'Junior Men's Hockey McQueen 's Naîl First Win Nichols' Crush Local 189 By Jim Clarke us, Bob Nemis and Jim Me- between the pipes for the wl Knight adding singles. Bob ners althougliflot tested McQueens Motors claimed and Larry Hellam, Tom WVi- frequently as his rival. Ki their first victory of the season son and Phil Bragg replied Veitch. McQueen's unit over Bill's Billiards, whilc 1for the losers. Ken Veitch in Mvutton. Flintoff and Paquet Nichais' Motors crushed Local Biis cage was bonibardcd came up with a tremendo 189, 8-2 in Junior Men's hoc- heavily ail night as McQueen's effort, amassing a total ofs key action on Sunday night. threw 38 drives his %vay. points. Jim -McKnight, In the opener, McQucen's, in whîle 'Corky' Burgess handd though flattened by a sti gaining their first win after 20 shots for the winners. check in the second peri( two losses, scored four times, Icîng The Puck from Andy Murphy, pickedi in the final period after hold- For McQueens the whole a goal and was buzzing arour ing a slim 3-2 lead. Paul Mut- club was hustling and were for the winners ail evenir ton headed the Rambler sharp- full credit for their first vic- Ivan Milîs of McQueen's pic] shooters with three, with tory of the season. "*Corky" ed up several stitches in h Grant Flintoff, Bob McMan- Burgess played a steady game forehead during the rugg( affair. Andy Murphy play( a powerful two-way gamec Bill's defence and xvas by fi I. *S...the best performer for the Io - ers. Several other Bill's pla, o i i ers, Paul Mclntyre, Lari o. Hellam and Rae Pickell ga', it a good effort for the loser Second Game se Nichols' Motors continue1 flaunt their power in ti« Junior Men's circuit. In Sui day night's second game thE completely demolished Loci 189, 8-2. Building up a 4. We Specialize in ýfirst period margin, the leagu leaders bewildered the losei chiCkwith their attack, outshootin Spaghetti & Bar-B-Q(hcen them 31-21. The eg'st scorer, Vern Rowe, pace ________________________________________ Nichols xith a pair of goa and twa assists. His linemate SEE OUR DAILY SPECIALS Davc Werry had a pair alsi whiie Murray Brown added single. This threesomne sur Whether it be a coffee break or a full course ýplied the winners withi meal you'11 like aur courteous, friendi points altogether and wer * ' constantly stormrng Local 189 service! goal and Pat Murphy. Ar other patent threesomec Scolt Essery, Peter McCu Elougri and BbKm olc Olympia RESTAURANT ed the remaining three Nidt i ais' goals. Essery pickedu KING ST. E. -- BOWMAN VILLE two and Kemp a single. Icing The Fuck ______________________________________ Coach John Osborne got GUARANTEE! DOUBLE VOUR MONEY BACK If Par Amy easoii Vô.j Are Neot Satisfied Wrth Votn Meat Purehase At A&P 1 SWIFT'S PREMIUM SUPER-RIGHT QUÂLITY - COOICED, READY TO SERVE SMOKED SHANK PORTION lIb43c HAMS BUTT PORTION id49c IPORTED (18-OZ. MINIMUM) (ORNISH ROCK HENS OPER.RIGHT QUALITY, RED BRAND BEEF PRIME RIB ROASI 6 W é$449 oe,,b 79C 7" CLT - 3RO 0 T RiesS nD5 9c MAPLE LEAF BURNS, SUJCffD SEEF WIENERS -lb pg49c BOLOGNA ib39c "NEW PACK<, Choice A&PSTYLE CORN "NEW PACK", A&P Fancy Quality APPLESAUCE "EW PACK", Dessert Stylé NONA PEARS jame Parker Reg. ocdi4c-SAVE 10e APPLE hrn 39 PIE 24-oaiý- 9 juse Parker, Large Reg. emel, 59%-.AVE 14e ANGEL CAKE ch45C EyPornted Rn,. 