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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1964, p. 17

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_CLASSIFIED *' LÉICENSED 'LCNE Nursing Home Nursing Home "'TUE Lodge"ý Nursing H'ome SOUTH- Haven Nursing Hiome Oýn Iihway 2 icsd c Accommodation for private cOrmmodation available. Kinci a n di semi-przvate patients, care. Nurse 24 brs. Visitors lounge TV. Fully licenseci Welcorne. Phone Mcs. Wm. new building. modern. Visiter: Westover, Newcastle 987-4252. welcome. Reasonable rates. 24-Il F'ree ambulance service. Phone Newcastle 987-4441. 41-1: "FOR QUALITXi SELECT USED CARS" MpQUEE N MOTOR SALES .LI.MITED Earl McQuecn, Prcei. 219 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Authorizeui Dealer for Rambler Cars Phone 623-3316 Sales on 1.965 Rambiers are ý»eYond ail expectation. therefore w-e have top trade- ins coming in daily. C'heck this lIst of Ioîv mileage, local one o%%ner cars! 1964 Rambler Ambassador 990 4-Dr. Turquoise. automatic trans- mission Nilh custom radio, power brakes and stecring. A local, one owner trade-in. Im macula te. 1964 Rambler Ambassador 990 Mocustom radio, power baestecring and win- dw.This car cannot be told from new!' 1963 Chev. Bel Air Station Wagon 8 cyl.. automatie transmis- sion, customn radio, manv other extras. Real sharp! 1962 Ford Convertible 8 cyl., automalic transmis- sion, custom radIio. (Ueaning black finish xvith red trim. 1961 Chev. Bel Air 4-Dr. 6 ryl., automatic transmis- sion, custom radio. A-1 condition, 1958 Chevs Sieverai tn choose from, 6 and 8 cyl., standard and automatic transmissions. All are A-i cars ready for the road. 'feekly Special! 193 Chev. Sedan It's beer than walking $7.5 Service Station Open from 7 a.m. until 12 midnight 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Phone 623-3401 After Hours 623-2083 Mtember of bnth N.A.L. andi O.M.L. # - 9 CONTACT: EarI 3McQuiecn Weldon Brow'n Bud Fogg -jack 1Miller «Ierry Goo(lwifl Bill Ncqiîeen Sales 1 - q Notice to Creditors 1AND OTHERS IN 111E ESTATE 0F LEON- ARD GEORGE BRADLEY, la*'e of the Town cf Boxvman- ville, ini the Countv cf Dur- ham, ceticeci farmer, deceaseci, wbo dieci ai the City of Osha- wa, n the Couzîty of Ontario, oui or about the 20th day of September, 1964. Residence, Bownoanviiie, Omt. TH1E TRUSTEE ACT R.S.O. 1960) Ch, 40i8, Sec. 52. Credîtars aond others hax'- iîîg caims agaîzîsl the above estate are requireci to send particuziars and ful proof thereof to the unîcecigned, oi or betone bbc 2 tbh day of Novemnber, 1964, after wbichl date lite assets inu thc estate xx'il be di-tribuleci havung cre- gard ta lThe Devoictian of F :1 aIes Act anc] the ciain tuaI hav'e Ibeitbeco receiveil. L~AWRENCE C. MASON, Q.C, Pariister andrlSolic4ztor, Box 29 - 30 King St. W'., Boxxmanx'îlle, Ontario, Solicitor focr te Adrninistcalrzx. 42-3 Notice ta Creditars NOTIC'E TO CREDITORS In the Esiaie of DAVID GILFILLAN. AHxl persaîts iax ing claim.ý agziiiist teeustate of Daxvi Gîlluttan, late oîf the Town ci Eoc;xxiaillev ,iin, thue Coint v, cf Do rhum, Labour er. decea'.