!AU thrwn. trvcs ee'Inerng and spke briefly. The Canadian Statest , omnfl.Ot 1 ~ I-IoKey Moters oIdWSTTake Oe 2nd Place Thedxthmet _____f_____a H o k yTte s H l here vill le no church ser- Safety Seekers wvas held i1 nI.adMsH: vce at Morrish until Sunday, thW.e hall on Oct ober 17. Ro"I Nîrand rstHrodMoonlTrot on Sunsay W TImeir Opening Meigv . lsD w ale -2:wt Or) Sundav. October 25, An- rieris ivcaidees ' ad lin nv home, Mrs. Rae PascOE adcîd hi hirns(oi.Mr Hockey Mothers held tier Ev Aider. treasurer, turned niversary Services will be ait labotdt. uecat Iangigte ren end wt TMr.andMs.Jiougrdasan othmw frst meeting of the 1964-65 over the treasurer's duties to Zo ntdChrha 1:5D IoBI ,ddthe carubet of ter feetdyxattheMr.cotaea aIetn icr ptvh season at th-e Lions Cenr~ "areer rmTb r. Guest Minister the Rev lde thffre fpiDerLak te thrbreoelet recently wi. th 1 -mes Pp ea t a h Dr.D, H. Woodhouse of Portg j~ ~ E DW~ D ~ D I>u~eyes, teeth and skin.piLae Hope sidnitefdtChurchle her .LV. NE '~A number of nmarried coup- Mrs. Ruth Tavlori s ea M n r.E rdra peetPresîdnt0fth L tl NH xiii be n'o other servic on les enjoyed a Court Whist'Gibons,Tont, rsGa-aonpidbyM.nd r. Pres.Joan elcorr,.i theiarid ask if they ,viil need any Welcome charge, ail congrega- Oshawa Generals stretchedpower play thrusts, while con- Wayne Cashman got the other nrvl h al audydsLm.Wllgo,~ Bue Mngmr a membrs nd fte rol cl] ocky euîpentfor the tions are asked to be present,itheir unheaten streak to fiveItaining a deflated Marlborolmarker, i niglit. when the husbands pro-' Mildred Wiliic:t. r adpeantrieoPîrveo the minutes were read and ap- corning season. if possible. 1 effort when they themselves Selby1 helunh.Mrs. Sarn McAlise.Bw tna weete iie proved; also. a treasurer's re-1 Pres. Reta asked for Vo unl-Sholwa el games, defeating Toronto Mari- were short-handed. Mike Byers and Brit vide The 1.W lu.t for i manville, %vere visiosuin.r adMsEi Cyea. port was given shoxýving a sat- utersto register the hockey 10( narn. Thre wr eld p res 5-en a he esday it ton ennerpbi eod ti the Oteober meeting at n. the eweekend Mwit r.J Sme ndcid isfactory bank balance. paesi ereto okvo the e onwasconducts-ed a oere sed pace in tthlene *k isscodhat-iBannerman, Buchanan, Orr te Wottmetigatt e nadFnc.rn.alryAtaad rs Pyr. Joan Sipson thaiked 'on the diates from Sept. 28-30. bv the superintededtlMcs.iD'the"trick performance in as many and Roberts turned in out hon-.e of Mrs. Don Taylor.ý co-operation given to ber while ilafterrnoons: Ev Aider, Betty Lr eevdteuulbit- Generals, taking a page man, although held to a single ners, while Desjardins, Byers, Bible." Day President and Joan then turn-1Forsey, Muriel Crough. Mad- 'day honoursIfrom last year's awesomelgoal, who provided mnst ofSelby and Winterstein were Mrs, H. E. Tink visited on ~ et f h agais~~ni ed the chair over to our new lelaine Willowby and Pres. Reta iMarlie attack, clicked on three Osbawa's offensive s p a r k. the best for Toronto. