* Ti~Caniflrrl irnr1Or 11q4,iene, Mr.ad'. %I rz, Ron C!L-- L T I E T Mfin interlude rnens -and !;rert et i ! * E S I.ET O* 1 gue-.ing the ed NMr mnd Nir: Norman Cite meniber to mens, TToronto Mr. and Mrz Eli Mai l peilt hric t jj a d ehouid compléter]qui Mr. and Mr.z La\*Prne Clr- -*eve .ai days wilh Mr. and cenurtolrhle ýii and show and is for sa C'een.; t Tnon r, or Mr and Mrs. Charles Gisî, with, a Mrvro Thnnkseiv- order and Mrs. Norman Clemens. village this past week. Trhe mil rail,. Wh*iý..1 Rive formation re1 iSCL SSeS cJIir,cis I lst r ~M and MIrs, .Jrrn Muller. Mr. and Mes. Edgar Hnrn, thanks thîs Thiînkýeivinz-, was ing School, aj D isc sse C h n a s H is o ryOshawa. vîsited Ir. and M' s Oshawa, and Mr '.anrd Nrswei ansverred Fair and tie Ron Clemens on Fridav ev. George Fauikonrr. NIaw, rýz. zmro ax e Clîapt eveoing in ai ening. ,,ere gursts of MPeýsrz. Eloiip- 12' tpStiid. Book, Thîe HospîtilAux 'T - id lMrz. FHiîgh Cu and Marvin Neshitt and TedPe'.recioaîd the Lîfe to of cookie do] AR o a y C uM e t n peol tira)*and Stindav 4ý Lennard. ('onre witlî Mes. Wilfrid Vine Oîi thîese meeti he Eastern Area Steel Work- Earl Bowers. Oliver Blîrrid f,'imciMr, em oge Heasiip read- ed and a do Chinas history, culture, and end wben lhe and TAis wîfr bal s:ador i in na.Pn.r.oan onCouincil, editeLg-;n ?%radMs.Cig n ývpuppsae.mdeoth incen cvîîztin eredi-.asthirgust yîîg hi~ e hna. ;inri Chbariin Hall at Port Hope. Powers spent the weekend in , ionrt iiîjsiîîss period Ilion Adeibert Bea cussed in the address givenese student froni the Univer- nmissonarîstbb Che~.M. JnBllhaavit-LoneChz;n nrfnîly îa. ra. eçreport given Toont by AI Witherspocin, Cha rman. sitvý of Toronto Later 1hi', Mr. Witheespoon recalled. ,euM n r otsdro Several local ladies attcîîiri. aîrnr soîec read, Hyland wiii 'Of the club.z International' cn lady's fiance came tc'! Thp officiai]îîartv from tew'k M n e.Roî Pte rusa eafrM's An îtrsrgprogram foi- tenr'. Comnmittee, aaI the luochon anadla andrithfo vewre mar- Eîîgland anîounitrd b o nre Lcatboîii. Uxbridge visited NM'. feth McMtjilen al t111P on 1 on'E " Pd \lrFAlan Wlsngave 'rîanks %%-P mTeeting of the Bowmanville ried. The couple, bath gradu- tha, lof)nmen pluis a military and Mrs. Coutts. Mr. and Mes. of ber p)arents, Mr and ri Nr;, ir-adlin,- cili Pran several in th(, Rotary Club held at the Fly- ate pharmacists, opened a gîtard, and il saied ini three John Malette, Gamnehridge IlowVa'd rIMtMullen. ,aevilllaîîrcis and Mrs. Nesbitt were remeeri Ing Dutchman Motor Hotel on' eu store in Toronto. Mr. sbips for the easb it alsîî called on MeI. and Mes. Coutts. R.R. 92. rm Slii n I Sble". Trev- 'weli cards.) Friday. Witierspoon said. hrought matis' ca.,es of gifts MNr, and Mrs. Ray Pettit Mr. aîîd Mrs. NMaxvefli allis pir and Sharon Nesbitt, favoLur- the new Honi Referring 1.o the clubs an- lle toid of the frienclshîp' for the Emperor of China. and children, Toronto, Mr. anîd are winterizing their homne t cd %vîtiî lwo voical iînnibers, be in lier Bo nua Iteratona Sudetsthat has developedi betweeii On ifs arriva] the embassy Mrs. Pery Clarke, Green- live praeîl i Cr-'vOs nîsclso"adfromi 10 air. Weekend, Mer. Witherspoon, his family