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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Nov 1964, p. 3

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Sailorettes Win Trophy in Osbawa Twirling Competition!IeCL timn. _ W d i qbe eut for conveniencesadta that ail gates are ta becioe ak Mr PcEAN - McKXIGHT low iength lace mittens. Her' we ofon;ta finger-tip veil of nylon tulle' shthateanrbeni-onu The marriage of Sharon illusion was secured by ai so ht h we Louise May daughter of Mn 'crown of seed peanîs and :fied hti might be salac cus and Mrs. Garfield McKnîght,!rhinestones and she held a: formenatiand rnemnt] fran h R.R 2, Bowman\ i leand'nosegay of white button chry- .meato mdethtnSain Frederick Isaace McKean soflnthmm ihrs ete, one but an idiot trape hr of Mr. n Mrs,. Isaac Me-'and white streamers. ..arsthmdieoafacnsoeE Kean, Oshawa, xvas solemniz- ulnOh field of ripening grn onM.a ed in*' rs RmnCt1' Mrs. Frank MleOh crosses over a web wire ec sig in rc HyCrRo an Cdat O- 0'%a, was the matron of honor,'hfaybtenptstatndw ~~~~~i Ch. nStra.O- d isLinda McKnightiswe ree o eoeterJnt tober 31, 1964, at 12:15 mid- iwan -erdtoreo da-, sister of the bride, Bowman-1 esnfo npry ti ville, the bridesmaid. Mrs. 'erotneccss a r opetrset e The Reverend M. J. Darby'Mullen wore a street-iengthî we rbswf padsvr Perforned the cenemony and ensemble of royal blue lare oxnandoback andforhfo udy Mrs. Gary Booth, organi.sýt, oe athn taf feta withrcfusndthem thenigdoisbi ~ e n agAve Maria; beige acceesories and satin' i~~< - hu. reifigthe sgin f bow headdress. She carried a: '~ ~ ' We aiso humbly suggcs ha regstr.nosegav of pink and white ' te hunting seasan sholdb Given in marriage by ber' cN:ateusltno utlalivsaki :father, the byride wore a ful-" The bridesmaid was in shel potpror neatileast to oe nt le ngt h, nylon -over-taf feta i pink lace taffeta and net - - stabled for the winten;ii ~Oflwith an overskirt of with matching accessonies and'woud uat ona y makeof armert lace medallions. The lace a pink fiowered headdress,bu thso ontegud boice was studd-d with wîth a bow and vexlîng. She' beate a hnek ofalotsie peani5 and rhinestones and!earied a nosegay of pink- fewerw ounded niaisn ol ityled with a sealioped, round itinted chrysanthemums berot a te n anadt flcvan nd .hird cap: M. Frank Mullen was the-rtoain teesamps esm em tdbyi-best man and Mr. Garfield' relati on inbe t e aier n __McKnight Jr.. brother of the hle cr cni t oa d etenate bride, of Bowmanvilie ush- we erta rsi cino ered. the part of farmersmgh AW nd ered. hH 1Gni ..eliminate a few "sportse BEAUTYSAON s !he bisthh fgi r oe ai Leader Cindy Kowal, centre, is proudly holding the trophy this Payne, Darla Nicholson, Irene Reitmuller, Kim Masters, Lynfl1ed to renew oid acquaintne BEand beige andth o gold oae so--yn, twirling group won on Saturday at Oshawa. They were the Stacey, Kathy Lovekin, Debbie Jones, Susan Connors, Karen Sar- this weekend duringavii 71 King St. E. les. The bidegroom's mother:best in the Jr. Novice class. Ail take training at the Recreation De- ginsen, Penny Almond, Shelley Vanstone and Cathy Patterson; chose a hrown, pleateci wooi partment twirling class. Members include, from left to right, Theresa absent,_Cathy Passant.r jersey shecath with matching'__--_e LAY OFF accesories. h osý1q hnsiigreaîing. M c5.lane. ýwere composed of rust-tintcd, Romeriî explained some of Lea ion Pp a d Pa s " h a e t DE(I IC hrysanthemums and gold;, the study book, God and Hisrp bows.~ Purpose, and after groups had "Vi, For their honeymoon tnip:discussed sevenai question,.... 