8The Canadian Statesman. Bowynanville, Nov. 4, 1964 §~SPORTropuC.S 4By Frank Mobun 623-7234 A 290 AVERAGE YET A new bowler, Harold Ballen, has mnade ciulte an aus-I picious debut in local bowling circles, during the past four1 Ueeks. Bowling at Liberty Bowl in the Mixed Major loop,I Ballen has scattered a total of 34ô-, pins in a dozen gamesl for a glitterjng 290 average. He started off with a 920 triple, carne right back w~ith 912, slipped? to 788 and last week posted an 857 total. Harold is mnoving to Bowmanville this month and we certainly wel- corne hlm to the local bowling scene. t t '1i' WE GOOFED The old scribe was slightly surprised when we foundý part of our column still in our possession, a fter the deadlineý last week. A hurry-up call got the bantam game and Russ1 Oke's great bowling effort in Bits and Pieces. Just thoughti we d mention it, in case sooieone thought we were going tWl forget Russ, because he accomplished the big 420 gameý against our team. It would have been nice if he had saved! it for some other club though Particularly when this reporter hlew in the tenth to give them that particular battie by finel pins. A CANADIAN THOROUGHBRED'S GREAT MOMENT GENERALS BEATEN Danny O'Shea scored wîth a minute and thirty second> remaining, but a sensational save by goal-keeper "Chuck" Goddard seconds later, lobbed Danny, as Peterborough Petes handed Oshawa Generals their first defeat of the ýseason., Oshawa really turned it on last Tuesday meht, clobberingl Kitchener 11-1 to make it four wins and three fies, heading into Saturdays tilt at the liftlock city. Gerierals have been playing inspired hockey sirîce the, loss of ace centre Ron Buchanan and if thev cati continue could pick Up a pair of victories this "-eek when they n'eeti Petes Hand Generals Firsi Defeat 4 to 3 'B.T.S. League Bowlingj Team No. 3 (J. Pa No. 2 (B3 B. No. 4 (H. Ha No. 1 (J. Ba Ladies' Bernice Cart Gladys Bain Pegg.v Peterl 1 Ladies' Gladys Bain Bernice Cart Pat Colts Ladies'1 Bernice Cart G1ad-vs, Bain T. Wîisemati Nlen's1 B1il --FBagn ell nStanding Jack Paterson 280 laterson) . 25 ROI" Mccomb 5 ýacne!l) .... 21 MWsHigh Triples ,andson3 13 Bill Bagnei; 771 aiflý .i1 AI Walker 6 65 High Singles Harr-Y Iandson 660 ter.. 204 MNen's Hith Average S1 95 BlJBagnell..............229P Fkiri 180 Doug. Carter ............20 111gb Triples IHarr'1HanLson .... 197 1e . . 5161 Ray Mari-n 197 460 111g Aveage Met hods of budding arnd rer 189 grafting apple trees were knomn and practised 2,000 169 years ago. Thousands of vari- I3eties have been produced but 111gb Singles the major Ontario types are- 1 ~316.Mclntosh., a colourful dessert apple. Northern Spy, a good L.~...L.." eating and cooking apple,_ fot Peterborough Petes. wilh aiPoland. the ex «Mariboro star IglIfd K big asist to goal-keeper,'disqbed out doublemaosnd 'Chuck' Goddard, b-anded Osh.' misconducte te both plavers. 