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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 17

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*CLAS SIFI ED Auctionisýa1es Tenders Wanted Vii EEKLY LIVESTOCK SALES aI Durham County Sales Arena Orono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. * IlOrses, Cattle, Swine, Calves, etc. For truck pickup Phonei Orono 5 r 18 hy 1 p.m. day of "ale. J. A. Reid & Son, Sales Managers. 9-tf Auctîo sa le72uua'- -,0u hcîgs, tractor, muc-:i~ia- chine, baler, new drili. fu luni Of imiplements, boy unctfgrainr, Jroperty of W. T. Locl-. Lot. 6. COr,1,Lý>Darlingtonii1i-,nride lurth nlbys' Trauining Seboo! On Monday, Nov.'. 2nd. Tc-rnts cash. Sale at 1 ohlut-k Fart sold. No cesci-vc. 'îi-d Jack son, auctioiuu-c. 4- Aucriori sajýofeu ueat prtatoes, applc--. lion(,i* vhbo ni e- mnade b a k- i n g, 5tocixcoint, %vooden xc crk-tîr-i-ti. ruuîu.- Jong table., îu-uci.tul-, If) sebool du--k. ut v i'.0 rou titting:. si-alc- - 2 i ' it-t', t Erc coulu-ra.quuî.uc u'to,, In a n.,,, bi iiii auuiu 1uticlçu at i Lo' cii i ( 1uluiîcull Shed~%ibhis Stucli i.I Churri- Seccart. Chici: 4 ]Pe-tbick, acituuîci , ouf thf loto 'Wullianî Wlîi i c se]]lx' Ypubhu-au- u i o lirdav ,Oc-t.Il cil h:- tuîî-re-:- dJenco, Lot ilui u1. Iiarlingtoii 'r-'i i n i iarmn East of Sliacc - thii ;i Cockslîutt irictii:. fullhi- (t mo<dern-uiluuni îîî-î ic Juke new: 19 lîcacl utfliirefur'1 i-ttlc, bcdcocîuîîaiicI kitu-ei firnîturo Polar it-uptr-/' 'lcrnts i-as. h l-uîii - liii Sat-- Ioi tonîeîîî-c- trolul pt ix a - t Fuitier puuctueîulcuu- sý(ecbills. Jack id.aluctu îî- eer: LHcarure li.cru, -e:k FINE QUIATY M'ONT"'MENTS ;AND M ARIKE RS -4 1--k f., *11..i i.. .~ Stafford Brothers 1,I3ITED Monuments Box 1.17 318 Dundas St. F-. IVhilhY Phone lVhithv MOhawk 8-3552 CHOICE lot for sale bc tender. appruxîmati-ly 6.5*x 16.5* outh side of Wellingtoni Street. Wecst of Slver Stre-et, Boccmanvîlte, Send tenders to P.O. Box 88d. Bowmanvile. îît later than Noccmhcr 2îîd. 1964. Terre.. cash. iii' u(rti lied ceîque payabte *-uhlii" 100F. Build- ing Fund siocuid accompaov tender. Hiehest or aoc- tender- not ci'u auvauc-ptcd.4t- Notice to Creditors A AND)0O*IHERS IN THE ESTATE OF' l.EON- ARD GEORGE BRADLEY, tati-ofuthte Tocvui of Brocniati- cil.n the Cout vof Dair- bant, retired tormor. deceased, cc-bu dic-d ai bhe City ut Oshia- wva, bite Cuuuiiy of Ontario,. on or abocut th(, 2011) ch:x' of Septemiber. I19614. R ituc Bocc'uîîoncilli-. Onut. TIIE .TRUS'TEE A'CT IR S.(t tg; il.uic-u sc. ulu- uv j -, taleai' is 1lu.-di tu lu ab pai ticul:ais amit fît i îccuit bbcu-c-cf 1 Initim.micl-i -i.oui or blie ilin ilt a\ch clu' <hu . 