3 timi 49c-SAVE Ibe AP 7A-9 MILK T 9 b#ffl*IýMPPouch Pok <10 Varîetes Reg. Priôà 2 pkUs 39-4AVE 4e CAKE2~3 MIXES 2_____5 (le c" <iSauce) SPECIAL 1 CLARK'S 31549 - edsebT' a., Ad Guaru, & ed Tr%&gm aurday. Nevember 21st~ 1964 - SPECIAL 1 s SPECIAL I 20 fl ai tins 9 9C Reg. Price ti n 25c-SAVE li c 4 20-fl-oz tins 8 9 FAresh FAruits & Vegetuhies ONTARIO GROWN, WHI-tE MUSHROOMS b4 9c ONTARIO GROWN, F'RESH, GREIE BRUSSELS SPROUTS 2 5c NEW CROP, FLORDk. KIARSH SEEDLESS, SIZE 96 GRAPEFRUIT 1o69C great fteam effort from h î s1 I Nu The Canadian Statesmnan. Bowmanville, Nov. 18, 1964 i Nichohe club as they continue l I______ ___________ tlho eug Ganotigt ai-Ju veni t a e v .T r n o Dale and Brian, were Sunday BETHÂNY fth e w n noers. He c amey- 5 dI iLL in'nr erman Haasl, oMand iie. ed a steady game once again engh gus o m~aver. Rev. Wm. Piercy and Mrs. foithetlxreersgo He save nth L ' A n o T L J I-Miss Linda Avery, was oerPiercy held "Open House" at Bahtre odsve ntl n u d a E h S m 7 ith, uetonMion Betty teUîe hrhMneo final period, twa on GeneBa-teUid hr Mneo son and one on Brian Bradley.SmtBreo n Saturday., Friday night when everyane For the losers, everybody By Jim Clarke 1 Larry Perris of the Peter- mask from Kerry Dickens and Mrs. F. W. Werry visited:had the opportunity of view- seemd tohavedificuly ge- i borough Junior B's plcked .was shaken up .. Dave Puk with a sick friend at Midland ing what has been done by semdt aedfiut e- Bowmanville Juveniles pre- Steve Burns, Don M-%cMurterjis nursing a sare chest froin on Sunday. wyo mrvmns h ting untracked. Brian Bradley paring for their league opener *and Toronto*s Todmnan as the the game as is Terry Baker M n r.CmrnOe ahom bsbe ae asl a189y agwrhakhosefr oal shaded a West Toronto club three stars. Bowmanvilie took .. Bob Cameron, Don Worden Oshawa, were Sunday tea utpstairs, a new bedroam cre- as 189 alon with ack Waien -5 last Sunday night, in an seven of the 13 penalties cali- àand'Gary Akey saw their f irst guests of Miss Elsie Oke and!ae u ftasalros oen pick. Ofiiaios ud erec thexirbtifnthlest Meeting ed inii te game by officiaisaction for the Juveniles and Mrofbet keth ktcermelarged an it of ick Oficils ud aer datthe, sife opposition ta Joe Kennett and Tîm Cox. handied themselves well . . ., r.Alerd w.th itchennamleduteand t tte and Archie Crossey hadadte Bowmanville came up Bowmanvilie nutshot the Bowmanville have their league1 Thp November meeting of cupboham pec anthersenr ~ peaefuinigh in his gme. ith gre t t f ortt Toronto squad 34-22 and wereopener at home against Ajax the Mother's Fellowship was upstairs floors tiled. ix with Nichais' Scott Essery col- gi hi eodehbt ai- lecting the oniy penalty. This gaitoin threseound ehiiton ýconstantly hurrying the Toron-'this Sunday night at 8 p.m... hcld at the home of Doreen! Emory Smith is home again if f Sunday McQueen's play Nich- vitr ntre uig. ta snipers. . . Dan McMurter ithe following night they travel Lamb with 13 present. Aileen from Civic Hospital, Peter- 011 oils' in the opener at 5 o'clock. Coach Harvey Webster got ,gained the dercision in a grap- Ita Cobourg. . the Juvenile5 opened the meeting' wîth a.borough. Up with Local 189 meeting Bill'.. strong efforts from ail his for-: pling bee. ith Toronto's 'Ma,-' are grateful ta the manv POem, "a wyFed" n r n r.Hrl ad nd in the second game at 6:30. ward combinations, but got'tineilo in the second perîod. merchants and individuals whotaedDrnfrhvigtersn pnthewked n g. particular mileage from a line Wicks was fiattened when are aiding this year's club, meeting. Merle opened the De-:Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. .k- composed