Th@m Canadian Stateouman, Igowmanville, Oct. 21, IPRt4 Births PARK-Dave and Helen wish In announce the birth of their first grandchild, (Catherine Elaine> in Oshawa Hospital' on Wednesday, October 14th, 196i4. Proud parents are Di- anne (riPe Lemaire) and Ken-, neth. 43-1* WHYT-Ron and Boa (nee Hiodgson) are happy to an- nounce the hirth of their fdaughter Pauline Benice. 7 Is '7 ozs., on September l8th, 1964, jii Nigeria, Africa. A sister for Cath-iy. Kerr.v and Lvnrda. 43-1 Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Stepheui Ytowski1 of Whitby, Ontario, anîîouoce lhe engagement of theix' daugh- ler Irene Sophia. 10 Mr. Andrew David Sutch. son of Mr. anîd Mrs. Andrew Suteli, Pontypo. The mnarriage to take place on Sattirday, Nov. 21 in Sti.Joscph's Roman Caiholir Chur<-h, Bowmanville. 43-l' Deaths GREENWOOD - At Bridge- port, Conn.. on Ttiesdav, Oc'- lober 131th, 1964, Myrile'Brad- 1eagod 85 years. wife of the laie John S. Greenwood and rlear moiher of Gladys Edmund1 Field and grandmnother oif Dorolýi". Service xsas held aO the Morris Fi.noral Chapel.i Cards of Thanks - oming Events -Tha-n k youf or your c-a rds. Trinity U.CW. ai a flowers, visits and telephone Fridayv. Noveniher 27th. 2 p.m. catis during my stay in Milton 43-6 Hospital. Your kindness was Dnea nîkle oi ve ry mur'h appreciated. ac tEnsilnCm Jack Reid. 4.'mîînity Hall. Saturday, Oc,. 1 xvoutld like to express my sincere thanks to relatives. friends and neighbors for the mans' cards. ftowers. fruit, gifts and visits made to me dîîriog mv rpoç.nt s1' tinr. pital. 1 wisht and relati ness xith flowers.i nurses and Hospital,J kinciness w Mr We %vou man v friei from R.R. me nibers School, teý of Lockhar their hetp ing our rc Goî'dor Mac(Dr TFhe fan Charlos E. press their relatives.f bors for 1hc cards and 241. 'oui prize. Admission 7.5c. 4:3-t Dont forget the dance c.t Solina Hall. Saturda 'v, Oct. 24. Jim Fisher's Orchestra. Ever. -, one welcome. 4.1-1 fruuitst:ý n ns- Memorial Park Association Etia Page. 43-1 are holding bingo. Tuesdla'v, Nov. 3, 8 p.rn. Proceeds fol. Santa Claus Parade. 4 3-2 ta thank m\v friends ives for their kind- Elizabethville hot turkeY hvisits. cards and supper on Wednesdav,' Oct. '28 also Dr. Hlubbard at .5 o'clock. Admission, adults id staff of Memoriai $1.50, children under 12 vears, for their care and 1-c.43-t xhile I \vas a Patient. MonsýterBî-ngo, Thu rsda-y Irs. William Ruiter. nigýht at 8 o'ctock, sponsored 43-1 by the Junior Chamber of - Commerce Red Barn. Northi Id like to thaîîk Our Osh awa. 45-tf ýnds and neighbous ---CHARTERED B17S 9. Newcastle: statf Santa Claus Parade, Nov. 14. Of Boy-s' Trainin>, iii Toronto. For reservatinil crs nthide Phone Colmer Travel Service, rs No. 9 School fo92-26.4- oand kindness dur,- 3- ecent bereavemenl. The Jov Strinigs Comnbo anci m and Betty mnvOther mtisicians will be nald and 'faniil\. guosis at a Rallvý,. Oct. :31, al 4 -1ý:the 1-iglh School Auditoriumn. 43Icommencing ai 7:3(1 p.m. 43-t nily of the lato Burketon Thank Oifferiiîg STabb wish bo ex- Service, 2:3(1p.m.. Sundav-. Oit. r deepest thanks ta 25. Gtiest speaker Rex,'W. P. friends and iîoigïî- Piercey. Bethans'. S p e c i a I ieir acts of kindness. music bv tlie Bowianiville d floral tributes. BaPt ist Chiîrch Choir'. 43:1 1I Articles f or Sale Articles for Sale Auction Sales A-ÈLLstëeel box-trailer. Phone J .000 BALES-of excellent-hav.1 Auction sale of t'gî'îables, 623-2775.1 43-i1 Caîl 986-4495. 43-2 1 apples. homemade bakin- ' RYE for sale, $1.25i bîshel. 17" TELEVISION. reasonable. stovewood and other mîlscel- AnrdY Stutch. 30 r 5, Orolo. Cal] 623-3200. 4.3-1 f laneouls article. H a v d o il 43-2',1MFFATelerric angChurch Shed, Sat., Oct. fi, 1:,30 4 t-2 OFFT lecrierage. good Lunch xviii be sold. WATER for sa-ie ana aelivered. condition. Phone 3 R 4, Orono Spoiisored bv Chuirc!î Stex%-- Cati Cliff Pethick '263-2131. 4 3- I'a rd,. Clifford PeIhîck. ut :-tf WASHJNG machine, nearlv. tinneeIr. 43:--1 80 TONS tUrnips. Appl-v J. new. ut. space heater. 18 Gareýzv\nski. R.R. 1. Kendal. Brownu St. 43-14 U1K! Y 43-1 SIEGLER forced air nil heat- LIVESTOCK SALES er, 200 gal. tank, pipes. Phone at Durhamn County Sales Arena WVArER for sale and dielivered, 623.?'