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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1964, p. 7

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Mr. and Mr7;Wý Burgess ~noed a mator tri-i around LaeOntario and Lake FEr;e last Week. Mes Marie Denniîs cf Yar- rnouth. Nova Sctia .. Isî1 ing M4r and Mrçý Il W. Knapp, Parkway Crccn1 Mr. Pnd MIr z Ewart Clemi- Pucee. Osha'.va, ;pcnt Mondla'. a3fternoon witb Me. and Mrz-. H J. Babeock. Orntario St, -Miss Patricia \lae-r. Peter- harougb. spent the weekendd With hec Jarcntý', Mr. an d Mrs Jame-_- Marr. Lowe Street. .Mr and Mes. Charles Dislev ;and famil 'v. Bancroft. spent thie weekcnd xx >itb bhis parentý. Mer. andl Mes. Charles Dse Sc. . Vlr i on saun rîels ')f Toronto wAas a saturdav u: ,or with his pare'nts. Mr. and Mis. . Saundrs, Waxe-rlec'v Poad. Mers. fDon (laýýs. I.î.tewel,ý ren t the weckend with ber Mbther, Mrs. F, French, and her aunit. MsR. Nîx ms, Cburch Street. Mr, aind Mieý. i Fl inflaîid on Steveri. Whitb. w uere Sîînday supper guej(sts of her parents. Me. atid Me' A J. Clarke, LambF Lame. Mes. Harold jc-well bas ic- lurned Io her honme ini Buf- fa](o, NY., afie a t Visit witlî MisF ux lxol Concessio St Ea.'I Mrt Jo' Taylor. Ontarii St., was called ta Cooksvilleý on Saturday because of tbaf sudiden death of hpr brother. IMr. A. Holland. The funeral service took place on Tues-, day. November 17. in Cooks- vi;le. JMr. and Mes. Fred Hooten' of Rowmanville, is a patient and Mrs. W. Downer, Mount, n Oshawa General Hlospital, Pleassnt, Mr. and Mrs. Leon We wish her a speedv recav Moore and fami lTyrone. erx~ an Ms. V. Mi]îsn.Tawn, M-rs Waler vans Br were Sundav cuests cf Mr. MesWalpe van . BYan and Mrs. AllenE. Moffatt, and Colleen. Brooklin. and Popc tet Mrs .Arthur Wannamaker. rset tet Wellington, iiedwt Mr M. and Mrs. Charles Jovhns,: and Mrs. A.E. Moffatt re-, Liberty St. North, in campany centlY, with their grandson Loran Mes. F N, Kramn attended Pasce of Oshawa, visited a lie Paýt Presidents Night of feu, dayss last week with the the Brampton Kinettes Club Rex'. and Mrs. S. E. Snowden, held on Tuesdav evenincr Shawville. Que.. and returned, vIîs. eKeamo is a i-asî rresî-1U1t VaUtt. dent of the club. Me. ai-d Mes H. C. Rickab.vJ Wo,-d has been ereceived Oakville, w e r e weekendl that Miss Lynn Bradley, dau iguest-s cf Mr. and Mes.R.P ghter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Carl1 Rickaby. King St. Wcst. POn Bradley cf Hampton. has re- Fridav evening aIl attended! ceivedi her R.N dege, ee framl the Commencement Exercises Hamilton Civic Hospital. cfCreHihSha when, their niece's daughter. Miqss Miss Helen V an stOne, 'Lynn Bailev, was the ae Queti's Univer-sity. Kingstan,l dictorian. ae' spent the weekend with lier1 Mr. and Mi,. Eric- Pearson, mother, Mrs. Morley Van- stalle. and sister Miss Barbera Mr Ro CaQe.l. d na, Vantan, BechAvenue. ýrecentlv attended the funeral Miss Dorothv Dunbar, Fart of their father. Me. Johný! William. Mes, Jan Earle, Part Hugh Campbell. The funerali Hope. Miss. Joan Buttery and service was held in the W. C.' Miss Marion Buttery. Bow- Tawns' Funeral Chapel. WhIfý- mnanville, are spending a twa- b.y. and buri"l -î s in) ýa"; xveeks' holiday in Jamaica. Union fmcî'b-ide Vls latt \v:f -. , I b. b Ce Il Mr. and Mrs. W. A. J. Hon - once x n who:101 - cx', Toronto, Mr. and Mis. C.a~îfuva.