Lionettes Distribute Santa Claus Botties Hear TaIk on 'Beauty' On Monday 'bu Boxymnan- viii' Lnoe. di .îrounc.i Contai;ner. f 1%Bov ma ,,-11l.C Sanla Clan. Pxurad dnit" 0- hi-. brks. and off~;,- containeurr.< . om "Be Generouz ,nd have hotu tions ' Ir) l>w nrim" c'ontributiomn- t a' S a i i Clan> Parade Fnnud, The tocaIi~n't. l Arnong the e v>'r i he Santa Clan- parade (-)' ho held from door to door inî Bowmvranville in November. TheBo'rarv:kt.i'M. lv..ld thelurel'.îct l'neeting on a rouent ee'h $1t the Lion C(-rîmmoin"Cei ture, Pre<iclen, Mi- Colinî ]Bfuîwîstîe ouc'.ided. -Mus. F!orcaei(, Tomil.' ýi -:à ronsuitant fouB-ii *rU, seller, waz tle ic' par She gave(, an in'cu-testî, and informative addre 's on beauty rare.thie art'-if ra' cl 900d -groor-n;iim M> -,I hc b a ýiit % ,i ;:nt xv c divilged b I Mr- Tomiuiiiiîof,1 1 Little Man With a Big, Happy Smile xx'-hrogave expert î'vu e îa:amng to',0 îlhvand 'ts -- 3 -n e)? 'x mn S"' i.ýr .oi. fthe holih~ r flieu ta'k î,.th Mrs.C " I -o fl- kmn actine az a unode], Thruvn gue.-tý were lDre>"-n' at 'lhe mot;n2 of !lie Lion- tez. Mu- BRora ut !,.j: an. Mu !i K F ra înl 1')î . j, .n,i Mu.Eric Barr. Ever>- "Car 'Iloe-iiî ville Lionet:es mnake Clîri.t- mÏa5 noveltie: for the patient: m~ locql nuîrsing honnez PIans, for tlîis zzea-om's Yletide 'iov-- .,t:es voe i.>î- da,'1'ho mnectîna .Mus. Fred Colo ixîl bein of upcl h 'mritect. and the -mem-bcr. ;-vil \x'vor-u a' the rnak igof thoîivl'l at. the ne's' reet:ii'ý of ingl. Noeniber t 7b M Cole. Mur-W'al:om iîe 'mn f MuS Buaci(e Lui'h iill he :n charge of that meeting Thi< v eau r the i.îî'te Cliîtîma. Pa ut> xi le î' rit Tiie day iouîg ecn bru 1,5th, ixx as decicled. Reports from Women'1s Institutes BETIIANY %V. 1. Home Ecorîomics asud [lienah featuued the progcam of' 'lec Womcn's I titiiute imeeting hcld Monday nighî aItbch homne of Mr-. Ted Speiiele « . Dr. R. _M. Butlr vas lime gnest speaker ancd lus ialk concerned Diabot'. a disea, e in which the diges-tiv e su;teiOi is unabie I ab.ýorb norrmal qutantifies of <r-ogran id slauch. Tui iý ýe'ûethte oldo 4t kno'vn di.-eascs, rlating back tri Egî'ptian ini e" u-uýiuIDr. Butior. "Il îz a ciiionic dis- caise 'x'i i Leh iii ives t lie bucakdoîx'iiof tie panr'e'î- anîd has; becomne falux (oi-! Mon. Peuhap-.5oI)pou cent of flic diabetie: -go unuecogîîizeii. Reseaucri on the dJscase was begrmn by Thoniras Willi:s n lb" I 7Lh entuu-x-. but it \ivas 11ot rintil 1923 wheî Du. Fred Banting and Dr. Chaules Bestý discoveued the miracle of In- sulin. Thoîr fîniliiig'is a luemecîdons spfouwaud in; ai] the dUC'leýSs ln liess "The cause of ciabot1eu is hlot fus' know'î. FHerodit'.' no dioubt pîs ,ys a part. Tlîernî.t coromol age wxyfîoi luLrk.