-20.4-'Ooo EryTr.,70p.. 24 hour service. Cati 623-5756. 323.4- rn vr hr. :0p11 22 UBI ft dep 99-tfi 147 FEET of ptimp pipe anl IHOrses, Cattle, (vi ý alves, - ~rods, puimp jack, purnip head. etc. For truck pickup Phone ft epfreeze, and n'wcvlirider. TelephoneOrn rl hIp..ayf Geealfeezer. Call!-98î-4340. 26:3- 27 98. 43-fsale. jA,.. Reid & Son, Sales 41 HOSTESS chairs, $9.95: swivet Managers. ,t NEWBURGII rasphei ivcae.rkr. $44.50: chrome kitch- .5 cents each. R. Vlanninîg. en su ites (4 chairs>. S44..50'; PAîcîtîo sa le 20 uti le. 5o Ketîda t. 42_-tl Continental beds, bution freIo~t atr threshîug nia- W'illl i flîadboard, S54.95:. - chine, haler. nexs drill, full lIi ne WA' ER for sate and delivered. picce chesterljelds, nylon co v- of implements. hux' and grain, Telephone George EFeddrna Ors, 1 urh unti~ponr:'o a 263-270 2-t!KîngSt. ., 63-371. 4-I Y6, Con. 2. Dpriingtoii,'.mi POTA'OES. Sebagus. goodt mi' storiiig. M. ïM.aiîtei. Buirk,, toin. Phonîe 98(;-4407î. 43-6 FERGUSON tractor w'ith frontî enîd luader,.1.z25t0.'T'elephuîie Blackstou'k 986-4843. 4:1-1: TWO girls' coats. 12 anîd 14: one bulkv koît sweater, size 8. CatI 62M-3996. 4:31 HEINTZMAN upî'ight pianîo. mahoganv. iii good conîditioun. S2101. Phoîîe 6*23-2115>. 43,1 t TVVO girls' 3- piece w i nter cti sets, si/.Os ? and -), goodcui o- ditionî. Phone 263-2648. 4:31 .tnm liCj. liii aturday. i-'a tiianks i nihe oucînu5. FLORIDA TOUR - "iu'< i ' '. Widows, LJtoi5. October 1 71 ai 2-) .m. iliter- Rev. Dugan. Souîth Haxetn Colmer Travel Service la. .Av'uiugs, Sidîng. Lornie Allîiii ment Hampton Cemeterxv. Nurising Homne and Morris plaîîned aîîother trip 10 Flnîîida Bowîýnanvîlle, 623ý:-:1871. --42- t 4.3-t Fitneral Home during otîr re- this xinter. Fori-i fornîationi USEI) Washer Parts, atl makes; cent hereavement. writc' Box 631, Bow'maîivilie 1 h. p. mottîrs. Paddy's ST1UAR3T', (effre ' v At his Mrs. E. Tabb and FarnilY. or-Phonre 623-:3-6.5. 4:- Markctl, Hamptont, 26:3-2211 home on Scnday. October 18, 4-t DLrham Coîutv Jjîîn i ot,((5 1964.,Jeff Stuart, or Newcastle. Fariners-ar'e holding a 501ih KEYS cuit aiitomnatîcally. whîle in hîs 3i'd \ear. beloved sor t"le xxife and family of the Anniversary Danice ai Solhîîa you xxait, ai MMuliten H-ard- of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stuarl. laIe R. R. Steverîs wish bo ex- Hall oit Saiui'dav, Nov. 7th. Wxai'e, 36 King St. E.. Boxývran- iRested ai the Northcutt aiici:press their siiîrere thanks and feat MigTeltntis.A-vle..1t Smithî Funeral Home. Bo-: appreciatioîî 10 those who in mission, $1 per poison.' 43 -3' GOODBRAND Fabries is uiitli- manville. Ftîneral service was any way made bis last daxsS rz, dae o-Eli ht held at 2 o'nlock Tuesdav a f- more eomfoî'table and to con- Chicken Pie Suipper,.-s.orzMdda(e urFu ht ternoon. lîterment Bowman- vey thanks to the mal,,, John's, Blackstock, Fî'idaxv, Scwîng N.laeh iiiii's. îî ville Cemeter\ . 43 -t1 fiends and i'elatives foi' thei', October 23rdi. 5:301 p.m . Ais,> SpeclaI prîces.3-t p'eseîîce, messages, ftoxvel.: see "Doxvn oni the Fam', a!BU X'iNU or s ellîîîg furiturc' t ABB -Ai Souith I-Iayon Nirs- and donîationîs 10 Roai\ '()otr filmt produceo i i Cu'i- or appliaîîces,_ c al Elmer, îîîg Home, Newcastle, ont Wed- Crippled Chihdreîî. also 10 Rev. xs'ighî . Adîîlts $151uhîldreiî Hamîpton: business 2329 resday , October 14th, 1964. j, P. Romet-il for- bis message. .5c. 4:31t' residi u 6329t6t Chartes E. Tabb, aged 68 y eai's, 43-t Enniskîlleuî îlot Ttirkey Suîp- TELEVISION. 17- pot-tab)lu: R.R. 1, Tyrone, husband of per., Wednesda".. October 2 8 ti i. alSî tomate Chihuilalînla, ItotiseI- .mma Burns, fattier of Nor'- The Hlamptonî Football Cllub Adults $1.501. elildreîî 75e-. brokeii. Appt -v tii Rttîn 1lIt, Y"n" and Artiur, Oshawa: lakes this opporîîînity to ex- Settings at .5, 6 antd î. For BoxxmaîîsiIte Itotel 4:_1t brother of John. Tyrone: Tom.,pr'ess iheir sinceî'e ihanks to tickets Telepliorte, L. StaiîîtîîîîAI JMINUM I)oous aîîd Win- oîîno: Emily (Mrs. Norman, ati those wbo made their 263-2514 or Slemorn s Store,:dox's.Citc culî tî Colacit aud il (Ms.Chsbanquet on October 17, 1961, 263-262 1. 