Reports from Women s Institutes HAMPTON W. 1 She was verv interesting. Several diseases still have to! -Novemnber meeting was held have placards on bouses Lo' ithe C. E. Building. Mrs. keep people out, such as diph-1 Allin. president. in the chair.; theria. polio, smallpox andi It opened in the usual way.i meningitis. Ail di-ceases which Roll cal], "My favorite suP- 1are catching or carriersi per dish" was well answered.should be reported to the 'Minutes of last meeting weWhealth authorities at once. 7'ead bs' Sec. Mrs. Yeo. andI She also gave much informa-1 approvedi tion on manv diseases and1 titrof thanks from mrs.,how to deal with them. Miss' b.Rundie for cards sent Armstrong was h ea r t ily hleShe was, in hospital:thanked, also Mrs. Billett. Wiha broken arm and dis.- Lunch was served' by theý louated shoulder. Mrs. Rundieý centre group. Several mem iat home now. We wish herl bers planned to attend the' a Peedyv recoverv. convention in Toronto. Treas. Mrs. Maenab aave -____ hber report, It was mved, a econded and carrhed we take LONG SAULT a special collection next month (Dec.> for the GoldenH PlOugh Lodge. as our Christ-J Sympathy of the commuini- mas ift Moed. ecodedty is extended to the familyý and3, caried we ve asona-d of the late Herb. Cameron ini ant thrre church.a cl onahis passing Sunday morningl' l<orean children's home. Mrs. i Memorial Hospital, Bow; PcAMer paid lier bi rthday manville. mnoney; we ail sang -Happy! Mr. John Jlohnson. OshIawa. tirthday.' Usual collectioný visited his parents, Mr. and' Wvas taken, also pennies for Mrs. Bert Johnson, on Sun-1 fr.endship. 'day.1. Mrs. Theroni Mourîtjov. tooki Mrs. George Armour. Hamp- Uïh chair for the program. ton. was a Fridav guest ofý Ir he motto "If vou want to get Mr. and Mrs. Sidn'ey Cornish. thinner, diminsh vour dinner"!Hm eolCu et Wvas commented on by Mrs.,Fri d av night with a good pro-1 J01n Balson, who also read algram planned. t00cm for Armistice Dav 0111 Misses Gail Maure, Joani "Wllv we wear a Poppy.'*- Porter, Oshawa, and Barbaraý eare having an afternoon Barnes, Ashburn. %vere x 1e 1l,. and homne baking, candy end guests of Mr. Robert Sim. aild notion table. Same com-1Mr. Johin Henelv. Torontoj mîittees as la.-.t%,ear. Watch was a Sundav visitor. n r', Coming Ev'ents later. Mr. and Mrs. George Bent 1is. Ke ithBllett. A.T.C.M.. ley. Hamilton, were Monday FikTBowmanx'ille, w a sý visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Gor On and gave a storv! don Baker. 'Ilout the musical number: M an Mr. . Baker, inch she played so beauti- Garry' and Ruth, Mrs. May; kH.Two numbers were en-, Johns were Sundav supper- .wVCd. The new Hcalth Nurse., guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ha- Mu-s Armstrong. Peterbor-' ward Elliott, Port Granbv. ()U ýh - now workîng in Dur-ý Club .50 h n m Couinty, v as introduc'ed: Club 50t) held their COctober, name to ilook for when buying GINGER ALE 'il _ _____ ____ S 'TOU cati tell by the taste it's WILSQN'S" END 0F SEASON CLEA Scarfe's "THIX" .IELLIED HOUSE PAINT GALN WHITE SALE FU Reg. S9.6.5 $ . 0 Tp QTOP QULITV SC Paint $-5 FLOOOPAl TO ITE SALE ALKGH# (NTERLLATXA$780MIAilS AvRbeg in9. uatsFandGallon QATO ULT P - 5 --u---gh- S ALHISALESLFINAL 3UAR Kin St. W WiII Celebrate Firsi Birthday Little Ryan Ronald Sutcliffe will celebrate his first birthday tomorrow, No- x'embcr 12, 1964. lie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sutcliffe, Orono. and grandson of Mr. and Mî's. Russell Sutcliffe, Leskard, and Mr.