10 The Canadian Sta+snan, Box -trîife . 4, 194I Agricultural Calendar Thursdaxý, No. '. 5 - litprec- T' ,,zda%. Novx.10 - 7 p.m. - fion of farn pond,-, DihatD'trhamn 4-H Club Leaders County. 8:1.5 oni. - Durtian Fait nîeetîîîig anîd banquet. Countv 'eri-iratioit or g- Ttrd',Ns 2-M~ culture meeting P!"r)-i P'i- B'Wr'.Horne Economiat, dIucers annuai mc andsui x' o:«i the Dir:îarnofi r lelection oif officerrs - n!O' incor cOîîtario Deparînient of DePartment i-of Are : re gre1uc oxnaville, 14 Frank Street, Boxvmatîvl,,e. Fnrrk Sti-cel. Fridav, Nov. 6 - g:tiiî c.n . - Th1tr dau.Noiv. 12 - 8) a.n. - Dlurham Rural Safe'. -Coji i'enCtnt.L'ivestock Jud.- ci], Rural Sft. Night and i,,Co-nipe,:tion. Rosvai Win- presentation of Publhic Scliorilt, 1er Fa;r. Poster and £s:ýaxv axva rd< oxiii !3-.l21,1 - Boai Gucst speaker, Corutaîhî-' il.Arei'ta WîirFi' R. Corocil, Bxn;ivtcO.P. vme 1-7-Jidgilig - P. Detachmniit - Odd i s:. - n.(uri.xHolstein, lai!, Orono .erc Saturdav, Nos and) a Nr uerg«- 9 Jt (:ounty Iittor Valniri-r- A !io- ]' b ilhef hi cerds except Red ciation fal dtîe.Sotttua it 1ýP,-) featuring uihep ' Morîtere1.*ý' - Ntrc'tt 6-i 19 S he eP Admission Si iýjn p c-'i JîL AIl Webcrmc' S cci Ar16,g V'ne Tuesdav Y xi7ttt 'dtî <"'tbl, .Agic'itit : V '..l'rto'o rinr "t) -Iitt O iog Spectuliai. r)j trtiani. '.î' i titip n - fldd Fio tHall. he in the Dcpaîtnieîî of Agr;- 0G-rnu', TiîiigScool for cultuire Office. Il Fr'ankti_ W. t. iîîîccîher>-P-îc:Nx 1lowmaîivitic'. Ca i1623-:321R1Laiip- fo!-r 0 for appoirtrnni . u tdx. No\ . i - 6: EXwLIR.LF Local Detachment OPP Constable Rides With "Golden Helmets" The Ontario Provincial Poiuc "Golden Helmets" Precision Mlolerc 'vcle Ride is piCtUred aheîx-e duriig uOne of the exhibitions held at FaIl Fairs this autumn. The 14 officer tcam is sho\wn above performing the manoeuvre knonî as thc Monvitig Whccl. The officeîr on the extreme lefb. of the pielure is Constahie- J. T1. (Jien) McDonaid oftifei Bowmanville Dctachrnenîtuof the OPP. He has heem a memben of the Golden i 1-Icnits Pr-erision Motoiîrrvcle Sqîtad stîtr its ineeption in 1,963. Constahle McDonald lias bren vvithheUicBîtîx matville OPP .)c-- iachment for eight« veaus, and a moborîrvle officer for bhe last set-en yeau-s. [le is a native of Scotland. The OPP Precisioti MoIi-îi'v('le Ride-' (i-isis otf 14 îfl'icers lfi'on Rural Hydro Emp loye< GORON . CARKSet Record of Six Yeý CENTRAL ONTAIO( BRANCI-I OFFICE Vith No Lost Tirne Accic Neaivý six ' ears of e.oiliti- foi-clera alre c.alcd ottl il, ail tois w'ork xx'thoîul a bat lime kîuîdsof xvcatlieî anîd epc accidentu stahie outsîaîîdîuîg Ilx' i-u sseece stol îîandît safety record lIaI btceitntir i'xvnd or electuiu'al storma 1< staff of Ontario Il «u' sBoV.