12 Thse Catiadian Statesmars Bowmanville. Nov. 18. 114 Hope Township Couple, Given Surprise Party On 25th Anniversaryi At least 300 friends and rela- tives of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Scott gathpred at Bewdley Legion Hall recentlY fora - surprise party honoring the Hope Township couple on their 25th wedding anniversary. Among those who dropper A n were Finance Minister Gor- don and MP's Russell Hone *, of Durham and Dr. Pauline Jewett of Northumberland. Mr. Gordons had bec'n speaking earlier in the evening at Pet- erborough, and stopped ai bewdley enroute to Trenton t- board an R.C.A.F. 'plane to return tb Ottawa. Unfnrtîîn- Rtely, Mr, and Mrs. Scott had flot yet arrived at the hall when the governmeot group arrived. and since the aircraft was waiting at Trenton Mr. Gordon had ta teave. Mr. and GET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES through STATESM A N CLASSIFIEDS * Telephone 623-3303 Many Famous Bands Coming Here Nov. 28th for Santa Claus Parade - Mrs. Scot t arrived <lv eminutes after he had departed. y The couple was presented R with a pair of end tables, a Pcoffee table, a pole lamp, an r easy chair, and a sum of j Thcir foutr daugbters, Diane. *Mrs. C. Fronez. of Cobourg; Gail. Mr-. David Foster, Ken- e dal. and Bannie and Kim both at home, were among the gguests. *Both square and round danc- ing were enjo.ved by the guesis iand refreshments were served ibefore they departed. Guesis were present fro ni ail parts of Durhami and qmm 1Northumberland, Mr. Scott be- ing well kn'swn becanse of a very active publie life. *He is a former Reeve (if . iHope Trownship, a former h aioeiropsalei'e(onutts'1amtnJunr presidient of the Di-h-lî i, hPi in) SC l(( 'll lC'r" -aM loij iil Coutv îbeal ssoiatonOptimists Drrnm and Big,,I Corps. Thcv xilii he here foi' the Santa ïmd ctîrrently represents !he Claus Parade at 10::30 on SîrtaNov. 181h, i one of t lie f'inest township on the Ganaraska collection of bandls ever asscmnbled here. This corps has 36 horois, Region Conservation Auithor- a 12 man drurnm i e, a color gu;a rd of *20, plus two drum mrajors. lui ilv, ci[ which hc has served as chaiman Gude.addition, the farnios De La Salle Druim Corps will be a fcature oîf the parade.Th were in Bowmnanville ini 1957 for the Cenlennial NE WTON VILLE celehrationis and mad-e a h remendons bit wî the crnxxd. Thre is a' thirti band calledthe1kmFIiîg Duiîrhmen Drum Corps froiri Kitcheri- ei'-Waterloon who are xxidciv k'nown as Canada's iost progressive dcim anti île (,corps. Su, therr wii he plenilu osec anti heai' aI the bigger- ihan ever Santa Clans par-ade on Nov. 238th, just a week from Saturdav. ou r cîistillîa ry Twvîr p o PleC(-ec l i îg t lic ci;q ttc t h a i '\sîîpis hrhtlix initI n a. \\!Ioiilui., kitîdi )xncsî1cîoie1tid<R honni ni Mis. Atisliiioi f B n lu fil ie servitc ncxi suit- xkhîîî ml(, ho\: mmu d vuo rtg as Honpe vas held ailte(' b1on i titîx o Mvii and Mis. Glenn siapleuti i% ;otiîd 'trs Peck and liîto. idding nof I a ndRotn ca wek gowhtien il,,-wcn t in Oshawa, siindav,\ itie I ihe guests int'lîuded Mr. andti iiaittend i be 201h atno versarv oio .ci - " lin to 80% of appraîsed Mrs. ,*nbire v Austiin anid Dii - tii ille orm îng (If the Doubles'. 