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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 3

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tebrldesmalds were Mrs. V. Sbock, Miss Ruth Romanuk, bothofOhwadMs Ileane Rahme of Bowman- ville. The bride's small sister, Miss Theresa Conn<>rs, was W eddi gs 4Qflower girl. The senior at- tendants were in ming blue brocade designed with semi- belled floor-length s k i r t s, j' three-quarter Iength sleeves and cardinal trains falling from the shoulders to the hemline of the gowns. The fiower girl's frock was iden- tical with the exception of a small cathedral train. They SMIT - MAL of erwck nd M. Dvidwore ming blue brocade wed- SMIT - MAE lofBrwickan M. Dvi ding-ring bands with match- White flowers and candles o Bo wmnle ing veiling and carried cas- decoate AlertColegeMe- The reception was held in cades of white and matching mecora1eChAplbeeîlleefor Ackerman Hall, Albert Col- blue tinted 'mums. in 1 hmrragelofel uthillen rlege. the bride's mother re- M.VcSbok saa Rae Smale, Lindsay. and Wil- cevg nalggon f was best man and the ushers liam Alan Smith, Oshawa, at French blue satin brocaded inl were Mr. Fred Stevens, Mr. eleven o'clock in the mornin-;silver and wearing a corsage Ron Simcoe and Mr. Bob of Spteber he ifth T'!Of pink rSes. The groom's Young, ail of Oshawa. ofRe Rber theK. N. T' cnemother received in a floor- T Rev.Robet K.N. Miea length gown of turquoise silk Te reception was held at Lindsay, was the offîiat2ng1th Royal CanainLgo crmn.chidnan. r wieHall, Bowmanville, where the cereony.The ridechos forhei guests were received by the The bride's parents are Mr. aThe bride ahosesorfc bride's mother who wore a and Mrs. John Smale of Lind-;goîng-awavotit, reso champagne silk worsted, cha- say, while the parents of the black lace over red taffeta, nel type ensemble with cham- gromar n.aniMs i wîth red accessories and pagne blouse highlighted by liam Smith of Oshawa, for-, white ostrich feterht hand-beaded crystals, match- mery o Bwmavile ,The groom's gift of -a white ing hat and corsage of pink merl ofBowmnvile. : fo stle ompltedtheen- carnations. She was assisted Mr. W. E. Fletcher, Un d- fsole They \vilI reside in by the grooms mother who say, played wedding music, shawa. chose a jade green brocade Bel ril. anothd Mcish, The bride, who graduated sheath, matching hat and cor- Belevile.wa th soois. frorn Toronto East General sage of yellow 'mums. The bride, given in mar-Hsta inJn 194 a olwgthrepinte rnage bxY hen father, wone a Hsia nJn 94 a olwn h eeto h white gown of organza over'heen successful, also. in pas- happy couple left for a honey- tafet, doredwih Aenonsing her R.N. exams. moon at Lake Placid, N.Y. laceand eecipears uîr -For travelling the bride wore lcealnth eiplsfeu fnoma brown worsted suit with ca riesent crownfand sîw IWHITE - COIVAN peari mink collar, matching ar rieschnte rorchsand Temasag f is ayaceessonies and corsage of carred hit orcidsand The arrageof Mss aryyello w 'mums. They will ne- stephanotis. Margaret Cowan and M r. side at 291 Marland Ave., The bide's matron of honon Reginald Arthur White was saa was her sisten. Mrs. Rober'isolemnizced in St. Joseoh's Oto-onget ted Huntr D Kisegkla.B.C, RmanCathlieChuchBow- ed from Montreal, Que., Pointe and the bridesmaids w: avle on Saturday mnira_ Claire, Que., Duvernay, Que., Misses Gloria Tirnble of We(- -ing, October 17. 