- ccl. xvho ciccl an mr abocut te 41î dlay'of ni' ctohez', 1964, are herovyuîutifiecl ta senc in !a Sfriku & Struike, .Saliitors for lte Esiatm'. Boxvmauuville, On- tario. on ar before the lInias' <if December, 1964, fullI pair- r ticilla r- cf ihcir <lai m. Inintcciatels' afteî' te soui Ist diay cf Decembur, 1964,.tbre asseis of the testator witl be nistribuited amauigst thec pan*- tues erititteci theceto, having r"ga,,ird oîtiy Io caims cf xvbic iu zlic -iainlsolicitors foi' tic E.,.tatc 'hait thenIuax'e notice', DAIED ai Boxvmazuviile Ibi-, 191h dcayv f Oclober, A.D. 1964. Sîcîke & Strike, Solicitors for thec Faote ai Dixidlflian, Baux manvilie, Onîtario. Nýotice ta Creditors- NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS lii te Fsate cf Helenta Mary Hloar, lte cf the Village <if Nexwcastle, i tue Cocnîl' of Durhiaii, decuaseci. Ail claiuuus agaiist te aboxe eslt ae nîcIil be filecixxulî ita h tibicei'igiîcc] solicitor for thli Est aIe ait iorbe forpe 511t1 da v of Nax'ember, 1964, afler whîicîu date the Estate xxill be ciist r ilii eci. DATED at Newcastle tîuis l6tlu day of October, 1964. E. Richard L<îxekiuî, solicitor foc IHaroldi Arthu.r Iloar, WViliam Franuk loar, (;eorge Edward Hoar, ,XccuItars cf the Estate. 43-3 iTendersWne CIIOICE lot foc sale hu' tender, djiproi'u niately 65' x 165' amui bl 'icle oîf Wellington Stret, We-it ouf Silx'er Str'et, l3cx'nuautx'il,, Seînî teinln us ta P.O. Box 8883. Bon'nu'ile, no!i ter thait Novcmberz- 2iinl, 1964. 'lerniu. cuasîh. lt,,(cri fiedche<lîqute payable Io hie I. 00F. Butilmi- ing Fid houiid accompauiy îtn'r. I lglict ou' any teznder n01 ic'saiyac'ceptcc] 4:3-2 Rehobot loir Prepares for Second Fail Concert jý% Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmanvllle, Oct. 21, 11184 17 - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smnithý Nally, Coibornie. visited \,r4* ~~ Visitedi Mr. and Mrs. Bert' anc iMrs, Cari Wright, o.~ Hooey, Peterborough, Sunday. davy IMr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong.i Mr. anci MrIis. Keniieth S ari- and Miss Beth aecomipaniecils vi*îed hcr aunt,. Mr-,. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Barr and Lloyd S:anles, Bel hanvSu. BeverleN, and visited -Ur. and dav. Mrs. Ross Curtis, Orillia, Sun- Mrli.î' ci Ms X'mccni Ar. ." sday afternoon, -fier. Rowm1anvîle, vlsiteci i.Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larnicr Mr. andi \I'.Wilbc riArcher..-. r visited Misses Anm;e and Effa Saturdav. eWright, Oshawa. SundaN1. Dr. andi Mr. A . McArthuir Mr. and Mrs. Glenin Larmier and familx' a'eîîcod the sjNrr v:and bovs visited Mr. adMrs. w oddîn.r cf nd Mrs . Saturdax' eeninganid sient Y xekn Sundav guesis of Mr. aid Stra fo'rci. Mrs. Glenn Larmer andi sons sSt h. W.\me were Mr. and Mis. Alex Sin ParizàH all moi October 16th, clair and son, Oshawa. Mi l thPre'.ietMrp.H and Mrs. Arnoldi Bcrtst romi Ashniore ilehir c:- and family, Whitbv. iiig opecdýl c'We Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly, AIl Tir\' Mci Ci'OMy God.» Columbus, wcre Sundav sp-M's. Ashinor ektlipn per guests of Mr. and Ms i rxe.Roli cau was Cou rtney Graham. ailwridl x wit a clo!liot îol,ý iMr. and Mrs. Willf Bro\wi, the fa 11al Troasurer ~ax' Wendv and Debbie, Courtîce., a £od report C.onx'cnor for were Thanksgiving Suindav the uhickea n e apoc report - dinner