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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1964, p. 6

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The Canaiiian tate 100 Teachi 0f Instruc Using Discc bY Mrs. Rossn, barr Beihl o'-eyO tt0teaulel frorniBoss ni f ýibýo: Lisa COneie an h txr pDarligfo.Car Nortil Cuvitattidedth theniai okslop R Bt an 'on Ocofibe16ad17 TÉh Work ýhop adf'le bx' theM e rs T'aurship Te ceeîs Associationu xx'thîthie aý S'statice of the F.W.'FA.O.anc Co-open aIrai froni pu.blic schînui Inspectors E. Ear \'ts, Bowrurans île andlJ. HBaie of Lindisa\, ir. Lor'aine suiiimlî x,> hi- tes.sith M.S'sGîadx's \X'iii Mn.Belle Snmith a i c5hi Vena Sargirîsou ilîmchuar ge c registrationu. Mr-Jean Argue pnesicih t ofMauxe-ns 'osx t: shîp 'Fcaclîems Associationp.,- $idc'd foi- ail >cson>, xx et'oi ed the 'Feachicis Te>Betlraiim aV tmdc gave a fnief outîire îî the punnposc of hte wonksiop Inu ibis area ut s comnpuisorn to eacti by thue nrcxx method in grades -4 artel8. Miss Margaret O'Keefe. Pi i- T'nary Sînpenvnsar for Peherfin ougli Separ'ate Schiools. vas uui charge of tIre Fridax aftci- iuicooiîsessionî anîd taiked ou ileI~ newv netbods of heacîînrg arîtlî rnetic ini the Primai'; rattes "'losh deas arce uot uexthe rnatn dîfference 1ns11Illethîm-i tbod of learninîg bfis' easonu. mi- derslandnng thie iirdcnxinn7ii, fcndanienhals T'he nId fbrnof repctrtinidîts simd talte pr'odnced rîassed boredoni. Wi XTriushtî repane piipis foi, heu niesx'xxorici xse aie liing ini andt e future tuey knosx iothiiu a boul TNe oîust heachu thle stn'.c- hie of s'.bee-t sud use con- ci're mna tenaéis toii tnc Cube boxes. buîîics of sticks, flarnnelgnaphs. comuntens. vîiip, etc. are uscd ho leach ilus aire C1îguts "Begnînîuîig Ili: t acte 1hr, lnsung conucrt maherai' chulut reniilearnti lat inoi c s acdi tioui givrng leýs'i> subifihr trori Simple addition. subtn'ac- itou and mxntplicatnoiu anc eastîv explained anîd Irai-muerc hx' vîsuali and soricourretc îîa- terrais. Teaclîung hs.tisiiess. You might be 'driving toward disaster! Lnless witr auto insurance offlers the coverage you need * .in the amounts v'ou need *.. and wthh the relnabie rigency service vou deserve. you're taking a long gamhle whenever vou drive. If vou u'ant ho drive in confidence 3nowîng you have souind auto jprotectroi, getin touch wrth STUART R. JAMES i ln,,u t'a King st. jE. Office 623- 5681I Real FI'staie Ronn nianville Residenre 623-54931 5'4 PAID G'îUA RAI TRUST CES 0 issttued ibnarno iipxsaîds foi' :1, l * arn 3 ,, %intet ysearlny ' cliqtî *a authoî'ized i ( anadian Ini anci trust Itîitsi.; r12 Bey St, Torno 35 lumIl ani .man, I;ov -nanN-ille Ort. ?28. ffi4 1at Pcker!ng on Ott. 27th An invitation from Enfield Meet at Port Hope UC.W, ,Toi, 0 heni onth dvexenlng of Oct. 14 ,,as accept-, ers Study New Method heclionaldl henmeeing