BE-L LINE by John W. Lowry your telephone manager 3 Ani AlIt et-ualor charges your bat terx- even wiwit out- i~uei idling. A gen- era to>î doesn't. Tt swhiv a i A it eriîa (iis st andlar-d Mla bria l vst e ind. à a1 l O 1*Rarnber-'s Plastie Kick-P-anels take on winter sluh batte-Y ded. c afl 8 and snow and corne through with shining colours.A smail point'? Sure. Until you see what happens V) Che 4 a nibhi cis fa mtutsoe ma-a djus ttiat, are>ou b Ie-Sa fet, 4 Brakes have two sels ofl hvdî-auIi(- unes (one to the copsionmtiishaaruslyued fi-ont hî-akes, one to the rear). lftough- drîvingconditions Every Ramhier (-ornes equippe i wth a Hleavy-D)uty cause one set, to go, the other continues to operate. C7 aitasod l errud ihbtrs n e-'~cOrrosion i h oln ytm plete r-ustlproofinig. Rugged, p)owe-f*ul, wiffh high resistance to iow Six times into rustproof- 1 temperatures, Rambier Heavy-Duty Battery - ng solutions then up to wiIi deliver the punch under anv ondition.q NE WTON VILLE 'I he lotcai botLevr r nb 'tai i cri the regular sýchedrrle oc Sîr i-da r' bx'riefe t ing celrr il)rr- champion iiree - 1 3. Xestheiiacr scoîed a lt r itlo ifrlot goals. I& i t 1 Hia ir-i rl rr tIwo. ant-d Gtaîav ird Rorr Rrrn irio roirpic-king un p crrîc crî and Lanc air-ed itric<'e Srrrglr( r ssista xi ciecirl ted trr Gi, B. Robins-oni. R. Robrill-ir Mnî'pbv and Hogg. Au teni0vi piayed match rvith -c teai picki ng îrp th ree minior pcn- ailles. r iViS.iim Casrxeii retrîrirîrd home fr'om Memoiil H-ospital tasi Mondav. Mr-s. Charîrie \\«atr-'. of Toronto aird is. H-?, 'r G ii solir Ioof arr'li xc j p- pet- gîrcats or(i Vrcdrrî-sdar . uÀ ih Mr. ai-d Mr-s. Ravimond Biur Mras. Thos, Joncslirasbr- iii Pot-t Hope Hospitali be pa t u rek. Il s boped slip rina" be able to 1t'erurn home th-.,:e' ii. at-d Mis. NLii W'mhall "t t re visitors oun hr --d' a Mi. Ai! Gr'abam'sNecr-asite. rOn Fi-rida'evenir bfFaL 1r-Bear'crs, n ubaîýge of lirs, Don Vînkile anîd tire ft ir- rnedîate Bots ini charge rtf !\Ir Melilliie Jones, weî' encterla r- eci ai thet-Srinda v Sibol aiifi toîium In a potirtc-k rpe. Afterwrrrd thpt e was a pîtcre for Ii-r e r'oming Ch tratn-r' :c--,i - r (-r whrc-h xrill bphc ldono Wednesda- - Dec. '2:1atl8 p ru. Mi- anrd Mrs. Ross Rr-rrr wre Fr-ida' eenng g'îfsIs of Mi, a nd Mc . Johi-n r tti in gi-r t - IVi- andrils. . I-t t-t on Fr-idav to spetîiibe r. - enîd xvit ht-is <iFtet a id r-r bîrshand, Mr. andi Mrs. Lpti Rar-ker, at MuArt-ri r- i t1 wbc-e th,- Bruce frrnri.xxer ho)jrngtheir Chris n-ras a Satrrrdar- arîpper rol - x i-.rand 'itrM.i'-bIn rirîderi Mti andriNîi i (;-r Kimbail a-id Mi -. arýd c-Nf Gýaharri 'f Nc.wcasî .. MIr. anrd Mis. lac k Kirrîbail. Mi-ar-d Mis. Wallace Rougir- en wrlh Mr. arnd Mýs. Pîrit(Cil- o-er xrere aw aYr'dioî rrg. SaIt ,v- riax' veliting. cihai. a oint xredding atirr-ar Mi,. and Mt s.Hairrx vt r M Mis. RutlWadu - tir - a;nd Mus. Meliville Srîr.vir. aird Mrs. 13. Sketditig. PMr. anîd M-s. Hugh Stapieton, Mr. anrd MrrH. R-Iey weîc aîvotrg, I he griests ai ithe Ch,-istif mar paî"r r porrderi bh * uvlcx R n Co , ai thi- Idatra Hotel, Pnî t irr~eoit :sp!