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.il Mr, and 'Mrs. RowLumiiM îd îs rnkWl President Reta Junkin whoIJunkin. Fo th evn Regular time of Sundayî rc rw ad fml, wr udydinrget o i n tmiHmtn conducted the rest of the meet-1 were Marg Piper, Hlnsý School wîll be resumed on1 Oshawa- Mr'. and Mrs. LioxdPetn iiedo udvwt c ing. Sheehan, Anna Wilcox, Helen Sunday Novernber lst. at 11:151A Mrs. Bruice Tink and Mrs.' and familyv, Bowrvile dMs Pg n ai~ Tab oneCwe an IMs.lvi Dlsonob -- L E G R V EH. E. Tink visited Mrs. O. Mîý and iMrs. \çsWr5 r n r.W.Cr n After a lengthy discussion' r n r.Jh Dlo fI-WWCruickshank, Peterborough. Edgar and Glenn attncdte aiy etnil.xer concerning the1 mask the ,Collingwood visited their cou-I . Fridav when Bruce and' uea fterlt utE- udyv~tr ihM- n Fo oreu evc Hce ohr osin Mrs. Wfillianri McHolm on~ The U.C.W. met on Thurs-, and Mrs. H. Cooney and fam- Houe, Bowman çilie, were Sun- 0 1i atnedteBic~fua, ors Hei arr ros uMs tnMU n aiy Monc o thers bgh-t and Tuesday. October 13th. day evening, Oct. 15tb, in the iiy. day caflers on Mrs. Leetooze and White Championship Day.1-_ r.Har - in ahome atrosphre riotion by Dori Simpson, We wvere one of tiiele arge church hall. The meeting' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden,,and r.STlr o ok M.adMs e usad lecondied by Bonnie Cowle and number of people to visit our opened with bymn 16, folow-: Islington, were Sunday visitors MadMs e il n Ev Arier it waspasdt new Port H-ope Hosptal on ed by a reading "Be Thank- pasd wiith ber mother, Mrs. R. R. 'them for a drive. familv' attended the Harvestý _~ istthe gîve the nask to the 34idget Srd.aftîeînoon. Port Hopej fui - but start small" by Jean Stevens. INr Rgr etuz lt oe service at Tyrone on. fee vey~ acNhl.Thedevtioal as'Mr. and Msrs. Fred Stevens lfrieýnnis speit the holiday veek- Sunday and wece tea guestsiNe* ii i IMPERIAL AIl-tarofo kep. fuhix equîpped opened with the singing ofî1spent the weekend with their'ýend atI a cottage a t Port Perry. of Mr. andi Mrs. A. Hilis, As n revou yaîs te odell hospulal. perfect in hymn 577, Readings on the!iMrs. Roy Topping andi boys,I r n r.J.A oes Ms Frank Westlake Jr.,ý M Hockey Mothers wihl'laanievery delai. Onu, thing how- Tbanksgiving theme were giv- Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Harold (e ioeMrs.,Hacn- Ja and PhAliJ.and Rongers ~ ~W V OYAGEUR hl umg ae ever athor hotlîered us andi en by Audrey Hurrie, Myrtle Stevens and family were also ton, Kansas, has been spending Broomne attended la famihv- WThe convenor is Bonnie that îý Ilhe l ,; ze if bath- Bradley and' Jean MacNeil. Sunday cahiers on tie formner'sîa few dax's with liec cousins, shower for Miss Violet Smith.:-- RESTAU RANT Coxx e and on the Phonîe Conti- tub i loyoiet' l never Audrey offered a prayer. The sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Top- I Mr. anti Mrs. S. S. Morton and br-ide-to-be, at her home at HC~ mittee is Marg. Piper, (Atom), .tî' tto one triuch Iess climb service closed whth a poem of ping andi boys, Toronto. other relatives; on Sunday Mr. Fleetwood on Saturday night.i Helen Shehan (PeeWee) andout, Hou-veo 1 iMr, andchMrs.caJohnaBrookes agiti Mrs.. SnSMMortonnBMrokanti IDoceenS. S.sortonsitedanherosister.o CHENER lRANGERSe Reta McRoberts (Bantani). larpe haths nust 4e useti for hymn 579,.land famihy. Detroit: visited -Mrs. J. A. Rogers andterJaMs.CilSuh i I H ati,\ axeriv Road ~Anx nuoie havîit art.