1ie tc- a -i-, îui l)ihe c'tlte ccul hr dutricui-itiuuxig :c- Act rib 'l d i l-utuîîu ihiat luui dc n bI-eui u- -îc iuîiitcanid Sociul'uu ticiox 30i-li u"Si. \'., solicuitortfor t hic Notice to Creditors NOTIC'E'O<) (REI)ITORS In u Itue 11 .'i f DAVcID Ga11p a:u i tati-fîuf ITnuof ( il u I ari. ilut- illt 'e "îcîsoht eiocc-n aiu i onIo-riab'lctiitthe -1thd. i '.tofchc-l964ulic .liIt bu vîîî--hc uîtuiotoîî 1S îcl iiin'î 5h u- i.u &Striki-. Suîtt'clrsi-'i: t:on itor ltci-re thu- t]SI duav ou D--îîi.19634. tuil tua' tlicilarîs i td iur c-la 'ii viiiidallerx u i- ilc - it 1x ciii of De-enber 1 1chu uissets of tlîî- ti ýt;itir cc uit Pbc tic5 <-iltit tid tuent uo, hlvuix g regard ont> Ii ctaiiis of x îul ithe s,îiid socîutiilrs tfun- ute E-tauie shuatliitieuu bacý-t- iotlîuu D.-TEL) ai liuoaiicille 1lii I tt cia>' <iof Ot-tiiber-.AD.1964ý Stue& struke, solicitor's for th(, Et. t"e Ou Davuidc Git ltan. 77 King St. W'. PHON E 623-35-11 F"REE 1)EL IVXER V ADS SOLINA The C.G.T T. nmeetin.g xcas Notice to Creditors held on Fridacuy ening at ic - - __ -home of bbc leader. Miss NOTICE TO CREDITORS Gladc-s Yellowlees. xith sec-ci A~ND OTHERS girls present. The presideot. In the Estate of Helena Marv Peggy Milîson cca- sin hie Iloar. laie of the Village Ot chair. The mîeeting4 opcîîed Necc-aŽuin othe County ofccith tbc CGIT purpose. prac'- Durham. deceased. or and the CGIT hyniii. Karen AIl claions against the abovle Yellowclees. seccetacyv. rcad.the estate must be filed citlî the minutes ufthbie tur.t meeting. tîîîcersigned solicitor foocthe The roll cal cc as aîcvrdby' E. tale on or betore hie .hh ach girl giving hi( c full name dac- ut Noxember, 1964. a fier and date tof hlirbirtlda ' N -xt whîcb date the Estate xciII be meeting ccill bu- oui Fcudav dîstriîuîtert ecening. Nocî(n ber 6t!l i o DATED at Ncvatlchis itinoclock. The uioii tait "An ini- day of Octoher. 1964. tercstirug tai abodut Biazil curf E. Richard Lovekin, iTrinidoci." Nli<s Glad.> Ycl- -ot citor for tcowclecs read a leticu' froni a fl-arold Arthur Iloar Mnissionar :v iii Bcd/il 'Plie of- Willianm Frank 1-bar. feriiî.-lias tbkei ticCanîul G;eorge Educard lior. Khoux aîîd deducoatecl b ' v ise Execotors cf the Esta te. presideuit.The lirogronu plln-1 4th>',ncd bx Jaiut Nillîsulusanud Carol 14 ic: >,iîîulcudc-ci rcadungs i L1)EN.D PcCarol andI Pegdix Mittsoiî1 Ntisiir' Hoi.e :uiI ipanocisolo bPc Glaciî-vs TIlE Lodgec" Nursing Home c ce bazcd ou il îhu-CIT pur- onu llI i-ii>'2. Lîccnscd .Ac- P0îî e ccas iield b', i- lic a -tulu uonnoctaition acailable. Kind lc-a c t- 1\1 1 ,liai %i-v Kuix- c- i r(1, Nurse '24 bus. Visitors Carol TiltIS eiiticcd1ie vc' -îone. Phione Ntrs. 'cPm. 'l'îc-î follocccd a ciic o-iru i Wesioc <', Necwcastle 987-4252, fuut:ce a-i-u ci 1 24t~sric.coole s.ciaui tic uîncit c-iîoclate nîulk. 'Fleu'ehiîgý SOUTH Ilai tn Nursing Home iloseti ccithb u îuut <u:cw'.ai Acconmodoationiifoir privale hoicu i nc Taii. a o di serni-pric-abe patients, ,UIige 'TV. FU 11V licensed, Pccugruînîoi li cfuir next ncw buiilding, modern. Visitors meeting is (Xuol Wa v\'t-iuii aîîd cc- t-oîîe Reasonable rates. Karen Yellocclii-- (;aoi, i-xcll Frec ambulain'e service. Phîoe bu' cîîîuci cicti.