4 Th. CanadianStatemmn mnvme, Feb. 1e, 1965 EDITORIAL COMMENT Officially Opens "White Cane Week"1 Forget the Past At the Bawmanville Chamber of Commerce annual dinner and election of afficers last week, we were impress- ed flot only by the large nuimber of business establishments represented, but also by the larger number who were ,not present with representatives. Over the vears there have been mnany Chambers of Commerce here who have been active fol' several v ears, then have deterioraled and vanished due to lack of support or possibly more because of misunderstanding and lack of positive direction. For some reason we have found manv business people whose attitude to the Chamber could be sumnmed up bv "What did "thev" ever do for us?" Others. flot business per- sonnel, appear to feel that a Chamber of Commerce is some sort of organiza- flan dedicated solcly ta the interesîs of retailers or factories, having no con- nection with the working man in plants. Here, in bbc pasî, there has also been an additional factor that did con- siderable harm and we refer to a not ton thinl 'v veile d antaganism betwecn some mPmber,, af town council and the Chamnber of Commerce. Franklv. we feed il is about time ahl the bickerings and incidents of the past are forgotten and laid 10 rest for- ever. There is everv reason to believe 'Yau certainlv have ta hand il la that aid political battler John Diefen- baker. He doesn't give up too easilv. He is the chosen lMaster of lbe Progresý- sive-Coaservatives party in Ottawa and nobody is going ta oust hinj until he is ready la retire of his own free will. Whetbcr vou like hlm ao think he is doing a good job or flot just doesn't malter at ail ta Right Honorable J. G. 'Dief the Chief.' Especialilv.y he is not going ta be ousted by a bunch of reb- els fram La Belle Province. In at, xve would nat be surpriscd in the least if he accnsed tbem of mnbinvý,. if such were passible. FranklvY, we think Leon Balcer and bis Quebec supporters in the Hanse were way ouI in their iming. They brought about. this crisis ouI of frustra- tion and they achicved pracîically nolh- ing,- except possibly ta alienale their province even more from the Conserva- tive parts' in the rest of Canada. Their chances of success were practicallv nil from the sîart, so now lbev have no place ta go except b si. as independ- ents in the Flouse of Commons. The major xeakness of their move in aur humble opinion was that there Wa nobody in the parby or outside who was obviously ready ta take on the leadership post if Diefenbaker had de- Last Wednesdav aflet-noon, the cammittee that bas been working for many months la r'earrange provincial electoral districts in Ontario tabled ils report in the Ontario Legislalure. Ever since, as expected, Ibere have been MRnons and groans Lt-arn those politicians whose arcas wiil be adver-selv affeclcd if and whea bbe legislation is approved. If the new distribution gaoes intocf- fect wilhout aa\' change for tbis area, thrce townsbips tram Nortbumberland will he added, pins Ihe town of Cobourg. Such a major change conid make tbings very difficuit for' aax futur'e member cf the Ontaio legisiature, (jr aax' can- didiate caalcmplaîing lettiag bis or ber namer stand for the position. As il now stands. il is a bipg job foir onc persan, working almost day and night, ta be present aI the man 'v fuactians he is expecîed la attend around the constit- uency. The electoî-s living in tbc rural areas havec been badi spoiled, compar- ed with their- tr-ban couater-parîs. Here, they