of Steve Burns, ihighsticked by Don ta trigger financially and otherwise votional with a hymn and thelLewîs Sanderson. R ris Don McMurter and Pete the rumpus. MeMurter got f ive In addition ta those sponsors Scripture reading. She read an'r Gregory Montigomery, son ý ELKERT ION Werry. This trio accounted minutes for fightlng, plus two we mentioned last week a article from Christian Hame,'ýof Mr. and Mrs. Shermarn ccl for six of Bowmanville's seven for highsticking. Martineilo word of thanks for the assist- entitled "Floor Plan," andîMantgamery is in satisfactory on ~ IrII goals. Don picked up a hatI received five minutes and ance of the following' Ellis' closed with prayer. The Roli r condition in Civic Hospital, [ar REVIE WV trick, Steve a pair and Pete Wicks two minutes for slash- Shoes, Bud Virtue's Fina Serv- Caîl was taken and the min- Peterborough, with a fractur- 3s- had a single which proved ta ing . . . McMurter did some ice, Don Boe's White Rose, utes read. The money callected ed right leg. ty- Atium Hockey Schedule be the winner. GeoreBi great penalty kiliing work in Harold Watson of Watson's from Hobo Teas amounted ta Ernest Lamb la again a rv Revlsed added the locals' other ar-,the middle period for Bow-;Apple Orchards, Glen Rae $3.25. Eleanor offered herýpatient in Civic Hospital. ve Monday Garne Times - 1 st er. Rounding out Bowman-imanvilie. 'Dairy, Vanstone's Mill, Local home for the Christmnas party, M- and Mrs. Vincent Jack- '5. gamne, 53 .. 2nd game, villes impressive performancel Toronto's goalie, Jarreil took 222, UAWA, Beaver Lumber, ta be heid on Saturday, De-,son were In Toronto for the 6:15 p was tough, resisting defence a drive near the midway mark Burnham Fuel Oil and Nel-cebr5wtou sanseknd gets fM.ad ta ueda Gme- :0 pm.and solid netminding. lof the second flush on the facelson Osborne. as guests. Jean, Doreen, Rluth Mrs. Cecil McGill. te Surday Game Times0- 7tn1 and Aileen are the committee Mrs. Ross Carr is a patient n-game, 11:50 a.m; th game I'i l were Sunday tea guests of Mr. e hre twsmvdad n Cvc Hsia, Ptr LU EU ~ *and Mrs. Ernest Irwin, Bob- seconded that we sponsor a borough. ey 12:35 ili.._LN G_ -L child from the Orillia Hospital M.adMs Carl Smith ,a November- I caygean. M n :s -l 14-71h. - Indians vs Harnets Mrn and Mrs. Don Welsh and iey; Audîtorsý Mrs. Gardon Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kîngng, ScoMgaet Steanean 9, r sent rdnay ith Mr.Cand ue 8th - Rayais vs Bombers boys, Bowmanville, were Sun- Baker, Mrs. G. Kayacs; Little Britain, Messrs. Jim etc. The rest of the evenîng bre rs 6-lt -Giatsvs ornts aycailers of Mr. Robert Manse Committee, Mrs. Wai- MeGregor, Oshawa, Murray was spent i utn pictures, ng 2ncf Bombers vs Barons Sim. ter Vaneyk; Pianists. Miss Marshall, Maple Grove, were-and pasting them in scrapý op 21-8th- Barons vs Rayais Mr, and Mrs. Ted Kidd, Grace Smith, Mrs. Johnî Sunday dinner guests of C.Ibooks. A ioveiy lunch was The first man ta seil on the ed 23-Ist - arons vs Bisons :Rodney and Melodie, Mrs. Vaneyk; News Reporter, Mrs. Avery's. iserved by Velma and the hos value of your gaods Is your- ls 2nd Giants vs Ramns Ethel Kidd, Goodwood; Mr. and A. Milison; :Gift Committee,! - Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill,[tess. ______ self. 2s, 28-7th- Indians vs Roaas Mrs. F. O. Smith, Bowman- Mrs. Jim Sawdon, Mrs. Stan r___________________________________________ O, 8th- Bisons vs Giants ville, were Saturday visitors Gable. Mrs. Charlie Penwar- a 30-lst- Rains vs Rayais and Mrs. Ken Croweiis and den; Nominating Committee,, P- 2 nd!