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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1964, p. 15

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pR D Ozlaxa " A 'ý ;r 4 speaki" a- Shilnt' anrivr'rs.i" Sunda' fetr>:w't mnes5agt, neiinzh; dý n know about Laod - lin".' fînd out about GM.d ';pe(u.-, rnuŽic b' the Ladepz' Trir) front Bowmanx'iiie, xitl \1 Sam ici Black soloisit.v: preatlivapprpcialed. Ti'hea HAMTO' . . ' "e I's rný: N'A'ýj. l itrA xývather .m1nn, -vt ,, îng'sasîetPmaiBm% 'on\IcFante Baker, insnntg servue wa.- xci,, 0<-rober lec' wshy Mactrmi i Bror c' a'cl W' pe evrr OlC' r J'ý the C. F. B-î"d'tr te npi', " ehV Ma' îtat.ks cd 10 he n attendance. Mr... ln epros.îde-nt'.rnare r6 e luW",WM c':,';at:c< Ir and Ms.Clifford pr 'il thr chair iD wa.- neîed bu Cr 4l' f:i 1-0 C'i""TOsAIand fl ,of Bowsmars-l' , node. clect, an6 Lords Pra-' i, wreSndvg'csss' 4" foUcavias ' 'nul B <. W dv '-Herb. Reid's. Es~î.'Minutecs of last mcci - cie'tcd au -tsîai 1cm rJnu'-n r. and Mis. F'rd 'i't.l 'tii p wc reaci antd appiover i. ' ntî.ided Metai i1>a'h Ganderi 11:1, m:t"dnd srons' 'o Treasurrsreport Ab' W:%i. tiand thrir îeed. a:n u- and xi es"gtîctî.dshin W ants .14a cnalç. 0rhmIk->'oin î0 rt P sý A, rRý 'Xee re ns "ront Wr'. Clarence s it1on triMape GroeW r Ra odd. yroCrthespendcisupercoîîtîe in ave ('atda Pat - Mr and Wrs. .1 riasse h Yn0 ferv hespedi kr.lbei sRFra.o' «Bossnîalrville, amNr. Rt'1 Cor'espnCd at E ia'r n nit'teg gae ia repor: frontThP Cantta- Sas'erv's. ('orreApndrîe f r ni thc dn Contsumeor BletTht n k'itm cvtti lh ibrn eorîuraion for makiirg a 5 rtwh epape:_' ilville. at Mr. Gordon Triai s. lantp shades ai Orono. 1Two s'hmgil he ohsei-rd cocI. Mrs. Ken Clarke anîd Han- !adir e:x're appotr"d i rn RFamt s1tr-e gat hutersi-hlUieMr.and 111-s, tend frarn lrr.hemne. tt ,r. CE. Sphcîttîni nGeorpe CMarke. Trhe spinaai caiendmCit e t t ,dsebr. VIr1, Spresm s Mrs. George Smi'Iî sand W: vilage are iri he patulrrateîtdmancal! bis aalgc- M.F'anrow, eewcastWle. csie' %lonienan. Rah 'ait wstas vt siebSundav guest, at, Mn.Pe" \'ive, an se'citde si hae c hv Ore sa~ hat ait Fanroxs"s. anîd als-o Mr. andt 'o he heid lale iiiNovemrber icotîtnîbute ir)the heaitte ofMrs illisFart esit- ai 210 o'cîoe on Nov. 20thimv uoumrtrysm.e ii lookrrred Whar W. Wo: rn is. .Knox looîk Irar2r,'MWr.ancd Mrs. V Sýliiet ,Tor- nuM '. aveti 'of thie meeting. Wrs. R. Pas- oito. werre xveekeiîci - iions arnip progran1u Mr's. eomnmerîted oin the Mottna aIMn Lioycî 1-allawcîi>ý; lt h er Ihîrtitras mnnîV ,a nt ofvods and nîîaî deed.a Wri. and Mns. il. 1,o'rv (ri gando ýnia riHt'- i'oe- .ke a gardcen U:nt awsiced.'.' K irbs , Mr.'.aîtd Vn.F1Rt liai an octni~ fi fend fi. Frasern s sprrsen: i vniin . svere g"i -s "ýi ehip sri'ene takei 'i r. prc.