f T j-,, 'Mal jlcme 2nd, 1.964 laid Novembier 5th, Defonse (Conntahle H. R. Cornel, Deeme counsel %vas Gordon Eccles- OPP i 1men, H-arolti tone, Toronto. The charge 'Was Before Nlag sîrale R. B. 'rwo TorontoI>Keith Evans.dsnsc.Bxe .Anl alMro Pickersgill anc, st r&lwg iigit 3.!r.Anl ar aDn .plade gultyhim Wini~î'.Crown in~c call-1d xc ce aid, Oshaxva. pleaded guilty b 'tibs from r }ihw ~Stuphu.n McDonald. Siartor- îimpaired drî'îng St'ptnmenfrr Service Station f, Thev wc o,,h.('onýýtatiie R. RBb'a,1a.ni i cnit d Dfeerner 201, enec C«o- .Whitbv Dtah acnt. d fined S.50 ancd cîst';, or co eilèh placed mr .Corporal E. Croilgh. OPP, d1ays. There was an aut'imatic t*We for tr Bo%*mai. ville Dtcihnei. . usp.-nsior, of liiense for three SonstabI,,'ý ~1.Cîrci A 1bNu- Englex .. St rc imonths. Ris VIorship %arned Qpp stae1>a n,ii: pnd14'Ile Inid dnot cll«l- l'ihat ,second appearance 4Zxx'e iÀnt. O'3 -ind,:n o x 011bcga fin- fixe limes bOubs: îi le ',,ci cc as niuch or jail wîîthout op- ~b, htir * nd d:la t i..~' 1 . î a -- 1n d 'cslor 1()t ionfl Pfafine Dufense cocînsel 4M1T the Clf l'e service sa : i..* î~uoiî~oa RD iîp ea s f s, j .jr i / St. Paul's Sunday Holds Christmas Pi The annua! ChrisImras Party. -.olnosb ' of St. Paulsr United Church nifer Beî Sunday School was held Fr:- Prout ac day evening. Deceniber 8thi. MeQuarr mn the Lions Centre. Beech Cindi- Li Ave. by John .Mr. John Bain acted as PearceV rnaser of cerernoniez in the Bail: rec absence of S. S. Stîperînfen- pino so den', Alex MelýGregor and an_ recitatiol nouncedi the folloxving prais: '.viC! g a~ Musical Želeci.ions bv d>Beatc the Prirnarv\ Dept.m ue Choral Merr v Christrnas 1t o i.o' *nias 51er: "JssLove-, Me." 'Behold. Two fili Behold.' O0 C.orne I,;ttle Ride' Childcen- and Awa n' a followec Manger': cecitations bY Rose- mas Cai niaryv Kenniedv. SandvN Kernt. t on a t LUeW , . i ' '~- " '-' >JOO ic( -il-;for thre a\%a. lcohriCorden. Rick%' VerVeek. D, in the if liad been donieM ~gîI ai le;rtd ind a ' l [cfoe(lnsl .as Coisýtab1c M. JO',-"t, OPP, Sharon Kennedv anoi BarbaraI Siîght -of inebria ioliîbut cel!Kl..Oaaa ae.1 savsd1 vatch Brf ceutalicd that it v: as , l ' atoll, )pp, for a 1 962 Pontiac convertible Prograin coiîtiied wi;h 1 rio- re' . iraiip 1lov oas casiboulld on 4011 whîchliîad Yt. xccrixîlI;4 ond 'ii1, r~i Vaxerlev Ro0adciforced --vecal vehîies gh ofc' o 1'r l i.i..l e <off (otoi> te shoulder. Vft r. ii r e iii ai-ail bciig toppecill11e driver h sevs giic*trc Frf 0J , "v;l ,(,d i : i'x1andl c' -\ecgias, li e sled ' (lfi d r 1 ( s c 5dc le 5sa.d '0o1101hi, lie staggerd d' Dasbe 0 )3 