expect personal service an almost any kind of problem and bhev want il quickly. In the cities, they dorn'î hope to see their member- except in news- paper headliaes ýwhen be makes a speech. Olherwise, excepî ai election time, most of tbe people woulda't. have anv idea wbo was uepreseating themn either- fedeî-allv ai' pruviaciall 'v. With the addition ()f tht-ce new townshi ps, plus the cumplete Iawn of Cobourg, the ty'\pe ut' service volet-s in this riding bave been receix'ing is bound to suffer because il will be physically Akuthorrzd ed Second1 JOHN M. JAMES ELron-PUBLISatta 9 9 Pull Together that great good can corne to Bowman- ville through the combined, concent- trated efforts of an active Chamber of Commerce, working in close harmony with ahl other aspects of the local eco- nomny. Somnehow, the prejudices and hard feelings that have prevailed in former years must be set aside for the overall good of the community. If such a positive spirit can be in- troduced into the Chamber of Com- merce under its new executive and spread constructivelv ta town council, we feel quite certain that a situation that bas done considerable harm ta the town can be corrected. There is plenty of work ta be done for the general improvement of the town but if positive achievements are ta be registered there must be mutual trust and respect for the opinions of others. whether they be members of counceil, the Chamber of Commerce or the general citizenry. The lime is now ripe in aur opinion ta start on the road back ta harmonv within aur communibv, and we feëI cer-tain that the first stiep is for Court- cil and bbc Chamber of Commerce to get together ta find commoni grouind where eacb can be of assistance to the other in promoting the best interests of evervone wilhin and about Bowman- v ille. cidcd ta resiga in the face of the mount- ing flood of opposition. There are quite a number of potenlial candidates, N'es, but no anc name stands out as a per- son who could take on the job wîb anv better chance of snccess Ihan Dief- enbaker has had. One must. admit Ibat he bas certainly kept the govcrmnc on ils lacs during his period of opposi- tion, and, in fact, has had Ihemn off balance masî of the time. -Mmd von, the gavernmenî has also given him every assistance, involuntarilv. As il now resîs, manv Conserva- tives in Canada will be -pleased and proud that Diefenbaker dîd nol kunckle under ta the French Canadian wing of the party, who have been frustraîcd in their atempt la inflicî their' will on the rest of Canada. The Liberals can't gloat boa mucb or snicker about it. he- cause bhey boa are having considerable difficultv with some of their Quebec representatives accnsed of improper conduct. Sa. we'll hope things will setîle down a bit now, wibh Ottawa politicians being able ta devobe marc lime ta bbc business of the country so the image of thc Hause of Commns mavy be raised somewhaî ia bbc minds of citizens bc- fore anoîher election rails around. impossible for politicai candidate., or members la be preseat aI cverv social funclion of any importance. Týhe ex- pansion is also bound ta affect the per- sonai qualitv of Ihe relalionship thal a member bas wiIb bis area. Now, after a few ycar's, be kaows a gr-ealîman,, people by Ibeir first name and lbeY know him. and don't besitate for- a moment la phone or Write bim about al manner of things frarn welfaî-e cases ta employmenî. This will bave ta change considerably in future. The altet-ation will also make bbe job of organizing political parties J'or an electian much