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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1964, p. 4

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EDITORIAL COMM ENT Interesting Area Personalities Fn or ol ime w av.e ha(, iu otr Posýsession. througli the courtesv%. f tLe author, a most inter-esting publication ,Pntitled "Nil Alienui". hne autho!r is Professer C. B. S:Sssns noxx' of Orîîu< who has Lad an intoroesiing and produc- tive career as a teacluer, an author and a farmer. The book contains his,,mcnm- clirs, froni oarlx' x'oars il, CrowntIl h11, tbrough his toaî'hiiîg e-xperioîîces in Iligh Schools antd ai Vicloria Colloýge, Universitv of Toronto<. Sinceo hijreire- ment ini'1947, lie las Leen Prefesser Emeritus of Victoria. We found tkhe ok iaseîuating aînd JPcomrnond ilte oanx'uoeinteested i the varicus aspects of carlier life in Ontario and Canada. It aiso deals w-i.h flolitîcians the author lias knoîewn and includes maux'v coments ini that field. There is aIse a cLapter on farmiîîg tlîat a~:ir it n-a iîsWi l fi ud x u LF Throuighout the bock, the sparkling pe!or iîalit' and iîîdividualitv of Profes- ser- SizSsous shinle lbrour4î. [lis mernorv nist ne fanta.stîc beentîse of ILep detail- cd accoetnsof incidents ef rnan' v '<cars age that lie lias cox'ered su thorOughly. Thiswoek. we nl oimil v mako edi- tolia mComment on Prof'esser Sissons' book, we aIsci repi-educe au advertiso- mecnt wriiiton b%, Lis veunugest son ýMar- tîn, xx lu is showing some <if tLe rugged inii<txiduial irroinherent iinlte farojîv'b v îiss igthat the fedoeral ,overii-rlt dotail ilis tax regulat ions ini Writing ho- foeie hxi Il cemply with theiî' donands. Ilis camipaig n obaif of smin] Ibusi- ness îg.eneîra Il'%-and his oxxni auto< parts firr nii part icu lar will ho, watched witb close atteton1 as lie attompîs to Ovor- ciioethe.con fusion ltatCx ists. 'I'lîc ladies,' aux illa1 rv of Il li(- l Yenus Aid Soc'jeîvir roade up almosî fInfirely ocf Port IHee s.I ough the <hidren fe wx'Lm tlîev ite Iomake lîfe more limeidnoaf [liilurriLodge are froro aIil ovvre tî [ utted ounuîlis. 'The soeîoîx' ir oiiuitizî'd oniia Ciiiiiitv hasus, and jrl as iii ils ('are ail tlîuse tunfortunato chldrrutii m l)irham anîd N"orthumber'lanîd xxho 1fîr uoe as<> rir mnol ler haux'c huniîoiA swatis, tenu- porary or porunannt is urkià corunîîtx vide, and JL us tLe wîiik if t he au xi I arv I's cou1ntv xxire. Doîubt les t he la<l ts w liiiare ge-' ndlr onoiigýh tu ccuurjiîle thoit' tinie anîd enr-gx u Ir)tésmnsi viiitHx-h cause ,are glad iii)t'uni uic to de se. but it uss tint icalix'faitr,'vr'l'lî orut I loe Guide, t hafthtLy s'icîiId itt bh Lcpod hv others iiinîhc' parts <if Ille courîties. Sharing- 1 t k artnestahlisîltod 1f.aut Illiai tle wordi poptulatinu î c hildieut is îapid- ly increasing, that nioî-e hat i 500il- Ain youngsters ge iWi bd litngi-v, aie