New Chamber -of, Commerce Officéers Elected for 1965 G~. Larmer. '1 lere were also Ma-s. W. A. Hinds give the two subs chosen, Ma-s. C. Smith, treasur's report, showing ?rs. P. Campbell. There wiil total aeceipts of $8,895.96; Ma-s. be two girls attending sum- E. Clifton, Bowmanville, gave rner camp fa-om St. A'ndrew's the dedicatoa-y prayer. Ma-s. J. Church, Cobourg. The nomin- C. Jack, Cobourg, introduced ating committee for 1965 is the guest speaker, Miss Lois A h nulmeigo omnil hme fCm e the president of Lakefieid, Powrie, Regional Secretary for Atteana etn fBw avleCaba fCm ece, Frank, President B. L. Bua-k, Past President and Director W. B. Millba-ook and one inember Toronto and Kingston Synod- there was a major change in officers elected for the coming year. Syea-, Vice President E. L. Clifton; back row, Dia-ectors Don Milligan, from executive. icai. This photo shows most of those who will hold office in 1965, front Paul Andrus, J. A. Bell, Fred Tippins and George Webster; absent, The semi-annual meeting Miss Powrie spoke on "'Can row, lef t to a-ight, Treasurer R. G. Ga-opp, Secretary Ma-s. R. A. Wilfa-ed McMechan, H. G. MacNeill, R. McMullen and Arthur Hooper. will be held in Centa-eville, the Chua-ch Die", dealing with May 5. the attitude of church women Phiîîips translation to m e k4 .5 coe Street United Cbu'rch. IKnigh.t (Beverley) of Bowrý It was decided to ta-y and of today. She urged "let us ber speech more forceful: JI" ir t (l I' V f He was a corporal in the manville, and a step-son, u secure as much of the past go foa-ward with faith in the Matthew 6:19-34, Hebrew loth D e i at hid e 42nd Canadian Infantry Bat- Au history of oua- Pesbytea-ial as New Yeaa-", reading fa-om the chapter. She closed ber ad- talion of the Bdlack Watch brey (Bud) of Osh'awa. Also' da-ess with the wonderful quo- A L u .w r, Regimient during the Fia-st rtwO sisters, Ma-s. Hattie Brun- Station used by King George VI,iA U n uay Sjervic~e World War. 'ton and Ma-s. Ada Cara-, both ~ i~~fI At the Gate of the Year . Ma-. Hart is survived b y bis of Brockviile, and a brother,; ~ ~Ma-s. R. Randaîl thanked the The Bowmanvîlle Pentecos- tine's Party on Saturday, Feb. i wife, five daughters, Ma-s. F.I Lewis Hart of Almonte; 23 speaker,, also ail who took tal Churcb îs planning an in- l3th. The group plan to meeti L. Bennett. (Doris) of Ajax, grandchildren and three great-i part during the day. Rev. A. fant dedîcation service on Feb. at the residence of Ma-. and Ma-s. George Dardson (Eleanor) grandchilda-en. M. Duncan, Moderator of Pet-1 in the Worship Meeting. Ma-s. George Burtis. An inter- n as .C ct Bvr e.J .Mfat, pastoa- of; erborough Presbytery, presid- Several childa-en will be dedi- esting program is planned and ley), both of Bowmanville,' Simcoe Street United Church,' ed for installation and elec- ctdi hsseilsrie rfehet r ob e-e.Ma-s. Bruce Jackson (Barbara) conducted funeral seriea .. , ~..t ion of officers. Th ygAvnePnecs /as. A. Kudra, (the pastor's Of Oshawa, and Shirley, at 2 pm., Feb. 8th, at the M- I- A gup rom St.Pau'sTiYhe yGrovuepefa-om oshaw ife), was the guest speaker 'honme; two sons, Joe of Os'h- to h-Anderson Funeral Ho me Ladies' Aid served us after- Ontario, will be the speciai alt the Salvation Army WoewaadJ.0 MseBC:Itren a nOhw n noon lunch. St. Paui's Sa-. W. guests of the Bowm anville rnen's Missionary Guild. After a step-daughter, Ma-s. Harold ion Cemetery. M.S. served a light lunch be- Pentecostai Assembîy. Thepreseningacrdselctions on fore the morning session, have been invîted to prsetrachlJ ne the pinoaco di e as. Kud- Bowmanville ladies attend- a program 0of sacred ps nd calne theirbladi rooe t doa îng were Ma-s. A. G. Scott, Ma-s. song in the Family Night Scr- t î-bs oprmt h ra D. S. Ferguson and Ma-s. E. vice, Feb. 17th at 7:30 p..m task of the Church botb on Old IFahlon.d Valu. wlth the Modem Look L. Clifton. Pastor George Carrol will t!