'The l1111e nf tus Mi..and'Mrs.Artnl \Vli-t- Club ni Kîim, Si. Unied Chiirch atmoiaN property value ýsionp anid Paul. Miss D> anti andti ere diiier gîîests uilh 50c sonlei n Whetstone, Mr. Paul Chcî.ýi iut,Nr T. R. Tresise, Jater. Dres v i u t " Terms up to 10 years Mrs. Marguierite Hall, Rike ' Nir. auud Mca. Harr *v Morralîl. wishiiig lu be a nd B Melv isîs WilmIt Van- rian d Sitsaîiwi in Co-:Marrv'ýit-t' Saisi. e No hidden charges deirtcMc.Mr. [Lart-\- Aoii i. a Il hoturg. Suitinca 'c, xh r Ms. preacî I lIi of Port Hope.' SIc. aîd lid r. WnritIls parens, Mr. and Mr:>. belle. JiotOboi .Canp0-cii (,it iBeedhai %v ccc cele- * No bonunes Pîîpîls of Grades 5 Io 8, lm- brati îg Ilivir lSih Weti.diig * No brokerage fees clusîve, ai theNevoîl Anvrax " oboerg esSchool, have earrct e îati v Sc.aMrI. Pet cv Rowe, " o a rpyalo atcongrait:lationîs onIhi iur al-l evlîe.x h M r. aîd Mr-S. * Yo ca prpayaIlor artdidi effort, iit salesmaiship a.-; St;mî Rowe wnte Stinda v dîn- at any time, without sh ' lerc Mr.i t ahncdîc ges s . Gîlers ,a l(" of Clirist mas cidsIr tr Mn lrv W d ....:... notice or penalty. Mi-, Fred Satitîdet s is con-weic u i'noonton, Scîndaxý dfiin- fîncrd ho Memortal 1itilt ec gîlesis tof Mca. Gracc agaiui, and Rcv. R. C. \bi ae was artpi ediîre, )il Wed- M r. atnd l t-a. M ieili For m FREE brochrire on SUPERIOR moigagfes, write, lnesdav last. irs. Cîctreiie x1: cll and Micîsele, Mi-. anîd Mrs. phone or vîsit the SUPERIOR office nearest you. Hiav-woodtif Orillia, i-,zavitnglBili Sliclditig and Beiî.v w(le xx illi be notiter xli;. \i e a pe'gcests. Siî idav, ai Mir. THEREATY IVIIONOFai the mansae diii tng fier- fat- 1". Prioucit a-, belpiing celebi aie TI4EREALY DVISIN 0FetiS absence. illaBtown's ihird birth- j Mis. C. \Va Ikev spell , ti- i SU E I R D I C U T day afierîsoon anti eveniniî î MicatnrdMs.Raamtîtîd Brute shrl UCLlef t î2-641Mr. and Mrs. Allan eei. lite Goldent Ploîîgh Lotige,-« - 17 Saeo< rone Cllec 725-541 OhawaMr. Frank Gimer attend- Siîîcici ecroiî. 17 Oshawa ed a meeting of thie Chai-ke SIc .1 and Mrs, Jack l'Ilioli1 Open ('a ix i o .tpili , Yi.ih ini0p iTi. !Towniship Atlblettc Associli ît aid Drlixwere îîî Torotor, 1) her ex eîsngs by appointment in Orono. Wednestia v eveoni Siiiiaa'N, briîigitg M r. Phillips I Mrs,. C. WalkevY accomnpartnd back xxbIh thm for a fexx "31 Stiperior offices to serve yotu" Mi;. Mîlligati io the Thiirstia. daYs. afternoon Cookitip Stiioni bld 5h s. C. Walex a;A SLIP-1 ai Cronk Hall, Port Hlope. per g:iesi, Siindayv, ai Mr. A. j There was a splendid attend- (ads. ______________________________________________ance ai, the atInL[al LJC.W. sc. S. l'aiicastct- and L. _____________hazaar bei-e Friday a irinsw'ratl xere in Toronto, witb the proceeds of approx- ?Vonla ,aîtentiing flie sales imatelv $1711 and a few 'articles meeting tif the Massex'-Fec-g i- h- of sewing, etc.. stîll to be solti. soit Conupany ai the Royal Chief of iliese is the attractivu. Yoirk. B E L L ~ ~~large sized quilt of 'Dîiuih Ic (ar iselIas xxotîr. of B-L Giî I' desigîn iincasp ailynne isl(jtI ia,xt as bei e ai 'theManise interesled wlio xasîii able ho tiver Sutîda.v, iak ing Mrt. Calv- atted th baza.iiiWhiite bome wiih hlm again Messrs. Roy Smll h anîd Tiî1- fotr a ftxx tlaY . per Joboston wettt lu Petet- NMr. and Nirs. S. J. Lancaster N E Sbor-ougb, Friday.xxer thev aîînd Dorella