- iake -,certain t ual elctnuical nianville Ruinai Oîîrab iîg Area service is mîaiulaîîted to 1'uis- lias etabiislîed. tocîcra. 'Thî, s req u ires gi-ca Thr 24 litienivrn atîd foreat- i-a ne xvleîîcoiidut louis ýai'e (IN enrs. ben statitoi- nitn Ie nmi,' vbad. Foretiet as xxell anîd i rishcct loti uork e rs aun iIa"s t ic and foi-est.i x 'nt'x ibe foirteii inaude commer-n- mni-r miust lie 'pecially elial staff menibers hase svork- utern l u tcit i îîs svteîîcx- cd 'onruione tlao 2,00 ())cei- Iiet u'lconit ionsin-ui ac(cuit ive i-aysa V.iiitit arts in-ii - 'na'.ci ti nui-gi- s o cf «< juira liat xxotld (caurse thtenu etus te take lime off. Tis relire- A\ tnt hîtu e sa ati Ii titi- scruta a totat cf approxiniatel' BRîsvuutvile Ruinai Operat ii 760,00f) mtniaîîiîocf V.onk ttîat Aiea "tIaff ncîher Yl Ai-ani us accident fi-ce. Boxmvnii'lle RutraltOpi' t'a iîug Anea covens a terruto v o .sonie 530 square mîtes I ji-lydi-os Central Regiot antdin-lM anvers Ti cI rudes ir i andtii-i su b lî sectors xxith a touai of 7,000 )Atltti'ee(ttuug tof NuIMasu ctirnes. Pliepowecr load inîî 'l'csus)î p Coltincui t)(i-dîeuu Boxrma nx'î le Arca totats nine i'u e t u'u xa dtd than 10,48)) kiiexuabbsanaud te li0nruest Iuic Cw' ui of bue staff lias tomne 653 mi-les of liiitri Con e. tf Notîut n- diat nubtut îeî luteis, a ls ot 22817 Iberi-ltiiii-I d u utluouio mules of sîth-t ransmîssion aind sb nid -i lîr-ig sili ititlrec transmissionî ineca b nmait- ý Peut- 0rx r xvublci sFhI.'c (, tain. Lots 5 uand 6 intut tctownvship. Because of bbc. soie unies Aucotiuts a tri o ilut t i ut g, bo hiazandouis tati-re of the 'soi-k j6tit)6 îa'ssed 1fo1,h)as,- tlle record of 2'000< accidenit ucut. Bv- Laxx Ni-. t114 mxva, fi-e da 'ysacacotipiistîrd bY' eth(, t tine 'erianuîd pas- Bowxmaîîvillr ai-ca -sta fr s eri. Thiis Rv-Laxvdagtue quite aigu ifcan . Litienien anidtiti- loc'ationts of piol h ttg hooth i Esso Home Heat Service is better because its people are Setter trainied to serve you botter! Yoit get "extra value "for vourheatinig dollar. If youre -the type of person wvho insists on the best, you probably already have Esso Homne Heat Service.Yoti've seen thie cisp, efficient way an Esso Home Heat teami looks after your heatinq nceds . . . specialists in service and furnace oul delivem'y. This professional skill is the result of the most thorough, practi- cal training in the indistry. And these men regularly retturn to the classroomi for re- fresher courtses te keep U tel date on the latest developmnents in the heating industry. They save yot noney by keeping your oil heating equjlimenit in economical operating condition. If yoti're net get'ting this Iind of service yoi'li neyer kilow uintil yoti've tried the best. Get "extra valuie" for your heating dollar-get Esso Homie Heat Service. 