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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Dec 1964, p. 15

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E- r Tax Cut Should Be Feaiure 0f Federal Budget for '65 Scivs T-fl RnnL' Ppit4o A tax uoîîadh&W Main etr'<ffe eda (;ovrrnmeni :965 hud-el A T Lanmber-. nre.sîdeni' o r Tbf Torono-Dominioiî, Rank tOid Ifir -4nnual mne.Îrg of Pointin', nu f+hi ' tax rate? wîghm(k7.jheavu1I n usirle's. allia pcr-oliai (ce ftivre he *a tcd fIat a rp- (imrlion n Ïgxe. w O'îîd hclrp 4t 'inanc(, Ic irabie incrcascç inProduction capac'tv -anîd e'nsuro sufficien' grýowl', h 1 Absorh the ;n(ea,*e in thr DECORATE FOR PCRISTMAS USF TIIE RFST... SULPE R KEM-TONE and inatching KEM-GLO JUST ARRIVED: 1965 WALLPAPERS lNIan.v Neur Patterns ABERNETHY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 IKizSt. W. Row mativ il Phone 1623-543 I - v Or &me % y y ENE %ai il labour fre :ýu)1 w965. Accl'diniVt .Mu ara:t t î i ri,," -onî tai 0o'Ie\ e hà t a rcduuet i an jn it xv ',d i b ri iidi i- rfi1a t î - ar, T c ta\ î i'e1'. ,uI l i.t- S ;aie n ,a aîînrhe puni of fu-!thr :u *itn1965 been bull:ýh fact.or5 anoc ha ce -ontribobed tri the a<celernt.--i prowt-îtne U.S.eou cxpericncia2z." lie said. Loonki ng forxxa ru-Intr Mr. <t Lambert feels tha the fou- ward nmtmnti-<i. bcCatua- diaii ecoiîorn'. can ic siutaun- cH bhut àil!vi ake our bes', e ffor zt' 0 cio -ro., Ili tis opinionî**t no i - rea-onable t-i look for a fu!-- tiler .îcr 'u.e i (a ea. 4', i plîi -a e-mns i n Gm-cs Nalinné Produi-ti ion icya! Mhad. or abîout 6% Mn cri cnt dollar ter*o'r elui ç',- ireuîdsconthiio Spcakîîg of iCe i rue-i \Par. ir.Lmniîilimmt aid -Il praect:î-aHx vc ,nicasuîraiîie \vac. 1964 xviMg-o in o fe me- enorda as hax"ng heen a vcar oi fremna kable lîerforîniic Ib iîas cxtondcd the îîpxx-rd treond ii bu1siness act iviyutii - hi, the longe-tcimne iii modernu peace-time hi.-ioryx G'Cross5 National Prodit t ils cea r xxikel- be I8',o'e 196.1 - on nicani achie\emrei xvheîm ue rerailitMat 1963 xxas over W'S ,above 1962P Refering 1IntAr Caîîadiau drollar M r. Laniîoîrert shai1ed Iliat n a aai lable cx den-e is blal lîn t xaq fîxed ai an app- pruabo paru-' "nd tuai in Ili,, opîiionî t- o .r . mii h) lke i - hondrlof a i-liaige ilut tArfi x-d exnilîaiige rate orf ie Canladuati dollar iuheforseah r u- tui'W ,- Il) ni îsciussiug sonie <if i li s-c nvolved hv the forth- <'ouniiig rexisiouî ot i e Batik, A(-t". M-.Lamnberi *laird thai, the mntagement <of Toroîîo- l)îî iioi spports the Impie- nîîia nof the Por-ter Com- mîi 'sjoi'uî-reîoî-nend a t i o n iii -ýubsiantiaiv the form ýn xvIhieh iliex have becuî propos- ed - He ' aid lie wouid have u-u'-<uii re'or-ationŽ about anv all'ttcm tTo pic-kand chooz e arnf-nîg flicCommission*.- pro- posaIs. aereptuog some but re- j ect*, riz others. sinc-e that %v0u1d thrcaten the basic ouià- chii Hieentire bodrif tii- recommendations lia cd. Mr. Lamber-t sugge.aîed tli ai! instituutionîs erîgaged i n h)ankuntg actîvities should iîe suiject, to the same rules as tocf restý'rictions in the Bank; Art have protected other in-' SI;tiioic. -- froni (,h autered hamîk <o mpe t itio n and the l-omm Lin i tx has paid the prir",ý iii the forîîî of lîigh average borronî rates anîd lower deposil rates. [le