and Mr. and Mrs, was treated with great pomp wood, Mr. and Mes. Tom! wright. After working sevoral . "I don't. arit to pia. nM YOU 12iid and 4th peedicted that it xvouid bc as' Man Fan, and the insight tlîîs and ceremony, and afterwards Gibhs and 'Me. and Mrs. Dicki,Yýears in Gananoque, Max now s'ard" wilh Mrs. Heaslip ac ' mrontb for our rewarding for the RotarianO has given into the culture and the ambassador was handed a Gibbs, Tvrone, were Sunday! lias bis own business in Lind- 'nîan\-in c 011 the piano., hebp. Severa as for their guests, scholars scholarship of the Chinese. seaied letter for- the Kinîg of visitors with Mr. anîd Mes.' say. Betty Jean is ini Uni- The:e were, greaîl.v enjoved join flte bus l from other lands, who. are On their last visit to Hong Engiand as weil as numeroîrs Lew Cryderman. versity at Kingston but Dotig- hv ail1 Nestieton U.( presently studving at univer- Kong Mer. and Mrs. Man Fan lavish and expensive presents Me. and Mrs. Crydermanlas, Rosemnary and Susan are Theiili n charge served a i l\v TV show. sities in Ontario. had sent him a volumie en- for the British Fovereign. visited Mr. and Mes. Will Wii- in School here- very dainty luînchî and the l8th. Mrs.1 The students were due tO titied The Pageant of Chinese However when the sealed bue at Mes. Westover's Resti Congratuilationis to Miss Col"a suai szocial fiîour enjoyed. Mrs. ceived a lette arrive in Bowmaoville on History. The author cf this letter was opencd il disclosed Home at Newcastle on Friday Crozier wîo xwon a $1,000.00 Saddler nîoved a vote of'tarian Reliel Friday evening. and would book is a Chinese, and ît a courteous but formai and aftcrnoon. bingo prîze iii Peterborough b 1hainks ta al! for a very pleas- Institute for suesdthe ofevarjous house subtiy corrects the mistaken fiemr refusai te the requessasts week. ant afteriîooni. lions to their guess o varousRotarians. ideas regarding China of some that had been made by teLoare n onyFde;TeNvnbe etn ilapeito A tour of the district had western people, Mr. Wîther- English. The Chinese Emper- Business Direc ory ar able to be about agiain lie- at the home of Mes. Emner- ing patchesf beco planned for the visîtorsspoon said. or had written that his cort after having their tonsils re- 'son. project. on Saturdav afternoon, also a I~n the book's liveiy account 1try possessed ail things A c c oun i an c y mnovcd. Nestleton W.I. The day's ir dione in iîeir honor on Sat- o conditions in China ove'- therefore did flot need te, ______________ Mrs. Arthur Hyland and Me., Nestieton Women's Institute cd by Mrs. A uirdax' evening, and a recep- the vears the traditions and trade with otlie lands. The RAY J. DILLING Herbert Vine attended the Rug met in October at the home of In ber abser tien and tea on Sunday after- culture of this ancient civil;- missive aise contained the in- Chartered Accountant Fair in the Masonie Hall, Port Mes. Ben De Jong witb spien- Heaslip rcac n oon., zalien, are shown through formation that since the dawn 93 Church Street Perry, in aid of the Hospitalidid atiendance. Mes. Fred paper dealing TPhe annuai Rotarv Inter-ý their development, as a basis of history the Chinese had ' 623-3861 