1-ELFE ARE YOUR LSSO HOME HEAT SPECIALISTS YOUR ESSO HOM1E HEAT DISTR1BI.40R: A* H. Sturrock & Sons Boý%VMINV'ILLE, (>NTARIO Box 1168t Phonte 621-5516 YOUR ESSO HOME HIEAT SERVICE D)EALER: George Thomson 13CONANT S'1. Oshawa Phone 723-77i8 always LOOK< TO IMPERIAL for the best a id Ille Personneli l0 he in p i. -Glenburi e M ot e 1. hai ge foi- t he munîici pal elc. lBrighiton,. Ladies' N igh 1, lon Quinte Braiîch. Onîtario Irîsti- Co j(ilo! Johit Pas ne xvný tile of Profressioiial Agroto- a p!oiîdtecn i't'rpr gis-ts. wjth giiesi speaker J. .(' nfiivj\c l0a i IAlle 'hearing Demeza. Stîpeýrintvndeot. On- or thrBoard of Tran. ýpoil tario School for- Dcaf, BePic- Co ii.tioiîrs ini eg in vi lic. Tickets avxailable fi'oii t pi'oposeddioti aîr W. M. Butherford. Or A ('0 of passetîger t rainsc1.ic' be- Dairvmnplfc Ontarin Dcpart- txveil Toronto anîd ri r iellt rof Agrjiculture, Boxv- bororîli b hvie (.PR. Ti iesd a v .Nox . 17 eoo. îîtîiaio ge nteriSuper-îî Arnol, Fim Maagemntjotendent of the CPR for the Extension Specialist, Ontariodistrict, and ln theRnî'd of Depalrtmeîîî of Agrjcîîlt tire. T ransport Commi ssiolîî-Sr - B3owmanvillr,, 62,1-33'48. PIeaý;e garding the plainrd 'aoclla- rail thîs number- for anr ap- lion of the Torooto-Peter- poîntmieri. horoîigh passeoger c rx'ic c. Wedncsdav. Nov. 19 - t0:00)Rsdîtao avesTxo à.in. - 3.00 p.m. - FxIenioî i rae c fth evc Workers for- Durhamn ('ountý-i., WorklShop. . , thein b o 10 'i oron- Noni beri 7- A pilto anîd re'uin ro ci da , anîd Noviii(,- 1 - i ilil !aiso tn iravel to Pctlerborolîghi Meeting,, Ontbario cîea ii pro- a nd hai'k each day, il, N,«ai dIucers MarketinIp Boatrd, Rot'-- poid oi , ai Ym'k, Toroînto. J-', Cilc ta Wedncdavý, Nos 18g - ciîini dite rîdcd t-ii (e'îîioa ham Cou nbv .1 titl'i- F anie r btOtbto he Derîîîsîof Meeting, Departnientl of Agri-ilih.ast kpentsoi cultuire, tetntative' date. ln t ranîsfer $!.5.000 ,vii i jas November 18 1- tfi Animî ei iîdb'a bv - Iax o Mee(ting, Onta nu Mi k Di sli providc fori- id m-iilix On'opi bittersA'ssociation. oiy , recmj o iisiakl Y'ork iinToroîtto. h'dIijexx co i i i ll Pi i<.i Thuirsdam', Nov i19 p Il for aioii" arlîI <îloti,4f "vî'uî Exerti xc niieli nrg Dît rhia '(,chliotdecri ikreiiilc ieorw Ceni x' ýSoit and Crop 1111- - road, xi iiiiee-d; 'ii-tti provenit ANssociaq ltin.011- 'Theîc ' tirniateit rosi orif iti i tarin Dena rtnicîtt ofAgricu i $3,000 tanîd îomîîcî il to xaiits t r.Bowniuvt ir. tîcrîItîlsiîîi t 10tse "00 u10bprinîr, Stttda *v. Nov. 21 iuiantits tirct(h of roui-i Vith oit, 4-11 lfotieniiakiiîg Ctîth. nMctiithh lal.