% cI'u .' xSit N-c-asl97 --t14 1. 4 1-ifart. ___________________Giu<"t ii ;i i :1 -tîcaîl on Peso alSiluiclac- 11101,u1uudt as Re-ru-îd P eronalPliil ip Roînrilîutf Pt:îukstcuck. IIYGENIC suPppîes - (Rubber IlssccîcntoIuu c-"lic- -gUU in IaIIWU <JUdFOof Mr.n uiia' seald encelopc wilh price tist Six sanîples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Ordor Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91. Hamiltlon. Ont.1-x REINCARNATION explains life and dcath. .Scnd for free booklet, You will corne back Unitedl Lodito of 'lhcosophists .531 Bay St., Ottawa 4, Ont. Help Wanted PJUMBING lur liating tmai ico'ntecl. Exp-cieuice sscnîtia t (CilI 9817-42211.4-i Ft'LL or part tinte cc-itccsses ccanted. Apply Mc. Canmpbell, Gc-uosii:î lrtel. siaca.t7-tf MATURE ciioian- for part li e okinuî. c t u sah and î-lîp stuore. Phoîne 6291-70.51. 14-i1 EXPERIENCED uîuîic-atedý toc- geîîeual mcc-k on caicc' ta roi Write Aclccrtixecr5601, c'/o TIi>- Ca itacian Statesmntu, P.O. Boîx 190). Bocmanville. Truîck driver' to cc'ork on îîîoc- iuîg V'ani, vai'couse and c-ilsîa packing. Slcadv ,,entployiiieiii. Goodi benefits. Applicant nîtî.ut ho celiable aîîd experieoced. Write Box 1(003, Bowcsîanc-ilt-. ATTENTION. Whs -vîîî oti -, Earo a steacîx iuîcoiîe. Be-0cuir Raccleîgh Representativýe iii Duirhamt Ccst*tvaîd Bocciiiai- ville. FtIl or part tinte. Write Racvloigb. Depi. .1-12:1-MM. 4005 Richîelieu Si., St. Ieiv M ontreal. 44-i CARETAKER for Nect-stle, Mt-nocia I Aceîa for comitng seasouî. Applîtouits to appt>, in cx itiîîg. statiuîg cxpîcriecc, i f aux. and saiary expec-tedt, belore Satkurday, Noveoibet 7th. 1964. Write tu Mc. S. J. Bceretuîî. Box 147, Ncv,1castlc. Ontario. 4- DOMESTIC heIp waisbed-- Gcncîal bocisecork one dax' cc-clv <iini-tral fari'n cithi:u lit iruile vutuuuitv' for elcierli' cotuple. Tranisportat ionuîsîp- pliecl Re1il ' -i tatinig daY pre- !ccc'-d anid ruile,. Write Adv*eu- tiser5(i*-'. t,/o Catiadian, States- mîan, P O. Bo\ t190).Bcîcvnaîs- ville. 44-b Piano Tuning TITAN(" Timning. A r i h u r Collison. Plsouc B923-3900 37-tf Stray ed- FROM Lot 17. Con. 8. ('tarkc. lxvii stt-ers. niosuýl-. red. approx- intatel' 800 lbs. Caîl] J. A. Cuîcscuîdden. Phonie t.5 R 9. Oroîîo. 44 -1 Sr. Citizens HoId First FaIliMeeting mas : lelît onuuTuIIesct:ii Oc-t t121*11. uit liii Liin> Cuî:îuu iît't f(' - t t uis' c-ei' ii; 'iift- 1uuîte-c. N'sc -.;tocce Wli uu-. 'IC' foi. t lu'e cce:îu 14, cx- - comnidatti5i i' -Sl theu' îîîtrod'îcod Ni.. -Wetid'Be:i lori x-lîodclilî,ci the nuidi- c- .c.'tllb hier c-oli '1eu11d i - t i:- - uof M't :uuue. i ' 'cîoin ' thie ;ott-î atndija 5ec-tinlio ,cot'- h 'oiu:utrn L ii Mîndi ci:- unimaned a' thec iuanîîohiv:lier tatbt-r. I- Nlurd-ucch Bea',oiitMiss-NIa: -- tbî-î iluicu Je.