ph ip . eetint The Nativity Scene wvas rev- oranges and canldy ýcanes to ail e- inerpenalthi, a etetio toerently and effective]lypresenit- thechildren. d. c The group in th- Stable M C ort Ajh al O hi, mght BavIiý ad adonev ee na° he YELVERTON d~~ Poac eee h a s s Manger holding the Infant Hedld B ""bahotis o"°. esujs.Debra Sheehian was Dreprst svnmpathy is e x. r. Hed n owmanVIle 'lthe gamle progýresses hulr- lovely as Our Lady, and the 1-tended ito Mrs.Gatoss riedly and at thle end Of ten, role- of St. Joseph was welli James and Kennedy Gray, and d )eceember 15th, 1964 qutarts of wAine. other tig to dIo. 1 I am in mmtes he score is 16-0) for portray ed by Don Sheehan. their famiilies, inth le sudderi ls Wiltoni Perduie Pontypool, At the samne1tjime Donald posing the maximum finle tebosF"htylod"aia -h shepherds were Billpsin fada ubn n eswschre Otbr 3dJames Dwyer, Warsaw, driver 1$50 and six dollars costs, Orl hie Volkswý-agoni the tall- Eeuwes. George Britton, and, father, Mr. Milton Gray. Mr. a wih illeal poessio 2ofal-of the car, was charged withi 10 d.ays in jail." eýst player o<mftheteam i las Jry anooanohTreGray eteeda Peterborouig. cohol A "not ouilty" plea ~~~~~~~~~~~driving white his lieence wasi Several hours were spenittru otn hWsMewreAanCwshspaleval eks g, - ws eteed n bseti. Mg-under suspension. The penal-ion an "in camera" hearing of gur.-esot.s1o gi Philip Cullen, and Dennisudreta paetyse israe . . ererfondhiaty was $75 and costs, or 15ý indecent assault fromn which nnn i t Brown. The angels were Lynicsfloprta o1 ody ity and . 1. eviedrafoliin o days. Ile was granted two the public and the pres;s were- arc SI) sma-l' . Farrell, Hermine Kerekes and: but failed to rail.y and died ,$35 and costs, or 10 dayIs weeks to pay his fine and theý barred. In) the absenue (if e bud, stken>b Rosemary Cascagnette. Tusa vnn.Mlo a ContaleK.C.Laon OPpla.tes were ordered removed Crown Attorney G. F. B-onny-. os nu and the firsýt Drn h aiiySee eonzdas, a successf ul. todstheaorl e K h ad reaon ,from the car. castle, Trevor "Clarke, Camp- basket is mdefor- the Tro't- Dthe Gspe of t Luk enebout ntfarmier and a goodi to check a motor vehicle at William Moore, aged .35, 8,5 bellford, acted for- the Crw. tevrs. A bell ringms -ending thle, the Birth of Christ was read nieinor ho nil be sadlyn nine in the evening in the vil- Wilson, S., O s h awa, -_ - [iýtqartw gerod by\ Jim Noble. A choirco msdmtian djet lage of Ponitypool. lie said hie married and on strike from el hegm asvr n posed Af John Geboers, Theo- cmuiis fouind in the front seat a part GeneralMors was charged er u n and everyone held dore Becker, Diane Goodwin,i A speedY convalescence to quart of ye. and n the bac Decembe 6th with illegal eir sides withi laughiter. Both Marlene Cuddahee, TheresaMr. myGibanwofl qeatfour ' vcaes ilof 24 eh of poseion of l iqur I.epegad.teamis showý'd good srtsmn Becker, Diana Cowles,, Eilenwhile skating and broke hier beer, two pints of rve and six ed guilty and was fouind slup and although thIle fmlal Walls,, Marian Vandeloo, Judy, arm aend is in guilty and finied $25-and costs, sco wafIl aerHl,25ais 36-6 for. the Boys. Rand, April Heenan, and Su PTort Perry Hospital. Sor 10 days. Moore asked forw nwthtteHalmH l znne Hardcastle sang carolsI Congratulations to Mrs. An- "FO QALTT14 ay t py.Trotters miaY not be the(-'high- during