( fiÇhrrz AchiteveniettDat'. Oddid to ie prc t tc a,te toIIs Halovs li. Oroliui - Proict : i I :11h concesston:,Or ai. Club Gtrl Stands DOt (itard. niier nmil', anîd I0o se att Montdav. Nov. 2.1 - 10.31) nlinex r-enia tit îîg for a n ex- ani. - Depa rtnieliiof Agrîi'ill tenîsion oif thle xvork titilhb, 3ri titre. Brigltou. Extenîsion Pet- Çiîittessiui sotiai iieetiîig froîii LeitiioxM(. i1. Co-!1c Io1 antd Antdiîît-iil. pr'ince E,îd- R and MîIille.'î'îiiu xvard. Hast itis. Nort!LIItîrbeýt'- I ii1t' R.1i ic islt V a.tu1 land antd Diiitani i ttîi:ie. ir .flxi>tu vi i Weditesav Nox.25 - ii t)iiies:t ýir, a proposed locat in i.ni. - DîîrliaîîHltsteini CIiilfoîr .(tptenitailirote' i id Ana taIMeetinîg, Dep)arîmetîit bt' en0oî 10 tlic itexî n-i' etng of Agi'îculture. Boxvnanx-itle. of Ot' ovisipcotiri<. 7 1 o nim - Dxiriîu ni 500) BLIthl- Couni il i'onxîtrrrd wiltil thr Poltnt CIih Atînii t a Bsquet bitai i)fthlicDepartnmii or Rethlav, Pai izh Hait Tic-ket -,Hi2wî;i\.;- tIo cIl~ tlie nei Arcr aN-aitablc fi cm thp cntato lttniî ot ghvv7A uxves ocf Departnient of Agcriculture in 'No. Hgix'v iima xc Bmovi nan vii e. Satturda\ , Nrix 2g Duriari ('oîtiiîtx' Federattonnint .griil-Y titre Ainîtal Meieting a nd iiil- 1 00 pion ai Ylero IF VOL/O1lIKE TO Clitîrt Hit Revrcn B SAVEALCrTOF LEGAL Dastiard. speaker-, 'wtiat cao vudo as ait iîndividuai 10, TENDER, 7SNO Ut itake ilir Federatioti of Agri- c 11li- rc ore leefvat SE YOUR Saîturdav. Nov. 281-Dir'a ELECTRICAL MENDER>' V iîvJutîtor Axtaid Nigu-ir.- Toivitsi oHall. Or-oio AMt .M'oridas . Nov.:30 - t)) tinli Du i tuant (rain ('ont('îîp tltoin, Banquet, Alt tickets rtîîst t lie pttirrla.sed froni Alf Allit. ci,* cliairnian, or menhihes of theîh <ouu nit te. is' Wedniîcsda,ý'. * Nov 25ti No ti .kels foi- sale at the dcor, , ridas ;, Dcc I - t) t ita if a21d1(a1 tin lie -i o 11 ced ;i Decembrr qandi -Z- Ile * I ~ " J B S Coinferetîce for Extenion Se O. ý 'cc, Deparînient cf \cri-il Ttiu:r-das. 16 TEMPERANCE ST. nie ti n.-e Depa:-n entO culttue, Bowman'1, e(Dt i1 S. Smî ithî, Hyr - Manauger. He sai id dîd aafv î'reco In determination o l cx'cnvorîe to xx ou S- titîes as a mîa it aiso 10 <'onsidu' a- aganiit x Iabe I lie pmresut iii w dette ut tlî(' tini y "Thte neccu'd - ait appu'eciato 1- cauh Boxx'ntauîx %i i- riýi-'tî'r coîtcri- of thinkiui s;tfî litlaninug eers' us' I i ii t nd." titi .s Pcti wp. C.ouncii In ;lit I)OGt i a hIe pî'1s. il: el uit .'