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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1964, p. 8

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Men's Major League Standing End of i th %eek ha" tt t leid I llt) 48 3 ri SPORTropuCsçi, Bv Frank Mohun 623-7234 ELTONBROCK BOWLS 415 Elton Brock knocked off 16 strikes in 17 trames,' but the l onme he didnt get cost hlm a perfect game, in Men's Major League action it Lberty Bowl. Wednesday nîght. Elton'I ran Up eight straigbt before missing the head pin in the i ninth fratie and haX'îrg 10 settie for a spare le came rigbt back to stirike out in the tenth for a tre- meBrokie415e game anîd thon for a tirne it appeared that Town Leagu Hockey "Bocie wsgoing to have another try at the elusive 450, _________________H ockey_ es le racked up five more to start off his next game. Elton -1 didnt do ton badily in hîsý other two tries eîther. winding Up f A ; f- with a rnîghty fine 975 triple, tY Vrt S nd y ig + ~Ro sons ow Dary .~ Bowrnanville Junior Hockeyi MeQueens vs. Local 8 BADMINTON READY FOR BIG SEASON M I A fUIILeague wîil start its anaie.6h Veteran badminton star Bill Burgess, elected as president C UI C ri lO u II tfE f g hcLnt for the Ken's Men's Wear Bi î sBiliri s L ti ) of the Bowman"ille Badminton Club last week, wasted no M cN ul y's E g7.uurupia s w oand Ruîssell C. Honey, M.P. McQuen ýsNihn time in getting things rolling for another big season. Play tropl es on Sunday, Oct. 25tb ' Der. 13(1- started somte tw o weeks ago. but the real heavy-hitting actioný Town Leagur- Hochev w 'î' '~ .thile Terry ofier O1\iit,i. te other goins t16 eora Aea BillE5 Bîlliardcs vs. Nîo t really took over this week. Ioff to a fast staî'î at the Me-1 Blaciý. a - -.ît(,r iii R.ob- to - 189, wili take on runners-up De'. '201h- Oher hard-working executive members include Peggyý moriat rna Pursdav ight, 5ýon', ' al ren. T "ilfctcci <:x-e as- gelte"s foi- tho Restaurant ýNic'hols Mâotors in the opener De FrakBarar HufPatStcke, orohyKelyBii eas Robson ' MIîotort îox'ncd bs t- î f*o-a,.Hotie troe, . ("'1- Aie,. isImandoait'3i .rn. and McQueen'5 o- bt s.\c o Frek.Barar HffPa StckrDorth Kely Bh LggiCrystal Di)a-., t ý,~nI> PolI.i ý :>:, II oîtcadd-, Bit Unol'. Ranitlersmeet BillPs Bil1iardý >) 11llti~X \ ~~ Lew Rundie and Dr. AI Sylvester. Nulty's Spot t-. edged Olympiaod sng i c ;l'-w Vth Brianý enf'sta)( gt nriltcp opae i As usual ne members are always welcnine, but tifs yeari Restaurant 3-2Hues-c".. ' ti' n gaB-aketr,, Sandngsn "igh-ca. N; '.icî-- p(or'cl t> '(on-t something new has been added, or perhaps we should say1 In the seasoiî opener. Bill Ted Fai:'x. BuiMcManiss W, L. Pis.. thle henefil of thieir niaiînv 'l restirne plaý o;î.! ,il reivdvivcil emerhiA sobecviabl aiaveynrose fre apar f oas nd-;II- cI3boscre RvaîiMo<vs O 2!aihfl potaor fni lsI1913 miiml hageoftheebuks in the final minute of play ir> for !he %Ic:. - tNulty's Sports 1 o 2 year that each tearn iî'oý-> Hill's Billiards miia hreo he uk.ibreak uoý the î'losely-contes1;- Bonh Jot!l:o!