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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1964, p. 12

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12 The Cainadian Statesynar, Bowmanville, Oct. 21, 164 Several Girls Tied in Field Day Competitions A s s o s U g d t t d YOU'can w' ei'New Approxîmately 100 assessors, te replace what we Iostwe n Wtro onv r from the area met at Wark-! the mines closed doxxnwas' eatetx i pn YUa nworth Thursdax for the fall Proper Applicatiosranehtxekcuse n meeting of District 5 asses- h aoa'o sesr Uten~ aul i nai s o rs. ~ ~~Wa rk w o rth wv e re c c e n d as ss r v i at n d t s Most of the municipalities xith !lie less monmnaUcus.oe tw-ckp. from Haliburton to Prince- talks of how to iods, Edward Countv wcre repre-imanual. apyteh ad rmsn hn sented at the -meeting xvhich _Beginning this Novme(Exmnr featured discu.ssion of thel flew provincial asses s me nt manual for equalized assess-i "'It is not as difficuit to' operate the manual as it ma,, seem," said Gerard Wal-hw superviser for municipal as- of municipal affairs, Toronto.hy seseto the er tmue't will require "study, paience l m and trial and error. \Vh'it w xco are afraid of is that some as- sessors will attempt to use: the manual without as t- « iance." I y h m Some have sho\vn a reluîe- u l system, he said. "Do not paacsochnet ten judgement uintil fulilyconeh f T u vesn ihi, esThere are some errors in th is v the manual, hc said. and Ile e are being co.,rected. Hi de- partirient dcpends on the in dividual assessor te brinc these mistakes to lîght. "Do nlot use it for asss- ment purposes at the ne- ment," he said, "but don't us Sit on it either-study i. jervisor for municipal RH.Esnrina pes- ment, pointed out thathe manual hasnt boei applidý for assessment in Ontaio. It is expected to be i.<cd firsti 0Tetregrchmin tBowmanville HighI Lana Morrison, Billi Wiseman, Int. Runner Up (te;toeîonisaopigto H re f The tree grl campios atcounty asssment commes. s on, ,,re s School's Field Day last Wednesday were well out in back row, Jr. Runner Up Susan Elliott (tie), Jr. Run- sioner system. Vainly e.r front, but the runners up in the junior and intermedi- ner Up, Jennie Stout, Int. IRunner Up Laura Taîsma While the old mnanual isl rie2as.ate classes were neck and neck. Included in the photo, e, Sr, Runner Up, Betty vvelsn ana Jr. Icunner Up ae on 1940 v.lcth e fgr u front row, left to right, Jr. Champion Lorraine White, Bea Ormiston (tie).tinitke fom 92 silk cord. Waterproof, IntermediateChampion Virginia Semon, Sr. Champion_________________vausiTrot w recn watchstruction costs ire the iow-estý in the province". sta-'aada Club Speaker jFriday evening, November 6th Some basies of the ev leater ~~anaîanwhen the speaker will be Dick manual were explaincd b Bird, Regina, a Fellow of the Easton and Mr. Walsh. Royal Zoological Society and An assessor with a particu-1 ~p c a lowothe hoographie arproblei was Myrtie Ba m- B3ENRUS rorecasts Shie rograns Society of Amnerica. His topic ford, assessor, secretaryý-treas- list Field. provement district of irf.DS Each member f the club is The population of his groupj S overetgil ~t!ATH W iII Broaden M an's Horizons te any meeting, Mrs. Werry re- ed a high of 1,300, only toi To heIp keep Canada'sbuIigrdsuynpo~f~ alioxved tohbinaui o n e lof lmining c:iomutibe e-a 50CahIcetv Space programs xiii im- 'Mercury prograni terminated mid-1966 xvlich xiii begin to e he auediec.Seas im o bu 0 ytee during the winter season h eea oeneti gi measurabiy broaden mans in- 1last year, and the next for- provide a imass of knowledge Shol tett ae e ig t here are 1no miners îherae$50 tellectual horizons, and prom-: xvard step came xith the Gemn- \hich xiii mean se rnuch te, cone andensar eyeakber no, ttherare n ars tsoe b uy a winter-built homfrr teronocpny ise 0 shrtenthe ast ii program, which is noxv ac- ihe succcss of the Apollo ms for only a $1 each for the en- familles," said Miss Bamford. Wa