!; iJE- day,. Il xxa i ci-ledIo s ;)pix ' to Goru t Ille Derpanît-neot of li'a'ial)ont_ Lilli, i have the cnic-o) Wilson Peter utîd Quîfrîî Streets uîîspectcd lm r ix \-an offuccirito t )Ic deîi)ur:'- Car- meutnx'iiîa o tr(.c1rP1cn'igand-I atît lînî fvtos i icl à stc' .,i weel )icld igît.Rosa 'Mir MAP LE GROVE - îl utteîiiddfou' last xveck t l'The niaris'frienda tuf Mr-. Gortdonî Beecii are giad tb kuîoV.'lic uis doîîîg iticrly ai-d talibohet[]P a tubutc Wrait 1hope lie xviii seoti hi-i hom-ticaîd lut his itt tia place au Maîtie Grovc atote. Thie îîatis frinr!îîdof Mn. a tii- Mns AÀH iTionas are 1soi" 1'0u Ira rîtt Iieý are bot h îîîîder thie dorlota caîe.VMr. Tiiornas i iin IVîmrnia) 1-1os - pitai, Boxxmanx'ilc, and iMîns, Tom s taoune xx'iltIpeh il" Wr w'isl theni hotb a speedy S nliathlv cf ibis comm tint. il'> la extcuîded to Mr. aîîd IV t'. C. P. Swaloxriii the passinq of thiitr lin-tlieuI- to-lawx, Mi-. E. 1,. Nididens- vToronto, aisrt 1n Mr'. atîtNIrMi-. Dit'k Wood, il' Itle pusaîîîgof b ici nris 'lle'ail utîteîîded lthe fuinenal tit 'Tiieau' vof titis veck. Mn. ai-tri--. But] Snoxvdrîu anîd falits', Rexdate, xverr' Fri- rlav cailersnoi) t hein grand- lott er, Mns. R. R. Sieverts. Mn'. aii-iMrs . S. Morton Sucre Wdîrl v tttst visitons! wvt Mn. attdIM ns. Bloit. Wood, Bru Inîptttu Mis Trii I an, lti, DIiauia t>d ni-i, LeAiitieHou r.ew <'ast le. socle Sa)tiîndas' xý'islbtnrs xvut thti ffor*mera parenits, 7Mi-. aîîd Mn:st te Si('ol nlacuttý MnI. au-I Mrs. Fred R .Stev- cuis xoeu'e iierngt test s or(.dus' last xx'ek svît i Iti-'frv n ssten, Mis. C. Wh'ite. Oshiawxa. MVr. uaîd Mrs .S..S. Mortoni sx'cne Sundav auppen' gi-ts wvîlîi Mn. anîd Mrs. C. S. Rtindîr, Osha a ad atteuîded the an- îîivursanv services cf St. Steplîcut S Ch i nuh Mts" Iriiu'ti'Smtlith. Be- gtiaSask.. ust'tsitîiig Mi' antd .Mi.. 1. C, Wlitî', uuid Mn. Elxs'uti White. Mn. anîd Mrs. L, C. Whiute eîilertained theur )amily on Suniidax', Mi-. auud Vi-, A. Btit-ges and faiiy, Mn. aitti Mi-S. Ted Whibe anud fanilv, Mapî' if,(Toxe. Mn. and Vins. Mel Edxvard, and family. Mnr-, Il R Vtr.Mn- and Vira E W F'nlpy, Mis-, Hîlda Col\Àuell, Boxxnianvtlie, wene. Sindav xtaîtor, xîuiMi-'. A. Bribbton, Oshaxla. ENFIELD (titcîued or i. et MnI aitdiMrs-Keni Coclirane, 'u'litliv. and Mn. Roui Stepleîî. sott Hartptoît, xvcre Tlunrýia v cocing dinn rgu 'ta cnf Mr- ani- Mrs. Les Cocu-anc and Ralput. Mrt. Dotîg Kerr uîud MinS. ohnî Kerr, Toontto. xvere Sui- a*v gucatsai thIle \W. P-',coc NI r Hiouxa rd cx uii.\l sv xx'atait overnîglît giies' on Nir. uni- 'Irs. Einicr Lee aond fanilvu- M. nnkLc imd fani t I. O.iaxxa. x :t Sunday evrung dininer c-uPS* 7f Mr.- uri-i Mn,- Elme:Lee nd familtv. Mn- and Mrs Don Ler ai"i wiero x u'eSndav guesb s cf 'ni:Mn Dav'id LP'. andI rî'.Blackxuater. 