ý-tvi oals Crystal Dairy 0O 1I 0) seven players from p'ei-ious Keni Veilch. A. Mii!i H Another round robin is scheduled for Thursday night, ed game. Crossev led the 1va. paco e N 'e.- thonr' win! Olymnpia Restur't o0i 101team, ther. drew eoight plax-ers Pickell. H. Erlmotids5r;. A starting at 7:30 p.m. If these affeirs prove popular. they wîîîj 'each from the many n ames Metbews, J. Finn, . B Orcri,ý be carried on, complete wvith lunch, every other Thursdayi CsL. k~R~ubmîtted for this tear's R. Baker. D. Vice, S. Baîî-la. fit , 1Ileague. :B, Helîam, P. Bragg, Ilt Porrt- riight. cus obditn esni opee ihu h 1 AIlgL I L L I aîf riamec, tearns and G Doxx'n. T W'ilisoiî. ' NI- Ofchr e neadit on esated fo Satrday Nov the s aGemnr is S h eue 1rti f ofrsdutwlo wks Lcal 1 monthly darîces, tenx nes' orStra, oI tSunday, Oct. 25-- Generals at Tuesday, Det'. 8--PeterbotroiîghTues., Jan. 26-Peterborough :s 6 m . te rfrstomaînd Eorcal .ls'h' 189u o for whîch table resorvations will be available from Aif or, Toronto. at Generals. aI.Generals. lis 6p.m., hBradne éii lyrp hornpl, n, C,. B Kay Samelîs et 3-3454 Tuesday, Oct. 27-Kitchener ait Frîda'.. b)cc 1 Il -ý1'-rpls ai Fifflac', Jan. 29-Generais eti: 16-95Shdl oe .B1ez .Eloi 11 - t t ~ - GeneralsNo,,F;is Niagara FasFalli 'Oct. 196-195SheBl otwel ,T Bae, .Diso . P NO VANKEE ROOTERS Saturday, Oct. 31-Gonerais at,Sutidas', Dec'..13 Getiîeils at Sundas Jan. 31---Genrals ati Local 189 vs. Nichols' MvotoisB. Forsey. E. McCmý, Dfi Sll-1 Peterborough.' Toronto, Hamilton. McQueen's vs. Bill's Billiards van. G. lncastox' Folowing tho worid series in which those xortIy Cardi-ITuesday, Nov, 2-natuiltin aiirtues., ue,-. 1--i 'hrn~Tuîesday, Feb. !-iteiu'ner at( - st rials downed the Yankees, wve as usual encountered a lot of Generals. a ,'îrl Generals. Liciî 189 utSBuiis Bîliard' V RoNve, P, MuCcfolîî'h T.l tomment Ont our Ofl ' Husayilto S '--Goies ais < atrir to' 'î..lm'tn.0rd eb '-euoas McQLeen's vs. Nichols' Motors, Wn(îon, D. Weri - S l'asers, rminonorpredictions onthe outcome. Evon the editor, Hu~samitn audy e. 0. mloý'ia, e.ý)-Gfe2satiNov. 8th- B. Kernp, J. Bmown, J Adarn',s, i ,f this newspaper wes agîn us, and you know what theY say, Saturday. Nov. Î-Alontrei a G'îra nral. iMcQujeeri's vs. Local 189 !B. Buda%, G. Wu îli, D. War-i] about friends. At a time like this you find out you just don'< Generals. Suia.Dc2<',(f cîaIs at Siinday, Feb. 7 -Generals atf Nichols' vs. BillEs Billiards ýdon, R. Broorno. J. Archecr. .1.!