the intervals of the: nie Mc,(Qutade who observed SELCTUSE CRS Joep Grgoy <cGllraest ýearing team arouind, but Gospel recitation. The carols hýler 83rd birthiday this week, agd 0a60EdthSrethuirsday tunsthey(J re1t;Sure thfie funniest. ncuddGlory to the Newborni Are pleaýsed tor 1eport that -SEE - Oshawa, also0maried andeet crowded nto the gymnasium Th 'le admission proceeds will King. The, Little LordJeu Ms Em Henders is showing Ohastkefo maGeradMoors to watch a spectacular basket- go towards the purchase of We Three Kings of Orient Are, consriderable in hos- strke ron Geera Moorsball gamne between thec Har- new baskeiball umiforms for Hioly Night, and Jov to the pital was c-harged with consumningilemr Hall Trotters and thle Son- thec Sentior Boy\s' Teami. Worldi. Dennis Krawchuk an d M oQUEEN alcohol alt the samie time and Andre Van Hoof were in place. T'he fine was $'35 and Charge of the> curtain. MOTOR SALES0d ay°.He o°as o a ynf rt sA smart baton team bli FIENT AND MOTOR SALES Chief B. R. Kitney told the wvent through ian attractive and MARKERS - LIITE - ourttwoof is oficrs n •complicated routine with per- IAMTD - cpattro othound n Mrtion feet unison and timing. Susani- Earl McQueen, Pres. paRodt, bserved 01cartin the C il re ne Connors was the leader, ...e..,,.... 219 KING ST. E- east ditoh facinig north. Hie a t ohr> rlrOwrF STAFFORD .said ·that they stopped to in- 'ihe Bowmanville R-'otar-v by Christmias red \wall paniels PtyNwan, Elen Cowan, B3ROS. LTD. BOWMANVILLE vestigate and found the two Club's annual gala Christmas A beauitifu.lly\ decorated Christ- ýAnn e vani Munster and Diane Authorizedi Dealer for accused and two fem.ale pas_ partyv for thec crippled child- mas tree wais a centre of in- segrall of wrhom looked!ren of the area was held at tetrs A deliciouis dinner of ygMILy uÀr' Raiblr ars "under the influence". A caseIFlying Dutchmnan Motor Hlotel chicken a la king in pastry. WHETHER YOU WISH TO MONUMENTS 5ak Phone 623-3.356 of beer was open on the floor ýon Thursday evening. Ericpatty shells was served thec TRAVEL BY S*,of t'he back seat and a couplel Whyte, Newcastle, Chairman happy youngsters.)t AR R IL o of bottles we<re open with thelof thec Crippled Children's Anl entertaining prograno (R R ll o Stafford Brother NOTE: There lis no shortagze contents spilling out on the Committee, was in charge of e(arýtoon m-ovies with sound was LIMITED of cars here! As our 1965 Ifloor. Hie said t'hat McGillvray arrangemenits. Other memi- shiown the gathering by Dr. STA HP .models continue to be sold ipicked up a part bottle and bers of this comi-nttee are H. B. Rundle, assisted by Tom Monuments at a record pace . .. we are :drank from it in their pres- Merrill Brown. Dr. Allan B. Riehder. Thle highlight'of the Consult ,fortunate to have top local 1 ence. The car was towe d Sylvester and Bill Coggins. party was the arrivai of Santa JURY & LOVELL Box 1.3 trade-ins coming in daily. laway, he added, and the twoý The banquet hall was at- Clauis. Ed. Lesliewa abso- 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby , See us before you buy! accused lodged in the cells tractively decorated with silv- luitely tops in this role. Santa; TRAVEL AGENCY Phone Witby until morning. ery white sprays of leaves castributed gifts to all the Bwavle 6336 Oak835 , 1964 Ramblers M;rs. Edna Green, Bay Rid- sPakn wthgtestat