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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1964, p. 2

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2The Canadian Statesman, BowmarviUIe, Oct. 21, 19641 tification that Ronald Hether- T ow n îngton bad been appointed To w n Trench Inspector and Con- struction Safety Inspector. C o nsiders byCounîllor oE. sJ. de (FRO PAE ON bvCouncillor rE. J. condlec <WMOMPAGEONE oved that a letter be sent Wright, and 'Mr. and Nirs. ta fheU'nited Counties Coun- Gregory Stephcns, residents of cil inforrning it off that '.\r. Ontario Street South, appear- Hthterington bas been appoint- ed before counicil in regard ta ed Construction Safety In- 21 sidewalk planned to be con-.'etr hswscrid atructed there. wscrid Two readings were given by A letter fram Stevenson and council to a By-Law to authar- Kel logg, Limited, regardinga ize the building ai a sidewalk Municipal Management Semni on Ontario Street from Liberty îîar to be beld un November to Durhamn Streets under the wa., received and filedonan provisions of the Local lm_ motion by Councillor Hooper, provement Act. This Bx-Law seconded by Councillor Fice. will be sent ta the Cintaria Deputy-Reeve Stevens. sec- Municipal Board for appraval onded by Reeve Little, movec before third reading is given that a letter from the Depart- to it. ment of Health. with informa- Two By-Laws were p assed tion concerning air pollution by council. Ey-Law No. 1923 contrai programs in the prav- iprovides for petition for inter- ince, be received and filed, and lm payment under the Hligh- this motion was carried. WaYs Impravement Act an ex- A letter froîn IMvrs. George penditures made in 1964. By- James rcported that two chest- .Law No. 1924 authorîzes terî- nut trees in front of hier resi- porary borrowing in respect to dence at 50 Horsey Street are the construction of the addi- dying and becaming unsafe. tion to Lord Elgin Scbool. Counicillor iloaper, seconded A communication fram the by Cauneillor Paul Chant, Department of Labor acknow- movcd that this matter be re- ledged receipt of eaunciî's no- ferred ta the Roads and Streets -Commitcee for investigation and a report ta the Board ai Works meeting next Tuesday. This was carried. i3 Worship Mvaycur Ivan Hobbs told counicil that lie liad been informed bs' Captaîn 1-l. [ENDBL Frazer that 100O Salvation Army Cadets \Vill bc in town an Saturday, October 31st. Mayor Hlobbs stated that ar- rangements are being made to give the cadets an afficial xvel- corme ta Bowmanville. U Stu CAR Cauncillar Fiee stated t bat Quen's Avenue is in need af. CLEA ANCE more lighting. Ie said that as present lighting provisions thcre are flot adequate this B UY NO'vS makes it difficuît foiruk " îng it in the early morniogs AND SA E! anud in theevenings.Fe nv ONE ONLY! Comnmittee take up this matter, with the PUC. Councîllor! NEW 1964 DODGE Hooper, seconded this motion, 4-DR. and it carried. Comrplaints have been ce- Siant 6 cyl., autrniatir ceived by Couincillor Fice, he said, regarding three bouc New 1964 Valiant iparking allowed on the south Siant 6 cyl., automnatlc side af Qucen Street. Resu- dents in the iacality claimn that DFEMONSTRATORS ývehicles park there for the al- lowed periad. their drivers Save S S Here then move thero and rcpark in the same places again iro- 1964 DODGE 2-DR. mediately afterwards for an- Siant 6 cvi., automnatic other three hotîrs, he asserted, Coîncillor Fiee, secondcd by 1965 DODGE Couincillor Loslie, maved tbat !:,-Ton Pickup the olice citsec lok ato be donc. This was carrieci. 