aîtd Mîs. Bea visited Mr. and Nîrs. W. J. follies xVere SuIpper giiestS on T,%à.v. Hancock. Siîidav wîîb Mr. and Mcx. b yJo nW Lowry j. Mr. and Mca-. Sidiex taîîý- Melville, Joiles. your teephonecasci' attd Mca-. C. Px. Farrow who altendeti Commrencemni .r :. t- >Cid 0pq Di.qohc itJc IWould vou he surprised ta open your Christmas mail next month and f(md a card like this? l'Il bet vou would be, and s'ery pleasantly, ton. And y'ou'd soon find thaï, a gift of Long Distance service bag a ppîtasant "rebound' effert: making yoiar calis,. for ,xmnple. , iifot nnly please you, but those you call. And it's alil n simple! To zive a gift of Long Distance service, Bowsmanville customers need only Irail our Business Office at 723-4601 to ive us the Crue, addrcss, and telephone number of the recipient, and state lthe amotint (1,2.00 minimum) io bc credited to his or lier accounit for Long Distance calling. IVe look after it frnm there, and wilI even scnd out the -ard ourselv'es. if you %vish! There's no fuss. no hother, nd ., .no textra scharge! C~ol, YOI RNUNMBER B Bi liae 'no reter xx ocdcevd w-hytelcplibr ecepaîr- AS ' i and servîtce epcseitativcs alwavs ask for yotir Btephone nisiiber. even after you've giveis yaur nrae Batldaddress' 1-ere; -the teason. Since r amcs or adi- CWYresse.- are allen duplicatedi, but telephone numbers are alwayx unique. icleptione people file records accordng tb lelephntirie îmberý; Thts; metbnd gztar- antees arcurary and insuces faster service * e SUPER SLEUTHS Not ail detectives visit the scelle nt the crime, SNera Wolfe salves murders from bis penthouse con- %ervatory. Hercule Poirot retires ta exercise "the lttle grey reils" and telephone men track down reports of trouble fram their testboards ln the central office. If a telephane man reports that your Une bas been *'flxed" without a bouse visit, telephone de- tertives bave painstakenly followed chies and located the dlfficulty, not in your Instrument, but in miles nf telephone cable or in the complicated switcbing equipment. And, of course. tbere*s no extra charge . . . prompt, efficient repair w-ork is part of aur eomniitmnft ta Pros-ide eacb customer w'ith god telephone service. Exercîses at Clarke Iligb rdlllIy reraîa School. Fridav îîîgbi.whcrr RseveR.Walkymadie iAr presentaiîon of te Voir] Cont ains S o Counties' But aary Sc-illiipy Award, and Mc. I.ancastcrih A Lanicaster Awacd foc Grade 12r. un e proficiencay. D lr.L n e t VI ad ic- lbt Dî.cîl An titsîi ant i îforrra-. rf Walhoti arriveti Thindirarla ( eartiîcle wriileîi bxElsie, to spenti a fcexv days wib Sic. itiex Mis. Roy Luîîoev and Mbc. Ross Rrown, Nbut xs'ctc clvIl dGmsFor the Wlîole raiied homne Satiitcdav bvht atîtvappeas 10inhe Oo- nev-a ihai M r. Dieois iol b- bic 21p sseof thue Family er bad been kîllecl lit a iral accidenut. Nnicîrî tîla gi-ics are des- Aui and M c PU iticrtî- c c ssi ii-t deighi anîd Peter and Carol spetîtFrîda, atseai nmem-bru nia farn-~ everîîog atidMc Vie Siideri,m uint olli tng and old. Mosi, Boxvmaiîle réf A-temamnes o-av be anyed so ta. Rticti r t 0 'i bxa gcoup ni partiiiants. Brontr ssicttast xscei5 lhi , 'Flrcr ace'afamies. alotîg thbe gitesi rf Si- antit SIc C xxLiii hpi-ttstaketi bv Mc;. B3rowti. Sic. Roxx ei t( a i t ex-are titetît toi-ted ii. le, dnxxn Friclax eerii-g actntt-arlîce r Iitra&e lrevaicd paoîed by Nrs. Nag e a a--ePcefereiscc iifamilies. Toonoto. foc Ih-texx ekeit. akiric\r -toinos arc çah-botitof ung .NuesBoxseiihime, :n Itand tri s. ilrvYelloxs- d MVr. atiti Miu.f)tiîî îtîIt-ui i-,rC. Biilex xx etc c iil Keili Burletscolaevi"r';ii overt'hec ckcil 1 ti]v Brown w as il Tormi u oVer 1thew xeek-etstiaiS'\Ii-., Greeniis. iakicîg lfic huStttîî Clatis Parader, Siirilix . 