hidn Several miodels to choose ges, was charged under a from. both 6 and 8 cy.Vl., tow,,n by-law with overtimel standard and automatic parking. Hier husband plead-i transmissions. All are local ýed not guilty. low mileage trades, still Constable L. Ricard stated under new car wvarranty, he hiad placed a ticket on the car on King Street, E., aboutl 1993POntaCS 3:30 p.m. November 9th. Mr. Green inisisted there was no! 4-Dr, ticket on the car, but that his' wýife had received a summnronsý lil 3 to choose from, both 6 in the mail. and 8 cyl., automnatic trans- "The ticket could have, missions. AUl are good clean blown off," mused His Wor-, .; h ip. "Three. dollars fine -WT withouit costs." ~ 1962 Rambler James A. Brayley, R.R. 3, ~~ ~ Bowmanville, pleaded güilty-T "60*-r to illegal pseso of liquor • 6 cyl.. standard transmis- November 4th. Mpg.,Istrate R.1 exceptionally goo shape, ordiered thlcjlquor confiscat- must be seen to be crd Tho fin(, was $25 andi apprciatd. <osIs or ivrcla s. Brayiey aýsked for two weeks to payN U B AD 1961 Chev. 4-Dr. Constable L. Ricard stat 1dý 6 cyi.. standard transmis- lh dr edscsint- which will enhancep youir kitchen on. Loal trade, in top had fouind a part bottle of:~", and add vailleP Io youir home. - - i lquor on the front seat and a~ full bottle wedged down be- ~.CUSOM-BULT T 16 OntiaCS hmnd fthefront seat. 31 to choose f'rom. 6 and 8 Edward Charles K e mnp,1) YOUR REQUIREMENTS cyl., automatic and standard charged December 5th with, transmissions. A-I condition. ýiasalt causing bodily hia rm n available in: paint g:rade, nmaho- to a ver-Y vOung child. was Vauxhall remanded out of custody unlti"l "'" Janujary 5th, 1965. H1is Wor- tifuil hardwvare in chliromiile o r WacgonSns asked for a pre-s;enten.ebrne report. Defense counisel was ,ent One.19.9 and on 1960,attlea b ag CONTACT US FORt ESTIMATES transportation- trate and pleaded guilty 1958 Chev. 4-Dr. he hD E .n clled aout 430 ^ rtet c n od. Blue, 6 c yl.. automnatic in the morning to examine ai- OR transmission, custom radio, child whose bruiseýs to the ' oK y0 ýeb e clen isie ad ot. aused va faflConstable TnSTRETCH YOUR LIVNG SPDAG WIT1 A.- TheBOo ve e n 1955 Chev. 4-Dr. D-avis told thle couirt that he, 9 cyll.standard transmis- thr t bv,ýtg tthe ncri- w lfi sion. Needs someP body work ronce and had laid the charge.f but motor Is A-1. Miake us E. R. Lovekin told His Wor. an ofer!shipthat theacue ws. If you'r thinking about a Rumtipus Room... 6Mstrdige -• gainfully employed and he don't do anythmng until you see and purchase: Service Station reasoned that work was theRerom opnfrm7 .. best thingl for the accused un- 6i MASTER-DESIGNED RECREATION ROOMS 0 Complete how-to- untl 1 mdniht der the circum;stances. Magis- ... there never has been a hook like it before. build instructions h ki SÜCAI ir e x erpontser ous thof- . CONTACT US FOR F R E EESTIMATES OF 0ovrloid- iThIacE Plers fnstepntyfrwih.BUL NGM TRASocepgs RESULTS COUNT MULlTIPLE LISTING SERVICI Consult a Member of the Oshawa & DiStrîi Real EState Board Sunse SUB-DI Liberty St. N. COME IN TO-DAY: . LOT IN THIIS BEAU S;UB-DI OPE N SAN ULTRA-MOD1ERý on corner of Liberty will he open for STARTING SA Furnishings Courtesy Door Prizes - Hfomles 1 LOUPAN DEVEI As Low As $1 $ r7971i For Appointmi Phone 6 We F REA L E 177 CH UR CH ST. "Iý ' 1 r 1 ý, 1Fn rrf = °°rn4109fliAt