-c'it I us a filtir. JIeritapcN s . osr Ir sri ' Mr2z. George G(-ri etpnc'pa: -tof Spîctidor Mis> eis Siiîdaî. "ri and ncad ia os ,e' s'papei ciii Pascrie favot't't tus 5 lt a 'n.WraiW.tb sn t Il isrt si-hai oi 1have tp-rti-îtriJivu, treth'ttcsr'cckc.l otît' povke"baimttkes 5 iii Nits i. Bi'iiortc i t. i an hiomti. li)aiikfirlr- t',ý\httt sou havve the falbowttg ,i 'hi0t"1ti1- Suiidavguetss lUit 'mii a-s: il t sOur han 'I'i:t. k sFor t hie Li Ici oit Pt I ens:Mrs L tcss' i-aI lowsecl Ssci C Mr' io Gratitude' sia.gisoit'ti akr. Soocl -Senitmic l 'anîci r. Gor'don t Ninit rsplendid rac 'g 'hhor W '1ICa-o ilIUM. 2id Brite bF6- Biîs nîsic. Wr and A in, 'ibteino.%'fnbuhrè b' 'in i ard -.1hti.rc Wt F,bYie BlI !Reti. Oronmir ise N R t rnows. f)tcss-. tit .aswri]i" ,Tcl mm tanaîd'Beit ah iMat ]'svc' Nirs. Sutiti ': 'iii . '*Bradîcv'. Si-îria. in- ; Gron uT<tOtroi. Scoîra arnd she gave abhou tlien tnriclown. <'-aI otiseti :'s a lait- atnd -s( hi nugatn o.t Mni-, Sut 'i 'PýIe ' M pI r caf WI- ,lilipg Its' ah atlNi le' af) ol ti i g.cplý (i ' a OIN W. 1..Bsa , a ec u 'Pli Octoher ni ce'iît va lirtlIii t' ne ComIto 's iaI < )tt'berRt ss'ttb ( nr aîr pre t l'h>iitsit le dc s a- ti- thr txeI's'b eel' pester 'ompeli tiit itciîiin otipis zfroni Bakr': , tie< sud iSotina lo- Minute rit - Sepeirthc' e' liz wer sncreatia nd eît e s 'coPrt iguit l vins. Asltora'u in îdc tî 'itîtet tý:- 1ittl-' '.ghts of otîr lat - liosi N'r PiFakins xa vusi- rt i i'tumtten t-la rge andI utodl Pai r. -,'1id GCcii':1 NuIlst .i Kntox , Pi:nia'ori-cmm, I t Boî- rie Kt'i's 'tit .iri ttîî l Pat', Soit\ la i'io nd c- Sei rs. aiîtpsc e. . tttr tI S i - Ns 1) ce,2idRr' fa \o " i- hec1, -riorabic iit:t titfen STARK VILLE 'V-ýit ad NtFlrîela" peit t Fridax ast seck ssi!1il Mrt andtlM.z IIarolditle t'ain ph 'Vins FxvariRBahut-i:.ssa haste> for I lie Oc'laber îîe .nof Shuntt' ' '1 'Theecde- s-olionnl portritn ws :n ci "ia g oft Vi- Orntir -ti' Plaîts s'.eu cttîitecl fîc t"! I(' i if t-te' n he:tii'n tibcli uie -t Mont b anîd t' wâasc !0eI hax'eIlIte elect it of office;, aith nleit mreettîtg Thc lad1 lescasî'yd 'lie eveliitg at Vin:. Robilisimu 's lihome. Rex',Joli', F. Morris.B.A., VIStT YOUR ELECTRIC HEATING INFORMATION CENTRE ONTARIO 1UDRO 61 'Temlpe an c St.,Roili,~antile Piones:62>2.361 -2 TO GIVE YOU RL'9T Ti 5fR fVIr EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 161l We have purchased the taixi businress f the Iî known as STEVENS' TA COMPLETE FLEET 0F RADIO EQUIF PASSENGERS INSURED - 24-HO 3 PHONES TO SERVE 623-5500 623m5822 CAB 500 STEVENS' TA) LOR BETHÀNY Nil psir:te li'V,'t, al tlhe eiid afri i nottîi. t:.î a is -, ii g l in R ,,'ti'i '- aiý. il h'\taio i t'îrs 1t1t" i-atc foi E'ttot lter 'tut Sitdburs . le NitîtPfît nie -: -cs-ni tl'das' î-"ea'ied hv lite ne(tîncîrltn va rieîr it \Val 0fr Ma g slr at1e lii NMoore. Nagi:4r1ate C" W. Gluc- of Tor'onto hlas beenti lte ci- porary -tubsrtita, Mr. Mi's. 1Il. as tit Fort Ernte. ssci c giess tif MNi arid N'lr-> ýErriest La i b la-' un'eck. Rua-seil lordaiti.N'ess Vj'ei- iiiinster, BtC'. sa lte g- ýc";I of Mr. aîîd Mi.