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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 9

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Local 189 Hockey Bruins, Cornets Roil Along; Chalkîng Ltp Second Wins Brunýcs unc! Coinets rameiCullough and Bob Marjerri- to Howîie Poilard and Terry up M;iùh tnc'lr -econd straighti son, w-ho also, coflected twoMasters. tVlfl iri Lc Mcral nva-'lHth I Bob Sheridan counted twicei tianda-, 1 130bcia Aeia I assst. eorgeplea fo ndhefor the Hornets, while Lloydý Snda rjrîînng BbFar1,rpie orte Hamilton clicked for the' Both clubs r-(îîained un-, oser-Q. single score. defeUed ar Brýuin rdoxnedý Larry Piper and Howard' Ta tnig Rz«,tT-s 5-2 ard Canets wonrQuinney each notched a pair Ta Stnig over Hornetu 7-3. of goals, in leading Cornets toý W. L. Pts.; Defenceman BiliI LYle fired, their 7-3 second game victory.!Bruins ............ 2 0 4 D ah- of cahIr'-s ,0 oace Bruins'Ted Faire-y was the big point- Comets ............ 2 0 4ý i h'I'-liiiÀgles going getter with one marker and Raiders ............ 0 2 01 tu Grant Flinioîff, Paul Mc- three assists, the others gaing. Hornets . O.......0 2 0. Town League Hockey Crystal Dairy (rushes Olympiasý Robson's WaIIop McNulty's 12m8, Robsoti Moîs îîo.ed irito!and Burns MacMilan added, fiî*r4 place, ctfeating McNul- the other. LY's Sports 12 8, -,%-hile Crystai» "Hank" Lane, Lorne McLean Uair,7 duxxnreà Olympia Rest- anid Joe Balson were the Olyîn- aurant l'2-3 tomove inta a sec-i pia goal-getters 1 ond place tic-, n Town Leaguer In the nightcap, Terry Black, hockey action il the Memorial Bill Crossey and Brian Hugh- Areria, Tbcrsèay night. es ail turned i five point per- Bob McMa nis paced Crystal formanceý, as Black and u tce their first wn in tb eopening ghes each counted hat-itricks gaine, firing f air goals and as- and Crossey bagged a pair. sisting on lxvtw others. Bob Singles went ta Bill Osborne, .Marjerrison we the top point- Bryan Forsey, "Moe" Richard's man on tht, nght. collecting! and Gary Akey.i nine on one gaI and no lessj Gary McCullough was the' than eighi. assits. Ted Fairey big gun for McNuity's withi was onh! one- bck with threeý three goals, wbile Bob Faireyl goals and fi'. e assists,' while, picked Up a pair and Grant1 .iim Oliieslki talied three tmes Flintoff, Murray BroWui andi 'Nomen Golfers Receive Awards ai Annual Dance je Cansdlan Statsman, Bewmnsfle, Oct. 28, 1964 irBEAVER LUMBERI Don Masters shared the otbers., Masters also collected three a- sists. Although thtey didn't win the: game, Olympia Restaurant cer- 1 tainly had a big edge in the first game penalty parade, picking up five mmnors, a ma- At the annual dance held by Bowmanville Golf flight winner. The awards were presented. by Club' jar, two misconducts and a Club on Saturday evening, trophies were presented to President Donald A. MaeGregor. The dance 'was 1ný gaine misconduct. Cry st al Dairy was tagged with a p)airlthe outstandiîg goifers throughout the year. In the charge of Mrs. Mv. A. Yeo, the miusiec was by the Cava- ;of minor sentences, 'ladies section, f rom Ici t to right, Mrs. Don Wright, liers and the delicious buffet supper wvas prepared by Teami Standings iwinneî- oi the first f Iight, MVrs. Nelson Osborne, Ladies the ladies of Haydon Church. W L Pts. iClubChamnpion and Mirs. Charles L. Warren, second Robson Motors---- 2 0 4 MeNulty's Sports ___1 i1 2 T p C SU e t F r se s M s u r d Crystal