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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Dec 1964, p. 11

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I i r Newcrasîlle- On 'l'uesriax j eveniog . Novemnber- 24th, tU(, I Guides nf the 1laI andri 2nd I Companies entertainprihlbi'- I nothers at a Pare-nt Nigbt. r The parents wprp greetpri h.Y' the iOýstesSfes .Gicoda Johnson anri Jane Allun. lat Compani" Uapîsuuî Mrg. Howard Q'minnéex, opDencri the meeting wuith RnIl Cati DtIil and the Guide Promise. The ColOr Parfy foir Ilie evenung was Bearer. Rober-la Cnwlf- aridithe escorîs. Garni Gxibson andi Joan Kimball The G.uideësC Lundia [owcri : 4 ycaus, Nancts Lomwerv. Isobel Pearre, Siisar ('amev, Eleanor McCrarkcon RptU Powell. Bexerlev Rur- amuI: 5yei-,Candy' Stnrk:- 6 years. Mars, Dean. Pondîta Lancaster. Guiider Sersure Star-s xerr a wamdenl 2'-1 seanS, Miss San- rira Cnbbledick: 5 vears, Mu-s Kax' Stephcneoo: 7 vears. Mr,-. Kav- Quinner. Mn-s Wmi (air piese ni1cd Browoie Wing,; tn Jpnnifei-! Grar andi Diaoe Embler- ii A ou ~The Canadian Slatestman, IgownanvilIp, fec. 2. 1§~4 i 'O nly A bout 200 ('lIfi7ÇIflC Whre W7f-s ur figt heruBnriton, nd ifm-ishd off y everyne goes in by acclama- epeating. ni re idn lion? He went no asayiv aweverm'anc, 'think about il, ton A tercI I~ ciiiiaic n i4Viho enjoyetI working with Mr.îbad il wasn't a gn ih. U7ewcasti'e eSoc & a(I £J)esn/ Mr. and Mn. àPegrcv iHaro en- ports not only hearîng blit,tce JOYe ~ ~ ~ m5 a e asn orç ni two robins. She didn' tw antd Ogdensburg, N.Y. believe it hersel! at first. si a f* weeks ago, and iast We'ek Mrs. Hares nere and tank another look, and suri her husband, Mr 'andi Mr,. nough. the-,, were robins. H-arold Clarke visited here Our friends in the Memnoria frarn Regina. Sask. Hospital this week are: Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Sid Bu'kles, Stelia Anderson. Mrs. Joar Camrpbelîford, m-ere dinnpi Broekema, Miss Diane D( gulests on Sunday of Mr. and Pape and Mrs. MarRaret D( Mrs. John VaU.t 'Pape, Master Allun Gra. The unscasonable wabr atrTon,, W-,hich has hee(n With 'US upHilda Perrx, NMr. Frnpst Rinei until vers' recentlv has ,omte1Mrç. Brenda Smith, 11rs Fric- Of the birrds a it undecided ida Vi,;ser: fromr R.R. 2 are Mrs 8s In Staying bere or goîng oin Maure.en Pow-ell and Mr. Clar- CFluth. Mrs. John Voutt re- enie Haie. Guides Entertain With Parents' Night U)rme a ýerrnlonill Horse- 1iieutenant, Miss Cohbiedick sýhOe" uinder th(e direction orf anrdr MrF. Gniild pren t er thfe 2nd Cnmpany Captain, PoiinvPagsa olw r. KY Stephensorn. lifesa\!er. Janice. Rickard anri Mrs. W. M. Ruideli, Dîîrham Frances Ho1rar: Hloé;tfss. Janice. [)ivision Commission(,r, en-,Rickard. L.indH tLowecr\.Nan-! rîjlled Tiwny, Owl Mrs. Lowery and ro0isý Bar- Kean, Lieutenant Mrs* Ca rl ýchard; Gardenier, Janice Rick-: Gould. and the newlx' appoint- arrl: Second Class, Pat Rudpil:é cri District