I M, xvd lîo i ~l' o îiked and beramne sick ait ar.. PesI Control Operators2 O 'Si !igof-l all . it Il!,- pol ict, offiie. lie Ivas lodg- Weed Control Short Course, 1>' r' eci i n the celis unti Ilailer lie -Mechaiîics Buildings. Ker-npt-î j Il ~opc i ~ i orilased on bail. v il le Agricuitural School. \n- <~s I-a. i niîpaired. cs- 0():oar VaiLacie, aged > r> Decemrber 2 30 Fît land i» --wa u <. ' tx eIrcîîdN'evatle. %vas cov (ted of Aiîiicai florticultu rai Pc:i t or 0< R J' Of IxnBnici:olitin~- 9assault a nid placed on suspend- Control Short Cou rse -Re'g-a o o , , s, in ll. (c nc, r, tI... ... ..ara. Ilis istratiîn ait 9-00 a.m., Meih a N<ewcastle, Cnoh. OPP, crise xaîtifor abiot îcce WorsiOisetail ie bond a Pt50.jlS Buildings, Ketllptvi-ilc Ag-r ào nstal isauh~mnf. Thp accusvd then took Tihe complainant. Mrq. Sara rîcultucai School, K 'ptiiie.!, io, Co 3 5 a tq, hn" Quiecr Street. I foi- Broîwn, test ified fliat last Wed- Tu)esdav. December 2-9 bound on I th i o tI flicfe'er anîd nesdav îîîglît the accused had Duîrham Coiiiiîv joi.îir Farr-in- *:15>1ý1; e nadtesri ol'xc ird'~i 0fi rs' Christmas Party, 8 p.m.1 th" iiig anîd stopped lîir Pt hasement of Sota eset a] Bit] and Marie Tamhlvn's 'ihablack hnt s h v Ilom-, 'here bîfli worked, home Iviîich is-'cast of 115 on1 et a high r 1 *~ ~ ii'. oîff lie saîd Il(c-lad fiownýt into a tenîper. grab- 5ili1Lîne aidoamlefm roluicer saoia mile frr oppie d te "'î,'e 1 vaît ail night bcd lier bv' fli thriat and thec higlîWaY on the north side. IWkO tai-'trwi le f fi foo. Se TV Programs of Inter-i Parer c.ýti-Magistrate Baxter îcdervd est to Farniers - C.B.C. and1 drivn ~,~ " >~'~ aiar i tya..a'fOni îtario Departîîîcnt of Agri-1 endac'used Ioi tIicoîpaîîaiand 10 pa> utr v prsnain Devi J~ ~Ilnonrici i is e r liii os]<f prosci-tiîîîî $16,) Tooto ed on ha'; xiitji l e 5 riitl(Ii l.Lt's Look 'ai Farminîg - 1()î:»_ an înpae ii- Il1.30 arni., .iancîary 5, 6 anid 7 1 the ar, Mel*al] area C.B.C. TV sta- "Id ae WESL EYVILLE î7ed',*aîir5Sohet Crops - "Clanging Systenîs". 1 k defoud hs bttl 1.0 f ilk'ý s pc<diiig 'lie lad; nicet' ilîg for 1964 or WerinesdaN-, Janîîa r \76 fou-idhisbotie f rîlkn 401. De- th(c IJ.C.W. xvas held at the "Livcstock - Miageîtfo (Okat the Legions Christmas partli-naois, or Suindia v Schooi on Wedned-ax\ Profit".a netfry of 'werecheering hihrdof E. Croiiîgl, afferiîoon. Dcc. 9th. xith 17 T.isa- aill% were iheirheads off icer Broniiladies prescrit.Mca Tiifford, Tîcd ..aîîr Fc hdl nle stuck in his hottie thrceNovemh. îh ryrBisiness - Recorýds, Plans,, dira- ou mbr priid iiithe aene of rs.e of him. *im Kanr, igcp at a stoprndiien bsoene of ssîi ,ifî air] Miii Ca rroîll NiclioIs. leadier for the Wedniesda x \, .1aîiiîary (f-i -- -îarle, $101 anîd 'nIitli. Mr >. E. Bairrnwýclii igl Blackstock Womnî's liisfttjto tiea' vfS (Const ahle isli, charge of thie devo- _ Agiciiittiral Topic. 