64 26 across thc province led hy The Ride 'Master, Corporal Donald Purs- The officeis have bwo weveks piactice ai camp Boiden prier bi the exhibitions at Fa]] shows. Each constahie tse is own dut-v rnotorcvclc. which weighsaprîacl 800 piotnds, for tuec Pre-_ cision Rides. This '-cear th1e OPP "Goldenî Ilelmet.s" \were aclaimcd foribte shouîws they prcsented ini Owen Sound, Barrie, Collingwood, Lind-ý sav. Simeoc. and Barrie. Among the excitin- manoeuvres executed iti'exact formation were, the Figure Eight, a Ci'riss-Cross, and Thread 'Te Needie. As a finale the expert riders spelled out the lettersi OP. aiidfajv West Hill, and Mr.i-. v\isitîttg witli Miss Laure anîd Mr-. R. Taylor, Bliack- Monten and Thornas Mortonî. stock, xvcrc Stinda'ý,'calien s cf Mrs. Heicui Chapliniispcnt. es Mrs. 1T. Taylor, lhe %weckeiid at Trent River. Mrs. A%. 'lavloi andt Daxvid Miss Jessie Kennedyv and re ý>peoding a feue days \vil Miss Florence Kennedy. Lon-i lier rau-enta. Mn îd s R. i-oit, sere guests svilli Mrs.; ir -iarîiaii, Euterprise. Thonmas Jacksoni last wcck. Ms vte Tavnil (if Orloe Chlalice. By n g muet, j rento S .petit a few u',ia's u'asý homei foi' the weekeîdý witb lier sister, Mr-. and Strs. wiîth is mollie-. Mrs. Goidice lent ~J. W. Bownaui and famivý. Challe. Mrs. .1. W. Bownîan, Mt'u' Mr. Janmes McKititoti xrio ircis Pegiorial Myrte Tanibtyn and .M<rs. .lia.k e ut at ha hdomeita i d: 'Flic aplen- Ormuston called on Mrs. J. ' Stav oLkfel.optlo r'd tidicates a Browvn, Oroîîo, anîd Mrs.s. Sat ds in lue part of Caldwell, Port Hope. Mn. autd Mrs. Bruie Lyxxood 'k safelv at ail Mr. anîd Mrs. J. W. BoV.- anîd Mi-. Waller B vrs., Lîod- tter of ihabit, mii' t etained mniiv îaltcr'sas. x'eeSuiidav tii-est x--- r anîd guard on Wednesdav ocrithie occasion Mn. aîîd IMrs. Lenurd Dr-iver. ,r lazards niaY of their 2,511tWdigAut 41 Club te o h being s'ri-aarv,. t edThAni lle Betliaii' Kîlete 4-i-i, ('. Mn. 'aîd Ma Edgar Presctt Clbhillcd bleui- meeting on uboiitdiabcSanad Marion werc SLIundav Saturda.v aIthie hionieof Mrs., oit tihi part of guiests ofr Mr,.anîd Mrs. Keith -larr 'v RBs iet' and coniptebed ilic Aiea staff Gibson, Greeiilaîik. lhini stii1dv iuit "The Club t ilig Ill uc xalîîc -----lirt Stanids on Guard'. (,I\ anid abouit Firsi aid kits xveîe.iiidp-fd joli svih sufe- aEund proper nîeat plannuing svas' Regiori iMan- B T HANY dsisci niouut h lVedding AnInix'eran Oit Satundav. Octoher '241 h. Mn. anîd Mis .MontoltDaî Celelraîed Iliceur 30tn xvýedding' ain lti cr xiitaîgfnena îî relat.ive'arurancd a parts- irI lhet r iotor s-,iv-tsas teld! un blle Toxvn Hall at. Betlîanv.l The roupie werr prescuîted! wiîli a hroîîze and ,xvalllut' ki teirn rtite.: Tlîe committre in cijirQcof, arrangements xxenc Mn-. ;,ria Mrs. Donîald Meflregonr. i-. andi Mrs. BruiteMcGuilt. I Mr I . la i T r . Le . , on 'ýlit c id fori- asb vrt nrs Ceci i