Can-mmssianer, Staîkr. Cand%, Storksý, Rever-l Mrs. William Stork.s, mbi the ev Rirkard, Beth Powell andi sisterhood of Girl Guides. Elcanor McýICracken: Un ok. Retli P el andi Caniv Mrs iephnson enrolleri Storks: 3wimrnAr. Nancy ,w thé, fnllowing recrui:ts on the ery and Pat Rudell;:.liand\-- 2on pnCrlHhs Oman. Rcth Powell: Pioncer. Jon Cali, Jennifer GraY, Beth Powell; Toymaker. Can- Heather Hoar, Wrindv Wilon, di- Storks: Ltaindress, Caiidv lZaren Peel, Susan' Walton, Stok:Cif .Bvro Debbie Adiair. Madeline Ros- Rickard. Retbl Powell. Eleanor seau. Kath v Des Rcaches and MeCracken and Susaîî Carev. Susan La Combe. Cme.Drla Lnatr Mrs. Quinney enrolled the Cand 'vStorks and Beth po.v-_ fOllo0wing lst Companv re- 'li1: Littlee House Embiem., trifits, Darlene Flintoff. Mai- Beth Powell, Candy Storkv;ý dha White, Diane Emblev, FirsiCls Badge, Beth POW- i Anzela Chard, Shirley ivMr- cll and Candy Stork.s. Lean,. Arlie Mav Mujnro . Marv The second higbjest protfi- Grace Patter-son, Glads Ai- rcncv aw,%ard lunGtîidirîg, thp lin, Helen Yafe.,;. Sharon'Ail Rouind Cord. was prcseiv -ý Cuiffe, and Ida De Jong. cd to Cand 'v Storks and Be'Lii Svce Sta rs ta !hosp Powell. VqrF. Qu inneî' pplace' Guides bavin -,5 pr cent at-, IPt-ic rords over thc in e i tenidan)p wec presrnted hv shoulder!z andi the\, werc tic-ri Lieuterlnts Mary Dean and, i place hx' their mothers, Susan Flintoft sis foilows: One Mrs. Stanles'1 Powell and MrF.< year. janc Allun, Joan Kimn-,William Sriorks. The - irl g( hal, ne Whitna,El werr Prcsented with suitahiv Pae Roberta Cowle.Sai eoavr sterling silver Guide rira Gould. Glendla Johnzon,, roffee snoons on behaif of thr Kathv lo)vpkin, Karen Par-!Compan\ 11VPat Rilililand a ker: 2 yars Caroline Ma 1, Judv Powell.t lanice Rickard, Lois Br r.Qiinne\ îenda chard. Pat Rudeli: 3 ypar.s Quarter-masters Cr fct Debbie Darling, Cirol Gibson, and Badges, to Mrs. Storks.11 JuyPowell, Franices Hoar-. Mrs. Rudeli presented a Cap-11 tain'.s Warranf anîd pin nr 1owmanviIIc Rotary club iis.K Stephenson. ar prescrnts Lientenants Warren1t and Pin S "-END ME NO FLOWFRS-, ta Miss Sandra Cobbledick.f ,a camedv Campar"s Liceiîse and Pin al dîir>,ci hb' Margot 'SamLJel was presanteri to M'rsý;. Ka ,, Thurs. - Fr1. - Sat. Quinney endI als-O à Camp Ad- Dpeembr - 4- visors Warrent. Mr-s.Qiin-s Bowmanvilie Town ne% is the oewl.y apit 8:15 p.m. Diiîrham Division Camp Ad- Tickc-tq- - avallable from Rotary The cveiîîîîg closed witb s' Club Members light rcfreshments, serveri by M ___ he Local Associationi hi !SPECJAL [0W!P Ill * ON NATIONAL BRAI At Your Locail Druggist's - Thui IListerine AnRepi iB uckley's Cough Syrup ý CORICIDIN LOZENGES - 11 KOTEX 12's - I!' PARAMETTE SYRUP Il PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 11.SCORE HAIR CREAM -- Jiii Gillette ""SIim Twist"" Razor Il i ENO'S FRUIT SALT jilitISnow Whitey"Facial Tissue 40' k WATCH FOR THIS AD EACH frBOWMANVILLENE jtJACKSGN'S DEUG STORE JGHNSON'S