mot-e difficuit and ex- pensive. Il will mean that candidates will have bo bire argarrizing assistance, clerks and other help bo handle bbe propaganda Ihat must be distribuîed on behaîf of candidates during an eleclion or arrange for meetings. XVe can alsa sec Ihat the cunatv of Dur-ham could pzobably averpower representalives from Northumberland who coatemplate ruaaing a candidate for an *' politit-al party. Ther'c would be more Durham votes available aI so mailv from each poil because tbeî-e would be mao-e poli- ing subdivisions in Durham than there would be in the tbrec Northumberland townships and lown of Cobourg. Howcveî-, Ihese lhings haxve a xva' of' working themselx'es ont as limle passes. Possibîx-, once the lc'i.isators it commiltee Yet thiuougb w'tth the distri- bution bill,:it xiii bear- nioî'eseniblance ta the original îecom mendat ions. Onlv lime will tell. Durharm County*a Great Family Journal &~ Estabhished 111 years aqo n 1854 - 9 Also Incorporcuing q The Bowmanvulle News R The Newcastle Independent lt The Orono News tl Clos& Mai by the Past Othce Depi. Otawa. and ter ptaymenl ci postage la cash Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED P.O. Box 190 62-66 King St. W.. Bowmanviile, Ontario GEO. W. GRAHAM GEO. P. MORRIS ADVTG. MANAGER BUSINESS MGa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 S4.00 a Year, strictly in advance $5.50 a Year in the United States Althouqh every procclutiofl wilI ho laiten ta avoid erroi hi Conadan Statenmon acceptg advertIje tnq il, ifs columns on the und*-sicindinq thatif it w nelt h. noable foi ony orroai i or.y rdvertisfinent publniihed horeunder uriensa ôpianifof isuch advertse.menti s equisto.d in ezitrrrg bý the advenu.1e ",d returned to The Canndjar, Stateimon businesse office dulv ç,qned bv the ritvertis.r anrd w.lh such erres 1 or erectionl rtinlY inted inur ytinnfi horeen mrnd int t cae if t 0v oSti or ,n tei s fmi oerrmeted by the Cnrem1nn Stair,:m<n it% labilitv liholit nt rtped sInn , c rmnnmani th* entt. 0cn .t suri, odverlî.rnrent as the.%ars or.ccupirl ~bv ho nmt-4l -- ~boens inthe whmie sprue a ctcuried by queb advertise.m.nt }Te ltrst mani lu "visit' Expo 67 is W. E. MViltonî, Supeivisor of the QLi D)ivision (Jt he Canadiau INational InIStifIe for the Blind. Utilizing a bhre rnsiomil ra>del of' tbe Expo site, Robert F. Shaw, Depul v Commissioner( et-lai o' Expo, is taking Mr. Milton wbo i3 blind. on a "'gnUided tour" of the1 grraîîns. To the right is Reginald Da\vs ta, vice-c-hairmaa of the board af QueherlDivision (of tbe C.N.I.B. The "tour'"xvas made at a meeting \Vhcetr Shi\\,ficialv praclaimed the opening of WVhite Cane Wcck la Canada and lined ,Expa plans ta assisl blind visitai-s tb the Exhibition in 1967. ~J ni etters fi3 ()aklf,, Court, r"sr.Ont., Jan. 25. 196.5. Dr .John. checfme for $4.00 for another '~c ssu bs(ri piion ta ithe h anlc tow\n tiaper. Ever v x 'ai we seen Iotakiow fewer people metiacti hoever. it is good. ta keep abreast of Wchat is happening down homie, OU'ur ) * vaofthu paper quite ortiln is ptîssed alang ta Mis. J01111Morrison t Marg. Rowc) andi la Doug Pieker- in-,' whîî I'LAcd v round l'Tv- l'on,. 