1.. awa Generals their first de-,Bob Kilger paired off Bot U wlingii feat of the season, a dlose 4-3iDrake Jopling and Nick B3e%-- decîsion, Saturday night ater1ey waltzed with Briqný Team Standing Peterborough Arena. Wastson to c-arn ail four fur-1~1seia Goddard stopped 31 or 40 ther major sentences. 'S. Coomnbes -----21 shots in the game, but theý John Van Den Beirg, Mickey'.M. Hodgs.on ----15 big save was on captain Dan-, RednoiDnyGatadJ hre -----1 ny OShea, in the final mnin- mufan rn ndJSerr - . I ute of play, aFtex' O'Slîea l'adi erG.odo Socdfr tiot . l scored at 18:30 Io put Oshavva ipetel-horo n gh.G.SnI- l back in the gam-e. Genr'îo-als Chris Have5 (coleced h'S High Triple -L. Woodcock 693 pulled PDermis Gioýr),( 'r îrýýt Jm A'goal, and Bill 11gh Single-L. Wocc 9 that in fav'ou rof a sixîn *, . Lle notched hni,. eigi.h ît't tacker, but ('ouldn'i gel e teîs tic ams lngAeae equalizer. with O'Stiea's inarker for the S. Combes 192, K. CanipbeL With Petes leading 2-1 a' Generls,. i;186, J. Shearer 184, M. Hodg- real donnybrook broke out at1 Oshawa out-shoi. Pel'erbor-1son 183. J. Woodlock 179,. 14:41 of the first, instigated by ouh 40-35. Three stars.er- a 7,F ad1, L. Wayne Cashman and D)on Goddard, O'Shea and pauilWoodcock 171, B. Wilbur 167,j Harri man. Referee DannyCurtis. 1. Wright 165, J, Luno 164, G. - - -___ _____ -. -- -Scott 162. F. Allen 16(). J. Harness 158, J, Mairs 156, M. MiedLegu B wln Crago 154. W. McNeil 153, MNI ýM ixe Leu ue Bo ling Firth 153, C. Sarginson 146, A.1 Perfect. 141,- J. Gibner 139, B.* tiamiii.ons winless Red Wmgs. It wil he a busy w,%eek. stan- -"' Lobb u.pset Bennett in Fni- Dot Bradley 21 ing with last nlight's encounter here against the \WîntgsJ day night's Mîxed Bowling Essie Cox 24 Thursday night local fans will be able 1-o xc ilie retirn action, but the leaders only Ceci] Motton2i match in Hamilton on lelevision and then Montreal Jr ca- Mi. and! Ah-s. E. P. Taylor, right, veceive the original of Toronto arisi Ci-ib7riel Csakany's lo.st two points off their niar- Hlarold Moorie , 2 1 gin, as runner-uIp Wright best- Mel Wiseman....... 24 riadient xil be in Kingston against the oncr ciSmnrdaN p/m(fln, ogo the prie/e of the'r Windfields Farm stable, Norfhern Dancer, wu' în te Kentucly ýed Bruni. 5-2. Bromeli nar- Vernon Jones....24 starting aI seven o'clock. Oshaxi a retut-ns te Nloiit-,il for a Drb, tMe.firsi Ganadian bred to win one ojinternational racing's most coted trnf/. Presentation ýrowed the gap on the strength Mary Wilcox....21, game thp following niehl. wmîh Si. Calhsrincs %lue'tem r' ncl was'mamie bv Wfilliam Ingram, thte Senior Vice President in charýge of Gano-dzman operations f hdtsar5wnehr with GlantJim Tompnn 24 Tuesday. The Pude-,tial lnsvrance Company of Amercez.Full retour r T itz!'IOori o 1, t>aintîn,, ville, 7-0 winners over Prout. Emna 1Bromnell 18 Buchanan went tb Mýontr-eal Fridiai'and aecoînplaiiit-d itita-, rin7ehdnla Get oet nGaain 1ot" resmy' i'uu o IPerfect defeateci Etcher 5-2 AI Blanchard .. 