1 keeper ta an oid cusoe . Reg. $15.00 Perms to points east, the bride don-ýshe xent on with more en-woha ee onete," Special - ----- $9.50 ned a royal blue two-piece 1iightennment. A "Cloud seyo'eeeavntth Reg. $12.50 Perms and a corsage of pink canna-1 minute book reports on Bra-. eia etn n ie Special ----------- $8.50 tions. zil and Trinidad, the count eia etn n Mr. and 'Mrs. McKean plan. tries wec wili be tudying i them your last nickel.,o Rteg. $850 Perms to reside in Oshawa. i mission this vear, were given Special ------------$.0bx' Mrs. Blake Gunter, Mrs ,.. yu'l have ta, walk hione. * lLL4.~UU( Thompsoîî and Mrs. Richard ,4f1 "Yes," remarked the ra i Shampoo Set with B A K T C Van CamD. Mrs. Stanf ord« Crenie Rinse--$20 The General U.C.W. meet-1Y rought ihihsfo h * ~ ahrpesdtn fvie Reýional Rally at Claremont. 'and many a time I'-egven Tint with ~ing was heîd Tîîesday. Nov.Bsns a datwt n Tint with 1 3rd ls i theaChnwistian Cree Rnse $5. 'in theo Cistian Educa- 1meeting ciosed with prayen by 'you my Iast nickel and coud' CeeRne $00to omwt30ladies andi Mr, Roinenil. a fter which a walk home." 6-Week forIldrnatndn.Te bakc sale was heid by the,.. CLOTHES CARE HITS Rinse -7C presu dent opened the meeting Candacc Unit, and the Dorcas , t wfha nefpaer ane n evdlnh Your Personal APpearanis ra We guarantee our pocm on Thankfuness The! cltn ogrgtos nI ~cleaned elathes. Bring the oyu workb xet bY the Candace Unit . Mrs jo -cd the Anniveî'.any Se-!. < SalvationAry am Cordon Strong gave the catî vicus in the United Church, Y stylists. t osi and aea-lSuniday. Rev. DouglasPîikey SALE 0F V R, O ForAppintent hymni 673 was sung. Mi-S'., fDra,ubec. who . ,~. . N FEN0 623-3801 Rap Larmer read two scnip-lis Fiel d Secretar-yofMsinFrdNoe erlt- PHONE 6330 turc passages. Prayers cf' ary and Maintenance Depart- rdyNo _____________________Thanksgiving were offered,' men1t for Montî'eai - Otta;a1 and Mrs. Stnong gave a' amd Bay of Quinte Confer-1If <kL ences. deîivered two very1ive Necelve Lealon Life ivembersnips I force fui, thought - provoking 'j[ MA 1Ie Li land in41,eresting sermons. Ii iPJ ieh morning lie spoke on! "What is the Church?" and! * S is subject in the evenin %vas "Are You Saved?" Iný BAKED PEARS pear haîf and a marsh-1 the marning the choir rend-' WITIIalo nio o h ered the anthem, "More Love IT MARHMALOW leon uce Plce n a to Thee O Christ," and Mrs. M RH ALW eo le.Paeia Harold Kyte ini lier usul1 47 King St. E. QAIYM 6Cûnada Choice modcrately hot oven 'wetvoir esang the solo,"h oeo ult n Canned Pear ilalves (400'~ F) for about 5 "'Fodav 1i valked where Jcsus 1 tablespoon sugar minutes or until marsh- ale. The choir chose for ' the eveningc ser-viee, "~0 What' PORK ONS 1/4'tsp. ciIInarnon01 mallows are delicately la Wonderfui Saviouir," with BBPRIN TNELI i mnsicdppr browned and pears are Ur.s. Lamne Thompson taking' I >thin heated through. Serve Itihe solo part. Beautiful 'mumsî V b Ag OTO 6 r-arshrnallows immediately. p o u r ing inmmroftenovdne45lb55l. Ilace drained pear the juice lef t in the wr lcc nteihrhb Mn. and Mrs. Gib Mariow and Pfal ves in a baking dish baking pan over the Mn and Mns Neil Malcolm. STEAKS SEK with 1/3 cup of their pears. For attractive re- In St. John's Church Sun-WN juice. Mix sugar and cîpe folder, write to the day morning the service took WN LN cinnamion together and Ontario Tender Fruit the form of an Armistice Day 79c l b.6cl. sprinkle over pears. Instîtute, 241 Food Ter- service. Mn. George Wolfe -DeliclousFrhMl Place a paper - thin minai Building, The p'sne h SHORT RIB IES slice of lemon on each Queenswvay, Torontci*+M. who olparrd it in front of the BLADE ROAST3-bBa altar. Other flowers i A95- ILa, chu rch were piaced by th414 family in m.e'mory of Mr. William Fee. Svmpathv is extended Mrs.FI William Ece and fam.ily on At the Remembrance Day Legion Dinner on Satur- Monte Goslett, Joe O'Neill, Alec Lv]e and John Living. F th dal o Mr. Fe on Tes- day ne ofthe hghigtswas thepresentation offiv Th ffthmemerof the honoured group isJak Aaml b i memberships. Recciving them were men who had who is in hospital. Glad to report