tend_!inGame-g frn iT;e Has1em The Canadian Statesman, ]Bowmanville, Dee, 19, 1964 ~ Mr, and Mrz. Ralph Dan -i - -- asth-igW (M. oto üîüèGeneralstown Si. KitMsr.stmas part l(Rzuzs.oMat. Ohan Nr. ayU anOr um pener -Mr Heaeoleased" eport Frdc(Mrs. YHamilton),(ri ensTeaa Christnas Parrtyowm a edCh.ales Langn Oshawa Generaiserae uphes.pesdnt fSheIns atrK si obMs hall tan Luth JGr at a el b te(olMaessr a rt ht l H Ior>I eal. dBow mnile. ý. o ae o ai jtesbfr eerl, Dc c a g licti rn o i ilW iesCrewn eeandS ilPtrte l t c .JsehsAuI sit an ar'le id Fridy. cow o 410 a te ewMatNeyIn Ptsaterongol-ouhlassdntvteset (iss e nGson).The efeee orMr um ol Sund y aten oblus wth a elrc - Mr. nd M aBrue T n we Atru.ds igtto radi esonAam al oo enerals 6arred1he laytesgaMerwas Mr. Seers. and ev The ynglCrst s d Po arty outhne wi tharw fn d fameil M H Tn ow SIC th ries Blckpat n heopnig.MrHAammfriuctootenerodbu gt hef •d erfuthei de. blue sais T equms. 'Ihcother girl Mr. an Mrs Lry n o a d - a k -.G nrl, p a-po a l i i n te ha e eoln g i h Cs- tig lis M iet sme- Preiden t hehole Hug esstwore a w h rt ete sirt n .u e .oefo enl oe-aemb hehgew en h saed teGeeal an pshn te puk patwecme h cidrn an hieblues llhd ht onsenjyed theTin fa ily atten ac encter foirst amie Iwer e avng uner reatoftheres ug atr theBo 7 :27 ark The CapLtinsaMre ReaO anherpret o ehl f h siorcp wt anvybu hr sma art at benzerin te A ditrium fond ure.Hode aain ot red t t's tie .Inldon the h ist SAorgaiat ionS. andse xtended birtand heir s l aosw r on atr ay nih" l. themselve do wn j-0 eabfrly i nMik Cer av, ik a opend aeutti rnp- ickd u n rup bllistronleten es i ss t them foraer - ad!borned w,% ith a vybuerb a Shol Ch it a the opein dsonbeore the scoriMtt L dng Pat :1, and ter ,colarig tep t. carriethe Wlýilt te S til.T"e and E d ry hri stmas.whbon streamers. M r i o ! b e d i h C c m ui o t o t a e th e d i i o n dBi l L i tl e h m sad t t e o t o n e g h o t e i e a d e a h S o t aan d t h e g a m e i s o f f A w o n - l u l t h e d p u i l sa o o f G r a e s an T ursay igh. De- n apai of thi eiod lark-pareakawahe , n on g put da srmanuppef tetly to miutes tol'ia sasingsro t as Edis e ol helag gthr g nd8werpaed stg frthen em er 17th ,M s H . ik.H ,ýk 64 ers. the par- p uck l ito is o nn e lateer o eiagain send Geneas knoci ke otefor h althat fPeiletled t h auitorumg tosinig o al adc hist. M .adley s Scho olxhistm O aw alm st pro ed to e wKen Hode ot red t fonratheman tp. Tom Rt eid wk ae s Tre tiedby r" og e a ' can hipa i tat g eacredithwasasongcas,\icludin Deck the o nc ert ib e mth a!il ae too willin to co-optca e erate as goeral. r i Y ugh t tt ,e7it2up 7bef rkh. n i ast o h Jedet oeh C dae ndH ls wt ogso ol hon Mnda nigh t.Dhst.atalyptinpwifWannahm n c m leeieid neasOh w sodG a lis m t rw trcetebbeDug Tm Mses onthe Spa e -a Good \King Wences ls, Santa e o therrHawkvs' oals into hear irn ifty poweraplay owith C H avs dparound. Peeling.houg diles arnd E vent Ch i m enho ere istom in oTo nansinl SoiIad Ms. o re Coc a h o n g it oa-efoeperhae sc'i and Bobby Orr asitr ith Bb Tyoeelan h cnuesorîoigi cag farne etfr el. Rsmr acget rmne I m l!and 'iacy, n M rs. N Dengn is Gbso. aptae in anio n g idtl-wavin itthe peods Goh,e it ftlefire ad t Cwinne STotesrsantos, p it ssoots He suces fthe party.gHe As11thrleader f ra e's Get hai .)lT Usa Iantn.wre Sudv 'Seiad oki Jm BothG neal njye