~ao clw L. ljpper. Peterborough. 11a1 nd:a"Ltheou- cac.rlatives aîîd Mi- an Mî. C R.Bic~1 friends h-lad lunch at the home Town, were dinner guests cfc radMs.Ee nw Mr. i-i Mî. G.F. amisandenCourtice. Later, Mr. and Celebrates 9Oth Birthday !Oshawa Wholesa le"sI Thneoo it tce s . . ....... ~ ~well as forOnai rdc il custamers in Canada. the Eari ngs I~ JUITJ United States and abroad. Oshawa Whalesale Li m ted Sales for -hc 40 x.%eck p saw s G spliri reports a 31.5 per cn dxee~93 6 epr The niove will ensure coi centin-:od %ere Ï9,35.36, co par-tinuity cf suppîx- and quali' Screase in net earnings and a ed %vth S66.523.4,9 m 1963 conteor fHoladM ' tor thie 4<-weeks ended (Jet. PML.sIiiIn. liesc i1gu1rcs Udo 1101 31. ~include sa1eý of the e i ,,it The plant. located on 4 aetresronegmilereeSlt of Ba- «" PAC KS Bassiný; Food Markcis wiharsoeml atc R- 898 compared with $816,674 in the companiv a(quilred Nov. 9: ford, is being modernized aiid equipped with latest g-raditng. the same period last year. Per In a let terte Ioharcholdcrs. wNashing, packagin- and re- share earnings on 1,157,796 MIr, Wolfe annlounccd0( that frigeration equipment'l shares were 92.7.5 cents com- Osiaa*s subÀidiar\. Ontario ___ pared with -40.93 cents on Praduce Co Ltd.. la.; cquir-P W R! 1,151,396 shares last vear. anied a '25.000-square-foot i - Po wheel ali.-rmetit can increase cf 30.76 per cent. table packing PlnOWteEusRiest ra iewv These figures reflect the two Holland Marsh at Bradford, 20 ta 40 feet in every mile __ for one stock spit cf last Ont. and wvill pacag afuit ravelled. wasting gasoline ai-d â;À -c»S June. line of fresb eeals o ie NO.1I2 Mrs Fan Sbil cea- e aZ0J nUh d imrI. andu Maes. Foiak Sis . Cloga r . Meai-d Mrs. Llayd Daraîî, Mrs. Campbell called on thein ewwcswt lir iirSmsani-e and Lee Anne. Bele- uncle and aulît. Mi-. aîîd Mesý. Mes. S. 6. Niddery few~~~~~ wekswthb '-si"eville, and Miss Deidra Doraîî, H. J. Babcock, Ontario ot le 0hbihdvcMs.SteHmpo lîîtd buc Mrs. Clair Allen .Mr. Allenl T itdyo r.S teHmtnIiie hrh and familv. Mar-tin Road. Queeuî's University, Kingstani,l were wc'ekend guests, of Mr.) Niddery, Hampton, an Sat- 1Women, the Hampton Womnts Mrs.F. _ Pnfoud, sli1 ad Mr. A Majerisoný uda.. Nvembr 1thwasInstitute (Mes. Niddery is a Mes.F. . Pîifiind Os- ad M-s . Majeîrisn, N (celebrated infarmally when a Life Member cf bath these' çwa,fo.rmerly Matîde Fdger Flett Street. UI 1C F lage iîcmber cf frîeîîds from arganizatians),teHapn ail parts cf bhe district aîîdiLadies' Service Club, and fram Tag Dayneiglibarbcod called to can- 'friends and neighbars. Amangý TRIN TY U ITED CHUR H Ta Daygratulate lîir ai-d extend their the flowers were îcd roses, TRIN TY U ITE CHU CH besi wishes. The many beau- Ichrysanthemums and -arna-1 Itiful bouquets of flaweî-s, itians.i Nets $5B67 plants. ctbier attractive gifis . Mrs. Niddervys cxci grcuIp cf Minstcr - P\'.vn. i. tiauslanuer, B.A..B.D and a multitude cf cards testi-: the Wuinrs Institute pre- - :\~. îîluî ollser. Ms.B, LR S. The Busîiess & Pi-ofessiciiol fîed to the bigli esteem and seîîted her with an exquisiteý Organist -M' I111-CliSI.MM. .... Wons Club were eiiter«- affectioniîn whicli nie is held. Belgian band-knitted smake, tained at the home cf a mieni- Mesgso