1 and iNIrs. Si Btixx i ciisti' v tuit up tltl it-t 1, S Iit da \. Niss Berita 'Iiomsixî)ta. gone Io Toronton for Iibe xx nrr montnhbs. Mir. and Nrs C.ILIa "vert' gliest - a;i l a miN du ltci partx-, ai The Aice'ý.. arra ervenîng. i ior Mnihrir 30th Wedtiinz Annixec-a cx Pu-eserît wece Mc rýani 5h -t BilI Laîn, Port l1101-te iaid ;Mrs. Ted Lanc, -nt, SIi aîti rsica-('-aries Gra v. t-.- manvîlle. and Sic Bart iLi-e After dinîser il-te cnt ire par:, xventIn thie Grava- hon-te foc the halantc of ithxe niugý when tbe famtx i seuit I heir 1-aretuts xi hua n Heirlorntbetsiprrati Mrc. George Forbr. rtfi vtlae.xsas 'akeit1 SiNC1cîtorial Hospital. Saturdax. Mr. and Mc; Ni(-l ToniL gut nf Kinsgston xscce Satuiiax visitors at Mr. Il. \Vatt;ý Mr. antd Mrs. Walacée Boiu..J- ens atentied Ihe Box aI \'tîrr Faîr-, Satuirdax r Si anti Un1%wci \lc CGabev. Por't Hope. ucc .I: lors. Saluîrdax tv tgatS Geo Elliti- A\ pccseniailiutanc ipu 1; 1e1ng honorniof r. antdlSc. Bnti- wcli nec Betix- Saxecx xxa. belti bere luibe hc rmi. Hall. Sattîrdlav rîlglt. Dirote0ihe 1n1m-of i.;t minister. '1uc -ervi(c on, c- J riav nio i g v a - wi] h Arzc 1 af iMr. James \Young 0ai O'ha-. STARK VILLE Mr. anîd Sica. H-acold .il arirl l'auie. Camipbell forci. spcrin!ithe x eckend ai M r. Llcwý lii Ilowe i. Aie Rotiii iRoliî i ît a iat euhnNenocial Hospîta I Mir. anîdNMc. J. Roihwcll. Rox rnnxlevere guesis <if hononir ai a preseniatiun ar- iratged hbv RehI"s Starkville i reîts ai Nevtnni île Sai iii- dlay evetiing. They xnegiven a eblua c(-ahi cmi. uiliait. tnag- a.etaik anid floral p et-e.]' and greaily apprrciale ail]lter k<iîîdness bcstowcd on lhcm., Mîll -i(.for t lie even îng xsa> sîîPPlied hv Bt cion and Clin ion Fa rruxt with VrsicaLi ev'. lilallowcil Iandri Nl 1r; Ketin Vv'îl. ,pianîis, Mrc. and riIts. Bitait al vî anti famnilxV Wec Sairda v ev - colinq dînner guesis ai SI: r Keîli Ciaswell*sPort Hope. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier spciiî ihe weekend ai M r. LIloyd Hiall oxx li s. mlr Von n,, (I;hava. xxas in charge of the service ai Shi loh. Suinda'v, in ibe absence of Bcv 1rý C. White w-ho is in MNenriat lin Toronito. Sui1day'. Hospital. Bnwmranx'îlle. Th e Shilob. U.C.W. ert ait 'Mr. and Mr-, Harold iGtie the homie af Mrs. John Stark and Laurje xcre Sundav ev en- Wc'dnesdaY cvening last \xcel;. ing li!iner zu.csts aiNlr. Orme Mrs. Jimi Stark wý,as in charge Falls. lof the de\votionlal portion '1nti M r antiNI -Bel-*,rrim 1the lunch. The President Iri'. have been busc' pctng sctîrd'Johnl Stark had charge of the inii theîr news homne. business. The officers foi' thr Mrs. John Stark was hosii-ss comning vcar w'erc chosen but for a dcnonistration. Tîucsday the eiectioti will nal bc coit-. leveliitfg plehed untîl laher and the î) Mr. ari Nîrs, Sid Hallo- siallation is directed by Rex'. wvel I atid Nancy visitvd Geî'ald White. - MIDERSABUT OU