Dairy ------ I 1 2 Olympia Restaurant 0 2 -0T p C su es a o etrs M s u r d Presented at Annual Banquet Harvey Webster Winner of Junior Sol Ibail League s IVauabIe Ployer Award ýB 13'ilrn(arke) d tion. Harvey Webster nmade Junior League and il ic pos- Boýiiw le' Junor Meii'sthjs presentation. jsible that a fifth team will bel Softb.all Leagtiecl m-axed their Bob McManus, captain of! added ta the group. A special second casoai on Saturday the Champion Sam's, îeceived guest at the banquet last Sat- iiightiti b quet1 eld at! the Jack Reid Tropoy or be- urday evening was Bowman- the Meniorial1 ( clubhouse.1haif of his team-mates ]Jim! ville's Recreation Director, Mr. hoewho atte drd enioyed a Coyle S r ade the award on Bud Fanning. t, Pai neal of o luI and behalf of Mr. Reid vho w as trx erTshoteake, prepar- abser1t. II i lJ - tbF lemoria] Parkl The following were mem- INewtonlUe- 1 adie-. FoIlov, in, the meal the bers of this years champion-' nia ion f rophies tookiship club. Sam's Finier Foods:ýt r v 1eL e ph ~, EIP<Bob McManus, Dick Stata, El"Blaine Pickard, Steve Burns.1 Oetober 22. 1964 S no es w~ aarled theBihBatsJerry Falls, Garth, Team Standings League's Most Valuable Play-liLinton, Guy Parks, Brian !Fîîiiitones ... .. 6 er Troph v. Larv Paquet macle Bradley, John Kilpatrick, Dave 1jetlls ................1- !b ,vaý(l in the &bsence Of' McFeeters and Allan Munday. Hillbillies................9 i. , , ýrt Tavilsh of Can- - adîg3jre wo donateci the Despite a disappointing fin- Beatl-z anicial season the Junior Men's 200 Games and Over !3oh b a~ of Sam's Fin- ge vl e prtngaan Marg Wade 242, Millie Por-! ,rFoods, Jir Coyle of Ellis' next season. Jirn Coyle Sr., ter 219, Edna Elliott 216, 201,1 Shoes. fini 1,larke Of Chart- and Cec Mutton, two avidi Barnev' Boisvert 211. ra ns and Iln Baker orfjsportsmen, xvill share the1 Averages Frn\VarK-y were runners-I presidential duties in 1965 It' up for the »~St Valuable Play- is hoped that next year the Ina Brow~n --- ...... 761 eras~ai. ~m' BhBae spectator interest will rival the Edna Elliott.......... ... 1671 er enthusismBiflhe eams n- rOthy Stark............ 165i '.vas a doullh- inner an theïeGrace Farrow...........n14 eengas b captured the' xolved. Special thanks must Mihlie Prtro .............16 Leagtue'z; T)p Average Trophy be extended ta George Piper, Marie Trirn.................15 arnd a Spe:ial Award. Allan Arnold Etcher, Jim Anderson, Wd cûle ptrese,.ted Bill with the Cec Mutton and the four Mwn arg..... ..............1531 Al'aiî Cale Trophy for the Top, sponsors, Sam's Finer Foods, Joyen Halloel...........1531 intter ii, the league with a Ellis' Shoes, Chartrans Men's Joye Sasey...........1317 . î al tDale Baearandt...........137 .6,9 a-verae. A specialtopyWeran raks aiey y Boisvert ........... 125 v ,as also presented Io Bill in Store for their efforts and as-Brn Rppreciatbn of al bis effortssitance this past season. Betty Bothwell ............ 123>: Maureen McCullough ... i11 -n ar ok in keeig the sNext season will be the third OieHnesn....12 diaîon intop playing con- year of_ operation for the Meda Stapleto.....19 *Joyce Campbell ............ 95~ Annette Savery............. 