iîoted Iliat thle commis- I siý]nt po ints «milt uai the 6 pert' mcnt eeiling on lank <ian io-e .terest rates and alsn the pro- rhîbîtîoîî on the taking of1 mlortgage secuu-ity has iotu-o- i 1dured 'manunadesirable ri-h dities and distortions loto the,~ ifinancial systeni" and that th, adverse effect.s have falleti c 'lot so mu-h on the chartered t' baiîks as oit the publie. Commentmng oui the increas- c.d competitioui which witl atise if the rerommendationsý of tlîe Commission au-e a-dopb- (d. Mr. Lamb-ert statedu "We., ini T Il 0e Tnronto-Domiiiioiî Braik. are qîlite prepared to fat-e fuis increased competi- hion. Wo believe inItie nmar- ket economy in which COM-i pectition pu-ovides tlie main djiscipline. We ýrognise tîiatý ut us anResavand ronstî'îî- tlixF cforce.*' a ocliat<f The Bank Arti along the lines stxggestcd willi Il tliedevelopment of addî-, t înnal1 bxpes oif deposit ac- couits offerin.- higher inter- est oit truc savings." Mr Lamnbert c-la mced tuai. a-v funiancial benefit that doesý accrue to the hank *"will onilv i co)rne fr-am an incrcase i'n bciaiiics-, fror uioîr ahilitv loi cuxnaîd i to ameas not noxv, opetiiho Lus. and from seekungý omît wxa vs to serxve the pujblicý lii î-eporî inoithe ycau-s, u-sut.S. T. Patoui, General Matuager', eommented that --n: lic Fax'ouî-ahle econornirc ci-' mate which hais prevailed if us not surprisiip that the de- rnand for bank seu-vice.s basý heen strnulg aîîd 1 am pîeased I ta report a satisfacto-y in-i (i-case lu th(, esales orfthe:e: sevms This is reflected an tilie sýtîucmii fignures wyhicit once record a new Peak licarnings, de posj, ba anîd nther assets." Notiîîg tlîat tlice meetxing marked the teathl anaixcu-sar's rof the amalgamation of TheL Banîk of Tor-onto and The Do! rniîoî Bank, Mr. Paton cm- phasîzed that the objective-,3 have been achieved andi that the fluogress of Thle Toronto Domnion Bank river the pastý ton x'cars has exceeded expec- tatuonrs. Speakîuîg of the ii n, sterling, Mr. Patou expu'eased1 the opitiiori that the position, oif tlîe pocund sterling wouldi he sureasfully defended andi thaït tle increases ini îedis- routît rates are utot lukely fo have important o-r lasting re TO ?LEMSEALL? ýv by McBRINE FLIGHT BAGS $1 95u SMEN'S RONJEOS $%4.95 b t.9 CHILDREN'S SLPPERS from $1.98 u WOM1EN'S (UDDLE PUPPIES ; $1.99to 4,9 SAMSON SKATES WONÎ1ENS $10I..5 to 1,;4.95 I GRLS' FIGUI.RE SKATES $895 MENS $1I0.95 to $29.95 BOYS, $791 to $14.95 Trade-Ins Accepted On Neuw Skates SCorne In And See Our Large Selection 0f ... WOMEN'S AND CHILDT<EN"S FOOTWEAR MEN'S DRESS SHOES AND WORK BOOTS SNOW BOOTS - SKI BOOTS - RUBBERS Use Our Convenient Lay-Away Plan Spacious FREE PARKING at Rear of Store 1LLOYD ELLIS SHOEsE,, S49 King St. W. Bowrnanville ainria narkp-i Thmiîgh io epr-tFl!ntie.z r'Ni;.tir crnf:dnnce -,ha, fi ecnnorlo'v Psud The move forxxard in PONTYPi Poil vpool T_ 0. held tlicir regular Wednes:dax ov eni i 20od aitendiajce. A of zilfts Io(ok place. made plans for1 and di-aux oun Do the New Vear EvE Christmas tree vev trong at the ;cason. A good de Ontario Ibu vcr.s pi verv feu- trees we so]d. ýýPeciat Christm-as chou-ch nexi Sunda Ouîr church se Sundav was a <'on r-hurch end Su.ndaý the fou-m of a Whit v-ire. A imunîher froîn h ed the Carol5 lbxv C service