*ad Mm-s. Harley Cowling, IR.R. -), Orono. His great-grandmothers are Mrs. Mable Suicliffe of Port Perry and Mî's. Mable Cowling of R.R. 5, Bowmanville. Photo by Astor Studio Scbool wibh 16 members pic. HM PTO sent. Mrs. MUillsoii opened the metn wt ymîN.) ChUrh servce was hcld Mis. Kenneth Caveî-l.' on Sat-j meetig wih hYm No. 0,'Sunday cvening at 7 umday. "Stnd up aîd les l! with Rex'. Catto in charge. Master Bicot Caverly and' Lord," and bhc Lord«s Praver. The hymns sung were Nos» i. Ser avry ýav Mrs. Milison condurted the' 198, 616 and 2259. The scrip- spent the weekend with thei.<r nec~-ax usiessou turc lesson was 2 Samuel 1, grandpacents, Mr. and Mrs.. SA donatiobines$5.0n1 aid.~ verses 19-27. Mr. Ross Met- Kenncth Caverly. A doatin o $7.00was gi';- raîf sang a beautiful solo.. cri t0 the Ty'iooe Cliurci eî The cbildrcn's story was en Teldiso heSr'c i aiiClub went by bus bo Toronlo: 'era] Fund .Mi-s. Sawdomî pre-l'titîrd "What a Monkey agt nWdnsa eeig osc sented Mrs. Gabe Kovacs wittiDy h ero1ws' the "'Juliette" sh ow. a hymn book on the occasion: A uRemeofberinngW.'. of lier fifth wedding anniver- Tuesday. Nov. 10, at î:30! A number of amptd olnaW. 1. ac. Wr lîad three newm,,. was IHi-C V.acib oiieeY 1 nas c ripni r to liW members Join our club, Mrs.' lu the C. E. Wing. 'at.enda uthptov Trontof Gordon. Mrs. Linkie anîd Mrs.' Hampton "Little FmiendsMattend he Con eion. t Kei'th Goble. While lunch was 1 Messengers' met on Tuesday Mr n rs e hn ,wei'e Sundav tea guests wi-thi being preparcd Mm-s. Gibson:at 2:45 p.m. Mc. and Mx's. Jack Cartber, and 'Mrs. Parkinson gave uIs On Wedncsda., Nov. I lth. Trno some coi'tests to test Ourý Tuxis Boys met at, Douglas i MTo.rontanhados skilld ane metn wdge W c White's home in Hampton. 1:in Toronto on Monday, at-ý closed te meetin withahy L . thedngathe engof thcl 'C 57 The day is past and, Nfot Sunday g the date fo over" and beniediction. the U.C.W. Autumn Service at Rehabilitation Centre, in con-1 ___ - - - Hampton. Rev. Mary Dough- nection with the 'March of; wr9w erty of the Enniskillcn charge Dimes" project. will be guest speaker. Mc. and Mm-s. Faulkner, A.OT.S. Father and DauLigh - Etobicokc, Mc. and Mm-s. Bush,ý IRANCEter Banquet is coming up on Glen Miller, Mir. and Mrs. November 18tl at 6:45 p.m. Mcrwin Cryderman. Osh awa'! Iii-C Variety Nîght concert, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pettit, Toc-I will be prcsented two nîghts. onto. werc Sunday visitorsI 'Deccmbcî' 2nd and 3rd. with Mi'. anîd Mm-s. Lcw Ccx'-' On Tuesday afternoon,ý derman. Waltî- Dvis Kedon. ndiMc. and Mm-s. Bryce Bi'own,ý IMiss June Davis, nurse-mi- Jean and Bob, Oshawa, werel training, home foc a few day.3, Sunday tea guests with Mr.: calîrd on Mcs. A. W. Pcescott. and Mcs. Peccy Dewell. IMc. and Mrs. Edgar' Prescott. Mrs. H. Tink, Solina, spent, 1 Enficld. called at the Pcescott Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.