îe home field and the Mis- TIle Cary in the. latent addition te> oua- line of beautifully styled bring the message to the con- sio0' field. The theme of. the - i im h otlxrcu ooahedn rmdrkt rgto htngt discourse given was chosen ladW i te onra e i. fr luxnoul s co e l a l e bng ,fr m d r eg eationfom the Gospel of M ark, UTI li g t l a t i i . o n e tr a m , e u p l c w i h t i . f a tt e i n ; m a t h i n T h e lo c a l P e n t e c o s t a i Y o u t h C h a p t e r 1 4 - " S h e H a t h D o n e stouen, imake ft à joy te behold-a dilJite, wear. Group i pnoiga'ae-Wa h ol. RLL IILMOOLO UlIICLUN rflBUC 65 STYLESSAEAN TCHOOSE FROIW ISINGLE VISION BIFOCALS HUMITE ITN log M A as£ DON'T Sim FOR USS THAN NATIOAL BRANDS a FOR MN 0 FOR VWOMMN aFOR CHILDREN *0PMY DWREOFRM TM 5 A8ORAORY AND SAVE CXXM FRj W-SRWAD- OR MPLlM WRItE W WAtT *We fuilail PSI, Oculists and Optometrists prescrip- tions at the same low nrices. &im Ma-s. Alice Pailant, 88, di, at the residence of her son Nonquon Road, Oshawa, Fi day, February 5, 1965. S had been in poor health 1 -the last 10 years. She was boa-n in Harlesto Norfolk, Eng., January 5, 181 and was a daug'hter of t] late Mr. end Ma-s. H. Brett. She marrTied James Palla In 1904 in Tonbridrge, Wel' Eng., and came to Canada 1907. He predeceased ber 1941. She lived in Oakville ar Oshawa alter coming to th country. Her m-ain intere was ber home and family. Ma-s. Paflant was a charti membea- of Calvary Bapti Chua-ch. Sîbe is survived by one soi D Tia-a-y of Osbawa, two daugl ters, Ma-s. A. Arnold (F10i ence) of B.ownanville, ar Ma-s. Albert Ford (France, of Toronto, nine granddbilc 17 Bond Street Ilours: ren and six gaeat-grandcbilÉ a-en. She was paedeceased b East 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Daiiy a daughter, Beatrice, in 196 2nd Floor Closed Ail Day Wed.. Rev. E. Wintea-, pastor( Emmanuel Baptist Churc' OshwaOntrjoPhone: 728-1261 conducted the funea-al servi< 40shaa, Onario t 3:30 p.m. Feb. 8th, at th McIntosh-Anderson Funea-, Home. Intermnent was in Osh awa Union Cemetery. WAIINGFOR SPRING TO RENOVATE AND REDECORATE? WHY? loans for home and farm improvement are available through your bank RIGHT NOW! Wise Canadiens tae advantage of the winter. Skilled mon are usually more readily avait- able during the cold weather, and the job Cets dons when you want it. Materials are ln generous supply-and off -soason dis. counts and extendod payment plans can make yaur renovation budget go much foither. 4kidoethe National Hoasing Act special Home f mprovement Loans are available through- vour bank et Iow interest rates. You cari borrow-up to $4000 and take up to ton years to repay. A Farm Improvoment Loan offers you up to $15000 with as long as ten years to repay. Govemmen sponsored Small Business Loans are also available through Vour bank for renovation and repair of smaller busi- ness promises and equipment. I VER YBQD Y »DEEFIS WHENW/NTER WORK IS /NCREASED. DO IT*&NOW! àmad by aiahuiy aet oa,.AilaJ. MA&cSaches. Mnis r oanada iec PONTYPOOL '- It is a littie late but we do Payne. want to express oua- sympathy Memorial Fund Committee, ;he-to those who have lost friends