d:eOlevfV o e fl U C.CW. purpose after which ex ervýoie a chance to enjoNv a' :ting in Mathematics c '~Jîdlnh ae rojc * *am m I proyed mos: t nere g.Ms R a h r ia Ui ohnston. a spler d d arator. [lie East Centre Disrt Tofo t eis nore, aOct. 31torn iIl n Dv ry R a he ha D 161 gav e îiý a most normativete W omens Progressive Con- a l le Pol Hope' Golf and ig Car adi address on the wxork done bx servatîxe Association held ils ouîxC d e vlo her h.îsband. Di-,JohnstonI,,annLial meeting and etection or C'hýivtO tri(>OO eru i l Od', eadiiig il) u mdlUpi iaIrjoliana and xx'th pDmclures color'cd M51 I-IS.Haýrîon Siîh f lis arnd our nowîedge ~~~~divjýioit lacis Tlire eis an i11-o oxtecodtlOude \vhtch the\- work -it niakes lisTYRONE dent:o rs,'ira. B C ationalrei- ndr'san .~t seaan '.t v prtcpa tî rmnea mo-s beste nd ete lîrkT xe aesc oronto . Natînnai Drr'ectoî *alsO oi" :oîn xe tg o Ihu eanr T oi' uber be ond vdci-ful people. in oui mis- B roue Home and Schoo and Mis KaNe IVcFarland, erence soit Id Ork eete d morerstui. of.dsinar es. hereby health giv-, wg meetthi Tii-,da -»\pnee7nrovncial Carinn. bersad ~ if( itcrnt Naes for t'le lher nientalitv to accept GocL. Flynn of tlhe Beli Teleplione,: pr'ecediiigth(- etectiori of of- United Sta a group of Grade 2 studerîts . allie urumber bt clari tie iliereby rnaking their' lives as Engineeiî mg wi, lie gre'st ticiers and gcnerai meeting. Eaclî peý h vn Btha\ 'hool Ciîtiditterence hetiveen n iîubersçGditrdd'aekr is MFrad iîtîe eie Pc.Da-nec Nartiehe , V i c-cs rd ie enteh.ncresneu- The dessert card parts was. l'le 'Fy ros« paper cdrixve vx il te followrng execujtix c ChCair-- ' ganizatrori tora er s arly c;îe. esfrae enencs ndeqa a cleed suIcce:ss. despite the ie btis Frida.vcommenclng niai-.r. Mi->. îreHait. PeT- poîtunility t d Donna Str'orrg, obb\ Palmer ti.ors are empliasized. There i. rictemerit weaihei. t4pmeboogr Vie-Camnlr10h * a)id Maiene R5 le': aui arrîth e a5d empliasîs on We 'nad a splendid turri-ouit GoMrs.\-ads blci'Ib iiiiiîUiad car lie e mat ioniptitalion and es*-- 'a, Ciricli aOtt rrdy.Oct. *25. A serNicN sstil.asqurjGerg sxrd5. Cu. tiîcr ramE hiacl buar ant c onicteionrA number lite is îrsed M i'nsMaue a ade parts' vas heid ai Raîpl bourg": Miýs. S. E. Eisderî. Lind-l Mcnor'al1 .ead\ aii-sweirs wer e pi-of of Itillfu. trate ruimber relation- lax Wiliamn, J Ils~~~ n1iî: incicî edleso srp nt pttr .mail speaker. and hiilslne~ d idNHillk. wiîh 13 co ss: i Atoi-Wllai xii ep MIfiage ou 'carseiaxesnli sis pîad pat picsspreseri:. Rex. C. Dugal 1Newxcastle Seuectar\, Mr- Begrrîrng 'hW hevqIiukl, asimlatci Appoac r)installed the nex' slite of or- John E. Foute. Peterboroughi lectioii of 'na:thN îîkl asrnraec Aprac enpa5:e IS- a layman' proved rniteiestrnig!"hsoi th nen\-s approact'Ito mathemna- excrfiN the chidreritrth îd gyifrativeficers. Past Pre<riderrîs. DoLIg Rpt 'rîîlg 