92 I I On Saturday. Court Venture and Court Bowman- Use ~ ~ 5Uville of the Canadian Order of Foresters held their * annual masquerade al. the Legion Hall, Queen St. Xin- - O W IM l ners of the prizes [ct Ie best man and wmni IODAY? Lombank specializes in immediate cash loans foir any emergency. Cali us today at 623-3363. Lombank Finance - LIMITED - 2 King St. East, Bowmanville J. P. CONNOR, Bowmanville Branch Manager O.H.A. JUNIOR "A"# HOCKEY HAMILTON RED WINGS vs. OSHAWA GENERALS BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA Tues,,, Nov. 3rd 9:0 P.rn. ADMISSION Sides - Iî Ends - $1.50 Standing.- $1.50 Students andi Children. seats or standing - $1.OO new W W ma laiff PprBantam Girls Undefeated in Six Ppr5, Ayre 0; Whitehead 3,Bradley 2. Team Standing Piper ...........................2 Mrieha _........ .. 2,G nerals Top M a lies 1High Single: D. Brader ..._......* .... "'«* s BUy u 190, S. Whitehead 168. B u L HihDouble: S. Whitehead Junior Girls g .b" h'.ir giîe i '~ualI-.anîd a.siCd un t% Lewis 3, Bromeli 2; Burns second p1Clýu î-. nýe ir. A"',otliers lu lead Os ia wva ',Edmondson O; Sellers 3,0 H.A..>'1 .x ipîr ierthird wir. Goodwin ù. Tir îr ,9-()' ,.- Ma- Genpra[Iý witii the sal Tcarn Stancling r i jt i F ;r -t-if-!r~,.-a-nuimbepr of es 10 their cied Burns ........ ............... ' î ro . hr-r r -Roih c- c-ain t1he unix'undefeai( Sellers-----------------_'.... ... ý4anarl! m the long. It appearu Goodwin..... ........... 13 - n .> i>l.: hl Oshaxvd xvas on th Edimondson................... 13:t1o t eIr ., .ch-dn: a uai-neas-y wirl in tý Lewis ........................... o goci1s r arn o i, et. eîfore ltç ie, afiter buidinîg p an ear Bromel ................... .. 8 in7side-liried 4')r an îidc-fî -- advanlage. But thed High Single: J. Brormeli 289, nite ird %w 'nil Aiosbun!r endjing Memorial Cup char !W. Lewis 214. 'di.siwatr,'ur î-n:-Bi!1 pions <ame bac-k ta lie uti rHigb Double: J BroniEhi ilt! 'vIe'rutud rd w b Garde;~ -.' and 'lie xxinrier> haci -440, W. Lewis 407. t t sji jn g. as ;te i S jri ii ux c'ç a-ain. Ji *Junior Boys Alder 3, Piper 2,Donoghule 5, Bedford 0; Luxton 5, Brock 0. Mu xea League Bowling * Team Stancl.ng1 Aider............ ....21 Bemiiett r c-uier fi-j ler - pnipies %enit Luxton............. ......... 20 P 4 ,:nt rerh ~,t~ o laxil 8.fa Donoghue----------------.......14 ilMx rinç uln.Benîcît 76.5, 'Hap' Paln Brock ...... . .............. 13 Fiayn ". -ipi ig nt-,24t. Phil Vuxvlcs iî.A Bedford -.-( W>5ILorbb C71, Guri Wtlcox 65 Piper 2 '.'Z p" 5:'h-Pr'ru: '.La-t Luw W'e]ýh 65. Vernoni Jon High Single: D. Luxton 233. r weck fo.r:-,. n 'i: r-au- >14, Mnc-Etcne: 6,",) a M. Gibson 207, NI. Donoghue ýlocke(i :or -th1r r r i&'uin: 'h>V-eRnt633 186. thY B r0(e . n ii'" Tearn Standings tHÂgh fDouble: M. Gibson 362.t one Oti v ,-in,'.irfl2end, Ir) ... . .e. ... D. Luxton 348. ' take o'.',r retr -' rî f 'u:r Senior Mixed League UiC lrotV u....... ...... Etcher 7, Hatelv 0: Mutton G-v:l d- ,rioLbu 5-2 Clan'. lle ..... 5, Beauprie 2; Coli-ile 5, Ben-, tu 'r)v .rt. în i ': -pu,,w Perfect . .............. nett 2. Hfarrioin u t c- 5-2 WAelsh......... Team Standing and ..a...."......... . ...Brin. 'colville .... ................... 31 5.'l to EP,. ýEtcher-----------------.. .......28 Iloward k î :~a .....'.... r Bennett........................ 16, game u'i '5> rI ndO79cur-r Mutton................ ........ lEtcher Ji 7'>led12 hi- Hatel'.'. ....... .......... 10 %va '.v n the n-rt n -. -é1 adiMs' Brock Beauprie.. 9 d:-hiotS l i-c îx n ligh Averages High Sîngle: R. Etcher 200- PuE\ j rir a cu-2h.:'.c 263, S. Mitchell 213. P. Jefferv haie n o ut "t iercuC ý f-H:<.iaî Fl' t2 200-255, C. Bradle ' v 200 , G. 2-h.'