McGibt.Toîctito, tl the Past xx'ek xývttî Mn. Mr';. James McKînnouî. ns. irI MiGillista apatienît 1Peterborough fHospitat. r. aîîd Mrs. Donald LoV.'e'ý Mrs. Winnîfred Spencr ii Mounit Elgin for txxc ý ast sveck an-d atîcui-ien1 fîtierai Service fot, the la (E dut Ciopen, bt-zband ofi anî Sboiclarni. formnirlv of nboriou g . r. an-d Mrs. Cu'egbton1 anîd their chidren. Dav'id Lviîda or Picton, r)in, thei kcnd xitli Mr-. anîd Mi-'T Cari-. m5 Tna (inflbir.laîtiretit, and Mra loi' Stapica. 'Eastern Breeders HoId Awards Night The Second Ann ai Banquet nmde to mne wo have cr. aid Awax i ad ' litof Easte n pteci.mor 35000 first er. Breeders incinîok place lini tle Sk *vlitr Ii t tBrock- Ville coi W' dîtcsci.xevciiig October 28tti. itIt over -100 people ut atteitdlaii e,. Thc Past Prcsîdeîît uîand tîrsi Presîdent of EasternîBreediers. :'r. ChiarlesX .\Camîpbell. V.ast recogiized for lits outstaiîdiîtg service toiilitec, rgauii7aitand lie and Nli-s. CaîiipbeIli sxcre preseîîted xvitlt a palitinig cf a wvinter sceîie. Mr. Russell Os- borne cf Nsvaîi.hie Preti- dentî of Eastern Breedtnr. nie teoes ofastern TItiecîiît)Nastfonal As- sociadin of rcceuvc atîouîa As sociat loti f rtifciAardaes s'iccs. Berri'iii g luis AV.ard sucreMr. Donald Graiani, Braicl Srprxisor of the Ot. taxv-a office, Mn. Orvile Min. bar. tcciiiicianii n the Ottawa oýffice. anci Mr. Harold Mot. les. a techi i cian in1 the Belle. ut-ile Office Ttjijntemonîcî sre recog- îîîzed for coi'ipieting 15 " vai cf service inIlthe rgaiiizatîon. Tue gucst ýucake'- forit li8 iîrcunci susReverend G. W. G'tîl, the NMiîisbe- cf the Met- îopolitaîî United Churdli in L îîîdnîî. Onîtail. j)j . Gel li's coniinns oit 'Pie lruivdtia iniiiSociety- ', xi cr Awa-dsTIise ad ahe equiPment-wuse farmers choos-"qftu "As Advertised on TV" MORTON FARM SUPPLY LTD. Phone 623~-2279 R.R. 2. Bomanlville I !,ABS tOF PROGRESS & LEADERSHIP you only have a few days left to buy Canada Savings Bonds w4ithout payiflg accrued interest i irni ýrînning omit. toi onIv hav i"lo:nt1 Noveîinher ISîh to htiv Canada Savings Bonds vvithrî pa'ittg aC-rujmd intmrmsît. Brivut'strs noxt' ¶ \uu (ai t hri 'or cî'ai or onh i'bi!nimtls froin \'oti t'a nk, iut\sist tuet dealer. stock brokrr, trust or' lan i onpanv 'I bey arc av-ailabýlc in arnounîis from S.130 Lp t 310.000 pr pct-son. Yoiuî AiJ1 gmt. ~- itttrest on I19(41 Canada Savings Bonds onZ Noi-bhr ]Ist mach ymar: 41,V < a y car foi-rcih o01 ' thm first 2tea rç; 5'; a vcar for-ah of' îhc lj, nm(\l 5vm ais; 5 a vcar for rc'h nofII thc ircinainiingr3 c atrs- aar sage y'cImd of- 5.0.a -car 'us hcî' iheld tenatur ty Et'~~'ie a,çsoilwiiing I ( sVefor. COOD MMES TO, REMEMBER when considerinÏ life in ance