Auxiliary on Saturday. Dayes was co-iîostess and Mrs. "Yestcrday i national Students Weekendi for the attitude and outlook studied thc sciences and re-ý LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Ms .J asn ootAthrHln cuidteceutio prmoe kowegean n- o tspeople today, the spcak- liin and tefo were neti Chartercd Accountant and Mrs. W. H. bohnston Of chair. She weicomed ail and sory note, tod dersbanding between localý er said. 1 in need of missionaries as Trse i ak1pc Peffcrlaw were Frîday visitors operîed the meeting in the spend it wise Canadians and people cf dif-1 Mr. Witherspoon spoke of teachers. S ustee in W 725-9953 with Mr. and Mes. Grant! usuiat manner. Since Me. Mrs. AlanE ferent nationalities, Mr. With-, the first European traders Mr. Witherspoon aIse spoke Oshawa Shopping Centre r1hmsn oetD ogwa ecm ro itr erspoon pointed out.1 who arrived aI the port of of the opium, which he point- Mr. and Mes. Neil Bailey visiter and a steanger te many, Current Even He spoke of the clubs fiesti Cznton several centuries ago. cd out vas first brought to WM. J. H. COGGINS itook Mrs. Grant Tbompson ecdi member was requested b lan excellent Inenaina tue -sWe-[The Chinese considercd these China by foreigiiers, first by :raahuo traders te be what they called the Dutch and Portugese and Second Floor . the 751h Annîversary Services: The Roll Call vas an amus- women dress 1 'outer barbarians' and regard- lter by the English and New Library Building fI Cooke's United Cburch, 1 ed it bcncath the dignity ef Americans. The Chinese sec- Cor. King & Temperance Sts. Pefferlaw. A buffet noon, the Chinese people te beach ing tbc harmn resultant from Phone 623-3612 luncheon was served at whiclî ~Ji7the foreigners the language of opium forbid ils cntry te YALE, FRIEDLANDER Mes. James Thompson, 92, and China. China in 1800. But smuggiingi & COMPANY Mrs. W. H. Johnston, 88, cut1 The traders afixieut t o,,ncreascd. i Chartered Accountants the anniveesary cake. Betb h business wibh the Chinese Eventually a fleet ef war- Liccnscd Truqtees pe t'u s ladies wer e en at the o were Iherefore forced to de- ships sent front England, andi in Bankruplyopeliiig cerenienies 75 y'ea's Ê 'A 8 yvclop Pidgin English as a me- the Chinese were defcated.164 King St. E. 728-7371 iago. e dium of communication, Mr.r The Treaty of 1842 opencdi Oshawa, Ontarioe iMes. Howard Lee was host-0 e IWitcrsoonexpaind. ourmoe p~~ i Chna o MNTETH ss for the October meeting et XMAS. Throuî y JI.Ison xland. furmr4prs n4jia oZ OTETRIEHL, WATERS Nestlcton Pebtra ais! iDiscussing bbc Chinese sv- Europcan raders, and Hong & Co. Pi. hrcwsayterin Ldies'-FEETUK Item cf scholarship, Me. With-j Kong was ceded to the Eng-! Chartered Accountants rtAidaTeresan sepedideat Fble toyuin espoon said that from 1618 lish, Mr. Witherspoon added. Oshawa Shopping Centre tMs end n a dsotu e leidnoal t OUi A.D. tntil the present century Diýr. G." Edwin Mann moved 728-7527 Ms eni usnwloi 2. you will recf aB students first studied in a vote ef thanks to Mr. With-1 Partners : d al scuanehools in thcirown commuuii- erspoon for bis informative' Hon. J. W. Monteith, .C.A.i Following the devotional iiitirncelie. Ten he evntullyaddes ndPresident John A. B. Montcith, B. Com., C.A.pmioduead by Mes Lee theRT NOW TO SAVE the time came for their fir5si: Bain ailso expeessed his per- G. W. Richl, C.A., RIA. fliriJbead c'oerspndence Important examination this sonal appreciation. (Liccnscd Trustee) wcerd.Lteso ap THESE FREE COUPONS ~ ed mre nsuanc? Wo was taken in their own pre-i Guests present were John G. E. Trethcwcy, C.A. 