ai T.vroiie even . lg. Saleiii U.C,W. lîcîr Decenibor ri the ehirch on Thi ening. Dc' 17t1îi. Mu-. Leslie Cowli nier residerît of noiiiit vPýassed awa. hcome in Newcastle dey ex coinig. Thle fi icld froni the, Moi-i Chap(]on oui iesdax erment au Retues ex-y anld i r Rank : 965. DOL B E T H A N Y ;Irindtlankedie-ervone 'for their --______________________ " f-o"rinration MN1r F. Gordon W~h i f t prvicf rharre nt fie crr ý hi p ~i~ Chasc rrpoiud 1tP meetings T A D V ~ A specalV hitr C ft service xxth it's themne Lov\*e Came held v ith an av-erage attend- S * A R *K V IL L uxas hcld in the U,.nited chureh Downaia ChrîstmaS Time- ance( of Il. Ne\xs-letter, and -y -ohvn avlr tittcwrer on Suiidav morning xith the tracing the growth and life pa1lt0e xrie acquaii Mrsi Petc Farrw aigmixlie rn lewrer members if the Sundax\ school of Jesus through scrîpture, les- xvit ii 11e nik (if the UCW been ëa patient in Peterbor- ai home. participating sons and comnieîîts and Icad- liai neen inailed in ail womcni ough FI( pital. rclurned home -< odl'srture Frnest Beer led Oi he ilp ng ia pravers. Mis. Bruce il' e n homeio. as x ek~afier spcnetîng a lew B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Is A :' evc. x'tî Ms hvlli, <e ecvd h feig Mrs. W<all-r Neals repor'cd k»ttlc patil (s<xespoita micei ,ig 01 Youjngmai, and Miss Wend v Mrs. Gordon Chase recad tue I'Vrîcndshîp comrniuce had fexx da vs wîth Mrs. Erman l<p ,&-th aPrso assisîing in rcading minutes and correspondence visited alt newcomers In hie Caswell. £cxc .iallw, scriptîire lesaniis and offering xvhich included thauîks from x ilagze Mrs. Ross Carr report- Mr. alid Kr.E S ier, o-- .Thcv -a!.ýo praxerrs.ithe Junior c1hoir foriliex\,cd "ifts e nit o in ne îue vlia- oito. speuut Slindax-'Ai Mr. thei- dance Rexý Dunin While gave h mnaries. anl appeat fron, Il- hics durilu the crLn alx-l t. 1 2 ,,h a n d h e S e r ao i . o nie s ia fo r iF e d g e î î g I t xx a s a g re- e d i pu r c h a L oe aH ll w e e dace. he Sitia\ shoolpliplscards. aiinounei(en)etof Pres- iîexx "lct ruc donr beillfuir tlle NI'r. aild Mi. luscl Sax-- byer daeti.gTin beindad initoolspcieit, 'r\ visîtod Mirs.Walîcrs, sales vwere witlu their te-icheris, placed Pbvterbormeetin To beheld unMllescElizahethvxille. end of the their xxhite gi fus on the altar Peerorrg.ii ania. is I rî<M.Jiiiîzstt -miauîdfroo-m Keinot h Porteous anîd David S tatement of Bcthaîux ailoca- rtm ig preSdciu.exprcssecd-ivwllir. auîd Mu-sI iex-laloti- i'xailed and Raynsford receix cd the offer- txvit.the eteborughaîes dhnNtrs Biihoi-Rcid, t -re leftun- iîig. The Junior choir sang, S2Stri. itlaecttsrt f(.-oe n; ep1,Žc heThoaks UtnM. ad Bl ed xvîth Nrs. Wni. Pievi as0iJakonIl or-k iolt1 - - ganist. MIrs. George Waddeil repout- 'IfItle niembers In Mis. Jen- Mrs. Stnuî eutuau li eu- OnrSmjmdax. Decenîber :?01h. ed tYat 5t11Ï poutîds of uised iîîgis for h-ýr excellcnt leader- farrilx- zecentix4h1r t eie x-i î he a communîty clothing and bcdding liad betisl i1p iii tht,' past th rcyau Miss Marîbl FaHs, Boxx jîtitobleCarol service in St. Paul's An- sent to the United Chuirch De- MsCicl- Roxxai pre- ,iri f)Ile liati cîhcrch. xvith the com- pot in Toronto during the vear. sidcd for- tue cli-ction of offu- press Secrotars aiýSO to stppl)v serv-ice at hined choirs. Senior and .Ijn-:Mrs, Ross Davidson gavo(, the icors aS hullaxx : Mr S. Ca rl gis for nevw hables: M 'rs. A. i.v at t1 : -" uioof the Anglican and Unit- financial ';taternt ,xililî a Porteois is thoe lixx Presi- Scott anud Mrs. IL. Rvlnv.