\h- key ome k uti if tiiOriOttrxat- President Jean MauNeil pre- xith bis brother anci xife and tintMsHny rilth o-Fe etodirTurd "quiprent they tare to donate imenlit-ipatienîts. Il will be a sidedorte uins pnot.i aivM. n i. .Dn:ant r eruy ri, ow Fer M OdonThsay 40 atermag aepes îgdt o otHoewe wnyforebsanser- Brooks maux mlle. aneco Sundan n-n,3,1N1 , Frank Westîake Sm vs o tlierummai, ýae pleae bigdit ýfor Pot Hop w he'Twent-fourmegues answr-th rMoksandesMrs.thMC.aae Mrs.Clatev ds Mcd aIrand s.s. To and Ilwy 401he f;iio 1ith Phone the don(it-so our newv hospitaI eti the roll calh with the num-' Mr. Roy' L>-lbubti, fûjonto. Alin, Providence, and on Mon- I Westlpk- , Rol;vinaux-lle, on S A A G N R L aurtfr:Pie- Roua intkin aSi e tip(ici t ti ecet'. eilf t'ist1ber of caIls matie at homes 1saSudyvîîo 't î da v eening îsited wilh Ivr,lSatLirti 62-7WEx Aider 623-3631~, pitte.ý' anti hospitals. The total was brother andi wife. Mr. anti Mrs. i and tr,, Morley Burgess, IMm Lrai asoe Ohaa foi- a lasiv ary ('axker f623-2(i(o4, Dor, .A bi atîli l'il -lii fronutal lhas aromtid100 vîsits to the sick Ray Dubeau andi boys.I cousins; Mondav n11000 With IamdMr. o hn Ps oe. msan-va Sirpso 72.80. CurtCe. hei i eenrin. t. Jandsandi Fereaveti.J.ean MacNeil, cFe awe. rn,,iMrs Henry Knîght. Tuestiayîx.ille.reoently vîsîteti at Mr BOWMANVIL E ORA RN On a motion bt Ex Aider, hchEilat eporteti on the successful spent the weekemt with bseeigM.at Mr,.S .~ Nm~ i~ roes Late Snack seconded hx Rota McRobertýl'hby .. H. T Ayne' n nmemy-'tunkev supper. Mrs. White re- cousins, Ricky anti Michael, Morton enitentainet IMr. anti Mr.. Smoci Mrs. D. Flett and, the meetino- was adjouriiei. or.\ of lier husbandi, thet ste ported one more new memnber. Dubeau. 'Mrs, Jack% Morton ant ilyla n( aeun u 'î uc ninVM i. Herbert Bert AYres, hroth .. .Sunday speM'esswihF,,d aitne Ou b A lnc ad ts x n e- of Mi N jnte E. i. A quilting will be heiti on M.n MspCel Mgues t Base bine. Mr, antiM,,.re at[Ieevicon Smb ~ T esttemeig cll-Nov. lOth in the hall, starting M.ant rCclMlsac Stevens, Mrs. Henry Knight, l a 4er uss fMs et ttemeigThe frontal uasdedieti by at 9 o'clock with a pot luck family were Mc. anti Mrs. Len Bowmanvile, were Sunday' T. st of rt. ThenxxiiiHo- eldOv Sila' ietpofluesthtfe iiner at noon. Several art- Stainton, Davidi anti Gail everming dinner guests. Mrs.7. I tt S Brnch~ if 2 Ioci ithe m>rtiini- n\tî- T tis te i c1oes were handeti in for a Stainton, Mr. Charles Mills,!J. ARogers' mother %was the' M.andi Mrs, R, Vice, Mr,80> .t Ceoti eunh M piec1 e r i or Tis lcarretittparceh for Muriel Stevens. Enniskihlen; Mr. anti Mrs. Roy 'o'e Ether Power of Maplo iEVit-e, M an(I Mrs. Gordon; D ISO unday - - - b'. Whtppc e n r ýa ant i e of ut îO Ms ceba ait Hope, Lois, Jean andi John !Grmver sLeask viere Stnday dinnerI ie 1.5Ed (o t ndEetehr ngan_ on tiisplay. i Mrs. Keith Cryderman, Jean ' Mrs. Louise Phipps, Mr. aiti :MeCoy, Brookln. .\rMsOii o eRTepog-mi îî o lhr andi Lori Crytierman, Zion,' Mr. - Urs, Bob Griffith anti boy" Mn sud Mrs, E. Spire>,ac Students and 9hlrn ef rsadn 10 TIi'- iatllb r- heprgri u Mnterianti Mrs. Chester Milîs anti IMr. adMs obPip ati contpanied by Mr. anti Mrs. 24 HOURS A DAY! numbeî romour À ,. &r , i e rr Etnina aird yEanti Windaughter Debbie, Oshawa, Mr ffarnily, Toronto, were Slmn'day Ray Bernis, Oshawa, vstt gainatnir i(-L > - ifv t' .tuS('uada isfeýEdon MsLafirdyatoîtino Lrne Tink, Solîna, visiton's with their cousins. SitlyService 'tehpobms ang