-:iHatrold Sati- dersoir for- seven-al day'. MWr. Har-old Rurssell ta patie'nt iiPeter-borouighl i b prtaI Mia 'VlantarireFIîîid t familv of Oshaws ,awene xs'ect: enîd giiest.s vitilîNIr'. aIir Thoumas dp.ieicigs. 'Vin atircl M s. Matis 'NIc- M'ahoit. Peter-barotigli. andch NI anid Mr's, Lirvd Raisns rýoft Fterphise ssmme suc.'s ss th Mns. ita Paltln(ir for t te weekend. Report from O ttawa By Russell C. Honey, M.P. Trn cvuuld riot nîeet ail Cania- titans pcioisoiialP- mishe ICmet them throtîgh their'rcpr'esntaïix's in Par- liarnient. AccorirnIx. mx' xt'fr, Anne andl 1 haci thc prix'ilege on Monday' of heing prcsented. on behaîf of ail resi- dents of Dur'ham, tri lier Majustx' and Pîrnce Philip. _M x talent s, if antt.,do nîot e\ îetîd tri fashion page rcopoirting. I will mcccly tell you îhcrefo'e that the poise, charm andîc beautyx of ou r Queen wouid have made any Canadian breast svrell with pr icio Prime M luister Pearson ri )senied each guest Ycitire Queeu (-Mr. lHoney iT'presonts a Riding iu rural Ontario"). Eaeh guru Crhe mox'cd on tri Prince Philip and thence tri Mrs. Pearson who wýas tire fourth and last person iin the ree'i ig ue. Aftei rUCeiVing the guesISthie Qijeen and Prince imoved throiugh the guests chatting informali>' The Queen smiled casîl'.' but rime couird detect, a certain wxi'e îess wi ih ('ouliidFe au- c'ouitccl foi' FIx the exhausting sched- u le, andtI lie Irain iesulting frorn th(, i mdiffeierit reception she had î'eceix'ec in Quehet' Cits .My xx fi.'Aune aind 1, lrax'n- ~ bot i t ierheot- rthe cfirst limie. lhave no lviitation ii i orunu in with ih lie d xxof ANi r.Pea rs i i. rha t, C'he is a rat QîîiiL Unoxv Itaithr l uerii as sat'elp re- J îî iti c Io lu"" ta niilv il \'touli( beh l p- fuii foi al] Canadians hIo take pause anîd i 'm eilu t e. momenit s onu whal ibas been eartbetithi e n 'i ie' nQue- lu U'. ()t ofialtilnl pouîilationîioft'19.000.- 000(a ailars 5,500,000) i vc in Qi ibec. The n '\. stimate thât 400 le 500 people xxei'e iîl'dinIi ire demnoustma- bions ayàai i tue Qiectduri'ig lier' x'isilto 'CCîehuity'. 'l'be argest grrmp v.,cte s'udeîîts. $omc of the rîigicdiets xs-t'eiO L InSfaxt agit aors '1is CV(' pprpil\' lanideelrîtniail. Ail in ail, 4100 et 10(0 ill-Manuerrci peoipir at lempled 10 gi \ e a bad in e i t the xxhole poprila- tio oîî f Ql(Iiebre. Stil. t be rnwci xel t ul 1 liai Frc(nch Canada %vould do wr'll in make a careful and sear'chiri. examînalion of the cir-cumstances w'hicb av cause to Th(' Queci l(IrSel f Žetailo~uîl for- ail C'anadians. I n an admnir,able speech delrvcred in per-fecýt Frencl ini the Quebee LegisialLtre she uncier lrmcdr the need