Il'> ALUX cGBEEGOI, DUGS 1of 1.0 JUBY & LOVELL STUTT'S irives anteaai witn two -IISTORY MAKERS Newcastle -- Friday evening, the reason I rithat name,enr'-îIllment in ie scoolth0 j eep-c Navember 27th, was the even- and . ou tl i fIarn against year. there xvas goreat need tai - ng ofl nomination for Reeve, pragress. Counicil was offereri double up an classes. There isr aUCounicil, School Board, and a ver-v small amouit of $750 a neeri of another eacher andI . EW I W it dr w a es Hydro Commission. A very ta take over the Westview this is hoped te be correr-ted Tw W t d r w N a e poor showing of some tv\,nty, Heights Roari. 1 was opposed for iîcxt 'y car. Mlrs. Brerefon persons, flot even filling two ta Ibis, but the resI voted foi praisari the staff and their ca- full rows, showýed any- interest il, and il Nwas accepteri. 1 operatin. nin the affairs of the village. waiited rio part of tbis. aîîd Mrs. Paulinîe Storks thanikedi caniseven tbirtY tintil etgbt tbirtyý into the minutas that I \Vas toldi of how miîjch she basq en- Ne\xcaqtlc -fbere wîll he non for criticizing those in uic and tbe tiames submitted in opposeri ta the idea.'My reas- juver lier 10t) cars with the e1prtion in Necastle this year, why criticize when thév tbem- were as fal.lo\ws:nswr ht h odw Sc~shool board. 'and vnuîld cil-M w-ith thé witbdiawxal of Mrs. selves are al fault for sîtting Reeve- Douglas J. Cuiîning- rio shape to be taken over, aind deax our tn do bier hast again Madeline Williams and EarI back and showing fn interest. hani. 1 fr-ed ta explain that $750. this terni. Sue spoka ton, on the t Wallon, counicîlilI go in by The men in office must be do- CouuîcIil - Fred C. Coucb, WOu-ld tint corne near whtvlîa b ic \ roonîs. plus a gym builit & ~~ So acclamation. Your editor ing a perfect job or they' wou]d Robert W. Wallon. Mis. Made- (0St would be tn geltftlai mari on fie sciiool. More familles "e spoke to Mrs. Williams Mon-nont so mani times be re-eleci- lina Williams, H. Ross Dickin- in proper shape. And I Was have movrdinio the village, smoothness ofaà dayv morning; she feit \erv cd by acclamation. 1 there- son, Harvex' C. Bonathan. Earl rîght, couicil have a nreaif s drs seeni thal another - New 'Jeep' Tonr ibadlv that nf ail the resideots fore wil l ot force an elece- Wallon. spent close ta 95 lier cent Of addition Nvill hasve in be hurfit availlable in 2."D in NýewcaStlc, onlv 21 people tion. 1 bave spoken to Mr. Schooil Board- George E. Ille $730 and tueý. ar-eit fi- inIllte futurIIe. The staff of eigbt sbowed anv" interest whatso- Eanl Wallon, and ihe fao, bas Cbard, Mrs. Pauline Storks, islieri.