The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Nov. 19, 1964 accompanied by Mrs. C. Fallis'a Mark, men tioning that Mark at our service on Sundayýs was the earliest of the Gospels C . , .morn ng.Re.M asM.fA.FI0nOlAWdr VVin ferS :miht be called theC LA R K E Criltilt'5 C0mments Conterning M" Lambert Sunderland,! T.M s A vll Do nhd rg- D Toronto, was Sunday guest of ramme committee for January. ,H ig h Schoo Wk h gMr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd gtO on a et a l Mrs. Carl Down asked for fam a Of S 0 S 60 8 5 ""nd 'famly all members to share respon- B3y Liz Kozub rd 3Boog lswr D ra a or sh p' T re y .:ndf ayM in stowee: The Durham County Safety Safety: 1st Suzanne Simpson, and submitted severalshut s On Tuesday of lastwe otnt teO oFrs P d A d ~~~~Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Council held its annual fall Hampton; 2nd - Brian Truesuggested by the Friendship an exhibition volleybal ae vuatladltratu te Anthony Smith and family. safety rally mn the Orono Odd man, Port Hope; 3rd - Craig Committee. Mrs. Down then g s d withtwen SOH 6 in " " ' ~~~~~~~~~~~Mr. and Mrs. Eric Simpson Fellows Hall on Friday even- Heberle, Port Hope; 4th - Mar- continued our Studv of Brazil vspaebtwnthsnirotefo twsvry trs- P re egg ggn ow n A u ïto ig and family. Willowdale, wereing, November 6th, with ap- got McTavish, Bowmanville; referring to it again as an girls and the boys.Intesi-td byMro aul 1Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. proximately 100 in attendance. 5th - Kenneth McGregor, Port "Awakening Giant."' Brazil has first game it was 7-15frtengadioraivrnmh by Margot Samuel weekend had one or more ofday which not only washes, J. A. Turnbull. Constable H. R. Cornell from Hope; 6th - Barbara Curtis, quantities of untapped resour- boys, although thegilhatanMrg • Tetrthese ends in view. Let us ex-lirons but MENDS the clothes), Mrs. D. Bryan, Mrs. G. the local detachment of the Port Hope; 7th - Murray De- ces, and the people live by Tetdbee one act plays pre-amine how and why these but most important it demands Wetherup, Miss Hilda Hall,:Ontario Provincial Police was vine, Port Hope.herraertnbveso a five point lead. Secon gm Drama Workshe owmanvileens ee r eehotrelz-cosdeabevaiaio n ac shwatwr Sndygust hegustseaerae isus-SetinB Gaes3%ndTeantrorisstl-geal5u-btwao815bys((ilsha and7 n he ow Hlol. 6ed. and voice control. of Mr. and Mrs. B. Hubbard. ed safety rules for the child- 4 - Safety Poster on Highway developed but a past presien five point lead). Thidgm tor imgvn as otu- N .Smsoato f"he Kingnecids"liandi- Please save all Canada ren and presented a film on Safety: Jennifer Gustar, Port'made great strides in correct- it was 16-14 girls (wihaM consideration of the valcae "'The Resounding Tinkle," is a.teresting case of a play which Packer labels for the U.C.W.' highway driving that was Of Hope; Cindy Davidson, Port ing this by building the city point lead). Fourth gm 8 entertainiment and accom plish-1contemporary English play- reads well but which is ex-,Dntfogtou C rtas miterest toat>oth children and Hope; Kathy Wladyka, Port of Brasillia 800 miles in from 16 girls, and they wergve ment. The live theatre is de. wright whose work is a satiri-'tremnely difficult to perform. Nut Packs" on sale. Contactiadults. ýHope; Anthony Simpson, Port Rio. It was built on a sight a 10 point start in tisgmAN IN UR dicated to diversion and amuse cal comment on middle class The highlight oftepayi !nA. R. Hubbard for further in-!A .Darmle giul- Hope; Stacie Stutt, Bowman-,where the surrounding area also The girls scorn th ment and oblique instructio.: suburban living - the loca- interview between a deposed formation. tural Representative pointed ville; Peggy Clark, Bowm1an- wvas good farm land and had most, points were: Sao Each play presented ls tion is England but could be monarch and his former primel Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mitch-- out that in a previous survey ville; Marilyn Stackaruk, Bow- a good source of water. Thie Tamblyn and Chris Maatne anywhere, the characters uni ýminister. It is a formal inter- ell