-i. Jo'- 0f MusDes-iig, .c icl i h \a lhcirîugb >'iyiî sut- d bxai. Aller a short busitness nice'- ine iCe acouut ider i ltou i cc.îcL:iie aroip amui a gantle- grouî:u The -oaci 'iz' troui' cv- akc:îhicNI:'. X Strik'- who ru-.d exscerluts fronn -i bDok ionu 'Lifc in lii>- Eartc Lx" crCanlp:s The< >c c i utîî:î tai-r Ocr t-uncliserc-ed uc' te inîmbc:s AifClub il Tthe !cuy c-door Wnri'ofîC'ue ee '- H .îrdy-. The u:ostSc:.uo'Ct.ic - mi~ctngccltho heid omn Tuet- iay. N ocembet' 10' i canns a - wnsarpcr or. the ciay dom!'.,n "FOR QUALITXý SELECT USED CARS" - SEE - Mc QUEEN MOTOR SALES 1,LIMITEI) - Earl IcQtieenPres. 219 KING ST. E- BOWMANVTLLE Atithorizeti lDealer for Rambler Cars Phone 62')-:)")36 NOT'l-: 'I bre ik ronshîîrtage of cars here: As our 1965 models continue to ho sold at a recordl pace . . . we are fortunate to have top local trade-ins commen in daily. seus heoreoiOu bhON 1964 Rambler "f770"p 2-Dr. Hardtop Glcaming rcd, automatir transmission, power brakes and stcering. custom radio. Immaculatc. 1964 American "r330## Station Wagon 6 ex .. standard transmission custom radio. W~hite vwith red trim. Ilere ks the wazon for the econionîy.-niiinded(. 1964 Rambler "199f0" 2-Dr. Hardtop Bcige xc ith matrhing lrirn. V-8, automatic transmission. power brakes and sterring. with continental back. This cair cannot bho bld froin ile %%. 1963 Pontiac Parisienne 4-Dr. Blue. V-8, automatic trans- mission, customi radio. Excellent condition. Sec thîs one' 1962 Rambler 4-Dr. WVhitf. customi radio. aîîtomatic transmission. Ai-1 condition. 1961 Rambler Station Wagon 6 xyl. standard transmis- sion. custoin radio. (.ood cdean %vazoni 1960 Chev. 2-Dr. Blue, 6 cyl.. automalie transmission, custom radio. Ready for .%inter driving. W<eekly speciaE! 1949 Pontiac 4-Dr. Formerly oNviied lx-h :rî rnachinery e a u.A lier one xx eek of (Iriviii, il this car failsts <)go . %%. c e x\il1 pay tie tox%!N' ..1).1) Auto Show Prize Winners: lst - 1.(o ennelIy. 301 Cochrane S. Whithv. fi nd rim n V. lii cock, Darch lloiise. B.T.S, Bn w ma nvillse lird -\o(rinî.î Claîrk.- 475 M.ilton St-. Ostiai Service Station Open f rom 7 a.m. until 12 mniduight Now is the lime to Winterize your i-ar: Antifrerze and( snoxx tires. TOWING SERVICE Phone 623-3401 Magi4 0<-lober 2,th. 19)64 For *hE le &ond - ekMagin trate R.B. Baxter becid crîii-i nai court and Magistrate J. D Burger irafi,'(-(-ou1t. Croux Attorneiv G. FBoi-1iica,.st¼1f C'obourg. appeared in t.he for- ner, a:îd :! the latter T. F- Cla rke. Can-lbe1I:ord. at for lhe iCvi MuCîc:of thIe e .cic earc bv Magîi<tra*te R. B. Baxter uolwerned à aIch arge ta d bv Ni t- YIir i-cii a. Nexc-ionviie aainst ha. per - lt cî, Ne 'c- tOf\ l e. :îenana'd bis rson wattc: . Stailc tiat tbeil pionuu-r i b.îii -. w iad c: .41:1 ed i i-ni ia ' orei cour wiii-ru - t id beeîî kept nler a býaîîkt. Yare :îa, Senilor said nu liacid n 0iîi in Tîîr1uii o. 