emloyi MS, StellaBeech_ Mn.Chas, Mc. and Mrs. C PSwallow. coOneRUnEtedTIONS m Und11:i 'ers whpn they hice Indians,l F O EE 62-.l6TIO am.u obeti ti r BASE bINE The problems of the adminis-1M x d L a u o U in PIIOE 6,10-mi ordo Keloggiisiste bvMr.ment poicies into effect, and; GeogpeTu td i nMi. JIn Sît I? tii vra deuige Diob- the role of the Unitedi Church Bentietm. keeps solling aliîg ý7-t>andI Btnnelh ûeiieti Bock' ________ P t bi> i. a ni i. io itspeci amongthe Idianswene iven atop the Mixeti League stand-; 7-0, dopn h oe~ît Canioli, .Titumk1g.x -,vilithem moth- by Etina Lainrd. A bnief sum- iings rbut still can't gain a comin-ie îci11;e i.M-. o 134 iuid lier mary of this iiîteresting anti;fortable margin, anti Fridiay pt %,XO\les >rsned thc auni Mci. E. Prîce at f le'educ'ational program w'as matie ngtwsn xcpin Flpins'for a hîgh 798 triple ;-nd Gi ig- Ma Gentrge Lob- by dwi ron.the m eetinglowing the script, Bennmett, 344 ~ t aeoe h Ni itî cosei wthteMizahBen- iowned Etchen 5-2, butWright, average iead bx fixe pins. omît> acointpariied h.ý,Mca. M. diction.w -vy ln~he vthei Tops iii. thie laies were Dorcý Lloyd Ellis Sho Mi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BnnttnSMrs. E.h nnoioand HTowsat Mse ar ointsoffier amnle rmn2ani itt tfo a Ll yd E lî ho sBo.lnnetn Mn E. P tredt The many frienîts of Mr. A. same score to remnain threel Muttonpi 614 anti Joan Brunt - 19 RNGS. Wtii Sclhy iti > perîitSunday 49 KNG S. W : Rkkeraresorry to learri that nec-up shot. i r v ~Arthur McKnight. they are patients in Memorial The other four wnîng'1 5 oal olwdb Franki Mirs MNi enneit atîtýIrMs. Eospital1, Bowmanvîhle. Glati1 teanris ahI wound up deadlock 1 Hooper 7 39. Frank Wright, The BEST in FOOE Pic wee ondy venngto be able Io report they are letifor third position. Pier-,67. -dt roei6 stipe guafs ith c ani mproving nicelv at finie Of fect gaineti a 5-2 tiecision ovet Palnner6.MaiH-i Mrý:. Pave Pre'too, flowrnan- wnitinig. Harrison, with Welsh stopping: rison î,43, Pick Perfect 631,; li cr,' ntoaI~ville Ladies, please cemember trie Prout .5-2, leaving both clubs Bob Leat isu 69sud Joei advertised lines Ml 'îtami t 1 FIm iilÀ,']IglitI Fall Rally of the U.C.W. to be stili ev-erî. A pair of shutouts Noxvian, Elton Brock anti Bob' wer neei, taler wih M.'helt i a Pickering Unitedi createti the crowded foucth Gavleml t6( CHILDREN'S SAVAGE SHOES anti M-s, Igan Wight anti Chucch on Tuestiay, October spot, as Brunt biasteti Lobb,Ote ghînes eî o Mcr. Herbi W iihtud famniiy, 27th.at 1:30 p.rn., registration;-- eNwau4î,aoliBn - Enniskillen. evenîuig session at 7:30 p.m. oNwln3(,HrdBe- Oit ednesds- alernon.Speaker for the evening, Rev I_ ituf 7, rn rgt22 J' ORTHOPEDIC SHOES MOsPhv tîs nît mi;atectneto CtoHmtofomryl thBowling 1Fnank looper 266, 261, Mur-, C.iC-- ofE HsampAfn, omry Irav Grantf 262, Booî Leamaný HUSH PUPPIES NTTTR fLIZERS the Base L'oc Good Neigh non"o hoel, fi Club for theto monthly nieet- -M.atiMs omambi-Bantani Girls 26i). "Hiap" Palmer 259, Mor-, G INS LATEDBOOTSinîg. The Piesident, Mrs. C., son anti fanmiily, Bowmanvihle, Ayce 5. Whitehead 0. Brati-IleYUVagEntoh 25, that Vowles, GREB AND KAUFMAN ily5Ppe0.g o Wilson, upeneti the neeting were Sunday visitons with Mr 5,Pie .iuvginwt23,MtHa- anti minutes and irolcahi were - -Teani Standtingnin20atiidaBck4. I S L T D B O Sreati by the -.