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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1964, p. 13

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Trent University Pr WiII1 Be Guest Spe, (Iarke Hiogh's (omn Guest speaker for flue an- Dr. l, ne r] the sta rîual Commencement Exrrr-is- Gour-hor (ColIege the foi es bo be held at Clarke Hîgh ine yeirm and was Cluatîni School on Friday. No-enihecr the Departnn-uit of PI 13th wili be Dr. John 1I and 'tmonorvuintit ti Ldg~ Associaf.e Profpssor oft Gouicher Colle gn- Prof Ph 5r at Trent Univrrsitv. Longe 'va- engazeni ru Pe r broligh, and previoitsiy planimn n f a uucv-1 Professor of Physics and Chair- huiiduig and iniih(-ici si m-an of the Depertment of the titidrgradr]ita!t PlVi Ir'; Physics and Astrononuy of gramme.îlf'lias Iakc'I Gaucher College. Baltimore. active part i ithir-rer-nn A native of Ontariri. Profes- usions sponsored lus- sor Lodge is a gradiatc rif Commission on Colin-oPh Queen's University wlueme he in regardl tri lindn-rmar received hi B-A. in 194.3 and Physic's Currîcutaia n theo M.A. in 1947, and served ascd States. en instructor in Physics. He The anîthor, rn-o-uthor continued bis studies et tue 'editor ofE nîmcmous schr University of Virginie where papers and reports. Dr. L he received bis Ph. D. in 19.51.lias; pîrsuîed extensixi r(,e ALL GLASSES ONE LOW PDRICE WHY PAY MORE? 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM Broken Frames Repaired or Replaced 1While Yu IVai 'Ne FilAil PSI, Oculists and Optometrists Preseriptior et the same Lowe Prices. NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY C&: *17 Bond St. East 2nd Floor Oshawa, Ont. I-Iou ns: 9 a.n. to 5 p.nî. DaibN Closed Ail Day Wcd. Phone: 'd28-1261 how can just taste so Because Coca-Ci ~ ~ bo~st W toé UN". ce~ * wWiC.e-.i sLd, ola Ltd. kepi Fl the menng of Tharks- ?,The Canadian 5ha gîving i1ý ta gîve Thankz toi_______ Almighty GIdand spoke sfi ,Iir foi-a 'o fessortro briefly on the originatîin o rita ier Thanksgiving. Have we inIRe port fI4 .(JttU 'Na periAIe' our modern age forgotten thean oreth true meaning of Thanksgivîng'anbord h ,aker for Sol enttyt get awY y Russell C. Honey, M P tantr. Tn ahre h f Tli- Hrru;e <of (Como-cor: cncore crif 1 o .antiai-v 1, a mirnimurmi sage provision o-f dedîcat gthe ed he ftînme-s in ocr lips' tiseif vitIl196-', 'zl 2,5 per hotir. Other îtemis of nen em e t Mrs. nwden. sddiatd farm tcgîstý;at1o ilrn n mv 1azt Tochit has heen gîven first tîhc npw federal labour code Mrs. SnowdentwoRieport; I 1gaý-pe detail of reaRiiiîz nil .Il will be debatl Mr.K. Courtice then con-the arcmcn intrin tho l'arPd Il Q~A,' s00 nas if <caul, dea statidard eight houri,1 6 ýaf i n filte field ofE hîgh energy tinued with our studv on Bra- împrox'enent Lnars e\i elp-i rpa'ccd n tho parlianîcntary day and a 40 Ilour week. After îllow- particles using nucleur eniuî-~ zil and gave us mfany interesi - lto sdtenxvivaii ainîa.Wlîcieleiito cxerse lyeta m an of:sions and is currently engaged ing facts. The climate, while prox'iding for -i- opcr ux-- putr- rmav hcir ýbjcît tIosorne