diiseasc-ridderî, c'a n reitheî- i-acI uulî urh'îe, hav'e 111 le fuittue tAt gainfiif ou- ciîpation. W"hat, i:;nîIo diuc' \ lvo is tc UNICEF Uiuc'l alots (lc- reWs Fuuîd) lias aeceptd a sham i-e if is mioral obligatiotiri[N('EF s moît a <'harit v- il ià alxx c-'sax' sh-olt. AuXp local 'gnxernrmer-txxishiiuig UNICEF a- sistance applies in xxritung t LeIlieIn- ternational UNICEF bcîdv-. lax'inig sur- veved ils cxvi îeds, il icquosts aid jît euch speifie areas ai disease ccnîi'l, WL île it xviîî:d L dffc to uii Loi fi n. rax' Euiwroanvillp anîd Camp- hiîl nii. es We rgulirlv iin Pou ilope, a uîîu itlx-w ie oigauîizatioîuîwîihLianîch- es c'ittlil oasiîx' Le tuimed, 'Thexxii I\ of'lthe Childi ('s Aid Ste I'tv auIX îîaux giOt'S o011xeau in anid x u Iit. arnd 1lintgu ws of Loir xx'îrk îcic(asjouialîx' ajpeari'n thîe uif'x'rlape'irs ic lupubîliîc ir i kel vliifoi-- gelý thai tLe 0v xx'ichIh iev ht-iîg te chitdcu' at Chlristmoas finie aîid ouitLer Lii-i.idax's as xx'oI Ias k' rnakiîig thoni mor0le ai, humecx'c'i'vdax iin hie veau, jr iimeasui'ahie Bv ail iruansirlevy shlîîud hiaxve umorie 5IilIiii- f i'î l(c' Pep'i1le' of Irle ar-t'Luîîgcîiî-iteîr fil(lIte iivdu C'lletîijs X\'oai-e'sure Ihat tlî'x'v cti cniii n I lus suppott, aîîdwislitîterno xeux' success ini Ilieu'iuloaxd'en lS. A World Responsibilty ui i k lt-iiuî'sii g ) pl iîs, ri I to t a eh1ild Ciitiies, S01001ol qUîpi-nt. Rut forr xi-drillai, oxpoîîded Lv UNICEF iliîo Ilocal g ti'neureit. pli--des $-,..')0ini Liii ~ ~ ~ an iîisilslttlat local Iiiodii. U NI CEF rspc Iltlie r'io-e n tlic' pal! fl'ocialix-' tnîh Os f' î'- ilslx ius Ijr lîrol1L) thle eorînîvx tif, cil t1 dex- 1oepîi)g- cou ru i v Btî1 t UNIC('Fis xxiirl-x-ido. It needs Illc'fil- fialtuiai assistance'oif, iitellîgoiit xx-uîrit oit izoîts. (Coinis d i'opupid i i lite , rNI CF I [ai loxxe'oi b Luxecs. <'<il 1 c cd bx'v tlie mneeni boî' s (îf Ronwri a ixi v les B LISiies anîd Ptifcseia Viiueu's C(iittL.iIuke pI)SSiiIC-' a fairerf, 1-101îtO qUitahle fulcîr-e foi, tfile x'iî ]' 'L j lclrc't. Hallowe'en Can Prove Dangerous It 'SgeLobru t loue. anîd thitusa udrtuf Y(111119 "witeîue-s anîd gcbîiîu" xvIlhue nu.î on I Iallovve'uîn nighîl xihi i le h nie- }'orored env. -Tr iektir' Tu-oui" And rome f { hce xoUgStOu'S wxs'bLe trick'- Ad into xveariuîg dau'k n'îuu ies andrllui hy rnotorists w'lt Jcust î('aîtl 500lthuoro lîrutëi Ion eelaIe! fliai X-rigluî . larî-îuSaf[clx'sp tc-a Ii, (Mnarin Dcpam'tincut if Agr'icLîturEo gzives fhese rsuggestionîs Io par'entsr s their kiddies w'il ho, safoucuu m iux-ci igh 1. 