armstrong, Sales Manager Hap I>hmlp Stew Preston Ray Lathangue Colin Cooke 'I 1p~ Honoring the Champs nds - $1.50 - -P..Uly £1? creat 'on àe1w TOI CI FOOTBALL Teens Badminton Clinle The Touch Football Leagtle Tleenis Badmninton Clinic vilI onSaiinidax' morning at the at l'le Badminton Club frorn HcîSclîool Grouricis 1:00 Io 4:00 p.m. This Satur- For't.x-NîneriS blasîed Bilue da' xili e dex'otcd to the 1 130 be s 34 t 0 7, Nvith B. Joncs B ein nesci- roup and Salurdav sCor:ng lOrri-e totîîehdco%%ns and Octobcr *24th, to the Adx'ancréd Don 'l'a vlor w~iîtl o. Groi.ip. Saturday, October 3lst Jci ee'.eBillet x't t,,, w~ii I Oc open to Begiinners and conx'erts and Bill Wrigbî one Advancecd. Register alth1e Rec- crompleted the Forîv\-Niîners' recalion Office or at the Bad- son Greg Adams sord minton Club on Saturday, Oc- the loteBille Bomber touch- tober 1710h. rdxnand Slîke Diliing co- 1. ildi-cn's Craft Class for verteri il, Cilîdren eiglit years and up The second gaille çaw Tîger- wîll start aIt th Lio>ns Coni- Cals uIaw -\-,lojjettE,; 40) b I mnunjîx' Centre on Thursdav, Don Clark, Bickx'ý Woolnc'r and October 1.51h froni 4:30 to 5:30 -John Ta-01rsCored two toîîch- P.m. Class consists of paper dc.%\vts cR. hlcBb Elliîs. nmarOc. puppets and other craft Dairrll Osinond, Dax'îd Ormiý,- projccts ton and Ron mcA111len ('on- Girls Hockey veî tfed oce rach. Boh Jackman (;îrls Il and under 18 years :cnd Pat!i.x'lepickd p iIIa ofazc imav register at the Rer- tn1<iexvin\n rach for Aloîîrit,,. i ationl Office an.v finie this whvlie J3h Noxvljaîîd onx-crtcd xce xcept Saturday and Jack l'a l's totiîî'0do%\'n. sullcay. Pxegistrations xvill Final Standing clo0se on Fia' October i6th at 5:00 p..m. A numiber of girls 'liusp W LTp arv e rqtired to forni a Ban. Tcc-î~ 4 4 0 0 8 tami and Midiget Serivs. Bue obes 4 2 9 0 4 Fortv -Nie-es 4 2 2 0 4 Alouiettest 4 0 4Gl(sh Pda Plav-Offs- Satiîrday, Oc.t. 17 CtCs oa 10 < a niBtîe on\- eS. - i For Old A uliances Regi: tratons for Chiildrr'ni's throurh Figure SkatingxIii ake place atIllie Arenla on Wc'(dnesdaN', S T A T E S M A N Octe)berQ îI and Thursdav, C L A S S 1 F 1 E D 5 Oc'tober 22nd. fron 4:00 Io 7:00 :p.M. Classes xvili start on those Phone 623-3303 dates. Hap l'hilp