'Fb r ia' ,-se:i) tenîber 1dlIci mdiic ii a lbld tihe (oalt tiCiuhli4fl ai ni terpruer i- Coî ýietui, S Roýý PP , tIaî ic l ookid out i-wiiidoxc at 9 a .. !'" a Ciir p arkcdini ili:e Yarcm-n aid j \i* 'bn, ne ini iiil. ie aid ~ 1 x'li i ookeci il, r ~ i1ý .,l( î. t ~ l e A 'i~ ~ ilci î -o .w out Io * beîî aiîc ld Imceot t. I I- acici (Id tha t (,1ild uitoi yac-rni t 'wo î :-c - otcavs i \i hl Cons1ite l I. R . ('oî-iîe, OPR tbld t1e colI- Ya celr bcizd conîci o b ni Scpterin .Mr. li-ollc' di ci l kîIatxx lcic- I id le oicok ngthai lii lu- ljfl w i \ î Motora 0on that date. tualiwi bad colirl ilui'lc- anid -i.iiie iîed aiboit I7 i lf- adicic bliZIt uc liuld l(îit ti Iîic li 11: lii b cli loir i-î' ut ui II 'ioil. 1wil îia.--:cci i f' l icbîid<-vu- iîeun îat tie "ireiiîa ricsdc-îi- Mur, i1014-11 Itati d Iuc bac1(1 u;i tlce Sc'Ptcnî bcý- 71hi - mu a:skeidbie soitii' i(, uccc-oiidci zorn-n pîb forci ii- iiii TFii i icie. Iaci bo i - i -cî l (-, addc i.cii t),Iîu o.- c c i \i: 'ciî'î-(, Jlcil-i i-l tit:ul ilat ii ownieii o0111 icYuu011o(e- plaiicd iblatlichî'ad put lu-1 tai> eildest uiîid--ionil bilu foir Port i Pipe. c-lwe t ic Ir) to a:t iîc cl i .11 - c'î(,-- c ý iIl(ý e i iti 1 ciluol c-bîlci- -S!ic a il ici i(, mh .aîî liad ','ullfc Io bcd(. Io,; lie oirJ a7:0 mo îid sabe iad bakon lb c-lu md i ii 411 lc bs? a ]]cl (1iiiru Neicleici i-a h lîcr - hlii ianc ~îx lir Ile. i-eo is N<xt Sîu iuul N' iniîy ccl-c- I ki'îucc-ii i i uti-r i S Mlarks Utu id (h ucî-Ito i1 las. Otaruinicciii e gu- Mir:. aiici 'cu- Iiuit T anehuî cid Nuil ..\lrs. Il.i, 'Fini. .tu 1îi-i Iariuîr t ihozii cý"i iii- t I lauutiui ()ri Suuuu chuyix a uch c r' tuai gc-sb i 'sic. ii;n ti : , Pc: - )- cc (ý c I andclfui MUisses Duaî i c T'uk ami Linda G'ibs. tr-nui îau ung ai tsO:lic, mu-ce 'l'h' rs, dci>- Ira guuCsts ni .'clr. îudMrs Bruir-tThtiki 1\1. andr tt Nr. Bru, anluiu uîuiid. cr, îtucvisutur:F cxv'L %Il-.t andrl t'ut. 0. 1Ltim Mc. ciuî Iiull. 11lllî .ii N.Y. 'I: . MIah-i W i lie. NIi-ýstcii Wui-r. NI:Mr. JluhnîRovcirl. 0. l T. Guîc.Pccs.toni le w( x <ie Sciuiv u4uie. ts ni Nîr i ic Mc - Chart-. Lanîg. uni id anduuifuuîîîîlx haii -rt, c u Cn l"u. Ctit 'lirx. Cuîtuîîandr failc , iiauip tonî. cc-rue Suîtm-îcuu cduoriî- gtucst-. of Mi. andrl NI:. R. Fc:îi ser andîrlsoin. aic tcxr. %Vi. A iruiistoui Bruîukluuî. xc're lcu i ci gihof 'Ic.uuicItirs. BRuuci Tiuk. oimlc- cnh uiamli, vcitucu S:iicluîc u coting xciibthtre i 'hIc- E. Laruner. Bliickstoc-k Mr.t- undctNtrs. \W. B. lin r Oruîi. -i - Su u iclo c ieSs.:0 N'clr andch tr- f-t'.R. 'l'ou A utrtuil_ ohU:lîîcca OcLHu pc 'uplI- uiji-- il a yucric cii sitcucl-i> u uhît '.îis i ircili Yeliucc-iu 's tiicccitug tstI , nc.u toi, - Ilu i l cucuu Mi . Gi:11- 'li - oui Mu - R ou, u ( ui -il , d ( iii cuî Mr'. i < cx i T !i cii- .