( have any. It iust seemns there aren't any Yankee rooters, but Suiiday. Nov t-neret-ais il Iiarnili'or t ahrnsîn;s 'ce onme of these days we're going to wîn a series again.Mnra udx' <i2 intIsi Tdy e. 9-Hamilton aC McQuteen's vs. Bilî's Btlli;îrd .lh'Quéens Itanmblers : Tues.. Nov. 10-St, Catharines \'iýi',ntGéerals. . Local t89 vs, Nichols' Mntors fi. MýcFadcin, R IlNerMi ts been kind of tougb on the oîd sports scribe tiis ai Generals. 1'tescav. o. 1e, ro Ai S'a[., Feh. 13-Nagara 'ali1s ai, Nov. 22ndc-. Mutioîî. T Brou ý11i, .B n. weok. Wherever we'x'o beeni -- barber shop, golf course, eit Thursday, Nov, 12 --Gener-iah ,oene'als. Generals. NlcQueeri 's.sNicbols' iti s.IB. MeNlaîtus, )Wilî".I twork, erena, bowling, dance, everyono's been laughing at us. at Peterborough.trdi i.I-.iope Tuesday', Feti. 16-Tterunto At LocAl 189 ýs. Buils Billiards Paqîîeý' GC;' "\I 1.1B Sudy o.1-eeas.a.1-Kitchener Get-ai. Generais. Nov'. 29th- Clr-l 'iî;it .'tio But the unkîndest cul of ail wes when onme of the girls ino' Kundayenover -enrasaI ' 1'rsdav ,Feb 18 -Genecals Bili' Billiards t s, Nicliols D KI-ri. A Wf-staktn.Ji.i- the office, who doesn't know a basebaîl frai-n a puck re- 'rusNv 7NigrDaI aac1i it ' <Oici t Peterborough. - rnarked "fIn't that good," iv-hon sr'neonie tyetioneu trhe ait Genêtrals. Pt' .'>c ' SUîria,.. cb 21- Geilrto-t; Cards were Ieeding 6-0 in the final gamne. Note thet justI Frîdayf, Notv. 20J----eîeraîIs ai iuo-..n.LI .-Faeî' aitssSt. Cathar'ines M en's Hockey League ScheduleI ain firWewoîdlik ( pt n îî toIh îuiou tat Niagara FaIls, aI <0eals.kTunes., Fei). 2-St 'aIl>irînes- ai' fi. ewol ik o u a ti oth umu 'htTues.. Nov. '.14-Peterborougilia' .G .i'. t ai Genorals.f Mtarted in town titis week (bat AI Osborne would take over ai Generals. , .>.,Su.iî'>ax -Feb, 28 Goe a1s alRobson NMoto:' 1:I -C. ' a1 C nDIP, as New York manager 'Gnose'."'tells us lho besn't even, Thursday, No, -6-Getiera titirdav - .Lin. P----Mntreal e ';oî lC sa dMN1 o ronsidered theonponing. Maybe exen AI is soitenîig up be- et Hamniltoni irl. Tuesda, Me3r. ?-Montreaj ait Crosse,'. P. Murphy. P Mcv1- Ortober 30-- caue t asben elabl rpobo) )-aiho eo n bnci'd'Sunda'- ;.Nov 29- GefnecaIs ai "ed" a l-Kîtýleoner Generals. - Ccillouglh. D. McýCc>JIIlgh.l . o,' x- leîp Kiteier. 11î (enler.îl>..-ba.. Mar. 6-St. Catharines at Hughes, B. Forse-, Moe Rucb- .2nd :r ta cîit.' dollars on St. Louis Tuesday, Dec. I.-Toroiito it Sac., 11r 16-- l' i-i'uligbri GereraIs. ards, N 'feo, G. Bagiiell, [H. N'ovember 3 t f t t tGeneralq. (;toerl-.. SIins'<a c 2 i - Geiueiais t Pollard. C. Kilpatrick, G, î-I.s l fs vxs].; oi GENERAL TIE 3- AGAINSaturday, Dec. 5-Niagara Stircfî\. Ii.-, i-n' n I Ktleo lAkey, T Wilson. 