- Hornets vs Bombers[Jamie, Oshawa,an r.JC.MsRGbo rJ.Pk- 1Decemiber-. Cook were Sandaydrs. c. Mrs Gson r. J akiLIFE - ACCIDENT - SICKNESS re 5-8t.h- Rams vs Barons iguests of the Smiths. Mrs. Charlie Penwarden '57-lst -Bcmbens vs Rams 1 Miss Grace Smith visited presented Mrs, Sawdan with * u m mm m n- 2nd- Barons vs Giants Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa, a set of crystal water classes'IV I II m ~ M ~ m V Of 12-1ist -Rayais vs Giarîts Wednesday evening, fon the occasion of her lSth * UiU R I L il$ t Bombers vs Indians Mr. and Mrs. P. Verleysen!Wedding Anniversarv, and air ..u w w.NUR -u.u E '-1-1sth ndRayas vs Bimso adflHmtn weset of four sterling coffee! h -ls Ind oans vs BRans ad alv Hmo nnsvrta Grace Smith for' Ui 5Tes BrnsvH sSday afternoon visitars o f hrbrtdy -' l9-8*th. - Hons v Biones!Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cornishhebitayfo au 198-h oret v Bsos and Mrs. Geo. Armour and Plans were made fror Bowmanville Cham ber of Com merce 21-lst- Giants vs Bombers r!Miss Bertha Armour, Hamp- arînuai Christmnas Party ta bel aý 2nd. - Bi.sons vs Indians ton, were Tedyspe held in Tyrone Hall, Dec. àth 22-Tues Hornets vs Rayaisiget. Tedy spe at 6:30 p.m., starting with a' M e mbers - Prospective M em be nly 7-7th - Giants vs Indians Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Johnson Pot luck supper. 8th - Biî.Fns vs Ranis and Linda, Lîf ford, were This conciuding oui- bus- r 4ls - ndansvsBarns Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, miess we ciosed the meeting A new plan wili go into effect December lst replacing the present plan. 1 4-nds - IBions vs Baober Bert Johnson. Jwîth hymn 568, "~The Dayý 2nd- Bson v Bober, r. nd rs.G.Bakr wreThou Gavest, Lord, is End- This will inean niany additional benefits for Members, a few are as 5-Tues, - Rams vs Hornets MranMr.GBkrwe ed" and benediction. Lunch follows: Coaches wil libe allowed ta, Saturday evening guests of wssre go on the Ice with their te miMradMr.CPnade.___- -- 1. CLAIM CARD SERVICE - No more dlaim forms to be com- durîg te gme, or he îra Mr nd rs.Staney abl ~ leted for Doctors or Hospitals. Just show your card. schedule- only. and Bruce, Tyrone, were Sat- daP Girls Hockey League Iiirday evening guests of the 1IJ\..JL. 2. No limit for Doctors' Calis in any dy Bantam-Mîdget Serles :Kayacs 3 EeTssaecvrdate 2notipriiain F'riday Gaines - lat garne, The Long Sauit Haine and Mr. and Mrs. Gea lr-wmn and3,EeTssaecvrd ft 1 moh ptipton 4:45 p.m,ý 2nd gamne, 5-,20 pin. Schooi Club met on Friday, Radney were recent vîsitars of 4. Deep X-ray, Radium and Cobalt Beam treatments are coverçd. November 2th- 'November l3th wîth 44 près.: Mr. and Mrs. P. Carreau, Har-ý5 -a iisaeulmtd i1 Buicks vs (2) Mustangs ent. "A Canada" was sung raw. While there they enjoy-' .Xrylmtsaeulmtd 3- Stingrays v (4) Corvettesi accampanied by Mrs. Davey ed a visit ta Jack Miner's Bird' 6. Electro Cardiogram, diagnostic tests, etc., cover is unliinited. 2oeme - Mu tans s Sinr at the piano. Sanctuary, at Kingsvilie, 7. No annual liniit on Doctors' cails in any one year. 2 - Couvtnes v () igas Mr condted ewbus- ,Mr. and Mrs. OECAshton,! 4 ovte s()Buicks president, Pcenwadenbus Mr. and Mrs. E.CAsWerny, 8. A husband cana be covered by an employed wife. 1 Decerî-bei- 4th- . mess. Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffîn, were! 1 - Buicks vs (8) Stingrayq 1 Thé Dec. 1I th meeting is ta among the guests who attend-' 9. A new separate dlass for childiess couples - Lower Rates. 2 - Mustangs v (4) Corvettes lie in charge of the Robeéd the wedding réception o!ý 10. Older ages Life Insurance does not decrease. December lith-- Caméron and Tom Pieasance the Mahaffy - McLaughliný 4 - Corvettes v (3) Stirîgrays1 familles. marriagé at Biackstock. Con-ý This plan in brief offers complote medical and surgical coverage 2 - Mustangs vs (1) Buîcks Mrs. Eari Penwarden acted gratuiations ta Mr. and Mrs' nud gspcaitfeptoulOM sadrs.Iofr w ky December 18th- as program convenor. Williamn Mahaffy. 1 1 - Buficks vs (4) Corvettes Mrs. Harold Murphy and Mr, James A. Werry, Mr. Idmiyfrls ftmlf nsrne cietldahadds 3 - Stïrngrays v (2) Mustangs Mr. Gordon Baker favauréd and Mrs. Harvey McGili, Mr. In m itfo losotie1f.nuacacdnaid th nd i, Deceniber 22nd-- with several selections on their and Mrs. Ralph Vîrtue, and; memberment, ambulance, etc. 4 - Corvettes v (2) Mustangs, accordions. Judy, were entertainéd on 3Stingrays vs (1) Buîcks Mr_.. Dîiiané from the Bell Sunday at thé home of Mr andý Chamber members on a 50-50 contribution basis, can ensure more December 2th--1Teephone showed an educa- Mrs. Joe McGîll, Cooksviiie, on, 4 - Corvettes v (3) Stingrays tionai film entitled "The Un- the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. satisfied employees and charge the company cost against business 2 - Mustangs vs (1) Buicks changed Gaddéss" alsa a corn- Ralph Virtue's lOth Weddingl January 8t- edy entitled "Chariie's Haunt". Anniversary. Congratulations. operation. 3 - Stingrays v (2) Mustangs' rs. Penwarden thanked Mr, Fred Stannard, Mr. andl 1 - Buseks vs (4) Corvettes those taking part, and the Mrs. A. L. Wearn, visited Mr. This is essentially the plan that is expected to b. compulsory withlm, Januarv 15th- meeting clased with "The and Mrs. A. M. Wearn, Clare-' 3 - Stingrays vs (1) Buicks1 Quéen". mont. two years - by Provincial La~w. 4 - Corvettes v (2) Mustangs A delicïaus lunch was serv- Mr. and Mrs. i. J Ormïs- Janua'ry 22nd- ed and a social tîme enjayed ton is visiting thîs week wîth' If you are not a member or ère not parflcipatinq and would like 1 - Buicks vs (2) Mustangs by ail. Mrs. Walter Murray, Toronto', frhrifrain l4ecl h fie omdcleennto 3 - Stingrays v (4) Corvettesý Club 50 Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb, fuhrino ainpescalte fie.N mdileam ain January 29th- Club 30 held théir Novem-. were Sunday vîsitors at Miss' 3-Stingrays v (2) Mutnsber meeting at Long Sault Alice and Harold Stevenson'sý or waiting period if you loin now. -Corvettes vs Buck Schol with 14niembers rs WiUlowdale. CarnéSî- 15 -Corvettes vs Mustangs son apened the meeting with ton and family, had Sunday!DO N A LD A I Buicks vs Stingrays hymn 474, "I've Wandered tea with Mr. and Mes. DaveDO A D. a G ER 12-Buicks vs Mustangs Far Away Fram God" and the Bothwell, Maple Grave. i Stingrays vs Corvettes 'Lord's Prayer. In memory ao M.adfe.OrJfey 91/2 King Street East, Bowmnarville, Ontario 19 -Mustangs vs Stingrays our fallen soldiers we observ- Part Perry, were Saturday tea, éed twa minutes' silence, after guests Of Mr. and Mes. A. Poe6356 Coretts v Bucks which we sang hymn 516, Brunt. 