Mir. Albertdevoted ____ _____ ________ ____ _________________ _____ SID Wright came home from hos-mnyyastLeonwrro forgt, 60-701 pitai Sunday. We hope lie = ir ~ ~ k Hall was filled to capacity to should be asked for permis- 7 mily continue to improve T E L Y E K *~h onour% Mr. and Mrs. Dale sion to hurit on their property, AI] stea dily. r E V R O Stinson with a presentation that they be able to identify A Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Bvers,? The U.C.W. met on Thursday following their recent mnar- song hirds th-at are nlot to be 0F] Bowanville. were Wednes- eetor of Cererronies, Sisterlafternoon, Nov. 5, at the home niage. The evening was quick- 'shot at;--that fences are flot to dav supper guests of Mr. and Cowlin, Senior Lectur of Mr, and Mrs. Bert Gibson'ly passed in dancing te music, ______ Mrs. Leith Byers. Mrs. Leon- irSse aro og:~ for their November monthly supplied by Robert Sisson, arci Bradley, Bowmanville, r ise aio ge u-meeting. The meeting wasWally Reid and Clarence Page was supper guest of Mn. andi !or Leoturer, Sister Dorothylopened by President Mrs. Fred'with Harold Greene the eall- Mrs. Mervyn Graham. Ail Lee; Inner Guard, Sister 'StaceY. Following the Devo- i2 osur e d caing on 7 tional. Treaqurer Mrs. Flovd man Wilson was the MCKING ST.nW three viitd M. and Mrs. Os- Olive MeLean; Outer Guard,1 tno rvddtefnniltehoordcul osas B W A IL The annual meeting of the Past Masters Nighit was secretary, read the minutes of xvere then subIected to the Pride cf Cartwright LOB.A. field on November 2nd «n preceding business. A donation'usual poctie tirade and fir alla r No. 849 was held Thunsdav' Blackstock L.OL. No. 133. to the U.C.W. from Mn. Rus- presented with a davenport, -s night .wheii the following of- W.M. David MeLean presidý,c ellsdi oney, M.P., was grate- step-end table, a polo lamp aind ficens were elected: Past Mis- for the opening of lodge andifully ncknowledged. A lettera small purse of moncev Dale tress. Sister Jean Parr: Wor-'placed Past Masters1 in mje; from Sophie, protege of the expressed thecir thanks and In- thv Mistres.s. Sister Frances officiai chairs. Visitors from 'U.C.W.. xvas read. A donation viLed ail to visit them at their Gibson: Dcputv Mistress, Sis- Devitt's No. 43 ai-d Tvrone:of $150.00) \vs voted to the home rieur junction of 7A aind ter Mable Dayes: Junior Mis- 764, and the P..Master (of church treasury. A sizeable,35. I tress, Sister Irene Hudso n: .M Rev. Canon AsiAmore Isuni of moîiey was set asido to The comi-iittee re ;pon-,Ible iRecording and Financial Sec-1 Routine business was con'Ibuild cupboards in the church for the presentation vcre tihe rotary, SLster Muriel Wotten;; ducted bv P.-M. S. VanCamp.ýhall kitchen. Business conecrn- Normaon, David and Jiack Wl- Treasurer, Sister Margareti wýth dispatch, and lodge lo:,- ing the forthcoming Durham sons, the Gary MeMulleni's, Van Camp; Chaplain, Sisteri ed, to assemble with the Counitv Federation Annual Dav~id Staples, Terry Fisk, th(- Mairguerite Beacock; Guard-, Blackstock L.OBA 'for a lBaniquet to which the ladies Harey alcolm*s, and the *-a,- S'ste Ali na Foler, Di- bountiful lunch which thc\ are catcning, was deait with. Clarence Page's, provided. The rnembers ofMs idaR.nprvdda Officiai deer hunting season th e LO.BA. sat in wilh us as interesting nesume of ler is over for another year and we listened to a timelv talk camiping trip this summer.'lO, al farmers are counting thei bv RW. ano Ashoreon'Mrs. Howard MeMuilen held cattle, sheep, hogs etc.,to sec the ev'Cnntso oi ay. orc ona contest. Lunch was served at if any arc- among tihe missingý spaeswere P.M. of Ont. cnlsinoFetigb o-Mn. Jack Kerr suffercd the los W.B. C. P.D e ~' ~. , Ctess. Peggy Stacey, Ora Quac- of an old sowv, motheringa Lo Mý ~M.. L . TyorP.eeer ofP.. kenbush and Cornie Malcolm. numben of littie pigs, shot by U IM