1964. at Illbuurqe Nw Meio ton, Donna Maccka%- of S mith*s o«cIoe-k. The bide is the dau- Aibuqurue, N ew MeCobo o,n Falls and Lyrnu Edwards olghtcr ofMnu Mrs L. Con Oshawar,NY, obugan Preston. AI] the attendan*:s non>, Bowmanville, and the Te rdea. usto w o r e similar floor-leng:1h' g«room is the son of Mr. and he rideeas parest rof g o wns of carnatiun-pirik Mrs. N. Allan of Oshawa. For honoer a sveal parisWinr crepe. They xvore ehaplets o Uc occasion bouquets of M rmrri atge Mrnd mr. feathen carnationý and carricd,1te«us nhcdte Don Wright were hStesses for crescents of tni niature ccamna- chuLrchi. alnnadtwlsoe e tions in bicnding colours. Rex'. F. K. Malane was the atlinen ante s hoer held The grooni's bcdt man -xa 's officiating clergyman and the manvilie. A kitchen and pani- Mr. Ellis Anmstronc o f O- wedding music u as played by tysoe a ie yMs tawa. The usheis wene sMn. \iJ. .Booth of Oshawa. Mr. tJo hower wsagn bMrs. G Donald Buehana5n )[Montreai, .1. Fanr of Bowmauville was QJohnedd te ao rs.hoG. Mr. Robert 1Ilunter of Kits- the soloist. Quinnv ate lte' oe gukla, B.C., -Mn. Peter Tyre Given in marniace bv her1Bwavle of Montreal, -Mn. Ian Melntosh step)-fairhr, -Mn. Leon Con- hA byMislanus shoe wa nr, te ril ý.rea ormlOshawa, and a similar shower Ruuvu.u.u Pain - pea dted oiewith given by the brides co- Rheum tic aîn aofpwite plac e oie neck-workers in the Punchasing De- ASKFORli Plenat the sie of partment, General Motors. ASK OR lne.Picas attheside ofOshawa. A personal shower D OLCIN the gown tell fnom dress ma- was hel ytesafo o' for fast relief -or money back! ýeîr;al bow ' ,sad wene hig" - Ladies Wer staff, fFothe iighted 1)l'ix lace appliques. A~ home of Mrs. E. Allen, Osli- Why put up with pain day after day? 1t's cathledrat tra;in. flowing grace-aw ThPucsigDpr- quick and easy to gel th(, blessed relief fuît1 V faiîi a fiat hnw and a you want with DOLCIN. Countless l'sotiledrcss mteril, was ment ai General Motors also thousands recomrnend Dolcin, be- i'05C cf the niadeira, cause it contains aspecial ingredient to ccd wiýh appliqued lace. 1restedtebiewt speed up the pain-relieving effect wth- Iler hou fant elbow-length Te rom wa reene ouf stomach upset. Dolcin worls so VCeiI of tulle illusion wa.zlith a chest of sterling silver1 fast and so effectively that you buy iton caugiEht te an organ7a andýadacarb i alcu' a money-bacls offer of satisfaction. For ptlpalïr ,and efr nd achair bythisgrobai lu pains of rheurnatism, arthritis, sciafica, iefowhc tam hegom s lumbago or bursifis, you'll fnd Dolcî n is <cîrnîd a cairiarle cf cedý,pthr truly effective for fast sooffiing relief. s\weetlieart roses. pthr Ask your druggist for Dolcin. 