2ndCrsta .Rosn GEERL TE3- GANFalls aI. Generals.Ttu' Gane 'Times: Tuesdays, 8 p.rn,, NlcNulty Sport% ovmhr12- Oshawa Generels put their four gamie undefeated record Sunday. Dec. 6-Generals rit Tuesday,. Ian, 19-1-larniItort et Saturda'-s, 7 pin.. New B S Fa.rxc ...G 1,;iog ' lt -Rohsot', vs " 'ut'î on the lune lest right Tluesdax t 'cxhon they met Toronto -S.Cîeie oeal.XeniDy pnA owln . Biic Mastoe, .rs. îN'Tcl-ovembrpi t'>--5,.- Marlboros at the Memorial Arena OshaxuaI hacîded the Mer-' i o ~tf ~ ~ f GF'hitoff. CI Heali. Is-NI'Cii -.-t H o c e yM ,C J r, - C ol e . B . li - N o e i b r 1 - lies a pair of exhibition seîbacks, but the defending Memorial 'Local 18 9 Hockey GO W EA s (i i '. o (ac. . ,l No vembeC)2-pt 'fu.;is Cup champs surprised overyne by -oninig their first a- tBr l. C. \aoio --Nve bRoi26'-Crst1 Th eeaspae otertid3-3 the Sunday ntght in &4"%BOW LING D Olympia Ite>tauraîît 2tst--Ohs;t>n t. 'i St. Catharines. as Bon Buchanan tallied ail1 three goals, rus %,.ýc)m tJ iS L0'o V R a~id etrs, tWsernan. B. Abboil,.1_ t)eceniber 3-- P oslia-:,,aitante Ironm behlsnd throe tîmos. Gens registered tieir <On T i-,rde, ghut MieSrot,5 owe. Il Pollarni . î i UODout i-.C fhrst . iui ruthoir homo oponer last xeoek, edging Montreal 0' a. 1,1 irpM came broîgh twithlGirtri, N/fort Richardtý ;, l 2 <:N'-î ns -:S- Jr. Canadiens 2-1. Oshawa travels to Tor-onto'for e Suiiday j fl.s îtei-o r e s iI igtriple f 7817 :îîdiLane, BilulColo, . R 1 >e. l 'tp B ru H o nehigil ýi1>gle tf 15. tih igi:Sheriiin, J I asiot . B. De<',1n>berii il- 7 tilt and w IvIlbehotr.IoîKitchener's rovampod Rangors >'" xtirii se act i; iz!e t-as G 2iC. rrim ,I. M1cJoai;. 2îi-<rsa l'il TJuesday ,,night Localt 189 hockey uettiu -- .r - I -t]J Obone The sclteduie which eappeers tilis 'eeek, show, st '>ndo ltcirx"a'<at fth <emJ.c>rîs. 78,.<'ait ih J Obre. taenhor 7- Osax.aj'rona S- dt .\l N'aIt t tit( 797,Oi<ii playing alt honie eoery Tuesday nîght excopt Christmas weok.' ina, torbn t.î62((. JF,-ocîl A.768 M . Grautl r ea reii SCoinets dowinig Roideir ;)-27. Soti27A ob'Taîes- B ajîc>n..., 2iid -Ci zta 1c1.Rob-'on"'s Tbey have a Piair of Saturdey dates ini Deceîrbe"' andclJan-i and Bruni isiî ri -'o79, Ont. rhigh singles teere Foxvîer, R. West, D. M'est, K. Januarv 1-- uary,~~~~m blea'Ya"sngt ae<Fiat;aisj:eSgu- l;oxvied 1_ .Heard 312, F.IWest, L. Hlainiîtciti, G& oe t Rt."' N;'ci - 11 dary, eltauton s igh sn (d aat n Jo tho 964-65 oasîin neu1er, Siib1303- 1. Crant 3031 and' J.Olimsi, B. Lr le, B. Mn-Mai'- - 2ndt- Oh copiq ~ n cagtrti.r5:i Februery adCor-n n tes96b-5se h )oef rn J. Gould wl.