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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1964, p. 10

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10 The Ceiadiaru Statearar oman'1p Oct. 21, 1184- Ing experlence for the hunter P civm n a adkept the birds inactive Pan civ m n Da during ninst of the forenolon, U onsequently a eo avrg Lands and Forests lnumber o' birds were bagged. 1%0S Due to'the poor suceess in rIne W ky Reotthe-emrigmn utRi e W eekly Reportgave, up aroiind noon and prob- ablv mrissed out on a more0 fleer SPason, Lindsay Ilistrirtvéii-1 mnii g l Imp la- successfu] afiernocon hunt. AI- Novermber 2nd-14th incls-lures provided a amn per- thoîîgh pheasRnts oral ive, ecludvesa Fir îv~ eclu n S da Novfe etingd ay leed in the early moroing. dur-4 Rt.phrasant hiinîîtîn. 1t'nfoinni- and after train or heavv dew 0I Pa.sants andi Bark Patchesae! the lîcax. dcvcfhpieve tend to lie 1o 'rm Presîdent Ed Hiavnes <if The achie, T~" lexRocr~on nrx oisiîgh nîdeirx elîîgfields or hevavv feneerows thue (Greati IPîn' Ridge Tourisi e iright sîînshine anîd hrîsk il)i i ccavv foiage ,a saturai- an afierrnoon lhunt -,,len<on- col( Saaooîr __________________________________________ dînions were drier might have centby'tri reeelve anil\xvard if pr'li been more rewarding. Menit from the Canadian Tour- Kd ar li t te regulated towîîsipi st Association for Area Pro- Fic( oFClarke and Darlington this noii.Ti ~anhrFRTH x'ear a rneurtype cf township, for the Counîcil. for aîclî lia- Promil licence las hen introduced bv ioîal recogniion lias tiot ben YPe the Department. This licencpe aroed peîul bv a Regioî M r. inekîdes an V" x 4" vellow tag aiT. a onî.'lcaadii'e oc which la printed the per- Ila givn for' Area Promotion sîppr mittPees licence nîîmber i laiiiodi r-cllrit in black numerals 212" high. iî'o to the SCOPE 0Fria uîtied Township of Darliçngto)n mst e wri uloi b v tpeaa or og0f flic nto whom the permit was Thle Great Pinc Ridge sîh- time1 isiris designed to be leg- misionî nciîded a record cf Tlîx Sec na nstlm nt of ile from a considerable dist- S e o d I s co m newhen propery affixed i'o1A ~This means of indentifica- T A X E S ion lias several possibilities, hur iera while afieîd, th e ini- cotcvenieîîee of being asked hy De Nv nCoservation Officers Io pro- Ova;old u ninc ai- o etr- duce iheir hîînting licences and1 part of the rcaso i forlher from it will provide private land- ahapi pT i yoq. ýoxner.a wiih the means of he g.rowin ini<m p identiFying trespassers and/or remaîn xa'ni the vr ld nDu vadais. ,The xxinterl s iniSo(u *iîei ii Onnew Penalty of 1 % per nmoîth charged on ail unpaid vM ore iniîidiiaî huiniers wil tarin aî'c roi 50 scvece as 11)d a il,, pe-rlaps be macleniore acitelv daîry tlic, f'iî i hiicis. hi, rosi. first instaliment taxes, and second instalinent coiiscilis cf the safe gun sharp etiînu ugh îonurodlice firmn. Pire- taxe afer Nv. nd.handliîig practices witli wlicli ruitnî. l1k( taxs ftr ov 2d.niost are familial-, when they F'ru itin gbîdsFoniî .uî sîu 'îîai,( realîze their identity la cmt- mer on muehr. iaiivlîes- Tightilx gunîu hla7oned on theîr huîiting enifolded inflic ;iial ld aie