3. uosidtig liglit celoucosr.iittumues. rît i hex c'a 1<hoiiti i'aiI-sotix ni oicris ts 2,Dentl At lItent tlise uuaslss lai uit- sn'tUreihmx1-Pî.liouîrîo 'c hut'peli'l andî b jt<'kii rio le t lut tic ghirt. h-irate o, lîîî. c'c'r(J ci'Liax aiîd [curi-tit ues <<f hnii'c acid Io a gullrui u\,it'-uox'titî 4. l)'es p titi 'ituuu- xtîuton Ioiizcd lape andlgIlt-I iftttîo fis ]PAt 5i 'ba-lu îîtîîr cidil l uiltisiiapmutîg le xx ildsluijld <if a car c'utd Icad if) au ar'r'deuut. sîtîce it îih.nctui-cr îLe(, dujix vis sisuoui. andr fi. îPo<ufl it(ml liitlîu'îu ltnt 'uî-.i i-ls iciks a ut' iim ll iui cm',' ipjs c-auloIxi Itax-' tîîuî ' fi i - snifi Who Needs Cash When Credit Vo (tu tias'y til i e î-îsiurugi 1 , a roi11îiid Ws IIîîîch cshtaý;- iiîd id a toutpice<if yra us agn, u. îl ass'IiFinuauîc'a I Pri. don'] svcut-x-- s il) î'î ' t îd cetîatv Tberp's plouuh v tif uî ciltaalnianîd Trhe Poisi.rltt s mirtcuiti cs-c-leprnict i iniip icficld cf ioiiex-auni'ctdii puc'seutt a bnight blt usre A fuiluit u nvr-iixei-s end lrudru, Sharpu p rioiiictt îuîi -tuitrg loirrîts, especiaîlly feu uit in uclrii imupax-octi busiess,-~uîgn'xr ila celil tuill hrc' ut rpadux' ax'aîlahult' ,iliq',test' seau as i! bas bcuî îuuhrorltiairl1964l. Banuks ald nhInilc'udîu's taieOut5ii iii uisut uit lu go on exq[h iiju'r iil tt 'ti i p-i" or'ds au-e i 'i l li un .'. i-u ni ii--utasii it central huanik i r i 1t i ugi i i - ( j ia ' ni-0 iluv x' S 11 ils i- ilt1)u Jli Is i eroiislx - Swcadîils i -th ui tt i. ln xx'bdouîiuugti uI i i u' a ta i- li largor' Iiitt's oft c -î"iutl ii tt i, i"i nîew 'buinniic'sfor letder s('îuuîttî-u joauus binu tuIa l f t >'i(,i\\I- ii îa < îi . t( e in' ul tiis Iacu- t at;Aduis lhatt1lk -tii1 t" a-ttu.lii uitunsaîud fiîu< iau' îîi <f( el-e-I Pu o fttlî 1<' t -i îa 'l Icdt eltîrît (J gu îîîîîx p luis mukcs il litobatks ic baslcjuii P r~ ~ ~ ~ J ut-i g l- u ie!>' .j1tdi tu-iui- s-tilt 1' ut IiIr j i un' ut 'r i l tit xx ~ ~ ~ ~ ai <lt u i iut ui icui' ij ji ý i ct ii -: ' t tI>tuut un'iii0 diti' lii'- ut -t01 a iitentsI' ii s- i d 111 io 1',7)u %-vas ii s n LDJJ %uimbi1 an jtt4tm, Aiherzedcýi s -,d EDITORcrPuuYI L ISt-t FR $00 a lectr, .5iuciy lin advant e 0t p t, -i-i. lu. -550 Ya br n the Un.ted.Sý -Alt),hml .hv.-y clr-CIUnuw Ub Iaketo mn nr.*:.lx lIn. ndc S' i n uils coiuxnns onn 1h Ufde;e..îcriding tfMti t wiint e h.jnbe ice nny ', lor t ory n plibished hoeunder (1ie !Crf -1Of surh endvertUs0'ment i. reatustaci n wrl nq b%- th cind retuxned to 'The Ccrindien St:tf&mctn bi"itnss :.c Ct:Y nn'ei bY the advertiser aztj P!o rcrr.cil rIr'rnle tnpd inwritii horeoni 'n ri- tn~ *,r o ý j t--!Li l c"' n rOrn nô 1, ntf *ue-t odverltîs.mnt ris leti -l rix t ~ ' ., Che vh,,Ie ;C- by aucii advertLem.rit _ M The Town of Bowmanville wiII return ta EASTERN STANDARD TIME at 12:01 a.m. Sunday, October 25th On this date al i tizem% are reqîîestroi Io) trrn their c ks andI ivatchcs BACK one hmir and thiis change frorn 1)ay ight Saving Tinte go Eastern Standard Timer. IVAN M. HOBBS, 31a.