.x'g' frRo ~1 bru ai:i . rMutton 268, Ni. Marshall 247,1 Viî; ePro* 3'i r r, i.-DIck Pcrfect ..........2 G. Adarl-u 204, D, Trîmnble 211 - ..l1à293 ' I-72. rr. a PI2e 213, B. Caîxille 2-18, L. Mt h271. I t'. Se - 22 o-- 'i'r-e Prou'i ton 222, H. Moore 27 6, D. le'. Ec 7 1, l'71 1km Pal.....A. ........r2 Nowlan 238.27 1. i D 07 jiflrkBir' D. Trinib:e 6(j5. Fie if'ro rc-Sclr J. n.xý li.t xtidBrurneli -lgli Triple. li. Moore 643,, 256. . Duke' Brunt ..........2 costume were, left, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sedman of Cour. tice, dressed as Mexicans. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Allen, right, received honorable mention inrtihe "IMunsters' Outfits. 19 to 6 e to Injeury t iBlalir, înaiciurLg ii;,fisI pairi ' ta arice ofut.tue sea>on, seured onrice, xx th Wa-ne Cas1irnaiî me bagging t lie nUiit-r. .dit1 Barrv XWatsn x'. . i 'n î 1ed butone of the Mar.ire ,ntr-. -cd:I scoring orice and -~i lir, fu-ur -Captain Bru SI r> lai-ý his lied twîce, sii:g.- ge u rig 'n ýrly Boy Winterstein, (larke' die1 and Jim Nehn oGOODYEAR BOWLING 'flic Hosr- teainii t' nakîntg, ta' its iînoxl(. O:> Thuisdav nightý aId:te iio- avanict-rt into frtplace ,acrib'.'- thc'rnselves-i-knor-king uff an 10e iat place, Labou-atoi v 7-0) 58,1TneTugr~ uîd raicn-ai-oj nesý xhiîe-x'asuc-u ir>..Combilines uîd arîd1 Coniet- re. peelixely by rh sh' anie'7-ù0 zrine. ln 01w-r t'ain actioni the Lead Preýs' 39 eat the Qlfice 5-2, Beits 5,ý 31 MahuneShuti 2. and the Ban-, qbry5, Fan Bets 2. 27 Joh ri Lixton bo'.x'led tfl 26, liJh tu4ple of 770, lls!. oi-. 96 mxx cd b-- I. Brown 7-.(9. Other: :)4 high tripléS came front W.; 23' Hantelv 713, G. Dads-nýn and A. 21 Rundie with -105 18 T1he- iligb r-r. tlt-.- x r-boxvl- ,,e:d by A. Ruiidle wxith 321. W.' 13 Ha*:eiy i 3l.3. I Buoxxm300,291ý (uto B. Miller 22 13! TeauL> Point- 2.10 Hoz- 43 '92, Bant-îr.-.. .. .- 41 225 Braîders-----------------.........41 215 coml-ets --..1...1........... .351 ,24 Tigeus. 1.... . . ........ 31; 219 Be1tl... ........... .. ....29 218 Learf Pri-s'2z 27 Fan Be,.' 22, 21î Combineî . .......... ........ 19! iOffice ILnbor-azor'- .......... 19 B. c...n ......226 R. Perfect .......... -..... .221 A. Lobb...... .... .... 24 1), Ok- 2 2 4 J. Mîliirptuv ... . ... . 222-)1" W .l ... ..-...-.-...... 219' R. 11, el'.'217 1 Hiruwil2115 -L BndtIl214, J. ('arn-- j2 i< .1 Lul;îxt.u R s hot 'tf21< R. Xri.tohi 209J T. Cu)IIFIîurc 209 F. Fluadd 208 J lonyma........... 2Û5 IF. Sith - . 205 F Wr>4I'20.5 tfL Mu i-pii,........204 NI. Grant .....204 G. a -un - ---, 203 S Car.r'.............202 R. Siack, 201 M. 'T'hompson .200 h.., Phone 623-3303 with zRED TOP* THERMA1IIBER INSULATION Reinsulate and reduce fuel bis up to 40% 2" Batts 91) sq. f t. a carton 3" Batts 60 sq. IL. a carton CaA CARTON Cahand Carry ... 20 cartons or more. Ecomo Pack Insulation Loose Wool 5 cu. ft. bats. Cash and Carry 25 bagts or more 75c 4"> x 4"Y x 1.29 '25 Sheets Cash and Carry Hcardboa rd 4' x8' -..1.55 25 Sheets Cash and Carry~ RESILACRETE MASONRY PAINT Waterproof cernent wells Just brush It on. Bonds with the cernent 7,10 sq. ft. coverage per 35 lb. pail 351h. $1 . 5 l'ait 1 9 MASONRY FLOOR PAINT Keeps down dust perma- nently - Just brush it on bonds with the cernent 300 sq. ft. eoverage per Igalion.. $10)30 gai DEPENDABLE P-0BEAVER JOE BEAVER LUMBERI 96 KInir E. 623-33"8 == 'q ilm- Qrbo9--ý 1 -

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