42-2 warc, :36 King St. E., Bowrnaîî- Prescott î both of Bowman- ait outstanding success. Il îs l-allnxve'eîi dance' at New-1iville. Phione 623-540)8. 314-tf ville. anîd Fred, Bi.rketoii. almost impossible to menîtionî touiville Commnucîity Hall on BEA'iTY Waushen, oexvp, as Service was heldali theMri.alte names heî'ein of ihose Satui'dav, Oct ..'îst:cotit as $*99.0t0. Fuît tIin(o of« Fuineral Chapet. Bowmaîîvilte, Who conti'ibutcd so mîîich, how- orl.ndîîuarx dross. Ail yottiîg BeaÙly' appliances. P anIddv 's <)n Friday, Oclober l6th at 2:30. evet' special thanks are accord- people wetconie. Prizes." loi'- \IVankot, Hampton 263-2241. p.m. ]îtermeîut B ethbe s da ed tolthe Hamptont Ladies' best costuimes. Admiission 7.5e1-5 Crmrtery. 43-1 Service Club. Rev. C Catto>, pet-rson 4:3-2THF115 --- Mr. Oîville Hooper, Bowman- HE space teutons: 1urua In Menmoriam ville who so generously donai- Hampton United Church Faîl 1Norge'. lange Quiaker1,th"i- ed the musie and to those who Tlîaîk-offeriîîg, Suîîday, Oct. statie t'ont 'ol: snall Cuolemni; ('OLMER- In loviîîg nemorv donated special prizes. 43-1 25, 7 p.m.. S.T. Speaker, Rex' ail iii guod conitionîî Plîtitu' of a cear mother, Carotine Basîl Long, Oruino. The choir 9 87-4.5 13.4- Colmei- who passed away Oc1. 1 wisb to express mx' sîîceî'e wile assisted bxe' ns LoydeAUIU l l( 23rd, 1955. and heartfelt thanks toaail mn,, Ayî'e43 - 1anvittewCaine AUMINLMsdtu u sa for Thpre is an ache in otur beaî'ts neigbbours, relatives an à, aînd bring a fîiend. 4:3- eevodus. atl us ovav fir) - a] hei lel an WodiewCoinnit 'eent in.ato.CîsauEti- That yeats won't take awa, friends forai tîi îlpaî udve ocunt eteci.Kîî t1. Bx'iut A place in noir hearis no onIe kiîîdness giveîî b me durinug -Monster B in go. Twenty'vîllu'. Phoine 62:3-5689. 42-f, can fuil, the toss of my dean huisband,igames-twenty dollars; five: 'Ne mi-ss xou inother, and aiso foi- tle beaultifuil flor'al games-thirty dollars; $150 INSULATI0N. blo\xx'ig nitetî-a always ssîil. tribuites and caî-ds. My thanks ýjackpot. and two jackpots ai, od. xvitlî rock 'vont. Wrrk- 1 - LoviiipIlv remenibered b v Io the Masonie Lodge, North- $250. Door prizes. Next maiishuip guiiraiitet'd. F r e e e }{erb and Nanue. 43 -1* cctt and Smith Flirterai Direc- Monday, 8 p.m.. Red Bau-,rn mtus try un' tors and the consoling words Obaa 46-tf Phone Noxtoiîvitte 786-2256i. PORTFOUS--tri Ioxirig mne- of Rev. Swanni. Many tbanks Former Commaiiding Offîter :8t mory of a dear xviffe and molli- to those who sent floweu's. Ofthie Boxvmanville Salvatioli AR'I"S Guru Repair, 18 Bond er xvbo passed axxax' Oui. 25. cards, etc., Dr. Atîfossi. Dr'. Ai-iny, Capi. Wiltiani Brown,î Str'eni West, Osliaua, Phuiîîc 1 9.5W itiPi'. nvriir Eweît aîîd ni usiug -staff of witt be monducting serv'tces"728 -97-3l. Guints, uutd anI iîw, 2 Wonderi'fu i ,ný'is iMedical Floor frconîstaint liisSunidas , Oct. 2-5. 1964, ait buuglit.-soIttd.Iruded.'cuiu' golti, car-e aîîd conÇoit gîven to Alex the Citadel* on Divtsionu Street. Cîîstoîît xvvt r e-luuaduîg. Thits 5 t lueI, fcuucii'C W'ýihiîe iin Memori-ltHospital. Frieîîds w'iIl wani 10 hear thîls 41-4'-I teudr y viold. Pearl Edmondstoîîe gifted preachier aîîd ocistand- 'NEATHER Bar iiîsî'ilated2 Deep in nuir heants her menîory aîîd familv.- 43 .-I . iiîg mitsician.4t drapes, also setetx sipe s kcpt, ie an Iý 'l'o tove. bn chelieîu. ini iexer, Notices Transportation bas been ai'- of Fibregluss iiateriuts ut tii,' forget. raiiged fo r Goodxoa r ont- store tir iiinicît lioru'. Fv'ý' Sadlv mse bv Iuusbaîid Atiitn, hisms lie playees and retirees atîeîîdîug est iîîatn's. Guiudbraîc alrt' H-ar-old aîud farniulY. 43-11 gîossers! tnstead of bcrnîng the 25 Year Service Putin)Dili 62 3-5 55 1 .38-11' vour cciüLIls let us do away witii uer'iin Toruonto moiiOucîbor :3l. ALUMINIUM d no utis a il ut6 (SM1I'F i)mrs . Almia G race ihemn witb a brcîsh bog. CatI The bits with leaxe tire bcus stil- wiîirhoxvs Cal]lts tuidav -irwnliti tîug ri'emnory of Arnd.\-Stchei. 