î301, nus, B. MacMillan, L. Pei Ja.nuarv 14_- Coet basedhonefoIn- l i eam action the Com-:B. Woodward, B. Peck. 1 .It mit a tanswered goaL to earîtcShdl CURLEILS Il ,, àgIbines inoved out or the cellari > ii -h-to d t's1 twic anhd f acrey corirg hy beeing the' Laboraoy-1îetober 15- anry1. Anon îîeesedinculigItLl 6 tOu ax set Ooter Hoar'PHowdard 70,oSdî te oees o he lt Roso's C': '01 Ic -oIs;n Contact Club manager Les Smaeeaet 3-2670 as soon as possib1e Prou, ai Howard Quirine su.iî fi' [b oe 2dO MNl' s 'c ( Jaia rup 8-cxl' so hie cen pass theîî' ianme on fo either the men's group. t(ho xere the teinners' 'ithie- '4 o nox'ed in lt< irct pla.e b'ly'OCtoher 'Ž.22-aîa~ 8 knockirig off the- Machine- I .n t-(' 'lpa h ladies afernoon group or the business ýgirlsAll the grous ia adFrÙ1'1k'Cud oW,- '- etsi A tvnin nl;rDt miarksliyen, whibe A l s ie- Shnp 5-2 and the Lead Press Fw:Ilu MN tlt1ýs'5 Robsoo'z J are eccopting applications now and t(liuice lime a-îl'oI ephedfo (o Ridî'5 le irc -2 coe Tl iay '. Ro.a;: .t (1 ir governed by bote înaty itiombers (bey bat-e, So. getl <tearlyThe <tbco' 'or >. Adrd>eîsant Bets oa'1it Brabunrvandnl Tes rea*. b th hc while ttîeîo still fine Curling opens early in Nouebr à perlod and a Ladi, cthI Ix adies Br1uiîný-e 'a!ii;ture i't.c-dîu i, Bowling ad'nid Cnt Ou) ' - -twiîh ('hode>' îindFlor- tesce43soe MIDGETS .PLAY SATURDAY nets 'vîltsnîg oidetitle pros- Teain Standings p r'Averages lL'e.1 p4t'veei pacVcsi harc for the last rnonth. faice their first test Iiîîs Saturda.y. whený the Etobicokie A ininor nidgeis iil 6e heue for ail exhibition encounter ai 4:30 o.rri, Chargte at the gale W iIi 6e 15c, and the teani is hoping foi a gonr tul*l-ojut 10 'njelp the finarical situation, The cost of running arn Lîîspoisoî'ed club 's rat)îer hicgo. so if you can help out. contact eiher mianager Cqiîl Deutît at 623-5597 or coach MlIt Fountain in Onhav.a MEMORIAL ARENA BOWX[ANVILLE Telephone 623-5728i PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, OCT. 23rd SATURDAY, OCT. 24t1, 8 p.M. SUNDAY SKATING 2 - 4 p.m. ADMISSION Adults soc0 - Children MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th TOTS' SKATING - 3 to 5.30 p.uîà. Children and Acconpanying Aduit 25c each O.1H.A. JR. "A"' HOCKEY KITCHENER RANGERS OSHAWA GENERALS TUES., OCT. I7th 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION Sides - $M.5 Ends - i5 Standing -$1.50 Students and Chiidren, Seats and Standing $1 .00 liA ofdc-eewt-,î 1(4c ('ne wxay -xo tro v i ii- "Mort" R;ctîairds !fi ed bleuý inarkers and assisted ni wo,' andi Bi] Lyl tallic c'myie Gary Cooper also h. ofrê Pair, sIngles going te',paul MeCullougli. Bob Ma' 1err'soli. Conners and Ferguson. Dani Grardi turnr-dm ?hree nint îJororrnlaiice the î~ ll')Silcause. scoring n and setting ay' oai.s 0 MIt !-av Br-oWteçi id Brie Sheridar, Don IMsterPMo -'e nîer P, Sherîri r 'yo Sa t>,'oi of acm.i l'eam 'Maaîdîiî_ Corneit... "Night-lîawks" Bowling M Team Standing .,Sedman __ - SCoombes __ M Hodgson - -. :J. Woodlock ... 1 J. Shearer . . r G.Sct 111gh Triple-K, Cannbc'!