ý home on Monday; and Mc. and Percy Dcwell and family. Mrs J.S. ddyean Orno, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Burcowsý wrcJ.S.edcdaveafeOrnoný were Sunday supper guests vistor. with Mrs. Chas. Burcows of' Ajax andalso callcd on M. On Sunday VMrao'sA. and Mrs. A lbc E hllp, 1W. Prescott and Mr. A. L.: Os.hawa. Prescott visited Mr. and Mrs.1Mi'?anr Mîs. a'l oc Herbert Prescotu. and famil.viand Mrs. Moî'lev Ross and M O R E 0! a> Maple Grove Jc di. Mrs. Blake De Hart. ro- Mr.andMrs Jak Nddeýý,' ln wre Suîîday dîniner, iBowmanvillc, vstdonS Jguests with Mr. and Mr's. Ray-! day with Mcs. G. NidderY and' mond F'arcow.i MO INSMiss Mary Niddcry. Mr. and Mrs. Alibi Coî'nishb MORIN'SMcs. Edwacd Gîbson and' and family, Buffalo, were., GOLDCROS 1girl friend. Whîtby, visitcdiJSunday supper guests withý ~OLD CROSSMr. and Mrs. Ron Lu 'e las t! Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fac-i IMonday cvcning. 1'ow. iHeartiest congratulations Mcs. Lii Dciiby, Bowmani- use P aient iare extendcd tb Mc. Verne G., ville. called on Mcr. and Mrs.J usehaPaint lias beeîî awardedl Douglas Hgis aiv-White & Ctolors a.Nrhr lcrCUdr M.adMsDogsIl*g- ,gUilac bu $2.51 qt. Un ivel'i .1wof Torontou ýqvflt Su IcII\ia v w rfiends in! r ao> M',..Joîî ai ',gaIw'i llowdale. SALE and Dou.oias visited on Satur- Mi'. and Mrs. Clifloî'd i' dayv witb Mci. and ?vrs. Geo. lis anîd Miss Johoiston, Peter~- MeGillîv an ud Sciait. ioî'-1borough, visited Mc. and Mrs., Q9 m $ . 0 1onto. Rox' Knox. Mr. and Mrs. W-n.' Gai. ~Mi. andiMis. Gleni îtî,ý Murphy, Toronto. and Mr..; Dougla> anîd Sbe-x I visited îni Sykes, Betlîrsda, wei'e Siîdayý Saturday evenîng with Mi'. luncheon guests with Mr. and' and Mrz * Herbent Prescott anîd Mis. Roy Knox. family , Mapue Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Oveiton lVouri-' 0 F F Heatriest congi'atuilatiofi,ý!tenayý and familv spent Sattîr- i O ~'~ O FFand best wishes ai- cextcndcd1 day evening with Mr. andý ALL RETAIL PRICES hto Mrs. G. NidderY xvho will: Mrs. Don Mountenay. Oshawa., celbrae ler90tb birthday Mcs. Me î'wiun Mouintjoy! this comîuîg Satucdav. spent three days in Toronto Mi-. and Mcs. Wes Wood'and attendcd the W, 1. Area' and Mr. Ralph Wood. Orono,ý conventioni. kR F E 'S centlY visited Mrs, Geo.e Mr. anîd r.EgrWih E" OUS PANTArmrour, 'killeîî. were Sunda"v vsitors r- GLOSS ENAMEL Mcs. Will Armour, Oshawva,!with Mi. and Mc,.. Sou Cie- ~TE SE I-GOSSMrsý. Bob Gilcoxi and Mrs. mens. %TEX EMI-LOSSWalter~ Spence. Tor'onto. wece! Mr. and Mrs, Chu. Waýrren ,YD FLATSundav diîîneî' guest5z with' visîted relatives iii Oiiliia on iYFLTMcs. Geo. Acmouî' and Ms udy Bertha Armour. Mr. and Mis-. Chai-Itou Mc- $1.69Dr. and Mcs. Keitli Biliett.1 Bride, Pet erboroughi, visitcd Bowmanville, took Mcs. John Mm-s. Helen White and Miss QT. for a ovely drive on Sunda.v Mr .and Mr. Ha rold Wi)- foir supper. and brought themi Sunday witb Mr'. and Mrs. B. NO REFUNDS Messr-s. Walter aiid Luther! Mc. and Mrs. Elmer Ricli- Short, Couctice. xisited Mrs.: ardson. Caledon, are Sedn John BaIson on Saturdaxi af-'a week with Mc. and Mr;. PAINT Si temnooii. Charlie Wheelock. Mr. anîd Mi',. l'cM Billett, Mc. and Mci.. Clarc.iî'cYen S WALLPAPER Scarborough. Mrs. Edith Sle- v:.ited re1lîtve. eât Ida and mon, Niagara Falls, were Sat- Peterbocougl oui Sunday. Bowmanville ýurday afternoon callers with Mrs. Geo. Yeo was the dele- Mrs. A. E. Biilett. gale fcom Hampton W 1. te Mc. and Mcs. J. R. Rey1iolds.. the Area Convention. iBelleville, called en Mr, and; Mm-s. Lo0r en zo Mountjoy.1 1 Nestleton, Mrs. Art Bell, Bow. K R e S The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanviile, Nov. 11, 1964 1manville, Mr. and Mrs. Don-5 ald Ferguson, Cobourg, 1 i ewt Pccigte iios heogns ndt iue and M'rs. Clarence Bradlev. wth Pieridegete i othre o s i ndience oierve Bowmanville. ha-je been 'te-ce- eete nthe o ieneosavd cent visitors with Mr1nd1,Un straight games bY' scores ofM The 25th Scout Conmpany iMrs. Cecil Siemnon. 