30 r 5. Orono. tlionî ai 4 pirn. andti xi l lea ' re ttae Ternis a iaîn on r dcari mothler Altma G race 43 - 2t he Royal York Hotel ai litc.Cusuu Ec pîcit WKiî (T-ewiii î Snîtiith xvho passpod Oshawa Diving Club.-Skin p. ni. foi' tîe i'etcu'n trip. 4.1-1 St. E . Bovx'm-an\iIIetlu' i)îtut' way Ot. mis.d by 1962. - aad Scîba Classes for meii and Dont miss Gu.itdettes Oni- 623-5689. îî-11f -Sailvrnssei Y Rihý, wovmenî at thie Boys' Club. For Pillai Bazaar. Conte amud ,,I- COB c'nrim off tike.guucd Wilma ~informaition -Atex Mt-.o Ye i aiOiîta caqua ityx. -$310.00(1îpur lton, a lïoii VQOL" ln xîu ~ Donald. 725-9704: Bill Mitchell. Gardein. Bazaar items, hase(- drmod, shelu'd u'ortiî wil1doR mar o ador bîsan aui62.1-7285. 41-4 table. Ctiristrnas table, fisiî Iivei . Phuonîe nr xi uc F. W. F] broerpvhnî a isead a:vai dpond aîud maiv mor'e atlî'ac- Wem'u'v & Sn tnsiln brte vhn pasda\\aY N O N E E T lions. Fîun for'evexomie ..Sat- Phoîî 632)8 : October' 22, t9130. ti11J NLV NIcrdayv. Oct. 24. 2 -'4:30 p.m., sadly rmtssod aiouî ies xviiv N ae-Batfl'o Quitîx reummene ee& rs. Rut GrntSt. Johni's Parishi Ital._412-2 PLNS bgnae eiifca larittu ditv.w aviil rfaW s onts.Star Bethleli'mn.u'ac'tcts, Evverrîu'ibî dhi' x'iwishes ta announce presents THREF muîaîm s tthelien 'roi'.xîrx F'ort a nt i s-ton F:iel. 43-1 ne-Act Plays lreaoiuablv pruu'ed. Fnuv'ecut- J th t h THIod rlRs. - FR 1. - S ATl. tiiilgs ssthtctîtplircu'Ale \su that she paloso(. R IIvit-R Nov. 5,6, 7 'iis.26DvsinS1tu MEMORIALS the business known,'ow IA.. :1 .:6>-v4>4: Dut nîft t d and eI ! Il. %i'e as STEVENS' TAXI ' îe~t43- 1~ l'(FEiipic u l " in desigins for amis meed. T 152* Simt-oe S.,S. <siias't'i Mr. Lamne Haynes 723-1002 -728-6627 Office Evenhngs I wish ta thank my '26-tf __--former customers t iowers FLOWER SHOP CARNATION 4.1 King St. W. F-I'NFRAI, ARRANGENIEN'rS HlOSPITAL ARRANGEMENTS WEDDING BOUQUETS <torsagre% and Cut Floiwers Phone 623-7141 After Hours . - 623-2184 W~e send FIomers hv lVlre anyvhere s 2tf Photography PHQTOGRAPHY Change of Address - 161 Kin£ Si. E., Bowmanviile Portraits -- Passports Weddintsu Anniversariesi a Spertalty ASTOIR STUDIO Phone 623-2502 "o-ai -- for their patronage. RUTH A. GRANT 431 F RE E SPECIAL GARBAGE PICKUP NORTH SIDE 0F KING ST. Wednesday, Oct. 28 SOU'TH SIDE 0F KING ST. Thursday, Oct. 29 GARBAGE TO BE PUT OUT ON BOULEVARD T'. K. STEWART. 'nrorks stnpt. 43-1i Cari Partsv and mchAatecur Art Exitibit, Oc't. 22, Litons Centre. BoIb ladies anîd geiitIeiou veh- Scornu'. Play afiYtu ipec'arch gaiunie fuoni 2 priii. andîc inîî 8 p.uiî. Mauiv pict utrcs dispha s- cdl sx'ît be for sale ai uesîu able pu'ic-rs. Aumvnuue ssisinu to attend Art Extuibit nits, c'ai i emt' ickets ai t lie dmor. Admiss-ion 3.u ii :tcdes trluc Repairs GIJARANTEEO telex'isiom radio service In a2 una Tetevisioui Ser'vic'e C(). Pl Watch Repairixi Certîfied %IVatelîmaker Marr's Jeweller 19 King St. Il'. Refrigeration an.d Appliance Servi Commercial andi Domesi Refrigerathon - 'Mihk Coq Phone BERT SVER t)ay% -61.3-5774 Nilhts - 623-3177 Lander Hardwc and ELECTRIC ianîd -11-t1 houe UISED t'au'iiin'rx' (aste îîîr t-fagu' lar'seste'r, ssitiî u'îî uu uu';u andutha,' pmn'kilp: P-l'O.potahn n gg'î: '-nt nam'tcu o i-cst ni Etigutii '1l -puitut htul :c îîh of rov' loss : Iîîteî'uat Oua i t6- Sf. i'ciii >'(ec duill:.\as'.':u' ry t'aî'touî'. Interli':i m,.I '. ciese I tî'atmîm alt osx'; i j htji i[t- 16-tf mfenit Coi. 1:34 Kinig Si. E., Bcîx- Iîuanîx lte. Phuîte 623-,5689. sens'int. L gusilk. bu lgel terniîs. New 'andunItsul I .xx nuveu iînach, i w' 1) 1 '- i v Buill ltauîîilrn, R a g 1 a il Nît lit Ositasai). 28- Lif TV TOWERS ,;.I mn> OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LTD. 361 Guibbon 't iai 7é28-8180 I>ay or Night - Billi Leask., Prop. 19-55 DODGE 4-door. good cou dition. PhIotie 62-27301. 4:3-2 62 ACADI.\N P Fiauoiît. ioxx, nilcage . Appîx' T'. Tii nrnu'r,51 W(il liglon si. 43:1-I UNE 1954 Ford 3,1liton ict..ej, fair itîîidititîiî. lest tîferi. 1Il. W. Stapleton 71-24.43 '.54 FORD) stationîî xa goiî . e- buî h îîîflîr. ptislîbîittnî i'radio. mir iii'vee iciiscs. bloîck heater, $151>. Plîc 621-5168 43-i 1962 PONTIAC sedanî. auîto- mnal n', î'îstoiîî radio. 