2 parent Boston Bruins back Io Boston foflowing tiltN.H11. la take over sole posse-ssionlIRuth Grant. 18 game Saturday. He .vill underg-o lmedicai examlinlaton i i any of the, LoparL's Canadian repiesentatives. of fourth position, while cel- IDorc Mutton ... 1 'lar-dwelling Brock upset Han- Marie Leainao 2 4 crder to ascertain just exactly the exterit of tlhe shoulderi rison 5-2, Mary Nowlan 94 separation injury,. It is expected ai this lime thlion will Town League Hockey AI Lobb paced the Mixed Mary H-arrison _r .1 2 be sidelined until mid-December. but dependîng on tOc eout-', Leaguers tvith a big 769 triple Marion Wisemnan 24 corne of his Boston examinaton il could be even longer, ýs and :2,-3 sinigle. Ferne Brad- Muriel MIeianson - lev waý< ladies' high Ltiple Fr-anks Osmonid teButs rs oitvatiita e ail chancs otiahi s lllcIllader ai. 680, with Onie Et.- Ruth 'Mitchell - 21 prospect ch 'er' 291 taking high single1 Kay Blanchard - 2 t - tf D 'W W among the ladies. Giace Wrighî . 24 a .Phil 'owles it ,for a 1201 Betty Lobo . 124 KINSMNEN BOWLING 1 i il A li game, -ther high scores goîngl AudreY Osmnond 24 Kinsmen bowling returns to L:beriv Bowi 1h i rdaV I Isf Cî V C tIlT C1 Ken Luxton 299, EltonI Theliia Fl ennmett . 4 silernooin at one o'clock, giving bowlers the opportuni I of1 I sta ïWVEs s MEu iEEJ Brock 288, Frank Osinond1 Aînv Wiirai.t 1.5 getîing ti a few frames. w-hile ai.tthe same time helpîng the .aM ar-' local service club i.o promote the:r worthwhile activities ; BobsonMor- racked ump Forsey, 13:11Crtossey anîd Br.an Coopfr 'nge. )n.pýeîîrîg 21entt20 Hp"Pl ~ her hrd staght si, uhs acune eso:g mer 264, Ferne Bradltes'%, 263,! Pat Prout - 24 With week nighîs cornpleîely booked Up for league play- hc Bob Glanville 2163, and Hw!Mr A1r - this year, the Sunday afternoon open bowlinîg should poe onn v'es Oypaohms ot ihrscm o '>e îce o1ard Broîneil urd Frafik' Eiléet, 1~ie prv'Resta Lra rit 9-5. whîle Utwsîal îcp cx.0a ,thàliai-trick pert'orm-, m:ree mrmkel,.«r-i.~d 'pg54"m evecn more popular than ex-en. The lime from ane me six pi-r-!Dan.-v ,posted x'îeîoî'v numinarice foi the- losci>s. irnIies: IxIîi2,r,ri i î.îthe Wrightî botO i. 25>4-ettic (>a'ivile 2-4 mils the chance for fainil' boýn ii r-c'rleague hnowleî'- 1,-y w.1 bla i ig .(NIyS1 goi.