0otire Centenriral îsoca tliail telting bfie Teaclîcri: Next Sundas will be baptus- and Carol Rey'nolds: Pr-esi-' Pr-otieciotf('oiseri've WOont-x -\ . :'t:î id ailsxs i e ueo toireenatta b'he a unadents Alf and Jean Garrard:mcv lMi', t Harrison Siiiitli leetron of loi foliowed xx'îthî thle îeaclîei _chrldvui. ýdiscovei-rrîg îïurn ________ - --- ---- Vice Presideiits, Denn:.s ah'ic'îspeaker.'poke ut tule political i askiiîg marisquestronrs regarýd- bei, reIationŽlîips and toi' pr'- ' ,l ane: er. SieScre:,airre. * AiacDouiaii-Caiýtici' Libraix to Mrs. Sn -li iris htfpiasc of schnol %wor'k. mg uiber rclatrorî5hip. tieBuIs1iness ulreciory J.m'niand Jane Woodlev': Trcas- htic iiiltii( mi(,\\-xNational "'tle pressi 'l'tic speakcer u as iitriiduced of seatxvork actrx'rtres as tearu- fr iiet s. Torr nd iilAnn PIca - 1lcadiqlarl'te I s fiIi ldrng iii Otta- brg tele rsi bi \ Vr>. Ern5tie Robirnsor ilig situationîs. rallier than test- Ac C o U nRta n C y arîce: S onii arseixoi'5 Raioî xa Oîîe l iax,(eestablisli- iext cle(Itic andc thianked h\ Miss Gliorra îmg1: 'inderstaring arnd insighît and J udýýHi, Bob and Na'--cd tilie tibr-ais . sle said. xx c piePar'd It Sadîci t rallier than nmemor'izîrîg): ex- 1 RY . IL IN ' Lamber'. The ex'erîirîgwa.- hav'e o11N' Iust heguri0111- tritjer p's The ladies, of St Paîl. ,ploring marîy Nays ta do things Ciîarteî'ed AccGuntant tlieri pent lit dancing andi Centecriat promct "tîlesaîd iCîiirctî served Ra Inrkey ii 'tirtaiftovn ue 93 Ctîurclî Street gaines. BOX turîclieswcethrpilaiatrsdpo' "\lis fielr lt te Parish Hall. Head thee Lise Of IrIimber' serîtcrrces To 623-.3861 dî'apped in rrew.spaper and Itle ur(ae f Canada anid Liinselves f able gufesîs xxerp Rex. Regru- express a niathematreai rela. vENR AE ROS\ ere uapably auctioned hv ('anadraii-. the Progressive ed mrin fori -a id Rose. xx'ho also xxelconicd LrOlslirP 11, problerii ox i5 Chartei'ed Acc.otIntat 'stAlfed. -l'lie' einparclo prepar'rig ic 'Sos f ia Paert xx lf -asked the biesng: Miss Joan i a Il s arîthmatîc problenýiSLit 'î'rîe i Bnb\,ex h guitais Dorcen Blac'k anci 'da' AdeqIiatc polîtîcal re tweil 19,57 e Porter secretarv of Mansvers: anîs\%er'iig questions from il't'elS 25V725-99à3. Carl Clark. searcli caîî tur )it'o lId e e IavN7 -Teacher:' Unit: Miss Coca Bali- tea('hPX's bliroghLIontltis [e -s~2îiawa Shoîprinig Centre e\. Peter'borough. pas" presr-!Iturc aîd ticonclursion sard. WM%. ..BI. COGGINS Te.e'idîîcîi fEx- edent oh F.W.'FA.O. Irspector, "Tiiere is a \vhole îexx is. Chartered Aceounitant a oreis xxas iIed on Thtirsda-,- Ear Wcsle. BNvranvllecovrv pprach l'ie cho: scon élorOchober 2" We operned xx't'a Miass htr Bwai ieeoe' prah Tesho eon io'cou Marn-s. We -ang Thiîs: Mis ,raret OKeefe. Peter- sliould fie a place xx'ler' e w. NpNxs Libi'aî'x' Building is m tles Wod.tii tioroughi. Mrss MNyrna Saurîdeirs, teacher arrarnges thie sufiteetCr Kn emperarîce Sts sM ale -WoI hr Prcsideiît of Diiî'hanî Cine unit, îîatter anrd bases file plrpil to ' Phlofie 6-13-161? xxe saîct aur Purpose aind Mol-, l o- ofIisetr ,Hdicv- h asv[o atlnla nKax Davev had tire wxvnr of F VFAO npco tHdsoe h isxr alea ALE, FRIEDLANDER stip aro.Tu 'p ch a eBates. lirîdsax WVnî _('rx'derý- 1lit'ai l'Ialonger' be lauglit b" &COMPANV 'îaîîîehWî. 