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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1964, p. 5

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ARE BABIES STILL FASHIONABLE? DEFINITELY! W e r>- fot t a Ik ng abolit fihle I) o> j>ilii it i explosion. bulOh11iiiin lIict ruîestsense. Beeause Ifa>lionts for iab% il-r-more rashionabIe than ec Wa e r\ Ilalî 1111(' Iomorrow to see the beau i iid bh.% c <loihies oit divplav - and to lake a4batuutaug, ofÇ [he i, it,mil oo-I- saving offer eo. ~$' Q< ~ a ! n , n- . jl I, iîrl'- i -11A, 1utîf. 2N V', 1- 111 1I K - 1P 1 10 1 I - I .,I ml hume 1 I'nl\I li -I 1>1 bllîlq- H I,;ý. dî.t- 1 rcI I r, 1n, . - ~\1 . k1î. . lfo king sl/-. .. .. . . . .. . 3.50 pr. .r 1 I i' Il IT I.HP i vin 'I u n r. . ~ ' r2-. ' T-i "rl 1.111 - lu-. e, k, H iii! I -" h-.3.98 -et d TOI) 1 ) 1 - 1->1) 1,"I Il - 'adpt> %oldier appliqué-un >rl u-o' ;'I- , - î , t ii t ieg i h od. \N Ion andi MOt on i l m %,î"jidi *' I.k l .XI quilt inpd. lX 'alker r e. l i r'.*'%%;[ I Uo ni, rd i 1th li1ok. Iur with rflnal. N- .15.98 -et e1EN FtNNli I\1 lIl fil u'tillmî%lin 7up fr t com plv f ii- r r I. r . r i i i rtt -rm fil Il o tir-.. (.A[- mentis~f1ili% quîlt l I )-Ilrî crmironidv-î% rouch. Pink, Mlur. ~imo..nit. :'rîe. .2- i nî.ntlim... ...... 8.98 ea. '0 ONli ,' Pil NI N I'*\<t1t'1- a t 1av I rd Ilof bl. and Lt mulni-ý........................... 11,98 e-a. 10% BABY BONUS DISCOUNT SALE! CashIo ltr h.îIm bon uîscqîue at M alker's and rf-ve o - 10," ,of f ! lie ri-iularprice on \/L kE çRS j& STORES SERVING ONTARJO 5 King St. r. R n w tua nvillie Darling Little Sisters The chai'ming little tgirls shio\vi in the abat-e photo are the small daugIfters of Mr'. and Mrs. C. lIamer, R.R. 1. Hampton. On the left is Nancy Anne, threc vears nid, and on the right. one- 'vear-old Susan Margaret. The *v hat-e Ii-Q d- er brothers and sisters, Dor-een. Don, Dat-id. Shirley and Karen. ___Photo b.v -I-rad Stutdio Little Miss with a Wonderful Smile .'0T5""" ~ une tue r .a t lesam adtheeJnrled hîa l I\vas played at Courtice Sam Brawn in the village. football emadCeela-ls Thtîrsdav-. With Tom Wor- We understand that the S ers, %vent Ia Henry Street High den, Rick Gav., Wayne Jordan Casey family are Ieaving aur mow Scorhtun e they werhoe and Ed lfanewJch scaring village and moving ta Osha- moreforunae t brng ometouchdawns as wvell as a field :va. N ES the wîinning score off 20-6. Star goal by Rick Gay and convert TeWrdSre soe ~ERLYNE BARRON .of the game %vas Rick Shoreyka k- Dave Nemis the final score ad ms oa aswr by ERYNE BRRON ho scred tree tuchdoýns. as b rought ta 26-2 for Cour ad ms oa aswr SHR OEhA oscoed r e tohon W s. ke-happv ta see the Cards win. with two converts. tcare. Bte uknx ie Mr. and Mrs. John Payne C'arke.spent the Thanksgit-ing week- Both the Junior and Senior Tuesday was also the con- lOur gynmnasitum on l4ridav, end at Newmarket. football teams off Courtice High elusion off aur Magazine Sales, Oct. l6th