2-speed vvi pers aic washcrs, etc.. low': mnileage, Priced for quît'k sale bh uigitY purî'haei . Phione 72*)5 -,4 2 9. 43-1 196:3 PONTIAC Parisienneo-2-1 Dr. I lardtuîp 'vi tii':127' motor., POxx' steî'î îg anîd custoni r'adin: 1959 Cliex. 1!)bu t5.1 Inîternion mal R-I190 .5-ton w1 dum t hodv : 19:3 ('hex . -toti ai COsvaII Eq ciipt'(Iît Co.. 1:14 K iu:4 St. E., Btîwnîlaiîvii]e. 1 Plic u6.123-5689. 431- 1j Livestock For Sale 70> RAPIAN E seau ludhicit- Phontie 986-4:367. 4:3-1 75, Y7EAR-old iLeoglii'ilieus. Phîuti 263-2675. 43-i 16 GOOD pige. 1'uil Stapie tnort, Nexxtoix'ji u'4:3-t IIOLSTEtN iefdite Ou't 26ý Cul iluuk 'Vun Donîî 26312:390,. 43-I H-OLSTEIN lîoifeî, 9100 tbs. Phiuoetake Binua. Bctrketoti. 986_4_126. 43-1t SIX \taliugvau'(iiuated 1Ilol- itm'ii ouif", cpenu. PhIîotî '16:3 -29 8 4. 4:1 REGISFFRED Stifhttlk rani:î al n,$55 d'tis'ern'ni. J. BYlc-s iuc'kstnutk 9861-47961. 4:3-I1 'J'N "luu'k uîanI fee-der Iltu'- fonul valves. R. Gtbsou, R.R. 2, Nv'xs'u'ust e, h utu'987-44.53. 431 POLLED Hlerefourd but ts if, urem'cifig acte: t'cissset1h c'a t ses ut ftot . qkitlatull fence poist;: anîd u"dur tintes. R. T1. Ciii - î'c'1Y, Wecu'ime.75:1-2:3:36. 13-1I MUIL but s' un setildaur'.vu'os anîd hîicu fes. fu'eslî antd sprîuîg- ingut besi prîtes. Tornis axa il - ale. Pluuînue nr sep RaIth DR\ us,' lianipiouî.Onit. 263-22ý84. 36 -tf 2111 C'tOt('F teu'oî'd îud Diruîistotck 'lseandc ~II-, sel uns>"e t :toc's aqi>f ici fu'rs. Sl'.0l(usa, lt. 291. leuge A . M'Gttxs'u '1-21t3iIas lioc'k. Pets S IX îuntl unIBage.Plumne 62:3-:3 J3-1. 41-i1 i RISI I Se't tei',utilu'. one x'uan itti R'gmsîeî'ed. eplmt' 98-7 -4:39<1 43-t Help Wanted WAAiRESS Ion stýadx venîplox - nuit il. Ap1% ix Tlue Otynupia 'ULu ti ri m lttne ssaî nesaci- u'"alule . App'y Mr. Camipbelli beutuusha lmîlel, Oshîawa. :17î-t) SECOND t itcmnte for mîan osri -10 xx'l iaus 3Ici 5 hîouîrs nIu 1,t) mIolî600 i ai îîuîthul. b' . - )îch'.u'tsutrîS W Petrici nu 5,,,, CAR-ETAKER fuir Ne'xs'n'ustm- 'lî-mîîîuî al Aiîn a fo i. u 'tUZ1uitu. Apiuticantits lu appi i1 xxri itg, uttg -x i'rt't uuu . ji ,î tcs xpeu'tnd. lth t9(N. \"ctu-tu Io .M !. S.J. i B'u' oxu -tc 147, Ne'xx'm i, untaiou. 4'21-'" AAN'IEL Rietiabie mnuîa a laie't îî Duîrhanî Cocuits'aiti nussuia1mu sutcý Exprieutre nît "cesai v tFitteo ppnu'îuuiiîv i ,tecp ilnto nid Profitable bcme ncr:z svbere Rasvleigh Produc.- 1;1\" becu -olnh fuir voar,. Bt g, 'ofil.- Produts firo ished ton 'oPdîl Wrilte Rawleighi, Dept. 1231-163. 40015 Richîelieu St., leii'.Mon!t'eaI - 4:3-1 TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER steady i-mployment Itequest isperence fin .Must he age '25 years BE NEFITS .'ppie in w'ritinz tri P.O. Box 1470 Bowmanville ii Bc ni in( nPr( .1 - L 35 FOOT umon'ori atlu :uu'l. tî,uu tai tlui 'atuat il' I' ce Idc'.l foi garage', boa' hiuuse. î' l,: ri stire tc!, 'Nill seit leýthuan i ltf t te.k, S <olenmipicme .$7.5. Onue Rcd Rant it'. phi uniotor, V' gooc uoudîtîutn. Folieo Iss tIlii î,7000> mls autoniatîru trauisi.'mni:alýo Pic a; sha t ose ueil tuîuîu p.( oui. ure pIeu" e-: c titan >u'I!tpoî(t' . z5uh PIA'sC Anntx 2.5 Qcîeen St., ast ýCol]it-oni. '8tBowmans 111e. 43-1 1 cnted -ta B-u' POacil1rtv, oid fec I. Flati, R.R. 1, 1 hone7 r 13 colc ano Tuning noil iiotof -, ' 'raiîîiîg jScio On \lid .Nov. 2îîd. Tnus u' aut1Iou. loîlk. i"uri sîttni .Ni> r eserve. , Ted.Jack- Son u.aîctiotîcer.4:2 ,\iîtion >lu' f, cal:le., Case tiactor. furîîî nujj,>- i'ili\.bedr nm. lix ili'1-ioiti stove. xvus!îing nmachinet. cdi. lu- e's. ua. etc.. thle uî'opî r'rtx tif Mr. .1. R. Muttf'f. !,,I 2>>. F3i'ikeîî Front, alnîî Townxviship1. IIl, inî i(s (). j Waver'lev Rtîd uand I :uiii', Souîtth. ScAliig x tiho t i ec serve on Sauhrda\ . Octoben 24-. ,Ternis cash . farni soit Fu rui t lie e ii CtIo commencepromt l- cd tlhi oiîghioiit hIe S'Il Reid, aiet ioiîeer . I1 hlan is.cleî k. T't'îî (i hanu i n' Aînîial Selc'ed Feedi xvil Il holild onMouda 261h at Durham îCou uit Areita, f)ioîîo.Sel]iii lîuaul Hetrcfnid. Diii ia Aîig'.