'preibo eercie rn coesn't? The question is, how fecture. Il Morrison and Ross Murison, R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Mrs. Hogg and fron i Lnda and Yes, you could get your do you make that large, oe. The following year those' both et Pickering, Arthur: B. R. Waters, C.A. 'Lawrence MeLaughlin. Two M STRE FE! a-erpayment? wohdpsc b initial Finnie, Port Hope, J. D. Hey'- h ha psecte WILSON & BURROWS coming evemnits n idospotlA UKE RE a-ea prefecture examination wero, land, Bowmanvîlle, and Wal- Chartered Accountants APcrry Commuany HospiadTUl We have the answer for you.l entitled to tey the seven day tee Branch, Oshawa. 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont.Auxiliary wfere announcednd TURK It's The Hartford's convenient examinations held in the capi- Partne, memboes for e . onrb s'nonthly prcmium payment I liof their home province. Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. Ucacookiefre sni oe. sc-C ta e Tsu ylan.Those who wcrc successfîil H M T NG.Edmond Burrows CA. Cardtwere seunit bbc Sun- i were promted__ande________Phne_728-755 day School supplies for the Cali or stop in today and >' cculd take the examina- 11____________ irtqatrhaebe oa find ouit how small monthly itions beld once every threcý Sunday, October l8th, xvas frtqatrhv endnt AEl 12-OZ. ROUND TIN jpayments will help you afford lyeaes in the capital cs tLynnsSna bEdd C h ir op ra c ifiîç cdand Tsnomerfu.înd aieo! AIEl tig protection ail throuîgh the China. and Hampton. The servicel- - -__ ad Taiofe'rg n Tea had been pepular for was eonducted by Me. L. CIe- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C.i nivcrsaey services wiil be heldà P e Lnho M a 9 >Wa.' uuideeds cf vears in China! mens. Hymn 403, "How Fîrm Chiropractoe on Nov. 1ist. Ah and the betore it was inteoduced tel a Foundation" was used. The Office : Mizpab Benediction chosed tbis SANIE 17c! COLOI'RED 1-LB. PKGS. Europe, and thon a demand scipture lesson, read by Me.' 15 Elginî St., cor. of HorsevSt. lpart of the meeting. febws rac iiOewesî.,Gordon Smahe, uas Ephesian. Poîe6350 The program includd ead em In 150Cins ta ):1-20. ollowe by payerOffice Houes: By AppointmcntAng, ac Hoe"and 'Magain 4 or 9 UU - _____ ~~~~Cccil Wilson. She also passed 1<SitIrnun 2-z STU RT modiby, yet se enjoyable that cd by bbc Lord's PraYerî. The, ~ e around a four gencration Rov- in one vear 20,000,000 1peunds choie sang an anthem, atter D n ,a lypcuetknwe ue p g et& e tB ls 9 s f tea were imported by' h(,' "hich Me.Hrl ;asEbd lticret aken ben Qcn p gh ti& e t aus. JAMES Enghih h pakrsaei the ehiidren's storv. Thei DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Elizabepakrsttei ýr. .thomason ba "h The Eng-lish sent an embas- cbildren's byrno was hyrnn:75 King St. E. Bowmanvile Ms .Tininra e BEST BU""%! SAVE 10c! Insrane -Rea Esate 5v 0 Cinawit th obce-611, "Savicue, tcach me day Office Heurs : !Ladies' Aid" and Mes. Lorenizo ~UMD Kln St E. Bovmavile tvecf rragin atrae cn-bv day." The sermon enitled 9 ar.. b 6 p.m. daily ontoy gave an amusing ~ V ' v v KficeSRes.