and family, Mr. William in Durham County of accidents: manville. city proper contained onily, The main point-getters o h ,of versal middle class with uni- view - the king is seated, Mitchell, Pontypool, were Sun- affecting farm people which' Section C - Grades 5 and. residential homes and Govern-1 boys were: Garry Richrsn La le A-d f versal middle class pretentions therefore, everyone on stage day guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. was conducted in 1959, ten - Safety Poster on Farm: ment buildings. Mrs. DownBill Hay, Terry Graha n O Ladies" i O to intellectualism. Simpson's must sit. To listen to ten min- R. Argue and family. rural people from Durham Safety: Sharon Guy, Port outlined some of the work ourRon Good, observation that we are a dull utes' unrelieved dialogue, un - County were killed on the Hope; David Kellogg, Port church is currently support- Another volleyball gam a St A n rew ~boring lot is obvious from the:relieved by action. is most try- B siness D 0Í0 arms and the highways of the Hope; Carol Werry, Nestleton; ing, and also spoke of Mr. and pae nWdedyatr St. ndr w S openmng lines and sustained by',ing. county. He pomnted out that a Linda Maddock, Port Hope; Mrs. Lloyd Strachan, mission-!noon at Bowmanville. t a repetitious thought and dia-'DrctrJhn Aesuysafety survey 1s being made at Lorraine Turner, Blackstock; artes in Brazil. Mr. Strachan is a boys' game, and thesoe Hold Bazaar gue.°The itroduction of a manaredto Jont1 smebuye o nia nc y the present time im the coun-ýWanda Green, Port Hope; Su- a graduate of the Ontario Ag- wr sflos 26Bw totally farcical character enliv- into the proceedings - his RAY J DLIG t ihfrysi uaepesnSare otHp. rclurlCleea ulhmanville, 14-4 Clark, - A delightfullens the proceedings momen- prime minister, Garth Gilpin, Chrter LLcontan acting as reporters for the sur-! Section D - Grades 7 and and Mrs. Strachan is a Regis- and 15-1 Clarke. BillHaan Baaradea was he rrnged tarily -- then return to tedium- was a commanding figure who 9 CuchSret vey mn the county. He urged 8 - Essay Competition on any tered Nurse, andi since the bigTerGahmrecdidfo thea Lade Aofst A y For "Resoundmng Tinkle' read, spoke and moved easily and 623-3861 everyone to assist in the col- Safety Topic: Lorramne Cle-1gest problem is malnutrition getting the most poit o o ogcudyuke .drew's Presbyterian Church perhaa omico servation,"The gdtraculv. asthe nsok-LEONARD JAMES BROOKS ould be useforn aiaccidaentci, NostetopMailyudith crryout our Lord's Comna JClrke. Good rwotand yuhosolgigfyr Th the Sunday School rooms. ments of great truth -- thatllack of grace or femininity, Trustee in Bankruptcy All information is treated as'Archer, Burketon; Patsy Blake, to maintain the all embracingVerutvirnvcrnt•A idtadSckssD- Te president, Mrs. Alex Camn- elephant in the backyard for and suffered from a flat nasal Suite 205W 725-9953 confidential with no namres be- Bowmanville; Linda Fallis:,Love of Christ. Thursdlay afternoon h blt noeIsrnei eron, was the general conven- instance. Isn't it perhaps some- voice. David Neads was an ap- Oshawa Shopping Centre ing given as to the actual per- Burketon; Karen Anne Camp-! Mrs. Ken Hopkins used as Grade Il Geographyclsan deiedthlpyumt or of the sucessful levent. thing which needs doing andipaig let dseelebM .H OGN ons inivolved in the accident.ell, Nestleton. :her devotion theme "Remem- tavrpolmIcna Hus h eercy Porter, Mrs, grows directly in proportion to suitor, and Doug Oke a formal, Chartered Accountant Mrs. S. Lancaster, the chair- ýbrance Day" and chose the.yuaweyinoehn tug Kly, Mrs. Arlie North- how long we procrastinate? enough butler. But it was Dor- Second Floor mani of the county Safety, 23rd psalm as the scripture, yo'redisbld ad cn' chand MrtseCameron were Uncle Ted changes his sex - een Kitney and John Ames- New Library Building Council, urged everyone toý EBENEZER which was read from thewr-o sln sfv Bakin oftheSae of Home the way some people change bury as queeni and king who o.Kn emeac t.patice safet olk ingfoutHmnr.yeron aeofscnes- g.Those in charge Of the colour of their hair, their gave