\et. WelIl be Iuckv to teacliers andr principal a re ni ever. On asking ,vhy she had witbdrawn bis namne". Mns. Margaret Brereton. gel off al a cost of t\&,o orcs'cn wondierfult. she sairi aîd also ce dacideri ont ta run for councîl, Later ou Mondav, Mr. Earl Hydro Commission - Lloyd tbree thousauri dollars .wheii pas.,erioou praise afIfile Staff e ber- answei wcas, quinte: "Marinv Wallon summeri up bis with- Stephensoni. we gel finisheri. Who is ROing aud hoard from John Bîckardc, ___ in the village have taid nie bow drawai this %va\-: Whcn my I As the niominiationisver-e ta psy for- fuis? Y'OU are' 1 chah ran of the board. wxho, Ibev 'NwouId lîke tr sec some- brother Bob rus for Reev, closeri. Reeve Cunoningham am not Agalisi Proprcss, jl"5t \\;tanîdci ouliiil in kiiosx thAt fie I \s u rfnil) the- 1*11 run for couni". Brother'mos cd fili Mr. Pidzrouî, Town don't sec filt lu a-k y Ou, i'thleiir i rip in îdeedi appre- - thouplîi possihl.s 1 rnigbî go Bob is Coincilloir Bob Wal- IClark. aci as chiriman for the people 0of tlis iLsge t<î par cuatri aS well. E on. aîîd gai e nie assurance toi]. 1evening.rout nmore thari tues have 0 Cure(iad sasaon -therv~ uou 1idvote for me. Where 'Plie officers for Ilhe xiilage Re uiî gh i hneiireitioGîp uIle . ileorc ige of noumsîîations, ,V ere thev on nornation for 196.5 arc, by acclamation: Ithose xvho haid iominater i hm Cori i 1V lii fiure t Senît a1o0ng a writteuî stRte- iight' Not one' ts here@,,Reeve Douiglas J. Cunnîng-lagaiiî for flie office of Reeve, Pwer xr-olig xx lien Iil cvr 0inlmenittîitlai IIIvould stsniîdfor r PG A flot one cais ld latr-Vuidax harn: Cou iVci! Fred G COîîch 'uri tbau ke-d tllie People ofthie sa i v woui d bhein I lie r-cri.Sc hionilio;id. night or since, t10 SPeI bari Roberi W. Wa"llon. H. Ross svillag-e fui'alloiniuifiZlIo iiWcî i lnxxiilir. I h 'I IýI l."d S\\ici<i x .~miiio,- hîghway, sure-fo j icirled 1inni n or Iolu esru sDickinîsonî. H. C. Ronathaîî : rperrthlîci over the .î cair. pros e ili10n ie.1I lili ce cîirck- i iiaî d forni- Ir-o(nnmmissionî, Tornado-OHC engi bari takcri placi(e. Wbr shoui lSchool Boa rd George E R!is Pronmise xvss 1o do lus hest Id <aictu1lli and lonig. asud r ie su xas iii hi acularmaîioiî MVr transmission * chc 1. ani Outsider, i u:n for office Cban r.Pn neSokfr the village, as he has trieri uvill eiii i e. .«9 i1îSelînoîtlaîe liosrî on the Ne-wcaistie Colncil wxhen Mrs. Marizaret Brreon. HYdroi to do ini the past. ii tue, reri, so svlaî xiiilispn- lad Iiuninaiad him. l{aving n Sn er* vfr, f ithe ti cident5 Commissioner, Llosd Stephen- At Ibis lime Ir. Uuiiniiiv- peui' 'Fither- taxes \5 i go ilp, oppositionî, he feIt prettv gond TPI..5 v trn ui oominiation. As; son.lîsm gave a report for the \*(',I or couInCîl W il! ha8ve 10 <ut of flic assuirancre of lus chance, STPN58 ri nrioffereri to answer an,\doxx îîoui pu.hilîweill0on 10 555,that a TsOR' e questionîs. Mrs. Maricie! îî VilII anis x\vas l Iie fl ic, AeTouiiîl hamer Recreation Grou p W. îto ritrnkd he î <<i am nms fc F'ooher- lntl)Z (nnnile W h ors ibo liari foiîgbt inthie mai trk-t,. o a business bari pl.3eed lier- lîsmeamoîîg xaSn othat xve, roiiîldhave a SRJ. i N ed r oc ey ~ o ch stsreet il w; n terrible shape, thosýe sfandiig for- coîiiiii. Il