-'s îs usually betwxeenî tie ages of 40) and 60,. althoiigii mans*v lii- fait.s h av e it. Fortunale&v, iioîvwitlm ineueasiimg cîii.- standing, Iabie- hi c cxc' chance of i'ecox'erv."- Du. Butler disuCIs-ci puob. able caU..eS. sy mitoniî.andc 1 wx'h i ci ii-lce rtrict dift': ac-u, tte tak:in ' diabotir (pil i. and m t i , jetion, wbîc'fîmcitlbc acf'- qUaleli cciiitroIliia nd ugli check r- niade , .m -ce tha:,hiu patient is ir-vi Oi'i'fe gi mmi,11Of inisu lin. Wj ýlI i t tir-e of fnsuci'î we liai e ramî' loîmgeu lIf e C ,ei't, mu ,n cl ~ ,li e s : iuc' fîop. ho-' tflie Om îegiiaîit minot b e t afflîc'ued wihh diabetes. oui al the tinic aidcci byvlIme Arneuîc'aî Diabet.e .'%-r-oeia1- lion ammd iho Britî."î Diabaie Association. W\X'mh h iii'(,:lmd; 1' iici'casiimg kîoîxiecge of lime niedical profess-ionîtIe more hope fou aIt tlic afflict-: ed. At puesren:wcx'e aie onîsý Icarned bru' to î uomatmi ..r i FX'mpioiîîls: fîcîxitiitreuil dia- boeticsancf te iixnt of 1 sie effeet- of sliot'k anîd c'oma. Il Lr-fle<acuse of' tii disease that i liecîmîmknîoîxî qUanhitJ Wiieim tuatisi>prox'- ci. uc xew ii liai, , (jc:a bev l crimpietùe]s vconIcriled, Di. Butler was intucmodueed and thlanked by Mus. Hectcor Moton. proguatni uoîîvr'iî. Mus. Mortoni also gaie corn- ments 0o Ille motto -"The healîfi of nation.,; iume iun- portaitt Ibil lime x uiluli ci- n atilaons." Mu> Hari-\ Ri li p r' iic foi t he iehiigmi-c-iiîi the renboi's anîd exral xisi- tous. The rull call Wa< ails- wci'ed b> "A peusommal (Xocuti- oîîc i crmimi ti - <'fiild i M u'. , t' lia,. .mî m.m gave tht' Iiilcial epo14l1. rt'ad tlemenutes andco rres- poîîdemmee xv h ici immluldeci thanks Iroin lMus. Walter Rowx-- landc for floiu-is. aititotilii'e- memit of a leaders' traininîg couseIifie leld iii Oroiirm cnt-erîmi up thele tikiiig cf Isomo >fadcs, and Ifie Dur'hamî Couimix'v agîicultural calcidi'. Resolutioiix b be deait uxitli ai lihe Toronîto r'onven'onîo wet'uediSCcisspd and votecf oi Mi's. 