was the scene off the, have been doing verv well this which w-as a great success. second dance of the year sporn- M.adM ebr o- On ctoerSthTauiJn so r cro th e s ye aursored by the Cheerleaders, ta ims spent the holiday at Osha- On ctoer ith ou* Jnio rcors o th pat 'veas. urraise malle%. for new~ uniforms. Wa- t -amn played Bowmanville at goal OffS'2000.00 was well sur- We daneed ta records and spe-. Wedding belîs rang in aur Courtice. The score was 13-6 passed wvith the total sales off cial music was provided by the village on Friday evening fr Corie h-helaesS83 vore Cort ic The Cerd er 29.Chancellors. Linda Martin. ,,heti Mr. Dale Stinson and ~vr lo îcorgdby the The room wîl'th the MOst talented girl from Courtice Miss Carol Carter were mar,- coldi and %vindy xveather as sales wvas 10A \vith $356. They High sang two solos. Thev ried in the United Church they checred on their respec- will rcceive a plaque with were Mare - and 'Angel here. Our congratulations. tive tcams. their formn engraved on it ta Baby"' Those who skate and play Our Senior teami and Cheer- bc, put in their room. They EverNone hiad a good time hockey vill be pleased with leaders travelled by bus ta will also have an Ice Crearn and the dance \v-as verx- suc- the Memorial Park Committee Henry Street High ShoFsia which grves them a cessfuî.. who have two outsîde rinks 'Wh.i t by. an Oct. 8th. The well- chance ta eat aIl the ice cream almost completed. The smali- rnatched teams played an ex- and c:ake they can hold. Run- - er one offthe twa is ta be used citing game with the final score niers up wcre IIA and 12B fllTJInn y the children for skating. 7-0 for Henrv. We'll have ta forrms. UU±N±IFUUL beat them next time boys'. The highcst individual sales During the same week the wcere hrought in hy Barry XVal- Wc are glad ta know that Senior Girls' Volleyball teani ters wîth a total off $76.00. M rs . Gertie Bradley has re- W'as Chosen by Miss Benson Barry wîll receive a beautiful turned home after being con- a'id Miss Carew, aur P. E. FÎM-AM radio which he well fined ta bospital. t ca cli rs. dcsert-es. Close campetition Mr. Albert Bowins is still' 2 -30 On te Seior eantare as gvenby Bob Bothwell taking heat treatments and is 3 30 On ho enir tam i-ewith sales that totalled $69.00 stavillg with his sister Mla ryv Yeo, Maureen McNair, Our thanks is extended tafer___-______ Den .ise Holder, Judy Branton, Jan Zavitskv aur "Sales Man- Eî-lvne Barron. June Turnbull,' WANfrTADogaiatona Christine Pammett, Susar gr"frhi rgnztinan'~ Wcî-, we GaseI, vblencouragement throughoutAhi prjc.Wed also ike ta Joanne Galbraith. Stewart and Joan Westlake for 1backahe-tired feeling- - We wishi the girls the best their help (counting ahl that 1disturbed rosi ofien May off luck in the playoffs on Oct. monevî. We sure- hope those foilow. Dodds Kidney Pilla book baance Mr Powrs. stimulate kidneys ta normal book baance Mr Powrs. duty. You font botter. aleep ing visitors of Mr, Colin A terrifie Senior football ibotter, work better. 