guests of Mr-. and Mrs. cci thce<li;'nlfilni,"O ýBob Brvans. Mr- and MVrs. the Farmi '! ! hoNN-exxn a f- Br-anis ad hildren Nwere ter the ,ippci ocssee E supper guests of -Mr. and Virs, tan reporiedi fivc qalls have A welcomne is extended to you by the Rchoboth Choir of Bow-i couver for 14 %cars, plaved mnd dir'ected ail of' Bacli's oî'atoriasRy nd akradfaiî'henmc"soeftesfr manile o ated hei scod allcocet o FidyOctober 23rd officiated as organist f'or'the C.13.C. Vanceouver. We are I s P' Oshawa t liMs.ClffBabe paerho lMeeig 1,,,, iî and Saturday. October 24th, at 8:15 p.m. The choir bas put in a lot lcgcd and honoured te have Dr. I3orbridge as aur quîest orianist., andi Laurie, Oshawa, spent inrntsrsh of lime and effort to bring you this concert. The Rehoboth Choir and ils direetor, A\Ir. E. 'M. l'Cvce' mo-e! this weekeîid wit.h Mr. and Guest soloist wil hc Mr. Wmn. Perry from Lindsay. Gucst organ- than delighl.ed to have this oîîlstanding talent. MIrs. Bob Bryans and farnilY. FINE QUALITY is il cM.Ala orrdefrom the Avenue Organ Salon, Tor- The Conelectric organ was îîsed ai the Openîiiiîg - (c(ieotiius 'o-rs Drc le M. ul pn s Osaa OUET onto. Dr. Borbridge xvho is a mnember of the A.C.C.O. is a reputable the Edward Johnson Building ofifte Uivofît Toronto. ThetAî'gue ca*c o r î r.M.ARKERS organist. fle was organist for the first Presbylerian Church in Van- organ bas also hem îî sed for 11w *'\lessiali" ini \asî'aIlI . William Wilson, Port Pcnx." r iSundaN. [,Io.%fi Graiair. Moitr eaI, xxere, Brownî, I lanoin l Glad 10 report Mir. Harod gues o f Mr. ndcl Vrs, C1lar1reý Rex'. and iM rs. ' HI. Fergiu- Martyn progressing fax oxably ýBtS.LD smîth), Wellcl:a\taFr1,'0 s'ai. Doit Mill<, raleci otLf inOshawa Hospital. M a i tr te ~ iont 'îhiirsaeveniun _Mrand Rn anci Fecga'.onls, Mt~ r. and Mrs. NormianMe brooý, _Mr andi r larn, .i -s' < rsCil 111WHETHER YOU WISH TO *lk H iiGrahama. Port Pecî'v. M r.1enroule ta Rcllîanx' wlere be TRAVEL BY H el i n Bowmanvîi i e Charles <i îahani, M r a nllcl Mr-.i, was' cah n m Oscar Griani spcn: a paleIR RAILeor Staffordîncraxhero Octbe 2th194 i aci'i c a htttscftee te ' Cc tatc'. n Ieening Nihthe abave NMr, acind r'MilIen sr.. AR, RLLSafod Ther ()toer'-Ot, .94 rieran svealhntls r en(mentîoncd Gralbonis, ut :b i.Robert i Nu enand lMiss CEk IIE Dirm temoni.-Ml,,-beer in a carton.~ added the Accuseci were represclteci. hy l i f r n rs ahrneMl.iF)tror TA SIPI trt D.Bng ter o rnn Magis-officer. "Triithe front scat of E. C. Wildman, Bowmnanville af Mc ard .'\iî's. Nlurx'vn Catberîofe MillenMonumrbos court in the Council Chamber, the car weru txx'o beer botleý Lyle Wichman, age 19. M ra . ia lie 'ol]i ýi3nd ' Caton andi Mca ..'.'hncre. Box 133 Mr. andUrs.&Ton Vaiby, 318 I)undas St. E. Whitby arn agicorloetRe upaaî,rs tboule of the same brand.' he and Wa,'ne 'fruit, l8, Eci- W XV sc a.]\Oîcs o: Mr mc' (akx \il<'. aci M H.ieffron, TRAVEI, AGENCY Phone %Vlh! crom. Clcourwn Athre uc;.s . Bi aus -ccseci was bleeding:ward Smale, 18, andi Rav Ad- r.JA.Jcî.;oi'taax]?OSiLIVgesBwmnle 62361Mh'k832 1,0nm. castiwxxAtto re c.F for bis nose be was taken cock. 17, werc drix'ing aî'otnd Mca ciVis a IneMur-cdM . o623-I3361"ucc Ilail-______________8-"552_____ to Memnoriat Hospital, Bow- ' in bi.s car eibout three in the cx' pît ieholicl\î'x'e-1m______________________ pr ~ ict n iii rmînal court, . .