Moili R EMVINDER jackets. filie unI - heiiîn'iîzs <if buis-Thr We fecl au re ti innîîov'ationi sortianid frîil. T1' i cli c !oc~ ir Dog J1cense cfees, if ilot paiti are iîoo rlu. wîli exentually he recogîiizerl di-r)0 x veî iler c nie:.aîul iîd ini hInYsportsmeni and landoxvners the irces lieconiulrian:ýrx !h( Vi' (. ALASalike as anotheî' step in the wbich is likc heînig astecp. uia Iv direction of better uitilization Natuire inSîsIS tipon ilis quîi-1 woîildi TIrcasurer. of wilidiife and greater enjoy-,- pc id which varl0o1j", 'ome and dý *ment of huinting through CO- with <nii wcather. xvlîv ________operation. When fic sprln. da i \s wdellh Dedieated i)uek Hunters long-er anîd flieront.s hegîîn 'o %v Il a afntnd rawxv ioisnre [iron' 11)e r, c ai Darlingon xx-asminli. ilie sap Ioîe~îe 'ii AI.filie hou îo'f2:3 .31 ni. ithe bîds. Thev sxvellanrd i f li - Vvednesdlav. Sepiember 23, the fold a oliie f sc-x i1)i ~ma- finat hunier arrived at Darliiî-,lex'andni hOŽsoiî. u i ton Park ta estabbish hîmseîf l hIosýzoni s haited i i l xx final in ine for one of the a d,-,,oronectar 10initaiafaIt, i blinda tliat xveie avaîbabie for he.Tî ie nýî Iiox (ail the opening of the season, Sat- ùbe hiw-hie lie is galilucilliig uic le urday, Sept. 26th. He w-as joined by ail equiallv -' sanie day, and hy Friday even- c I l- (J)7 ng the ine-Up inclîidertd IILtÇ J enough hunters to occupy ail the avaibable blinda. Buvoimai Q. B 3 ', Di.,I axxh By nightfall of the final day < oiner 16, l!)64. <~ of the hunt the 30 huiniers (2 Mv Dcar ir:u îîl per blind) had bagged 1.5 mal- t baive heenniFlicîxinzg the aux ýni larda, 13 green Wiog ical. 8 iexvs. regardnnig I lie x isi i o ra i. hblacks, 8 scaup and 7 pintails, 1-1, Matesiv, anîd fi(,re-por- i r a total of 51 ducks or 1.7 dUeka rzo icniiet n a-wsI er hunier. p- îng c le cietd lia i- i as lu Teduck seasoru coveîs thlepenlig a vnîI- iictel x vui li'iign period Sept. 26tb 10 Dec. 15h -xpAlso a]] the ierent xuei l'niFon at, Dalington Park, but shoot- al 15 ýlnH.rifiedu ing is only permitted on Mon- ai] lrs Cnaa diaya, Wednesdays and SatUn-ý Nov' Mr. ames,. thi? <ic\' ,h eak ii days duîîcg tis perîod. ifirst ibing. b1xxniid tîke 1 n xvil Blinda. each 10 contaiîî a!atton th(,se,,matiers, .1iRya maximumn of two huniers, are mvOw&'n vîcxv rcgarding laxv "te available at 5 arn. on hiînticgiaidore.I]îcr days for a daiy blind Iee of' Thai uni foriiaaiu (r- he 1) $2 0 ir, fiilv as, îmirîcilî as iiî' v 'e V Ai Pesqui'île Park dlck' rin in Caînada. 'îai shin apermiited on Mon-' l-oWcr lhav\igladFur hio\ c tirdais. Wednesdaysl ThUrsdcays miore expenieiu l) ii iaiîv No and Satundays. Thene are no wvavs tlîaîu nînsi peol, iieri x' bliîîds provided howeven, in- W(iUd like trî Pointîouit. ilialt Pi siead a seasonal fee of $4.011 sta he mrn cvnîîîcced %vihiir i inl iven changed which permits the ent""oicemcnii cf xr'have àa'wvnr1,nci licence holder 10 shoot duieka lîev, ,ctintîmesi\,lîx- ir att laîin on any of the shooting days uis îimrl i oîg gn during the huntiîig season. ahi d. i e nriîgiheifîe Waterfowl licenîces may he' law (ith,ît iheir loi for ii chiainîed aitue Park office 'l -utler rdaîr for i lieu r f, from