îdemncile tv fer in 1792. Engcan-i "A Layman's View ef bbc Closed Saturday and Sunday Ïreading, "The Choirs Way et Offie Rsidnce warnbedinte7brad e ntbolîr: Lavman's Role' was given by Office Phone - 623-5790 Tehing t". Mes. Charles Smith VEGETABLE OIL 623-5681 623-5493 prsi diio eCnoMur.JaisM rs.Hm Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 sowdcoudsidsobe 2-z.ieW to hve aperanen a~na.- 41) andbbcbeneietin cosed DR. . SISON, trip te the Maritimes and cf ____________________ - to have a permanent __________-,4bbcnd se ie L.toncosdD.S. .DW . S. NMes. J. Forder's and Mr. Hec-:i FRESH BAKED! Pkg. of 8 Oh ect. t wl b aptn Ofie ns., home bert Hooey's birthday parties. NIVeston or Sunbeam Harvest Home al, 7 p. m. stand- 100 Liberty St. N.. Bowmnanville es. e eliialn chber a ssistant U S45 BOWMAN'VILLE ard tinie, with the Rex'. Basil Phone 623-5604 sereWaldelicius lun h e.MHELEA BUNloc Lonîg of Orono as guest spea- Office 1-ours : Geaorg e Wlaes voiccd te Suprernelbboc OA L623-5589 ker. 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dajîx' cd ahi to lier home foi- tbbc FRUIT CAKE 69c ____________________________________ Sincere sympatby is extend Cocd enedv-Snay Novenîber meeting. THURS. TO SAT., OCT. 22-24 MAN'S FAVOURITE SPORT Rock Hudson, Paula Prentiss SUN., MON. & TUES., OCT. 25-26-27 TERM 0F TRIAL Laurence Olivier, Simmone Signoret Aduit Entertainment Wed., Oct. 28 to Sat., Oct. 31 (4 days) WALT DISNEY' THE MOON.SPINNERS Hayley Milis, Eli Wallach Wed. and Thurs. at 7:.30. Fri. and Sat. at 7 and 9:15 P.M. ARE YOU PLANNING A.. NEW HOME Do IT NOW . . - and take advantage of Government Winter House Building Program, the Federal Covertiment rnay make a direct paynient of $500-00 to the home owner. House to be conipletedl by March 31st, 1965. BUILD NOW.. AND SAVE ON YOUR $500000 DOWN PAYMENT BALANCE ON N.H.A. NIORTGAGE AT ONLY 61i% INTEREST AT BEAUTIFUL, 0rPar,'4tvay Crescen t SUB-DI VISION Bowrnanville Bowmanville cd te the relabives'and friencîs of the late Mes. Menvtie Grecen- wxood (nec Bradley) who pas- sed axx'ay in Connecticut. Ini- terment took place in H-amnp- tou Cemeteen on Satiiedanv af- t crini. - - , t 1A -tikiN1 )S mo.erI Office 75 King St. E. Bowmanville A lai-ge crowd et relatives, Office lieues :feîends and neignbours attend- 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daiiy ed a presentabien in Blackstoch: Closed Saturday and Sunday 'Armouries for Mr. and Mrs. Telcpbone: Office 623-5459 i Lawrence MeLauglîilin. M 1. 