etwsebushudrcpadlil SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22nd.,,1964. ber, Mes. Pauline Strks.v, Mressae fof b e le sed r ape ai-id se Newceastle, at tliei- îast nîeel- wi ecvdfo u o.ri ed an olir cey iL. R. Pearsonî, Prime Ministerigifts. Il a.mi. - Morning Worship in.Av;'oeiîu ptlc f Canîada: flon. JonRabarts, iMî-s. Niddei'ys son. Robert SLtppei Was enjayed blv alil Prime Minister cf Ontaria: Jabn Nidderv, Bcwmanville.l phesevnt, bfMretuespeakei o Russell C.' Houev, M.P. foi-l aîd her daughters, Mes. R. J. t"ehevening.eMiss SieilaDurlbani ('nunty; Alex Car-, Widdic-ombe (Eimma), Hamp- "The Clmate ofFaith"Tbampaaiî, told cf lier cx-:i-utheri-s. M.P.P. for Durharn: ton; Mrs. MarcieTib, perencs fic îîied a-Iboi flou. Johiî Diefenbaker, ýBase [.îne: Miss Mai-y Nid-1 SU AYSHO tions Semninar in Waterloo Leader cf the Opposition, Otta-1 dery, whe 1lives wîtb lier mnoth- SUDYSHOUniversity. \va, and thie Township cf r and Mes. N. F. Faulkner *Juior Ineredite nd cnor a.i.Sheila bad been ,;ponîsored Daeington. Mes. Niddery also (Grace, Tcoonto. we-e hbe Jutnor, nteriedite nd Snior- 9:0 a.i. hy this Club bc attend tbis'reucîved a framred serail froani with hvir te celebrate ber birth- Seminar. Sbce had chosen to tlrn Proxmnce of Ontario, and day. fier n- oî living sister- Primarv, and Kindergarten - 11:20 a.rn. take th e part cf one cf tire scres of îards frcm ber many! Mes. Ida Westlake, Salina, wa-s Begnnrs- 1:10a.n.Chinese delegates. Their diis- liends. aise ahle I spend bbe aftcr- Regntirs 1:0 a.i.eussions were politicai. fînan- Plants andl beautiiu boi- .nîcon witlî bei, aîîdlieir grand- cial, social and humanitariao, qiiets crftlnsvcrs were sent to! childeen and grcal gi-audchild- _________ hev tcuclied cii racial dis-,i Mes. Niddery bx' the Officia]I cen were aIse present foi, be i - crirnination and disarmament. . Boardl cf the Hlampton United1 happy evelît. They passed recsltions atid;Cbili ,lanid Siîniday Srbeol, Mrs. Nidderx i cccix cri lie-r Y frîendts ndfnalyvo-s weacîng a hocomîng, k'iI-I()I~~~IIII--I 5he expressed lber tîanks hi rndxxiihe -t to 'ic-ied esnf b!ack ie IREIN.BO~TH C RITIA itoe Club for- sending beri UNICF.wo-ithaerc f ydi- wroes, 4and said it.was ai-iexperience *' i<-yimîesc bsclb îtc e glawgrnd NS attended tbc Regioiîal meet-ichildeen. REFOPlas xver made celole- nclicl iiiPortc Hope. Miss The perfectîx' appointed bea býlrate the b4tb Anniveî-saî-x' û fVeltiim av, . -nt r-al i h iin-omw Bowmanîll§i this Club, wlîeîî Elsie Gregoryý Marion Jeiffey and Mîs, Lii-centu-ed witbi a large lîcrseshîo Sego tre,& eIl atPrsdut It&îauî Dîllîug. the latter- taking shaped birthday cake ai-d the! Y Y- Ontario B. & P. W. Fedeeatiouî ha i ii the pcogu-am on panels tea table xvas alsn adoerned SR{ev. ,iolîui C. Ve-bt-ugge, B.A., B.D., M.nister - n uhi f M Mtherl ai-d discuîssicns. A sincere with au attractive arrange- à the Judge," wauhd be the' vcte of tbanks was extcnded ment cf white carnations and Tclephone 623-5023 guest speaker. Io eue bcostess for- ber kind pink and whiite candx- stcipcd 4. UNICEF tag da',Io dae! invitation andi-iiie deligbtful carnations. M-is. NJiddery's had netted $567.00. Otbeî o-cvnm pent in ler most!daughters ai-d gcanddaughteis WC>RSIP SRVICS -.nations ai-e expected befoce:atiacivir ai-d spacious home. assisted ini servii-g. 11: 00 a.m. - Englisb h sPf l Ii i# I 7:30 p.m. - English 4IE Prnclaiming the Whole Counsci of God yTDSHA E 4 - lherîtîng moncy is lii- holding a 1920's he rhymed off Ger-maii marks ini N ~sweepstake ticket. YeOLIgo through ihe the trillions. 