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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1964, p. 14

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The Canadiari Statesnar2, Powmanville, Oct. 21, 196 a *'l a1 'i MOTOR CITY AUTO STORES (Division cf F. M. Sissons Ltd.) Motor City Building, Highway 401 Box 275 i OSHAWA, Ontario 1964 RE:1 Collectieon of 11lVo Federal Sales Tax on Rebulît Auto Parts 1. Following the 1963 Federal Budget, Regulations were issued which asked us to pay and administer a Tax on the wholesale price of every "Rebuiît" Auto Part we sold. 2. The Directors of Motor City Auto Parts (Division of F. M. Sissons Ltd.) studied the Act and' Regulations and could see NO WAY they could ADMINISTER themn HON ESTLY. 3. SCORES 0F PAGES of notes and correspondence with Ottawa have accumu- lated and we feel we are still no closer to finding proper means of calculating the required information. 4. Ali this has been a great strain on the Company. The Minister of Finance and others in Ottawa were informed that the Company must have a complete and accur- ate audit to, date and satisfactory directions for administration of the Act not later than 2th October, 1964. These have not been forthcoming. 5. The Officers of the Company feel that one of the BASIC RIGHTS of every ci- tizen is to be able ta carry his share of the burden when supporting the economy by the PAYMENT 0F TAX in the proper amount. 6. The Direcl'ors of the Company feel that this extension of the EXCISE TAX ACT using the supplementary REGULATIONS provided interferes with the BASIC RIGHTS. 7. The President feels the Company has co-operated in every possible way in try- ing ta do what has been asked. 8. Last Saturday the Company received from Ottawa, for the first time, written definitions (promised ta the President Iast July) which might help distinguish the REBUILT AUTO PARTS which interest the EXCISE TAX DIVISION fromn those which do not. 9. However, much further specific information is needed and means for calculating refunds of Tax previousîy included in components have yet ta Be devised and may be impossible. 10. Consequently, until the Government can arrive at a practical means of admini- stering the ACT ACCURATELY, the Directors wilI set up the following procedure: (a) 8%, of the retail price of every used auto part upon which some work (other than cleaning and inspection) has been performed prior ta sale, will be added ta the price of the part. (b) This money will be deposited in a TRUST ACCOUNT at the Company's Bank te the credit of the Department cf National Revenue and your favourite CHURCH OR CHARITY. (c) When the excise tax auditars have examined aur invoices and have determined the apprapriate amaunt owing ta them, this amount will Be paid. Al possible help wîll be rendered by the Company ta assist themn in interpreting their calcu- la tion s. QUESTIONS 1. Will this raise the price of the auto parts I buy from Motar City? (Answer) Unfortunatly, YES. The Regulatians discriminate againsi- concernis who do ever $3,000 annual business in "REBUILT" parts. 2. lsn't there some EASIER way of collecting this tax on those of us who do net require or cannot always get NEW parts? (Answer) PROBABLY. Many independient EXPERTS feel one COMBINED PROVINCIAL and FEDERAL RETAIL SALES TAX would Be more satisfactory. The present troublesomne REGULATIONS were drawn up in a hurry. 