îs sti'i's tandIlici cuiî.igillnîî is n iiidu i %ill bu atuet'pd. Ail ilîspectcd uand gruded iliox' 1arc ont 1 ,ri'd fin Cutle rxvihtdas t 101hIe riig P. S. Il s 0n cef Ilop' thla t «yoi i wvithLius for this inl auct un. .1. A. Reid é t haxe 'cîcix ud iiisti fu'oîî t he c'\cccihuirof Itli of 'le 'Willim iWili Sot IY uv blilu' alctionof lirnîtix. OuI. 31 a) Itus tut deuuie, LoI 2, Coîuucssi Daui EstgîuofTs' Si\\utp. fa mmii Fsi tut f Suu x", ao Cuickshi t!tac'i mach (ife niie 19 lad ofu mi-c likte. uuexs : 9 lad i H funu. cdouai a uI f fui ~ ~ Vri 'u lu t' uî I renîîu- m'uthu Fa iii ii c l .11 u'îîm iîî'le rt pa't, i( se bi. JacFui 't ici' 1 a1 eut: Laxxi iute lia rrt-..c] Durham Couni Shorthorn Clu« AN NN'A-'1, BLUE RIBBOb SALE l'o bh eld ai Trewhaven Far Blackstock Saturday, Oct. at 1 :3 0 p. ni. 6 Bt LIS - Soniee lizibl Gtmxertniîeni Bonuts 26 t'1EMAh.FS - 1,ier <"alves tut fout or safe ir t.înr'h Availahle ai Sa F"or t'atalogus 'rii the Sernotary. (.01. ('arisn, I>nes., Ortuumu Jtohn Riurkard. ec.Ne» i Onti. ss'ue xlliuM] ail '1i for anud airteags xx tIi or-xvi, buildings ini(, lue Basxuu :1u'ouu. Wuie RtraIt-i Piopc De'u. I. I-eitlt MLd .1>1 h lont Asve. F.-To'iitî<t12. Deadstock Servi 1 Higlhest Cash Pries for1 anti (rippled t'arm 51< Phione I1,01,migI)stancei Zt-iutlhi 6650o i-l:ur-gi- D)cpi. Agt i'. ItN>o.3) Cash on the Spi for I)ead on Crippred I Su'.Pi-kr-d up prîmi 'lelephone toIler-t 2'13-2, Margwill Fur Fa 'rYB1ON: iuirnc'e No .3.3C -Seed ,for Sale SEED WHEAT Registereti No. i anti (ai No. 1 (iînest-e. IHighesl yielrl andi top qua1itý - Ceresmore Farri Bt)mwmanî',ille Phone 623-7 Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rut goods) mailed postpaid in p seatLd envelope with price 42-tfr Six samples 2.5c, '24 sani $1.00) Mail <inder D-Pt 'I y Nos -tiibbc':ý Co. Boxt flanuitloriîOi' ,ather Bcth- REINCARNATIO ti expiains lite andi deat] 28-t f Senti for free booklet. Timinug. A r tlit ci i Vniteti Lodize of TIhv-<soîîi Phouue 623-3900. 531 Bay St., Ottawa 4, or 37-LIl41 WorkWanted BABY-sîtting. w veekl.v.Phono, 623-501,1 -- 43-I- CUSTOM plouighiîîg and d-c iug. Phonle 6-23-:3170. 4.1-4 SKATES sharpeuned. 35c,.ý Neighbourhood GrocerY toe 87JNJO Ontarin. Strie. MOtTrJOY dains. o Sevic liocadhepticdrans fund laiosaîdsptCanks9d6-473 nd 23-t f We SI)aIrpetî saxvs, scîssors. k nive , xxol cliisels, plane iros, grass sheurs, hedge. t rimmii'is. F. (.roxxe,10>2 Elgin st., ; axihc 3 9 -5 A. BAARS Plumbrng & Heating PHIONE 623-7127 35 Nelson St. Bow-mativille 46-tf ERNIE PERFECT 1'! tMBIN(,k& IEA'jING P'.O. Box 1599 j8 <Otario St., Bow>manx'illr. 121 -1l TRENCHING and ('onplete Septici Tank Itistallatif FRANK BRIN] Cail 263-2710 i> iefuîrrîu xiih brin k. .'-bedi-ot-îbunigatowxrbas elpi'- Jacnek PUMPING hotu-e, barri. Askim $7.011))trie' boal. panelloidbasemrerît ~ ii1111 IVS 11NG Sv'BLJ -s xIt i tuit i' I,151111 dowuî. ti ted ba thlu xI h bslioxer, stouue i:3 DAIRY VARM as a goîîtg frantl. stornis amnd scr'eoîîs, col- BERT TOMPKINS C'onccrn. 6.3lîead of Holstein 0octreni huthruoom fixtures, sc- nlOi Phone Nwbn'le786-2552 c aitle. FutI lineor0f nichiuî. ded fronîut awn'i Total prie i S a11,('ail collert 41-ifrv el' \110'(I- u')-ilil lk qcmota.' $16,500î. Trude m'nîsidered. aY, Oci DAIRY FARM. 100on us "R cdu moni u-imngalow xi! h v Sales UPHOLSTERING w ii uîvu'r 60I>fbs. Milk quoata ailtîouxeîc'îe. Fîmî bas- g 400) da ilYx. Acitonat mc stable cleaii- ment. stornusnoi lieut. Nit ji dSave Domllars!lHav-e your <'hest- er-mn a Il baris.l'touuie xitbii utai iunt. Barga iiiat $10,50)0. -o ertield uand î'hair's re-mîpholsi- Modern ntxnuietuces .A sk- Ternis. ~ eered. F"ree-- timates. sarrnples iîîg $2.01).'ht'nis. Txx',o Bîui ldifir L'ots ('lite oi 1tat in' taken tri the- home. 501 Ac're' larni ss'uitguicunLu bert 'vSt. N. anîd Iheotnuitir beontru Budget 'Ternis .rranpod lîuîsc bai-ri. sni'um .\skiutg Sou:thu arnl. Barzaiius, rsaie. %VHYTE -:BItOS. V'H'IOLSTERY $12.6i00.l'ermrs arîamîged Ex'enhnps culner 102 King WV Phone 623-52.5?! 10)0 Acre' faruîun O5OuvliA I.. H>o>-. - 6? 3 - 7:! fi )rit- si-tf area, xsi h uom se, ba ri , pond . vut l".sk onlv S17,.Ot."ermns.' P. Kowal 623-5969 potn A KB R E S 64- Are ' ith tux'en8.00(1 4- & 1,B 1ES-FURNACSChristmas trees. ioeaied uîorth f t' Dl P 43- 1 CI, XN E[ 1) S o shaxva . Asking $4,900. ff. Frank ±Real .ustale J'.I'BI( RP IS Ternis. 