'Élie. t 1150W Ný, mar. iaîrs J ESnith Dpi. the >hut-Lip-arrd-dlo-t nmetliod çkartered Accountants takeî p 'lip.Tec ollectionix , of Ecîicatron. Toronrto arîd Mrs It niust be mnade as meanig- Licensed TrusteesieeedW hatadu-îi -Jeanî Argue. The toast u to h( .fut as possible." in Barrkrîîptey teai qued eshaotd RiahX1 M 'IJA -QuIecýI xasp"Fidl rs Te speaker xxas , îodci j64 Kinîg St. E 1 3~IGrahlani ted 1us 1i gaîlie. "RF AligutI'. lis W L etand hhanked bx Oshîawa. (îItai io 'aheble'eha1oi4i)alsani Ou) heia lfcof thle Manvîers R. H. l{olderi. ]le ehdorcat n 'r_-chiers is bu ore Saturday a.m. session IMONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS sig-song 19 Explorer' gir:sol il pnie-eIed a giltin Miss Coîa Ali'cd ilaiixvell.BA Bsc &('.atended happily. We ciosed Batie lesx ti aperrinfor of Othass a xxas thui. lectu c ' ('liaitied At iojintariiîs . xx h 'This t1, x at.e !)e. 4foisni .-nnetin .,ih IleSaur shvaShppig ente -ChId S ART NOVJ TO SAVE berifoitsci unmehin x l tli Studa.\-nîîorrîrîg session OshssaShopingCeo I jesorld."ChItdreit i xin s' Ille wor kshop. Mr a ,r'adtiate of .2-5; r Jsî anad our pi axe THESE FREE COUPONS tIi-pevtons Web5ti aîid Ba- Car'letonî ard Ottaxsa t'rrrveî-- aiTieiMis. 1I. SkIIIIIe! . \'rs. 1 tes ets pressed their pleasure un ires. well krioxx'n las a pi- Hon .1W3A'toriIto kC A S(-ott.Mr > .E.MurIIpiN'anîd "e%. vou totld Rgc ti herîîg prescrit aimd ongrýatul- broadcasten nl) thal area vii- BA . 75ojlieîh. BCoin_. C' A. i A.hIils attenîded titX'IS URE lRE aild the oaciron akîîîg aîrthor of xe'a chool tex' G.\\' RrctîI. C A.. R.f.A dessert hîîiît'heriî ah ColuIliis M STRE VE' lie iililitiNe hook and piesnnc'usedT'rustreP ieonzi o !Clitircliast TILînsCa ' afle"-- tue ticeci of a Woi'kstop IisPec*tOl alOttasx a Tetre.,C.A . î:o ir.Ross Sarpad \Mi. , E Stnth. B.A_ B. Mu lausseit tatked abOtlJite RfI Arltoo,('AVs. A dani Shiarp of Einîisk:l- R R ater. C 7' eu also attended xx ti ivr'xîoîîcu y h aed fi ui TrnleD ept n - pn ti- l X ateg> WLSN&BROW ai ing-c'oi. 8 lesel xxlieetire chrld sioutd Charteie cc voiîîtanîts Seeaiîce foilxrciCaeaiîii'o'noedtevn-pîcîaulaticrde7ai WION&BROV ?des( t :eria;i las c'liigcdthav'e conception of a set 1 t4 NiiîgSt. East, Oshass a. Ou t evmed aciile, nuinteA' nhoi glu imcs developmlet tia: b i rmbc. fractronî a t1 Paîtiens FExhibit helcI at t he, I .iOlî s uIlI h e ct. l i ad n ui b cs a îd f ie itîteg e r s. lH c R o n a ld t. D ý W i so ni, C A . ( 'e tr . B o v an ' li