oîur- victorv thr, righi anri frec- N eeds H ockey C ouche 'S shé saîi, xith pot holes large a pgrea t d i5;a ppi itm ineuii ,dom fIn stid hp and riffr ea F I nougb fn0 mec a àcar in. xrhy !saîi MrS. Viliis, 10-,insecSO fîîli slpfp of naes ar i fgb or I m i nor iea filS Mn ( A il asi lc iafew of ii lb:muCr. [îrm ni- flic onpporltirits' if g ' ~ i Nesratie <x a eenanr txx isderidd r, post heen in foîîch uwitb the Coiilx ri 1 t ssîe bepeote ,(,fîhîg fi'r l.i wag SlodrL i egular m'onii Ismectilig cif ,sizgtritahIe effeecIt hit r-Oar-h- Road Commission andriliari ex on wihr- S lie iit(clr5zî, stie qk- fîchtIro crfetvhrpc vouii x'iid 1 he Nexur%-aFîle R e r ii snn 1FAr oel,( or".c ,ýhar ihem down o llook< at the (,(ï UtrRi inaîî o l1IId folr IIr il oif oîr nfie Tiii v xR.R. 2, NEW( Coni m i tee, ord ila I au n[ es rc ecîcrffoilîckeé.shap)e il xx s lt.ric P nil i -icl, Mis. WiIîiamxrfý iI lier foîighf 1inl<ep il 1ibis v. luiie wsdispensri wîtî xvh ich %wilt he tiîomoted bv was har i sd îîeedcd fixirZilaiiaree u îîttlShe harias( liaîi('r Hoxx'ev-er. sore promuneot ar- thîs comrnittce, ini thé villa2e but be xîaSrrecrî\-ng hno c(10 gise il somrni, igilit; tIl- livîties \&-ri> discîisser iand ol.The cnmrriitfcc will u11,1 operation from the C(ouutesxas tint lber xsiSh 10 force aui sl Dved . .\morîg 1IliePev, s bce sponsor-ing anv tîcam.s IoThe onîs' thinp leftinluido mîglît elerf ion. the ovri-allappros aiorfilt-e îouiruey ouf of fou riibis vear. po ssîbîs hi, o POabeari and Fi'il , s Dirl5ifiIiliaiiked rommlfe xx tb he esuls o .\r hokeyplaer ii.te.y1- bve be ar i fxrri îIIPsud Ibos xx ho liariiiîouiiti;isîd hîîîî C-rthfIr- ene ran teu e xx nvhciii bplaver i n thges xi - iinIl \vas doue. serid in again for anl office on couinril. repiîexas iîîîdeefd beai- fo-mari from hie îîimber of bi, utlie duihat. krs flear opeiei1 olr rI ng sori tbe excellentrdeîorum registereri boys. ages 6 to 1i er(.-tat ak'dui li s? III lieiriiidin the p o,'f the dancePrs xx'azzrmosî ap- inclusive, right Ibelre in be h erryh'at reaved i. ha il esiýCa . prerîateri. Witb Ihe ro-opera- local ar-eus. The commilîe tuaed I fat-S. a r been airxcn i nilhtis i hiaiied ltion aori brLia ihiebnd lis. fada thai lspousa-riigof tesms Sti-rel.anri thibe crfi. Whr', for thP ofr- of srrin5gthe the (,rmtlîee uis noi oiz in iit-of-fo)wn tIunirmnwaskriN'r. Flair s .the sýtrfet 1f5iun abeartiuwi:b plaiicz for siiothrrccees ihsoltiulél\ rifesfies er copletrri' NIr. (un- Hepk o lilsowe dance 1in he belul somelme pin t hp pur-po.e of stippl\'Il~nl , rri ilm repiieri Rttus? hb1 Yof suriii uuchased h.",te Usav. December. \ih ari orchîestr-a uelpfi:l recreatuoî onr er hcolitdrioniv do Ille reaîlr- hari iamii (o., for tha puirpose nEor li attendanre. Ail those oi- chilronp of theéilae parts svith what mnncr" lhey huilrling ltU1 ro afrr terester i n oui endurance are The registration date for hari tiliier. worr-ied about ruaI andi askerl lunxx sîchitIbis pa per. honkex snci figuire akaliig xill Ai tlîSiiatuîe Mxr. PirigenrIodor froîîî the plantifut as aurd posting uoft an.