64-2 Miss Bonnie Kehoe of Osh-1 awa was mail of honor, and: LOGAN - RIDAI NOW! "S ILVERPLATE )THAT HAS THE LOOK AND FEEL 0F STERLING'.' NEW ELEGANT rJ By 1847 ROGERS BROS. SILVER PLATE 'il A design of luxurious weight generally found only in sterling flatware. Beautifully uafted in gleaming si!verpiate, 'ORLEANS,' presents a new concept in beaut, INTRODUCTORY OFFER! 40O piece service for 8 $ 9 ATTRACTIVE, NEW ONLV 6Y DRAWER CHEST OfWLY $25.00O6 THIS *GRAN D OC CASI10N set combination is also available in these other Iovely 1 847 patterms B ow ma n ville Countice United Church, prettiiy deccrated with stand- ards oaf white 'munis, was the! setting for the mamiage on' Saturday afternoon, Octoberi 10. 1964, ai 4 o'clock of Miss' Mary Jane Budai, daughter of' /Mn. and Mrs. Bert Budai Jr., R.R. 3, Bowmanville, and Mr, John Penny Logan, Toronto, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Logan of R.R. 1, Pontyp-ool. Rev. John Romeril officiated. The wedding music was, Courtice and the soloisiMr Ken Mayberny, R.R. 3, Bw manville, sang "Bc-cause" andý Given in marriage by hemý father, the bride wore a full length gown of imporied Chantilly lace over taffetar styled with a sequin adorned' sweetheart neckline, and long lily-pointed sleeves. Self oe caught Up the bouffant cal loped lace overskirt at thef, front and sides, showing a floor-hength fill of nylon tulle. The bride's exquisitely designed pearlized flo rali. semi-Cleopatra crown heldi her shoulder-length veil off silk illusion, end she carried a cascade bouquet o! red roses, white carnations and stephanotis. Miss Jane DeCoe, R.R. 4,1 Oshawa, was maid o! honor and the bridesîaids wene Miss Janine Allison, Missu Carole Greenliam, both o! F R.R. 3, Bowmanville, and Missg SuIsan Riznek o! Courtice.n The bride's sister, Miss Kathy - Budai, was junior brîdesmaid.'t They were in identicai floon- length dresses of noya] blue r peau de soie satin fashjoned se with rounded necklines dlip- gi ping to V-baeks, three-quarter le h'ngth sleeves and fitted bod-b tees. Soft pleats ai the waist -e gave a flowing look to the l semi-fuil skirts. Full-length V j baek panels falling from the n, V-back neckline highlighted the gowns. Thmey wore royal w blue peau de soie satin, flow- Iý en accented, bow headdresses th with îatching over the face a cinculan veils. Their bouquets l0 wene cascades o! white car- Pe nations, bc Mn. Jack Hallowel Bow- s manville, was best man and w the ushens were Mn. Aluin A, Cole, Bowmanvjie, Mr, Bnian Proctor and Mr. George Scott, co both of Toronto. The junior at usher xvas Mr. Bobby Spicher Sc o! Oshawa. C *The eception was held at Sc tlhie Lions Centre, Bowman- Sc ville. The bride's mothen ne- 1V r eeved the guests in a formai, Li floon-length gold gown with po fiited lace bodice and semi- on FC br St M. a 623-3303co MVi tcol we cal Exchange Vows in St. Joseph's Church !Local Cul TeCnda ttsaBwat-he c.2.16 Manriage vows were excbanged b>'Mi and lfi s. Rciiinald Arthur White, shown in the above photo, in St. Joseph-'s Rerm&tn Cathîolic Chucch, Bowman- ville, on Satunday morning, Octobc'i 17. 