1 16.1-4. 13-6 and 15-8. and the 25th A and B Packs Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Snialei, N ESLast wýeek. work , on and their leader-s paraded ta and Rickv motored to Tor-ý 1v elRcad n Year Book, the Screech IIIî church iii uniforni wvith their onto on Sunda-.v and visitcdl H:\eIRcad n was begun under the carefuil colour ýPartie'z Mr. and Mrs. C. Smale, Mr. Kathy Twist suDervision of Editcr Corinîv Rev' S.,1lillier of Brooklîm and Mrs. Bob McQueen. and, Ellioft and Assistant Editors. h, evdi h is ol MVr. and Mrs. J. T. Wills. ,Ai; another wek'si;s, te JnWbte n anr u-hr oeter inth a firtore Mr's. Verna Forsythe, Tor-' goes to print, il is a-aîin our dy. An attractive oerliaz Kedron insr, RIv Rov onto, ealled on Mr. and Mrs. -privilege to inform you of, been chosen. photograph.i ofl Riekard. :poke of the need t0 Gien Smith. happentings ai Bowma-niiiillej each1 clasts. club and r'Ommîr'ibii!dl that better wýoi-Id for Mrs. Verna Forsythe. Tor-! Hil-h tees have been taken and theIxhî(h so inan '% service ment genteral outline hias been do'- gave their lives in the two ont, pet te eeendWihILast a SpecialIcided. A nunîber of new fea- Greai Wars Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smitii.'ýtrsaenwbi-panc. and ail attended the 4th SeI Assembîx' the Stu-, ue r1o en lne. ~ihfi eir' u wediganierar f r dnt3ConîlExctie This xweek., class Screech Oxx'l Wl iC\EtC' u aend Mrs. Lloyd Ashof, a M rented xvuith sw eautier s r rna iveswill be elect-snaller atteiidance than ex- andMrs LoydAsýon Ha- pesnte wih \vetesigni-i d.W a]beliex'e tha t Cor-_pe th e îrKedron U.C.W. don. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin fving their positions and yearl inn e vill provide uIs with the hecd their annual baz.aar and Smith and Mrs. Ve4-na For- oî office. Then Mr. Gilpin best "Screerh 0 in 10 hp- il Te.Abou tu'd\ay aftcr- sythe were Sundax' dinner gave a talk, introduring the schools history. noon te tAbout$20 vaaiste. guestg with Mr. 'and Mrs.,èxerutive and infoî-ming thic __ rm 1r oo n h Donald Prescott, Enfield. Istudents of the specificr ie-1 vai ous booths selling aprons. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hindmnan, spons.ibilitifo'- of each member'. T'"lH Nhomne baking. caiidy, apples MpeGrove. Mr. and Mrs. Following this. our Staff art- tIJaîd oeti. Franklin Trull, Oshawa, Mrs. visers, Mr-. Austin, Mr. Giloin Harland Truil, Bowmanville, and Mr. McMullen yerci The 25th Brownie Pack cii- were recent visitors with Mr. thanked foi' the liard %vorirolled fouîr new Bi'owniies Litm~4It~ and Mrs. Lo.renzo Trul. thes- put into Student Council a special ceremony î'ecently.ý rh i cPa n Dr. and Mm-s. Wallace H ori activities. T h Pe xerutive S FO Toronto, were callers on Sat- wvere also introduced at, the The new Brownies were M.