criti- pioe e wilI hbc entitled tri twoý1 hysics in the investigation of hyper- most]y tropical, their tempera-<hse rit faiii nlar'hitlrr At c-uinia ein efil tif will vrob- weeks holidavs with pay. Pro- ý At fragments. His work in this ture ranges are similar t fo ' rzlt l m p -ii nus ahi]-, rr v ait party endiorsa- vision is marie for a nîîiiiin fessoriresearch has received support Canada. the seasons the samornnseru rcdcî r uefo rrrii r CXC ansaitr o. thfie from the National Science cnivreversed. and only woci î-r-opîc A ¶ lîrh it Thr frrai goiveirîîMP!1 lt arrrs. Ox'crîine must bc naidý ujonce Foundatîin of the United hoîîrs apart in time. Mrs. ma1ko illiat k2 lar-n mi .p e-At ¶rrnI iii Ilîo'sr aire-r on ih o t;fah as finie ion oif States.File is a niember of Courtice quoted many interest - tract ive 1 in ai grîi - at i eli'r i l !)vtlIe cn -t iai aIai- ca h oif fSgaX ayo oeMisoso h ecîsaviiil arîcspoirjl rnitrj5a lc pisni'tixjrc(r.leAeîanPyia oitigfcso rzlfrn etsxjliiii; -- ripr iini ln'1raihIAf('ia \î l i rx ctso bn n1 an the Optic'a ISocety rof Ani book by Floyd Honey. Secre-tîciI)atr( in orrîrr t i iai-c flicr ria i urr',ri. ,nic rrridhy ncv federal lator r nrl C Ai the and the Anierican Association United Church of Canada. Mr. t flic parfi ciar prcic rrî uIu-v i 1- xcr-- inrlîtst rie7s iinicr fedcral juris- h rito Phsisî teachers. Honey sfated that Protestant-'i: lnildfo lrfrrcrtr1- nIus ito fi oe ia twl t a e----~ ism is growing in Brazil and pi u -n ftlnf o - irili riinut oisniio ilshpdtafixvi irgi,;t iniLabo'nirr ii i i - la 1<- ssi l r iho n lirsti rîs bave tflic effect of acbîiiîý,'ig a Unit- the Sunday School is a zreatlnf-iic ilr iIw li? lnp rwja Ic fi (,r, fita int n instrument of Brazilian Evanl- wlau iiti--îî oicirl I A ic la 'ii ilie- n 111 nrprs-l o ica labur e fnaiîs tri t îar1 Ilarke Citizens gelism. Brazil, too, lias fhe wittc-tatii crlnrai labour I -. leîir[rlictiocî tri i exicc-fd thait this ncw 1v--r lar woid. sade if ist idn theErde for CnaIî.lii îrtrnliii-. j-'ieorn nialihcv: conccrn- satioui wili cause the proviin- earch~ urged to Attend1 highest peak. It took the lýn the bill flîr ic ni Miii inz \v55 crrn iliii orîî;ties lin- ciai g!overnments to consider S j___r , d i i-li- iic\v rid er le i ri s -nc li ii s;iîcb rlai.siiîg thcir miniii m stand- __ fl~~~~1razilian people In ycars ftouuidiini i, fîe-rl of ,lahoi,-rix s .eroliiuns msfor tIle vorkers Lunder! colc ufîin udsfrtestanda;rdis ol--tnt iv iti I l i,- oniînîîrîic-atîouis, hroadicasting. ,provincial .tnrisdirtion f0 bring 5 AIl aduts and Young people! Mzpah Benediction. in Clarke Township are urged Sidynotil ,ta attend a speciai meeting toi' Rev. Miss M. A. !Zoii,-hertyBr w e P c s E ýbe eld n Netonvlle nite, HA PTONdelivered a fine sermoni. O Chumch Sunday School on Mon.' evening, Oct. 26th, at 8 p.m.: On Saturday Mm. and Mrs.j Sunday Sciionl xviii be it Getspeaker will be Mrs.1 Russell Reynolds and Mr. Donl 10:45 anm. on Sinday. aîîd oui' T rip to Santa s V iA.n inve Huntr o Kigstn,~Featherstone, Toronto, callerî hn-ofrng evrc I21 Field Co-ordinator for the: on Mr. and Mrs. Percy DeweilJ.flnd i oui-\it' crirSet<', On Sim.