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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 14

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~4 ThCaada ,«aeman, Bowmanville, Oct28, 196 M any W inners at Hospital Art The Orono News Mn. James E. Richards, Editor M.r. and Mrs. Len Pears,iFand Miss C. Page, Ennîskillen, Lynda and Alan spent Satur- on Saturdav. day with Len's parents, M.r. Congratulations to M r s a.nd Mrs. R. J. Pears, Orillia. Fanny Jackson of Fairview Mrt. and Mrs. Jack Bairstow badge, Whitbv, formerîy aîl and daughters Sharon and1 Orano w ho wîll celebrate her 1 Sheila xnoved into their new 100th birthday on Saurday, bhouse on Division Street[rNovember 7th. South on Saturday. Mrs M. Osborne and Mrs. Miss Vicki Cotter af Hamil- D. Haynes of Morrish were ton spent the weekend with1 recent dînner guests af Mr. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. i and Mrs. Francis Cowan and Gardon Cotter. Melanie. Mr- and Mrs. Fred Brooks Mrs. Gea. Morton vîsîted end son Chris af Oshawa visit- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris ed Mrs. Charles Wood on and familv an Sunday. Suflday. Miss M. Lunn of Fraserville Mrs. T. M. Bulpitt Of Wil- spent several days with ber lowdaile is spending this week cousin, Mrs. Luther Barrabaîl. with her sister, Mms. Wni Congratulations ta Mr. and Mitchell. Mrs.Wlfrid Bowmian xvho Mr. Stan Seymour and celebraied their Silver Wed- grandd.aughter Miss Roseland. ding Anniversary an Wednes- Speck, Mr. and Mrs. Stan day hast at their home. Amang Seymou.r Jr. cf Toronto, Mr. the relatives who attended end Mrs. Kari Hall Of Bow- were Mrsi. James Brown af inanville visited Mrs. Wm. Newcastle, Mrs. J. D. Brown, Seymou.r on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamablyn spent Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. Rus-t'l Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, seli Best, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hlarold Pascoe, Sauina. Carsan, Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Percy Margan Tamblyn, Mc. and Mr"i. Carios end son Roy ai Kendal mav- Tamblyn, Mr. and Ms.H.E. ed inta the house they recent- Milîson, Mr. and Mrs. ESverette ]y purchased from 'Mr. and Brown and daughter Evelyne, Mvrs. Jack Bairstow an Somier- ail of Ooo ville Jones. ar and Mrs. Burns Kitt- The Ladies Auxiliary of Memorial Hospital held the phot( Mr. and Mrs. CecilJoe mer o Lakeside were dinnerla most successful amateur art show and card partv last Auxiliarý visited Mrs. Ethel Payne, Mr.1 guests of lier mother, Mrs. Thursday at the Lions Centre that was attendcd by sub-convi end Mrs. Ethan Jones, Part Wm. Mitchell, on Monday. aecr dsbt atroo an eeng. evalIodn Hope, ]ast Friday and Satur- Morning worship at illreco s thaeno nd vnigSvrl1-oeiv Ms. Jennie be in'snd o em:.5r pidraws taok place dtîring the event, including this one ail danat day. Jni Richardson b oclcin stad of 11:5 ' lsthat was won by Mrs. D. R. Marrisan, right. Also in Visiting in Toronto this week,. at Orono United Church. befare she leaves to spend the Mr. and Mrs. jim idde Amateur A-rtîsts Present Most ton, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ten- SALEM nant, Randy and Craig spentj Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. The weather was perfect for, Lea Hadder, Brian, Michelle aur Thank-offerin- service on! and Michael, Scarborough. Sunday. The choir provided Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoidge special music. Rev. Dugan's of Willowdale visited his aunt theme was "Boasting - in the Mrs. Fred Tamblyn on Man- Lord." dlay. The Junior Farmer churcli Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood of service was held in aur churcli Lakefield called an Mrs. Chas. an Sunday eveninga. Mr. Kený Wood an Manday. and Miss Pst Kiio\, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinsan provided two lovely duets. spent several days with Mr. The guest -speaker wvas Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Agin- Gordon M