- itday xri- Wi F<?Ii. Jones visitedi irr the roollîne in primer paint. It's the onny sure wav protect every nook and cranny. Add up the fèat-ures and it's eaisY txe sce why Rambler is thefirst (-aryou should consider thiýsyear. Take a test drive at your nearhy Rambler Dealer's. ;Q'&Mt~ UIIT IN CANADA FOR CANADIAN CONDITIONS ;Q r-Rn,,rt or '%MF Ri"N rnn- - ArOM A i MTED EN MOTOR SALES LTD.f STREET EAST PIuone 623mI~A - - - w w w w -i 1 More Fealures of Santa Claus Parade Unemployment Insurance In the Cards for Farm HeIp ThF, Mnister ntA rcîtîefarmrrs'r ere piacd tir m e for Ontario. thm Honourabie labour market hecucse rînen- William A. Stewart, Ioda " Pl "; men suaIr iaîrr' x a- t s-tated that he was pleased r aaIiefoi-rfarimlahorîr and trear a press report that th-- Worknmen's Compensation was Hionourabie Harry HaYs. Feci-loix I-reci lic a fr\-w farmicis mrai Minister of Agrivult uic- Ai Il f, -rri Poic had announceci that te.isia- Criniiir-ti-t-as rxil,,th- Hirr- tiort woittd soon be introducearirrta b i' Ni iSt twairt i-q iresi -q in the Commons providing ffo cd ralia', d rt-ro ircial iriemployment înstiî-anc foi- r0bcf-ei-r i attrd ai tlire farners. and t bal ttua atad cartiexi poss-ile ionarri-ir t tn Pcted 50 qtîi<-k i v o ni) -osd -a t spec-rincallvix itli te fa rit recommendation.i S, ~itatloir tl'ire lirriîr The Honottrabie Mii tr-a bit NIMr -rratairoi< art, ait the recenit Fde Ii'a t ire xra- pir-a--d in ea iii Provincial Coni fetree, rari from lt, I-litir iahir- A tari1 made a Strorrg pica I tire FerI- \iEac i en. lilirisltt-r tiLiaborr et-ai Minister and ori bi dete(- rati s Illome Irda t ionr bad gates with tefecrice Io !t ire iirfolrrxed amîi a fdr general far-rr ahouvriI itîatiori nrox-irîrial I rrrrtirg ofrtfTifl:- I aid hacipoin ted np at t bat t rme teIrs and Depît i Sii r onrrus not on]iv- he slortape o ui-lît îapx rrrrr nualified farro labour r )Ou ;i lit, r ru ir citri ii i auRa io t great mar.v Ontario fa rsI:1irab-t8 i i Sexa ;;S WPeI empbla5zi-,d thIe Poo1r cîrînh1ASIi rit balt tIrefa!r ni1 ha-ai:!poîinr ti %vwi Il r ah :r si! 1at int\A, as trot pI)[1e-i 6 Crarh-- rmou 'edMufler, rJ' ii-lipe, wnd Exhaust Pipe- one more Rambler exclusive. Galvanized metal .ts covered with a ceramic shield designed to hait heat and corrosion, causing exhaust systemn failure. 