1962 DODGE 4-DR. cd IiStcurc'ensruc v-h V-8, automnatîc, eustomn towr1 solicitor, A. H1. Strike, ta radio, backup ights, whel take legal steps ta expropriate dises, mirrors. OnIy 15,000 landi ta pravide an extension guaranteed original muies, aif Prospect Street caad in ac- Local, oine owner, cncdance with the provisions New car condition. of the Wilcox agreement with the town. This was diily sec-, 1961 DODGE onriec, and tnanmausly car-, "Phoenix"-Deluxe îîed. d it Bible Society Piý ns Canvass1 For Tuesday Tbe AirT]tal Canvass focUte Canadian Bible Society is set for next Tuesday, Octaber 27. Sîxf.y years aga the Canadian Bible Society founded as a united nation-wide Society and sioce thal. time it bias grown until il s now flie third largest, of flic 27 members: of fli Uhtnitedi Bible Societies, thîe w.orl oi'1ai'atiniwhuch1 vo-ordinates the wock off the1 Bible Societues of thbe \k'Oi-ld. The Worocf Goci bas growu andi prevaileci. In19)04 the ' Sc'ruptumes bnci been translat -1 cd into mil *v 575 languages and 1 n0w tbev arc in 1,216 languag-t es. Then the annual distribu- lion I icbev.ou'Id as 10 mril- lion capies while 00kv t is 54 million copies. On Pentecost Sunda' v. 1963, Arehbbshop off York speaking In Tokyo, launcbed flie Bible Sa- ceties campuîign wbich is bc- I T îng calledi God's Word for a New Age. It ii' bopeci that thîs campaigo yuil truple tlihe annuai distribution ai Sccip- t turcs io tlecvorîd avec a s tbmec ycar pcî'iod ending in 1966, making a total distrTbiu-l tlion at thiat lime off onîe IT oui CI- î'e(d and fifttv million copier'.i A Female Cannibal FREE We reserve the right to DRAW!! COME AND GET YOUR TICK<ET ON A BEAUTIFUL FRYMASTER DEEP FRYER Elton B3rocu-k in hîs l'einale can nibal outfit ahove \Vrion l'on o ttwo pines foi' the Mosi Original Cos- tumes at the Bowrnanville Kiiîette's Mý,asqitcî-ade Dance held at the Lions ('onmLuit.v Centre on Salurdav kArT'iO\ TTSTTp i ntriiol off W eimrd (YtTT ýTrhlw wic i g Coi'j rlT1 v R a -ci 16 alvPn tii O u tfats Thc car weTTtoffIe r an F O A E. ON T<ii'TI( raniuage ]u.>htinr V.a T\ TITi'oi fl(1) <ý A', T]]ci NM r. vi'.'h wr and she cariv<Ta aTmil It TTS'TI. guil. Mr . F T TV 0 eTlii'T as cavecmanin aiT]1C1 i i cai'iyiiig aH h]TgC t'5'<-fo(TtîTTTTT MI. n ýrs nn;tiil-Local Skater cevedlr h appllr.- TfTorT represnitatTino'fiii (tA TI]!n', \I:1 D and Ihîs dop. MrT. AlTOCal]] V. Y I I erfo~rmr and M c]. Aunr'<urî xvas 1lOTiT- plicy lcici )ý IeAi Etobicoke costunie V tbpTikk'. . Td a]Td even a dog's eollar kk'th 1.Tk- MI] s Narv Oîe da[Iughtcî cd metal ]cash. of Mr andici Mu. f lirencJ Oke, Othier mienTot abti' TO;!]] 01<' Flett Streel, a nienubcu :)f were woruî ix NIT-Audcey1the Bow;maue; ilT S k a tiTn'g Flecher, a peiImun: îMu c' 1'E. J CI' LT 'x'uvil kate .an exhijbition Rondle. Cinese 1irlv. l-hwT.- TI lT Ob,'] al, lice Upper band ias a iTrLte'Gordlon, (Y uada Skain uTgC lub. Ftobi- Ronrile, aa r Tl: ,I S PW TcTke, oT]Sunudav a ttcrnaaî. Carier. a bey tîhTng e] T*: tIr.' Shjc i]] bc partiierecd bv Vic- andi 'Mr. JaTckMartinu, r ag tnT-lu'vTig o(Tf 11w Uîîonviîle, dol s: Pue' ideTTt Ted ShieetTaii SkilTIi'T j as a Iarlv iTT foru'unallotiu'e. iTndi -, (I). Mrs. Stîeehaîi as a black <'A'. Mi k- asecd ilte Vi'st r;<i'T 'at the Tarno(), cci n SIdH!<'r(Mfno! nd Couintury Roun-Up Guest Speaker Tii.' mruT]T'e a!l Fi 25 'ok there was a twn o <"Ar <olit Ilu at fihecor!)er of, C' uc.c and Di\ Tc'Toui St ret'. T i x C off the keh(ies TTk1ked ci kkCT Mi-'S. NlaionT(TTc.!ITbh hT 1(ICiT Falu. a!TT 1ciTT T; -Ie Ellswruth i t, .wkcil. R 3, U Port IIop<', ,;<iii TT]TT" t] k !'vT.' " Ketone-t!T CTi 'T' .T] i', , ton, core dc i -:i A 11< C].T" T Kiung ATT]'! fI .'lveý" St': ee'. 'ih al-îae. il] alwc'TiTlodui NI Robeo.i '.I. 4Hý Jauiet;'iIIe,, ' J]k dTyri rock oTu file Si\<1' EtiT),' , î!W !81c F.TTT. kTT'] T ' 'aPiedci týi dOkVTT ) î:', 1'TT') a ' "' treaeuî. 