for umrdci-slarîditng belseeu ail Canaliaris if Oui' 1natli S tî10 he ias uluimate gýrcatnesS Dlic iga message forý ail Cariadrans ite ,Qtîee said. "TFhe pr-ohlems of tîî-tiav sx'l foulrider in diSoir'dcri if sue do ilet kitlo\v 1mw to l1ightî"îr i heni withhfai*r ivs and humanitvs. Let r lc dilogeui- tii ne and rit dIlI t endici la un rfva il men of gnod failli Truc patt-iot isn oresii't excinde an uden stiîîcliiîv', cI lie putii- tism of (il bers." "I 1hope." c'riliiuecl ir Qteti.'t a thFe cenlenîi ai of nirCoiinfedemat ion xxnl] FIe a -,'vmboi of hope 1,r flic xvoi'd. 'l'n full v succecd. il milst ni fesi an lcf- iinîtuaI silh hair cxpî'cSSiî'î tif Cit' Que(bc Lsatie tlireQueir saiti. "P scoun r\'v ns tll ie c-t iii g1ac- <iof, t sui gmcat ci'îl izatiins. eac'h'ouitibi il - iiîg lils ew îrgeuuiiis andc rait,.Thse qirai les ,aie ntii oiiîradietoi s. hli compimeît aIo tie a iot ber. The fu Il eIncn'gv anîd niomso i'theliali oîrcati ntil.\' be iealizcd h vt lie citmhîiiîcc i- (iperatinriltif aIl sec'tions ifthie utmni- mni î iit.%. The Qucem's ws pr-iiseiil n-ru n- vitatin Ir)tall Cairadiaiis Jo nmeet îlr challernge o<f ou r imies. If xs'earmc fait- fîr io 1ic tilmssage cî f mii r Quceri sic ssiI! achrese greY,,atliicss as a nîationî If sec fîcr ider on thle sentis of hrioi r ani d m'ai'nni miss sic xil'fa il Illec ('la- letnge gi-ci iilis FIs ibe P'at.heis if ('o nfedieria t joli. Ast lie Quicemi sa id 'I ltic' dia- l0igue uinie Tlin O('lît, niaitcit 'thile- t " . -ain tcI îhle!l ait îî taI melili v'tl'iin ttîc Ornto NImîîîîcîpaî B Il i 1 CI i Il v,-'îttî a ..t'i tta ii i ti- ic t if id il a iilit i S190ii.0i. It Wr. auîctMrs Bfalpîr 'Viii- i a-i -5ti' ittan- gati. t'hnppasva. Mr. anîciNi:> -tt. iILIîor",0'00ui tri lîîuti nefanoiî- Dourglas Divser-, News'Tit'i't.i'i) ominiii t- tii: alt leaIiîit Ilialt ssere's ,o'In ,-, 'e ctilt andI Wna. terviii Mul ltgatt Mr.Nit'Ronisîci Rîuîk, .1c'iam-iiil Evcny' fa Il, Bilts Suent t'tf lte Nomnintainug Cominrl- st'uîck xsith siandernLnra. Tii t: tee.ticscitl Idlic sile tuf tif- vear oit bis mouîth's holi das« '- t es andci irecloma. for the, he vos <'t cd aulne 6.0)t0tr itîji e'- t-jvas antI reports gond sycathen ý cau'- i:i"" <-a.itt'laews the time. Dfsinmg hi s rip iîe -ueplecil l tlAielcet:ni x'Lited siluhi isu' foi tî Vie M. Rober'lits /elùdeti sa s Bethatîvites. --apîîriîîte-d pre;ideiitiofthue Leavirîg hv bits fnîînî , uAssociatitn as w-et] as Doliglas onto ie \ventt ta Detaiite 'Vlletn. s'-e-pre(sîdei amnd itr- mainirig ox'er the sckndat e Be..: asse'ea" Ronald Ithen cri ta Nesi u, leals u"'\cxl it sf:opttî -r lis stopox'eru- was ai pheouix thîcri finl terni aý;treaalmi of rite ta Btnckex e.Ar izouna. , i ~sica tt'idi 'ecrars are' hie nemajteci ri e lew'e5as tollase. : I lovtI Tanra or - n end visitinig cth lt.a rd<otn as'r'.Rr ir-e 1'etuIlallt M- s i In , val Dxktus relai Gii --i leun.tî lennuaut - Doriu, Driv-er) M si-teî-'iSîliet ,NIais L11u it Fl Passo'i'c Txas, Iheitn m ii Tit ('ax. ý ae'icBas-c. (;r- Sait Diego.