î Da , n- 'i to, . (ITu-c i iii i '1 t f 'i-lî Ci l eut. t < i s i' c Rt-cS:(' .p a idC .', r. '«ui 'cli (lu ci d-M c -i fIr liý oii i hci. ic o'ai tM' - i J - "r a hn I:d hha iur i '.' v:uu (- r Srda wscrs' ' iea J i u xc iiiic i- 'c' d t'u'u i ir i <un r' aui k (, i - ' 1ýrr. " .t ,,' in Ptîcut adtittiodc u- fobie 'ci cULi G:iutîiu-tuc The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlle. Oct. f8, 1964 17 failure Io obe 'v a traffie sîgn, to obstructing a police officer stra te 's C or SIO and costs. or five days. iin tbc discharge oft bis durv. Wiiton Perdue. Ponty pool. '.Mag ist a te J. D. Bur -ger fincd .11was fined $Io and costs. or hirn e101) and co-ts, or 30 da,-ýq Held in Bowmanvie five davs, for specding on'ici iail A'uîe asked for '14 Libertv Street. Corporal K. davs ro rni¶0 oc ran ileb tîp. cdccthî'rees Sp-Freeth N.gave bestîrnon.Constable I.. Bîcard statl o ioiaville Mr. o sefa \ul- enîberth i, esdrîvinîîg P- Tc'o Orono c'outbs and lbî'e thatI hc- :î11C(j atR. Pa'- tic, coiî'tr. ied Ibisef i l etn ndinîiŽ2ed.heard the charge',from Toronto were rcmnanded ker lhad be-iî i abeci Io a cesi- savin- she and lier txo-uchild- was Tecence V coul, nýcUi BailsoruîliNc-rbr eîe nh:cSc: a: 'c' Keix ad 3d Bil orcad wa~ e a uvecea un vwas allegedlv en had gOne tou, anid that Constable .1. W. Car tcvright..$0cs. bywr Robert ssatt iî îs cc-te He sa:d Sthex had rctirted honme OPP, tcsiified. Gordon York. 18. and bis bro)- Bcuîntoîîi. 8 tfrietîciof the b: sbcrtIc after îîoon. A oii-nilar c-bargecv- dis-tîci'. Ronald Fdcvard. 1-é. both banid. liil:nard and av- lt-n tuld Ille court iliat lier mnissed again-t Horst Preuks- of Orono. Victor Edrniniiti i- tcnioted Ir preve'nt Constaiio husbnd wasstili asleep andîchcat'. Pearsuiî Ac-cîîcî Toir-!t,,i, 21, NMichael Walter Ha',-Packer i-fruu-, 1 :cxnSolît hIe 'dIl'ad rernauied asileep initl ot. Tihe lxxrfor, bbcdc- riisii, 17. and Johnî Charles ar- -abo t thrce ini tbe afterîîooîî.' feuise cca- D. R. Vine. Toi-on- Galtocvac.%tu1, all cf Toronto. Ir Defense vouisel c-sF. C. bu Ecîdence ivas gic'en by Tue four charges i1d OI1T r :.dnî. onanut. a-C-î-tal'. -ec RESUTTT.T C OU vWidan uownavrateM11-CoRtbI K -C Laton. ar-r-.agaînsi cach o cut ,s c -srteR B. Baxter i- i-teni À Patr:.k ChîambersNcwton- biîeft Of a garbage can fro'î Io t!!'he exidence antd cscrccd ,c-lite. aieadcd guiltx-ï.,)aaiJanies C. Stcc,'enson, Oono,_____ iunnen ntil Nox'cnîhcc u'Q*charge'-laid Seplemrber 111h. iheft of gasoline frontthe. I li Iiraffic court. Robert L~. .aitiiîg ,c) produce evidence of; Clarke Tom.-îsuîip r ac t or.' McDocîgall, MI> rs Street, Oslî- ins-uraiîea,. Convictionî brouglit ibefi of gasoliiîe fî'on-i Fred aca ic'(adcd go lo': 1:i1-a fine o 0f 'iaîîd costs. or ta Cox. Orono. and theft ut a, DlicI"d dric-iug OCIoher 2n d. dac-s. Thle ofî:ce gic'ing ev7i- numnber uf ermpli pop bottlc-,ý MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE rlit ccas fuied t7iand nuie dent-e xc a Cn-itahîr cJ. M,. trom the Box- Scouts, Ncwý%- Cnuta Nei fthte -doltir: cort-s, or Io uîaxs. 