1,111ITEn l11(t jlis P, lLGRP S 11)0 Aure t'arîî xxitihibotuse est ati, PHONJ-: IJA,*%PTON aîîd 2 barns. Str'eamî. Higît- 623-3â93 111.0263-2151 ,xvv1 oaton1Akrî 11îY Meiitur Oshuawvaand District ')i Sa).- Mi ddes$150.fJiî Tc'ms. Real Estate Board c rsi- P.O. Bo, 54, B<îivanî'ille g -t'vii5'oned - l7Churrch St-, Boîvmanî-jîîe on I. -Pt op r s i 1 :6-si firîg $35011 xsith $1 1111hdoxx'u. 2,11 Au re Da i' Farm. Port lîtui L CET & ARD N .5 eRoonicd btinugalosx'.ail iPc'rrv aiea. 8-1,nO1i bomne xxithî il n o enu c ini e on es . 'xil 2 b i nc iis xeellotil ba rui iuiii' v. 1>1. MBIN(; and IIEATING extra loIs. Asking oîîtv\, $2.500<) Vitht stable eheaner. u'nnci-ele r'ictord SHE1:T MI:TAI, WORK dosu i'. siloi. TJor'onito nîlk c'nnt'au'î. .îtu'hueî AIR ('ONDITIONING Tal-cuiîtt1îiu oad, 7 nuoniu-d liocx'ux Iîat ionu Strcarqi fîu",-. (hono - Ontario hocme, a il umoderni tut on eee, ,Thiiss 1,utue the e b bjê Sa t.',IPhoînes Shon1 94,M], Iliardwsotîd flooî's. Colored imug tarnus in n O j cm 1 iv 1i . 33R1 t ('OIICCIliuî InocmîusxithI s'aitittY. 0Omit,,,Exceltenit a .îiluuis 33- f $1,Sil0 dowit. "ITrnis, lc io- Bungalow,' xe'.n cof Boss- I101) S'oi i 1re À i1 lcrk. ACKERIVAN maîîxilIe xxith garage. Modern t1't1111 stt-ein)nrBla ks k. 43--) eoîîvomieruues. Asking $8,500.) 2-stoirev\ brick home, pavei EXCAVATING .5 Roomed bungaluow wxith road fî:oiîige. This is a s'eu-v .t IOAIIN(; - TR E N C Il1NG cit fur-nace, 4-pecue bath. Good pi'ctiy pr-opeI'l' w'ith gonin ty Sand, Gravel, Top Soil and si7e' lot. Local oui îîorthî ti pontd sts.$ 1l,000 - Teîms. Lb î Fii delivercd Bowmnarîvilte. Asking $10,010 195 Aires. Liiidsav* yaiea. '2 2lIirî î'~ii-R RVCE xsili î$2,0001clowvn.storox'If) rnomo rnhOe. 2 bathu- i liasonahle Rates Bownianx'iIle, brick huuîci'Or)o0M S.-Barn 45' x 65', lien '4623-5756 - BOWMANVILLi: ouilnmainî streel witb bathîroom. houso $ý-2,00)0 - $5,0010 dowîî. 22-tf Askînug anil'1'$1,000 doxs'n. 100t)Sceniraurnes witb ci'. Newc'astle . 5roomed, mevw, rific vi Oss. N. Tl'ronr C U STO MVIbrick btiigalos. Colou'od bath-. ens u. $010 T ruon ,witli sanity. Attaclied 128 Acre fat-Ill iranBrou'- rms LAND C..LEAR.1ING gar'age. Oiul.\ 52,0100 dowru. maîîvîlle, rondl sou., sti'eaîiî liav-your land nleared of ail Bowmatîvilîe-, 5 roomf-d rcîunnng thnoliîgl propert',, 3 ît Xh'12 ec lv Heavy home with garage. Alciminiutuii New- barr. ,Large brick bouqf $,0.Ternis. 2ý car garage. Askimig $42,000î. F-or information rail 623-5012 'ocîrtice area, 6 u'jonmed 'f'oYuPS. lie for Marti M4achinery home oui large lot. Al]îînh- 200iîAucr' Sttck Fan îîî'uîr r'rmî(1111 u'nîveîumeîces. Garage. Suioriann 7 roornhorne, naîf. R.B.g $o2,500.e ,T euns. bar'i 44 ' x 120 % p g p n 2,1' x a clf 40 oviraIf i Ncwtonx'ille. 7 roomned bric'k 48', 'uesîi'(]31)' X 80' gonod al 4 bn- hme. ail iewxly muîdeîrîized. soîl, 2 .'pi'unig-fod( ponds.' Onhy teNE B A Ex'a ni. Amxioris ho seli $33.000 -$.311).000clownî. 'a BA.RNES & BYAM P0oti spooî. 6 roonîed. nîic', 100 Ar s 2 Miles Osbasva Ontii. PL.U' IBIN(; & H E 'rîI N îcG tboîrne xs'th ait Moderni Statel"9t)rouinbrick bouse, Sat 8,AlIELS &SERVICE eonîx"uucîn'os. ý outy $1 ,sîîîîlargo harrtniriso shed. Oniy '13t-Ot'Rdosvii. $57,51») 'I'erniîs. 011 Burner Service, Aflr, -ît s;111: withl eii atud roiagr. .4,0o SEtI C' r.1%.N AND )onald NMoitntinoy $)'3:; l ,2.0lh0idown. .ur'i :REIS CGuy I.eBlanr -163-3715 (6 Ac rc ocîutl tf No 2 1 -igb-- thotPHNt: dso %Wiersmra - Orono 1649\wa" tunu Prestouus'aic foad. Folir ~ t~ J.PONE628 osDvdsn-Btay3r bedroom spbii level home, a- HAtiM'TON :63-250 RosDaiso e 4ay3-I3nMost noxx. Nicci ý,decorate-), )criic- YRONE 26 -265 îîa ni"Ilcd living u'oom, a il col- 4E .-,1 '-c'nieîtees . T hiere are 150 fruit 42 - ri g Y o r C a n o ayF o r H e n t I rices nud t1,000 C h iristm as fr rcq tonitue pnnupeu'i s'. Askîîîg ,ice for- a SFVEN-i'oom huomso, Phîouîe $ 1 6, 8h))> I)r-a SAFETY CHECK 61 1 :- 'iiptiAv',Bwavue COUNT1RY Ironie tient cu W. :îbedrittiuburic'kbunîga low, Ml It- w ýjIii herk Franîk Rea I Estai e il m iteul. ;'sPhalt i scwaî I iciwu :1 Brake., - 'lin-., - 'Steering 623, -33:393'.. 