1964. ai I l ocek. FornnanlvMiss Mary Margaret Cowan, the bride is the cau oeitf Mr. rrmi Mis. L. Connons, Bow- manville, and the groomn is tihe son oil'Mr.taoc] Vins. N.\Hnof Oshîawa. ______fo b.,.- lneland Studio Ceremony Took Place in Belleville Mr. and Mrs. William Alan Smith, abovc, arc,511(11 Lowing thein wedding in Alber't Collage Mamnorial unday monning, September 5. 1964, at Il o'cîuck. Tric Ruthellen Rae Smale, daughfror f' Mn and MVis., Johîî groom is the son oaf Mr. anid Mi. VIllan-I Smif h, C rnanvil le. full skirt cf peau de soe natching pilîbox liai a'ed ramil a t groom's mother chose a fIl~ length dress of nîint gi-con! o rsC u l seii-fui I skirt aind fut tic!ho rt- W d 2 e r ice, anîd niatcluiiuîg huai. Bruti W d 2 e r vore corsages of xx iiuîc ar- natons. lvii. and ruh \r-. l,ov:.i. fi ak. Befone leaviuîg oin to W'Ieax n'pla.riît ie , wedding trip to Mnciutreal, Tue cL, 'c'i' ntlY'.onril)(ti i. i ,1 Laurentians, Ottaxxa andi nia'- f hi sixru x iirrr. r î thern cities, the bride choinn! x'enrz: irEiwhite sheath du-e» xxs r 0i1Ou 00. 141 r 1, lng sleeved lace jacket, rn! xx weddnig huiikhtr' , 'r patina shoes and bag, non! piil- hioie of'<i0u nit.lic" box hat, white ghjoxes sind con.-ixhea n r1 ic I rrr sage o! red carnafinî Thuex' arichi leleniliI'î'rI ' x will reside ai 65 Wiuîdenorne i iii rien! n îfi ra.u T;i r' h ir Ave., Toronto. xvas tlie chru iihîc'r nuf M'. The bride, a niedica! ni - Mc> . Jrîo Il--udr, Toneuîrin, 7ords c]enk ai Oshiaiwa Cliiir'. ftle groori xî'as ajur jr.attended Mapie Grove Publicesimd Mis. Fr'auîtk BRiricie. Pc r.- School. Donex'an Coleguste. manvîille. Tiie bric x a,!- Dshawa, Boxvmaoî-ille HiglIi tcînled bY lic'er-t -ztir l.Mu chool and Court ice IihMcîlllv Ht nds. Touronrto. andcitir, chool. The groom a4tndeèd niroouîi hît bis ccuSi. n i'.r Wanvers Public Schonriand Huglîson, Toronîto. ýindsay High School. Hi ti On Oct. 1 lii. 11-. tb- i ildt )olice constable on thie Toi'- and groon i .of S r 'r )nir Metropolitaur P oh 1. 1 xxCc c chuinci- gue. t ui of' r ýorce. patedmnrd caughitî' nd udlcshardMnýl. -uid Several pate ooe ic Mns. Lloy-d MuRobih. Mn. ride befone lber mamniage. and Misý. Ituudle liax" t'.c'r Ers. E. Haliowell, Mes. J. daughtans, Lx'umcia nd Bit tank, Mrs. Gihbank and Mrs. Inithecxeiîgrltx I. Logan wene hiostesses fm-ý the bride aimd groomn niet ri, linen shower. A miicellan- the spacuous home cf ',M. nd us showen was given by MI\rs. Robent Kent, Bowx iîan- drs. R. DeCoe and Miss Jane v'ille, when abolit 50 attench'. )eCoe. inhludumg thmc>e fmc Toronito. The girls ai the Osbawa Oshaxwa, Bowxmaîvuiue a r linic attended a presentation Hampton, Mn s. J. 1lynd>Surd hower at the home o! Mms. -Mrs. F. Rundie, înothcns fl Buchanan, Oshawa. Mns. the bride sud groom,xxuca. Vm. Polak gave L misceihan- present. us showem. and Mr:. H. Ah-' A corsagc cfivhmite'm - son and Miss J&nine Aliuson was pinmedni u the bruie, l ere hosiesses for a cup aundlhec 5151er, Mnr,. Kk'tt. suda .i.cer &hower. 