'Flicladîieýsor ic Enfîeld i Master et Ceremonie. U.C.W. had a verY successfu!L ~ anduSurveying The program iuîcluided hunm- bazaar in bbc Municipal Hall- orous readings by Mes. Mar- on Frida-,, evcning. MERRILI, D. BROWN wood McKee and Mes. XVm. On1 Satuirdax- evening, thr P.ENG., O.L.S. Van Camp. Miss TLynda Me- ladies ofthpbbc'Srvice Club 121 Qucen St. BOX 1659 Laughlin favoured with a sorved siippee 10to ei Football Bus. and fies. Telephone piano solo and Miss, Martha Club, in the Municipal Hall. -- -= 632-7251- Lawrence prescnted Scrittisii They dîd thîs as a service te dancing to records xx'icb was tbhebox's of the Jir. and Se. L e g aci much enjoyed. Mes. Geor-ge football teams. xvho did sýo __ __ Woife slîowed -oloui-cd slides mnucli 10 keeni alix'e the inter- STRIKE and STRIKE : and Dr. John Werrv coloured est in athîcties. Bari-isîes, Solicitors movies ofthbe McLauigblin- Mr. and Mes. Bill Harrisonî Notaries Public Ross wcdding; of Laxvrenee'si ind Kim,. Port Perrv. vusited W.R, Strike. Q.C. graduationî ah O.A.C., Guielph, Mr. aînd Mes. G. Adcock on A. A. H. Sbrike, B.A. and several Lake Scugog cot- Suindax'. Edward C. Wildman, tage scenes. Amusiîîg comn- Me.an Mr. ar-e~ Blsn 4 KngB.A., LL.B. mentanies accompanied t h e and aîgtes. Osaw a vso 0 - n St. W. - Bowmanville pictures. Mes. Catherine Cor- ad Mes Jor Ohn ase o Sin- Telephone 623-5791i den led a sing-sang. daY atteenoon. In the even- LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A., aTaecean învîted Lîn ung Me. and Mes. Leslie Hos- Bareister, Solicitor tand Latfrnee e bescated ail kmn called ter Mes John Bah- Notary PublieHusno eaff the plton. .s 'rnoi son nd ookber a Pel opeKing S . W Bowmanvi7lle Husno eafo h us sonvst e and Mhr oPrstanope Phones : Office 623-56881 byterian Ladies' Aid. made a Hoskin. Res. 623-5553 presentation of a small re- ____ Cý membrance. Donîald Grcecî Mes Aunie Pbiliips, King- HOD INS &MORRIS iread the address and present- ston, is spending a couple nr Barristees, Solicitors c leuucemgfsaî wecks witb ber rdaugbtee, Mes Notaries Public srzcahe umrs 0ftsond ra Rîîriws and r. eBurroxvs il1,1Erank St. Bowmanviile the -ommuînitx' and fri*encis Mr.s Cha-- iîrewz. Ajax, E. RICHARD LOVEKIN The br'ide and groom m-cadc u-nthIe xxeelkend i ith ber B.A.. LL.B. graeuu epuibbik coin and hi,-, ,vifp. Me and Barrister - Solicitor eî'eevene for the o'.ernorable, Mr-F;itrro",, Kinz St, W Net-ca,tie e ing A bountiful i luci. Phone 987-4633 'iraz erved atter wbicb thozre M -M .es- Carrirk socot a fe's- cdAx -aI brin. bu 1it , bHours: 9-5:30 - Wed., Sat.. 9-1 wtio xishred, enjovcd danc1ing rcturnuliug tc Toronto tri hciri To flic Norman Stosen orrh- out ait bbc l-a-ve cffbei-daui igli- M o rIfg ag e estýra er, Mr; Keefe. a-> wendv u Ne-______fiC_____r ciul :'l hOsrpui1ai ADIE HA-MILTON - ORON jOboe me in t h- Sun- OuI S'inda' 'bIc- A pp,ý,Phone i r 19 day Sch-ool on Oct I 5th wiî'în Ethel and Fred. Tero'nfo. u7 Fiezt Mortgage Furrds 12 mnembêriz and tu-o chihcit i ed H n bî AexCr Re_ý'dence - Fanms prresent ru- Mraiid '-slC-x ari Business Prenierties TF,~ tei 'în'- , U rtck 'r ind %1r.ý Cheithbbc themere h:,'mn a'id ae' Oshawxa, tocOrX Mr and Mre Morbgage enone.v available ýAuturnn noem. fllovedbx' Carick for a dr'x,- and took, for ail purposýc-. ' rv adbcLd:ra' theni out for dinrer Tet us arrange iour fduflm nyrond h odzPa Me an Mrs . L Ban- ban coming due or .a new ban. Tin dx-ot'nlorcd', ch-ard aticnded bbc Kawartba We can hand1e mor gge oronductcd bv ibIr; -M,1ric Sh'-ririe Club Ladies' Nîglit a' every' description. 