- for exact he annouuîeedlast e r, but lb gave a brief report, andrin10 ookrd 1h10 ohi îaIirîg xx til un formation.xxouuld bc appreul(.ateri if <Sfor-merithe people that ,ynu cauî ueiguîhoirs iii t'Vi)Ibenhrt WAi l Itlcxe t:fa -'41 p-mati r oi ias Possible xxoutd uot ssOr-k xitlioiutnioiI , .anri districts xxliee er re11(,pis alSn pros hing, ho g',hts ý;tur-ned ri bslep fouisa-,rd sud OffvrIlîeiruu uutii more taxes (corne iithere sucb a planît. ihose ihat ix cie hocke. andri fgurue skatuig. sers iras as c-oaches for hockey. cath e 100 muuch expecteri. spokcui to al] clauoîed Iliere There is $16,1001in fax arrears sias ro< rxcesýs diist or orior- AU foil1963 sud pruor- Iouthat yaaî froni thie plantî. This plarîîilui ar ~there s stîll $5,i0u1uuinoul- tile Mt.Alr-sushîi n standing taxes. Littie effort lias abautl $2,000 l axes. licee ber o shoixu bv thiese dcliii- ioulr hir-e s fei mei aur1id<if- - :By C ourt of Revision ýquient taxpav*er*s iuî Irving Io fer- farmners iii the aresA& ow Lo rae par them, but, saui Mr. Piri chance ta bus fertili7,er in lîuîlk N~vrsle Cxit ifRr- n iota roeuuod uii ogeon, there are m-avs lu col- for-m. TPhe UN.R. is 1n pout uni A P L w L wP ïe x'î csuoi t ietACr of'l'ie a ndiieais ea scsmeu aidno1er-t, aîîd hlixxill get ibheni in. a suding fromn their maîinî Irai-k Sp>ecial led Reg. pIcg 99c-eAYlE 104 vison vaslied n Itjf,.-avst 100 hîgthe for mthe !z Fred Cour-h. iorninated for' to the plant. afl'lnooni, Notember 241h.r tse rv unes.counicil. xxas ssked 10 speak. Mr-. BoîîtaîlîfinsdI Mail. 'heCmiiiofiicg:Mn. aisemi iateul hum, giving liini ail<OP- iviilingtrunaau TEA B AGS "'m8 9 thovinll lhbambern Ofthe McCuin tim ouulghswHlr E th -andtb s datoeuomn-gaî th sruzitIug lue Ci tOwii~~ thtnlmebibsstur aportuitY fo he aand -idatefor cut for 1P65, andriextenrirri i coîurt were: D. Mastoc, rhair- put up. hbut due i thc fartithe comîtîg eclerlioui. Mr. Cour-h nomplîmnîs .-If the,- SPECIAL I m<an, Campheilforru: .1. O'Neiîlhat the Origuial plan for the haý alreadv serveri 12 years ;oui Eric shvikrM.Rn Rowmanville.: R. Rur(ige, Port deveiopnenî bas been 1rapîsi-- ouuicil. anrisiilie bas truiedri îaî ha ar r .. i M B u.mfN7 Hp;Mr. W. Haig, Colborîîe. cdisith anotber, plus lots he- bis hest 0 ise goond Serviune, $01 i a' r auid E. Johnsîouî, Idas. J. Cig cit up f0 picase wottii-hp aîd xviii continuin do -0 if xxblri ld x rss thepai EC U mb VlCalio o Uhîi 1 ss bhr-s, thatlîglîts cannot beceleri agaîn. He weuit or, 10 -o r-pcivre'Thius qîucsî ,di bance fr-om the Couintuas Asses- or-or-ed i.ntii ail the bouses ar-c sav, Ifiat. bcbg a member of to' îl ats xaut bet a T0o4¶ it e, Veeje»ble or' CeIery or- Administrationî Of Northl- buulî t ho kuow just where a council kept a persoo on b îîx-Riî t tis lime,'l Fo SFA umberlanri anri Durham Corîn- Pale shoruid