01cr i'- î.castle. The-so e ýre sbner Cnsl a.lntcrn licenutce as :us supçîided fuir Carryuing a ioadred 2-1sein- front the residence of Scout- Oshawa & District 1h ci-i nioiii ls.Defc ose colin- tîît il iibsurcs aster Anthoox- Williamsý; el c lus Terence Vc. hel1vlin Rex ac reisTrnto. $50arnd t Robert Brunîtoo. !02 Agiics Real Estate Board -Roic'av- In-est Toronto.of$50oand SSreetOsîacca elcduilti-- t'o0î1 Itiuiax-1 . îe pleaded -- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l L)o hl i-futc'd itct l. harge c- l i(*-.u -t-Lci eat on Kin,> S* ree(t.- aiit soped iin aocu a îîtc .casý :aid October 2îud. ind bec oiicl hi cîcî l iIt 1an Colis erc aiion Officer. , Mouuîiev Fin-negarti, Ciover- Powell. tolci the cou'rt lie iacià dauStreet, Oshiawca, xcas con- checked tlle car about 3-30 SunsRRet UeWMEaLe vci-ed of cdric-iig ccvile h lsa-i..on bue Second Conces- ~ U ~ ~ U~ t uc- cne wxc a. idc'r sîistîciioi -îon uf Clarke Towxnship anîd SBDVS ,s?.'- aiucd i <.t - o t1 cu0 . l'1-(1 -I on f' i bl(, front seat. Hie Lb tl t NB s iclu . wocoiciced- u: bataed t!sial a seconîd rifle xcas O EITOD Y...AN)HOS'OU oi:tc<f faîlin Io shixuowxv il,,iciiitihe back seat.CM NT-A! XI '10EVU -ut iu-uacat-Magistrale J. .)D. Br"- LOT IN THIS BEAUTIFUILY 1'.N D andît io.-.îr if)lumore dac-s il Sbrebt, Toronto, $10 and costs, SUB-DIVISION - a: - or ciii' monîli. wtîeilie c. Tic-c fiî-cr clii gai cc1- ouinid guiltx ut illegal pcusse-s-ý - :i-u ca: Conustauble K -C ruon tuf lhq Lor-. ConîstblecI. aiou.(PP. ttc-Musc- oi l \acie- aid lie laid 11w MM TerececV'c. hello. prioted oll charge atter clierkiiîg an easi- P NH O S thiothe1 acciised wcished lu bocîîîd car on No. 401 Higb- cl,' lis cunr. %,ccbîiî ad bei way ou1 Satucday, July 181b. M DLH M SOE AL ninoî ivI pux s fies. Traff:c-ticeket cuuîVieions: M D LH M SO E AL DacviGi-orge Vaix. R R i fCuliîiable h. D. Labon. OPPIý FOR YOUR INSPECTION Rocc'uîaîîc-llc, pleacled guiiîcv Zita Vaîîbeiois. Septersîher 26,. bu iîîîîîaiî-cd dric'ung on Octo-1dcicini" cithOut an operator*s 2 TO 4 F.31. buu- '22id. anudl.vas lfiiied $ý75 lcece ]() rand costs or tic-o anîîcl<-t-b, oîr Il0dax . lusda> ,s. Kcînetiî Goselyn, 0co-ý ciu-iig licence ccas slU.iupeud- ber 8ii. faiding to Icax-e haIft FOR SPECIAL APPOINTMENT nd fo he-nîîotîstbc road fi-e., $10 and costs, Cciusbibl I. Riocc tij; or fuve da"": (Constable L. PO E6339 fuucl tuat lueIl,(ad[met.leii'a,-; Malionev, OPP), Ronald Sun-; CLi. c'S car îriîc(ertiiîg - West der larud. peed iîîgon 1Ilighcvay _______________________________ oui Coii-e-ioiiStreet. aî anicl401. .