1 Nesbitt. Hymru 577. "Corne. Rock Hav-en- Peterboroughi HÎROLD C. PEDWELL Vp Tbankfui Peoinie. Corne" Mes Jack Carter and daugh- Broker I ýn n iz(,e0rgc tees, Toronto, are spending a; Newxcastle 987-4336 za ugand M; Gorr week with ber parents. Mr., readnnig, the 1001h Pýalm rs and Mr.ý. Ted Chant, whie ber U p f0M eifrv Nesbitt then snoke on 'Ther bozzband is awav on busines__________ y_____ God-given riches e the soi!' 'Mr. and Mrs. Ted Chan1n:t at KEITH AX BILLETT, O.D. a&nd elosed this part wîbh tended thc wedding of Mr. Optometrist praveFr Chant's niece, formerly Miissil14l King St. E. - Bowmanville' Mrs. Jackson xc'as in charge Nanex' Chant. The xxedding ')ffice Heurs: By appoinîment cf Ie Bible Study, the theme was in London, Ont. Telephone 623-3252 being "Thanksgiving" Nvith Mrs. Gary Chant anîd son Mon. - Tues. - Thur s. -Fr i.Mes. Steele reading passages E.ic have left for a visît with' 9 a.n. tc, 5 p.M. of scrîpture frein the 1051h relatives un Germnarv. Thursday cvenings Psalm and St. Luke 17. Mns MUr. and NIrs. Laverne Cie-1 Wed. and Sat. - 9 - là Jackson menticned reasons for i SAVE ON THESE FEATURES! i Save 4c! Aluminum 25-Foot Roll ýSTUART HOUSE FOIL 33c Save Ir leDessert *Iopping DREAM WHIP Savr 6i4e! 40e Off Paek KING SIZE SURF Z-oz. Pkg. 25C Pkiu. 99C Save 6c! Cash Vour 8c Coupon SCOTT TISSUE 4rolIs43c Save 5c! 16-oz. Jars FRENCH'S MUSTARD 21Ci 1 DR. C. F. UATTRAN. n n '. IRFST BUY S ave 6c! 3r off pack .i l1-b. Pkgp. Jewel Shortening 291 EE%ýT Bt 1' Save tOc! New Fiai oui-s . Puddings and 8;i J ELLO0 Pie Fillings s BEST BtlI' Save 6c! Robin Hood Pirkagg Celebration±4 3c BEi!ýT BLI'! Save 32c! Pop-Up 40O'm Kleenex Tissue 41 $1 e rvth ecdilad".' i our wo"r" M Fred h É -wigbt rof the Iix' vp; re-ir -4 iiiîal fiîr ber rizht The I1rtiri ' l 'bu I;îFtl~ 1 ut x.as on displa v faxý-oui Fd1 xit i, oir iîoii rti" le More block, bi i r iinn î n 1for a quult onri brV-icu of the 'Mode! TI f dere included iil- i-X'?cl\r.cioi the Senior Train- f'xr n'ii ' ?b i t anotice of tbe Riu. I) liu iiii-r \ileeiî. Bruan eif Mental llealth aîîcl i, ai' 'bic .Geaul Thîoiip- aid of Poil Perex i î C\nî' ri(cýZ-i liC ti iî , I f 'iiliary. ProniisC, t lie ladr i 'i x i' lit i i' 11 ll il moations for eacl iiiithscu ;,fî i i- icîîîelb tings %vere recrîx' i nLziii tire iîoiiioof mn irwes t ionatunif $t 00 icii nheîîir Mes,,.Ren De Jonig. ?Aiixiiaîy Mr11. _ ,cock is the dele- Arca Conventin as Mers, Arthiir be? nible to a?- ieeiedfr B e He.se. ef comniiit-xil Miss Patricit Ray. N -ne Econonîist, %vl!'î i 'l -îRiçhatccl' lwmanviile otfice n. to Il i.mn.. Ilic ,.î 1t T 1 1h i \ ;l~ il .\ula. Tbuesda.v of cacu Boî\u ila ivilli'Suio,,r'-ii ir convenience and Apix Seniors bs' a score of 18 ah membees x'îi la lo 1Peler \Veev. D v on Mc- load siionsored iv Mielerand W'altce lic kard C.W., to see the cm bI coitcd n( loirchdovî. v.Juliette, on Nove. The laFi Seniior Icague game Herbert Vine re- vis Ici e bcIpd al Roxvnrville ter froni the Uni-' 1iîu, Tlirisdaxý. Il Boxvi-Pi- ef tbanking tbe viille car i un Ibis inipoebaitý tirfne dona- larniv agairîst Henry Si. of ýorganization. in lW"libl)vhe * v 'îll aîilintabrca I. tlîey are forward- 1']v 1hicfi Ille playofîs. AHI for our quilbîingistIii(if'iits arc 1îrged bIoc'nîer