'led Spcimuceley xx,\iii h the dlgt-iili-cii.i lion, Mi'>. FHa rNiRyiex-. l m tend ctme Ros ai itrFai'. Nox'ember 1r-1.ut. iad of the Girl-" ý4-H1 Club. M us. Esul ieiQliaici xx o i tut Ap.pile Coic. st" îoliîcfîiceib>' MVIs Ntiîsc'iFinie' -. Lucîlîix\\as <uitc 1b tmc hosuess b,- t'i iv Nl-. Geouge Neal: ýMu,..V.l'imo Mrs Cla mente oux'ai aîc MuS .Il. Rb 'l!im e itx' m.: î.!' lirlci at the fhonme î: ii- Ernois SSii)jtilîand i xi fl ui efancîfîpsd ccaici Pcîxuýnianx-illc \N'nuîi's Ini tcîîreîîas lîicdin Illetfmc- osc place onthue 29tb. îvjihla go0 attendance. la tlme ab:oemc'c ridr Pm'sidciii Nîrs, 1.iVLmimo. 'az i nthe t-lir.u'Filc' nî'l -, ing- vu openec ix'itii the sîî g, ing of 'O Camacla". 'Tliv Iiistu tute Ode" anîd 'epoatiig -'Ti Lord's Puayveu". As flic scib jeet was A\griculttire. the roi eali xxas'" A trodîct oh oui Carmadian forcsts'. TfiS us- zisiv(?'crdb> itle iiieiiibeus Nirs. tlîiidav i imroîfi -cri lii speaker.,tuf r. isu of O bourg. FHt spoke loi 'Flic Great Pint' Rfdge , TcmcîîSý CIouîil-i Jotitii lue su biectC -'Conseraionî m t "ccuriiu' Il( touils i mîcicstrx ,if t-i oic our toi'ests f lie 'rpokc' of tîme beanîs, ýof ourm'mîeus anmmcl akc' anri r-a ici 'îx' 'forld ci'ii agt' 01c1- vi mpeopie totii t uîî aimd m'eS i/r-e tule o Ilcrt xxe chavîe. Bcocklotsive me mass- cd auouîud eîmtitleci "Visit Gm-ca' Plîme Ridige-"îu'hclî ucnipiir- lime Coun liesof iDcurhmuuîandc Noruthunmberlanmd AI lthe cl of iuis adducss fie, fmowxed ru a c'oloi'ig book x'mi'msoi s ai 50ct anmd u mmchiis but lu iiru- num- and trcmuuii 0ii mnui zIildreit. Mus. Mciicas i au a iteni outitleit cî 'T heili'XX: faîcu" Nîrs. 0. ii'î: miti Nuss Lu'ia Brag'g, ulixi illu molîto 'Nutît le it ils il inulu Iiint'ii in amt'c -iis hi T.:ii .\ii. 1 Sleiiau-L Plans'- î î-m- mmi' foc those ventlion iil'îîorontco. ai-id tri be i tii' ih1i. lot) aiil u'W'iuek Arthritic Pain? -So glad she got relief i ïFld> ,'4c eti ! ' riOrm u', m v. vs t.' A.fH.L, it u' g,.-" On. A pi'ut er mt'u 1tç.-î 'et 0 ris DOLCIN. 1,i so giad I did. for DOLCIN pînýuC ico esseci relief. DOLCîN s a reredy iliam reaily worked for nie.' .f oru Ssii fast relief froîruthemuai" t'.io 'b.rsiis a"d miriii5dîliicis. tri' DOLCiN at oru1ce. See îulîy thoi's pr- se Ooî"î-î so i'rghly. Coiîîuueie sat- isfac imur or ýoîmr nony back. Ask lot OOLCIN Tablets."- .5~A' TEhe liosk ' littie lad wit}i a iulge suntle fotite voi'ld is 'ct-nmii Vaîîce Edwaud. son oif 1Mr. anid Mus. Johnt Rekker. R.R. 3ý. Bo\vrnaîi'le,. guandpauents ai-e Mr. and Mrs .Joihn MeLeati and Mu. and Mis. GîriRei al] of Maple Gi-ove. Mis Della '\lcG',aih of' Halifax,. NS.. is lus -gleat-gi'r nio thler. Plhotoi b.