î the fic it aîîd 3rd atdîciach had the joy of slîak-i Heart Foundation, who will' Mr. and Mms. Perey Dexvell, n u -stigclo <EBoxvîiîanvîIIl Browiîie Packs, ing hands with 'him. Thes'ý discuss the research work on Douglas, Carolyn and David ýComing Ex-culs for flîieîr par- hdasodrf-ra.Teywr iodeihe 1se~ ta Vf lîeart diseases being done1 were Sunday* tea guests withîî<-iîrs1< Bwmiu i vbris et' Snowbo, Santa's famous Arc-! through the Foundation, pre- Mi. and Mrs. Bryce Brown,' Mm. and Mrs. Ross Westlakc, 91 cokiitemmigtitcdg sent a dîspîay and show in-iOshawa. Mm. S. MeKniht, Boxsýman- Viex Ille altuniti leaves en- Ltralte mwishd formnative films concemning the Mr. and Mrs. fPummel and ville, x-re Su:îiilay -,Ll(St- of rueault îi atsV l chck-ailn resewnjeshdý heart. daughters, and Miss LindaM.adMs.B lbur I ago uat Bracebrid-e. Thiereý the Merry-Go-Rrinind, a ni d Thr îs no admission' JmetadMs ayPip r n r.Toa si were 42 ini the party. toumed Santa's Village in the charge, nIt even for the e-lToronto, were Thanksgiving ton, Toronto, wvrrc Sîiidav Thr Brnîxs nies xvc accom- Candv Cane Express Traitn., feshments that will be served Day guests with Mr. and Mrs. gulesîs of M.-andn Mrs. Lcslîc panicd i v NMr'. .1. MeDonaid, Thîey' saw the folloxving sto'y' lat the conclusion of the meet- ýDouglas Higgins and Mr, Taylor aîîd failv. nd M. ajouTSotCuo laatrs ohr 'ing. ae gn. Mr. and Mrs. RoY MuecDor,- Broxvîîl ,vs, Mrs. C. G. An-IHubbard, The Old Lady wio,ý Mrs. Mary Philp aîîd Miss'iaid, Boum-aiîx'ile. sx-rc Su- dcrsoii. Tawnv Oxvl. Miss Lived in A Shoe, Humpt- h Bessie Sanderson, Toronto,j day guests of Mrc Greta ChiiteTguPagkie, anWupyTreMn nATb are spending a few days wiru iy. EBENEZERLt Mr- and Mr. igis ad n Mc ndM. Ros Hîihl)ird Mnys. Bob Hý,ditch. land many lothers. The Afternoon Unit of Eb-'Sunday vn o rv n aîc.TeîosceSn Thcv arrivcd ai Santa's They also saw Santa's deer, enezer United Church Womenlaround Burleigh Falls andj day e'cning callers at Ilie homne ViIia'te ah noîci, and ate a pic- and fed the racolons. AIT the met October l3th, for the had a picnic supper. of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hlubbard. nic luinch iii the Enchanted Brownies tnied Robin Hood's Thank-Oiffering meeting. mI- On Saturday last Mrs. Mary 1\r. uric Mrs. Johnî R yke: Foresît there. Aitcrwards theyiArchemr', and visited Santa's S mediately prior ta the meeting Philp and Mrs. Douglas Hig- andi Ronnico- penIthtle s c okuîlfîrcc this iîîteî-es'ing wood-1 Workshop and Chepel. They the ladies weme served dessert gins attcnded the trousseau xvitlî relative- ii Dcliii. land, coiiecttng colorecd leaves, had gî'eat fun ringing the and tea by Mrs. Carl Down tee for Miss Beth MeMulien A nuîîîbcr froin ihîre attend- pine crimes, greeni sprigs froni chapel bell. and Mrs. Gamnet Tubb. The iI Yeiverton. ed Thank-offcriiig service at the trees. and driftwood. Afterwards the Brownies meeting was then opened, by Rexi Ted Kersey, Scarbor- Enniskilleui on Sunday ev n- Thc-îî hîev had the honor of had a thrilling boat ride in our Leader Mrs. Garnet Tubb, ough. spent Mondey v ith Mr.. bp.