ý audi- cevice Iast ed Chuî'rhes iioder the diu-pc- present halance nt $251L27 on dceniCtliî "ý ffi(ccrs; for 196-4 tors: is. Geoi-ge 'Wadcell auîd binatiouî of tioui of Mrs. Pierev. hand. Mrs. G. Mvulligan report- lirc Mrsý Gordoni Chase. sec - Mrs. Jantes Fraser Supplies y .«'hoolind Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Rig- ed the I]înmbcri of suiîahine relinex Mrsý Ross Davidsni. aind social assistants: Mrs. Carl e Gift ser-- bY. Maltoii, ;pctit the week- boxes aîîd rards SeuildUuing 11-casirerp: MiS. tlcrh Coppiîîs. Pouteoiis. rcproseîîtatuve 10 Of- end witlî Mus. Robt. Gilenour. iliness. Mrs. A. Scot? 's social Iog mconicciir: Mris. .-dd i- ficin I Cliircli Board. eîre att.euîd- Mivr aiid Mrs. Reg. Palmerv coave ners report rnentioicd soi!5<-oi t ador (if social Mr iS Fred N1Miitudoi'. lias? andî1e1 i qh i" and soit Allait, Peterborough, cateriuig for x aiions functiîoîs. filiiîci bus: NilS. l'ari etîi- rsditof tIlue Peterboroughi on Siindax' w\ere ~il Mrs. Lia Palmer for a Spring Tea. Salad Suippor. il?. '<lu' If. tppîi<, 'r-i. T. Preabvtcripai. xva the giicsi the wcckeiîd. etle.: tOcMaiîse Coin rnittcc re- pluuii . Mr IliiPc .sckr. 'he tî pose anid xxi ad M r and Mrs. Cecil McGi l, ported new mu lta i ns.light fi ý-NI- <4r? i1lair:)1 d Whli îe, tG coup fuiict ti of tlir Liii ted Cîurcii neetiiîg a t loroiitn), visited xx viii Mu-s. turcs: M rs CartîeRoxx-aîîiLeader s 't Thtoinas.-zJack- Womclii 5 10 îîîî tc aIl I lic irsdav c- James Mý-K i nioi dîiring the gaxe accoua? of tii- 1 lu <ratucre SOu. xxrhip s c ieîoîîx-cler : xorneiof? utvc ouireg-at iouifor wecdalan wvith Mu-. Mc- purchased aînd îîsed for prog- Mr. Wl Neais anud Mrs. the total missionu of tlle chur-cl ilg, a for- Kiuînoii -lîo i., a patient in i arns. The finianc c(lniitteecs Ai-thuîî Wuglt. frieiîdship aîîd anîd !a provicie a mnedium thîs roni- Lakefîctd Hospital. report mention S242.00 sent 10 visiliiîg conîiiitte: Mu-s.lai- throiiglî xvlîclithec'xvnîa-,,cx- )Y at a resi I.C.W. Meeting the Missionarv and Mainte- xci«- Davidsoui and Mis. Gorviîî press thor lo«xant' d devoý- on Satur- 'l'lie Unit.-d Chuich Wotrnen nance Fund. donationS Io Coli- Mxiîigaii, Suîsinue conmittee; thou ho Jesus Crs Christ- limecrai was held their annua] meeting oniference and Pu-esbytrrN c x- Mrs.Cacie Rowaîi. Litera- mnas rarols wc,,e suig. Lunich ris FuneralMOnda)y ui-ht iin the Suinday penses and rrcomrndod fu-- turc sul'i î-ommuaicýatiolis sec- xvaSsesrvcd by Mrs. Ilarold x. vith iii- Schocl Hall. Mu-s. Wiiînifredther furoishiags for the Manlse' reta rv and pîsîtiat: Mrs. Harold 'White,.NIrs. lfcrh Coppins. da Cerne- Speiiccr, Mers. Hieîriv dakemnan to be puuchased. Mrs. Herh. SandcIrsoiî. floxycrs for clîîrclî: NMrs. Gerviiu Mulligait aîîd and Mrs. George Waddcîl had Coppins gave romments on the Mrs. Boss Cari, Archivist anîd Mes. George Waddell. G A: ~'. tsk ~-. ~ fl~ 4 Enjoq$e dai wih hr daughter, Mrs. Don, Stapleton . Newt-onville. NTr. nd Ms -Vil viste*d NMissý Beulah Hal. ýo\clI. Toronto, Sunday. anci wc%,rc