('alifrfna. -(rmaitu- a Ii Roîb.î 'ii .Dcal, Wc imrg fnra - tsEck witli 'V.tai Chalîrles K'isioig art Ih M'rS. 'Malcolmt i.w'es antI tamui- 0lî'i-anidNIl il Ha nIav' iv lifer(, lie also recseI tii, I'r et' il, Ihlcp p t' aequaintarices iti'inaîîi d n acr, -t te 'Vît,, I l11a z,îiet1 Vins.foutalid K s' l. N i. il e\Jressecih;'n'a t i otîkrtIoe e- Vn.Nelsotn PatIfti(lieriota elle-li a ud s sîtted t:mtarr' KxI).Saine fiie sî'aspeîut scas itl, - je iitttutou "t- xi th Mi snd Vins. Rurjdv Ricýi- ter ei Orange Glnos. 'suti. -jIcutts ssa ahil'e tti'npail 'Irs R ichteri s ite fortm-el mus tan udtd i eepluaieohm' opratti" o)penamcId a Bsker Y uiiBr ha s' ,pilîaîc ýSs\cî eenlca.' on- ernago.stet :eî u 'alrFal rso Jr San Jose. Calîl ltttc . i< att.k,'t ss'ene pemît svth j :ar i - ":-'c:c lie 'trIlite p'Clpî GlIner Lîtl'rîtîîst;. 'î . tit <-ci u îaîî 'Pldieo NIad -,to t Taet niat le .5 anmtýi'al ilSndas' oî tue î.î thir it iii'.. a:w l I n 1)tri lîc t 'i i 'i e htt\test til ss .Mrs A I 1 ' T utt 1i' 'V t hi t N 'i' tj $Yî. 'suS itl heii Vît'. atri H'l tEc ut auî' i oto, .a V roi (' I m I 1rit (W-tp 'rn ç': -e rt,' zi.ct-t-r" lýa 'itke a Res laente F'. rc*egti.- s-orth' e nîn r itetil d- eciart,- T, on r-hiru' Re- Fei su':.55 ut e>"a-rirniif j \ l' -io - 'hir snîg ,erx t- 'Vit 2ni. xîýt:iYt %. '.' 'ai tart 'l poI. i n:. 1'Vrein. Lt" le Roh.-i P'- "iti Polls ir Ou-oi ttdenteeiiutg hlt aa.t1loith$, ait the spoiisan-imtp of the Ar ii- mta! Athli er RBatqulci AI liv aoi iu siiîl a $ tt 1000)d'a w xviii ic Mnr. ,Besi. repnnted iliai a ]hcid.A seasoli" 'cket xs i nuitben of î'langes tîad hecti alsa 'ne gis i'stti ltept' miade ai!ithe ri tk si cia'stoi- chate o" pc-thtbnii itkcl. creti' sieps itoothe 'nasetetil, Th(,sea,-C'i's lt ktIsiare- ual Mle aiso sa id thal themr'w a' traîtterabie 'I'he. As. tirii it tii-t tten ss'cik tri 'e loiti' '0 netied a tî ortC llii iifrmili .u- Iig lite b111.)ît 1titi iti i S l -uidi'i-lak:oiug 'î i ;u " stancdar'ct i muenutNe Fi 't"hamwitiiW or IIbeheI n tti'V'tt Vianhaslia i 'gulal iiti A"Vmi)-ti- sday. Nise 8b0, t --inI ttc to run saspassed asitntins g tlittid ('h trcth retuitituttlu W lui'c obta te(d ti live a'. lhtem'a.'isnte- tiîî 'ir's hic iteic's:aans ssiuk driîe lii Mati iatti- i ttuei hrnig tueh('1ilduttg iip tlihe ilic , i'eqtrtred stanîdar-ds. ' ('rt fo ttr 'Iii'se ortî'it Meurs. Chapies Xi ms![ nîî. i titiaie 'to trit iaýs lAst tintdcc e stanîd Dotuglas -NI- sat' ":teoi' i'tt Fgti-' Ali w-î"neappointeul auIle Skat inz v<'tango: w.licl-lIi iii ac t ii caiîinittee for te toriESm:>'egotiaes i a alateî datec scar. il"îe hocksey icinmît eeâîo' n iat'i'rs vi t 'e litadci lis' Jacks Niofat, us u