ý oir. Tlow n ifBom niauv il le. (;()L) HE 11 E FNEE A MacDuff Ottawa Report How to SlI RFuhi iri oif M a ijtu0ha -.i zcd i lie occai n u oef . ilit e t i <if te mfx si(ut-ittr r- iit- u(( t t Ianuiîiis mruinthlis ~i ,ài i i t l i ttîci->' r iiîts li n toi, rtt i si)ciri ilg. .s i lii 'te ot-r<f his Pîiî','iiu'e- jý wil ci h C'uIlij'I .lIc nielîr il( nta'ui-tiounl capital Ilusi iuTh teie dlPtr a 1 pr n c 'în1 ia- ust-R' 'it it te<ontteeli differ'enes hetw cen Otta- "-a and the mp'ov'inces cver the c'xistinz division of ta\es and responsihiliti's, uI'iiaietss inii us ti wox- utkolit ew F'eu-tPrîîx- iilifs-nî ilii.iîeittîs10 1(îinue ie e'iitt- xst cgsyteiui tai %-uit î'xpitre 1i i967. L'îîicr studs- jris 'ý <tm. Duî-Innite. alnt u tIr ) j g i ltits" 1*iît (ci fuecît i ianî1c es-l Nia u-el 1 i, B lc tr si E as y? lien. ndi ss Fi<ciS v Ra I,. ii nu t t i- urt nmiimur st. II t- Vill ('oilliIlssp iiiW ho sx(iui i -l t i nlu l' ali lieui xxasli S ~'inti ailsî'ut~îîî,i I'l i eti s i xtl '05 55i h ii tii a r t li ur 't 5lî l- c' Sut<c-c tt 't i uCcla "for us n-II - , u (That slh ii' - t ( iui' O - Iiý tuItul n u-iu iir< :"d, Il t tiie tu i, iifi 5 ti ii' l i' t ., c- 'r ii (i l'NIt t'uî îa î< i tt- mit uI. Rîîî- b"ire'i 't' lu s tili P tiiipaie ilO ~suilsol lu D it uiiN't t. ait's tuulsîtu ,iîi.l ( -'.ASa-, au-l 'ut ll ]iiuii iiiii (liii u iu I AI ).u ii 11 5' - u,-. aid <ft <tar a <uit Pf \< i 111 o:. iuC .t a!i - ""ii - ' l'il<- tz Ac l uiglui, Colte I (ie-, S uîî-x fioul, Mu i S i ,tut 1,t ui,0e -n- i l tSh e tri c 'ic Pa ld pi i. lii î'\. aîîîî <heu lus onti Is xxulien iVlu ooetk tp leto-,ah hI)E% Scii-e 'nit eire il' "Al s Mas. Sriihauud IOi- Odiluai iiiRari aies ~M is' RitîtF(Itci-r, 'l - CiClsF: .(, Itam p I ( ka I 'seu a * C cup1-1 a î<iito Ni 1 ,'eu 'uit %S1. > T-. 10rfiotio. -t)e n t tie ~, xAcckcrid al, harl.c iiW ' ClCi i i j ' 1j1 5 1 C j J)i 1 jlit ()<'i1 (jioi1la 1i- fcclC, ri i ,x.CuI ;e S 'l e wd110 1 cr'ied ns fibexC-I , itu.t1 n lu CI C ( i jSi -spendinz priorities and ithe div-isiou-tn Oftaing pote rs 3 ( a l] I ' î ' s O f c v c u nient, in'luding municipal. F'u*c'uît <Rt-fihi t aidIlite îutiiirc'd t ns Of r'teru' ile Ille m tti-ii c or'eu- iliil- wa-\ afiel "Man itb %"snt , forwau'd it l ies u-eonc*d. Bît> he 111,1'1 c I I ll e e sse n tî un i t g ' < t C i i X n i t s n g . W t n W ïaI t leli st.e o r n StIId x- tir ih -cFdtn Puco\i(iiua t mx s u' rt î I t'c' f i te' M i its ue rs tile i-s <tutu n s î- xatdei- îu secre 'e ta X iii fotui as k eeo d - t-bi] le lu-lcsîagse t I ilite prei'r'qt sit ilet a p itn In the Dimi and Distant Past l"Join the Statestîîaiîl"il1es i-astIt. tenuci ni Siîasx -.uns hd ii is ier si-i1li col fis o'i 11' -iIl rlionî li. 'ý/ Su S ab l C . C n x lin5 ink en lie u' pentiitil S ic he tntl ch i SII-l ipt>. Ps - Si' (; 'tutu kî' isuhc'ît.( Illis sveek. ý1i S 1 ci. < e s t t e s s siuO Mî j u<'i Rn' Busntuhi tdc -M otu ' t itCi u, 1 t ..iiCrunîiuia t-h i 1i l(sc- 55Cr . xi li fîuî Ct ii Iu ctiti Ni-su l'utgI.iSqu o- Mi.î îîuiuiM-u ifi tIl t iii - lu 0J ll .5uuuuuu l<fi it i t<-,d ' t triC'î--Fiu îuîss i i luier I lie r ue f i 'su ul .ItIh f v ii Stit i -l.; p i a-ied Njs ,sruuu--'olîtxsIuel l' P.Ii C,-Ti s i. ti l uM-, al.