ýBcs tic ofh(ecouIri butîol:' nhscussed trie enti e t'nîp'ita- G. EdmndîîlBtiurowss. C.A. B'Fln ur'sda1sa of nIîath-eîiatIc's Ici discox'eline-tIseacesnîd 'Sels' Liisiig Phoîne 728->; 5.M 511 rsa udtianhanesSA'VE ni ii(i i:liaieisof îirnsx -mai" exarnpies 'Foti plus -d - --lyeswi led i.U r ýess i aiîd deoîaîîa- hir'ec equaIF sex'ei,îses erin ' e nd eiildi'cî iîîs n are c oil.staîmt IN beiiîg fouinci u'ý 1ture e quals foui. t fince C i r op ra cti C 'niotO-torit'p .a't xx eek a:id rn od usiei.îsiîg niatht'îia'.res tiiis fi-e eqials fintîcI,. i G. EDW'IN 31ANN, D.C.' faiis' Pars'es s wWood-ofele i suiedu-Iing anisc'tribution;: ten i ds'ded b; fisc equats('li:r-opractar lexvisnLted Mr , S WILaggdî a .t)cîoiîig\ s tîug rnatlîetilatlc- It tîrcae ts.o ty.pica Isan-1iitechi rc orh l sna a ai statistius aîîd autoinatioa! "Sets' tatiglit. togethieln id fl 1 liS inn,îloYseItei'tOrî. v h spcoirîîf'o"îjý tIsillg iathleînatncs foi. clesîgi reverse. Sets is the î'ollec'ts oive623-509 sius pn 'tnoii.a '[les' ai ~ E"BI ae1< aldi 'cI rnpîetation Ouir vis- il i Ileiltticîaienîîat uCiali is("'Offi toui s Bs1Ap5509i huent x istd."Dae t tics aL'- 1' an BUYav~ tearn St cutiltur'iaet iahe Iia te ep >sl iinxok d'_____ :t icindlier tîarrei's Mr /1 'îtir ljcre'aeiithicatts xhiic'hi hin eai - ,çaNýloge i n,, .. Mr D e n 1 a iasuriMis. R 1).Hodgkn-i O R K C O R N ýaniom hasîn fouitdatîonri oi iiigSets D. UM.R'D.L.DD naîd _Mu;iliiVatt O RKe.R nithatiîc' 'We intisl sres.,- niatina 7.7)King St. E. Bowmianvitie aind childrnii.Osmiaxxa, v-,e: 'e BS'BV Sv 5!Bso r -We iru!teaetmfile alre" irsahesens' grade leve]. We fie ou-Satîr-day supper guestîs 0f Mi av )c BstnBr% m o r ee f h n eitmît; R e la t o rs bp Oni cS t teac li so th at the i l fie H9 n tou r 6'ao o da I v - -. ý r M , arnnir' var'îous*topies mcî>t h e lias a mnore iodeniapproacoilClo.-ed Satfin caý,and i Sn. -Mi'. andîA, lMr's .5 espcieISu tiatknîtîv edge ti oi Iriodermu tivng. What is Office Phionie'-623-579o' trwilI t-ohin alid Mar ofoi onrnimtcs ho the knoxx - tatlîht ah eavh stage mnust c'oit Bes Phioiie NeNsu'atte 98-j-4-261 s usîted (ln Stîîday vt I Icrge of altirs " tr'rbui to, afid îîot eauflict-- -- - nr Mi.DadHa O BS BL Sae t'vl îhn SI' Smith sti-essed ti e mecd mw iîsx'iah follows. The pupf: DR. E. IV. Si SSOýN,_ n oal ail foi 't!Idetits al, al] Stages of 1îî'.îst know Iltle neasons, Ille L.D.S., D.D.S. Oaks'ille. ETBY ae5!AlirFn thein dicvx'lopinîeîrîb fe in po x tic.of' al) hbîngs. Gis-e tin] Office inI bis honte Mns G c- o'RN\la! Ofte finidamctalinîde"-tarudingandi h ssl' (il-100 Lu bert.v St. N..Bowmans'nîle *:,le, îsjtcd M r pl-d PJMKI. tact-, cieax and methods Of derstarid tlîro'gh dîsr ovenv Of Ph Ione62-s 64 rePare.Ms V "N %*x courses aie chataceti- Mur. lianxx li au issx ci lnaili' 9 aitt r)'o6 p ni da ils 7\ Woociles sx'eee i îie' BItS I HUI Sav'e Sc! Hereford i/ed tIN chianges- aîd additioný, pertnntîhq'.estronîs tbotni I _Weuestx Sît gliesis of Sm anîd S'il.