the play its spark. Their Phon 623-3612thtyugfl wllolwMr.Hpm re ddte the Fancy Work Booth were religion, their spouse or their enstghrwre eloe the lead of parents. She thank- The November afternoon miembers of the men who lov- o fr if i cse ofracci Mrs. E. W. Crwford, Mrs. . car --ejus torleeadulrai ed.Bth rs itere and YALE, FRIEDLANDER ed the parents and teachers aslunit meeting of Ebenezered life, but believed they weredn!Clusfrdtis Gr. Chart ra M rs. . RSs exi- stence. Me dllra. Amesbur have tha n- & COMPANY well as the students who had United Church, was held at fighting for freedom, and Stutt, Mrs. Frank McIlveen. As Bro, Ken Dennis gave a definable quality - stage pres- Chartered Accountants taken part in a county poster the home of Mrs. Ross Pearce while we were not at war, we: Mrs HoardGau an Ms. iney dawnskechof log- nce- ad heneiter r bth Licensed Trustees and essay competition with and opened by reading Hymn, have not found peace, not the Cahrin HoneymGandertes ffe rninulet emptyon- is nsage ohn e ihar puthtoin Bankruptcy past year. Thy Kmngdom Comne, O'Lord, h a r m o n i a u s existence we Novemnber 21st willb Cotrnenorsofe Counrtrheadufed husbndlwhosesprt-is ntenone else rdpt 64 King St. E. 728-7371 Prize money was paid to the in umison. should be enjoying free fromi big day for the 4-HE oe Store. Mrs. James Coyle and flattened by his nagging emp-Pawih Nomn l- Oshawa, Ontario winners who are as follows The minutes were read andfear, and it is everyone's res- mnakmng Clubs in Dra Mlrs. Peter Murdoch were in ty-headed wife- ias hrmesage oWdlvrMNETH-IHWAESi rder of merit, approved and the treasurer's!ponsibility to work for Peace., County! This day wllmr charge of the Apron Booth, Mary McGibbon gave her and a message play tends, by & Co. Section A - Grades 1 and report given. Mrs, G. Tubb an- Mrs Hopkins closed with theithe finalization of the( rjc T A T R and Miss Marjorie Ferguson role understanding but missed its very nature, to be dull andi Chartered Accountants ,2 - Safety Poster on Home nounced the coming events ' hope that each year we are: for this fall, "The ClbGr was the convenor of the Candy many fine shades of comedy pedantic. H ow e ver J e an Oshawa Shopping Centre Thle Units will not meet sep- coming closer to Everlasting Stands on Guard", ani wl Booth. by not varying her vocal tone Darch's clean, fresh set and 728-7527 Un arately in December, but will Peace, followed by prayer,! be held at the I.O.O.F. ali A E The Tea convenor was Mrs. - her voice tended to mono- good use of colour and fabric Partners: HAYDOU have a General Meeting De- Hymn, O God of Love, O King Orono. Anyone is weloet James A. Bell, president of the tony which only exaggerated helped us over many a dull Hon. J. W. Monteith, F.C.A. cember 16th with the Installa- of Peace was suing, and the attend the programmeith Inuac -RalEat Eveming Group associated with the already monotonous as- moment. A. B. Monteith, B. Comn., C.A. (Intended for last week) tion of Offieers by Rev. J.,meeting closed with the Miz- afternoon, starting al,.0pm igSt omnil the W.M.S. Tall lighted tap- pects of the play. Sylvia Tuc- Three directors had been G. W. Riehl, C.A., R.L.A. Mr. Victor Smith and pui5ils rm ier pSere a h Benedlo iin , he the girlsngwill be ex-- Residemo ers mn crystal candlesticks ker, as Uncle Ted, looked at- provided with a cast, crew and (Licensed Trustee) held their Hallowe'en party~on r Lierat.Fure Secrtaryok Follorswng thermed etm t e iimg and dentaigce62 3 effectively centred the tea tractive, spoke well, but tend- stage and the opportunity for G. E. Trethewey, C.A. Friday afternoon- Several Mepr.onChas. opaea ok memlnhbrstwerHe ses. oel aeilwhc1hy hae635 tables. . ed to posture herself. She pro- experiment and experience. R. F. Lightfoot. C.A. mothers attended the party. rpr nteGse fS.lnhb h ots.learned during the proet Those who assisted mn serv- vided additional interest by in- New talent was uncovered and B. R. Waters, C.A. The pupils opened their pro- Ing and preparmng the delicious terpreting Uncle Ted as the it is hoped that all involved WILSON & BURROWS gramme by singing "O Cana- Ms.F.J. Morrisor MrsNesbtt, ph B om er o aoturfulfset in aiettheir knowledgewtllfu- 114King St.EastOshawaOnt. mrith, MrsuChristensen and lWestonu Kelly, Mrs. Lorne McQuarrie, too bizarre for such colourless ther the developmnent and ac- Partners .: Mrs. Blackburn. 