a m n d t133haih ue hs ped i t ndte oy a e alotankd h P esietoring Nutn fo Chima . sithMrs Frnk ne t asie-ied. Gend erl od n'ark anteka a. agefrfurmntsbtt utin fro e t1w' inafer ea t1" rbar M sCahl au f e pT ea rr8ilofsantafoClaue affrdto e o md-eated culn screast BriangMeput ckmg up Cashman s pass-hall d t fl - twsreteaitutem ndt Dner ad7 rs1 LarDe ell . Tafchaigtw rs the onald drew a doubl e tor arshoall's se nd tllept i bal l ndhadsitto Stn h)a t oer on.aplacanta ClausCplayed 1 bralev and R ony o wmlrsnaý O wan- udto i boggpo e ob, c o g redd o 15:5e onice th Thm Reminut% e re- G rie Mae ws wh"ogi turns An cl lnth pogre a m f e - w itra s cesbv G og se e un av g e s f -alyi ta t t edff citeam - rr co necJdon asyp cahmin ng fl ck ng th p ck in oaui klymdib le f an ic ll t rta n m nt wa p es nt d y har , ew asle t ok up hi CocetLeloyld Broome topen iing reonies were e a ld.rsap-hotealyinth sette opencae at e r uc hn an dwniths ou, n outh ers orhe pupils oGrade s pa H8lstn narthe betig full e- Ian! snbtentescn a throndwihnBbdcM lla of or ethi uppefetly-B nn r n a h i. e slies o te oup: fS.JsehsSprteSho 00atd C rsms reo h Ms.Eal uk, eos . h fcas were inutngtuo(j W tiern .Cashman anpedo ma ao d e w a as si\%ast nhos 1s m op LodW ie h ds7ad stG (-I Each Wchil had amn- IIam ton wee S nda h- aughtin he9am.siththe Buaa n spo etr pa wth pla. T resaswr:C nu rong hnset he hisle tacheoar, antemabetpfr- mn tseakTonSantaJndl trse iiaý wih M . n rs .rd apt olo ut, uss l i aw ooghelad 5 scdHde ntMr hll. blF Towir,osa Mr pvars hands td uce and fdir eo r t.v. He istrb td bg fcn Page an fa l hm sm ll iec o Da no mi-a n te pro .G oLtl i eas h n e heP eieto uami ai iamiy. Mrs. N. Wotteni visited re cently wý,ith M rs. Walte M wmvnaniville. Visited Mr. an r& Tom Baker and familk JaVe are sorry to reportM, Wa Baker bas pneumnona. sta end to the Editor an mtanf andtheaanadianStai , weekl\ colunnbest vwishi for a Merrv Christmaus and < Happ NewYear. TN'e alaysbe a Christ- mas To bring us hope ad p - p And nothing, can dstroea e Th'le joy wýIl never cease. Whtvrare our- problemus, Whiatevýer wýe must faýe. We QaIn a nwvperspective Withuinthis tuime of grace Tellalwvays be a Christ- Tho-uIh evrdream may 1!'.-; we can couint Thru ach December F Th'le t kig tes and Santa, - Asz carols flood the air% ch nh bells rini:inz Mue people kneel in Baul uon this déay. \\as barn th)e blessed Jesus Who came to) light our waY. .ladys Yellomwles, Sohina Correspondent, 4 The meeting of the Womnen. 'ital, ed in thenBo ad 1 recently. was opened with thi -Auxiliary Prayer said in uni- son by the members Tht- ]President Mrs. W. M. Rudell, Þpresided at the meeting . President Rudell spoke ýof he recent death of Mrs. Jacob Ûtvlugt as a ereat loss to thu aux111ary. , paid tribute to r&s: Uitvh j s work as in auxiliary member, and said tat she nad given generousl,ý Ofher time and efforts on bu- half of others. Mrs. Ruoiell a so mentioned Mrs.Utlut sunny and unselfish disposition and said that she wllbe rmisýý ed exceedingly by her mnany friends- Mrs. W. w. Wallis and Mrs. G elsey, v.Newcastle, ý President Rujdel for helpmng her telephone all I the members to tell themn the sa ,ews of Mrs. UijtvLugt>s d EP. Mrs. Rudell also thank- ed the members of the aux- iliary for preparing the ILunen served mn the Knox Christianl Reformed Church Hall after Mrs. Uitvlugt's funeral. . wo new members of the 'ewcastle, wreC aes orne President Rudell and Mr.