3. What are OTHER SUPPLIERS of used and rebuiît auto parts doing? Why aren't THEY objecting? (Answer) Some are able ta appîy the Regulations fairly weiI ta their specialized business. At Mater City we try ta keep se many types of parts from so many sources processed ini various ways that administration is a problem. It is always easier ta pay something you feel unf'air than ta abject. 4. Isn't the Mater City Plan for collection TOO COMPLICATED? (Answer) YES it is a lot of bother, but we can't think of any ether way. 5. What wilI Be done with the extra money from the 8%ý/ý Trust if the Government doesn't require it aIl? (Answeuur) It wmiII be onnaedte-he4 aue1idict-don- ou saes li. .1 t4 Top Athletes at B.H.S. Field Day Mi rc ai sa pl la hi a ail li< Nirs. X\,îltcrs Isatii. lt it! M r. a n d N ' Q î r h -l i ý m n a l ici > r s C.î " l O t-tawa. 011 Srtttt 411 nti.-t rc.. t'l '(< wa' s"ar ' , wj per2 latrinnd t inra' O-as Gardn Hi' isnr('1 After heing raincŽd out and chullc'd <mit(on1 cxiiec dates, Bctwmanville Iit7hl Schlîcc.l eld their annuai Field Da: a , \\c'lncsdtx'. xvmîh excellent cc)mpeti- tiori. In the bo*'\s' section these track a d i i emptloi piled o p the most ponts, as follows: front row-. lefit tixii r.J3oYs Runtier Up, Paul Par-y, Ju nior- Champion (J eg Adams, Iiîc'rnie d] al 'Riier Up., Panl Kely(lied) and Ian MeQuari-rc, Intermeclîate Cham pion: liark 'r', Si'. Bt ns Rtînet-,i Up, Gerald Harness, Sen ior Cham pion, .Johln Kilpalrmick. Intenîdtl'Rn inri Up' h mn-d ('h fton (lied> andIJntei'mcd iate (na nilpi miiiLar'ix-Simpson <lied). Clarke Sets Standards For Sub -Division Roads Clarke Touvn'rip Coinrci at1ln'rw eto' tyii xc i'îîr.-n t bhe iccen t Or-tubur muctrip'Plaiîntiîî" Eîla id iii' r-î ii gare tirue rc'adinp in a br'-!Counriîcti t emîtus lSe prtoosa lxv in rrhich lhuv hicae- cf the 'Blutiini)Lý Be,îr'C i frtiloc abhi d ic'lstandiardsi tir xicli pass~minMof tue re.tctidai '. i ,ýiib-dj\i'det- must ronr I.lî'mt i- arr' Si i' ed c i-c'r\miîcti 'oaci wivthimi a sub-lr-îiseii rvuru imade il hc'Towns'iîîp This xtî'. ror î nLt n itel 111(4 Somiitor ' ixi (lers x'k " cc.ssar', apprciI hc teua: mU îldlitp permit ist îtc Thte r b lrv niccuýstttc':a roaci xvicih of at Ica:t 66 ft. ev and Iresatur r It'tlîoumlil rînea s rr' hr' CoLncil . A nimbe't' i flanSa nu ' I-e <Obl cigeri rvtlî ,ortriil slicr'nig r101ot nI>'the ! . -01tî of t lie .tutor st re'. htl alS0(olotourIm' itle:-;Of' iOtý t'acr han ttî (cul fe tîrnd ramlage plart alîorvirpc'oumrse; f fîcixe andt size of ctt Irert:. fîrt ber tulan nîIn-taI4oS-o ' itî:picaî crossa section of th(- ýoaci aîboxvaite. Iiobr - 1la xx'aisc prox ie- [al alt tret-s aîîd S)î m'cbs uc- lacifnruî lhe toati aIlorv- mite ec -tept sttti trees tliat do ot îîittrferî'e li'toîp :îit ici oc "dia] Iburentî d 'o s c'rîtire dc'lth tc a xvicltb cf iri-tY l'ire fuet xr'IIs'ii tl uqLla!.i 0 or' l, pieater Giari t h m'eu vis'ion. (C urt.'' mtci tî lie d('îî tiî li'a koi Il('14' 1 1ms ra-t îeî. mi (.0iiîîîl ,t'(j . s'PccmhiI iiîc't i i îtxl ' i( to fnjtîîur citrît i-'l ix- x Deît' t-ic r'î' .1011' Stotîi' Coîimitlli' il ' ('1illi'- e r î A. M. Johitri. ~-e r xu i rip- (nM -c îlu bc't ' blti itn vakr ri on Otie-i. 01r t uPort crf it de Roati SIIPC"Illtunrdent thde Clel,]k o a ' PaL ut.1horiZrito0 prepare dra ft b> \-ail 10 establish the ro-id from Newtonvjlle ,Outh It -lgx yNo. 2 lo the Lak- shore' Road allowancc. and ailan 1-a Leskard road frorn the ('2m11 e t 1 Iote COLItttins Rnad No. t as thirough roadU. Gel Your Price For Your Livestock througb STA TE SM AN C LA S S1 FI1E D S Phone 623-3303 On Tt1r -1atrouî t. q si \eck ,'-CîîuCICI,: ut cal wci 'o it.e t '4 tc ' r coi ard t: v. M r s (C . M e r n a i I N I Thc Tî'-on o recruule-' i n 0 Oronc)o '0 tii' 4)(4"11 l a m p s l î a t W t'( c 'i ( i C ' surtd Nir. Tiiick '<o n tri 'Conx'enlion o!)1'h~- u cons z n Marve'Iî lunch.T !i grown . an a:. 