ur r ia y, Victoria court. - County, the past president of Mrs. James E. Richards was 1 the Ontario Junior Far.mers. dlinner guest af Mrs. E. Pagel His excellent addccss was based on the text, "The caîth Ls the Lords and the fulines thereof, tlic world and tliey1 IMPERIALthat divell thercin." Mr. Jimi IMPERIALCryderman was pianist for the service. Sem Home and Sehool ý V OYAGEUR lubieid their October meet- RESAU ANT ing at the school. The ieet RETA RA T ing opencd with O Canada. at W verey Rad ast rdesident Mlrs. E. Twist; and Hwy. 401 coming yeair. ofcr o I ?Vls. John Coombes, the Sunday Dinnernt, took charge. Choice o1 proved. It was decided to buv Choic of:a silver cup ta be presented Italian Minestrone Sou to th e winner of the publie up speaking contest in the sen- Chilled Vichyssoise !or room. Next meeting will Iced Honeydew Melon be November 4th instcad af Roast Young Chieken ýNov. lifli. It was decided ta with sage and Onion 1bave U.N.I.C.E.F. boxes for Dressingthe eilîdren for Hallowe'en DressingMr. Moffat, Miss Braag * * * FMrs. Frisk ail gave bnifoý'_ PAN FRIED lines af the work for this year. The man v x'sitors ta the Hospital Auxîliary's Art flow wa. lMr. Powell, supervising prin- Show on Thursdav were amazcd at the large display shows sc RAINOW ROU cipal for the school area, gave of paintings loaned for the occasion by amateur artists spectator Lemon Wedge la very interesting, talk on the from this area. The large platform of the Lions Centre most sue Oven Roast Patatoes 1 new Mathemnatie's course ta uioimxa ildxit anig n h vr HashBrow Pattoes be used. Meeting closed with as_____ _________________________and __the ________ Butteed Geen eas "The Queen", foliowed bx a, ButteMedai-idnMPe.sHoward Cr% - Bae1Tri social timc. hs oa BeHeed ne an7Dr.and Mrs. Ken Miller; dernirn. EFther and Ralph~C o Pear - Bel Hlene ý andKatliy, Swift Currerit, Mr. imi Crycl"man with r, Lemnon Sherbet larrived iast week to spenciand Mrs. Gerald Shackleton. lsn Dae fo C Various Fruit Pies somne holidays with hler par-, Miss Ruby Lane, Town, ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Craîg,1 witli Mr. and Mrs. Lloydi The following are the closing d Tea - Coffee - Milk and other members ai theRichard s. $2.25 1am1 .Mcr.and Mrs. Laurence Sa,,- Chldens orio Baby Kathy Miller is stav c saaMs om BRITAIN EU] Chilrens Potio 1îng with Mr." and Mlrs. Doug. i ry îOshawa,'n Miss Mc. -ncl :Reynolds while lierpaet, $1.25l Dr. ai-d Mrs. Ken Mile~ fs L. Wcelsli. Surface Letters Nov. 30 attending a mnedical conven-1 A numnber nf i Juior Far- Srae Prel o.2 Vie Are Open tion in New Yack. mcir inembers aid tl-eir fricndý Srae Prcl o.2 1ý r pn iSunday Visitors: iWere, entectained at the Air Mail Letters Dec. 16 24HusaDvMr. and Mrs. Herb Crai,!lhome of Mr, and Mrs. SsmAi Mi Prci Dc.1 and -mily.J-nevilleAiev CaiBtter afie thechurci se GRADE I"A" -4 FRES EGGS SUPPLIED BY . . . H. J. BROOKS & SON, BOWMAN VILLE NEW DOUBLE DUTY EGG COOKER By Presto only $ Reg. $19.95 Value ---_ __ $9.9 WITH PROOF 0F PURCHASE 0F OUR GRADE "A" FRESH EGGS. This handsome electric Egg Cooker can be used right at the table poaches or bouls, can do bath at the same timie. * LUMITED TIME OFFER * PHONE 623-5444 FOR HOME DELIVERY OR ENQUIRE 0F YOUR MILK SALESMAN Glen Rae Dairy 98 KING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE THIS WEEK'S WINNER 0F BENRUS WATCH: MRS. M. YEO, Hampton, Ontario Surfice Parcels Oct. 28d Air Mail Letters Dec. 1l Air 'Mail Pareels Dec. 5 (Ans.) Air Mail Pacceis Dec. lu (N.Z.) Show and Card Party da frorn bf t ta right are M,\rs. W. M. Rudeil, y President, Mî's. B. D. Tillcnck, one of the venors. and Hlospital Administrator Bernard whio dre\v the tickets. The many prizes were ited. a ugail along the east wall. This photo ore of the larger paintings being admired by1 rs. Mrs. Jesse VariNest was canvenor for theI iccessful event. )verseas Christmas Mail dates for Christmas Mail for overseas: JROPEAN CONTINEINT Nov. 18 Nov. 6 Dcc. 12 Dec. 10 Japan Nov. 10 Nov. 5 Doc. 13 Dcc. 8 