\ liii -TaiEici i lit- 1in tI1 XiGtli n uc- ictiitînt lui 'lî c'nI S litiiuoti ut Toronto, slilv li C 5liii t i l)iuu stitatti- flConitc't 1u ï 'e lii-pst- r -te estri.Jt le? n i¾s iii l'il t i t I i i \~)î Cl lit i' i "~i~Cît i liii I C. iii il - i (tîîs-ei-ittiîutîî ~ eu-cul t CCi - lui-ms et ftîii t Cii, iii sdi. - in ina lion ni ifri I C'ssentil b oa iiit'nniticfiu ytud of<' tfax str-uc'tur( T 'hc(' onnuetion het%'u'c ta.x hatse andj prograni ani Priority is (lirc'c'1. i lia c-- loin he son clt'in to 10('Ci llittale It 10 Fedet-n(ilaîîl PusilumIt, dcnnds. Rrobl;ii fcît i- î-euld tic'domt»(,SIcs? hxanel tMaerunpî iicsatilshb, 1s ci-r,(tl niltat "IAlnrd Ite rloý lent cfcelliatI cinï, I î -in %etrig Ii fî-.- h u'-', n dout 1,l11 ltiirstîlu tue l iîd i-'ut <iii lin' iut-id(lui-i s i'at) nli i f i li I i'- itî' <c'atin as d nî'dine t cOf oitt ional1 prioi'itie,-s .Manutitoba inede'c 1110r è monry for ' cl na ion ut' dici cvcry Provtince. But bow v <'uul ut' vpro% mutes >îct that adnli ituia i stipl)Ix Orf lincis in cîompctimnui iviih the'nthcu' demanidl n'onlrontinîptî,th. Inpar- tit-nlar how <ouild ithe provs- - in'es utt"tthe uluncilvyiIle national Toveroninîttiure- cmpirtcd taxablhic' tui anity four th't urlle'r u k c t he'Premier. r uîîi l i c t'o ua 1Pe-11 p i u Iîîlcuîn IPieta- t ii('S ti(' 'urî m uin ut <ii 'lii' siertId li uciliudenni tegellieu - taICI PTete RluitiblîoîîPre-mier- nil r I (lia t 11lf e l crins (tif rt- icrcuî'e fOr tlc (('nu11iti tcef- 'le s-s- Ife '.tîhl f iu'ti hc' I h u-nuici uîu'iniil ir' oif (oîrîinaIpu'uru r ni cxpcndituircs,'îî 1-ederal aînd Proniîal I'-'s ee'- oncîl vhc su-g <stciilt ta it Ir lnci. tg) ll, pt'il .it iru trt îs (tl iw' fex pr iori- t lies 7 iîli<'oIlr'ioil'cu- -tit t -lý ui iirr u-l tii<i ihe (.( riu t iexti- u ii uîîu- ruî, iartl "t<i is - r i uni- ll or e r tlit'-e ' 'r, i , t i i t y Of li- ii ta nd a rduns t-l if nuuu"Thtui omuan îrmuia hI fntislad cmint or aeut aR7.ntper fnrmla r ulrr o eshin OntnaoadeBritis Colenb, o he prt'iîcetou Proincs OnuugtandoandlsB.C. acal eseirs-Ps au'os 'nz in flih a i f, frnîîla a i"" t i ahues. 'ti th .t - rtratuîdtîrd dinr't tjî- (es.m nau ac rls ilt('olmbia, i c f tslu;ln tnpI in th'an il eumlia lou pamn, 'for'Iîi h a,.i ia bcd thof tsi .prns"op- zitii hai l tr ii'tut ll<ru ihc i l"'dil 'lu-en-e3 iit Pil il 'd laic ti- t- I e t - e T n î i h V îl o r T a i t i e l uh a h l ii le d tl c'îi I l . a n s 'v p le d r a i err if 'x-n deculdrI 'io a bock NMrî a shohlterod lifo. Thonî1I u'ealrzed tai. ail b~u'c'lis(' x1 thi. Nuit boc'arseI hîax'e a 1 Lad te deoxmas deme aî tngs a lile. e Inuicrc. NDu ocatise I1lluink anx'bedx' (ild tLe BiI Ixs' s rispoak. wn xx tl iît ut But h ':u o a felol <lx' as T' I S, Hus, trî a d o<f' goiîig Ii higb d a n stri im e( iw. s h o l I a nud Le i îg ii tIhie' football