\ Robhert A ldsxx- oit Thursdav, Nov. 5th. Iu C. Dumîîî. ou delegate. ead tfmt' resolutiomîs ho be dealtit î'm ai the convention. Tickets xxeie on sale fou-lime dînîmer ah, Mu'iiou:ul Park Noîv. 26h. Mer'titiigai 2:'0 and d nrlii alu P. pi. Aftet iivt' si igin,î ig "i Qi-eetii" 'Mi>. lVundav mîmmo lier, ,gup scui-ed a Icveli' iucihmi. Rotary Club Gives H is First Birthday fYelvertoni United Church 1 Cha.! Warren wvhmcvon the' Mr. and Mrs. Everett San- "Second Flight- in golf, wn derson. Galt. Mrs. Schick and ning a beautiful trophy chilodren Willow,.dale. Mu. and Mu5 Eal Vlater. owmn- Mrs. Warren did supplv -~ille stdM n r teaching at West Courtice Douglas Higgin5 a week ago. colaswek Mus. Mary Philp. Mu. and Mijss Marv Peters visited M Jeurett. Lynda and Mur- Mrs. Elmner W%ýilbur on Sundaý.. ra .Willowdale. were Sundav Mr. and Mrs. Hosken Sni*li nigbt supper g-uests w,%ith Mtu attended Newcastle Anniver-' auid Mu>. Douglas Hiîggins, sarv Sundav miorning2 and Recent visitors wvith Mu.-ere dinner giiests of Murs. Luibier A.î. ad fanîîl\ _ Helen Bowven and Darlenie. Mn and Mu>ý. Gordon Wakel ,They aecompanied Mrs. H1el",n MIr. and Mis. Richard McLean Bowen and Dariene and Mr. anid Deobie. Toronto, Mr. and Norman Lee. Camrbray. and \lk()to Pfieffer. Whitbv. w-ere supper guests of Mr. aiid \l 1 i i BIlint. Bowmani- Mus. Stark. ai Starkville. vllvit M and Musý Thos. Long Mr. and Mus. Hosken Smîbll iinci Mrz> Heleni Thompson,, weue Saturdav evening guests Suarbaouog. Mi- and MrS. of Mu. and Mrs. Fred Cam- Bruwe FHogartb and dauglieus. eron. Zion. Piuleeî ing. and Nirs. J. B. Mr. and Mrsý. Glenn Simii W'ileox and Donald. Cobourg. attenided t h e masqucuade w voue i-ceont \ isitors wit h Mrs. dance a-, Enniskilen on Sat-j J. D. llogaiutli.rda, night. and Glenn xon Muand -Mu>. nF lmo awevs. a puîz.' Mus ..Annie Hawes, Whit)hv, - Mi. and Mus;. Edward Gibson. O>bawa. altcnided the chri>- SHAWT'S teniig o f houi Ami Like. and i '\1., .911(1 Mi . Rai 'lhe animîîal Ha tlowe'ei pa I o k t\ wvas held ai. the school on Mr. Dn i h aîantid xî,Fuidav. October 3th. wîth a Taunitoni. visied Mu. an\d Mui. good cuowd iii attenidan(te. Rnnlaike n Ti iu sia ("iiThere wcre nianv ti cowtunie Mu ii<i M M ~ makiîîg il diffîiîull!or the N\ o i i i a n d M ! - t î e ! , wt i i j u dJ ' e h l i l a k a ce i o c e . ýiit d M r li ý,- fic d i li tii <S\l '. Srii xxmi -x i- Ma 1îklîîî.:'î. llf.i Vm 1 r O , îi¼ atnnd, uuw n (Il 1lm l nid lnu îm ild a iitmiddinod ni' Bo\vmniltt M ii' iiKo iippe,,ii Cadmu.. Otto Baeprsdpaitlt * t sjded iiî t le piano -ind F. R. Lovekin. M- Mu aniciMu>.]ll on olte as a Western gentleman. P . i -kstou-k, xvisitdM. tda îatrof coremoniies. mn FidaxWinners. xvcuoa', follow.u: ."a'" l W xediie>ýcla, ?vr. andcîBcv.t duesseci pce-sciiool girl, Mli>, M.Mooîîî ni attetndý,d ltsiJInetBrowyn. 