Monday triThunisday, 9R ý-bîch thcv arc-paid ilbtl îîîr a.m, to 5 p.m F riday, 8 a.m arihy lsPrve-ui a l mipil In 5 p.m. and 7 ta Il p.m., Sat., hcay-v a respocsihilîix, îriltrî iî i iaI urday, .9 ar.. to12 noo. jdestî'oy ai] oîhîerci-es -ne The Fridav ntghi 7 p.m. tnil oighe -a; x 1, a teari i îc ar Esso Home Heat Service is better 11,ui-. operiung applies oriuy r1 nerrîuia rt axv-hrcak - ocf;Ia\y because its people are Hunters are reminded thai f ain1lie awîet e11cuic îlîev are permitted ta have mfn ir e ()\'P' ini Eigtannt, iiiran Bette peope seve yo bettr! Y ushin one shutgun each in the 1 <vus b tri atate, thai sax' iliI vb1 S te pepeto sevro bte!Y u b i ot langer than 10 gauge Lonidoni. Mr. Jlameis, the fui irai ý lue l nrcapable of holding mor ii i iorair onhorxx liu Wesî1 uni get "extra value "for your heating dollar Ibari îhree salcls (Ii n l xih biîeiiFomaîmiorar- uilgI brcach anid 2 in the magazine)~~'xxut i atoni. rripnîîta 117 complete service. Fact is, Most Esso Rifles of any calibre are rtin fitPlice atfsic{~r.ii ir. îsi t m customers alreadv have their e%;111 p4m-. * * damsthiiip îuuîîîl xei'Tx-. naces cleaned, checked and adjusted-. ready to go at the drop of a thermometer. You see, the Esso Home Heat Service teams in your arca don't wait 'tii the last minute to get their Jobs donc. To themn regular service is a year 'round job.They continuaiiy provide guaranteed fuel deiivery and 24-hour emergency "no heat' service, ail for the price of the oil.. ail backed by Imperial. Wouldn't jpou like to count on complete service like this? Get "extra value" for your heating doliar-get Esso Home Heat Service. HERE ARE YOUR ESSO HOME HEAT SPECIALISIS YOI'R ESSO H031E HE.AlT DISTRIBI. TOR: Duîck bu cuera oFueîî speni muan v coîl wel hoîUs rS'lonchei iii a blind, and athough tbel clotbing is designed tb pr'olec them from the elements-, somp. imecsA ahot coffep or some thirgi,;u ne-esa;ary tri warri their innenacix-esvp. Two such huiniers «euerr rmplo 'evldone î'ecent «'et auuî col Saturday: one wa5 warui- urîg hiniseif wtth q.eaming co ffee from a thermos while the othen w'as imbibing a con- <otion the ingredients of w buhi-h vvere knowuu onli' ir After several boxura of tiui onec lonici duck appeaned, ixhereuipon the coffee dninker rose aîîd fined. iînforiunaielx- missung. i-is romparuion iben fi red anmd brouiglîthie iiilu doxi- uu Tbe fi rst liituer or cou rse offc cd bus rongratula - i cuis 10 bis arCUI'ate frieuud, xx ho repiied wiili 'Aw that wastii'tsoPonod, 1b usuiallx' pet' tiiii-ce ni Fotir out of a flock t bat J ac k Morton AH.Strok &S eun urroc SnConference m Lfl .flÏM.tack Morton of Boxvmao- Box116 Philville R.R. 2, Ont., tuas rpu'eîn- Box 168 hone622.516 d fron tlaî'gest xvorld-widie dealer conference liithe bis- YOURESSOHOM HIET SEVIC r)E1 oi v cf the farm eqîuipoîenti- VOU ESO HME EATSERICEDE 'ER: dusti -called bx' Fond vMotori- Cormpan,- in Nexw York Ciy. ru .