ý. L-awrence C. Mason, the Mvem- bership Convenor, wAho is a past president. Also wvelcomn- ed was Mrs. Van Belle, a former member, w.ho uwas pres,- en at the meeting. Mrs. R. G;. Cowvie. treasurer, presented a satisfac-toryý fin,- ancial statement. She mnoved its adoption. This was second- ed by Mrs. Rosswell Callanl. and carried. ,Mrs. Callan, the correspond.. ing secretary, presented her report for November. She re. ported that letters of thanks were sent by her on behalf of the auxiliary to Mrs. Wvnn for her donation of $10 ini mle- -Galbraith, andto thCathol etion of a com plfte' la::*-.ette hr -a baby. - Mrs. C lln a!ýo reported ( ,that :t! ah cards were' set from the auxiliarv to thie f members of the Vanistonie fam.. ,b ily, and a bouquet of flowers eu was sent to Mrs:. Wesl'ey aw- o cer. wvho "vas a patient in M 1- ni morial Hospital. d A letter thankig thie au - t lar or its symnpathy and -the beautiful flowers sent b),. lthe memibers w as received'11 sfrom Jacoob i lg.A note of thanks for the symvpathi%: r-eceiveýd bu Mr. and Mlrs. Ro: ' Dcio.,Newcastle, waaso received. M s.Callan said. .Mrs. A. L loney, lthe Gift Shop o nr ueetdher report on this: project for thew month ofi Novemnber. She esaid that sales amouinted to ý581 dujring the month, ani d t1he expenýiSes wevre S528. The banrik bal1aniicE, on h1an i i : $1,526. Mr. looe 'v reýported. She movedi the adoption of h ler report. This was second- ed bv Ms B. D. Tillcock and rcarried. wvho hazd sent a donation oi books for adult patients and a number of ine children's books, ini memnoryv of his wife, who, Mr. Dewel wrote, wa alwaYs doing things for other people. 'Mr. Dwelprom-ised to send more books for- child- ren In the fulturu. M Nrs. Earl Thompson report- e d thlat St. P >aul11's Un1i te-d ChrhWomen are miakiný, tray favors for the patie-nts ini Mlemlorial Hlospital for Christ- mnas Da\, and thiat the Girl Guides ari imaking special1 tra\> favýors foriNe Year's Da.\ . Mllrs. J. O'Nill, o-convenor of thie 'Maahon Bridge. 1ro poteitat she had tulrnin l a thqu or S60o, threpoed from thle Marathon Bridge ýini Novemrber, 1to Ithe treasurer, N1rs. CweShe m noved the adoption of thlis report. Th11is was , econcjddby her n-con- VEnlor. MIrs. E,'. l oar, i;md - carried. Mrs. Maszon moedhat !Ihe, au1xiliary senld a Christmla gilt to Mrs. Ruth lCuillvho had been most co-operative in Mrs. W. W. Wallis and uarried. Prersidient Rudell spokE < thle beautifuil appearance of Ilhe Gift Shop in December. She specially v commlended i lrl s. Jesse Van Nest and Mrs. B. D) Tlill(-ock lor Ithe3eauifuIff in l made. Th'le auxiliary members who hiad attndd heBazaar ad Tea at St. Andrew's Presl terian Chuirch last month after the comofletion of the aux\- iliar-\'s: meeting were thankel byv President Rudell. Follow- ino" thle business m eig a delielous afternoon ten as served. DANNY BARNES Th e death of Dannyv Barv becurred on Thursdayv. Novei ee (r 1t, 1964, in Oshawa Ge ~ral Hospital following an ï cident in Hampton. Hew in his 12th year. A son Of Mr. and Mrs. Llo BansHanpton, ntaro. Ontario, July 28, 19.5:3. Hiei temnded Hampton Public Schoý lie enjoyed sports and w( the Intermediate Trophy Field Day. Danny was a member of tl Tuxis Boys of Hampton UnI ed Church. and the Pee W, Bears