Mrs. C. Fallis, C. Curtis, C. for by death recently. Ma-s. Mabel McKay and A. Cain. Auditors, Coulter (Porter) passed away Mrs. G. Fisk and Mrs. C. Fallis. on,' recently and is survived by Church Treasurer, Mrs. Dave ý77, ber daughter Jeanne. Ma-s. Preston; Envelope Steward, the Norman Porter of Orono who Mrs. Z. Richardson; Sexton, . passed away recently, resided Mr. C. McKay. nt in this area for over 40 years Improvemeilts on the church Ils and is survived by ber bus- were considered. The pastor in band and three childa-en. Mrs. regretted the disinterest in iFred Cox of Orono also was a church work among some former resident and leaves ber local citizens and suggested a husband and two daughters. Visitation in the near future. ndWe regret that we were un- It was decided to send a de- ilS able to have this in an earlier tailed report of church giv- esticolumn. ings and financial statement' Several from bere were in to ail local residents.. Meet- ter Bethany on Saturday to cele- ing was closed with prayer by [st brate with Mr. and Ma-s. pastor. Aubrey Cain on their 40th )n, Wedding Anniversary. The ýh reception was held at the home O IU PP )r- of their daughter Mrs. Charles BT A IS id Palmer. We extend our con- MRS. JOHN WATSON ,) gratulations. The death occurred Januaryl È_ A farewell party and pres- 31, 1965, in Port Hope General d- ention was held at the home sitloMr.oh Waon by of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young-Thespeasef was livng Wton io man who will be moving to Tedcae a iigwt ofBowmanville in the near her son, Lewis, until she took future. We sincerely hope siek hre weeks before beri ce they will enjoy many years in h omrAni a o- - eteet Iontihe deceased was a dau- ,al Mr. and Ma-s. l'red Y oung- ai man and daughters attended ghte r of the late Hena-y and ~'the Ice Follies the past week- Eliabeth Pol on. She was. -end in Toronto. boa-n at Cadmus, December 13,ý It was wîth regret that we 1879, and received her educa-. Church will be closing its In 1898 she was married to doors the end of February. In John Watson Jr., and spen<t al the future there will be only her mnarried life in Caesarea. Bethany and Pontypool in the Mrs. Watson was a. loyali circuit. member of the Methodîst and L.O.L. 82 held its regular later the United Church. She' meeting on Wednesday even- took an active part in the~ ing with the new Master, Wor. work of the Ladies' Aid and- Bro. Percy Beggs in the chair: Women's Missionarv Sociely. Good reports were heard in of the Methodist Church anâd regard to their 50-50 drawr and the Womnen's Institute as long J dance which will be coming up. as her health permitted Shel Several from here attended was organist at the Caesarea1 East Durham Orange County church for many years. Lodge in Millhrook. W. Bro. Predeccased by ber husband: Ernest Youngman xvas return - in 1942, Ma-s. Watson is sur- i ed as County Master for 1965. vived bv a daughter. Mrs. E.i In spite of poor weather n Green (Irene) of Port Hope,: aoads a good turnout wasand two sons, Lorne of Win-ý present at the euchre at the, nipeg and Lewis of. Port Hope. 1 school on Friday evening. Also surviving are two sis-i High lady was Mrs. Percy ters, Ma-s. J. Forder (Lil) of: Beggs, high gent was Mr. R. Nestleton and Mrs. J. Robert-i Hay. Consolation awards went son (EIla) of Unity, Sask., ai to Miss Brenda Van Wieringen brother, Edward of Winnipeg; ý and Ma-. Deibert Bowins. nine grandchildren end 14ý The annual c ongregationa1 great-grandchildrein. meeting of Pontypool United She was paedeceased by