-pproximately 6,00() dealers Geo ge hom o ruesenting more t han12 n j ouintries heard Henni' Ford il, Chairînan of tbe board, Ford Motor Company, ondîine the 125 ('ONANT 'ST, k c v raie xvhîch 'the farm equip- menii business occupies un the Oshawa Phone 72:-7718 <Ontario rompanî's fonîxard plana. Robert J. Hanipson. compai' x'ie-president and general manlager cf the Fond Tracton Divis.ion. annoumoced a nexv%. always xxorld-xxide liceo rut am trac-- SSLO KTOIMPERIAL tori- hch wibl be inroduccri for the. bsst in tibe near futurne. 'This great new Foud irA1-' t lon ollrs nd orethanon u-ceciî t rhue nntoux-f people in Eiîglaiud uestiectcd hipllv libeir tol But nIas lier-c iii1iiV- ns - ti\'( larld, its lb'c<i<im rui- lx' commnî odFav. to iuead cf) p)olicemeniilug nn-Ilîl i - cd barl'-, kictsed anîd Iabuseri. <vit h bsai .uec su îng uheuuu ,maiis iitolr -millioMn nanl-honli cf reî<gîîîe i9:ng effort,- Mr. iHampanu o i decealer,<;Neer hi ere ,lias il 'farm equipment lndîîst rv facg af mole excitlirg sale-s oppo tuntiiit ri tlle marlkeis cof Il woild than it faces tn)daý. Atr never beforc lias aitîv dcab *organizatioon been ahie SIC1) up tin ilit I)Opporiîîîî vwmltlîpîoducis as îcwil,îpov nel-, per formanlce. versa ti tii and doxvîî îî.glli <>[id xaitj . ,Jac k Moriiiiantidla si, PI (Scnlta iiorl (if it le lix pri d"Ict liiu ait IlIC, L Radi 1 tx iMu>îc ffli, and talci umai ticipmated in iiima rketinEg nîýct ILig Diîrîngi) he thIlrvv-dla von ~ h heaii . i m u ppni tai-ni cqîll pmieni bu inejj:- -xi deralr"z cf îîaîîx îatinoali'tîe MNA NKs FOI Ky$ POP IA V/NG CON8FIDE£NCIt /N OUR> FANE~ i u1 ri -fi ùc.LI 16 TEMPERANCE ST. IrI Tourist Council x m ri s v ' r k p r o g r a m - i n n a r e n co u r a g n g lui.e olut]rue aind disýpiav cof aIl]cf the liniîed budge xibui otînailitti alune designî- xx îcb tlleC Counc . ba heen id xvritteiin lite Couicî.l. operat iig. llonourable nien- Great Pliîe Ridge colour- lionilii 1963 Area Promotionî ook, -'as a firsi-iiî-Caîîadna uonîpctiinn spurred ex-e n ct ia] publication of its greater effort s in'it9131. aîîd v ell w -cIirceîvedi. -An .-CHIEVEMENT DA Y *Havneas comi-nited tlîat piogranume. <'(,eihatiiip our 'ascd oral iteestand ruatiîonal recognitioni, u; mlan- oni hi- municipal anîd lied for 0<-lober 2lsî, iii L.ionsî vY cotinrils have rcrnlrib- Recrcaiion Centre. Port Hlope. o the preselit hcaltbx' XAi thai tîmc. ltoiio<iahle of groîxi b xithîin thle Jamers Au Id. Ditarîn '\liniter 1il: iiîcnihcrsiiip is an ail]-cf Toiirism andi Information Iigl. xxii] he gucat <speaker for the eAxuaj-cj (If mcii u: par- dinîmritiniectiuig. HeIp Il lie us crAu i ilg pllern «e floîxe ntoarnther, i- nec hav lefore nau can sinrl tIngroîx. ion ail ldu ini" li 21o-î]î îi istcîîder anidlin -rrif hiig 'siie d li Oul: a imimi- groix ý li 115 i- niial i;ii-otct-*.r ma rni ,: unr] .icfrxater, 1 i - a-e <uf ihe Geo'- Bai ai-es. the RBiu talos alu <c]i tOc daumpe-.- 0fr in ,p eP !r'x r f u-eu tilOn emaiw' kîind-.ofrusi- linc dr the ou-ehard s e mage me i i 'imi birds aiue so «'elcome a. lirs lni 'le ou'î-ia d. anIj IhN 2rever k"epx !u prpîuieuîlv A prayis. îickeui asImuJle1i s us mm na1ns -leuis i-ieilii i *II IllaicII-d lai - i-e!eii-uraîIL -\p- eakc-r lui a paiu uîudersiaiud as «li s amuii ib tis <oiiurvyt he s evenis pruîîtcd as nc- ng MvAi Iar Maîesi-- ci", pxiitolice rtiib- Iir ruepilorters '<ere ever *.