__loti._________________ ancliiiIrat fi cort n amvillic. bei e the injury morning. le ardeci that ilendci xx' niMr. ancd'\cMr Mrrt .\ ccu I[A rs. R ue'I loey andoinv rampbellfourctEciprox cd ta be a minor one. He was a Pontiac Parisienne val- iLeo '1 and famiiIx , îrac' ndiclRoy, Solmia. ca 1l ec .auori'Mr, lor ue Cown.La te afer-hac ino record but hie admittecl ucci at $4,500. M' 1bMKe o'u't aIM' ta hog ni rich, cort mii-ownersbip of the bccr, andi "We were passullg Mr. Mf xs'Tuslvdinncrgiest af:box'.. ilauîcîa' . SIN E A P CI TO notiaffie outbein-,g m-acdeci that lie lbacidrunk foiir fatt's bouse," saîi Mir.Wiuli- eBulFgioi.M.Hr- '.oai isIviMou- pceiMaitaeBteca-or five. or fixe ci' six, lbe wasrnan, "wlicn wr noticeci a oiri vM-? ,woIidbet iij\ n aib ,-.eSn 'tiail inueci in the Counicil Chaint- tIquite sure."', standiing bx' a ar-edca 1'.r'MKel~ albeuW c'ac ot lvx'r udyt ber- r"i" T . a.lier- doîgpliter id fiiv frsi ci(fM ,an Mr Chaz-es'tlîma îiîra. Gr' Chamberlaîin, Z'Il, n.Wayne a.zked mr o astop, ond ce alc ti1 -a , 1 < s ifV LNEE A V SSR n Charles 'Illorl)âs rigraili ae a wu0kreturlnci lline xItil. I lokm. I"r Pc'Irx. V LN ERC N ASR n 37.Raba'o wa snttajail l, . br)Iax'ig le got out and spoke ltbr pledet t,;x' a'1brsoait'Mr. uudn(I N'. ýSianRahm foi' Rae niax sas asesu:tda xx'îit botit ialicence June.,!Another -g'rl oin Ile ('an, bu- "ir ei mc vat' ac 'stc ,TEAM CAPTAI NS foxca o r irripý's a ire ri a 10UtO i-.Tî rh.. E-an iciM . 'l'o:a vi. r. 151h. lHe wa.s fînec txvo dol- gan blowirig lhe borni \"rvIeuteOh-"otokprti heBizo i 1îg September t 2th [lix os aii (ati o ' as. 'a o]uf aii î g c li. Kit," 'li. 'T'ili l i y, i.' I- a va S ijiiicl;ll'lits('barge lhacibeen helci Way-ne la get back ic i.\ cr 'i i -Rv. ai'iii'r 'le aci MiMe',-'S. -CND AIO A NTTT R. 1. NMaure, Lindcsaa vaer becauase of the pressure:,Wedrî've away q bikix, bt n Bl ilIî aMl""i'iclax' ci(-lhoat xi OeiNAMc.Nual Mia. I) after lislcoing ta the offîcer'S of othez' court business. several people followud i îe.trocal'te lt (let 1"aîîte home, andcofcf'ouî'eo rbio oI Dii' il O H LN 1<>chtie us ' ctgîil'" Dog Control Officer J. A. the other car. Vie drox'e abotit \rsseix ii oxonnle roo, il odxRT E LN pteata guiiîy" Jlskin stateci lie haci cheikeci for quile xxhile andltIanMc. aid Mc-S. 'harle.; <;ra- crirti nnh P1ontab,-l . orut thIle Chamberlain residence' parkcd behinci the lownship IMIi'. Y D li-1-l ilî;':i flain)xi'.ilu Ci Mr. and riMs, Les- lCstble h. Jlie was pari.dandi fouinci cither the fatheri Hall," Mc. Wichiman statcd. iaîîg xvue iix'l i r-leGaai îlrc,~Rcturns to date $2721.95 with .eeîal districts atesil p.m. i i e wadprivevanor mother aI homne, only a; "The otbeu' car drove ini bc-:tue aîîcl xvitfc ir. a i Mcs.liedos', stili to aoi Ot1as estaun ton igbyi 3-year-old lad. He added hind us," lbe continucci, 'anci]Doric v,, Midiand i', l i is.rexport.t wof 35 abtouRetatwrant m i nrh that there wece lwo black andl the tbree aceîsec i lapt o ,iit, .rB ots cxla'le eie ae'i.aev.iig Al donations received are gratefutl1Y acknoNv- 1 0of Highwax' No. 2. He >statcci