ý,tg 1>Aie,, W iz .iin d!Spoil> i i.f', Gar ad bxEltonBtricles ,' Jrn Bc-dord -24 get i ae 1111e practice Si 38nTc iLageJbnOomo Vem I ~i r- er'MsFra-îR W' right -11, Phil Vow- Marion Perfect . noLke\ 'actionat ithe Memor-1 C(rvysial cxc i- pa-ýýî-d mm\Bobnli v-re ilime o>m tet 'mn k'mnen717 ' trce Iz1 - t~~~~~~a Aena, Thursdax- night. fleM'anii, witbi a pair om goals 'rr.m, Staindings -ls7-,BbGavle77 etieMra LOCAL 189 PLAYER CHANGES G..nr Akev. Terr fite a-,sisis. and Jit U liui- Haol 3eneL71 P'1iS.aol'Viie L P'san OW nght 695. "Duke" Brun11I Donna Jones 2 and PajlMiiotl i irc-d!, kî ilfour taIt ies a-mil IxC> o! J'>.~6 61 "auOsin 5,PikDnM Ai. a Local 189 executive meeting ttms o m e rqi5ct: 66ga1, cFelula Ocass~."r Fie H~Mr C- m. tu- 2 ;4P rfect60smaid .6,5No2, <uickDot iMvîson uîanges were mamie, cutting those who had rmissedlte tir-st undezt (-c i motors t O- trLt idl urtis Mac VtîÀkmnt Mm-1N 'mdi ý S pûoi mc I 260 ad2 639 ý,anDita mnePslor i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~- lu>'i gîisndsvchn i e-i order to strengîbien fir-si t ~xict<>tý,' riai eiI ,cm emd twic . ith Gn-101> m-pm. 'Jir>y n-JOa-rte~Ta tni time c' cuer teanis. No lic-w playr'rs .KIlt rmc-adiledtii 0e f ip Vwles Il 18 2:13 jBen-nett 1.23068 league. becamîsýe ait the begiinnsng of the seasori, rostes ex- erLocal 189 H-ockey - Haroîi Bemfirîct -2 4 232'W2210t Bob Glanville .-2 " toc lar-ge to begini with. a ob 244" Glamîvîll904 Dropped froiyithetOc- ague ire. D. NlacKenzje (Bruins), tD1LR24 2 Perfeci.2; i 2. ltle2 i 66 Bob Abbott and Don Bagnell (Hornets), Hians Bosgraaf, John 1l-m onPerfeck........24 23 -.. 2271 Goode and J. Grec-n (Raider-siad lri FrgLU ndD,%UUts D w D ru nin BV II O nence O '4.2.'..e.. 2221,1 Whalley (Cornets). a1Cin eguo ndRIap B UII I~i~ Palrner------....n.--------20 ,Frank Wright 24 1 9Ece .... 21Î8 The following players have bec-r- traded to these teamis- . * h ' A . I Dk rn 1 Prou't 21.110 Mu.rray Browni (Bruins>, Paul 'McCullough (Hornets . obrnets Tuv inless R aede sHo,ýýard Brom-el 4 216,LoHarrison210 Johstn Coets ad owrd uine (aidrs. rak Hopr 4 11Brock 21214 Just so some of the boys don't arrive at the Arena Sun- Cornets o. 'e îuis64ýx ftc vncm~sXmakCîlog nnC",m 'rdJoe Nowlan -. 24 1 cic\ýnedBrins6-,"ve f iiewines; sx iail',Ctll-,,h.Jn.n ndMorlecv Etcher '2 4 209 day morning for the wrong game, in the first contest, Bruins if' the battie of the previously i ers, as Fairey sconEàd fouri Gai-v Cooppr sh ired th1e ]os-Lo Weh -2 20 GeCa play Hornefs, with Raiders and Cornets slashing n the second undefc-ared clubs and Horne s i times and pîcked up one as- ýers' scorîng Lourn Bedfm'.....24 2 06:h edgc-d Raiders for their first1 sist, and Quinney clicked once leani SBendongs21u2r0yGrant....h21 "06 ccir, i - a clash bctweeo limelwc ile seti ng up tou. iowi! 0 wnesteams in Lrocal 1891 Pollar-d pîmked up ilie im u -W . Is,. - rien Ni -i: 21 2ît -Lea gue aet ion Smii i a v meri-l-a ii, enematket' tate iOt tIle game, 1C o met.., r .il m o I pla BADMINTON ROUND ROBIN îga ieMioilMn fcnBun n oie yc ia , i Gord 2mli-o'c This Thursday nigl-t another rounid-robin tles lm ai hte(Oil-halroe-frein a 5-1 deficit. IHonec ikEtcher .... 