ovcnîiing dinne- guesig wihMr. andimIrs. Stan il Rey R C. While x-as again mn oharge of the service at Shlilh On S(ildav. Special Christ ma usII,'Ic i! be gîx-en utieNi 1dax idoIr hodii-c- fion)of :\r et îic and Mr Réan Caswell at- lende'd It,(oDii rliam Counrv Consrvatve anquei at ihe Lions Cenitre Bowmanvîle., Wc*(dncsda- oeîîglast, week, Nha John St-rk uns hMs 1cas; for ihle hClriýtin1asmerl- ing of Shi!h 1 VC. \Friday c-einzig l ut xek. A uîumber of %'aroi Ixxetcsu îîg %vît h Ulexx-ilalln\x-cl ias pianist. The nrsdcîîî. \lrsStark haçî tcharge iAf iho dcxotmnita poi - lioniî anîd ac a fine Christ. mias story op Tue ix Oft ix ing . Biîoî ao-i! Sn gavre iadîîîgs Fxchngi- PItS xx ci diéCOMed ï oni Mirs. Sm fi k*sprret tyi-ce ,uilrl ail t he ladies on ovc ve-aliig geatix Ne-'?nnîIl the ncxx-offic-î s xcill br In cha rge (if t he nfc? I1n Falt par-kpliligs- aritwat as rucii has <ie gallomi or gaso- limue iti excry tii. . ~t~* <~ -;~- x mn * ~'~> e-. lu~. If Santa hod Io do the ..hoppoqi, whiri l ofe dlo you tmrîk 4'd cho5p,-ChacesCii re 't would lie Domt'iooni Herex .why- aside f ron, the gpnuine Friendiy Covrtesy of Dominion people, ki- w<>,ld be rmpressed with Coriodas grectest vvriet'y of hi.,,fovourte Christmas fodx. And, as on expert oni Tw-keys., bh&d heartily endorse this famous clause - "Ifs Mo'iy Becoue of t4. Mi»at'X He'd even cdaim il was Sonto's clause andi we wouidn't mind a bit Play Santax toa'>our famiy. .. swif ch taoiDominion, Canada's Christmas Food Store i Yov'Ii enjoy a jo!iy bag of savings! OVEN READY ~eketec/Qa~f,~t GOLDEN BIRD 20 LB. AND UP STOCK UP AND SAVE STOKELY'S FANCY STUART HOUSE HEAVY DUTY Foil Wrap 25-ft. 18" Roll YORK BRAND SWEET MIXED OR BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES 7 c l6.oz. Jar 2 OMINIOIil i I 8 TO 16 LB. TURI 10 LB. TO 14 LB. 20 LB. AND UP c1 <4- 4 v BONELESS VEAL Shoulder c l ROAST 571b DEVON BRAND _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ Iqa $ i 1 B A C O N U J l 1-lb. Pkg. ALSO AVAILABLE CHOICE SELECTION 0F MAPLE LEAF Mincemeat Tin * 49c DOMINO FANCY Tomiato 3 -c. $ 100 Juice31 All nierchandise sold nt your Dominion Store Limit is unconditionaily guaranteed to give [00% satisfaction. FREE, PARKING Monday Dec. 21, 9 a.m. 6 P.m. Tuesday Dec. 22 9a.m. to 9p.m.{- Wednesday Dec. 23 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. Thursday Dec. 24 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. BONELESS BUTT ROASI PORK Maple Leaf Pure Pork SAUSAGE MEAT FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS CALIFORNIA NO. 1 CRISP CRUNCHY CELERY STALKS J umbo Size 29 c CALIFORNIA NO. 1 SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER Lge. Si ze3 e me Values Effective un Bowmanvile Until tiosing Tînue Thtîrs., Decemiber 24th, 1964. We reserve the right bIlimil quanttes. C a4iada 4 O týÀaM POOd re_, "f I 'i cani't be copied MaU be xow're flot fussy about Wison's Ginger Aie tastes so gond. Skiiful blending gives Wilson's hIle righit baance of the Jamaica ginger fiavor and sparkling carbonation. Don't let anynone tell you ail ginger h aies taste the sane. Try Wison's and discover the di ffe rcnce. The Prestige GINGE64AL *>1 % STORE HOURS dia qF --7 e or .-7- ' 1 ;jmjFfflý ý uwuwqjwuwun

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