tea na Il-' %vts a a v i hler. I t<ld lii n i anîd gelng stoad\', in the bock l'Il I e n <'ls f p'ihle ia-, tliesa dr ad Leleader oif a grup <if leage teeni. n <'d n uic-sviîuî 1Iwas goiuig toi)i'd ttC iis xxhoigel t luotr kicks t if S I a hW Ck îmadie up rf mx' c'nîhroi es. This firo e1, u suy ,, îmcp,,, , îndo t hi xvar a Lig, fu i .o<if couruse. I t hi îk thLe finonce of hlioî'o le * ad i o<îo a ox'oî x'l' lnstead nioi nig the air force andl [lie xas nce about it, if a little hecoming an offieer and a figbter pilot sict'ly-eyed. fie agreed that there'd be and baving a hall inost of the tine. iq hig sal, if J oîrghîthe 10< book liii e an army' private, in- aig sacie. ifc1 îîugh ho ie awav copies tellectual andi emhittered, under the fuiends. (The'<'d hie getting about 120 whpfa dsicapî. copies cd, ai that rate, but thes eouuld Iiistead nl' spcndînqg a yeari' n a give them tavav Ic THEIR friends. ) SaîariatoIn, lcîafinp, laughing. plaviiug fie' gi-ed lattlîe xsiîcoWthiig tiers and u'eading, it Le hock l'Il spend whx a :g'ruI ldea.Fers-teueetheri' uu - a year iiia moîîîali iusttinin xvith a 1h li rt Ai' nult of t Ucîk thLe storocui ganig of prx'r.ati k le,.iluîk les and a of, i se cs eîîîxx'îouu îc'.am(,ou' , <cl or straig h î oît cf EgaiAllan Pe us \xx'îî-îLî phîmhiiig. ts xxortlixxrt tog. ii, wuiting about Cx'î'uand such,in 'lhisjis jr Lsort îof ith9ugpublîshers tLebook1'I1I e anauudmedfiing exeoit- t su iirhîli tukHluîg up, 'he,11thlex"î-ct'x\7'îiîlio ii osr i>no cali iiiilSSC ti tg ouLt Oe o tf tus gu-citanard a ntu nI iroiled ex polîso ac'Ccun t vitel gIi' g asa x fuiîn them WL icli J stead o e oern i a rlec'je ELiglsh lh. Au' i' tit reni Ioi spelicd anî O ostf tcacheu poci jtg moi a plcrs anîd Suro - munr, wiig r ifrt mua àx.x'ie's cati 'tlo, hje lebock T['1l ho a fumous ltIk- 'lsi htIt ;c'k xx'th "'If ,a Leok r xxorî hi v isirî on s i wIil ' x'iîi ii baIent and xx hîi i l' s \\,orx1'ith piibljslîluug[." Muunîlv 10uSIu La'r CeS, 'W110 uiîi.:iil i Le minds <<r i'at-otsil t rîu'. Lis llsteneris xvih r'lexcrlv disguurr' 1(l;ut's tlîc' book gnîg tuIî<' nhciuu i ' mc Ii 'c îd c xir)d ('cm ploie lv uund .- WeI'l. t hat*X, still oniithe secret Ai. he- gupiu cceommorcuI;)ý;;q ntlarniufa. 'a lise 1 I cci'l knom B ut aiter lookinc J-ow fineu il souinci? VoIrlikc' il.' «s or a fex"- shc'lvs of honks aithile Io- <Oh. Voit don't, WAPIl, ini <ba(t rase, l'Il c'alIliiitai', 1 knoiv that puhlisheu's iill just have to write a dîull, insipîid hook- pritahicst ait knd ni garbagt'. ahout duIL, insipid nid things thal real- Se i. u s garhape thuex's Vi. ru ly happened. gO nýt ik if) itho uggesî t ourryB axe' - 'i-vr gcîtu tcîI o he u o-- paiuuu, -il litai liasoxot- hocn ret hie- od îc'arlng abliti lte fini(,the Iwo hune- il n i pui' i ic' I t s goiuil u Lt ' b et ani- 'veîari-oldc> guIs c-li c-ri unm ' il) te Ire>'- tt i lxx Ili, sr'::\.xi o le fi Ce, dlc i 