4 I8 hog the local Badminton Club starting at 7:30 p.rn There ap- er, Tler"r,, lack opened thc- Gary McCullciuigh, Paul \lmc-1Raidf-rF 0 Hla iec 4 1 ;8 T A T E S M A --. Bob Mitchel . 2 4 195, pears to be a tremendous interesi arnong young and new;scorîng Pt 12:01 or the second, 8S1F_ 1-- rsard as usual president Bill Burgess wilî weIcome' period and tileii sc-l p a.pain p Cn Brdley-4 qi 1 ClAI FIE63-30 ~nyone xîshingltitake upBob flÇ Ldanii Ken Luxton 24 8 àyn ihn otk ptesport On Saîurday night PteStceand Bob Joh:î M e Mjo reSra18y 4 9, -lî another badminton dance wmll be Oc-Id w'th reqenîrations .stai îeplid fo tOc RaiersLeamai - 24 l87'____ ax'ailable frorn Aif Samnell.cvho are stifl looking foi hr ur <h J.Wnriacott -5 187i c-d in a great goal-keepingi Fîrst Schedule 'Jack Lande:, 2 1 03 Nra ope 4 -182 I dspa lfo itc-losers, b'ut it!Teani WIV L Pis. ILowell11 flugM21 __~'THE IG irls' H ockey League Food 141gf lx.-sii -l~ 6' o ilîrs - - G O Y A goalie Curi. ntnesturo" Dtira's&- ob epeinIN 2T Teams and Sehedule ýonm, Cathy Readet, Wendv i.o shirie. as Curn came up xith cie'sMk Mupy .2 2DuAILe Buicks - Donna Porter, Closs. one of his best gamnes in the Bae'L ' 1 oiWsirr -- 1 VI II Christy Tighe, Donna Wilcox, (Coaches J1 p e oldBrin bi gnsLou McFeetcr, - 2OW200GpFRON Jonet Syme, Shawrn Leddy, Bucks-Mrs. Cowle., Sting-!ut bay. Ted Fa'rev and Iow Luroher 2 9 2 Fr * lb.1I:r-! ir u i iue Ho-e 7,Be)ts o radrs7 Linda Morrison, Jane Cowle, rays-Mi's. Simpson; Corv-iarci Quimm'ev colla0oriaîed on Nei5 Osbnîne I ' oeP 'e do iti ias-c, a 40î) Corbines 0:Tigeýs 7 Conmets Donna Lyle, Diane Cowle, Its Dca PSimpson. -Mus- -1 iii-t a,1> i-cpor t w e cc acc -al 0; Banbury 5, Office '2: Na- I Il Stingrays--Mai'garet Goyne, tang- Nirs. For-e> a *La'or iii,' P k1>r-mudJ lie-O 0vi chine Sbop 5, Fan Belis L):La- Huins i t li Il lu il l' . - HcsI-e '(b1 atlut ! 5, Lead Press 2.VU Mlary Tighe. Karen Davis, Jean Practire Sessions La y hl peb('1( < ),À>,26 9o6 îh îige Hooey, Marilyn Robinson, Ann Fririay, Nov. 6, 5:00 P.1rn.Lbei >: <--'t- _utle-?,8Ab 14 4nr' ~i '-' Bus: Ianne oodwad. t cmi nd.À f t. à 1i Ai nia 3r, B.llLtr '11 jennifer Purdy, Daisy Beader- .m.-Siur>and Corvettes. ?[> nmw iYG'ii< of 239Dr 1 MNustangs-Donna Goodwin,. Sa'urdas.- Nov, 7. 5-00 piln .G Xay Hutton, Rosemary Orm- --Cor-vettes and Buieks.5:-b-s 1 m 40.'. ~1,l"-îl- istun, Susan Martyn, Sherryl p.mi.-Mu,tangs and StinýgraY.ý p l(< m i.h- i> . . Davis. Laurie Slemnon, Maureen Girls 1l and under 18 yea - iou e Rc-5taLi.hl-il 9 12 4 iil imyIti. mgi Tighe. Frances Hennin.