___ iiiigSanta Claus himself, Kris Kringie's Paddîe-Wheel reading "A Hymn of Thanks- and Mms. Sid Kersex'. giving'. Mrs. Sid Kersey snsited Mrs. Mrs. Carl Down then spoke Hewson and Miss Minnie ta the members on several Horn in the Marnwood RestLo kw a h p en w en te c m a tl d rd c points and mentioned that itI Home. L o h th p e sw e h o p c e d rd c had been decided for the Af- Mr. DeSehepper visited Mr. temnocon Unit and the Evening Ron Luke on Sunday, Unit to have a combinedi Mr. and MTs. Frank Lee, - meeting in December. The Greenbenk. visited Mn. and mebes ls gredtasnda rs arldSat. ecnry letter ta the Canadien Gov-jMr Peter Kessler. Mrand«, protesting s.Jacob Kessier and Aî,"~ ization of lottenies in Canada. I Woodbmidge, visited at the A Mms. Tubb announced the W. Prescott home on Sunday. coming events including the Mr. and Mms. Charlie War- - Regional Meeting of the U.C. ren spent Thanksgiving sveck- -W. Io be held in Pickering end xith relatixves at Goder-, United Church, October 27th. . chc Miss Osborne, our supply Mr. and Mrs. Me r wi n - reprsenatie. epoted OflMountjov spent Thanksgixning1 the quilts sent overseas, also weekend in Syrecuse, N.Y. à', ~ that boxes of clothing had been, Mr. and Mrs. M. 'Moutitjov packed for Simcoe Hall, auîd receuîtî,s- euit IWO daiys xisit n for Miss Muriel Stevens in ing fiend.s; near L. Sinîcoe, - Afu'hea, and Mrs. Coverly e-;and Uxhridge. ... a .' minded the ladies about the Ms lrneBts r Christmas card display. adMrs. FDrec Bates, A \r. Mms. Carl Down and Mrs. recentiy visited Mm. and Mrs. Ross Endicott will be in M. Muty ........... charge of the program for the j Mr. and Mrs. M. Mounîjoyi......... November meeting.1 with Mr. and Mrs. Kennethi For the devotional Mrs. Samnelîs atbended the Plough- Snowden chose Psalm 723 fo-jing Match at Peterborough on the scripbure, and it was readTl'usday. in unîson. Mrs. Snowden stat- Mms. Kennetb Sameils andj Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy at-' bended the trousseau teea fort J O Misçs Beth McMullen, Yelver- i 'I - ton, last Saturdey. * Mrs. Norae Smith, Brooklinî, calone visited Mrs. Elmer Wilbur )rn Mn. and Mms. H-arold 'Wl- kins, Rendy end jilsverc rc- cent visitors with Mrs. Joeyl VanWafflker, Courtice. Mmr.and Mms. Hoskin Smith à- spent the weekend witlî Mr. and Mrs. Rav Smith, Milton. ........ ......... .. O O d.Congratulations 10 M rt' s Glen mithon wnnin Cc ca n, -,brimming with full- bodied tlavour. but ~h as îust one calorie i every six ounces. Taste Tab. Pick up >i a carton today. HAMBLY'eS BEVERAGES (Oshawa) LIhI Oshaowa, Ontario BUEKETON Sorry to report bluet Mm Bruce Lee is in Menioniel Hos- pital, We wish bur a speedy recoverv Mrs. Greta Bailey las r- turned home efter spending ,a couple of dayt with relativ-, un Oshawa -A nurnber r-f ladie- fr-nnu here enjoyed tbe nirbumez andc duscussion by Mrs' Jacks-on at Enfield on Wednesday e c- ing .5 Svruathy !s exbended eIo Mr Fred tabb in the passing cf hiz hrofluer. M Chat ahh 1-rz F; ) Frvari. \I- irda