2nd De!)- *1 Lc i îîuke jnopju ai Sndrorali Harnînîoîd: Best duessecl (f aci d asîoî vsil, pue-sulîool boyv. I stKeilfi Bau- tiRex Mu and Mrs. Freci r ', 2îîd Brute Browyn: Be.ý dresseci publie school girl. li oi Ii N:,' iS vRî'.\id.. ' w-iAlla n Buag-g. 2nd Barr.fils iinTironto on Saturday.Iax',- (dressed as ladies): Best dres- * 1'nx-011 alit award froni the:seld publie sclîool boY. 1 )-.haixa 'im. ii oying aiSte venî Bar. Jî)id Paul Pol- ~ limiieru amlo , \x 50 :0 hie plitt: Character cosinnrie,gil YKii ( i"h-f Centre ivere lie saw 1,'t Janet Bragg, 2nd iPat RRt- liiLiri0, u Bug. ((1: Cia raucu rcostume, boyý,s. Ni1'.and mi, lî JohlCwîlmî , 14 Matirii'e Wood, '211(1Torii f niilami, scarbuoli9, ivre Bri:Mosl originial costume. rot-li t \itcîî-.ix-tjj,l_ Muaîd Tiîeresa C ra goc: Cîildreni'. .\lî Au tRev niolds. cote (-costume. Ist Russel Mr andci Mus. Keilli Peteus. Welshb 2îd Donna Marie Wl vJi i:.xisitvdi NIr. andi Mus. liams. .A1dniurinoicut ie liii W ci dSaitli oFcdie Woodl Cimiioua 1 iatîîi M i :- sI Best cusai u.Caroal The Canadian Statesnman, ]Bowmanville, Nov. 4, 1964 5 Lo%-ekin: Best dre,ý;sed man, guest minister for ThRnk- Murray Hammond; Best aduit'!offering service here last Sun- couple. Helen Hammond andiday,. choosing as his text the Barr.v Buagg; Best couple, story of tIhe 1( healed lepers, cnildren. Guy and Gar -y Guth- onîx,' one of whomn returned tn rie: Best Hallowe'en girl. 5 give thanks 10 Jesus. Rev. ,\Wend\- Ayre, 2nd John Ax're:Rmerîl welconied ou new Best Hallowe'en bov,'. îst nisteu. Bey. Mary' v Alicer Stanlev Lanie. 2nd Paul Crago: Douglieriv. *o the Oslîawa Best national costumes. Lad'.,' Presbyîieuy and on behaîf ot Buenda Broc-k: Mal). Wyethe congregatioîi to thc Ennis- Taylor. kîlleti appoîntiîmont. FoIlow- Thaiik xx eue exteiîded o ing the seuvice a ecueption xvas the judges anîd the MC. and held in the bu irt' basement *~~~y~~ -xiht hnkMs o~ to give eeyoean opportun- kin roi' povidifîg special î îiîBo.Duhcî t ucat> foi ailthie cti dren. Mcsdanîes Morlev Gilro v, We ivere pleased to e- Fred Samîis. Eduiau Prescot". coiiie thie parents anmd theBR B. Siinipsoiî .and J. W. Bow- chljdren fuomn Providence ivli man attendedi theo C. W Pues;- arc atteniding senior grade,,;a* bYterial al1 Claremnont ont Sa'sthis' veau XX'e lîoe Turda T'le