CENTRAL, SOUTH AMERICA AND WEST INDIES Nov. 19 Oct. 30 Dec. 14 Dec. 12 Hong Kong Nov. 10 Nov. 5 Dec. 13 Dec. 10 #N~f.Mrs, G. E. Graham of the Mill- Instail .JIILer OTbrook Auxiliary. W'ords of welcorne were giv-i -~en hy Mrs. C. A. Eby; get ngs froro Presbytery by theï Map le Le l Circle oderator Rev. A. M.Ducn St. Giles, Peterborough. Chief Companion Nance Col- year, who î,were in 4atlled in iVrs. Bert Broadbent rend- mer and the other officers of, addition to Chef Comîpdnion ered a solo, "lie Livces",11C- Mýaple Leaf Circle, Com-panliolî.s NneCln.r eeSu-he ompanied by Mr. C. A. HoàweyF Compnro A.dre Dae, astwho xvas organist for the opn of the Forest, A.O.F., for 1964- Chief Compw 1100 Nîna Clarke.i ing numbers. Miss Susan Day- Il 65 were înstailcd i office in Seitar\ i -"o. ý Dieki son,. maîî played the closing num-, an mrei-cccremoi)y dur'- Tr~easuu E Re in a Batlgate', bers. mng the mneetiing ot the organ- Chaplain niam ýr(Ic 'Rigli F toiheld in the Union Ilail C;zýrd 11(1(0 lpIarks, Leit Mrs. R. J. Randail, Cobourg, 01n lhur-sdlay eveîiing, Oct. 15. (;Liard l ean WXood, limer Guard gave a vcry brief report of' District Deputy High Chief Eileul Larg.e and Outer Guard anni'.ersaiy celebrations. Companion Mr Highificld. .îîîBad Mrs. W. H. T. Fulton intro-' Port Hope, offîciated at tho Go b1haif n apeLe dueed the speaker, Mrs. A. W. installation. She wvas assisted Crle tCluef Comnpanion ColAlan, Havelock, dedicated theý bv àlarshal R. Bray, also of mier presonited gifts 10 îDistricu fcîg Pýort Hope. Marshal nf thQiDelputy Hlighifield and Marshall Mrs. Alex MacKenzie gave, Higli Court Cirele Of Ontario Bray as an expression of a p -the report of the Courtesies F Peggy Wakely, Port Hope. and preciation. Folloxving t h e Committee. Mrs. A. E. Toombs' Chief Compariion M. lIaynes, meeting a delicious lunch was of Campbcilford gave the clos-' of uce May Crcl, Prtprepared and served bv Chief j nlg prayer. Hope. were also on the plat- Con-ipallion Colmner assisted b.v The ladies of St. Paul's Annie forni. Chapflair Alima Perfect and Purves Aux. and St. Paul's The officers for the cam-ingCnmýpaîiion Karen Vesna. Aux.« served lunch. Ladies' xvere present from Brighton, W.M.S. H ai dsCoFaurgRCol- W .M . . H o ds F Il R ll y fo rd,LHastings, Havelock, Mili- In Port Hope St. PauUs Port__Hope._ Mrs. A. S. Curr, President of Mrs. W. H. T. Fulton, Porti The first settiers in Narthi Council, was guest speaker iit Hope, acting president, presid- 'America brouglit seeds from the Fail Rally meeting of the. cd at ail sessions and gave the, the apple orchards in their Peterborough Prcsbytcrial W. caîl to v.-orship.1 own lands. Indians, msin (W..) eldin t. auls' eveal epots f oganza-aries, traders, and legendary MS.(W..~ el inSt.Pal~s Sevra reort o orania-Johnny Appleseed carried Prcsbyterian Churcli, Port tion and dcpartmental secre-iseeds ino the xilderness and Hope, October -d, gave a taliu tairies werc given. The annual planted them in clearings. Ap- on -~Why Mîls.,ions?". spoke of meceting otc Peterboroughi Pres- ipies are a substantial crop in our work bath National and bvt criai will bc held in St.'!British Coloumbia, Ontario, Overseas. Pa u Is1 Churcli. Peterborough,; Quehec and the Atlantic Prav- Theo va; ashrtcxcutv'Jaiiuar l 1. inces. Estimated yield this yea !rcc1JiX. hcld before the aiter- Ther, )'nz werc riven liv is ( million bushels. Ontarlo F . .on, at whit.ii83 werc -. -1 R. '.\Ir' . G. will produce 6.4 million, ai- *pcfet iAr-màtung, Mrs. S. Fields and most one-third. JiHO:W TO SAVE TIME &MONEY in obtaining replace ment PARTS4 Please reasaon with us a few minutes. It's simple as ABC. Here's how we see it. È 1. Most of us will make a WISE CHOICE when huying if given the FACTS. 