fan houinds ini-te Nard, and ý andi began hittîng oui- car, wos xx'ukend gîjeat cf Mir. andl Mr. andi Mca. Cact Wright « lede.Ayn misdnth avsiiy tilat lie xxas xxatching traffir. he cuic] n he haoth. er og rinowsaidb teirlista, ni, i..WlcuMarlaw. Visitons wviiihllite Fred iTe- de.Ayn ise i h avs a xx'hiclî xxas ;particîîtarlv beavy brigiilt os.H waigadylig o-Mr. andriMrs. Roy' %vaigiwns andl Mr'..Albert Wright,, leave or send their contribution b ',Iir. .1. Bel, '1'lie uffîcr id i bsr' taeitatleba]tli h a Mfal lmei POiliii atteocieci ofamnity gatheî--aîd î'allîag oi Mr. Wrigl Bnko Mnrainwnnvle thotSand~' nght.boy tb have bis father regis- the hooci and]trieci b kick i, n,,ilg ,tlte IanliMipyshospilal ciîuî u xxck:M. Tcl a trufcke r thbd iound r 1 ter the doa, but a later check the w indsield, W heii 1 open- Txî'iH a r d x u 'cil, i antI Mank.ofJoe C:i rex' a îicl Mss C'ti4 howed titis lbad fot been cd bbe door anc] iîied ta talk, lh)oa i f Ilhi ' i'ollher, Mrs. L.iîa llor'x', 'l'oi'î 'Mi's. On beliaif of Bowa'l1 ùatshautdez' going stclol', done. ta thein tbey forceci their \va'ý Editîli tlupî' itra. RueM'au x'nSuc followed b' a car wllosc ligbt's Kezuaetb Douglas llitcbin- irto my car andi starteci heat.- 'W \Valti'r wrigbt Bruce( i is. enOarWl \uîi nd M'.WctDubn dio'y(mnit xx'nd on. The zi rof îî carofsozi, chaî'geci with impaireci ing lus up. Ray andi Eci J«IIIuP-,Friciv ov u uaiand Mr.; Chs, h('xx'ii.lui rnt a: Mr.JakDnC ira. stopeci bez be axx'thedciving October 191h, asked ed ouit and ran for lielp." Woîe' Wr'ight arucl girls Vîsil- and I Mi,'. Farl'6rc'xxia andi,~<kDmn 'ara stpe hnlesu hfor one wcek's adjoucoiment. The other tbree yithN'outicilso vi uMssEafaîî'E uuklci.________________________________________ police cruiîser anc], as lte re-iildy wti Mi- E I aiiY, n is le. sui ofznaz'atintheoff-1Titis was granteci and bail set haci been exeludeci duîriog luisi-____________________________ sul ofinfrmaion th ofi-,t $100 cash or $200 propecty. lestimony, told appcoximatelvý cccsaci iefolowd ic ruck Sandv Francis Jolinson, agc the same stocy. The ltree ac-1 "lie neyer crosseci the cii-, 16, forc1merl1' cf the Ontario cused and the fiancecof anc; ,ut, "butline wen tot bbc'Traioing Scliool foc Boys, then toid their version,.lTe Jyt~blie hen n t Bowmanx'ilIe, was chacged girl, who haci been standingý drivng fireand hen ackSeptember 28tb xxith cobbery outside, said that the ots colo~~~~ \ie soîdr eeavxith violenîce, escaping fcom wbo got out and approacheci hous ii aliaf mleso the Training School. andi theft hier in front of the Moffattý s defil mpaTiredraoc]r('or- of Albert Mundy's car, ap- residence, liaci made improper defiiteY ipaird ad Cr-,peared in court . Magisbrate suggestions aoc] she had beený poatWod wi cnu vbnR.' B. Baxtet' zemaoded hlm tecrifieci Slite saini that as I li caiiifrasitne n c 0nslociy xxit.lout plea until, soon as q.lie tld thie meniini i baubt lm bak t te~Oclaber 271îtIe fbouse thes' had foîlowcd!' Bawai-n'Nile p o I i c eriîffiC"' "îreHmpotmei otagelIlite licence îuîîînber ofr; whvre he xvas lonlged intt he lreHmon oNij celî," 'îuiital 'PE. ari Moffaîl, age 46, George he car. lbcy nlenieci îsiîîg' ('raxE.x'îî iMoffaîl, 23. aoc] Robert G.1 