8 Brown, Leskard. game against Clarke High' M2th which vi. be held at our The Canadian Statesmnan. Bgowmanville, Oct. 21, 1964 school. (Intended for Iast week) Mliss Shirley Johnston at- lended the Budai-Logan Wed- ding at Courtice an Saturday. Mis. Kelly, Orono, had Thanksgiving supper with Mr. anîd Mrs. E. Penwarden and fa mi l àirs. If. Cameron, Mr. and Nilr - A. Wood and family,' Tyronc and Mrs. M. Mavin and baby. Bowmanville, w e r e' Thanksgiving day supper guests off Mr, and Mrs. Robt.; Ca mero n. Mi-. and Mrs. Rye Gibson werc Thanksgiving supper, gctests off their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davis, Pontynool. toral ea - -A * ** BOWMANVILLE IGA FOODLINER TABLERITE '--k LîttIr- -' e-otsodCind *Maieabave, with sparkIing ev'cs and %von- derfîti srile. corld w~ell bc nfamed ",itile Miss Congentialit-ý". She, is the daugh- i ter of Mr. ;arn Nîrs. Lawrence Kell.v. Mill Street, Newcastle, granddaughter of Mý'r.and \Irs.James 1KeIlly. B1ot\'manvî,llp, and grecat-gratiddauightel' of '. and Mrs. Lorr cantG arden I liii. Mrs. Luct-Kely PottHope, and Mrs. Ethel Ecddv. Cohrnîi ' Photo bY Robe-tAwnrt h Nîclodic GoodwoucîdreSuri- Six îM 'ontris ..)Idav v\isitors of th-Smls .\Ir. and 1VIrs. Clarenîce Bradî- .ley and NIrs L. Bradlev. Bow- manx-îlie. Misses Joan Porter. Oshawa. Barbara Bai ni-, -Ash- hum. and Peggy - lancock, Orono. xvcre rî ceut gjnestT. ai Mr. Robert Sim. Mrs. F . G.Con rb. t)hawa. and Jolinnv ýPay-nu. Hampton. w-ere Mondav Tlhanksgix'ing gucstscrf Mir. and \lr-s.Sidnevc- Mliss 'l'uii l '4rrrnanr ~~'i.- 'r~25 - ' n. ee s'atiidac - in ri '~~ r-- S- of (rf b. arAnd r rîî\(r s - \ .-....- .niSni Vr. aid M oT, 111, . o ri r . ad cI Irda. Lhntfrrc: i aincl Mtrs. Willinetub John. Linîri'zrs Nîr Flet(ic i t r d i r 1 '-n .W'$' off NI:' aric'0rn B tube, n f ieldî ai the bcjr of i l ir 'r Miî- \Vr..John-unri. 1i.fiord. Ï[r' Thanksjgîvîn2 Itil,\' br flic entii tiaiP ut Ali: tr Mrs tI'. Bert .j0oin tr'do pre-celebrat" 'u' rcca-1nof(1 their 5r0th -x edd'ni c ' sar'. The b app-- .o l - thouglbta unecmpili - b': ---- ....surprise ccere re 'r' I wotni flov.-rs and ni r. n'-. haritr4i gi fts Mr. and Nlrs. Box :'nLr'ar.»i- lin. Nestîcton; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M.ýurphy %ýand Wayne. flnb: js1 'e' [c -- ntîof 'MIi. and Ms BwntvleNîr. Waltcr Mur- GeCoru'4e 'Je Kttei*.Bots "an:t'ilie lie jr, the '-rand- p'adGe.M- cibMr sonaiMis i-Irîo t Rnnet rdthelae r. obrtpbx w ere Saturdax -r'.n sonof rsýIarori Kenei an th lae 'Ir.RobrtgueýSioff r.ancî Mrs. Harold Kennett cf 1ê.-ratîie.nTd'MIr. and Mis. George NMurphy celebrating 'Mn-. E Jacabson of Courgt-,. Mrrphy's birthday Mr. and Mrs, Fi- ,natie, Toronto. 'NIr.and 'tIr". J. John- stort,.Alxin. Sbhn'lex' and David LONG SAULT wr udy*spe usso 'tIrs. Gabriel Kox ais and NI' -s Donna F.x r. Bow,%nian- Perrv. Louwe attended a shon. er a,. ville and Mr. Wmr. Sim. Osh- Mtiîss Sh:îlrcvJohn-'.oi-r the honr-off 'tIrs. J. Vanidani, aw'a, . cre Tbrrday afternoon hostess ta a partv and bav ride Pontypnc'1. SuiFax- atý,rrnon, -ucs.