- pi mv e'is of s;ticiN and artsised Offce H-oapens irlida,\ ON D B E IcalF, . llice, abui exiboosý ingSI,. iownansnile Mu aid VIns Geoige A"-' >tadimign of thie piopen tie o'0 t le lv'as intr'od'.îcd b.s\ W I ffi itr' . d:ead. My. ailci S-.-. hNs 011r :îI:ibc'i s\ dcii) aiici îîuîdeî -- . Iei'k!eC5'aiid ttanîked fi; Mrs 9a.nt.into6 inda ils Altdr'ead aîîr Mjaxij)e sisiter cs.u FrHalwenAs o ,Iat)iirrg <if hhe conicepts of art- Aidre; Roseseai Cn,. eci Satur da ' Nard Swiîcav ' r .arîd Mis. Ceeu.ilAtîd reads tvFrHllee o chAri , ijh1.è,IfInt ii. îulî î ' 'i'tîe uîichioî x s seseI 'Fleplti ,ne flîe - 545 , o mCa.s,11 Hear Ian la*s oblemus, to okf- and thieni;eîushiie rpaii.iauus to fetter ti thetllnat i5urc ai 1a legnslatus c i e- ie fon puart *svn renl poticat s'ce'.'e stui- ni C'anada snd thc latirouah xori oi r- xxwiii sase the op. o tontrîbute o(rimedoi- is pr'oJcct stitî îax c 1e eltcred Inu tIre Rcorel Book.x c 1a'.'en tri tire bifiran'; ah fîrst ssrihsa coi- Coiusen'vahn'e Parts iuaheriai thelinluhi-ars sund 10 iiiciuche a toi - hi sinst \ fiioni att uitil thii * . oku..t ( Il nu1ie mfut t ltesand miou tacirg L-.ISi)Ihie ion. Buît 'xxi uîst lut Im xý-sutaiuutlic im cire thesexeri'«. be, sa I b, ia atsCi- tgeti uîug tuthe"'Ic h Ilue (onisensmitivse le Ii beis'inuneu i 7anmd 196:, XVc umî.ý ýur Xmas Turkey FREEI1 iis iossible tb get tAhsoçltttel ' .l"ItEU, voulr TU RKEY IFOR rougli Io liecerber I5th, ail Red & WVhite Stor-es vili e îsmiii,n 'KEY BONUIS COUPONS. ech ot oîh 5c. 'i'hecse coupons are aivail- .in t wo way's: 1. One Cou pon with cach $i5.00) total liuurchase and reccive VREE COUPONS %vith nmanY BONUS BLJVS each %veck' dm tins cir tertthnnise 551' th i ('poit tmg the fl4' s io- mictu as xciy fex' mess spaper.s xur et \cl c egiifor- the punýi ipose ou dîisIseurmn1nlatnîu1g tlîcI esss, h'.ti-rahllier for-T heicurn Pose of proiimotirig a poltîcai par't; un anîdudate". sire (-oi- tuimued."Andnt he; thave rncscn tiaig'dtttir chuaracten - jîsi if a tic\% spaînen . il r-. ritt i icteszsari lx >.-At tIleltre iof a potîtca i vanupargutITle mrain task îîf ca'.'hîîîcxxspapcr nis ho tcerat uts ýopporieuut. at ail' t".it . .ieur'îia uisîts vi ate t hein omxx îîfake mx> "lie \ "Tiniti- [i e bignisciu imti5'i'St'simad oresenît pn'eiafin.ated icmages. 'T'iu c mcarrn-aiged nIexms er e beau'> lttie 'elatioînî t o xx ta actua lis tmlapîîciued'* AIr> tiaîtîîî OllSîîuîIItîî ud lieu auîdienuce thiat thre nîraîcrîts m!Ille ue i " i-plus '."inCaniada us iieral il f irai Iiilire lasi, elctmiit olini L)c'eibaker sx'-asz siitearcd xx mti "ditrt s\coimrent xxiii c hi teral1 ieader Le."tpr Peaiisoni ccuunlci du o sx'() ' Thi-.uis n-sýictiH a ppn'iac i r> sltt'k scisei'tusing, sindt uimdt- ti,' tiniruadieni tf* lispnrotri jhargngC 'aiiaduan