îcretary, Mrsý. portedtithat ail plans w'ere'MWhitelieatid Teain Stayndixigs14 T H ___________________________________ Fred Wrigriti Mrs. Wilson re- ready foi h sale on Satur-' Piper...........21t .I x;~ potdsefýd encontactoci day'. Miss Hoît then contiuct-! BradleyBeîem- 2 PACKARD SHOE a represemtative of the ln- eni twAo contests anti some of' Ayr& 5 . .. .. 29 PACKARD SHvsstin e orthe idm"rcto andte A Gibson.anti..ns R Fo The nmfotabe Fi fo Chidreî fo thî Blnti nti thte xiuners were - Mrs. J. R, Junior Girls i Welsh ............24 Sueo felcssI The omfotabl Fitfor hildei)Club,'bati been- asked to can-'Metraîf, Mrs. H. Dixon. Mrs, Bromneli 3, Edmoutison 2;1 Perfect 24..............24st a donation, Li vievv of ail the IherLunch xvas served by te Sf er . li ,Lx s2 jn runi . 24 ti ile round,., of Cano' ai.- v-,e hati hati hostess, assisteti by liei sister. Sles0 roel-. .. 2 Order your icecenti- - it was decidedti bMiss An otfrasocial eiSaiiui ltiile -- -. 2 SAMSON SKATES _obnto inake a, donation of fifteeu haîf hour, Etmondsorî 3 Proul 18._ ENS dollars fron the funtis. Names' Goodwin ...... -........... 13 Ec............ windows now! - ~$11.95 to $29.95 weedrxv y;h Saturtiay evening tne Base Burns................. i2 Lb----------1 __________ WOIEN'S $10.95 to $14.95 for the exohange of membs a;Line No. 3 scboolbouse wvas the' Sellers ..................... ... ..9 Harrison .... .. 13: MISES - ~ -$895 Our Christmnas tiitiier. Mrs. K.'scene of much activity when Lewis.................. .... 7 Brook- - 1l ---- --- -------$895 C. H-opkiiis asked the mem-!about ninety relatives, frientis Brome]]----------------... ..... .~ bers to î'onsitier packing a boxanti neighbours of Mn. antiJno oy vr.- of gifts 10 be sent by her to anl Mrs. J. R. Metcaif anti their JuirBy Phlîtivowles -233' W inter S eal FULLY G A A T E SEE OUR FULL LINE 0F Indian Hospital lu Western snRs ahrt od hm Ate ,Btfri0 ro Dick Perfect . 228î Canada. It vwas tiecideti to ti0ýhonor before their tieparture; 5, Piper 0: Luxton 5, Dono- Hacoit Bennett --227, McRN L G A Ethis: each umeînber tb bring aî'tthir new home inlu anp-ghue 0, S dingi icePr-out 226 A hiS TO0RM ";f9 tn e s al miss thernt ;Team ESttaBroki2g McB-RaINE LUFr brstA s cil4 u - 1211 A rso.agF__GatBnu cttFs;Adr-----------8 o G2auvA I ----------22 thatl ets you gel off 5 amer!shots in5 seconds. In 4 hot calibrm including 6rrm Remingtonia, knniskîien, wece SunctaY Tyr- ------- 36 lit hrî exc v tion doors, the Sealmaster visitors with Mn. anti Mrs.' irpon.... ,87,b t11-5arr ni srn as every ne%,.,engineering OîeigSz nîdIce FrdWrgtan aml. Enniskillen lut. 3 1307 6 (Ktntihy nime change of lime and construction feature tii 0',t 18" .-- -- - - - 09 Mn. anti Mrs. Arthur Gibson llg SngehswekRbeinn nx.Sudv(tn make it an exceptionally - - - - - --29 wer xveked gesî 0fMrsTw-ist 323; High Trriple last dard limme). Sunday School at srn oro ult. ef 4"ti6", __ ~*Doris Stickle, Coiborne. i week, D. Taylor 736. h0o o dock. storing, pre-hung, ready to 60', ta 80',- - - -. - -47 M uuti 700 BOIT ACIN 'Mir.anti Mcs, Lee Wood-1 w Sngl la, wek 1 Mmb< ofj uc.. instali. long ivearing, steel ~t Th iisicotd oi ctonre Ie~oIdSregt elahf ad curcyae veyhigward anti son Martin, Tornto. Mosher 82, Chesten Mils 2 wregcsesEuiedu .wweather sealed and 80,tlor -~ were visitors wih Mn. - I.,oxv Tripe Iast wee;, J Mo- u enesdaf .x he Mc.C.Ar- romplete hardx-aire TO ~10 - -- --- 99 , T he n rt ie otato il neve rd rntr elailt adactrcyar veyhig weevmmor it r.admag.rpl as ee .JdcliWdnsla Iei r' r d l red. 0 " o11' 'eç8p'in ffpjfinest rfeRemington eermade. 