saWne-ul oe A N D S T ILL tannes of the solar system forltive.sin irseo, humanity as the acropiane hasi "Gemini is a txvo-man space-ý Dr. Green addecl that it lias Atir e e a rtywan, odThe 1seherne te settle retired. A coffee partfo twaslaenroser-people in the former homes of A winter buit home unde hspormi n htbsfo don fo tfo sufaethethcraurfiacisearyif oi abee plnnd fr te lte su- alerth metin. Mmbesuinesabs mt ithsomhprcededbeyndnge.irt foorois sagebs ovebe earth, Dr. J. J. Green, M.B.E., î12 flight prograin in thrceexýors te carry a velhicle, xvhichý amaile themscves of he op- uecessho said told the Canadian Club ofphases. The first, completed xiii be able te travel over the rtunity ofi. 5h ndissbsani West Durham oni Thursday this ycar consistcd of txvo un-' surface of the înoc.n under re- PO o meeting the guest "Our first conccrn is to tryi 5hadi usatal omltdb ac lt 95 speaer, nd.dscused his ad- to gel industry or assesment! How Do You Proceed evening. ~~manned flights te test themete control from the earth. dress with each other. ,----____-___ Dr. Green ixas the speaker: craft, one in April (69 orbits) Il xviii weigh 120 pounds and, _________ lt's easy. Pick up anAplctofrCeiiatnfoma a t t h e l u b ' s i r s t m e t i n g f ý a n d n e b a l i s t i r l i g h t h i s i hH o u s i nge rC o r p o r a t i onof î o f f i c eit hf ih g oi t o ute sa ndu rm a ilon a l E my o u r SAVE hcsasn Hs ujtwa o n t x' on teofo milsDBONd j. i o thr frenswishs orNtoa mîyetofc rCnrlMrg n Nc-xt" durtionmanne fligts. hreeýspaceprogain wyou. anin-ormationhat onertheliprogramareis incoffie.ed duUdth seaer Inth fna phase of the prog-1ucng unmnannd spacecraft.1 group of their neighbours prier Camp Shioh, Manitoba. » N Y UR ILK OST .1 gishd sientstwho ., -- ram crndezvous and docking Next month NASA xvill launch bo their moving te their new Dr. Hugb Crozier regrelted Act Now lowof he oya Aronutial peatins illbeconductedrýtwo Mariner spacecraft on a home in South Osbawa. Mr. that he could not keep bis~ Feix f h aWcxenGeiisaccatan'oae fdsovr eMrs and Mrs. Elliotl were dinner date te leach the Kedron Bible 1 Sce your builder and aragiahv orhm itr He'ie's your chance to win both ways! Start nadian Aeronautics and Spacean Agena rockel cnaineý A manned mission te10Mars' guests at the home of Mr. and Class three weeks ago. He' buit. Help yourseif ta ht$0 ah netv n s k m e -~ t tI n s t i t u te l o f co f t h e l a u n c h e d m b c i-r b i t f o r t h a t !w u d h o a i i k l i hi o o d t a j M r s . R o s s L e e , a n d i n t h e f o u n d t h a l e xat h e a dwa a d a n u s r s a b s t r o g o t h e j t r ising and enjying 2% Ail-erseylpartlyand streoa Aero- purpose. Long duainfihsmuch latter date, Dr. Greenlevening their neighbours join- mitted tb Oshaa GeneraiL as îtrmr hn2,00hmswr ui ne member heutics, and of pte twu weeks will besated. He pointcd cut that hie cd them for a social evening Hospital for surgery, xvhich ti rorm a ebroth International1 me.mîespc program is indeediarld a presentalion. has been successfully perform- hsporm ,nilk, and at the same time qualify for a chance Council cf the Aeronauticai1 "It bas been dccided thal inia dîToami e. ~ ~ fliRsa ce smse d r rziri o eu _____________ Sine.the Gemini fihsec sr Mrs. Werry,th oury f ceremonies. A brief pro- erating at bis home, and ho is Il is oniy a little over three naut in biis pressure suit wilîPresident, thanked Dr. Greenigram was presented. Mrs. stili planning te take the les- '_~ D TN W ;o win a beautifully styled Benrus Soverigu man's years since the late President one at a lime climb out cf theý for bis informative and ex- Stan Ogle gave a reading and son for the Bible Class as Socin 1l g H John F. Kennedy persuaded bis spacecraft mbt space for briefceedingiy interesling address. Palti Rosnak favoured witli as he is able. i JIM R v orH r lady's watch! nation te commit itseif te periods cf lime, up te an hour.lShe announced thal the nexl several accordion seleclions. Recent weekend guesîs cf, M " " ine-Bjt achieving, within a decade, the The first stops int spaco willi meetingc, f the Canadian Club Mrs. Bill Rosnak conducted aMr and Mrs Ron Lambert goal cf landin.g a man on the ho made on the fifth' mannedi0f West Durham xviii ho held period cf games. were Mr. and Mrs. C. V.