îs of t4ic,! brother. Ir. ta 12C forrn at her hnne on for M.,r. Aric': - .:- anud Ro«t S,!n. Saturdav ecen :ng. his bri,-~- 'trJohnýn iîi ida. Mm. .and NMr. W Brown aninMni',' M~.k' k ~and Mrâ. Ted K du, Rodney and ton Brown were Sunday c'>en- Fanb-v Solid w hite Saico Tuna CATSUP Cherry Hill GOUDAS Jaffa Queen Orange Juice ('hoice ('ut 1YORK GREEN BEANS E-. 1). Srnith pure St rawberry Jam Ced a va 1t HORSERADISH Amul h-mima Regular on Buittermilk Pancake Mix tin .55C 2btls.£7 10-oz. pkit. CHEESE 43c 20-oz. tins 4 for 89c 20-oz. tins 2 for 37c 9 tii. jar 37c 8 -oz,. jar 1 9c 1-1h. pkgs. 2 for 39c pkr. of 12 BOVRIL SACHETS 2-1h. tin Bee Hive Syrup 39C 33C Prices Effective Oct. 21, 22, 23 and 24. We reserve the right to limit quantities. TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F THESE SIG DEEF SAYINGS THIS WEEK AT IGAI STANDING RIS ROASI u-,-ai 89, 22, 67, ROLLED PRIME R8 ROASI 1105 26c 79' SHORT RIB ROASI 69, 17, 52, CROSS CUl R8B ONELESS ROASI 82, 2e 621 INNER RIB ROLL BONELESS 115 26, 791. PLATE BEEf BONE IN 29 7, 221, BONELESS BRISKET POINT 87, 22, 651. TENDER RIB STEAKS e9 22, 671. BEEF STEAKETTES 69, 11, 521' BEEF KIDNEYS 53, 13' 401. BRAISIN6 RIBS 45, il,341. BLADE ROASI 'T-" --' 65 16, 491. BONELESS BLADE ROAST 75, 19, I 561. CROSS CUT RIB ROASI 2l12 î8, 54' BONELESS SHOULDER ROASI 69, 17' 521, OUTER RIB POLL POT ROASI 15, 19, 56' ROLLED PLATE BONELESS «9 12' 371, BONEIESS STEWING BEEF 69'17ý 521 GROUND CHUCK -,' -, -"- 69' 17, 52e SLICED BEEF UIVER 59t 15 441t BEEf IONGUES %915r 4C, Extra This Week1 A To tai of $3800oo IN IGA BONUS TAPES Receive an extra S10.00 Tape wN ith INSTANT COFFEE>e3c... ffa Surf Detergent 40c of» king siz. Receive an Extra S6.00 'rape mwîth Oatmeai. rîce or mixed Pablum Cereals pq Rocive an Extra ".00 Tape w ith 2 piy, white, pink or yeilow Purex Tissue2 la Roeeiî-e an Ex~tra S2.100 Tape w ith F re nch Fries Margarine Frozvrm Kruikei" u 2.1b. 6-o..pkq- Fliuvi'ant%,"ý.n Mil 1lbn. pkg Cooking Onions Coflni 'bn 1 rade Sliced Cooked Ham 6-0z. poq, HospitaliîI CHERRY PIE ea. 49c Ilospitalit, CHERRY CAKE ea. 49c Birou-n 'n Scrve pkg. Hospitality ROLLS 29c FPREE WITH A MEAT PURCHASE DURING THE FIRST WEEK 0F OUR TAILERITE IEEF ROUND UP - A TAULERITE COWBY HAT 70 LACIICHUD ACCOPAD gT Au ADIMT. SUPIRE Ua: Umm, 30 enBI T EHT WH t! U VAIABIL Sn gond so many ways MUSHROOMS Rayvmond CHEESE .NcCormicks PARTY CLAIM FREE GIFIS FASTER f rom our new CHRISTMAS TOY SUPPLEMENT ! Bowmanvillle IGA Foodlïier 1 BOWMAN VILLE PLAY SUPER TV BINGO for Valuable Prizes lb 59C Garden frcsh Can. No. 1 Grade CRISP LETTUCE 2 for 29c Only the fre'sh taste best SUNKISTLEMONS 6for29c Spritig Tulips pkg. HOLLAND BULBS TWISTS CRACKERS 69C Twin Pack 49c 12-oz. pkg. 33c 69c il-oz. pkgs. 59c bottie of 100 BAYER ASPIRINS Swanson Frozen 8 varieties TV DINNER a c- H-

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