'boutonniere on the groom bv, Wed 25 Years Mvr. and Mrs. Chas. Welsh <nee Winifred Lancaster) were married on October 7th, 1939.1 To celebrate their silver wedding, their family, Mr. and: Mrs. Don Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weish and Miss Betty Welsh. took their parents to Toronto for dinner on the ev- ening of October 3rd. On their return to Don's home, the couple found most of their brothers and sisters. with their wives or husbands, waiting for them ini the base- ment which had been taste- fully decorated for the oc-ý casion, with the three-tiered cake and candies the centre of interest. With a few weii chosen vords, Mrs. S. Murdoch (Grace Welsh) on behaîf of ahl, pre-. sented "Buck" and "Peg' with~ a modernly-styled combinatwin buffet and china cabinet. The honored couple both ex- pressed their thanks, and the rest of the evening was spent in visiting and enjoying the' delicious lunch. BLACKSTOCK Married at Cou rtice Mr. and Mrs. Aus~tin Bea- I cock acconîpanied Mn. and r..Arthur Hyland, Nestle-, ton, and visited Mn. and Mrs.ý Byron Hyland and family,l r Omnene, Sunday afternoon. Misses Gertrude Henry and Doris Griffin, Toronto, spentý the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bab- cock,' Port Perry, -Mn. Clar-, ence Kentnen, Whitby, and' Miss Isabel Henry, Bowman-1 ville, called Saturday evening,1 and Mr. and Merrilli JHenry and family, Bowman-1 Shown in the ahcue photo, following their mr vilie, weme Sunday visitonsi nage in Courtice United Church, on Saturday afler- with Mrs. Arvella Henry. noon. Octuber 10, 1964, at 4 o'clock are Mr. and Mrs. Glad to report M'ns. HerbilJh er oaTebid stefre isMr Hooey coming home froiJh er oa.Tebiei h omî isMr Bowmanville Hospital today Jane Budai. daughter of Mr. and Mns. Bert Budai Jr., (Monday). We hope she mayj R.R. :3, Bowmanville, and the groom is the sonl of Mr. continue to improve steadily.1 and Mrs. Douglas Logan of R.R. 1, Pontvpool. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnston! and n. arl orrli vsitd -Photo by Robent Aldsworth :Mn. and Mrs. John Rowland,'r Millbrook. Sunday. land aond Mn. acd Mrs, Austin coached liv Mns Art roý(wal. Mr. and Mns. Donald Lane; Beacock wec Suiirlav dînnurRcv. B.A. Garnett of Qucca-, and Terrv, and Mrs. Lewis gucss orMi. iaf Mn. Bvnun St Ulited Clîucli, Lindsap Peance, Oshawa, wene Satur- Hyland, Onence. %vas the g.uest preacher tor- day visitors with Mn. and Mns. Mr. aon] Mns, Cliff Olver,î both services. .r J. Pearce and Mrs. Craw-f Toronto, and Mn. Robent' Hal<ý Yelverton's white ciuihLra-I ford. i lran, Pont' ypond, ealled on! taken on a ncw look due ta' Mn. Joe Avery, Mn. andMn. a)nd Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. tlhe efforts of a nuniher if« Mns Haold LamerMr.j Fniends vïshArnold Wil-ý public spirited citizens of thea Grant Larmer and Miss Edna liani: a speedy neturn fnoniconîmunity equipped vi t h ILarmen, Burketon, were '3un-I ConinýLiuut.v7 loepital, Pont paint brushes, dripping no,.es, day suppen guests of Mr. and r nn.. hattcnîng leelli, numb fiin- Mrs. Ted MeMahon and fam- -1l) tl trvelling lu Mn. sdgnblue lips, frozen feet an-I ily. Mns. Enýnes, Fren ancd Mn.,spattered coveraîlis. Thec i-ce We welcome Mr. and Mrs, aoc nd . Iarny Craib wwho'and