vs fongot Ii 1196:3 Ii e\ailimie' suaicu'igrrizt..c ii lll a i l iii ilit' big lie', b"<nltuou iig A Mr- isr 11luit. chirai uuu nitr i'.c.d Itle îîielir i id cauîdudates oui thu 'V'cttiita-i1 ialihurituuii L)uriaiii iclegate'-at ucrr t îex m li îehîn'îu anduuu e'rtioii Oi mutî'tt xer li; Authiol 1 umur Putlaî'chali îhAI '.t)ea, a'ru iI' uuIt Xi; LG( D & WHITE WHITE Be.Hese NEWS 'Itrc eneinor Girls. in the,;r fin-st Volley bail malt-h of the .-'eiiedurlc. xxcre diefeated fis' Clau'ke. firt thue t rnior Giril xx luli an ex'.cellet'nh perfornn ance upbeîd tire dAs toiBoss- nîsîrcîtte. defeatirg Cli-nk t xwt m.anrs irtuoile. Coutnma BiadIe; 55-as tilie iaj~or point gectter four osmrsuc XVitii football îoîrîîleted foa' are fin.p, hîetdi A\n v<moncvsituîutht' .mti. hibit ai the'Lioins Centre'cIast xxcck ss'oxid have scelu satuiir- fielr tIpice> dormelix' ttdeiiî s a: B .5 'Flic St ilirt s CocIr! Cul ttirk., hi'>. ScMsnfor" (iii "li nisdas tuuur Am\ýir nusil lu e moi is - i iclc' agaiirst ltiii s i teuîis S took hie n-ad cdl\imix cut os- oiani'ile mlaichiî1la\ nu ]î 1. i pý h 'llecn lue encuen xx j: sciur!e cul t9- ht) mil ]ai ýcmii s ci i" o k1uni Pocirmn" icihCielid cl i f"o!ui ugit P t. 5, c Adiwitanur i>ý I i . tsýii ' .A .iui: 1oauu't' t> iii i ti"uiî aiC i t -15c' m i' uc ' c' i( .;M i il (cuacîa hi,.- "lth 'ce phiuîiWs 11 I s u tu" d il it E st Parade of Values in the History of RED & WHITE 2I1-o,. 'lins BES'l' Bt' Sav e 27<' ns îîîpeClun 1Vagstaffe tor Raspherri nor îî h' x 21-o7, Far 5R 99c Aylmer kam 2R9 ci s',' 2011z. 'lins BEST 'Bt 'YV Sas e14e! i-, lis 4 79c Niblets Corn 5R, 89C Q lis 211-o,.. BES'!' t 'N! Sasve 9ç' strainied or -11111,0' 4 R e R '69 iieHunz Foods 6' i..'lis ' BIS'I'Bt.'V Sa se I ic! lDi. Balla rd",'s I-oz. 'Il, 49C 'Dog Food Champio i $1 F OONN 14h aimk SI,- xsraucd>LackaVarIna of BBffalo Twin kle CAKE MIXES ZON L. RICHARD LOIK N Y aird xxoui -ecoind place for AE8c10.OfPk B.A~.. LI..B. tîîeîî Tram F n taîîd Seconid IIiS'1e<1Iaf NT E iï~î~im-ilineis aid vus Bau n'ter- Soli(~iva. Plate for the ('ha Cha Dative NESTLES QUIK lT E iideiieddte0(o), ,gS Veucte TOc lsxuni ii-idua trnopti es nietiig of Zioni t'C W Afteu - Pîîuuîe 9;8,'enr 911eei >0 14 trophie'- un s5.1%,F:'5'c oi hdinthe stindax' Hoiiris 9-7 130 Vecl (jSa i q ait'lhe Lassies store Date Xil- ITI FICATESSchoi iuonis. oniOr't ý g -- ~Ga; te ,\INall\. JoaiIa- DAINTY RICE M FIC TES AýIullij v calhelbi.0ig1*ý rý,.Pats; 1Blake. ('tîen'c t Mc' t i uuglit s 'ioafiksisug rs' M o r tg ag es C'.uîmn Brerî l -eninandsiî s'. 