0O SAM-orSnba Mrs. A. M. Thompson, Mrs. individuals as Bro and Mid- complishments of the Work- Ronald F. D. Wilson. C.A. There were miany costumes Rod RspWr John Honeyman, Mrs. Howard die. Director Wyn Wonnacott shop. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A.' to judge and winners were as Sturrock, Mrs. Norman Irvine, chose a difficult, demanding' Phone 728-7554' follows: Best Costumne-Sr.,Butr rn M1lrs. Murray Tighe, Mrs. Lloyd subtle play, which performedi John Tilley; Jr., Comic, Bar- Rg 5 Clifton and Mrs. Percy Cowl- mn double time would be doub- LO GS U l ara Ashton; Most Hallowe'en, 6t ing. ynefectve. C hi r op r a e i iC Michael Patterson; Sr. Comic, Pg sents a totally differentrfacet At the home of Mr. andý G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chairs, Beth Ashton, Ka KELOGG' S F Rof English life and its meclus- Mrs. J. Johnston on Saturday Chiropractor Rahm; Best Girl, Sr., Mary 27 0R7 00 ion mn the programme leads to evening, Mr. Allín Cole was Office: Potts; Best Jr. Girl, Sybil TrHIRD .SgrPp G G 0 some mnteresting comparisonsitaken quite by surprise at a 15 Elgmn St., cor. of Horsey St. Graham; Best Costume, Jr.8,z O Dand observations. This play birthday party held in his hon-1 Phone 623-5509 Debbie Patterson; Best Boy, SgacSnak was written in 1901 and de- our. Miss Shirley Johnston was Office Hours: By Appointment Jr,, Steve Millson; Best Boy,- t HEALTH! piicts a working class way of the otes Sr., Glen Ashton.' W EEK . ife, strictly bounded by classý The community was sadden - After all had taken their3Pks$10 ara ~~~barriers - a work-house waif ed over the weekend to hear, D e1ij, a i aks ff 1eea amswr MILK who dreams of romance but is of the passing of Mr. Herb - -- as o ee ra gamews were- MILK doomed by her background to Cameron. Sincere sympathy DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S- ed by the seniornchws srv TH E KING OF ROASTSI MI|LK life in a laundry. This type of from one and all goes out to 75 King St. E. Bowmanville - - PRODUCEd- ale hek' M i LK dramna was popular at the turn Mrs. H. Cameron and all mem- Office Hours : holdig their ahristupis con- pcalySlced-Vlechc MILK of the century as it served asîbers of the famnily. 9 a.m. to A n.m. daily et nDe.11 inthe hrh vIlLK social protest and created Mr, and Mrs. .Rye Gibson Closed Saturday and Sunday ce one church was filh rcn SFALORNGDAIB sympathy for the workmng spent Sundlay with Mrrs. G. Office Phone - 623-5790 Suda vngfoth Re LK classes. It is decidedly English Bentley, Port Perry, ho lft Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 Subnce ay enigfrteRel- in flavour and lacks a univer- for Winnipeg, Man., for severalý DR. E. W. SISSON, it was rs. a S rvce Sl sal appeal except to show how weeks' holidays. L.D.S., D.D.S. who Sang two solos "O Valiant thmngs were mn 'the old days." Office in his home Hearts" and "The Homeland".lbG Today we haven't much pa- 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville The presentation of the RAT tience for a waif who dosen't PONTYPOOL i Phone 623-5604 wreath was made by Lionel Coare our raota chetocapacity on Fday eve1 sea 6 i. n d gimor1e RIB STEA K S 7 9 c culur toth icoran on when people froma far and near DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Rev. Dugan's message was cept of inherited and estabhish. gathered for a presentation Office A Challenge From The Past", a e walh ad ostin. Class and dance mn honor of Mr. and 175 King St. E. Bowmanville The flowers were placed in GenuineLuian b dis tintind as vey ch Mrs. Lloyd Fallis. The newly-1 Office Hours : the church by Mr. and Mrs. part of the English fibre and weds were the recipients ofi 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily Lloyd Ashton, red roses, 40 the upper classes took only a some lovely gifts. Music was! Closed Saturday and