the xioleniic eaîîibdbv lte ooaittl oOn lItaI st 6 harg<'d xx'gitnesse.R. B.Baxîeri':t*Y Y"4 bac]igan woiiiftor druzuk i anagizîg a;î'ar bciongiriîg 10 cepcirziandcd ai'uui-id for lak- nlrx'iîg îudlxxo fr iîpIrdL'le Xichiian, and wvere ing Ithe law ita their cix r ncxiibadiditioni ta ozg gfounci guit.v. TI ex'xxce giv- ' iazucs. lie dasmisacci firîlier t] ail, Iiigrai laat li.,- Il- ceon fo anizuefzoie eroi(,i sispeitdd-aenterrer foi',criecharge,,;cf assatîlt anduci ai ,Jlî uia aln b-xeaz' aitconitiioznIhiat I bey lawx'fuit detent ian. hl Vxl i nc ..~ John pucacnMrin. a crux- px pt 10dmgs or iobcili giuîtera iznp I 1 uit' tt' of centiire hîtue xxit ii 100 ferd of en inlec- section oni Aciguisl 2_9t1u lue, finie \vas 15 anduci ('Os or I!0 davs. Cozistable T1. A. G. Spezînlex' ,olcl thle court that lue barh bcen adx'isuc] ta proceeni taý hie uuict ion of 35gx'a':. aoc] 7A xx'lere lue fanc] txxo x'eiîlcs a li beenînx'oix'ed in' auaccident, The drixer cf tlîe fîrst x'cbicle informec i bi lue lianthen makzug a tefl baznl lui , c nucîcihue of- ficer, xx'heiu accuseci attenupt-, eci ta pas, z'esuhting iii a cal- lis i<on. Davis Bru ce \\eïr, R.R.Noî. ". iî.ucau xt filted '.1.1 ald ce, 1 au' riv e nias for';!Ii- pnîipez pa.siiig Seplernbez' Si t. Acicuscî haut pieaded Miii '. C('aii ' t a b I e .1. McDouî:u!'l OPP, Ltubed lthaIlue xxas loi- axx ig I io cars ioi]liasnuotar- cycle about lP) a.m. He-lesuic t lu' s'i!liiais ot otu ('ars c'amne oun iinciaig a loft banId' îuî intola a liaS-itatiuuîî.\A' v 'ui-e pasd bob h xelc: a1i lie uhtcoîicLuicnt flicoffi'cr- Bertram Cratg. aze .57. 32 ,Joiîes Avenuec. Tarantoa, plecid- cd giîilty tn împazced dnîiiu October 11 th .C o il V ' e t i 0o! brouighl a finecf S$50 andl costs, or 10)nda vs, Mag:;trmt f.. Buirger su-ipeocnI l'Iis lic c icfllce1 n-onttuý Conîstable J. C. Cactxvripht. OPP. tbld bbc court btaI a.c;a reilt cf sex'cral conupto .ct- lic proceeled i t :ile To ititi Roaci. baîf a cul'.e'uqof Sui- gag Roaci Tît lie Fain i e fourîid a car partiy' auon'hie south shoulder andi partiv in the dfi'.cl "Ais;o ii ithe nituit ,. RESULTS COUNTI MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consuit a Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board B LAC KSTOC K Sii)dînh bei ipg Lavmea's helieveni,. nv"-tc"ii SLiiudas. iuu St. John's Churchi that ail las'rnicu shoulcl bc fui!~ Mc F'red IHamtiltonzîassisteci lv mommtted tthue Loard. Canon Asîînore conduzet the, Thene xvas non service un itlue service. lakiuug tue prayers, Uniteci Churcl u ie ta Carl- anoounîczuug the luymui, etc.'nmus Anniversars', ni i xxii, Mrz. George Wolfe aoc] Mr. 1 there be next Suzuday. as blinI Harocld Hamiltonu ceaci the les- is Nestietout Azuivi' r s, a r '.-. sonus. Mvr, Rober't Millen, a SuodaY Scîtool as uîsuual ai Lax' Readeru'front Peterbor-1 11 a ci. ouglu, dcliixered an excellentl A fairlv guad atteiicaîii'c sermoni fronu the text, '2 Tim, x'viewed the fillîîu.QLI('stion 7,ý i-12, -1knoxx wboin I bave1 uu the Recreaz au Cenitre Fri' idal, iii iglit l'iluis xx'o. tit(' R CRATONstoz'y of al15xcar-old box'i i'uibhetroli'iibli-i î'1w R E IEWeLÇce i ni ou'cer ta live a Cri- Ninor Hiock.ey League icrialisui, We îu l',utiio A Coachies