walls of tie ehurch hall Lany Mcki t th vilae.'lcrvcTuesday morning fower egîx ci a coat of alumi- They have m.oved to the home' Florids. nitro and the churcli ceceive',i they punchased recently fnom lMrn.dur!Ms. J. K. Lsýw-,a generous covening of rîanslî- Mns. Lewis Fitze. r renn-e. Munilis snd Tonimy mallow white and looks a Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain, wecne einterta;iicd liv former'1000% impnoved afien tîtrue Mr Clrec Marlow and Mn neighbons of thie Mynîle corn-J old-a-ftennoon pain-ting hepei. Bill Marlow took a drive tol Tmuiiitx-o (hu Sundax. Malton Airport, Sunday, and' - - -Tenmeo h ie also visited Miss Anne Hood, Brampton. YELVERTON - ---- -- Saturday evening Mn, andl Mrs. Hector Shortridge andý Conigr atuli5î o eMr.andi Bill ententained Mr. and Mrs. ýMn>. Dale Stîrî>on (nec Cnaol, Allan B'ailey and girls, Osh Cianter> and te Mn. and Mrs, awa, Mms. Arthur Leighton; Wm. lradlev(rir(e Bof h Mc- Mn. and Mrs. Frank Baiîley, MlIn xi have enibanl cri Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mackie. onthicirr'naicavoage .:,n the occasion being Mns. Short- r; the sea cf niatrinioriv. May . ridge's and Bili's binthday. hoth î'iuples fard il srioolh :' Messns. Don and Jim Swain1saijl1nrîg spent Sunday with Mr. Weir Yehventrî n omimuriitx vxxas Swain, Tononto. xx-eillrpeeue ai, Jaretx-îlle i Mn. Alfned Thonipson, Whit-! Uniteci ('litr-h Anriiversary,' by, was a Friday visiton xith Ser\,i(-(,, ci Stnday witli tle'ýiI b ,Mn. ad Mns. Orr Venning. 'Yclx'ertnîofr. Choir jpantîci-! Mn. and Mrs. Bill Procton Patirîg :in thiç.-oinnig service -- and Warren, Toronto, visitedi Mn. and Mrs. Russel Browni !Sunday.f l Mn. and Mrs. Steven Neanyr. ri ' 'c and four boys. Downsview. U ea cr f udzl Mr. and Ms Elmer Archer' and Jim, Whitby, and Mis Marilyn Archer, Peterborough, were Suîîday guests of Mn. ' A iultimlihonaire %va~s be- l and Mrs. W. Archer. ing interviewed about his self- j Mn. and Mrs. WilI Ashion. rmade fortune. "T nevcr hesi- Mms. W. Archer, Mrs. George tate." lie sald. -to give full Wolfe and John, Mr. and Mrs. Hamrv McLaghli attndedcredjt to rnm vife for lier as- the Silven Wedding o! Mn. andrsistance." Mr-. Wilfned Bowîan, En-. field, on Wednesday evening.' ".'Xnd ,just ho,.% did she hclp?" - --- ---- asked the reporter. Midget Ail Stars said the million- Midg t Al Sta aire "Iwas curious to see if ht i ler' w'as ayicm h \vi sî.nrgthe îcgister fli- fra iIZ 1 j eMnthveh~o. Clae.BaIvleon Sat Cari Leslie *~~~ ~ -i'(ei iaIue MissRaise Ice Funds COiE 'R Smialacof'Lindsayv and the LTIE AE INS )shji,iorlinerlV (Of Bow-r Bowmanville Midget AIl- hlome e'aiwg i-i dangerous. ('leaning fluid sliould be handled 1).nirir' Wiliîham E. Riley Stars; played their first exhi- only 1)5 experts. TI'ke your drycleaning fo your local dry bition came Satunday, Odeo- cleaner and ai-nid explosions, and fire. M1 k ~ 11'nadrig ! aber 241h, and lest to Etobi-, EOR L1AKBNG -NVEBR:r th(ý1caing f acoke 6-3. EOILPR BNG -NVME Ir (i a nnrg tir their 25ý Next exhibition gaie xx'rl Proceeds for Santa Claus Parade Fund jr r' urrinag, xvntten