î ;ti Hith Singie-K camiph& )F1 ¶.'v riges K. Cari'pbelî9:. C ios 192, M. Sedman1)- 1 Siiî 184,.'M..Hodlg>.uIl182'. F ,-: 17î5, J.N\;ol -r: . 1. ~ri 16,5, J Harriess 161, J. Mair. 157, B. Wllbui' 156. W MNi 1.56, J. Lunn 1,56, F Aller 15.5, C Sargiu.o?, l5 1, G- Scott 15n. L. w ùUi'ock 1501, M. Firiii 1,,1 Ciago 149, M. Foster 145, B. Beers 142. L. Bîirgess 141, A. Per- fect 141, K. Ralstoiî 135, A. Gibner 134. A. Lortîsso 131. V Bartîett1à9.NM. Neil 1-,8. E. Coombes 128.NM %,I(Neil 2 ýV. Sarzinson 115. (). Mfi 103, 1. Turnbull 1035,lH. MuLder 100, D Dexx cIl 86. R. Wilihalrs 85. 200 Camnes K. Camnpbell 281. 211. W Muel266, . JHarnerc sr 22f): F. Lanri 240. NI. Sed.&a 234. J Sicarer -1u. -11: J ,Gibner 208, L. Woocicock 20à.j Passeng e r R9pservations Maple Leaf Package0 Group1 DISC( and Blue1 Credit î Accommodé- Fceirnanvi!ie, Ont. Pli' 'r1,-23-3361 H ose Ban bury C'1,- trs F3ci 'a.1' 11-1Q'r.c,ý Tours ~P fraye! Ju.ts ;u?" Fares [rave! 1 .Brow' H R, Slack îiOflS -M .Grn. M MuIrphy E3 'M a i t 36 M. Coliîlle........ ...... 191 S~36 M Cowali.......1811 15 O Patfield 177 ..2..... 1) M. Fosiel 13 2M Malle'.'57 17 Di paecîl' 19 5 ri Roge'.; Ave~rage, I îDo' d141 R . Ilutchinsoin . .... I) 2N (Ouderhoorn13 '2) fiC""a'. 132 N \leFeei s ..... ES 'hîh . .1..2.. 'R. 10 i fat 12 Tle a rn ((IM. Coweai 1 '107 M Gibson...... ........ O, E. Etcher w~11 an ><>sd Over Gaines Elier 346-254, M. Col- -(Jill 264. D. Rogers 2.54, O .~Richards 229, M. McDon8îd son ~'212, M. CGîbsori 206, IM ,Com Fn 0ion 2 041 F Coonîhes 202. BT.S.Bowling N ewtonv.uIe- 3 (J. Paterson) --- -.--- 14 2 <B. Bagneil> -- --_. _ I1 1trk(J. ge ~ Bain) . . ._- ----- Storkvile Lge 4 (HHandsoiîî------_------8, Ladies' 111gh Singles Team Standings Bernîce Carter . 246 Flîntstones _____1.~.. 13 1Pat Waîker 20î6 Hilîbillies _____- 8j Gladys Bain 181 Jetsons ----. 8. Ladies' High Triples Beatles -------Bern ----iceCarter ..-586 200 Gaines and Ove r T, Wisernan - 491 Inia Browen 2541, 208; EdIna Ladies' High Averates Elliott 213,. Bernice Carter - --- - - 192 Averages Gla d's Bain 165 Ilia Broten 181. M. Harle.> MNen's High Single% Maxwell 180. Grace Farrow Doug, Carter ... 247 167, Dorothy Stark 165, Edria Ray Martin 246 Eliiott 162, Marie Trim 162,1Jack Paterson -- 4 Millie Porter 161, Marg Wade Men's Hlgh Triples 24 153, Joyce Stacey 152, Gwen Doug. Carter' 671 HallowelI 1,50. Dale Bojsvert;, Ray, Martin - - ------.--. - 619 138. Betty Bothwell 126, Bar- i Men's Hith Averates neO 'B oisvert 119. Olive Hen- BiII Bagnell ---- 243 dr7i un 113. Meda Stapleton Doug. Carter 212 1108, Amnette Savery 92. j Jack Bain 206J TWO - 1964 PONTIAC CUSTOM SPORTS 2-DR. HARDTOPS Choice of f Jimber Rted or Diplomat Blue. Both have V-8 engines, autounatic transmissions, power brakes and steering, customn radios. white %%ail tires, wheel lises, windsbield washers. Both are low mnileage cars and stili covered witb GM super warrant:,. 