agetI a s&W.fll e"'piiis(te lefi as lasi ý( ear of iîsu'aie Imi the mattIer of opera- sr- Drurîtig t e hr eatio11 - li the rnîk bhoatîtirtepnestdî"rt Orami a 'Viielicr' 'ssacraLIton is Ici maire the icsan'art- Spenti a "'i iiiof S1Pt ratigeareri i>. La 1 s ea i tie 'Vits. Bilivreport dri' i hr 'nonthi sbowcci a prni ofît r it înner P a r k Pis'. gioîtid S'297.001 and \sva îi1orietd 'nvprogiant ssiihtIi d 'o-I tt(' rtlue Athi ieîAssoc-iatinui ssi iAssocialitir'ta ,L;iiitiof ' î- ite asî>tanice<if tIre m'itrs miss i .sji 'e Stcpiîeîî. ci -v, of thlic lîcks' ta t'n: locn:ulvitarn.or t:i ic pî'ogra:îî an'r Assoirat tout a agtit t Wa- stacri 'I-.b aiosv. tatIdonc t et'pl ta0ntîîîthie boul hifeclt a ssrdeî'fîil l ob. Fi ther t-lil - ngp tali! it ttiti cuti':profit- ireuhad cuitrilr'd inithe pro- able b il aI'o ci-cates morec t:i- gran)rîr rcaiiitg iin a clails' a'- 'cee-î fanioic hepst-cii s ttC i îoe tendtanîicoft- ci. t 4, ws lopri srtttti-g lt :tk.ilil:s îîî'm s or itaeeiiulr Il suas also deiscic taiteri liiin arh'.s.'tie. ENNISKILLEN 'ns' <Cr i 'ulî x aqs 'o'ta esr ft rlrci t-r nom i ueIsoriliiet points ci:11îr prs'î a <'arge' 5555 hascdtlnouiruteoat-p...' pastoral Ieticr n Itt'- mc lisý Sue c(m pIiisi.'c'c i ti'- cuîl- t t int titi owtsittshs It- 5 i thet tuidei ' g'tt't':ti iiand '-u iler. T:î"' t :t.t<ht'r i' n1 il Vs'ci kîtati i-u-usideti I 's i e:- I bouse" and "*lorîîeYe '['liait f irît i 'HI'iir S t.Sa tu Cu 11 -rt-t' )rit tr iti'alrit u'et. TrhSî ci trn.1. 'Vi: to .%l-; '1, ;Gil1- d E.A 'VVet' xpre>'ez(d appreclaluot: ta,0 d gt 'ý( rýp Cr the a'" tut nt let s Mc' ýS..u.t:,î' .- tai tg -: - s':. 'es br -eiattleile . cut 'b'îitik-Otf-ir. tg ou tu-e a Ritlrls e!'om tuti"ne a fini-inuot' Suiria'. St i'ri 'u tII'h - a' ht .<anImtau es si. N'-F_ C. Asîii. ltî , î.s '...tnita s tii 'Vin au ct 'VrF O, C. .'-iitoi C(!'la.;4 t;.z u' 1 " 11" uM-Nr atîciMur; tlsp: 0fri ur-'e lisîts' a.r i. ai "t0«. cie ,R'5ritc, 'ket e M'-cl1t Le,îci hea t' NMlî 'i . ta,'t'ut, îLc a<i cutý , e i 'li i ii dtt. ~ . 1i lat ri ra 'M, î 'tni ~ ~ vurr (" i a gi. ilca'- n' Mi _ " ' 'tt ' g"' i i ,- NI'uý Ni.- a N t -re I ' 'V' nuî t' 1'r's nl Bur- Ni: ~ ~ a aPi:Vî lvad G' a .ci' aýI I ',P i t'- ; i tt" M r. 'i N' < :' te M tiem .-- 'l',oUrnuitriK, sxsei Mtr .'id N failo's s~s launds aund NanS.çarhonoiitgtu W'au d naHcowsar-d B' .ci e' NiMante Gnnse. :ar 'Vît' Ro-.; Page andi tut. SoLua. vs5ted si-til thm:"î- ther. W:'s. F Page Wc, ar vers' pleased tori rpor' Ni"- Page 'tuas heeti bomne fro-, t;e hospttai taz'. w'erk feelirz, much better. lier dlaughtez rrtTflfl ;, ý,n'a n "J' p. w 'c"'e anmilin ,t tatcqran. o rani1, c,21, 118~4 caller-z a. borne Lanib's -___________________ Reports f rom zU Women 1s Institutes "tr .'t'ts, i)Itss , i Ni1i 'I 'ai di1 'lntlisrrlîe-"eaSets N 1i d'cd \11s lati 'ttc-'-' a 1'ns1 e"rnîr' of"Mr. aid irs-. .1 u-t tDet toron'o, onîS i s ta .nt ii aIL thp lîrtîîe tiof orotiîx Sha :ot Oit 1':te-ia' r si"titi. ( li- .'Vîî' îîîîîîPr-axer-' iidtlialitl- hitite GIaldv 'Vini gave a n'c () oCI dos,-ortou iRi o'î ni i1l e- s ci e ' c.