1e (,o, " fro.'n i.:'growor ni t c' S0 a ii i'oroui.- "i Sm îithr'îi c'4 ' vd 'vr .' t adNrcv'dNr 1,W " damiN .C i . fui" 414 ii' 1'Mari mua on Memorial Hospital Weekly Report if" 34411 6iIr Mut ~ 3- p.' m.'dai ii 2 Use THIX PAINTS and ENAMELS LATEX, FLAT, SEMI-GLOSS, HIGH GLOSS and EXTERIOR NO SPLASHING . . . NO I)RIPPING NO MESS TO ('LEAN tl' I-' TER - BEAITIFTIL (IIOI('E 0l' COLORS - PAINT & WALLPAPER .33 ing t. W on your savings buyT Canada Savings Bonds ofotet , ft,' / : l-?Sfor o i;rr .5.jw n i'ci0 icc ej-c a i a iaeac1zd aiici/e ici onuîJa ~) Abernethy's A sttb-lia:e rvtll lb'u p'ov ded andi al dtciî cusiýabltsbed ac.- c'ordmn- Iolem'gUtla t ousof tfii b'Iv.Water mains cor otiier brîriet iîutii pal ev csar'e Ici bu providetidtinîp cttgh gmad ig. Tlhe nxvnir xil lieuîm- vide a surfac'e or pit ru i gra - rd to a xidth tif'tiiî'-i t'eut. Thi s ta in b'e v'u w itii a tlirce ilici su rface if 3/4" c'rî slcd ravrel a nid civ-ý rrd ti thi a ti mtst tam'n ip ru a- terial a a c'aitmclormde, TPieorr rsua Il a Iso de'- posntxi t ii t lie corpor'atioînia ir r cf S2.1101,0101foi, er'crv tiile, of *i orin tri e '-îmbclîr-Vîoni xx lic'lî rvcild hl isedccb 'thie mnîîii'patiir' tfor dîti at laria on- tonsoliidion . l 'ri(,oxr'nîcIr SlîalI a I. i îî-tx'iie tilîîý',mot- porti loti x i icai îr a bonrd Mail anotmtîtcqttal t-i) sI.ti(i pur, foot oi' roaci. 'Tle hI - 1arr aisit pi'cn'ilc tlîat ;îuiodct'ni poctuîînis rr'n bu' made andtî taIte i' oad:ý nîxtst niect ail iconitioins hle- forue i il lixtn-ut cr:i tlîe rîIiicDalitx'%-fNo'rt hill:tii: Permiît xiii be . tîci it -ttc-h tînle as the Ipstt'ilîpnt 'el lias bc't'i ai - I1trl att tiii It(ilt' ml 'ii tt iai tînt oifîm't ,wt 1' . lin' "si cii~ ~ r "m t ii ls iîi- ' Jp ClýIff î.li> ILi;uil( ' ta1. il ic' iîx'men. hotît fror tic'es a"t sndri foii' tlc'i -- )f 'i stallatini. l1uîP 1,P txttnî i cil i(11 t t sti'ili u mp ,s 'l; ' aîtz contril îarkn- iiiracs)rn ai-eu ' 'lNIo'îo 'îcu) tro 'bc.Iadhrc'cni acirer- i. cnde\cut1 t-oponb' de'-tihe NMunitc'ipal \Vcrks zA5- sltatce prograni. Cëocmnc'ti1ai-w gave aîiprox-ý t foi'th (li îrin of architeets for- !ho addition of a Vocattona' W: ng Io ilte Coîîrttce Hmp-h Sclioot Thc-.- aPo requestecl t hai t :e 1er-iof lte dubetîtup be f'or a leit -.ear perioti. Temnder.; xvere openeti for the construt ion cf -jdewval;s n Newxtonx'mlie. Tcncier.s xvere ti'OLlmphî :'OO iiigb -th *tho 'e- -at hat (tîrtiier action wx z tabled cntil -the next îîeetirI2 of Couincml. Tetîdurs xi:et c'eix'ed froin Harriden & Kiiig, Cobourg. for 312 feet of sîde- walk at a uost of $848.801. The ecnder of W. B. Bennett Par'- Os h' O~a w a,.vxa, n the anILoun' of $98.5,0n. Mces,$r-. R. SimPbOn and A., i 'Ii t " ~erk shop at r 'roprosentatives o. o huchargeos. WC t"\ i it'd in .rotins i lt, ts ¶ an s on progra in mi. ."'. W>,, u4 bîd ru- '411ý, 1 '. li " Churcli Ceý me ot at St. N, ci " Tlil\. Cnffue M a"~.ndMi-S. : ~s n1114 o irHope '4 ~. r,. isaIbuilding V4 ~ !ý( 't('-1 44 f 'w t cn fix- NI S. 51 I., F!l1i(.ksnland WuS!'" \I' 111 01 w-ho was c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Il ' 't 't 'dui tu Car- " s ' . i ' î s u i r~ w c d d în g n St.. 4 '~ Rcuption i n- t I 11îlpc. '1' "'1 Ms . -uîi DuRc- 0. MerO Nc'îcr 1'( eN "4 NI..Ron Pr'ove t. ue .M r . a n d ' M ij -. . E î c o î s andtt u tIecr cn i 11ad Tîmk ai1. 1 S'11 ELIZABETHVILLE %o

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