1ý i- )'tiulhioi i u lmivinug mntî. Yli i11 MaVli 't' $1 4,0)001 li'ris, L _I 'iii-i>SiX-t'lt Iii luuse un>i lhugius x (>'hii Eu"ît î;î itantih i 2-t tIront LighI-',- Rlit-a'ighu., No. 2. ofu5tutBtiuaiiville cii.alî,'2t elae jauge( 51< >"o i) ihuk - foIlm-n - ass Pliiîu 23-ï1:1501.42 -2 ? 'h.1;imd ting roon iit.Fi- ot itar 'r ltw Mini-or and ThWO-BEDROOM apamt nier,)iht lbaseniu'nt. attaclued gai - 1'arnu " Exau-', SNstern. heahi-d, 1i.ýd ru> iîtludt-n i.tu'agt, uicelvl Idcu'ajed. $25.01uu 'nIl w Y. -N ew castle. i>98 ,4340. 13- 1î - $7 000 d u xi 721I v or done o, l. ' Nu"xx' sî lu' 2t .turVy brie, I7 icen'cd nmeehani-- tiEATED apanri-et u t n iii t A 110 u nîn borutne- dî'îdd min i no Irr. Rr.mther .. -. lie Life Vomi en 'd inifnirnisboch rouîit ral x st'pau'utc pai eu Ext-el- Save'r' Nay' 8e, 'or Ofl! inlotaid Phono 61-13-:396,9. bu! Cdti ont. Tbrer xoai 1 t, eteciri'hai Lot 1,32' '< 1,32t',nuaniy eta Excellent i l HR Etntnotsef-oitnuo vatt;o at $1712,50 Terns. v, ~~~~apaulment lApply al bark. uih tet omuvtp 10,5 King E. Reatice Arînîs. Newv 6 omhngow lt 95 King ýt. %V. Bnwmanviile _ 43-1' 67' x 1ro'.m ahngatralo. Phne62-334 -1 tuIN Newc'astle, -4-rom u part- $1 7,90f1) - 'flrins, nada - Meut, tmnîate trance,' S5; ï Newcastle __ Fram o buîcga- NvVnidna R nt ,othl.. 'lelephone Oshawa tow il' gouîd conudition, tbnce- WanedtoRe t 25259.piernbath. $8,0(îfi -$5 ___ dowîî. ris G ARAG E c'î11iaI1 Iuuc a!1it. -SMALL store for euit un Di- Bowmanviîîe (;ood (-tJeant -715 Phtîui 623t-5661. 431 i* vision St., rîcw bei'ug Coin- 5 î'oom sumrmer cottage on) 35 -t f 1101JSF uor tlxx ui-în- bedroom ptetly renovated. A p p ly takefront lot 4(0' x 130'. The apainiuit Pltîîî 6.3~305 Olympia Restaurant. 43-I bcd noonis, natunal fineplace. 43-1 APARTMENTS 2-bedrooniPîe i$400-Tri tmens aailbleDecrn- Sunset Terrace, off Lib& ýbber, TlWO cm lime-e unot aparîment aparîmiîsalal ecn-Street North, BowianviV tlai inBox'mauvile. Wrie M' ber tst, 1964. Bowmanville'slI3 Bedroom bunigalows anîd pli :i nR Bomt'M u lh e . e M. B ' 1)-new st aduit building, elc Sls R (MileiBo 115-Bow- 1 n storcy bomnes by Loupan. Ail pes nairvlle. 43- t rtncaty eated with frig a d "8 s a v s p p ie F r nf r a - , se rv ice s in . P ric e d fro n 91. Found lion tehephone 623-2601 or' $14,21ori-bl$.70 oxnNHA 91 Foud 623-5586. 4)-iftensObaac F2 AER'gchcîîî loe Cali 623-339.1 )N phoine 263-2357. Ilampton. Mortgages Air9po h. ~43-1 'Fwî u gereîso Joe Barnoski - 786-2202 :ck ~ Ou Lost Sale; buîy or give second PLYo6337 L o sm or- g a g esM -.oo d 1De v ,lP t Y lK John F.DeWith 41-4 Bo~'manuIli- - 1-1 1Frank St. RalF-CEttefor sale i anstt orSl V-ilageLf-ACeulot o'sle. To% NViage fCle tcstopi. TS. Forliimiii 85 Gamble Avenue.1 Ja ck Ricard RF ALTOR 71King -St. E. 6 23 - 25 0 br'ick hiome iin exc-ellitc- dit ion. Nvar business cli. $13.500) xvith to'wdoup - mniiit, Bowmanil le. :3Bediiom bungalow on Quceen St., garage and large !0. This w'ill îlot lasi long.$3.00with tei'ms. Bow'mani île. Cenltlal loca- tiln. 2-storev 3- hedroorn home w age li tej, dilii ig roomt.Livng on With fire- pliz-e. 1 3,50. Toeris. Pak'vCrcsceiîî. Bowmaii- Vil le. Modern 3:îbedioonî buitj- galow wxith ers attI'activc k itî'hiei) ;ind diîî I arge living i'oni j Finishod i'oreii- t (i i 010 $16, ]1rx i lin4111 k i l I o n1 . E e l l n a g i ) o , ar«Iuuand ldr loîîe tili mnoderi-iiedci Croek. Askiliîg J. T. HAMILTON REAL ESTATE 200 Acres - 67.7 Prîce $l00.0i00.0flt) 21h Doxvîî S30)000.001 Acurcs 6?. 'M.P. R. $95,000.001 - Doxvni , $15,000 A0 .cres 44-12 M.B.R. 5.0010.00 - Down. $30,00f0 M) > Acres '6. M. B.R. $50.000 -flown, S20,000) Ac5.\re F'armi, rrcp Salsmn: AN 1) y S UTCH 3r 5 Orono Peter Kwa 43-Jr R E:ALTOR and GElNF:RAtINSL'RANcK Muiubrof (lis uaxva &l)îtrict R2eal EInate Board Branîd flew '13 hdî'oom bii- gatOWv xxhil stoite front aîîd lu Il haseme1nt iii c'liice Inca- t ioi, E-\ceptioiiallx' wcll t bilt of Ille finest niaterials, prier d for immediate sait le i$61 N.HlA. mortgage ai 14O W'n"ter Woî'ks Boîîîîs or $Stî Con-e iint od av and ehun 'vuir i'plan so tili \xO,, Mn v r Ixetlie $5))>bonus. wc liieetlsxeselling iof (.slîî v> Wooud Prodîîctsbos e's ou Foîîttîtt-IiAtt iin- Real Estate foi Sale Real Estàte foi Sale 1 Cars f or Sale ion rIr 6