-, Rhon- of age who are stili interested Keli'.,Gos eu mr dua Johnson. hln joining the Girls' Hockey -ThE c\- 'te1,.ad Meos Wear P il !Q Elton Biock ti66 i22_9. Corvettes -Gilnny Sletîton, League niay do so by register-, es Set-o i, I3cxnanville Frark's \'arietv IVkristone '61 (25-4', Ah Sa Boniie Simnpson, Marion Ellis, ing ai.flic- Recreation Office'-Goif and Cmuî-1ng Club, hadé a Store :1 t - 74.5 i1 <t- laui-ice Rim4 Peggy Bradley. Alice Chittick, ion Beecr- Ave., or on Friday, 'Veil anc-nord meeting aî irhe A%erages 743 221.Iarry Pipe-i Nan1c(y Goocisi. Donna John-' Nox-, 6111li.t theArena. bOionie foi ie tsI c ce pu-ci- Naille (jialtie4 .vée.(271), Rusa Oke '-93 i det'. MxssMark Ruenigls AI Os.uîla:,Ut17Mammc(z iv\ni-at 'l ,î (31( KISMN ms. Nelson Osborne pjr-c- Bud Hiennmnîg 21 : î-121- Bob W'u1Imamn. ami a st RIG'nssidc-d and deal it.h tIh 1e many Dr.11. Rundle 21 24 2 gaine- of 297; Rus lHateiy ites o.bsinsrmecss!y'Er-nie Perfect ?i 40,2AI Oshunti,'290, Ar'tR SSPECIAL 1' PRICE PASS t.o getLlie foti.conung car]-'Dv cngt < 3 8.Frm- rnem26 c < Go-FBb 2 1235 GIanvi 11e '69. Br'uce ' AnND'A.,s0IEoDf b a s hs ec Russ Oke 21 .'35;265, Diin Bm diil 2 61.- AD FRIEND ii-'(liUi-itSTrxm - I 'r e .nt o tie marill- aid svar- S- Ted - :11 231 andc-r iioclî-rt a low x'tni îetdouxinthe cOcîmuEd. Leslie -?3 1 1497 triple whilu C-fi, M te tec-msVionc ta O e ar-old Bennett 213 '18 - ad a 98 gamn. The- Jur, It nlneithi"pn Vince V'anstone - 21 227 Lovel <carn lutO 1217 fi F RI AY OV. 6 Hru-. cvuld be hehipr-oh-1 E l DAY 7 6 1 _26 singe gan.e aiiati - - B I N G O - - I a t ov b reePPl'[idl of N eyl 1Ha on oM chel _o__- 2 - 1 e d d i d e t l p i ai tCber. Cou term - 2 rderi 'Jck 31 Bo nder 1 5 21 56 o n tm e m ad n AA~h1 I ENTE rl.63-34PDo iOer - 2 126 TOc- axe»tg)eKsire dose PETERORUN SUE R CAR ing Jack Pr rke 21 21 week ith Al Osbrek hîmli uGeorge iperia- _21 2214i247 ae d Bmid Hanpoint andt OVER [N RIZES inludiîîg ntc-m--Cub c e- i , e-a Gorg eln e 213 Rutindaeled taI1242.in B N G 0 eriip aeaspdt cn act iob Ricrds 21 2128 Si-me ovou'.tp o\,.'r Brad Nil 965 Car tra aeth o hie. mmci: i. î-b ocr-i tthe re e Don ur - lea21 il a oist o t a kougb lie- PETRBROUH EMOIA CNTR ý , cieda'ed-p"aý, \vI ollwiac Oarmer 21 2114, week Eit - cI sore hi z oo i-o aneeIO Bg nwbll< tcîa e 1a3mb ky i'G lanse ipe- 21 2141 sig7e arn u e 15, ansd s100Siai Sowal (3 os) 6O rguargaes ic ioniee he ls eeorgeif Sarnelîs 213"mi9 159, Dare Mcied 22.10 S45 Secial gaines.diu Ine1c'b %-Lsthe beS madewo1Hap PJanmen .'-15 12 ni Trew 145.hea aolOiBer M~N RE N ~A1BL ORof Socal Cnx'cnorfoi' el Fr-jýauR Bluichrs211 2m,"0 Tur-e bofs lertopn:swe b 196 Ca fom ealr f yurcuo t-rlen l sea1o'ti A mot L 'e- Bex g nly - 1 207l ingabi of c-a ogn wne $1,00 tiforgtambye $ecoBt nomypakfo alue58ns.)l sc.' orrhu'c-. anîzAnai 21 207: agai nie tl]eerveila l0a0 ]Ho! ey. s î ed. xxau 'C r-in hai.r' aiw Iirler 21 1 ()207 if yen carnmotIF,5, A]o N 'L ai 'pm n er cmccs C a .c -b2ail m da c-. y ur gm $10 ml Jo 5 .) $60 rcu'8Lgine . Dlcosrfeheiswr!Ai Bn anard - 21 2094159,ea ie ,cnvt10 -1'Uýî R~RHt-y29 Pei~'~28 -2 (1 - S Cai-sori 288, J. Nlurphy 287. Fdi Iligh Tripales 11iJ-b P, Heoimiii1,. 