2. MOTORt CITY bas always catered to the People who prefer to use REASO 1 q and FACTS rather than notions when THEY buy. 3. MOTOR, CITY feit that auto parts were getting so complicated that it was bectiming difficuit for some of us to find out the facts BEFORFâ, we bougé ht. 4. To help -ELIMINATE this CONFUSION Motor City decided to clearly mark al, parts and invoices in a way which would CLEARLY indficate the QUîk LITY. Since we haiidle ALL classes of auto parts from a door handie to a carload of cranksha f ts, the system had to be SIMPLE and EASY to administer, -- -- - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - We devists il the following method of identification: A-N A-R B-R - entirely new material throughout - rebuit from f irst grade new and used material to match or exceed NEW quality. -rebuit using thoroughly inspected and tested mna- tonial. No money wasted on frinus which do flot con- tribute to value. -used part tested as far as is possible without com-. plote disassembly *C-Ai - ýsame as "C"" but found to be in "Ai" used condition.1 Satisfaction comparable to A or B classification can * ýbe expected. *Note: - We also use D-E-F-G-HF categories, but these items are only sold to tho5i L- prepared ta do extensive work. Sucli parts sold retail can only caia -se trouble unlcss the buyer is an expert.I g (Yi )u nîay wish to clip out this section as a guide). * - - - - - s - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - QUESTIONS 1. I drive a NI car. Why would 1 want ta read this ABC story?? (Answer) [)RIVE CAREFULLY. You may neyer need us. Remember WE PAY 111JP PRICES for late model smashcd cars too! 2. Does this nieau I should buy ail my parts fromn Motor City? (Answer) Ilte should hope NOT. We could neyer handie the business. Besides maiiîîy of aur coimpetitors may be able ta serve you betteié on some items. Motor City feels you should buy where you get the best. satisfaction. 3. Why didn't someone think of this ABC system of grading AUTOI PARTS befeî ire? (Answer) Wl 'e don't knowv. 11e have been using it internally for stock contrai for :years. We are trying ta get the Federal Government to recognize it an aid in calculating tax liability on rebuilt auto parts. 4. What is Molior City's interest in ail this? (Answer) MI e just want ta seli MORE AUTO PARTS, give BETTER SATISFACI!10N and have LESS CONFUSION. That way we wili make more inoney. 5. Well, what li;s MC selling anyway? (Answer) Uie have almast every part of every type of car on hand or available- Heve are a few e.xamples. 1964 PONTIAC (YC-A1 LINE) V8 ENGINE ASSEM1BLY (very Iow mileage) Exchange 1price $323.00) plus 3% P.S.T. Total $333.00. (Accessaries: carb, manifiD1ds, starter, alternator standard housing, flywhecl, clutch, distributor- $97.00 extra if required for changenver.) 1956-62 12-volt g.~ nerator to fit niost cars and smali trucks, A-N line exi-hange price $19.40 plus 3% P.S.T.---$ 0 0 A-R line exic hange price $13.20 plus Fed. and P.S.T. --$14.50 B-R line exqdhange price $ 8.90 plus Fed. and P.S.T._ $9 0 1957-64 Chev, Fonid and Chryslcr products 14" road wheels (mast models) C-Ai line $4.85 pi us P.S.T. $5.00 15" (most inodels) $1.94 plus P.S.T. $2.00 (handy for extra snow tires) NOTE:- Rï' "B-R fine" We recammend thbe purchase of this product whenever available. We and most of our compes titors guarantee good material and workmanship. When processing and ma~ rketing this "B-R line", minimum effort is wasted on costly "frilîs" and "drcss-tup" at Motor City. RE C and C-Ai liv es. In the case of used wheels, doors, windshields and many other parts, ýthere is VIRTUALLY NO RISK in buying this cheaper line part. .Any defects are readily visible TO ANYONE. Gli EAT SAVINGS can often be realized. MOTOR CI1rY AUTO STORES REUITPARTS) (Division of F. M. Sissons Ltd.) MOTOR C'IY AUTO WRE(KERS(USED PARTS) (Division of Sumersford Ltd.) HWY. 401 - OSHAWA FPHONES 728-4675-6-7 HRSc, 8 'tili 6 MON. thru FRI. SAT. 8 'titI 1 C1, OSED SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS OUR AIM: - To b î known as "the fairest place from which ta buy ... to seli ..-. ta work fa à . . . and the best place to do business ini Auto Parts. W. don't soul baby, carniages, lawn mowers or skis. Our specialty is AUTO PARTS. -Il A-UTO

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