1 dreamed cf driving a 4same agonies cf planning how o'l cream-colored Roils Royce convertible, "Bc oGdH u"Bodatspend your windfall. with lime leathet- upholsterv. lly mevie When 1 was very young, a-in officiail(amera would be equipped with Sound. CKLB Oshawva - Sunday. Nov'. 22nd. at 9:15 P. M. document cotified me that 1 would At one point 1 was doiuîg what _________ -~ ~ -________ - eft aunt, thrice remot-ed, vvho had J get $100.000 - heî-e's hou, l'Il spend .et boodie of reai estate. tai-patilin il. If it's only $75,000 - l'Il have In works. ship-building yards. stocks and <cut, out, a few frilîs but tif-iCeWill stit lA .f iA &i r t LADIES' Ibonds, anîd stuff like ihat. Il made me h ntfhfiv..-few t.ç -ill. boggie. It seems that whcbi Atîlla t he iluc swept into Europe on the heels cf Char- lemagne, some of my ancestors set up shop in Bremen. Once uocks stop uolling, they gather the kind cf moss that ap- peais te a 10-yeau-oid bo\- . IIow mueh 1 would gel wýAas neyer revealed, but grade sehool arîthmel ic helped me figure il to b(-- S75.00t0 ce mou-e, liarud oui the hel s of ilie fi est annucrn ent carme c-onfirmat inil lire fcum nif a $10(0 c-heque. Ml\ý mîot ber ini- st roc-icdnieI-i ciraw niii. si'"1altiiie (on the baek a nd thle clieq mc e . i hmid - ]essonbs. 'lheuî ie xIct s'5- th iat Gernany- had clampcd down oni expU1rt- ing mone.- btit t he goverinuit 's-oId hr dclighted !oi Ici me spr-nd iv iii- heritau-ce sihin heieri- al1mn.Mv moîhiers cîvstal blait old hlie- ýhOild sta\- ai home. She said she lîkcd mc. In 1938, 1 conspired lb make mnîv wa v te New York where 1 intended Io boar-d a German boat and stai t xiîing cheques. 1 had visions cf stcidx-îuig at Heidelber-g Universitv. where student princes and chocolate soiciers fought duels and wrote poetrv. With m.v kind of monev. 1 intended tii i-wiî vais, metorcycies. a wardrope -of lcthes, eameras ai-d speuîd some mrouicv on food. <Dtîîîng the depu-cssioi-. a liithle eheese went a long xvavý.) Not only did mother wouider wh 'v 1 was -%riting se îman *'vtetteis. butt he RCMP spent Iwo houes trvîng Io fathom wh\- J wanted ta get m *v hands on $75,- 0)00. They nipped the plot. First chance Ilîad te hoock ibto mi inheritance was in 1959. some 21vearls after that first, tantalizîng tetter. 1JIo- cated the executor in Bremeîi and he spent three davs translating documents. As he îeviewed the histoi-v cf cach business enteu-prîse, mv mind danced and mY hlood surged. B>- thqe lime hr got. i the inflationary period of the rw riog.J l u5 i ai LkL O Lk. iriti . One thing 1 intended to do fer 5LUi0 bnivesi enough of it in gilt-edged securi- tics se 1 would have a regular income fi-cm dividends. These, 1 decided. shotuld be payable in the spî-ing. in lime for bolidays, and in No\'ember, ini lime fer Christmas. Then gloci clouded ni'.v davdreams. Whaî if 1 cnlv eeeix-ed $50.00' Or $25,000?' 'Ple sofi. Oxford ac-cenit of iie (,et-u- mn-i wr an d lîoniiiugou itliu-u-ioi h e coudicals translatiouis. ()uchoiiV Was kepî bus v laulinig documcîits fruîmthie VaLlîts in the basemeuîb. And afteu- three days cf gloriotîs (arment. 