a Iter fouir anîd give Ithie teauîî Tiotto xvas pehar- soie vocali support. Adelbert Bcacock. ,Thîis NMonda. bbc theJnior ene Mrs. Bruce. Girls' Vollcvbuil beari wasý dthe vcer' fine!rChoscîî as xvas the Seniors hast ýg witb bbc saying-, Friday. W c crtainiy xwishli e is a cancelled. girls a lob of luck in Iiîcir up- rrow is a promis-!Icoming scieduules. Also oii iay is ready cash, r Monday, bthe Cross Courntry sly". bteani for the Bruce Colwcll Beaceck, Conven- Tropby Race xvas chiosen. cal Research andî FînailIN ourMgzeSas mts had prepared1 Canipaigo ii- over. And to tbc il prograni. Shc' pricie of ail, .vx- c, rly vci icreus paper, "De over S3,500l, $1,000O more than1 sfor men, or foe ou~r obictive. On Friday weil held our tre sa1esmen's daned %vitii a large nurober reent. AV tilc dance. ill indîidu<Aial -~~e ' ceawvardirl Jrwr:n niwe l vi th1e AMVF4radin fr tiie most sales and Alid-ey jitF(nn was the lucky x 'e nf (11 ir tt okplk. *1inire \. l 'cti a tad in c-oCrîîtî0fi of lier wnî k îinthis -ompagui. SofI drmnký and do- hield Orr IterntiIIIrI i 'eld 113y. Tr< %vnning ciass wvas 12A4 Thýe champions were as foi- Juijor Boys- Greg Ariams; rolitrl niiate Boys --Larrv Stil pan1n:Senior BNe -John Nilpatrick; Junior : I- Loir- A i t 1e Wiîte; Inte. v d ia t ;i N Virginia Slemon; Senior Lr.iana Morrnsoii. 'l'le Stuident Coulicil thaiiks Miss- Crawley and Mr. Brit rcil tlue lard work put into this Nl-i1 ir Xrnas Turkey FREE! . tis possible to get Absolutely FREE your TURKEY FOR ih to December 15th, ahi Red & White Stores will be issuing EY BONUS COUIPONS, each ivorth 5e. These coupons are avail- in two ways: 1. One Coupon with eaeh $i.00 total purchase and ceive FREE COUPONS with nîaiî BONUS BUYS cach wcek! m7 nAnII ii 'Y COUPON BONUS BUYS 3rylcreem anid Comb 5 String Brooms IT'S SWIFT WEEK AT RE[D & WVHITE Specially Selccted! Svvift Tcndergrown Choice Pltimip Grade A Chickens 3ie SIFT PREMIUM - CRYOVAC 1IILF - SWEET'PICK'LED COTTAGE ROLLS b49c SWIFT PREMIUMN - WELL-STREAKED RINDLESS BACON 65'l Swift Premîum Fresh Sli(fd 16-c),. Swift Prerniurn 1-1b. vac pack 130LO Nid Seasoned Skinless B L GNA ___3_9c _WIENERS 45c FOR HALLOWE'EN! supru mc Biscîuits. CKOCOLATE VIENNA Coldcen Hocir - - 19C; C..A.NDIES CeIIo Package 29c All P3cpcclhîr I Lixours -.4gallon SUNSPUN ICE CREAM -/ - 93 iuprrne Bracîid 16-nx. Cello Pkg. PEANUTS In Sheli - 39c BEST BT Y! Si'e 1W'S~ltits Premcîni Beef or 24-oz. Tin RISH STEWS 39c F). SI ,u I iS.c t Sold hi te aiTih (lover Leaf Tuna 41c RX. Ii' l" 'Na 1t' Frf - I i I N:-- ,ik D1. -0r f amntviPalm (îardrn No, 1 11 oz, cello tub#r TOMATOES 2'39 Outspan ORANGES doz.59c Ont ri No 3 lb. Poly Bal; YELLOW ONIONS 19c i Bra.rfrnrd N .*'-1 flyB g Marsh CARROTS 2 for 29C MAPLE GROVE RED & WHITE Maple Grove CORNISH'S RED & WHITE PECK'S RED & WHITE a a .Orono 0 0 .Newtonville WARAG SE3R2VI2 CEG T F ROZEN FOOD FEATURES! 15L:"#$-t 1:n*UC: l I ~l tio N'ps i5Wifl Vkg. of 6 Save 10e! OId South 6-oz. Tts EAB G other ORANGE JUICE 2 for 49c T AB G Parkers 7C Save 8c! Haddock 24-oz. Pkg. RLST B I Save -4e! Liquid 64-oz. Size Hîghliner FISH & CHIPS 57c A E LE C 5 Liberty St. S. ENQUIRE TODAY De BEURS BUILDER Phone 623-2263 22 Parkwmy Crescent a a a