26 - Buicks vs Stingrays 'God of Our Fathers, Known Me. and Mrs. Gea. Iewin Mustangs vs Corvettes afOd" LetW Foet Boys' BasketofiLest W estrget" rs. Mt- Bh oys' Basketbalileague ý conductdthé necessary1 to plibush thé resuitz cf lasi used cr'17'1 for hockey. MeMfuliln Hardware Firth's Meats A & P Store -eêk'. m nor ho-ckev gamie- Bonnie Cowié. convenor for JÇén's Mens Wer Lander Hardware gleep'u Grocery - - - - thér -mge 5ale, recoeted Cluffc!"es.t Cfrerq Walker Stores Arts Car Market that the Phone Commîttee had Gien Fae Dairv R. NI, Holitaghead Co. Frank's Real Estat. 'Hockey M otnershoke eulmnt t te Bo neVn nster SCiéaiiér's Jewell tbLi@tyB URmage sale Th- ;ale was hcld <'anadman Statesnan Cab 500 Brookdale Nursertea ii Iuc se Ort 31lVOIuntteer5 who héltj- t-arrv Ler Laundrs' Maher Shoeg Ladies Aux. of Leglon Br. 17$ W i P rh S ath rummagé salé wéré, Rov Nichais Garage Allen'& Meats Local 189 U.R.C.L.P.W.A. In thé marnung, Marj Piper, L..C.B.O. Jackson Drugs Goodyear Tire & Rubber N ew Equipin nt Ma*2Tbh Rta aMcRobers Cnai TreStore Joharn JuyShoMen s WLion&ryClub IpM Hlel hehanani onie Colis letJo harns Jud nShoWearLionsryClub Cowle. In thé aftérnoon Pres ('n1r% Barber Shop Carter's Bakery Kinsmen Club On Oct. 27th Hockey Moth- Reta Jenkin. Diane Vîvian Kerr's Ladies Weéar Mulder's Store Klwaniu Club en edterscn eeigadBtyFre.Brock's Barber Shop Hooper's Jewellery Town of Bowmanvilie af the 1964-6i5 séasan Mt thé On a motion by loan Simp- J,oéke's TV Bowmanvilie Foundry fipecialty Paver Lions Centre with 16 mémbers 7on. secoimdedi by Mary Cawk- AI Klmopmaker Bowen's Store Student Council B.H.8. prfeent Pr, hockey crests wili be mail- Jury & Loveil Drugi% Frank's Garage St. Joseph'us ehool Prps Reta wel-rmmed the "d mit ot> thé boys who did MIeNuty's Sports 8turrock Fuels Knox Sehool tieemhens and afttéromli rail tnot receilve them ilast yéan. MYIls Radio and Ti, Jackmun'u Floriat Bowmanville Publie Sehools thé minute!; were rpad andi On a motion by Joan Simp- Rank of M,%ontreal GiII's Grocery Bowmanville Hlgh School appraved and a satisfactniry son seconded hy Ev Aider Toronto Dominion Bank Kilpatrick Plumbing Salem Schooi bank stat£ment gi\'en by thé ihat Dori Simpson hé social <'Mn. Imp. Bank of Commer, Vanstone Milil Courtlce Sehools trpasiirer, workér. On a motion by MeýIGregor Hardware Whyte Bron. Mrs. J1. Wilson Prés. Bêta repoarted! uhat thé Marv Cawkrr, s-er'ondéd Il * ; Ni Brcwtn's, Slaght & Cooke B.A. Mrs. liall Little N H I., is mn néed of Marri Tahh tihat the Hoî'kcy IVC%ern Tiré Crystal Dalry Mr. Ed Rundie sorýks and sweaters for ail MoIier1s darn tht sweaters and 1),kstra's Food,, Stocker'l; Garage Mr. Bob Hayes thnee tèamis and a héii 'y pad sack., for the Town League Rowmanville Locker% Cowan Equlpunent Mr. Ev Sheehan for Atnm and goalié claves horkfey players Grpig's Hairstî Iing Dave Alldred Mr. Kelth Yeo for thé Pe Wee's Ail Stars socks were diamr- Coheen's Store Davis Grocery Mru. C. Alloway *On a motion by Joail Simp- éd at thus meeting. Carnation Flowé-r!t Bill Dounoukos Mrs. Flaxman son thé Hockey Mothérs wull On a motion by Anna Wil- Joan's Hairstyiing Stephen Fuels Mru. IN. Parsons boy the beily pari and thé ccx. séconded by Mrs. Davis Childs' Ladies Wear Agnew Store Mns. Anne Wright goalie glevés thîs meeting was adjourned. Abernethey Paints Don Boe White Roue Mr. Geo. Forsey Jr. Regardïr-, th#- sweati, and! The mcxt Hockey Mothers' Bryson's Smoke Shop Paddy'u Texaco socks, on à motion hv E" Aide, rrîceting willi ehé hd Nov 24 E. V. SHEEHAN, President reçoncded by Mluriel Crough tu-at 2 p.nî. at the Lions Centre.