1 t-ca- lizeci that someouîe lad spilled hombs oni most cf those uîîce factories. Iii a word: Kaptît. No îîîîlatc "BCfoîc v oui go," Ccunsclied fhic cunsellor. "peehaps \'-iio ,ýhnLiri ld-eck your bank balance.' "Bank balance?> Havo I a hank ac- COIlt" "iOh ves. Since 1929. ail .,Oui diVi- dends have been deposited (o vour ae- cunit in Bremen and have been dî-aw-- îîg iînterest." Se xve wenl îo the bank. anîd m v 23-yeaî--old banik bock locked like a ]edger f rom a Chartes Dickens iîavel. Deposits invctved net met-el\- , thousands of marks, but tens cf theusands. But periodicaily a rubbeî- stamp. bearing the German Eagle, blotted a page and the friendly manager explained that lhe mark had been devalued. With the British occupation,. the mark was stabiiized again. And once more my dîeams cf idleness, of basking in the Sun, cf retiring young. evapcrated iii the fuil heat of truth. "What is my balance?-""1 asked tlm- id 1lv. -That woî-ks oulte $11145." replied the bank manager. 1 weeîe a cheque, riesed eut the accotînt. and painted Bremen red. -Nos %-1ý *4 17 I.D.A. BRi TOILE TISSU *Lavender *White * Pink Reg. 2 rollh 8 roils1 Terrif ic FT KLEENEX JE Facial Tissues 2001 *' YeIlow si 9e KLEEN-OR 8C Antiseptic MoutFwash KODAK - BROWNIE FI1E ST A Camnera Outfit A fine gif t SuIgg. Iist1.5 9.71 ,"DIRECTOR" T'on-Griain Coiv Hîdef M 1 EN'S BILLFOLD Reg. 5.95 3,99 "CITATION" Men's Gift Set 4%1,-oz. size of both After Shiave Lotion and Cologne Reg. 35 2.99 P>IILIS1IAVE Speedshaver Self -sha rpening. double rotary action (M1odel SC79211> 17.95 Savings BATH TOWEL Products ......... .16 ci 16-0X., 49e valuie 441 O N E - A - D A Y 'g g st 4.49 T e r ae la Ivet 2 <' \ 1 ' Assorîed (01011 es a nd Multiple Vitamins 100's.. 2.e67 ~ii 2for 99c (R EST stigg. fist 1.0)9 LAU'RE~I (L'B Tooth Paste .................. 7 3 C E E T I NEW DAWN sugg. hist 2.25 BLANKET stugg. ist 1.29 COR ICIDIN79nlblkt i Tablets ................. 9 R ESD A N sugg. lis 1.54> 15.95fr hear Dandruff Remover............9 715 5 LENTl1I-Z 1IC PARAMETTE sugg. îist 5.50) ""TWEED"" Syu. ... ........-2.97 GIFT SET Shulton -01l Spice" sugg. iîst 1.51) AFIER SHAVE 97c Lady Patricia sg Hair Spray ........ ........ 8 BAYER I100's sugg. iust 99C. ASPIRIN 66C MICRIN 32 TO0NI1 sugg. ist 2.001 Rosebud Home Permanent -1.48 soAP SCHCK5's, sugg. ist 79c. Stainless Steel BladesC-gCà 6 :" cal v I)roi) i> 'ait- saore oday and se thenany morie Moncy % - Saving Specials on the 1 Pre-Christmas SALE PRESCRIPTIONS 69c.1îl n e 69c 1. D. A. REMDiES ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS e 5 KING ST. W. - PHONE 623-5792 VYIIEfflII ~WEAR 48 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE Pre - Christmas Clearance Aclaring (uolden Crown Ban Lon SWEATERS .Shiort Sievve -S2.98 - Long Siceve S3.99 ('AHDIGANS $4.98 Cliiî he of BULKI (.ARI(AN.S Re.$10.98 $5.98 - S6.98 Giam rls1.. and Bras "Biathi.' 30<7 ýDISCOUNT GLOVES, Disrontinucd Shade4 A 1,L.-WEATHER COATS JUMNPERS, reg. to $19.95 Clearing $10.00 - $12.00 COATS Siudcnt fur trininied and untrimned- Reg. to S49.9! $24.95 and $34.95 Pastel Knitted Suit% Clearing - S19.00 CLEARING LINES OF DRESSES, SKIRTS and Many Other Items 'hpand Save in Bowmanville' ýl

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