a, Church was held on Wedneq- sister, Mrs. Williard Eaton day, Januaa-y 25 with, Rev. (Florence), and four brothers, Piercy presiding. iElisha, Albert, Lewis and, Favourable reports were ae- John. ceivedi and on motions were i The funeral service was; accepted as rend. i beld Februaa-y 1 at the Mc-: Mrs. Dave Preston, Church Dermott-Panabaker Funea-al Treasurer, gave a. detailed re- Home, Port Perx-y. Rev. P port for the Church and Me- 'Romeril conducted >tbe service. morial Fund. The palibearers were Leslie' Rev. Piercy gave a report Watson, Bill Watson, Jimmy of the Session and Missions. Watson, Darreil Watson, Gor-, Mr. R. J. Payne gave the don Watson and Bill Godfrey. report for the local Parson-! age Board, Mrs. Clifford Fallis aeported for the Sunda 'Yi LAWRENCE A. HART School; Mrs. Ken Fallils gave Lawr-ence Alfred Hart, 68,; the report o. the U.C.W. of 136 Albert Street, Oshawa,: The following officers weredied Friday, Februaa-y 5, 1965,ý eiected: Eiders, Mrs. Z. Rich-i in Oshawa Generai Hospital' ardson, Mr. Sam Brown. i foliowing a short ilîness. Trustees, Messrs. P. Beggs, H.i He was born in Kîtiey1 Van Wieringen. A. Cain, R. Township and was predeceas-, Brown, P. Mucha, L. Brown;ied by bis fia-st wife, the for-ý and G. Kirk. Stewards-Three mer Hazel M. McConkey, in years, G. Van Dam, C. Fallis, 1941. He mara-ied the former W. Harper and P. Beggs; t wo Bessie Howard Reynolds in years, C. Curtis, V. Lethanigue 1945 in Whitby. s and J. Payne. one year, W. M-. Hart was a driver with Richardson and C. McKay. MCallum Transport Lirnite Circuit Parsonage Board, for the Iast 18 yeaa-s anda Ma-s. Z. Richardson and Mrs. 'memnber of Local 880 of the Ken Fallis; Local Parsonage International Brotberhood of! Board, Ma-s. Z. Richardson. C., Teamstea-s. Curtis and Mr. and Ma-s. R. J. Hie was an adherent of Sim- 12 The Caxiadian Statesman, Bowmanvlle, Feb. in, 19651 Local Women Attend W.M.S. Annual Meet Held in Peterboro The annual meeting of the possible so a committee was Peterborough Presbyterial W. named: Mrs. W. S. Fife, Mrs. M.S. was held January l3th H. Tate, Mrs. R. J. Randal in St. Paul's Church, Peter- and the Historian Secretary. borough, with 66 present, 20 Secretary Mrs. Chas. Smith, auxiliaries represented. from -the Port Hope Annie The executive met in the Purves Auxiliary closed the nlorning, followed by the meeting with prayer. rnorning session. Mrs. W. H. Mrs. G. Graham thanked the T. Fulton who has been acting ladies of the Sunshine ru president for the latter part of the Ladies' Aid, whosev of 1964, gave the Cail to Wor- ed lunch. ship. The Morning Devotions The afternoon session com- were given by the Lakefield menced with Mrs. Fulton giv- .Auxilary. ing the eall to worship. Mrs. The annual reports of organ- H. Tate conducted an "In Me- izations and departmental sec- moriam Service" for ail who retaries were given. A letter have been called to rest during of greetîngs was read from the past year. Mrs. A. Calder Synodical Society. There will gave the words of welcome be a W.M.S. "Training Centre", and Rev. A. M. Duncan held in Albert College, Belle- brought greetings from Pres- ,ville, July 26-30. There were bytery. Mrs. J. Spenceley's four delegates chosen to at- solo "Ninety and Nine" was a tend Synodical being held in highlight of the afternoon ses- Orangeville, April 6, 7, 8. They sion, accompanied by Mrs. D. were Mrs. C. Hall, Mrs. R. N. T. Diplock, who played for al ]Roberts, Mrs. G. S. Robb, Mrs. the sessions. KEM Quart $3119 -GLO Gallon yv PAINT & 33 