7is outside, Rarnbjer's Iarge-capaci ty, '-eatCher EveHeatergivesvou plen- [AST CALL FOR CHRISTMAS %Vhat a itirpt-ip fr o-any BRirnanu-ilir' fnmilies in iid a zift-'u-rapppd telenhone itting pe,-tiv mnder the Christmas t-pet Whethe,- a wmm.exetension trie- phone. or a piearring r-ointt phone lu replace an pNistiflg blac-k one. this idea is hard tb heat for hoth .iu;rprise-vali.e and practicality! If ynau'-e heen %tymied for urnmething really cifI'eaent fot- your famlly or sper-lal friendN lnr the Bouvmanv-ille at-ra. 1hPrP's tili lime inRh'? îu% a cail At 1723-1601.- eIfll aift-%--rap and dplij,-rt the phone of you, choirr. and atrange in returr and <onnéet it atter the çurprisr-. Toipone-ç dont etou.- on Christmax tree-r. limai Imliieur me ,the3- look mights- gond <nder th' ALWAYS THERE TO CALL ON 110Yihu-----it-î----,,... att bicie-. .. or jt ir-t frenr - bort' maor' roir xx it ymtrrtelrphone, rmax' rii'ing thexxppks abepac? i" Is irecirdar or rui-rt Io bt' anr-lhin: ririri x --ari titri bc As ý: an elt-ranci bor - xnmr i eicplkvrnnc cai bel p simpl ify r on r chopping. dci uer ourr rnagcs As a sec--etrr - il hetps -oct ai tange appoiMnmeots. ecî thirîgs tarted. gel il-ings donc A xu-at-dong hat < pdsa feeling of pinoter-ti 'ii ainorrîd itht' bocsehrnoi ticairse riS atrium-thereltir r-ait îr wln utte <-irie ger-r ror big ones. Ard.of cin. n'.r jr teleobone iPz also aftrcfnri xoi crar-i xa oîton \xlhen voitjre lsplain irinesomo r ni ircecimor-al rpot fi elps x'oil visît rlti-sorfini-i rxhrp . . . in irkî-sni ieWhaiex c;i- nt-; i on ri ant. tIn pin yocir ielrphorIn o rianîri bot.uor-u-iatx, iMachdc. or m- fi-ndf, i rr rarr loiot ir-r rt i xa- hFing thers n ollaton i i, lle'rry 4 -r'. 1Y a pr-ovincial orre burt xxas R roncro of -rexci-ai pl ovîrreces. andi a responsiiity of 111oi-e! lthaniorle Deparirnent of Gov-ý all rit tbath fc-dvrai anHi pr-ovincial p-i He said (batî h ie %vas sur-c tibat a meetirng rît tis k rilîd of to)Pgorirrilmerit! rffîurat-r coîrid orir r e-tilt Ili Pli rrî llpi<îx-c fai n brrr ru A i pi rr\rr tiic <r r-iu. NIrl'. Stt-rx'alrt ad ised t rat bh( iad i-r-qrrr-sted t rat a farlri laboirri- m irrghe i-letirr (bitla1il) a nd tirts took place orr) Niveni-i brý 24th. Tisr'ireetintr g a aIteridled l\- fr-dr-ai and ; tr-* \ inituai adirnist-ati-S iirrî vold xrt Ir fat in labhotri i.,the ' Cariada Depairtiniit of ir-i- Sil p anid i mn, grattoi 1eplu- si-irtaux-'erof goesassoCra-_ tlion'. picso5 asSîrtrat inir'.ýz anrd a iso itie Rei C'oliru r 'atilrî Labotur Collinitte'lihe vr-i rr-tcr tirat, wbrilr- t iîcie uvas thb ef-- otvîf de- a !Vcrmrirrirlg -ail or er-ali1 prlifi o fi fat ii labourrxbr- b xx \\otîr rcqrriir the hilianrd partir-r- a1 Pation of t bc Fedet ai 6ox-efi '-rrir. ait he -ramr- tri-reire(- Pti- ir ar ilvrld (Irle Nrr( Irr- -rct, 24tih meetrrrg tir gir E' rfli'g attclrirltfr tlhe'farîn la)or.i di *ttratîoî ai rr1r) tr xr- '1il a anid t o inakc plans foitht i r. p hbout- rqrt-mrtiii Oîrtarrro v, iri pir-truit- Irefr-eo-e r(,tir i' cil.41 iops.