\arij A O urd.ay affernoon with Mc. nd ntermnediate and junior as;- Madill. Patti Stack. Heather1 DOLCIN Mrs. Thos. Wr-ay and Mis semblies last week. Vallancourt and Marie Vin-, for fast relief -Or money backl la ~ ~ s a dsap cnt. Tea and cookies xV Norah orn. Lst wee Ool a I : îIhas iiotisands of riends wheb Mr. and Mrs, Jackson Wray.1 pointing one foi, oui' Senior sevd:oficprtls ell others. Mrs. H.W,, Port ArthurOnt. Oshawa, wece Sundav nightI Boys votîcybalîeam. On A special Meinorial Dav' wri es: "Whenevei 1 hear ofan ryone callers with Mr. and Mrs.I Wcdnesday thev played host Service was hcld at tlle con 'sutfeting frotm Arihritc Pain, 1 mako Thos tothetea fro Clckebutcluion f te mrnig ' sure tb tell thern about DOLCIN. Myl To.Wray. Il' h emfo' lrebtcuio ftemrigsei'ce r elatîves and friends have ail gai relief MVessrs. Sam Dcxvell, Perrvý lipid to satisfY' tleni-e'lx'cs wv.i P t Kedron United Church. Mr.! arid thilinIlme fî'r spreading fIrp news." Dewell and Lorenzo Trull ar exinning onl.v the first game. Bob Dale arranged some mie- IIlcninust help vau by relieving the --pendiîîg a few days il, the Although thexi played well eno f the world wars at pain of arihritis, rheurnatisin, sciaticA north country. . the'.'wer 'erpce vthe front of the chucch to pro- or lumbago --or yaur nioney back. Ash M. and Mrs. ao; a-the eam fomn Clarke and vide a visual remninder of theý your druggist for DOLCN Tablets, and , Haold al-you fao will be proud fa tell others how son we'e ecntovernighti\wece defeatecl in t1efivsinfciceo h 1csoi much Dolcin has helped you. 64.1 guests with Mr. and Mrs. Alex i îwo gamnes. Then on Frida.y. 1The Last Post was sounded bv Barclay, Kitchener. Master Tony Balson -spent' the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. Pingle, Bowmanvillk' Mr. Foster, Wellington, is visiting his daughter, M1rs. Ben Killens, Mr. Killens ýzand e o on o no family. Ontarmo's climate is suited to RD N the growing of beautiful, ap-, petizing apples. This year one' tidof Canada's 20 million Ibushels of apples will be RNI grown in Ontario. Haîf On-À tario's 1964 crop of 6.4 million 1 bushels will be eaten fresh, S E R N O TW N the rest processed into juice, sauce, solid pack, pie fillers, dried or f rozen.- Loîn Rocist i 0 " Pork3-b. avg. Teniderloin Portion53 3-1b. avg. 5 3 lb "JUICV AND RICH IN VITAMINS" FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS Grapefruit 10 9%69c Bee Hive Syrup tn R ICEuncle Bons lonq grain Sole Fillets rznk. Chops or Roast o'k'poi'n'Ig. Beef Steakettes Pir orpq Meat Pies Cq. ofdS2 Con. No. i Grade Cooking On ions Con. No. 1 Grade P.E.I. Potatoes Reccive extra White Sugar Margarine Cheez Whiz Celery Hearts 3-1b. cello hag S2. Bonus Tape S h. baql qranuiafed Gond Luck 2 - 1.1b. pkgh, Krnft jar Canada No.1 s Grade Horts Green Giant S9coz.IG A CREAM Style (ORN 4 5 Sunny Morn (OFFEE 75 Aylimer Boston i xe d 'Ic( .iIfl% fi (17 ) BROWN BEANS 3t' i z 55c VEGETABLES 2 baîgh 89C Cheerioâ. Coto-Puiffs, Tri'x, lVheaties 1o'spita1itý, BIG "G" CEREALS 3 Pg5Y8C RAISIN PIES ah B M nrIrish 24-07- in Facul. Royai- while and pink pkgs. M~ 2 D@1rpst*r'ý pkq. ci R SWIFTS STEWS ..... 39c Facette Tissue. 2 for 53C Kaiser Roils 30c irm1-T.ti oie 4.oz. si%@ Hospitaiity 1-1b. ii. Lunci-eon Meat ....... . 39c Mixed Nuts........ 89c Fruit Cakes . 49c Cul Rite bolh for Gray Dunn Chocolat* 8 oz. pkq. 2 lb. size 97e Wax Paper and Refi 49c Caramel Wafers . 37c 4 lb. size $1.93 SEE THE ALL NEW PLAY CHRISTMAS TOT SUPER TV BINGO SUPPLEMENT FOR AXBEPIS With Ail the Children'% Favourites DAILY ON 4 T.V. STATIONS 1Bowmanvi lie IGA Foodl'iner 1 BOWMANVILLE-