Fnl ild ladies time, ix ilI assisi with anîd cicondctted tIlie a I leunonldcx o- jo«v oLir meetings oi- the r i n P"oi of the veau. Liîcb xxa- svrved bh ir >î R, humleMis R. Brock itin MiS V. XWood, ENFIELD Mr. anîdMu.Jaines Bowx- mnii and children, California. ixo e ieîît iisitor aithfe . W*Bo\\x-'naianîd GBowxnman wer 'îOMondasi ifiîiunciuests (il Mr, a nd NMrS I.,co,'banu' .iîi. Raiphi Mir. andcl Mr,.Kenu Coubim vrc' Wedncsday ldîîîîer guestý otf Mr. and Mus. h. Coclîraixi', Io celebrate lus parents' xx c- dimîg anniversarv, Mur and Mus. C. Sargenît anîd fanîils' iere Sundav visitous ai t lie, 1ýa.'uc oo.' A feîv îîem bers fi'oîiihuet alttnded Presb 'yleix ai Claie-- mitiitClurchb 'llic Young People clîtertain- c time comîmunity 10 a Hallo- îve'oîi parti' on Saturday even- îîîg. The best costumos vwere wvouii by'\ Ralîh (Cochrane. Allaîî ('lifi i, lMri. anîd I\'r. Roiî Oke. David Puescoit. .Jimn Okc,, Kellv Lavetîder. Mc .andMcl rls. Jamies Poix- nîîaiî. Susari. Jirmv and Clîris. Palos Veudes, Pen. California, spet several da ys xxithîthii Box-iîa ' l-ai ives livee iast W(elt 1'c\. John Rorncri i vas oui with an là, r t car--,e d' DIAMOND RING Hee's iusticite of Arlcarved's famous "Style Sir5" - mag- nificerit ncw stv' ýs %Yi have become the fdgotes of young America. See th--r al'! SUNDC'WN STAR Sil Engagement Ring $375 0 brid's Crcl,î $100. oc HOOPER'S Bursary 'l'lie Smîîilli > FaIli Rotai'>' Cilub xxilpuci)virie a Bcim'aur- of $1 iftîhilfou a sturient cei- uolliiig fourlime tiird x-car Ad- v'ancedi CIas iii Agufeulturmi Mecliaii'ai lime Kemptîrille Agrienltcmral Sehool mcxl [al il xxas aiiîlicnucedb% Prii'i- pal A. Ni. Barr Iodi 'rim iie îîîuOr' Jimi> i'a' mi îmst bc flimefuu imaikimig guadimite fron tlc Sehoo1ls uegîîlam' dfplomia urici ise ini Ag-' riCuLtcîuo oh ai-Y îîfîîîeîiuol foi' tht thi ud i'eamr. 'rfi i- îxill qualile ilstifci - ie te: oIm t li î'isa i 151',îx'h cli is thfi oulu\ onmi4o 1 i t iti pt' rfred ini Oîîtauio. The aixari-c xxi..paî'ticii Isui \?weiuomeci bu Keimiptvmîle Ag,- i'ic-nltcîîa I Scîmmol antîm'tm r-dire its imîîpacti xxii i..erx etri link the cxork of fie egrîLjar tu\'o iVc omrse to Uice'lîmrci ELIZABETH VILLE 1' Scîmîa i ýulmoond mci c -serv'ices uxeme leld as tîscial iclurcb %vas ai Canton- ir On Wcdîiesîa ci eîimg. ive h aci ourtukeys -ppcî. A lai-pc w 'owc ateridcansd mceptd a gooci suimper. ' îî Murs. Duxiarcl. Tn n Staimic, un.Scîderlanîd, visileri in the village onmiStmiday, M'r. ancl Mi'. - Pix'."oîim, xc'm'cai Mu. andMc Vr- O Ieu' c ec's foi' t'eucekemîc. Y VMr> andci Mi'> H. Qîaîtill spr'n Suda iai Guelphi0ou Sucidai xx lii Mlr, ciNnd s I i l folcl-Irmu NMr. andMmîclNît- it urui'i i'mc l'a Sunîcai u'î cmingmigî'tfî Mr. anmd Mu. JFaji. PoîitypoOiý .