Hockey Team, Boý manville. He was a Star pap, carrier. Surviving besides his pa entsâe three sisters, Donn DereV.nd] Deanna and oi brother Douglas. Among the beautifufl flor tributes wer-, those from t i Toronto StaoMHampton Scho Pupils, HampIon School Teacl ers, Tuxis Boys, Southei Sheet Metal, and neighbour The funeral service was hel from the Morris Funern Chapel, Bowmanville, oni Moi day, November '23rd, and wv conducted by Rev. C. Duigai Ty rone, and Rev. C. Catt 11lampton. Intermnent was i Hampton Cemetery . The pallbearers w,,ere thrf cousmns, Murray Allin, Rog( Farrow, Dennis Cornish, an Michael Shuttleworth. Flowej bearers wevre pupils of H-amn ton School. mi- as vd l, on - it- 7ee W - er al hie h- al n1- IFROM PAGE ONE) Hoeveru St ain]less' rpa ale$12.95. donated by Lan- S R 1.Ponity*ýpool. GilsSweater, .vatle s7.98, c onatd 1v'John and Judv h°pe N"O Il C.RickabY, Firs st.'Choa ilaes ale '$100, donated b rn non sundav rmornmng at Sbun- seeRR .orgen- oday School Each class nmaden 1 ewcaste in a ontribuion)f money whlich wsi hreo h will be forwa rded 1toi, M 1s \aS 11ca -e o h raw, ee Mulriel Se mns in A fri -i f1tickets hbin- awn frin er Mrs. Don fa.v lor read an i -te r m'Y M ý aiu d;teresting Christmas sitoýrY o iss Bowmianvile rKathY Vc gave aradn p- and Dianne and Peggyý Darulh Karen and Brenda Yýellewlees sagtwo Christmas songs. Mn v! The C. .1.. Ihl1d the1 Christmias Vesper serviCe rM Suinday vening ýwhen the F.ub plorer girl,ý and Tvro ho, s FR M 'A F NE Each group satin a a bdy wl ith dennd·E th(; eilders and the ,C.G 1T F Glen fnler, P airnia giriý were in the choir Thle of fthe Educatini Committee , E leaders of Ithe C G.IT. roup. u'i ýa past Plesidleit , .v M;ss Gladvys Yellowlevs and an isrngtalk on PlIons vic )11 sory and c a is 1 * A '-14 Yeaýrs efct n . Don TvrCa as 1"le oi MCi". g heVon V11uecr geg hv lo eyvocal solo. Pegy il!- tation was made bl\-Rob i- hiams. Wîilfr id Carrutheirs intro gaive anintrstn address on hi rcettrp o h U :td IVISION Kingdom and Eire. Hie discuts- B - Ilsud "'cr"s. ivsed the ns ou ma.llllNvile ket, and climnate (if the cu - .AND CHO()0SE YOUR tries hie had vstd rie UTIFULLY PLANNED Osborne mioved a vote of IVISIONPresdenit I.-renc Gddard also expressed his appreciation 0H U ES ~t the gest speakte secal Ruiral Nighit guLiest., Russell H O U SE Osbornue a former miemrber of N~~h 2-SOREhHOSE hanked ithe Lions for SI. and Suniset Drive Convn n tc h, I din "he y our inspection <;spilr n f 1if;.5wrediusd. T., ~~I DE.1THa ". !uggesCted that nstead ýT., DE. 12THof starling on a Suinday and of F-. ..Kramlp L.tdt. endig on a Wednesda vit Gifts for. All wedinesdlay as the starting Bu l a d adMilr 1)\( u th Ile ulBydate «s of the Lions Ontario LOPMENTS LTD. Cnv ntin eta iul Oke. a ps president. and car- iied ling., Fred Cole. Rov Gropp 14 ,2 0 0and Ken Tink were celebrated bv thleir Fellow Lions. The DOW N .·m1seretr..Bud Moses. was )OW N TERMS askecd to senda tter f thanks his tractor for the Lions- float lent to Inspect in thle recent Santa Clatis 623-3393 Parade. The Secretar . %Moses. prescrnted the accoujnts, it was moved by George White'. soc. ndedi hv James Bell that the A N K bills amouniting to $251 (6 bf- paid. and this was carried. ESTATE Dra weD, "om h BOWMA NVI L L E t",Éalteom Guoa W4 Hospital A uxi/iory Hears Many Reports At1 Re lfri M til;n OITUARY SOLINA