be placeri. Thep go, andr gavec a list of the scv- sa hnakdtecs i lecs: I. McCullougui, Necvastle ras are bari îoxx, ho ex- oral jobs lie Nxas a part of, ins-a the î ask'd lUng re utr <if CLAR ' Asesr n .Pîdgeoîu, piaiiecl,hui t îohall as liaricluding poi r-rtire. polire, it xsguveîîai appoi m a (Il,î4 L 4 9 'FsvnCssor ari eenef. New- as flic first part of Stinset recreation, anri haIt board. Oui h1b1iii t peîg rerrei ts1d c 7,n osvn Cle uk er-eeiei 00tHis nuixtquiesiioiu1xxaI ou- astlM Ae r M. Pidgcoîî Bivri. hari benu up tnotil late these jobs, Mr-. Uouich hari ser- iuoiv lonig sx'oul tbe hefîuue xxvore inritlie Ille"î ouitue cut YIi ear. Wi tbh so nma iuisvera]itrocs iremo-ver auud bealthY the bîîuiig sx'oîld Uc eetr, Jane PAirkpr Reg. S9-SAVE 14c bose preseîut to appeai their îru'(Cks uSilli the roari il proses trocs ,ver-e triînmed, iights suri; s tliere a tfinie lui*. Nr 964for64 as-d 196,1 for '65 ual too ad'iai 0ly n ius ir eneetr.plceBîahî isseeitBLUEBERRY lar 5 AIlf I ppalscae roi xcess cost wbeii afier a f(-xx\!sad fire expeuinssver-e kept xxei'exxatiî for i, DIt'(,:e2 Ail f te apeai cam frrrtrucks r-un actoss il. il xxi!llb i n olua reasuaiablo love!, lu pul i lleh-Sîduuîgs. Nr Fo PI -zse5 5 unset Bîvri. sar Lakeview as bari or wor-se again. -Ho meuutiolier- tha umpr-oxe shar askeriagainux -lîghtsq of the W'est Xiew Mi. l'os aRsked xx lIhtlîe rosI lits i îahl.unhiig us ut o u î:îuî leiglits sub-rivx-sioîi. Mnr. A. or foot fiontage iras in ii thI e v. chair-s xxhichi xxeîe be-10n he Itdaýariaý n-f s the EAT in the 'I. Foa'.vcontractor- lithe siib- nov ar-es as di fereuut 1o ail I îîguedin coinciIlîai es sxerud Irn auiraguîui ias suod livsio ad areidetbinr- olbeî-streets. Mi-, McCuuilouîgh Roh Vallon, alisormamrnated and sRsitîuug for- siduine, . again ýef a i(, f0 haI . alled. gave the asiwer-as $3.00 a for cuiîi.thaîîked tiiose ssho Mi- Foshai .raiser Illiae fio, I F r ho flt iat frmot 001 a foot oui ail oîi- ainumnser iîî u ie' suiriis t-uuîîe Mr-. Pidgeoiai ian non ghtsouitho strpeel ou streets, %witb $6.011 a foot also Ilîsuikeri fie people v ho sîr-r,.syii îaî aen ý- - - - - oui the niain street, Mr-. Fax hiariplut their trust iii hi ni last thing vsau-rzýd aske wh, i shuldbc ý,èIrandvotd hm I coricl 'rthcii foi, flic planît -Io go alîcari. $3.00 o lrieceise nlthiuîg,uvlienM r-. \Vai tîlipoiuted OtUI ., \i",as SI iii uiut Ilie a .îs, c R I E ~ e heum411g o ,ls ageIidalsbcuixte-iî ii 'i- qis ui nrORK others. pax uug a dollar ic>S lagerta aiid elnu ted vi- r.Foslia rsuetoRl gels rtlîthîî, a te f-uis r. alir-uf theu«gai001afoup-aanII seiao(talri 4d rad nd sde aks g i' u ini pr-tr 5 1 1îr uli p rka )JfATOJR. Passerîger car .smoothness on the ted 'Jeep' 4-WD traction off the road - New 'Jeer? gie - Just one 4-WD shift lever - Optional automatie ioice of body styles- GVW's f rom 4,000 to 8,600 lbs. SIZE IT UP .. TRY IT OUT F#P w EEP' DEALER'S TODAY! -7 ee7 anadian Built.. Quality Built OF CANADA LIMITED - WINDSOR, ONAR4Jro ancaster Garage ASTLE ONTARIO WAC-4ý%-J]EFL -Comfort, Speed passenger car plus 4-wheel drive traction and safet? rado-OHC engmine * Most usable cargo space. Also )models - Optionai automatic transmission. ?'