-' Ic ,silol\, tvi iir, sitisiil, . . tii l ia-nFie il, Izirriletr's thoughî aghotji, ii. Moi-e implortant. Rarnbler has done somet hing ahout i. l h atCs w h v every Rambler has these 10 winter (liiving featu-es--maiv-n te 1ndsr BUY HERE AND SAVE SHO ES & î 1%4 REPAIRS 90 KING ST. W.(>NEINIANVIL21 PHONE 613-292 YOUR BEST BUY IN . . . . r a. MENS INSULATED & WORK BOOTS.,," a. MEN'S HUNTING BOOTS e RUBBER & HI-CUT BOOTS AT THE LOWEST PRICES! SDRESS SHOES IN DIFFERENT STYLES AT THE SAME ADDRESS... I ___TROPICAL FISH& SUPPLIES P ECI AIL! FANCY RED TAIL GUPPIES ..$1.39~ ANGEL I-ISH SILVER DOLLARS LYRETAII. MOLLIES NEONS REL) TAIL RBLACK SHARKS O)SCARS 4 -AND MANY. MANY MORE 4C et . . Til i o o M1W' i!ci 11i(l r hý a C. fi( 1 i < 'ýýrt - <- ic ri te- il )rr-nr .l pit1al FRokw rira rkri'. <r Niririr D v r-,il -r.7tir. 1M;i, Shr-ýrr :-rni r iul brrr i rr ýr ta or r ' a i rio îî a <c-g ftar'tiii r in a lierrt he r Ii-ro i s c Kf I ia t i er t1, trr-- foiî mer' tIa f jber t n as blîri ral Vrr- f i i rr l ýit-r- ilfr- ýira is - Nir v) n ci Irii. Mr i-. N. 12e rirna r i li for 13 i pai anrdi ai tr1 ir' t ir iiiC ili -n iii N tra i er- Srrr- rra-'a rritirer- ( I'r, ( 1 land r-ýro'r ri h ~ rcýd v, -seri , br r cai -r inl esiirr a. h r rNu a irri N irii.(o x Il rr nom .-be -i la i il 1f r r oie f, anl I fi om -ý )C xx brn ilshe 1rC(fi k\CdH loi- m a r-rCI, tener -arr-for ira r-r rar- ar rr.,. h rilie a xx a i i rirIiii b-- er . 1a il urrt.irra d '1 <r ( r( r'tIniplrie r j' r1ý, r-jr lr\ic r i-er t r ' ' HRxx ,aiiir r ; e r ictrr jr1Drr- ro xx i l i 1h s 1r e 1a f 1 ' Ireat1 t if,( pt r' hri. "1 tr- -l i i l Arr 1rir- te-cr A-11 t Elrrrrd («oitbn(t.N Rycl ut'I (611 ari11.,F' i~~o hni, iinr r 1 [n b t li atîtr rar i J g u1i1 IXa -rao, rcr-r ar i a 1r 1-at I lr-d rCt buron Ii hi it 1-r r si ii--f irsruc\ ti tir,' (lii liti- in- itii n-ia-e tForanri f'Il,- 1itîrio- a i , x i ir ir n , 11ir i J tiil - irrnrii'tn- ;>rrf hrki o r, arrk, trirni ', r (f ,' - p uiil n a f Iss H i' 1 ci Er t rn-r - ( r'1 \\ -iii :r . 'i i l ri ii ~ iin oâ j r' t rk n i \ r aiot \ \ e <Li 1,f (id5 rr t i - ar c Th (a l eaip! e r 'Wr r b .i rrC, prer crit000 iom thi TB hýlri;1 îsîîa'4! rîl 'isp;.. 'for TR pie\f-nrrr219ti\ KING ~MU A lcx ( rr ei, .P. P. a nilpmîisel IC. i lr-nr-x- M V pa-Ieipîrint Santa Clairs parade-. rLONG SAULT %I.i ai i \1t' Il. Murphv inci famnil * v welrrFridiavsup- pr-r zuests of irs. Maureei IIrh.cclebr-atiirg Christ - mas beforeMirs. Mrpvanci Garrx- teft for Scotiand, 'Mr. andi Mi-s H. 7Mîtirph-: aqtrl famil'N veWrc Srrîrda1 v rnifl ou-P f tht' Kovacsa \-andci \rs. F. E. ander. Rox-manr-rtir. 