5 ~ iî. OPP) ; clive John t ions anîd pîogî'am. 'Ihîsa, nay7dur ~v r '>d aiiinogh, Novemtr- Mcs. Wm. Tufford read flîe,hamn Soil and Crnp lm prove- D v e r 3 ~~~Cr',- , sIti)Sop at a Christmas storýy from Mat- mnent Association A n n u a 1 J op sign, North Street and fhewI, and lai place of t.he us.,- Meeting: 9:4.5- Registration IncsStrict, Nc'caastle,. S) iC al nieditafionon Iliese verses, toc door prizca. 10:00-)-Don ncI -os] s, orf. cv day., f t-'iiMa Harold Auistinî ead t,11e Wvlsh, slidcs ce Souls Tour oni C h e ýt ,Ilir P.. lillsoîu. OPP li Cx tiIorv ,f Ille'Lflt Arîgel" Western Ontario. 104<0 r 'lhfaiing to snp or ofCfiistip giinr PrblesDurham Coontx'., .siadcss orfv a wiIh g]adues's monli f onId.' Compinots Soi] and Crop ln e g ,,I vilite gi ft iiithe foriii of an )ulrlani Coliiit\. 1:15 An - :ore than 100 ch idr'rofeîg for the Fred Vi mr ial business meeting and ce-t (er older sisters and bro dj Mission. fx-plîc na ports. 2:00 -Geo. R. Me-t s, and their parents, enîoy OSAffiilgIl îî lac aiîon iedan îhii.gîtsekr :t rery minute of the deligh . A wilii green branches on a Dasfor- door plres. 3:3ff I atnntal ChÎldren's Christý ~ faible'. iited b'. t io xx hile cAiotirnmeit. as Party heid by Bra.nch 1-7 A 1':iidl S. uaid anîîîîîîed io s512f] Satriîrdi.a îîîanm Pfr SisPliucýhi' lodawav'ix' d M jboroiugh al'idiDistrcit Dial PurI- i~pro vr. pose Siiorthorii Club Ain îîual iiTheii> fidî <if (lid anid Iis Meetinîg, Peterboroughi. D'5tPOffplscelilstcoociuctv: h\ Satiirda.v, Janiijarv 9 C0i1- iq, Mcs. G. TiifFord, andîci fli stor'. tlario Junior F'arme .r Anîîîal J\n, hi uaB;haxvaiiF.'Barrow- CntreleRegîstrat ion. 1:31, ,%~.DJ~.jI~uI xcxîcd ith ir..Hroxi'a, n..King Edward Hofel, ý r st a .. i > I <o ngvli . R;îtii Nc o is ali l ori tn ~ rîtra ~~ ovi Car . ccniinid Janîîar.v il - 15 Extenisioni .~ ~b>' Ica Ree c. anga mxi>'Branci, Prograi - Planninîg eHours for Il k 4Chîriatmîas duet. Wnck'shop. fleemerdîîcted h- the -resident'l] Janary 18 - 2f)-. Oitario foî - -' -'s-...... i ciii o'as aiîawecerl xii ll te Shnxving of t-easiîîred Chisýt- momenf.s. one dcuciîîg war tinie. j '5t.:-~:' ~rc -nia- ca rds on, Ielliîî , a Cl,i risf- xlîeî a C1iîcstmas free COuIld. ûni as,; ienorv. Thon' xvece 1iot bc ruund, then one ap-, rit.....i-c'"~t aux itecafiig<'nds soelpeared froni a most