~ Issued by authorityf Hon.Afn.aEceihseoLbucnd moon and rcturning hlm safe- fiigbî, and the periods culside 10 St. Andrew.'s Presbyterian, Mr. and Mrs. Eiliott were Thomas, Cathy and Muffey ofWB--5 Yo '01 ave one on ourmil coss to, fr '."As a resuit there bas anis- iy extended on laler fiights.I en in the United States, a vast "The intention is tb evalu- %,7 Ail-Jersey costs less than regular milk, yet jS and fascinating space program aIe man's capabiiity te do use-r-' direcled by the civilian agen- fui tasks in space, and aiso te cy cf NASA, which not oniy extend the usefulness cf the ail of that traditional Jersey quality. challenges ail imaginations, but Gemini spacccraft. The astre- hols wthi ittÈýprom'ise cfinaul xviii be telb«ered teobis Save your bottie caps or the A-J trademark enormously increasing ourýcraft by a line cf 20 te 251 knoxviedge cf the universe inýfect in length, and wiii under-i whih e iv an cr biit~tae v-i...f ass1uc fr 98 First xx'e hn1rU , ,l th MrÎr\ fiil i = RS E r vman in space pro-rani, Threc survevors are due toe) 'hich culminated in the( 22 be Iaunchied in 1965, anldth j- orbi flghtof AtroautGord- fourth ini early 1966. It will b io Cooper ini May, 1963. The the fith surveyor launched in nave discox'ered limai ite Aicu- face sen t bacl, to earth -by ette is able te gix'e details Ranger VII lest Juiy. Ho said ar1sclecinoegexhne1îe 1 winner wilI be announced 11:00 Saturdays, 'about the earth's magnetie that aithougl itil as'be(cn con- oeei htvrbakn epte a Octber24 31at hedai.field in its xicinilv, an alto- cluded fronm pictures thatý October 2, 31 at te dairy.gother unexpected dividend to0 manv crocs cf lthe moon xvould:ne okpmnatwrg dsfwi o 'geephyýsies.' the speaker stat-ho) suitabie for an Apollone ake e twrgosfoigt et M7 inrS.e GLN MTHapop îaccraft landing. more in-' re nCnd rara.Ol h M SGLN SMTHmtn"The United States Apollo, for-mation is îequired on its mare nCnd rara.Ol project is bulit around thoe con-Utxtuî-e, streniCth, ruggcd.ness ccpt cf iandîing tîxvo men on and traffîcabilitv. chartered banks are equipped to give this the mnoon, and returning iliem Additional iangor space- . safely after one da:,,'s expiera-,craft xiii gatlmçr more pîoto-' ail-round financial service, so essential to lion 'ut lime moon. Thec Apoiie'granbs early next year, but the ~ spacecraft wxiii consist of thrce vital information we need doing business today.N ca rts : lie c o m m n d i o d u le a b o u t i s a b ilit v 10 su p p o rt x v i o s o t e cr w a d a n d s a e c a t r n o o tho contre] and guidance'provided uctil 19(6xvhen the equipmert: thme service module'Surx'evor prograrn begins to' xviii contain cnxes, propel- bear fruil. lents, cani supplies: and the lu- "The Surveor unmanned TUE CHARTERED BANKS car excur.-om module This spaccecraft xviii be sent culte f last, ceiicd LEM. ij thal je iand geetly on the mccc and SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY 0f \ ~ 7Q, viich txw.o cf the crexv wiii'le cake withoul human assisl-ý -jmnke the actualiiandingc on'ance measurements and photo-ý Through 5,650 branches, ail across Canada, - C 1<the moon. graphic observ-ations te doter- ,>Dr. Green oxplaîneci that al-'mine the nature cf ltme lunar, the chartered banks bring fui/-range banking bhough munv tasks romain te surface. its strennîb and bear-. ihnteraho vroe o e doce before the firsl mec ing chanacleristieýs, composition" and on the moon. mucm work of its soi], tempenalure, radia- bas aravbe c4mls>in n neeri ma K ed ccd mu'cimknoxviedge gain-'conditions on the mccc, alsoý ed. the nature cf ils magneticjA

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