-es anîd S<-oli \'oîuug e :iaird hc w-a: Ibm- who max- have been ui inihe mxxalo«u imuncent viexis cf làie Pm i uy. e1(folre Mr. a me.,a; -alyx att acc-onlis ngre V s '. fe slmxutId Ilf tîauî ri-s ctivi- llai Il .s vinuprîsule itcever Il pert - uit l fi rst r]as, mec. iii tlus IfUlt nid Rutl xxvnuId yvou, Ir. ni ihinkiik hatatil <oir-emen(n anmdlt1leuri f- siîoîtd use ever'.- in iimir pox-c rin Ver, frcy-, smi-has in c-oui respc-î from flie gril- hili c. i usteacl o r-i nd xxouîan radiig, ait c'ci Canada. po- u iilged huy the action;ý e(ri-, verx- small per - cF ofad cops? ili couilude lii- reai i expenicuucc I act à <'harpe cf a hlgccii- ain uplpantî on Qîîeeu iTornuutn b <vwas alone iht. Evei y loîîn a Meut- uPoliiemnan hliIn1 vy bojlIr roomn, Icisec xx-as i irihih. 1bfu kîîoxxniariv 'lor- p1icciil ('1 and M r. 1uve'ssii-onme, that i1 reimr, îd luced )cole lin for i-xev cuont cf lutter <veatti- ntito ion cto ehc riii a usrl. lng ci; îh tlm u- li-kîiexx hîn'î I mmiru y ' î< tui liaI liii pr-;inus xitigo au nimd t le i-u i ni er cuir truiv grectnu coîuuutu, ri cîenc-r I u\nrr-;, 1 'oilu Z n 'cmiex' To HoId 'l3th Farmers' Union 11liild ) jiunuî . iu uî 131111u li ai l lî (a aou. uillua C)Oi 411cllgi-anrd vu. icu )*lctmce l iatirir] fihp Tuomuu: unnihe ues cf n'rIlper1i Oui ta ic R mt1ruuîp 2 Pi exijrrl . "<I i., "hm<i t(if .,lIarkrtaljc. «uItlue repmiacert b'.a :eîicalcu ci i ,- cId li ili the ,Mm eh- i Iln lie ma;xumiiîi lIIoxxrd i unie - la 9u 0()< lur al IlFj-7,_ airr 'lcleitocr 'eiced ali- gaies.ý, toi, a oîn-ve.(ar tirîî. liii mnax- tuiId ai,,.pozition frnlfouur- varo out De:,ýlgale- ole(F't oa J-1 - 'oui-0l. d-i ~ 'xuî ' e o ulu-c ptFe'r faj, i pihicm x-tl - tuons nî-ome heforc, th(,mmil 111,. a s spousomed h.%,. xariou- laissueqUuîc pounted and pa Ile llied for betier au i p it c,; m a n ' - v e re l'.' O ul-l<f niPibod.. and a;'s temi now employed or engag. Ild îusellt]ifai ni produice. -Comment ing(-)il the appai - enut trenmd cf thubciig and di satîsfactouî exiatmng îx-ith farm- !rs*,, Mn. TehbuiL saîd that 'the reasona do ont need explorîng. ihcr' are quite . uLstified and il's bigb lime ihat farmers s1pokef out stnonglv for tliemaejves aý; fsrnucrs. A farmer caîu par- take cf at] the expansiori.. q!' mii. i!iii prnx'ecmpiums rInd in buroved 'Firieii lechniques ]m i x-shc- suzijclhi sdc Iues taummil,'. ,Ii-mîgging tnonmiue a cimim vii oxercomne lis iiiighloi il i]lie firsirrexe juilstiprce for ,'<hat lie prc- riîti(, (la OFu ,iii'rI'folîcthe up Oc cidit -tr xviili ncc and tubai, uîîîîîmcdia te actionu regardîîîig i iehsi dure ix-en h-'mt h in"'. rhî urigticmc OBJTUARY 1#1lxt'S. JOHN S.BENvm Fl"otoxxiuigaul iltuess (if txxn teh. ie draili of Mrýs. .10lir S. G mccii Wood ocru i mcrd ait Rridgctîi-t - ('o il e'iîuîi -, roi 'luîsda *V, 0 -0u7)el'i1:3, 19154. Sue D ghirof Ihe laie Wffiîani laine. Bradle *'v and Emii> Sm ith Brade':,%. the Frmerjpj ,\i vit le Bradie v as borui ý ClIarke Townîship and attend- (Id Newx Park Ptiblic Svholi n Clarke Township. In 1898 shr rnarrierl John S. Grcenwýýood w'ho pred'(cceaed hrr severa] yrars aco. *Mi-S. c; erînorl îad rîe- al Bridiýceport foi* appî'o\'1ni- atitx'30 Years and ai one ]imr' liveri in Bu ffalo, N.. 1w xvaý sma meof t he initedi