11 q L 1ueuu1t lIOctSe arud k se 11W<. h )î-Iti(, tlimie 1 fn >."uuivt-y tot UPL POItur'idîmS, lup' iin tîVe xu tît t t'e BI-aZiliauu gil-I in te I <i ri -al'ilii]us dtc'ttr,us uîwbuy'sdend tof a Cauuari u txxiut r Githe lune <uts hi, taise lu ni-/' îu îa fa xe1vr-it> ut- thie (ld H ait ux' nlttsd rot' th i lh riiîî' ' ti iîl li>' tuijIIu uuu i- i'tS (il ie srtîîsx il)utliir dursuuuggwn t'viuîg iilt' uoit l su iurasstiulI hîtiks. 14i Iumitie' xxjitIi a-t lîlu iue'shu'cîd auk< fil st Il l Lt- auttîugi apîtutal. il of] thue ,av. Ou lic. inut'I stas b"i'a ii t titis. ' AI fuis. 1I tîu ught thiali uîughîî t[q Lx' rfoi-. tid lt-ili i ,H( NG î'.A'îS 11,HoI '(;RTS ON 07/-C f2 tici; S ( I o ( ~ a a k ~b (Yd /oinmnian's (oIui 1u, Ilie ()ctoher lot), issue of tlhe ;loLc alld Mail. E. C. Beor'. archîvist at Quocuis Ui'rivPaid an, excellent tlrihuite Ie eue of Durham Coutx"s long liune vtinPiofessor C. B. Sissons, wvhce hi, av'e a rcx'iew of the pî'of's latost book, "Nil Alionuînii,"\\,Jiels 1,atin foi' *'Nîîhirîg Alictn- (1 think>. ht rr relalix' NMr. Sissois' momoirs. and should bc jolîx' interesting bocauso. hav- îug broul, for mrav "cars, Nelles Profes- ser Of Anicicît aIit i'va Victoria Col- he o.Le euht te knoxv Low a storv Youi ur oknîew lia t NIMi. Sîssorîs had hcoîî a tarmor as xx'oll as teacher but, \V-as ulinaxare ilhat, he was an auth- or, and Lad clirobed Mounîts 0Olymrpus, aîîd Cirrtis betwýýen Lis fift v-thjrd and sixi iflirîhdx- le is new, eight.,- fixe' veai s of ago a nd still going strong. île xvas rea-cd uin a farro at Crown il, in Stmce Couiiîv, which lie loft aheut fort.v-fix'e cars ago. lo eperate îLe min lie ownus îoa r Newcastle, in Dur- liairi o utnî. (-'ure te îhiîk<if it, w rmust have licon rîciglîbcu us ý;bPcatlie I wekc ii tlic 'lThomas Rix farro, at Crîtwnilin I 909. aînd 1910. While the Prof. and 1 holi kucw E. C. Drur v ai ('r-w i I I iii x c uver met uii iil a fexx '<cars ag , xxlîîtlie iiîxited nme tutake aa riai i ilsstnd îof cri feî's, plant- cd abiî1912.,xxhicliiîs reall v gi axavb:îci\ iii lic lite of n fIoresîatnti ii iii îîario. 'l'lî()ud btîx'asked me if 1 ke îw xhcrc lus fai-m was locatod, Io wh L'hI cpli cd 'Surv, il 's oltho vost siclo of Ilihtgîa v 35, south of Grenu, anîd a('ruSS froro Mcl Staplos' farro." I-.Sissîîîs tatfi'vremîunded nîr, lItai IlE ci du 'f IJi\-(c opposite Mel Staples NIe] Staples lix'od auî'oss ilie î-oad frrom Lu-n. Whcri c'Laitiir.iwith luinroncithe a fu'eocî t u cuceasion, Le ,struck roe as beiiig a fair]lv r ugodindix'idualist. wi lii a dol errol cd rmdci f Lis ewn. ('o uta inIx, lis academic, as woll as lus pl u aîviis ce uadv r Spice AB 1 I lit-ops 1lt'c-i lias 1î'îuror, ainsx' tisof wnuirie assax. Awtti ti'nxx'c' tiî:urg ofmndor, ilifi n5'ah t ii oi as' ThP ihor )an>' 500 utct'leiursd luke beasts, Ncxrepituts aboinut t , wci" t-lu Id xx ý- ie ilieution sd Fuir ue ('hiîîesc' antd!hie