ONAI OPTLISRNE ~ BIRTHDAY?3 KEEP INSURED! When yau reach your i 9th birthday you are no longer covered by your parents' certificate.. Register separately within thîrty doys ta keep insured. Farms are available at haspitals, banks and Commission offices. CHANGING JOBS? KEEP INSURED!I f you change jobs, follow carefully thec instructions on the bock of the Certif'icate of Payment, Form 104, which your group is required to give you. GETTING MARRIED? KEEP INSURED! When you marry, the- Family premioni must be paid ta caver husband, wife and eligible dependants. Tell your group OR, if you pay direct, tell the Commission. ONTARIO HOSPITAL SER VICES COMMISSION S2195 YONGE STREET, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO ALAS EP ORHOPTA NURNEItjFIAE AD Four years ago, you fournd nothing here but Pasturee c;>, ý ail faiuil ni0f E iisk il - Icti, %Il.an-d Sica-. Aldin Hoar ctu1)ri fan-tua, anti Mr. anti Mca-. A.lf ' Mll n ait family%. aIl of Bou 1t-lanil1e, Be.Hese NEWS Neil Richards, and (Cathy 'Twist l'a - Tiîrzdax atiltli s 9h rint-;Coi cil nmeetinz ifk, a; rleeired in10continue ýuppori - i iAd tiopitlciiIld. Ru il ('leocu> .urc-vWilson andi Kaieus Oke voluiniecretinl- pîîrebase, and scnd ln Ruith a -Chrîistmas girfl. oni behiaîf ni le StIurîiîs'Coti niil. For *evra Vxecrs 1km ;l udenit- nf Brxxîat ile Higb have sip- lirctiRuîth, a cbiid ai Dr (craht-tia- Horiie,,in idia. auirt e-x(changed cir-ant Ici lecarx i ,l' ' 'i i-t-ted uîîg na tue Grade .3> talnttoranizse Ili-e(a, ia t as iiihiens in ,R- h(>t Sitridet-ti Cotînt-il lita ' i tîcleciaketniis gceat cespo!ti j- huiit '. .\ibccî Kerekes uxx s aipnitreti uhairmai of l ne i t-a ri % .Gai %- Crombiexi. elicrtiti-irniait 0ffftie dance. 'tIc hope ltl(selijdcnt body ti offr ibeci rtanti (arxv iheir to'nr.eratijoli a titi talents ici ir e c on-t diffucult îask,;, Tteîî dl ;cuussion feil i nurt .Sarfc lIlawskm.,ý dance whtc. xs Il b helt ii.- Fridax iiighl. ilt xxas max cd that instead ai T.day, you find nothing but success On Sept 289 we launched Phase Two of the Rambler Revelutien. Sales are UP 63% ever titis tintelms year! F-rom a onc.e-guiet field outsîIdp Brampton, Ontario, the first phase of the Rambler Revolution was brought to Canadian car buyers. 1h waS aUr compact car- acomplete succpss. In four years. ve've doubleti our plant capac- ity. We've boosted our production five tîmes over. On Sept. 28, we lauincheti Phase Two of the Rambler Revolution. It's hhree completely different '65 Ramblers in three complotely different sizes. Our youthfully-styled, com- pact American is still the Iowest-priced, Canadian-builî car. Our mid-size Classic fea- tures fast 6 and V8 performance. Our luxuri- ous new Ambassador brings Rambler quality to the larger-car buyer. _Q * ., -4-a,. . ,e-.nM _ e_,,,. McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. 219 KING STREET EAST In addition, Phase Two offers more than 70 superb power options and features to meet the wider hastes of today's new car buyers. There's a great 6 and V8 engine line-up, too, including Torque Command, the revolutionary new six that acts like an eight. Phase Two has met with tremendous public acceptance. Our field is bursting with achivity. Afler al. when it comes ho building the car you want, the field is ours. Phone 623-3356 1 9