~COFFE! 3-B AG j A 2.351A lSAV! 8 e 4 MEAT that counts LOINS PRION-3 to 3/2ibs lb )ERLOIN HALF LOIN M, 5 9( rCHOPI uý69c Super-Right Quality PORK TENDERLOIN lb89e Atl Prses ln Tis Ad Guarantm.d Tbeomgi ..,ryDecember 5tk. 1984 ai\3anus4jhu tC oî i k îc ;, Fr1r-J Sp- iii dr-dt. aimd a new cn,"i.îilI lia, s a e s i r n c e e th e s e l, . \7a nî D y e a d a n a - oai )lr g tmcmii j t , Reg. 79c O S c re uya-s Uc sxoid lie building peal frouîîîMr . N-dcu. Ail Q n ur i 2sCt il un limeiuc C Ilc lcr a oin these atipeaieri rUaIt iliin , Mr-. f uuiîiiglaiîair-Id Mu1,piid aC41 n. It xxas (ouilix tlieu bnaîigbt assssieîîi as îuoolu gl u uuîler geoi i u t rieri 1 sini iat bS. 35 Re. 1.9 ~ 3 up tUai lUe Dptt. of1If igbxxýars;the preseuil serice. TIîe diiit tIi' richlva t ia unI Ii a bal Re. 129hedanîîopliorîon uiaI ithe pr-op- wix uuu cfoîr-a da ra urI i;f. taxe, i rn xni - -- i cixot suuie 30 fret un ihe sari al]hue sid aud luh( iisrli.inxondri -<<ii be o-n Re.$.94 oit sie nf Sinset1Bîvri. fou sppealar-l lisse heerseeu. als-u ar-cri. Mn. Walîemu asIrcri ofrNuNIl C o vels FJAncy ufity Re. 1199 C thîe I osoîu of xxu dcuîng lUe blueprinîts, asuritoîuîîlîue of CUuuIituuigîAndau-IMui idgonî. ew .o 41401 Higubv. Mn. Eaidlev fottihue ouiginal des-elnpmntu plan Is cotincil ili dehI' Or- us i ut bari anouigh hUcoculdn't cnmparad to Ihial <if thme uo moTh le îen.' -sxxil 2 for 4 9C 1buuld \silîceelie îîlanr-id oui nosv iunuse bx' Mr. F>.It .a ht .Wa1 )1 ' htlehuh nb i wnsmt go puzl thani adr. i t ah( nilO RNE SATEKopcts ,andri roxitheue ss- atrmo-u tlimes. anri as "vlu. Nc- rooîn cuEKi t cames highier- than auîy Culioîîgl saîi, hlaitof tUe .AceIaim Schnol Board uat of towa nd sr ther hav'e peoaple .îust don't kuiow i xx l lTie Scnoni Roar id l . 1 54l CASTLE na hiîug for it. Plie xater xia.3tUer vucall i r i-i ' n the aoffu.r ba l (-Is cl atiot) Fi r-4trliC DEG TRE pi ti v h onrcor ath eneiit. ~'Flieir-li um sea U I ,M a rp a r tcello bag 8 j antISnoRprescrit sersvires suicl lot uumber- ara, quile duffereut. munators;, aý. thre n suo c 4 aj iîghts, aris anduri dcxxslks. 'Ple court claser iSt 4 pm h ton for- sý(hool board Nin' RONO Mn. Ear-dler als o axplaunerl W'ednesrias afier-noon, simd \xi ilBreurctrn xx s:, pIes cul 10have 41 St sioce Uc hari houcht extra iresýume azain or-, înudar, Jao, sîlotr terni. SUe lias haen 5155IALJ lanri spart frnm tUefî.frsi ;ale. 4th St 10 a nm.,xxueo ntUe d- oan IîuBoard for fouir %pari: h le f!i tre assosasment ,;hnuild cualior- of the court xil be andi bas eninmyrl ut rer-r mur-h. S be broken up. Bothi eces of heard. ishe îiaid. Due to so lange an 'CASTLE ONTARIO PORTION

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