\uu-t21h, $111 ancHmeiuit ilîuui it vas xceilvuug ail1oc'rîcosts, oi- fuc'o days; DanielHmsBui s hIe ro)ad îIle stated Ibat he Mohacli. speeding on 4r)] t'uî'uîcch hie crcuiser artin"d Htbvi. SepItember l2th, LOUPAN DEVELOPMENTS LTD. I fuinciccort ontlî iLbc-rb v$15 Oaid "osta. cîr fi ve dax-s Strî-ît. cclieu-c lie lîad -,tcqp,,j (Conistable J. Schultz, 0PP) - m iil1.ý Mic-hael Opitîik. Septembre- Keuii lu DoI-luIa l litchiin-ii- uth.ilîrcupcrlx' parked car.: sonl. Liuidsax-, pleadc-d uîot S(1aîîd cosis. or 5 days: Don-!u's Ash Cciv t oi'M LoW As $ 1 , O guil *x- to impaircd diinig ouinus 2 00,Jl 3tI edn ýc n-usI19h.C 0ilv c io lion lihw 401, $10 and' broioglît a fille of' $75 andrî rOsts, Or fi\c days: Yvon Gox_-- 1ct. cc 10 ia>:.0uîd 1--.0ette. September 26th, tailure 7 3 9 .A. j A .cu-oîî cirge. illegal IM. - for a cmmcial c'chic-le, $2?0 -se.ssoon of :tcoboi, ccascc wi-land costs. or lit days: Gregory dî'acvi h\, hie Criucvî.WulogoîSeb br26h For Appointment to Inspect .Ik rciiur-k. 0sliicca. Cuiuu'abli- IHETHER N'OU WISH TO Phone 623-3393 -G. E-vanîs, OPP, ttctucl ni 'RA-VEL BI' -pcc the accusecl afler tolIow - ,AIR/ RAIL or in0. h iii îîîrth <u on hca>h Constable L. Ricard andi Coliî- EAF RASHK z1abu R.Parker gave cwî'- TA S I fun texidence -ouîîeroiiig Consit theîcnîindhitinutfaî-Ccîscýd c-iien JURY & LOVELL REA L ESTA TE lii h -cajsicougliti)b hepoTRlEicGECY177 CHURCH ST. BOWMANVILLE - ua ici chsarged Tch -AGNC (;l \- Lecx-us Pîîst - .ai Botss-mlanx'ilIe 62'à-3361 -duicciit Dricve. 0sliicac-i cia- -~--~ ~ To Complement a fuli uine of Horne Furnishings for spaciaus living s ~ ~OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS ~ -~ u' las introduced a CARPET DEPT. s ~ ~ ~Visit aur Showrooms ',k -;< '> >, 44 and see an exclusive with Oshawa Wood Products à 1~ ntroductory 0f fer! BROADLOOM SALE MODERN LEAF. . . ETASEIL Beautifîti I caf ',rollETA SEIL Du pont Filainen t Nyloit 15Loe1 ClorsAREA RUGS 12 and 15 foot w îdths 9'x I12('N'C S \z OT FOAM BACKS Reg. sl.9. -S1RGED ALL APZUNI sqSq. Xd REG 18"ilx27"I THROW RUGSs3995*9 c ELT PAD ROI LED I iMl -"10 (i'TOM R 9~ IITH f XCII ERLG INDIAN RIVER .. . PALACE ROYAL . . . Fabtîlous Scroll Dcpth... i0%Plush W(j()I. .. 13 Decorator Colours Dupont 501 Nylon . .. 15 Colotii-s 12 n 5fo iih 20 Vear Wear (;uarantee R 2eng. oo id h A vailable in 12 and 15 foot w idtii.s siL.sq. :ýd. $112-9-' $13.95 sq. 'd.s2.95 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCIS Ltd. < COL RTICE SERVICE - QUALITY DEPENDABILITY SHOPPING CENTRE4 r 728-1611 7811 r -l -i -i i. i -i at Dykstra Foods LEAN LOIN PORK CHOPS GRADE ".%'* CHICKENS 3 - 31-2 lb. aveî'age lb. 3 5C SIIOLD)EROR BUT'!' PORK ROASI 491b HOME-M XI)E PORK SAUSAGE 2 îbs $1VO0 S>N XC1<lME KSave RUSK 2 sp29( 13c RITlI:TM I~'I R fBoxSave CHIC CIGARS u99C 7 26c TOMATOES NEW C ROPID INh OR 1IIITE FLORIDA 4 i)2C NW CROP GREEN ONIONS -3'i29c DYKSTRA'S VARIETY FOODS

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