uniexpe- <~ ciged ixith s-îl oiies ed source, once when nmot'er nimaI squares. and sonie overl took iII on Christnmas Fve I* 80'eacs nid. Sonie xere trea- wl'uen it looked as ifnodnnr -. r't-cdiE.caile.v hIad beon ccndd be cooked, a iessengerý A -oniv for- lîcir beauty , aidll i-ie oeil memrbers to share -orne from îî'eî-se:îs cun Ili a hruse, aiready overfînix'- 5 in Adiring flic ii' . ilg xvith ties lsînîilarl j- lemoî îcs tcld o if e * plilîf tand tirie lox-eiv memorv 1011; of sle iglibeiLs annoiiiicing th'e Luil Ioali/ ýiii ndllll. R S LT O N !h]omecoming foc flic day. nMo-s] of thle bsia ia I4~ u ______ ~ oli rîciried] with iie îlanning lofhalanrce of fonds anrd it x'as liA KUdect in pav Ile eduLclon 'AiâS VAIEII FOODS L dudn r'>u~monev for a Hong Kong eiîild Bo~man~ine ad'vanve anîdconticiue Witiî SMULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE 'fi pca feiî u 95 ýJ'%A: $ rwTIL1DE FOR THE Consult a Nlember ni' the Te o wloatiddli pot Ii-k supper focrI!ic Mens NGxo.Oshawa & District Club at vveicore on Dece(ni'- ~ .,- ~ lier 7 i. xverc 'ruu in filic R1 eail state Board siio,'toni on hIe Wax'iîîîîî i and hadt Io cuve their car's ~ lix' fie sicdo of tlîe coud anîd ,S~,W_«IS-et '-'1' I '.cak part xvav The night Iwas MRS. MARY BAGG 0-I nit cold ndtu 'x'lk '.î's jf~ i i'wai ' .Iti i cmpan>v. 'x- A I h ( i-cpI fu- Cla>reuie Nichu' s. wiuelay- las ilia differeii D t inla.SCiruol ni1 Scîiîd1:î s Ici; the daY %vxi-,c crge o SM a r e aiid Pear1 Austin anîd mia J. Groenieveld. Pennyv Weýeb. tir and t iiîînîNicliolaý cacim oiii îening par, of Ille Îi se i:tIrle Chr-istmîas .-tol ' iva rt'ad b" Pattx Pax 'i": ~ .î~n i erPax-ne ex p ained ilinI 'lic offeri îi0 xi us hein.- se'i ho F:e ;fu osoi n c n 1)iri!Cilicr lîîdIN ,i G!<o',nilîr- x cld. a,,-d Bb'r('la rkc i-vo1 n w ~ lilà ~pci'e'r. Ir. Ruicard RBîslil:-. ort > Ilîpe h îî.iilita rei'oxeri ri, <romu -ur,,erv lîîerfoiriîed thiere on <Tll reaax. DeceriberI t. i t' ], liard i I thî;îk îof ai t hiig a.-- siiiul I as. orie ](n - Sth ocsandtii of anincuh doîîuî Pgliarni but fhaia tes u is't of a 'FB gerni arndinlu tlîeuc Sbilliorns bue'. kili a pecsoii a nîînîtevear îin, car'nuit. Louis Williamson, fno pNExcen 1:. canada. onre ofit iii De%-e1's Hampton. celeb' (owifh a low 'FB rate-.Sndy srruned y 6f10 iîC'.î' cases reported last blealth and iffy active. Jc e r o yar-ev-rv cone ,calisidh' bard work itýyhis younil 1-1 f rC\'CI*\'O1"LC 1,l'o. e linî.v germa ,Thva ro mnost of his years in filhîîa 1 bui deadl'. "lîc. cxl! "o heir h'tîîal xci>' uintil xi' of12 childre' " e e ni yu'aoud i ro died and thiree b - O [O Re <oicktIt tie pr 'fine of Toronto and U E O O A E .iuiuva-orc ac Wi1iamsons wife, ,LCL lAD-DDAER- r Id o iiocate tuberculoari ina 1950. Theyd'-r' ER LOCL RNAB RDAF R cured leatst Most easiily EARLNirQEEN ND S.7*iF sread 10othilers. lHelp v-tn Ihi> programmne, B L;' 'FT Chr'îstmnas Scals. 