(AtI âtid ic- i. toit~~~~~~~ îTV'5'~ascc ihmei Doreen 1Iarnb offer- somre i;cctons for- Drojýc*îs rd her home for I.ic mreeting for cu' u p. w as sug- on No\ 2nd. wvith Jeari gr'ýccd Vtwe have some:As.ltoii, 'Merle Av'ery and Vcl- "tIob 'iî'.t '. xaa rios'cd nia G,.-ffeîi in charge. Jov.'et thai' twsc ran books be nur- \'irtuerrad a xcry bcntrcst:n% ('ha 'cd and c hat the 'ue'bers atrticle ont -The Bumps andi b-etc n.c' 'to m. aris ta Fal2s of ou" chiidren." A cde- :tasi t r i cý a, h iicl ie tct' (OU uiich w. serx-ed !IV "OT' i2 1 oo ilbctt' hohc.t sand the.,commi- i liV 0.0 C'? r' aiou.,- CX 'e Mi- ;;'H Mu CI ford G'er Q;'be.M:s Gordîtne Sttock. B3wna'x Ve. lrand M-. V.E \ Wc, at:aiBct ac' MJ.ate X Wcrr Mtr. ai 1 i -N . ( Wi-oi N:s C. Robinson. c'ýOno. wo Miî,sü, L'î:î:c and -Marja::c Mcl'V si. Wt: b'?Mrs JO * *m ' n O!ýt:E11f; le' MIk dcî" p fNI td M"tii ail Aickt: WLC- o ar',nt NI i lrs.S. R. PrthYi;k xo-d I:> P. ' ' Aic (.) lia ssa, CHANGING JOBS? KEEP INSURED! If you chomgp jobs, follow . corefully the intructions on the bock of the Certificate of Poy'ment, Forîm 104, which your group is required to give youi. GETTING MARRIED? KEEP INSURED! When you mrory, thn bond, wpfemiurd ut gbee pnda co. T"lts bod wifmt an pre ligmitble dpd oer , Tcs- your group OR, if you pay direct, tell thr Commission. -'s.- ~ ~si~;~ , -, --'-T ONTARIO HOSPITAL SER VICES COMMISSION 2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO . L A SM EPY U M Tk T! I ýF ý PTFL T A D If forAmy Reaon you airp mot setîs{i GUARANTEE! Double Tour Money B lf:ih otr Ma ucgz tAP SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY PORK RIB PORTION 3 TO 3',? POUND LOINS TENDERLOIN PORTION 3 TO 3<rý POUND Grade "A", Reaciy ta Cook, Fresh KiIIed, 4 ta 5-U>. Average BOILING FOWL ib 43C Super-Right Quality, Red Brand Steer Beef RIBRO STSHORT 0R5b RIIB ROASTCROSS CUT lb9 "~'51, OUTSPAN VALENCIAS, FINESI OUALITY, SIZE 72 ORANGES dozen 79C ONTARIO GROWN, FINESI FOR EATING, FANCY QUALITY A P PLES McINTOSH celo tg 3 5 ONT .ARI0 GR 10WN. CURL -Y LFAF. 6.qt. Basket 69C WASHED & TRIMMED, NO. 1 GRADE SPI NACH 2 Ooz ecllo bags 2.9 AlPrice. Iln Thi. Ad G-aaranteed Tlirowgh Saturday, Octaber 24th, 1964. REIDR ABOUT * £ J!~BIRTH DAY? KEEP INSURED! When you recch your 19t+ birthdmy you cire no longer covered by your parmmts'certifKate. Register separotely within thirty dciys to keep inwured. Forms aie aoilable at hospitois, banks arnd Commision offices. Orono Athletic Association Ends Yecir Wîth Surplus 1 - KIN( -7"7_ý_4W rel- -ýýàgà M-ý-, eý m ý 6 2:

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