H-alt, %Ir:; G-.We'thu-rr. Mn; E Ki ai? anrd fiýr-niirl a Wcere rer-e!lt 7"ii-tz ofnI Mmand Mrs B ilibbard '\Ir and M- IzF me-hCart-r and b2b'. Bxmnrul v-e meet uzt - f T O MeA (Camter A nulu-ber froni liiep tt'un ed VErdreld-i azaar ai 1Flamptn HaliitFe-ax eenri Miss arioe A ,u, p<Y' -ororvtn. sment the xcec-.nd xv'fu i r;s zAl1rre:Ta- bmo -land, Ozhasva. were Saturdax' evening guests of Mnir n d Mrs B. Hubbardi Gtad to report 11-t 'Ilr- H-armv ýGrare c; rrgre-ýinz IED acifblvnd iiih~ 'o r WVe %xerp x-erv rea> sýd ti hiave Mr-s E Esm and %Ir - Wýade of Cnîntice as oie r z-t ,mm»ý 5loiàt and accompaniàt on Ate yearytds dyU, we rodiicuued ire îirst compact car. It innusu-y's oest power-to-weigifl ratios tor superior per- hushing1 was a revoltuon agairisîr-xcessive' sze, weighî and qinu- formeoce. Or pick a 198 h.p. V8 for fast-moving action. Look w micks. In a sluoît tue. vr.e ber-soie comnpac-t leaders. The '65 Ambassador allers luxurious. spacious interiors. expand- Novv itlustin for Phuase i-vso orithte Rarubler ReVOIL)ton. Choose froni the industry's widest range of comfort and Ambassai Its 11010 uni oer our proven qualîty and exclusive teatures seating options, ati with 7-position reclining seats and iuxurious Ia the larger-car btî'y rr. Dur i:.xuutouis îew '65 Anibassador improved adjustebte headrests. Theres a wide new selec- features. s i onpletrl' OCw in0 ze, appearauîce aruni performaoner. Takc youtr chrurE oft lrre qicat cnurns. Torqueý Comn-and, t'le revol-.tionary ncw i1555 h.p. s.< that por- ternis U-9 an rght ton a supýýrb lual4ce rit pessonc and eftrnienrrr is 1 -Main Eeýar;nq j n ht .r~ -n CcuntervvFigr; cuive- a sucnvibrptîinlýý;; rr c. Or chnoc othe Ambadstcn270 h.p. V8. lu c-ftcrns one cf the lion of power options anid fcatures-everything you've ever wanued, ftram automnatie. transmisýions and fuît power equipment to dise brakes and AM/FM radio. Thue'65 Ambassador offers exclusive qualitv f6atures and r.onrtmucuion For inztance: stron,,, ratte-fre Single Unît Coristrucîron with Uniside; Oeep- Dip Rustproofîng; Double Safetv Brakes; Cerarnic-Armored Muffler~ noise- atesmnan, towmanv1lle, Oct, 21. 1964 -rmse oi flic ýerîrn home al 5:4,9 p.m. They The party had arrived back in Bowrmanville 's Tea Room, bv eight o'clock in the even- bus for their ing, tired but happy. NlýADA VINý-GS )NDS stment L't let you down. \x'ailable at any branch of ORONTO-DOMINION Cie people make the diiferencrG B. L. BURK, Manager Bowmanville Branch ides to expand nION: [or- designed 1buyer fibergiass roofliners. what happens when the compact leaderdecides te - Phase Two of the Rambler Revolution. Thie 1965 ;ador brings Rambler quality end fMatures toaa ,s new, larger car with over 70 power options and The 1965 Ambassador is on display at your neighbour. hood Rambler Dealers. There's no better finie than noW ta take a conivuncing test drive. '65 AMBASSADOR 1-ake a test drive at your Ramnbler Dealer'a todayl rnPUi McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. 219 KING STREET EAST Phone 623-3356

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