'r' Stirnoa ' va iternoniuei ; f Mr. Rtrh,-riSim. MIRS. fD. J.. cK.NIGHT' Foilow r igrr i e ni' a p prox îmateiv tr ee lmont bs5, tir" death of Mrs. D. j. Mc-Kiiglit Occiiired ai Memofiat f-i-. pil. Brwniativrît,, n tri Nor1- da.\, De-ember 7ý -th. 1964, She, w-a: nrlier 76itb rear.. Danîgbter of the t, altohîr)ýj aird ]t(' Rchsr e tormri Ftoi-eor-'e 1lisc Riche. xi a, ibor o ait Ha vdn n xx he re sýhe ai- tended schoot. On Ma,' 2j. 1 9101. she martrd fDavrid Jlb r M rK n ght vho p rcfdet-easeci hcî- 17 ea r-s agir Mis. Kihiaci ir-.sidFi ai 6 Liberi' Street. Bow7man- ville, 1for làsvars, Ar-d hi-fore icOming in Rowmanvip bar-i livecd at Rnrketon. Ont. A io rse w f i, h (, e d e caI -r xx a-r a member of th,, Penite,- :Costal Chrîrch, Bowm)ani ta-, .Sire was aiso a rnEmnbc.r of tlire ýSerîor Cil izecira Clirî Surr-iîg are tht-ee ciarrgir- le ts - a n d lb re c so is, M ra .G o - doiti Rrock r Matîot-îct. MI;;. Oshawa: Vit s.AtreiCohbbe- dit-k tre r. David Mr-inghbr bon rof Nerrcastie: Ros!-,Vii-- ýKîigbrIi and Mutrray MeKnliglt, both of Bo\ivmaur r-r le. Amoog tfl icianr-. -rtrrv flot-al 1 okeria.erience of th e-stecrninn wlrich the decevasecri w7as fel, eir\i-ethose rom tht' CaîradiatiinrrPrhlj<ir Fi-rî piovees-". Locai 250; Pente-ostri Chi-r-cii. HRr ma or itle iv Sc boo. G ide oir B ible S ir t Good\via r SperxisioirCtth. De(pautcri -127t3 ;oorîcix c- t heroia Cana[lai lefii Rianîh t?3. anr-I Staff ofire Ir-tp Stoies The fir-Ipev wx', he l fr-mm thp M orrîq Fu reral IfainpfnnC pmptpr-r C' h a p c 1. Bowmanx-îllp, onl Palibear*ers, ail grandsons, Thuirsda\-, Deceirber loth. and wei-T Drnnis Huri.,, Fred anid \Vas condr(icted b ' vRevSA.Lrx-Cobi'jk. m Mr. lGrant of the Penitec-ostîa! Kight. DocpIpts MKIntcht and Churuh Intermetît xx-as -r Don Bt-oct 2 1%a;uhier arai -tic-di air - Oilwiih Ant industry ccuit- An<uîhei-Rambier exclusive. 'Ihi.-, ihrpgIrxý: Rooflinç'r aî'tualty intsulites youx catI, k£tnep- the heat in, the cold out. Rambler knows a thing or two about Canadian winter, and does something about it with these 10 special features for winter driving,,, TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE Municipal Garbage Collection iT ere w illihe 1141 (a rlhate Collectcion ibt Fri., December 25th Sat., December 26th Friday, December 25th, Garbage will be picked up Thurs., December 24th AL.S() No) GRBAG(E PIC -T1ON Fri., January lst Friday, January lst, Garbage wilI be picked up on Thurs., 'December 3lst Special Pickup of Xmas Trees %viII lie picked tUp. NORTH SIDE 0F KING ST. JAN. 6th a "id SOUTH SIDE 0F KING ST. JAN, 7th 'r.STEWXJRT 1 OBITUARY STREET EAST Phone 623»3356