'll iîsxtIotrilvs. xx ilth ie , -LT -O-NOLùsjý hs taiiberun all 11-1. CLIFORNIA iijflt frirn $1111 Oiliiiig Vssoî> nhssd tî5e.Y ADLPlomt i 16 aeO R AG E ior 5v is sp rPc tocu ' Sir Ru adle.s t' '- lr tgage F'.iiis Drailne Slîauxx pla'.eci foii rt r Aisflanirs-\' hiuand Ar Resrdennuc - harnms iyiAdv'anced Fanîts Stnutî. rest. pa%~anili-' ha f Wi 11,Sas ecsaiL prepareri a. î'ie"Pipcte- Novice Sato il-t 4 suai s. Date3 -.nliici xoriu -cisiefront i -- - i 'Trîsori 81.9 and Jban Itialor, FIavourfui fancy grade 'esyn nt or 'ini, Stitî' Book"Som % o aenoe' salbe 2nd sxnhî84.8. uv ni;ie tenuîb vezrrtfr'Milîria' Ion a!l PUrpoýe-. ofaI apoint froîn i"î place LU A AP LE ,nùredin ad apr,,a lan omgdrue outa ies,'a.'Irtermediate solo t i -14 'im' earmrg nîu ppox h f nJanncomîrîg an. o years. Gayle MeNallI,,2rîd sith I rispc(,yardenî Fr film(,pasit nuîetnugs'mnutts Wecnkaieniges i751ianîd Cher'; tMeCtitie, 73.8 11 ui' ei a o 'iiwik esre corven cciro Posons desc'ription, Aiaîne oo 2 erS ICH . 19 CELERNo. 1'. Prigie fanniis Wh'boenîel- ' HAROL D C. PIEDWILLL PAdadsla 1 12 85 4 W IAC .9 EL 'amiivîd uicniiber- (ift octn itît aBroker Pt.,Bae854 1Ethieritîcttage on Sh'.îuev Lake' xcate987 -43:36 Advancted -oto 13 14 s ears, Decîsroî s'. as n cachirixx bere-- Bnienda Hennmrîg.71.8, Dranne 'e -~Shass,, 2nd xitb 88.8. T D~ na z'.ei fluai.: xI] i p- 0p M le r vy 'Th, !zrls stax'edInu Nagara A L R V sauemq îazscîl foi the cliurci -O FEaIls. Canîada. Salurday nirgut M AL R V NT U T 0111Ou ne\\ t".rricutu.iii ooiks KEITH A. BILLETT,ÔO.D. ani spent Sundlay adlnnirîg qAîuIONi d mtexplanaînonîs o' Optometrnsh the beauty of the Falls and P gîxcu: 1bw Mit. Bradle. 141 Rinig St.E. - Boawmanvrllte ePark gardens, They ne. CO RN S ' E Corrcpondenceî'ead. sex e' a, ihffic'e Hoursý By appointment Iturned home Surîda.y with tetîen's îo fie anssvered. ando Tetephone 623-3252 memarres of pillow fights, and, o~ t.,~ îiiaci.~ others iieJseri untîl fcrtlier Mon - Tues- Thurs. - Fri, the svarm Indian Summer, 1 le t, 1 !513lg , L'formatmon 'eteix'ed on stîcci 9 ho pacli carrying Baton Traphies. P C I RE ris Onoliu Plans ta base nienihen> an Fhur.soax eveningz hack ta their home Studio: the IEcnd thr Regional Presb>terý 1 We.d. and Sat. - 9 -l fHarvey Dance Academy, '2'for 29c 6 for 88c "I ti, .I. n 3 for $1 t) qua.. liv 3 for 59c 2 for 35c 4 for 99c lb titi 49c 2 for 35c doz. l 6 q u a r t I I d k ' i -55C~ 1 jumnbo s1aikrm Y each .19 SAVE ,ih.' Hawes PASTE WAX ri csi Ils kt'îEi,%lfbin or îîîîîi rSpec( SeIecie<I '*aluie (heck'd 'leîder. 'ouug LOIN O0 PORK ,, I*l s i% ii % tI:i n i *,,î . .Jirc LOIN ORK HOPSlb. 69c "Mid >vamned Pue pork Ila t er fl'atk COUNTRY SAUSAGE ....... lb. 49c Fouf flff'lS in a 1,11 BEEF STEAKETTES . .... . 55C %,< liii, t<Iii 1- 1 ,sh SI,, td Vac Pr C f; fll l,1 COOKED HAM 49c .S11 Ic,(lit (bru Culverhouse PEACHES E. D. Smith's Pure JAMS Clark's TOMATO SOUP '~î':léc! Vitanrinized APPLE JUICE SAV V I'. i mit' s - fi FRUIT COCKTAIL t-11b 'fin ri c ( t 3 fori79c 3 forl79c 11) oz, 'Ilii" 9 for $1 3 for $1 3 for.'I79c E RED & WHITE Maple Grove * * *Orono Newtonville 'I all'N Apple 2-11).'l'li CORN SYRUP ""35', ý 59c

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