1963 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN 4-DR. SEDAN A Iitoni.iti -ti ansnmîs.uoi. brakes and %terring. Local, one 'iwn- er silice flew 1962 CORVAIR MONZA 2-DR. HARDTOP l'inished ini Erner Red with îîatching red bucket wSat.s. autoinatic t ransmIss osI. otii- ai iiil ie wa l t ires. This spori.v ca r us in). linicilla te. 1960 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4-DR. HARDTOP V-8 engine with autoniatie transmission, custom radio plus power brakes and steering. Locally owned since new' 1960 OLDSMOBILE "88" 4-DR. SEDAN V-8. autoniatic, customn radio. Guaranteed original 49,00(j miles. f'revious owner's name on request. This car cannof be told from new! 1960 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. HARDTOP f; cyi., aîutoniatic, etustoin radio. Finished in gleanhing hlarik w-itb blue frim. Here is an exceptionaiiv good automobile'~ 1959 CHEV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Autoinatic transmission, power brakes and steering, Local, one ownlr. er since new with oniy 24,000 original miles. BUY FROM VOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER Don Armstrong, Sales Manager Uap Philp Ray Lathangue Colin Cooke Il 6 Team NI L pt,.! mo\-.'o the runner-îp spo Dyks ra', Food 1 11averaging 24 6. Dae Nc Beaxer Lmber 1: ~ Knight. last week's leadei Lander Hardware ,- 78dropped te third place w it Jurv & Loveli ,, 44 for nine gamnes Pep si Cola 7 McQuensRamblers ;g 8x Ohnipia Rostaurant 7 87 Kens Mp'ln's Wear - 6 9 6 Li bert v BowI .5o 10 o F'raiili's X'.rîety Store 3' 10 5, Average. ajor L ë AI Oson2- 5 "47- October 12th. Thanksgivini Ernie Perfect --- 15 246 Monday, proved to be a goo, [)ave MVcKolighit 9 2144 night for a few of our bowlier 1 Harold Benneti. 15 .2 39 in the Mýi-xed Major. Ther Dr. H B. Rundie 15 '238 were six 300 gaines: H. Balle, George Rebee 15 23-5 346. 325,E. Perfect 320, ;300; F Bud Hcenning . 1,9 23 t-olroyd 324 and M. Annear liap Palmer 9 23 325. S; Trew in - 1.1 1 % 'ie t60>triples atid o'ver Hi Elauon c Lea1n:228' Ballon 912. B. HolroYd 90*F),ý IlBod ie lsjon 1,5 q Perfect 833. M. Aniieart 8o7, C J a c k B o n d D b i î I . Yn n r 6 HRus,,r o neli fflaN220 B B R. Wright 64* M 12 ~; . Joi 621. S Bîîkell 60) ) 3 n n R i h a rr( ~ (7 2 H. 2 0 0 G a llie s a nmd O v e r (h rg in' 1 20 loî~ I 2B, 28;P, Doîj 1.5 122 , 2, 23 1 .G eb ee 7 I )' fl î g i e l ~ ..~ 6 1 l, 2 5 k 1'- . Ba l la litin e 2 6 8. R R u t' i i l lî m a n l a I I g ) 1 2 fÎ4 , 2 4 3 : M M r p i B il l O r ml e -515 2. , .25 1 ,. 2.5 (l: NI . n n cart L(10i George c;lanville 15155q; .22- 1 - urhy25- 10' RUil Shotter 12' 2 Connorç 2 2 1 6: A. Sanîir Ja Prkr1i 251, 1) Jol) 2461, 233; S. Bicke! Hiank ,anzen la' 5j 4 3. 