1drA TAe\ ' i î-] 'r c'Ar(cl TT 1T]'. )']TTî]T'ITT lii' h<<< 1iii'eI 'W ellington I an S10.Bp ~ i T' T" 'i<Tk'TT]<TT 1h. Bnp T]<'TT]]Tg aTTI "e< ITg,1"l 'Il T IT lWT'T . k '] 'TTIT h)iS cT 'T. T 1'T T TT ] Til ibi ]î'l t k TT. T TT <T T ,1 Tlt! 'T';' GET TWICE A S MUCH FOR A PENNY MORE! e LAST 3 DAYS.e THURS. - FR. - SAT. OPEN 'TIL 9 P.M., THURSDAY AND FRID.XV JURY& LOVELL 2 King St. E. Poe6336 Bowmanville DRUG STORE. Overseas Students ROM PA-oEONE. e t ,d hIe picture of Qucen Eliza- Ic t h 'T!d the t], idardci onta in- in,ý t0-I 1 of mun'tntions 's i ' ; 1T1lco'd <T)] lit- >7,iage. n . boTV. . nci W s!ý ici Th'. liai ll tV. p- T IX] T,] fT(Ilest icluS. ma sentti're'<lon Ille efli 1r]Tdereil v. h 'te e]oth V. ere a No ]it' raclt Mn MiT- Jilin anTdHT]1lNu . E G. hî.,)UTpr~iClovcr I)C tTC Ica eup'. '1hose v.ha as- i.c-r' ý i ,, re M rs. 'foni R 1TdT s. Nr Keth Bil- e 'ý. Nr .i].]ý R i- l, llTe NI].ý, (dro ýiiù- o;atd Kav BaT].. Ni]>IÀTLiT e MnITF.n, d Dr. G. Ecfv. mTMnn. Tt he i:- fiin d il e vlui z!pre'ýTdcut riad Don Morris. il,,(,%,:(c - oresu- cim.motored tIle ]nternaiaon- aij back to Toronto. Hand Soaplu4 W Vitli a $,500 ai der FIN EST QUALITY FRIDAY, OCT. 23 SAU 1 pkg. hînest qaity itONE1 CHOCOLATE 39c SPONG NOVELTIES value SP N E \Vitlî a $5.00) nidot Wiîli a $5.00 aider MEAT DEPARTMENT SPECIALS BONE LESS ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK I'RESHILY GROUND T-BONE OR SX NIAGMZA BRAND XBRAND HAMBURG Wing Steak Breakfast BACON BOLOGNA 31bs 99c Ib79C i b59c Ib29C SX MEAT PIES (ALIFORNIA --SO-UPS BUY 2 PKGS. AT THE REG. SAVE 33c A TW'SOi:P BOWL' Save 15c f l I <)lt R TH RD ORONLY 18 CALIFORNIA 9 PKG. FREE!! 59CP PREMNIIIM STAMPS..2 VOORTMANS - SAVE 32c SAVE!! Finest Quality GIA6 G VI *Spectacular Savings* * Deep Cut 5 Ibs. SUGAR FREE, SNACK lIME RUSK WITH TUE PURCHASE 0f' 4 LIGJIT BULBS Save AT THE REGULAR PRICE SAVE COUPONS FOR FREE 53c 40 Wt., 61) Wt. or 100 wt. COI' 1'E M UGS CHOCOLATE PASTE )RIESSEN FINEST QUALITY Save Fi nc<t QuaiîtY Kwa'ta EHOCOLATE CROQUETTES "4cc CHOCOLATE BARS Roill . Save' C oupon's foi- Pi crniulmi EUTCH coco,& 12-o,. Jar Moccona NSTANT COFFEE and 1 pkg. of 20 împortcd TEA BAGS I IRINL'R SMOKED ITI'EESJ.EI CHIC m CIGARS Box of li's Save 1 4c 1 -h. Save i4c Save 26c PREMlL'.3l - 1INEST QUALITY 45' CLOTHES BRUSHvt$30 re VOORTMANS FINES'r QUAITY 6 9 H N EST Q IY C A E s 't F a o s' 9 99c INSTANT PUDDING 1 5C3R Bu lpi i. a( dlhivi .,uiar pi ite dild Cet yotir third pkig I1< FRONTENAC Assorted Flavors LQCCA KIcÀiÀR A PROUCEDEPARIMENT SPECIALS No olden YeIlow Chiquita 3*ANANAS lb 12C F"REE DELIVERY 77 KING ST. W. Dyki ra AFo ods OPEN THURS. AND FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. K 2 29c rolls 23C Foods THURS. m FR1le lîmit quantifies DAY, OCT. 24 1,A R GE RED OR BLUE BRANDED BEEF or ROASI 4-Dr. V-8, automatic, eustonm radin, remote control mirror, backup ights, wheel dises. Gleaming white. Ilere is Doclge's best! 1961 CORVAIR 2-DR. 6 cyl. Gond dean car. 1959 BELVEDERE 4-DR. 6 cyl., automatic, cîistorn radin, mirrors and washers. Smart 2-tone hrown and iwhite. 1959 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. f; ryl., gond dlean cair. 1958 CHEV. 4-DR. 6 ryl., automatir, rustom radio, mirrors, new 2-tone paint. Local, one nwner. Expert n-pairs b ,iII niakes of automobiles. PALMER MOTOR SALES CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH VALIANT - DODGE 20 King Street East Phone 623-5487 Specîil* Save 1 3c Save fVs Save 9cA loc 39 7' PEPPERMINT ROLLS q -4'25c Save 30c Save 2 - OCT. 22, 23, 24 'gi1 Save Q 4c7Q * No. 1 P.E.l. - TABLE F'a ii)Ilohis Q ua lit y 1>11 ON E 623 -3.1 I BOWMANVI LLE 1 1 m SAT* ý AmW 59C

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