790, A Lmmoôb 330.1760, A Rowse 746, R, Hately, 265) i721. R, Perfect Ï14, J Brond Vince 691 ainan 'Il .eainStandingg harrds %oe --5( 727 Braîders .- -4g 29G), Banbury -- 46 61 . Tigers -- - -38 àingle 'Cornets - ~35 7295, BeIts 29 Rowe Lead Precss -27 -orge; Fan Beits ~--24-i Mlne Machine Shop 24 Jack Laboratnr - 20 nin.cI Combines - . 1 utton 1Office 1 ry &I HIg h Ave r ages - or a B. Heriing 30 le of A. Lobb 227: 'ud'R. Perfect .- 2261 Fod!1.Oke - 224' eone R. Hate]Y '2 2 0 tOc-jr J. Murphy 219 TOe J. Bond - ___217 ha5! W Hately 215 ýcond A. Randle :___ 1 13 ;-. J. Gould -LI 12 , bis R. Wright - 'I21 Lting J. Luxîon 210 àDr., 1. Br-own '209 -len- 3 . Carter --- 208 pins. P. Shoîter '-108 s ad F. Smnith 207, tbis: J. Honeyrnan 206, ad a Il. Bromel 206 )one J. Stainton- 206 1Si, M. Murphy '205 nneît S. Carson _______ 205 . Connors ______ 2051 )owl-! F Wright 2041- ýould I R Slack _________2031 that1 F 3radd . -2011 2in G. Dadson _______ 00' iM. Grant ______20011 181 Beers 138,1 L. Burg-ess 138, K. 74Raîston 137, A. Lorusso 129, VI 170' Bartlett 129, M. Neil 127. E.l ,6q 1Combes 125, V Sarginson 121, 168 0. Moffatt 114, 1. Turnbull 110O,: 167 M. M MNeil 108. 11, Mulder 107.ý 6-! D. Dexell 101, R. WjlLiams 89. i 164 ý l-.%Woo0cock :290, 248; S.' 164 Cooml'jesý 263, 207: J, Wood-, 641lock 249, K Wilbîiir24,21 162 .1S1jearer 229, 216. V Balt-iei 16i. 225.J L t216. F. Ailci 160 2P ..1J Lunn 20î8. .J G Hnel 1158!204, F Land 200). '12: 28' 23' 'y ices quite so colourful; and Deli. rious, bright red dessert apple .vtth five points at the hase, that is rapidly gaining popu- RANNER PASSANT 623-3258 14 Rehder Ave. Bowman ville Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada ~2MEMORIAL ARENA 3OWNIAN VILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, NOV. 6th 8 P.M. SUNDAY SKATING 2 - 4 p.in. ADM1ISSION -I )UcA. CtiIIiil MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9th TrOTS' SKATING - 3 Io 5:20 p.in, ('hildren and Accompanying Adult - 25e each O.H.A. JR. "A" HOCKEY TUESDAY, NOV. lOth 8:00 p.m. ST. CATHARINES HAWKS OSHAWA GENERALS A DM1ISSI ON Side-ç - %L75 S tan dintg $1.50 Ends -$5 Si udent sanid Children, Seats and Standing SI1.00 BEST BUY THE LOWEST .PRICED MGENERAL MOTORS XHALL FIELD Generat Motors'answer to Iow priced economny transportation Corne to Robson Motors today . . We wiII b. pteased to show you this car . . . a demonstration drive wiII convince you. Cali one of our salesmen todayl BUY FROM YOUR AUTHORIZED GM DEALER t66 KING PHONE E Don Armnstrong, Sales Manager Hap Philp Stew Preston Ray Lathangue Colin Cooj ým 1 A.. il. lit- V"U-Uudlu q