3popular albres including7R Remington Mg Mrs. George Coombs antifaim-' Isc21 tn o1 on t>mnn lly tiuring the xxeekend. Average% Over 180 home on fuclougb from Ec'ia- ~~F> II ITISAI S[ITS Mca. sobeile Woodward,, D. alr ....h15 2,31 don, was tiesea spe a k r 'i Mc nd 1Mn1s. Reg. 'veadows Talo s- HOE VA'F ant chltiemi NevcatieMcR. Twi;t------15 220 lu ber- illustrateti talk of ther IJA -1 H arnoiewtleoodMr., Ccc Mill.s.........17 218 work amng lhe ndiat..- (ber * 8N W I Tnto, we HroludWoa rd,- Dave Reynoldis . 214 husâand is a doctor there) xve Mj~tepoetornei MO EL00 B ITMION INl ot Mr. anti Mrs. George J- Shemon----------5in 212 learueti the great nien forcoftan fulavg fWnr Coombs anti Jack anti Mr Jack -.Cobs----. 24vokecs (hi-ce anti also foc Now you can carryaà51/ pound rifle withoul sacriflcng POwef raccuracy. Packs more Woodward. A brthdax'xy a B. McDonaid....1 5 202' financial aid. Ladies of En- Seal Doorti and vvind~ Nwwt pftsr pound for pound than anynrfle in ts class with 222 Rem.,308Win. or 35 Rem. 371/4'overall Ibeing celebrated, J. MacLean-------1,5 2011 fieldi serveti a tielicious lunch With 'icroli Grille 36.88 a Beaver Bude ln Mr. anti Mrs. Rov Van Camp D. Woodis 15 20()1 later in the new baisement oi Sues ---- 2,6', x661 Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Snowden'B. Taylor .. 15 2(10 the chucch.- 2'8e x 6'V,* and 2 1V x 6 10V B D E E M They ait Shoot as good as they ýanti M rs. Allait Snowtieu, T. Mcbaughlin - 1, 198 The H-C group hati a soc- B D E lo.sl l y e-ir t-t(R Maple Grove, were Montiay John Coombes .... 12 1%,8 ai evening lu the hall on Fri__________________________ Autonze RningonDairs RMIGTN RMS0FCAAD LMIRD evening supper guesis, of Mr.-J. Mortensen ......l15 197 dlay, ,vith 32 young people 36 Queen Elizabeth Blvd, Toronito 18, Ontario anti Mrs. Noble Meteaif. Osh- R. Scott.......9 191 prescrit. 6 aa 1B. Begley.......... 12 19,5 The Solina Safetv Seekers IAE Mr, anti Mrs. Robert Farn- A. Wtl 1son .....f. . 1 9 1,4HIogri" nelri theil fîfth were recent visitons wiih Mr. I. M i 1 s-----------1,5 18-. xas ar.svxxered1 with "The name M cG R G O R A R DA R E TD , anti Mrs. Clifforti Wilson. L. Wearn -. .. 2iý 187à of the pemsou whose story 1 WINTER SEAL "TEMPO" M c R G R H R WR T . M7?. arol Wison. Oshawa, T. Pleasance .... ... 15 185 have wraten in rny record alumninurn do:: onIy $2468 PH N 2.21was a weekend visitor witb P. Westlake........! 5 18ý book," Subjects discusseti delivered. Pre-hung, corn-QU LT &SEVC 95KNGS.111WM AVIL r. Gordon Sagar. Oshawa, L. Terînant ........1,5 185 '"eectrical outlets", "safety sizes 2'li' x 6'g', and 2'10,1 x 95KN T .BW A VLE was a Mouday evcnmng supper B. Laird ..... ... 1.5 183 outsie t1he home"' Miss Pst-"'Il only $27.88.96 in S. .2338 _________________________________________________________guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Wil- F. Wotton ...... :,5 183 ricia Wray, uew home econo-l i sort. 'I. Bay . ..........15 182 mist, was present at thisi