andciRetl-ei'ec- ' souilci shoxx a deipet' appi"'- meeutinug xvt tlube ticîu i un Aie cialion cf lîfeuandct lu ' larder Lionus CommnuuuuutxCenutIre Oui 1 boUc] a focunia lion fcor tasI - Tbczrsd;i,,' ex'eiig, 0utoier' in- faith in Gociandirspc 2211dl, at 7 p cii.forlte freedonu andc nigît i v 'hrpli îurpcae, of this ret - cf manu, a f'er îec uug anutrî he '2- us langanuu-'Perlteruiles ing luis filIc. anî re'gulat ion5, scelî ng Meaçseogeus aoc]d Ex iucruu.; plax'rs for thc varionis trams!xxil1 stln lnîetgs xx ih ;n n each- age macgor.v HFallowee",i pa rlty, Tuîirezsday Touch Football QetobAr 27, afler s;choo'. Bîîir Bomber-i and F'oi-!v- H-i-C commueoucd -i xi il q Niiei'.; xxiii baIlle t ot for, social evcnibig in theC rs thie Recrealion Leaguze Cbamn-l han EdUicaticît roont Sabîîý-- pionslîuî on Saturdax' morn- day- evening. Suxteen ycîtuug .og, October 211,aithIe ighl people, Vir. and Mnýz' Ivani Sc'luaol grouriîînls '.artiflg ab' Mountjcv, Mr. anud Vins. Erît- 10 aitý est Swai'n. anud as x'ýitilas Ri", Ireens Badminton ('linlc andîMiits. P. Rautuc'il, atteunlecl. Boys andci,Îlils'13 *ta 19' Following a ffluera xxere clvmc- cears of age iuttcrc'tecîliii Ad- cd: Presiden'. l ns N" x'anced Badminîton Instruction Lauglilni: Scea'. N ainiu-v mal' do so bx' altending the' Dorreli; Treasurer, Joan Hor- uliic aI 'be Badminton Cluibiton, Gaines,. social linte an'd aot Satuîrday afternoon from lunch w'eee c't.osed. F'ur z,, 1:00 to 4:00 p.nî. regutar meeting î: to be helci Aduit Swlmmingz Sunday cveniog, Nov. 1. lucre are stiiî operiuîCs"iiu A]] the public sehool teaîr"- lte AdulI Sximmiuîg Chasx ers attendeci the Teaciuer-i' lucîl ail ,heTrainiog Sehool Conx'entiont and MWark.rto0n i exer': ,,,Mondia',' ' utgfroro eiîat',Frnîas .',id Sau'ur- 7:00 ta 100 p ni. For liiter day. un formuationtaica -e (coilthel Quite a wi i atunto: tadcn Recreatiouu Offiuce ut 623-3114. attendeci the trous.eauui c(a ai C'onversation French the homne cf Mc. aoc] Vra, i. The Conxversatiobu French McMulieni. Satuýir-da'.' caf"(:'- Class %v.i11 tarI on Tu.esdayv. nouu. ii ionor cf tbei'- nai- Oc*ober 27th. at, the Lions ghter, Miss. Betb. xxho us 10 bc Commuzittx Centre. Mca Vian- marrieci next Saturdax'. garet Bunting uvîll be un Mr. anc] Mca. Gordon Gra - charge of this group. -*ham, Gananoque, aîîd M îor What does your growing family need. . . * AN ADDITION TO YOUR PRESENT HOME - or - À- A NEW HOME with al conveniences WHATEVER YOUR NEEDS ... You can count on Oshawa Wood Products for ail the QUALITY BUILDING MATERIALS you wII need FREE ESTIMATES FREE PLANNING ADVICE OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS COURTICESHOPPING CENTRE 728161 IITED -728-1617 OPEN HOUSE MODEL HOME IS OPEN DAILY FOR YOUR INSPECTION 2 'lO 1 P.M. FOR SPECIAL APPOINTMENT PHONE 623-3393 Sunset Terrace SI'B-I)I VISION Bownanville Liberty St. N. COME IN TO.I)AY! .. ANI) CHOOSE VOUR LOT IN THIS BEAU TIFULLY PLANNED SUB-DIVISION àa hlom-es Buit Bv LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. Ais Low As $14,2OO N.H.A. sl,739 DOWN TRI For Appointment to Inspect Phone 623-3393 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE 177 CHURCH ST. BOWMANVILLE tu

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