1> 1~' istrates Court i H-eW ii, RnwmAnviIIé> il Calendar Fr ii d e ea l Animal Convention, Toronîto. Monîda v, Januarv 18, i 110 arn. -Fast Centrai Sou uand Crop Joîprovemrent A!zsocia- tlion Aimal Meeting. TLiîcsdax, ,JariarY I1.9, 1:P0 ani. - 2 2]] p.ni.--Bc"f Bricks anid I)iaini Beefnîox' ment Association A ni n ir a 1 Meetinig, Odd Fello'.s Hall, O ro io. \Vcdnîesaîîv, .Jaliîirv 20) - 101:30 ar.-- Onîtario Tre. Club Anntri Meeting, Vrc- tocian n lîîîî.St catffrd. .Janîiarx' 27 - '29 A iirnîia1 Cnnventionî and Annual Meet- ing - Ontario Soil and Crop Improvernerît Association, ut Toronîto Colisaciim, Exhîibitioîn Park. .laîiî r" :3-0]] Aiioual Canada Fàan c îd Industrial Equ ipmerît Shoîw - 1(0:00) a .m. - 6:00) p.nî, Exhibition Park, Coliseîi, Torornto. Monda>'. Echrua rv t, 1:20 p.nî.---Eaqfccn Br".ders An- nutai Meeting, Oconu. 'liiesdav, Febcîiarvý 2 Dafcv' Ilerd Heuitti - Specijal Meet- inîg - Odd Fcllîîws Hall, Orono, 10: 0 0 a m. 1to 2:21]l -p. i. Dr. Jcriiaiî and Dr. Nerie v' 'l'lursda v, Febriiary 4, 12-:n]) iiuon Diiam Cournty 1-1og, Producers Anniual Meeting and Annual Banquet, Odd Fellows Hiall, Orono. Tuesdav. Fcbruary 9tlî_- Farm Ma*chiner>'ý, foc thie meni; Appliauîce Pîîcchasing for tue- ladies. Pat Wray'laisin chaurge. 1<0:00 - 3:30 .m. in the Odd Felîîx'.s Hall. 0Oro110. Febriiary 1l - 201 Ontario Rural Leadership Forum - Gerîe'.a court - Orilliu. Ini- terested persuiis contact On- tarin Departmenf of Agrciul- tuire, Bowmaîîville. or Don Welsli. Seî'retarv. Duîrham Fl"deration if Agriculture. Tuesday, Febrtiacv ,16- Souls anîd Fectilizer Course. Odd Fellows Hall. Oroîîo, 1])ai INV1ETHER YOII WISII TO TRAVEL BY AIR, RAIL or STEAMSH IP Consuit JURY & LOVELL TRAVEL AGENCY Bowmanville 6 23-3 361 ers eVE fil ni Rf LTp H- M r,*,rt: Dr9eetings, Royal York. Torotin.; T1ie C;anarUii;n tae.;min. Pnwmarvil1m. 23, 1PA4- To aes.'d; o telai Tuedaý February 23 100-_______ rat. Wavoe E nois,.i 'Maagement Asscitin n- r22k, ..10:00 &r.. 4:00 TuesdaMarch 2nd, Io:*"" arYchr. on Money Management. Paf p.m..Feb. 2«2--Crops- Day; a.- 33 p.m.-Field Cropt' Februav i 1 naînWaGon. îrniold, A. O. 22 --Soils Day: 214_- Dairv 'Dav -11 Wright and Dr. Glen. Ian W ld jn Beef lmp-overnent Association DaIr\-mpIe. Cattle Da'.: 25 -Swine Day;iAnderison. a.tn k,]ýhvReid ý "- il,ý"'