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE JOFINII? WE SPILI MORE THAN OTHERS USER We don't just gloss over the winter rust problem. Our unique deep-dip rustproofing seeps int every nook and cranny Io seal out the ravages of rusb! Some years ago we decided that normal rustproofing methods-spraying and coat- ing-weren't adequate. Our engineers went to work and came up with a solution: deep-dipping. Dipping the entire car in rustproofing - right up to its rooflines! We didn't stop there. For complete rustproofing, the metal surface must be ab- solutely clean and free of ail impurities. That's why the body of every '65 Rambler is submerged to the roofline in six separate tanks. The metal is cleansed, scoured and purified. The car is then completely dipped in rust- proofing primer paint. A second primer is sprayed on for good measure; then thorough wet-sanding removes any blemishes. Fifteen pounds of rustproofing primer coata the steel. Three coats of chip-resistant, sait-resis tant, super enamel are thon sprayed on and baked. Corrosion-resistant wax and sealer compounds are sprayed inside girclers, rocker panels, fonders and on under-body aroe- those critical places where rust doem its worst damage. The resuit? Raxnbler ie the world'gmm completely ruatproofed car. Ever 19( Rambler can beat the worst a1uah-and-$aIr winter condtions-year after year. Stick with Rambler and let the rust of the world go by. BUIIT IN CANADA FOR CANADIAN CONDITIONS ISEE 3 DIFFERENT CARS IN 3 DIFFERENT SiZES-COMPACT AMERICAN. MID-SIZE CLASSIC, LARGER, LUXURIOUS AMBASSADR-AT yoUR RAMBLFRDAESNW McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. 219 KING STREET, EAST PHONE 623- 3356 J TYRONE ,*rkP eerbmohr l sun 1 oyGibbs spent the wee* Tyrone Home and School'end wit1 Tonmy Elliott, Top- will meet Thursday evening, onto, and attended the hockey Februaxy 18. All parents are gamne at MaPle Leaf Garden. urged to attend a card partylSaturdey night. at the scbool.: Mrs. W. Park and Mr4. The Tyrone Tyros and Ralph Bowers were lunçbeotL Ha mpton Tyros played hockey guests of Mrs. j. Murdqcl$, on the milpond at Tyrone, Bowrnnvxle, last week. Saturday, Feb. 6th. 'Ne score Mrs. Florence &OUtn was 5 to 3 for Hampton. Ty- Mas. W. Rahm were liic rone scorers were Neil Goff guests Of Mrs., 'Mcon 14. and Danny Taylor. fe h Bowmanvilie. garne the boys enjoyed hot Mr. and Mr. hm aih chocolate and cookies at the Kenneth Rahrn alon wilbi., home of their leader, Mr. A. and Ma-s. Clem Rahm -iste Knowlton and Ma-s. Knowlton' Mrs. Doreen Smiley ini JapJ Brant Hospital, Burhnaoi Recent visitors of Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perg Msr. W. Loveridge were Mr. and fanilY, Hamflton. P David Morrow and Alexan- Mm. Georg Bradley, Ca> dra, Don Mills, Mr, and Mrs. lender, is visilng her sister, Douglas Strawbridge a n d, M. W. Rahm. Tommy, Pontypool, M i s s ' Mas. W. Rahm and Ma-s. G:. Grace Trewin, Toronto, andIBradley accompanied M '. Mr. Clarence Woodley. Ce Rahm to visit ber fatLhe*, Ma-s. Helen Francis, Bow- Mr.Leonard Wilson, at Peter'. manville, spent Monday wîth borough Civic Hospital. Ma-s. A. Knowiton. Mir. A. Wood returned iomeý First newsreel showed arf from the hospital last Friday. rival of delegates to a Prencig Mr. and Mrs. Walter ParkInational photographers con* visitedMr. and Mirs. Jamesivention in 1895. February is Decorating Month! USE FASHIONABLE SOFT COLORS 0F SUPER KEM-mTONE QuartGallon $2e53$8.25 AND MATCHING «M" a 1 33 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE 623-3356 PHONE