\fus. C' Peati" anci iVrs. Thmekson. ari ifie lxx o becs f'or tetIukex scppr on Tues- Mi. ail tri Ms.'lrebemmc'lisand Lr'îg Amui. Poirt ope rimt ScInica> ai li ,u il îrs;C. F. Fou lui A. Siiepputrul andc h-c mt'Yauunix-s h ucîîxîOsiiaix-uî SOU s ontc ami rday. M, c onmmmuiv foruihtir i 'cit on Satumîcax iligbl On Fuiduaýis mmimn ilp. -omiecil. the 'inmitiittelaidies xisitod \iill Mus 'NI C. Nlnîî'mansrilcok fruo toricR<susimd huîkmîpfou ir liem'i ofîî f laîuuix Rn-c in -fmriîîcfutîuî Se luispita I Mu' Riie-scli S;uilci'. Shiioui, ,Ici-.îl M u- Sý'ý,iiull. X11 ci s a fth Ss mmithlui arne oxicmicfc'Io1 t lut Kc'înedî' lainilv intriihe ciî'ullfi ilimeuc l.teriiau'd Kenm- nocl i .Pea x'rlîîîî "I'bef'meia ix a-u'i Satcîmdut> .uIhFsuSîiaimîuoThi mîno'i i ai cf nu i'lb Ni i aid Mi S. M* lANIii SLcm aý iî,\u' s '<mxcd:service ut7p.ii. xx ii Rex Alfredi NîrAI lister.DLii cs. Oitas gucesttcsIker.'nIie .cuc e le:scii ix as StI'lark 7' 1-6. Thme hiiii ucsciixcue Nos. 31, '217 amnd 403. 1The 'uuoir sang aiii itlieni "'îîlcîx îî'cm' ot iii- t-l i cii'bauîtizedi Lori'i .\iit acumiglulc'u -t)f 'Mr. a*itc Mrli ttîiuilcîd K î'.c 5h mii iXi. ,'ii-iic' mi Xi Bu'îîmî Rober-t. mmioftM. lt aid Nir - Rcober',t NicRelis. Tnnuui lieatlicu claugiilu cf NMr.-anid Muý Ruobert N1c'Quieim Trieû ('lc'ruici B ul- . i.'î's Trull, lliu:iýl -i Ra 1t îîî îîîl i lam'otcf SiruIx aý S î1i o)o 1t"eac-lii.-' imîut inoi ' rt Nr'( 'iii'i'uiccltî-ii T1 u',ý.-î Novix . :30îî p mmm Ili-(' \X il. Ni4li' t ý uc-wt-c ini Il il îîîi ('. 1" \V'ilg Oui Ttesci-ni . 11'iuîîuimW'. I. (tle -goiimel ai 2 p.:i. C I' Xir tiit-mm. th S muti1 >l.N 1 1 1fi. 1- RBP îîîc 'X'îî'î 1 'i~î aml Xi fI, Cto ". To î t io. 2 1 ý i i r - i - ý-f og r E"-tr t i c ' i Xl't!X flîiîu 'r'i ittu ir uî Arilmoilt adc Mu aut Nunior. To"- on l ('lt- reu:ul \ii tud l . r Brt}i-mm -\î itcitIîcu' NMr atiinid ina: i x f1ni r-cJii ý .îcfi.t:lt 1,-1e l O laixa. andi Ni- Idiot> Buulr-o aud Lriu \n. To: itatxn. . îed Ni-Jclmmî BaU.-Ot - Mu. For-to: S i i'( i chci Bm'cîckfîix . NI u icîr- Siixdi m anui Bi'uc BuaclieX - Sýe-ticon u'ececnii ' -trd NM r il 1ý Bal:.o r scîida ii -tt: ' M Nr. ai Mu-,\A %V'Pue-toitixxi' 'e Mu 1 î P( Ic. Ke--l î Nr l' ma 1 X,îî i . iu- Xl a ::c us jat'oo '.51m Si. froi lNi %l'a i:ý. sisk 1cî'lia' i" SU ii- di uîti'o'il i 1 (-i t"Il(i' îîî"î' Mm-S. t.itx imi. -t îîxîî vIi's> G . \cfr'îî k 'l' îî If: sîmomît Scimmcf, ' 'i i'îî ' ii, x t l Xi:'. Boib .