2 B) . B iBîdav L'41, 221) Xnîicp Vanstone 1,5 2 3'~201: Ji, Ballon 241, V, Connor, Claroence Oke 1a2' 3 233, 225, 2'06: H. Pollock 230 AUf S mel 15 21, D. Anneari 223, . Etcher 221 Don Ole 1.5 g '02: M. HoroYd 218, E. Per Ron Ma a d . 15 212 -fe -- 21 -, 0O Pateld 206, t; Bert Englo' 15 "I Haninali 20(0, Jack anio - 1 "Il The Hîgh Single and J-igt Frank Bîiit 14 2-09 Trplr go Io FH. Baller> 346, anc Bob Copeland 12 2892 Bob Glanville 1.5 208!; Ti'~n Standings Loil wiserrnan 1là 20 11aurîc i Rhharcis. 15 207 PIS. Pin' .Jim Callân 15 206 iBudca .- I 15 35'î L-Joii iNcFeîors 1,5 *-204 Patfield . Il 150 1 MaoIiLrit7 Annear 15 '1204 Dunn140 iGarf Clarke 15 202,'oI. 40 B oi n W l s h î 2 J o i c el . . 6 1 4 4 1 q 12 2" ' ick ll5 1460r' 1,owell NiýacDougal 15 200cho),149 Kari Piper 115 200 Bowling News Fligh Averages WElonsa n-iighit was n izi ih t o rock %ill re mne tn- H . Perfet . 25 ýber foi' a long ime t0 corne. D JolI ct *5 rockY , as -il is best as he ý D obll ~. 231 sil the se so n s h ig h os n g le , ;P DW r i ht 222 ,gnie of 415 andl added woT 1i9f2" nlore garn's of 261-299 for the Ni A ineoart ... - 229 'ilip ing triple of 915 In e , W H o lro ' d. . 2 2 finia - ainle in i e 8ho 111 a id 9 16 G . ebee22 frante (wo corner pins sta%,ed R. Bu day -------- 2 13 .p t;; rob E ltloît o f a 1,00( -p i H ý B alla t itne. 3 ut l; A tip of the nd hat o M . Il nirp bx'. 2 0ý8 oi- Boklo a r-L. Connors 203 niirious display of bowling T;r,'-1 <4 (lhe howlers alsn pul on a great show. Harold Bennreil lbad 891 <353-277-261), :rrPeriect 834 <260-291I- 28.'3 . George Piper 8111' 333-ý 256 222 , Iap Palmer 809 (251- là - 23 0 ý. Lornceanrian '96 <92-28)35>.Bill Orme 777j f293, i.Don, Oke 58 î337), RussI Iko, 737 (262), Hank Janzenj '33 ( 2691, Bud Henning 732 33l), AI Osborne 731 (312), 3Bl Richards 724 (295),1 ui rgo Buee 717 (278), Billj ;(îoîîoi 716 (24-d), Ed Leslie - (0t (261>. Mvoorico BRi'bards 712 (28)36. oh)> Wiiliaiiîs tnad a shgîfe, gai 316,. Matt Harrison 307, Don I3agnell 292, Virice Van- lfotie 2901. Jirn Callan 280, Ted Bagnrll 213, Si Tiewin 272, Dr., Rirric264. Kaî-l Bick;'l! ilad '6e Iow iriple. 435 Nlike Murphy won the low single, 113, anýd be-1 ieve il or fot, Dr. Hý B. BANNER PASSANT unde bowled 114. 62.3-3258 Alley Chatter 14 Rehder Ave. I)vkstras Food has taken the Bowmanvle lead awxa ' vfi on Beax or Lurn- he> ini the team standing,. Botm S ie suac on rns iau;' won Il gamres but SnLf suac in p.î:Y onibs heed Company of Canada lii the averages. AI Osborne ________________ B TheCanadian Stateurman, Eowmnanvflle, Ott. 21, 1964 fl - I I s 't t 1. 1 Stew Preston Ray Lathangue Colin Cooke 1 Ilap Philp

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