bylbe played on Octoben 3lst at' \tr ','~ er rrî, t- .i'tatiens;r7 p.m. against Kingston IVlIid-' ru \ , xliîov gifts fgets un Bowmanville Areria. ,jr_0, I >n d Bowmsîîxille Midgc-t Al- leasrW MA3 r ,, r,, be 'cci' Staisare hocldinug a ciiocourtf S . A ' " a id table 1 Ban Blitz on Novenîber- 1idi . r: r', r r; nu er acola-1 aoc! 3i'd. ruBowxînanville. Bai>ý ~~r ' ~ ~ 't ', 2 vil] he sold to buy ie irne__________________ _______________ :rrrrx 'iti,' cup nosponýon-. Bans,;xxiii he o !cd r ' ' ]r.'.' undie' ru he Oth par't of tcxx'u ni 'rI crt9 iîx ix'gis. fntu utTeday ni,-lah7pin. i( FtR T H B R O S . :1 ii .r i . l 'e ",)!I\ dti M ondy nit ue ai 7 ,tîr a Tir~~ rè,' r'î 'i-d i Pesekep7unoe K ing :-t. E. QUALITY MEATS 623-5081 r 'i' r I r e ' , nti- ight oui and hlep to keep ihe "Fl Iliu :r ut o! a nd'ac]P io a av -: cui xx d'in iboys on c. r ~l . ~ iti ulx'n- -- -SPECIAL SAVINGS .1 ~ ~ i ' 'CI:i r 'e ýrrm imvTDLLI('IOUS WELL TREWNIEI) r -i uiarii ' n Lion. r .' I"taJ.L5i.U t>.adMz.R aio 'I lite'. tir -reniîîg Mr'. MnadMr.R Dvoi i -n~irtertsn'ed at Mn. and Mrs. Carl Ellîi, Da- i rt u.iirr iint cnîmmunity îtd son! Kimberley- attend'n rritc'.ui. h'ail.lbhe t02nd Annivensa r y c f \lvi.n 'as playing the Leausdale Preshytenria -n 'V. rinrim ?rturhî . Clmuncb. They xxene guest, 'il ili, 'tt' r' ie. Mri Mr M Mms. Harolnh FilLe, 'lYx'.'ttr.'nîînî su ~vr. anni faîuly. f :rrra.riruisfer antereni ' Mns. Dm-k Dsx'ur-n zind h rinckxn-îîîi:ias per- attended the funeral cf hi. irreCt". r'.îrn erateni mueh aunt, Mm>. Jane Cowan of r» 'ceAirutu'ýtwas held Newcastle, iiri Osh'awa o n xx':.M. Mar 1t Hoskin TueslaN'. Mi -. Daî'ison aln! crîtu-staut. A de- granddasughter K.m n Elhiot ird(iL. I ii. rvc by cous-.r iisited Mn. andi Mn>. Chai-le. tii- nrrr r rý iii'I r aIra Jxenung. Gi- t, Pe*tenbnrough. 1Ih an n. cls eparteni after I Mn. andi Mrs. Peter Freei xxiýrîrîg anx sd Helene many lo! Halifax, N.S., visited h;.s Plri dii, !'r arrriversai'ies sud parents, Mn. sud Mr'. Erne0f t '1J 'Irrîand\rs. Kent 'Freer sud failix. forî t t r!1 iosrîtaliîv .Norman Samelîs vi:iied 'Mlr 01) -I c nai. Oct. 13th, Mn. and Mrs. John H-amstra un ilni Mu Li . e lsh, Saleni, Goderich. i n rc Lexe sud Helene Mn. sud Mns, Grant Thomp- u uauin> part v ai their home, son spent two days in Hamil-' 'r c' tr xx x.'Ee presentedton aimd attended the fuinensi' 'r ~ ~ l ' l rin azy Susan of hîs brother. Charism b Li..e MoLzntain flower Thoipson. Pbî.B. Vaiý. J Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hy-, SHORT RIB or C (ROSS CUT STFANDING BLAJ>L ROAST IIIB ROAST RIR ROAST 49c IL.59c IL.59c IL J-'rf»slilix ,Iade Fre.,hly Ground j Fresh Sliced H1: 'il) f.iILESE IIAMBI'RÇ; POItK LIVER 3-1b. tin $1.00 3 bs. $1.00 3 bs. $1.00 HOME FREEZER SPECIALS FIJ1O\1' SIDES 1b 39c ilb. 47c SIDES 0F PORK IPOIRK LOINS - 10-12 lb. avg. Cut loto Clhops or Roasts -- lb 59c OPEN THURS. & FRI. NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P.àl. IIINDS lb. 59C j~iI MARR'S JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 39 KING ST. W'.

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