\ iîl' i nmc X. B)mîxi,ii 'ic. xii tit i hil t'l ' .l t' C hilil. NX" ilt'i S '-i i. St( Mi , i ' n '1 ' iltr<tl au u;ii-iiudc c-i1%m'l it'cicfoc l t,- hî 'Mut S i"ilii,. R wÉilf"iîvîi t S i l id î.a .11r i i i , i i ->1 - ui - - tM H' - I " * ' l> ui- T.c in 'î1' xe>1' k 1[ 1 r i Q~t.. i u1-i. f il - a' I, - ci ax t-i Is< h ios i î'î.îîîý h lr u-- fII-t 1)c Ii ii ". -- Nt 5C M NI: i iac i. i i f im~ - il i t-i i 'u c ~it'uitl I.m id'iIi-tin White Swan Tissue 3 65c IGA CANADA PACKERS SALE! 't f 15-07- tins~ CHUM DOG F001 2 for 99c -ll i iih le ch YORK KAM Mapit. Lv, CANNED HAM I t-tii tins - tor f YC Ayime - i ~, ~Tomato Soup - $139 IGA Coffee IChocolate Lamb in a Basketlb 2 3c Skîni"ii,'. Puute I'ork - ' -" 1MAPLE LEAF WIENERS 1-"11. 'k. 45c1 45cii)r-m Ayimer choice haîves i Soz.tins Peaches 4 for 77c Libby deep brow,. 1 Miutepk c HEAD & SHOULDERS SHAMP( lai ge jar 2.06 large tube 1.16 mcid î jarI1.07 itt us5-02 . n 4 for 69c 10-0z. tin. 4 for 47c 6ot. jo, 89c 1-1b. fin Demnpster& ail butier Succe..s Super while Paste Wax Solo tioiouren Margarine Ho.pîis iii' Raisin' Bread Hou pil ni,Iy 1-1h. piq 59c 1 I).k pkg. 2 for 45c 16 . Z. oa 3 5c ..... 9c ... .55C~ i. ulha'e Sunkist Sîze 180's Os 'Valencia ORANGES 3 B. C. PEADC 6 for 25c ritrio l (OOKING vrNIONS o 1Gad 29c B rad fo rd (RISP (ARROIS No. 1G d bai 5c CHRISTMAS lOY SUPPLEMENT I"îec for IGA cash register tape or Bonus' 'l'a pc~. Bowmanville IGA Foodliner - BOWMANVILLE 1 Wanda's BEAUTY SALON 71 Kiigý St. E. LAY OFF SPECIALS Reg. $15.00 PIernis ,specdal - $9.50 Reg. S12-501 Perniis Special .$8.50 Ref'. S8.50 Pernis ,special $6.50 ~jX.~Rne~vili$2.00 Tint it Creniie $5.00 Rinst' $3.75 \V W u;îtc oui. work hY expert st vIlsis For Appointmenit PHONE 623-3801 EXTRA or $36-0oTpe Rciean extra M.1) T4 Iapc %v'th Facelle Royale Tissue 2 îe ; 1cls. Rec ei, c a n exira Si644 'la pe' "illh OMO DETERGENT DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES l't(cie ~ean extr a 'S4.004Tape % th MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT tinh te<'ei'e 'an extra $2.040 "ape w~ilh DOMESTIC SHORTENING 1dlb.%pq. Philadeiphia Cream Cheese pq f ozen Farmhouse Fruit Pies 11-nz, tq. TableRite Sliced Bologna pq SPINAC H Con." No. gae.q quality and economy BRANVIN SHER.RY AND PORT WINE Il Tapes. lail .ý 1- roz 1 1 M c(A 1 NS PEM 1