number, from their 40thi Lean YAA condescending interest in the supplied by Mrs. Lily Rich-1 Telephone: Office 623-5459-Y WeddigAnvray activities of the working class. ardson and Ken Neal with Messrsý. David Malcolm,C rg -. eswho lway emegeddra.Lloyd Brown ab.M.C. Lunch ,nl a ggChas. Garrard, Lionel Tilley, Feh1-s u matically at least, coic,por was served at midnight. i-_ Don Cameron, John Potts, B A S N I S3 bu ol"'p 'e hub The Saturday night dancesl DON;ALD -.MacGRE-GOR, ýArthur Trewin, Walter Love- P T E proves no exception to the held in the Orange Hall have. Life, Auto, Home ýridge, Kenneth Graham, at- FehMne LM formula. been discontmnued due to poor' Insurance tended the Legion's Armistice M 1&Mf j i cwt 0Unfortunately the Bowman- attendance. M,2 King St. E., Bowmanville Dinner on Saturday evening.SweN.1Pk.f2 vile raa orkho hs Moin ws he rdr f hePhone 623-5962 Mrs. Archie McNeil spenti ED of daivahough direc t lsiRaesMs.Debergw ns m.oed fto an Srvynga1 ;s eil Z1e ý . - I.I otaries Puiblic ---1- ----uraperrui or -neapp e- jrape rui standn of anil bsolete wav sided at the election of officers1 orig ad wee dne 4ýý wof life (show me a laundry to-ýand each visitor was present- rakS;owavleguests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy -^BIEST BUY! Save 7c! - Boston ron 0ozETn ed wvith a _gft A dainty lunch E. RICHARD LOVEKIN Taylor Taing Fruit Crystals 2-39c wtas serverd by the local lodgze B,A., LL.B. Mrs M. B3ertrimn and family| F Barrister - Solicitor 11sited her brother Mr. Nel- 1 Save 4c! 14-os, Packagsr Y A L OWAVLEKing St W. Newcastle son Gage, Thornhill, on Sun- ALERB RY L 23-5589 BURKETON Hours. 9-5:3n0e-9ed. Sat., 9-1 dalMr and Mrs E Brock and MINUTE RKCE 45C BEST BUY! Save 10c! Gond Morni The C- (G IT. mept in the M 0 r j g a g Mabel Cowling, Salem, called Save 4ME!Economr Pkgs. of 400'sl Wednesday to Saturday, Nov. 18-21 nb wthHa godattndnaancee SADIE HAMILTON -ORONO ýamlnSn o abbad SoteFcayise 9 H RR F a ml d 7 Onecomlee sowat :30p.. oly Church Hall on Wednesdavý First Mrtgage Funds Gregory, Barrie, spPnt ea few by return engagement e ening wthladie r attbnnness PropertiFarm s with her mother, Mrs. M. LBYSFOE OD BEST BUY! Save 5r!32z.Se et making plans for the bazaar.- -1 Mr. and Mrs, Allan Moffatt, Save 10r! Sliced 15-oz. Pkg. • • F 'The Bnidge on the River Kwa ri a, in Li bay, d Lfs9en abrpoe Bn rnowma erEddunda STRAWBERRIES . ......39C JA V E XLîuld Beah1 Mr. and Mrs. O.t J Greeri Let, uF arrange your farm supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Save 10c! Red 15-nz. Pk Z. Winner of 27 International Awards rn girls, Miss Pa Keenan. loaean hmnandue or aeoan. J. Potts and family. Omod RASPBER RIES..... 39c BEST BUY! Save 16c! White or Clue wnPc -l Starig illamHoden AecGunnes f rs.E.Branevery description. Tracv and Virginia. and Mri Tender 10-or. Pkg. and Jack Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lowrey HAROLD C. PEDWELL 'Blane Adams. Bowmanville, BROCCOLI SPEARS .....29C and family spent Saturday Broker :were Sunday dinner guests of 2 fRX TI S with relatives in Frankford. Newcastle 987-4336 Ms A. Thomoson. S d to ednsda, Nv 2-25 r. and MRo ss ""bbard Mr and Mrs. Lloydi Ashton, Sunday o enedy, o.•22 and Janice, Trenton; Mr. and, 0 f mefry[ Ronald and Ray, were Sunday, MIrs. W. Hopps. Whitby. were - 1-dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.ýýMP E G O E R D H T One show at 7:30 p.m. only Saturday eveming callers at KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. !Ross Ashton and family.p e Gre Pt the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Optometrist. Mrs. Ruth Aikenhead, of "633 Squadron HThe CG.I T. girls had a busry 'ffice Heus:E B pontmanï 1 ro;nd spenM Roweek Ash CO RNISH'S R ED & W H ITE afternoon on Saturday collect- Telephone 623-3252 ton and family. with Cliff Robertson and George Chakiris ýing for the blind. Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. -. Fri. Mr. and Mrs. L. Griffin, We were very pleased to 9 a.m. to MI p.mi. Blackstock, were Sunday visi- P C E & W I ENI havypMr1 slie Fairhursto ThurFda aevenig13 tors at Mr. and Mrs. A. Gar- P C ' E H T