O V A Oshawa. P.M. E. Dorreil we'-ý Mr. Ray Robinson and son a>il;n dutmsaknfrrSiz comed and thanked the lad- Ciare motored to Toronto a polled aibino deer. Here at les, with the hope more of where they are undergoing al-!Malconia we found the skin ~ f these get-togethers wili bellergy tests in the hopes of cur- and lower part of the legs ofr "SLIlM" LINE .1 g ~heid in the future. LOL. No.iing their bronchial conditions. a young caif which arouses f ~13 election of officers Dec. Ray's arm looks like hie had ouir euriosity and suspicions. PET 17 A good attendance expect<ýJust cuddled up a porcupine. '(Veal Cutiets?) Judging by>PET P-local comment this year's hunt Aproiatl 6 eltve, On Wcdnesday evening, P,-caused the greatest resentment I AYF Appoxiatly 0 rlaivenent - Teachers nite was oh- and dissatisfaction y et. N r A Ifrîends and neighbors gather- served ut the local emporium The failure cf some Io pay ed in the Community Hall of learîîing, the sehool house, anv attention toeNo Miss Edna Larmnen who sold cd the parents on their child- Trespassing signs, to keep off I h~ler farm recentlv and la.I i'ens progress or laek of samepnivate property when verbay week moved to 'one of tile and displayed the pupils' nitdodos.sxghgh Martyn apartmnents in the vil-lwork in an interesting man-,pom-ened rifles xvhen only shot- lage. (Welcome to Black-neir. Foilowing thîs tete a tete g!s aryemteteue0 stock). A plea-gant tn foee and cookies were serv -jack ]ights at night and p >e REC ;ra y a d h ve visitng and playing cards waslCd by three of the senior girls.' awn patrols ail over the irac d ave folowe by shrt rogam.Mn. and Mrs. Howard Mal-pcoun1ryside, contnibute to give progr m.' Me hi ee t ail t'le hunting profession a Mr onArcher was ehair-1om iiedti t. b l mn insrin . LelieArge radForest. Mrs. V. McRobb re-back eye and arousing sus- an interesting addness writtenIturned home with them and pieiofl fee hs unesTUSA R in poetr-y, and Mrs. Kenneth 1' spendinga few days with-wh, do observe the written Gilbanks made the piresenta-Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert Mal-1'aws and unwritten codes of ALL JEWELLERY& tien of a trilight floor lamp coîm. jthis sporting profession. \Ve suggest that the time is and a purse of money. Mi's On Fiday nite the Hi-C ripe for the setting up f pro - We invite o to corne ir I GIFT SHOP Larner made a fitting neply group held a shindig in the incial licensing burecaux wherc of appreciation. Lunch was church hall. Being too young every applicant for a hunting slcino hit served. Friends wene prescrit (or otherwise) te have aur licence is exammned to make ectoofCrsr BOWMANVILLE from Toronto, Oshawa, Bow- mnern.bership renewed. no fun- sure he knows a deer from a manville. Peterboroughi and.ther details are available. Jersey cow (or an aId sowe ur-ud.gae.ISaturday night the Cburchthat he realizes landowner e, Nov. 11, 1964 - 3 ilight Lieutenant Belford and bis sister Mrs. ra Gatps and daughter of Port Credit. Belf is ding a three - week Sat London this week ien wvill return to RCAF nat Cold Lake, Alta., ie is stationed. Wel- Suîndav visitors included Ld Mrs. Roy Wright of on who spent the week- iti the Rae Malcoim's of icl. Larry .3tiles cntentaincd 1of bis buddies on Sat- p.n. on the occasion of rthday. kCKAiCHEe ~ not me! For relief front batkache or thal tired-oul feeling 1 depend on- C/znuc/e, Carl Leslie [y improvcd ln fresbly local drycleaner. ie Leagxe IE BAKING ,TEA -2:30 îti yS "The Shop that Lik to Dress es Women!" IRIS ZES 8 TO 20 "'A" LINE ED AND FLARED %BRICS AND COLOURS eo OFF ýULAR PRICE IDAY - SATURDAY ONLY! SALES FINAL - n and browse around... See our large mas Gifts ... Lay-away Now! Next time, try.. are fully jewelled for accu Bulova's famous unbreakal M&ARR 'Ji 39 KING ST. WV. PHONE 623-5463

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