Conpregational C hunrceh in Bridgeport. Snrxîvvî ng a re a dauitcr, Vira. G]adYs Edmiiinds Field or Briclgecpori, Coî,n., and a Pitranddatightet*, Mis. Dorothv Pe-,ie of G]asIonbîîr"v. Colin. A lo aîrxîvîg ae wo gland- 1 rhilcireiGai] c. Petrie and Dace R. Petrie. The funeral çervîcp a hrld from Ilhe Morris Funpral ChanciDe, Bowmanville, on Sat- turdav, October 17, and , Ionducted -- Rev. Harold Turner oý S palli*s Unîîed Church. Bow mn an\,ille Iter- nient v as lm Hampon Cerne- Pal be re~, ai]lic~ptiews. were essr~Cari Bradle-, llwrjBradiex'. Lorne Brad- Bert Ashon and John Ross. Differenlue hWeîxen a poor îiian and a rich nman la that One -orrics about his next mncal %vh'ile the othcî worries *OVER4O* USED CARS AND TRUCKS (ARD MOTORS LTD. WILLIAM ST., COBOURG at 1:30 p.m. sharp ALL MAKES AND MODELS - COACHES, SEDANS, HARDTOPS, STATION WAGONS. LAIE MODEL CARS AND TRUCKS, WITH SOME OLDER MODELS. Appoint Mr. Charles Gracey 1As Sales Manager Mur. Gri- rex ',; dukieS xxiii inx'olx'e îot nui)l' adî'eîtisiîîg and promo- tioîîai xvn<k. but ini addition lue %vil!lie expcctcd tri met i-tti îd ividîîal breeders or~ grcups cf breeders to disciu.-ý amy im'obIieu rîelated tb Arti- tic-al Inseminatiou. mi.. Crace vlooks forward 'n r-nîîuî t he manv happxr associations luIiibas enjoper xvitiî Easten Ontario fà4veie arîd luopes ihat in his 'WVi piositOintie <'an continue b lie No iteseive -c i<ls - The ultits nIUaY be iinsipeued( prior Io thle sale on sale rda IVA RIiN'I' - AillCars seIIinz for ov'er $2001.00 vIlI car,. 1-5 arranit on tra nsmîission. rea r end, a 1 niotor.t Sale wiIllbe held indoors. Immediate financung on the spot. TERMS 0F SALE -CASH OR 1/3 DOWN - BALANCE FINANCED H. B. SNIDER, At'CTIONEER, ODESSA. ONTr. ____ _____R L3 with Canada Permanent ln the Oshawa Shopping Centre YcIt iiill eij.<u <<Uc i-l - asa-uîgS faCulutîc - îvL.jrî inclîu-ie long boum-s foi- businuess -- openi 10:001 a.n. tr() 5:()() P.rn. f î'cm Timsda ' throîigh Saturda '; ropen umîitil 8:30) p.r n Frlui rna\s. Fori deposit b hi'ia, ive rffem reui et \'ropcs. A li un haieclui du u 1. tu> uk<ir office ,for a Regular t'h1equing Priv-iIeze-,on 3A%.CCOuîîI11 Serving Canadians for Over 100 Years for 4 or 5 year term Canada Permanent Debentures 'ln mi (ýýcIur iivs ia a i ufavot-itii for nirumucthsîi 85 irai,. w th Csuuadiarî nnvestors «brh x'u a ts ouao itiriandi -omplete secur- t iý ssiic-rli l iii' siinunit from S$5u0 trb $50,- (MOii foi pi i uods onIr)i5ivai-as.. Intenest may lie n ain tao ýiîî rie v(ýs.d-posiued mn you s ii v il p a c i i i oi : < 1 i n ia ,, p r c f e n t ri c l ip 5%on 1 vear drhttîrp-. 511 on 2, and 3 y'ear dehenture< PROFITA ROU'W~NN.X'Il i i' ~ en J. W. FROUD, Manager, Oshawa Shopping Centre BLY Sae g.Eastern Bedr Poitillent M:' ('C, es C.raccv a; s ";i . - *1s .u2r Prcxiis tic.-, '-rtIli s position. Mu un x s 'or tie past l'o-r f aj z.'aenier .-g îicuî tu:rai Su!oI0, Cha et c iý a 01, :~î ftilic olitario .\g:-îcîlt n ia lClee vr Y ebtaiîied his Bache- lors degrc.iii 1058. Foiv- ug gi-aduintiilei ideî'ook, grladciIa te stu d ies lu Aunimia 1 Special Accounts SATOJ* OCTe 2 M-1 - r

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