Ncýgîncr, svaîu-i tîs Ugt Le "c'ix'ulmzed zed Kiit rhix 'ilI gita gmifl, andc î'c 1lIc i. , i Ir-Il t "- x't I. litai xx il m l iil u it i fuu . And (.'a-;tro no trie xxiiaugh, fou i ini rnîghty cicait, sax utrc idad A -irîh îsod bL-';a uc9'>, suIt nak.pu's hlp blciod 1munru 'i 'IhcissitIurcîumglîtht' rcops, and ihrIv tuisi srd tb iciu. A nd thr"-w Ilc'1ru1le of rrirf, î'ugbîdeui 'Flic neI-c es dîuxxiluItutAh itua whuru'l gt uis anv hcîciur - M0any folks w'ulI say « f PBoss, we wasuecl mo>n eyv cn her. lie vo isit starteil haic. ' ivî ucîxv xvili spread and gi-cst. Penu Namne aiRalphii -. T'leîy A Broader Basis of Support ýice th e P Ailacluti -lointiu q TIh-, Bowmons" îlplelwýq The Newcctlîe Iirdzdeîîiuust The Crotta Nexc%-s et- , ht- c", t Otiiu's Oepu. (-uu1, 'ul tu ru, -,- Pt cduced every W,-diiesdnv b%' THE~ JAME:S PUBLISHING COMPANY iLIMlTED PC,. Box 130 6""-66 Ktrtg St. W, rBasvrianvi:le, Ontetito GC. W. C-RAFIAIM CIi SUBSCRIPTICN RATES thtpeople should retirr at itfî, Incidentally, his book. "Nil Alieni- iiiii. contains 260 'pages. is published k'University of Toron to Press, and \viil cost 'ou fîvc bucks. Bu tch and I Liad a raitiing Pond t urkeY dinner. on Thanksgiving Sun- dav, %wheniv we ore guests of Mvrt and Ken. and thii two sons, al Richmond HilI. Thqe table cloth was of linen, wi:jh a border of l'aves in autumn colours, and therobv kiangs a small tale Va n t to hcar il? OK' A week befor 'l'la nkszivînrg, MYrt washed the famil *v laundry and hunig the clothos on the outside linc, ai the back of the houso. The day wvas pretiv wind 'v. Whon dr 'v, vervthing a broughîiin except the tablccloth, whit'h had boori ai the far end oif the lino, and was missing As the\- live in a mid- dle class district, whcre people arc prv- surned tu be abovo tablccloth snatchitig, the v were at a lors te account for thi- missing bit of lnn During the foloxý- ing weok. the *v noticed something white flapping hi,,i hLup on a h' dro pole, iii# someono else's gardon about. thre hun-~ dred Yards distant. Aflor, watching, and wondcring xas, for a vholf> woek of cold, wvindv wcat ber, thev de- cided to inxostiiate -v\ou gucssed it, it was thoir roîssirig îablouloth, none fil, worso except for needinig a frosh laUtl- do îin g. Mavliuv ofil' s k hemlii insillar cilv folks aree îepîîîod teo W,, anîd this case- su rel.v proves ut. I [oies a lrmping great tablecloih flapping on a high polo, îi) t he baok gardon, in fulI virof cf we dozen, or more uiig.,hhourts, vet ot onep, îil ovf'n the ourof' île polo, allox&'od thon' curiosil 'v Io ho apparcnt. Like otur telat ives. the res t offie neighhbouris, probabl '.woec al ou up wit h cur-iosit ,, but er s<iist icatodIn t hepint wLýuo tLev\votldn 't mention il for fea r of bcing neîlerdîos\- country bum pl- k'ins. Mvrîi- was raisod bauk hore, on iLir 2-5) I'F:ýiiis le?

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