1h' e l' ves aur baker evceýy six weeks jod is de- lîezhted ta read the Stateg- M an. Rpst wislles, ta you and ya ur family. Youî's trulY. MVar'ie Fergusoi MVrs. Donald G. Ferguisan 52)2 St. Clenets Ave., Toronto 12, January 29, 196i5 Dear Mr. James M'mother, Mrs, Georger Frrelani. ,died ilAiJne of last x'car, anti 1 note that bier subseription ta the Cartadian Staiesmaît t'uns ot ian criav Mailier had su blscrîhbed ta the StlteSmati ever silice. as a girl of 18, In the Dim fil and Distant Past Froin the Statesman Files 25 VIXXRS ACO 49 YFARS .NGO (I-eh. 15, 1941o) s.Roui. Ua' Nov- xx ii hui iuitîr, Ei. spli t(,l.' )ctshxa antd It l'ti iMai rti, AlXss ilt itc i l'einttantt, l'~ ~ ~~Il( ict i ',p i he t'k- tit xxiiîlu' liettsIDr. Dr. N(,tlliit .Afiniî, Ed - ontltî, A iait., s tt nu i.l; mntvillie ;aitdDuirham iCana- t t, MNi-r;. tdtitgc Hltioîi lias tit'î'dto ,'i'rtronto a ftocr spetîri ttîthi s c tiius xxit h lier nitier . '\1r . T. E. 'lis. Clairk Reil xsitn Toro'nîto 'l'ilîti soax - attend- îîîg the Pr tvtoc'al itrt itg cf tilt'Vaitiuîtart' Registra- tltat of ('ut titiiat on eîihiit at Iieu Roýi ti York Iliael. NESS Geor'ina t<tand i 'xiss Ilit)a Cuiveri t 'ti 'lule Evehiti Sitep tiutrtie' this xxeek inu 1c 'u;tpi.'t ; tciher scep i n u id itt i. l ut'C - eirt t S: !ILi i ,'ttuti ti x it 'lr. . It tl ' ('cxx e of Londonit. >oit (if : an' d îtîIrfhs, W'. G. Co t 4 ofNapanet', tandt xx ci kti ()îwi in 1hie Sel itlta dîiî Ic.. assudtihet 1î i '.tati(,tS t ilîIttaa1 tin. of the t 'ia iort Au(î oîîîîtatts of Oui tvr. ;i x waxarded the vr.- tj o gaitimdal. EîiggenittîMi. atîii rs. l"r t J. Slprt a iniiu"e i im oiua ..cni't of'd ilîir onîx- d u,îiiei, 'tutie vElizabeeth lattle t.Jeuîîî )IotaRoberît Heirv Calliît. R C.A\ .Liisax'.son fl A\ir. :Iî;chMlz. C. M,\. Callati. Cuihutottk, nOtî.the Uic ar- tln Iao te ake îplace quietly Trattc %vas bîneki-ri fîtr oi' tit'ce hotrs carîx' Fru- daI tilto tutlxxteiîa Box M. :\'.r"xxs Tlranszport jatk- kti feciatianp ggedtiheniar- iaopî'îîngiithe suhxvay l'a.ý iof Net vcastie. .N-t lcoît NI r. atînd rs DantBBiuck 'nid famîily hax'e 'it't %,Ivt"z.-tNeî-hilts %iciteu hiis laîhî t iLitîle C'las. Nat, Ii-r alitdeci the .\x ~ ~ ~ ~ i Tsutr u'g o i lor- Min \!.flotence Lancier, Tor onto. (I-eb. 17, 1916) M .V r, îkcîLitS Roc'ttigk, Boyai Banik, Torotnto, waa homroioxer Suiita '. M lr. Aibert R. Coîtii, iuhttil - i'v 1. speni t intia v ati,-u lather's, Mr-, W. B. Couchi. Mr. andt Mrs. C. W. han- rili to ri SîteIttIlli c xe1eottd x'jilh relatives ini Cobouî'g, Mr.E. t. Oshorie eider- iitia mcir'v pa rt ' of rota- lt i-s anti fricotis lesa eecinag. Mr. S. MI. s'i-ot. M illec Ra"e, 011L., spiit the xx'ek - enti xith bbe Misses Brima- Combe. Mi',Koî-. iP'tt e e' cnlx'. visîleti his parrîx. 'Vr. atîdiMrs, V'. R. Prentice, Fox hcro. Capi. Alhnt t Nartoît. Rcf- falo, NYý.. is ttht Mr. A,. MingPeai anti other oid fîicnds iter-'- Mr. Claude lx os attoieti da Distric t Leagîjo, exoouti te nîcetîîîg iii Oshaxx-aTiiesiax' ee iiig. Lienlt. R.,W.WtVrtiica, 51s Béi tt., SaitliRifles.,xxas homeiiî'oxci' scuititv N"V \\'iit. Ct i- tuaitnd NIiss Mairx Cri ch-riia n cvil- teitaiet lterets of i the 1 ltsputal at lteir homtie Tuces- dav evxii ig Nirs. \Vti. Sauî,Ji'îr ittg . titctilier boteM'r. Johîn Sailtîders. Westmouttt. atîtiother rlaîxebre over the woekenti. Mr-. H. C. H îpggtîboiiîaîoi, Maaer Sttîii Batik. Nexeasir' reoitcda batl c'ut. oxet'lus riplît ove atI lie, lîocke ' niatch un Oshaxwa on Frida"' iîht .N rS. Ritharid lHanil ri, Ducke Si..,'niortaied ah af- teî'notîî tea, Saturida",. Feh. 12. a nîlerr' paris* of hie ait z-c'lool fruentis of ier dacugh- ter, MIrs. W. S. Camreroît of V'anic'cver. R.C.. wl'iuo. xxth lier lhisbantianti fanil'.a rc eiîjo ' vag the xintein iiOn- lanao in ie'r home i(ix'ii Wm' Xr. (ilatifirld n d i dauighie'. Aura. sptil the x,% cckeiid in T'oroto. Dr. W, W. Atitrci" of Miles C'iîtv. Stoîtala no'îîdttOrnot h)o, isguesi of -Mr. \\*i. Arrnstrottg. Orno. Mr. Janmes Clarkc, Dar- liiptgoîn, killeti a caif, Il mnotihs nd, that dresseti 470 Sru1l i t N a tai a bIc iît ' beîngttîg hon IMr. H. E. Tunk broke ati leg, ani d1tirthrn Leina Frpeelai d. sh f lefi Rowmianvillp In corne tO Toronto. Roxemanvilie was a]\- vas 'borne" ta bier, Silice she w'as the last of bier fam'itv, anti she tivedti t bc, 8:3, theî'c xere tevvcr anti fexcer tîarne.s appcaring that wieknovn Italher, but the aflUait's of' the towai were aixxa *vs 0f interest, Italher antintaier lifetirne. sbe titi naot xvant ta be witbout the pa Pc t. 1 amn sure that \'Ou \viii untderstaanci ltIat fani iliar- ilv \viti( Bowmnativiltc is even le-, thain lers la later t'eat':, anti thai I fec(,lili'.3 ilaw lile lime ta drap this su hsî t'; i ail '\ 1 I scîid i(l \You 1ai' lu' wtbesfor Ille catiit iet out f *couir tort'fine palier anid lte stturo ope tbat thle Ja mes fara lv mlav (-on inue ,taprasper aià rv RoxvniattviI e fat' manit'vt'eat-s, to corne-as it. bas1-tathe (Mlr,. Daniel Cbitiîndrni. 557 Wat ii.\xe Toronto 1'2, Ont. Than k vt:tfatri ou s scrt pton remniider'. anditii rt'e ie( greai plemslure to rlccx vil for antitî br vea r. '111, t' iesiaikceps its wet iniifoî'nîed i iring Ithe wtiter ilion th,, iii aiso telits u.ý e aie tearltîg ani- ailier summer ai 13rtxvnan- v'ille, Il s xî"v i t 'ei ttg t teati of hIe ioiprovenieîiis a 'otttii lw. andti tic bpe Witliievert* ontihat il, xvil] continuetcIoaexparîid anti ho- cone (a Voicie n the tidis- trial ltt sof (Canada. Tb;Atiks aie dite too. It) tl te dioranti sia ff whn bnp o inmakro 1iiiiý papor a M'cin tteresiing xx nek1v, yaurs c' itcri T. R. Sprncer. Fchrctart a, 1965 l)esr -toit; Ont hehaif tif the Roarti of Rox'îîî IleM cis eutni, 1 xx oLiId luko' to expr'ess otir aîptu cluuiloî for the excol- .tt'î'tt tue nîtiî'îtîî ceiut'is e~tiî iliîit; aititi96i. We 'vel t lias played' i i ll . ti i'- unti put in Iii iii teadtin i- c'ease cf aur aitîctdatîco - tn 9631xx'hati tîa il t iM tiar\t st:o")!s ilati;ni196i2, anti ài' 64uee lati401 litote liati in 1.9 63, a tontal of 1,85 la ?64. We g'atxapre c ha 1t 'aur tntersi tard sjjppnj-j. \VP are .otuii';'îg rs1r - forts tatmako thoeluceum atne -cii gta'oî atrmnon fOr the tminiuii Ixanti ce art-a. Parde umy Publ cty Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For thé,xx'eek of Fehrctary BinrAs, 4 nia Jo 2 feîîale 6 Disclia rge s -166 Major ,iperattonis ..... I \Iiîî tira: imS 26 I:rrno gO t '"faimnel; 31 \'îsitng hour,ý 3-8 p.m. daiy When reading about sur-prises, in- volving presentations. and including a numnber of persons on the cdmmittees, 19've wondered how the affair could be kept a complete secret from the in- tended recipients until the specified time of the gathering tuok place, es- peciall'y in a rural communitv where, traditionally, evervone knows everv- one else's business, much of it gleaned from the telephone party line, which is illegal, but indulged in by evervone including the most devout church-goers. 1 stili don't know how the secret xvas kept, but I do know that my wife, and 1 were completely surprised during the evening of January 29th, when old. and new neighbours paid us a visit to sav goodbye; unlimber a fast paced prog- ram; provîde an excellent lunch. and present us wîth a magazine stand.,cc- tric lamp and coffee table - the lat- ter, something we have always wanted but neyer bought. When the folks started arriving, we wondered what was doing, then "figgered" that they had probably read something in this space, in the past, where I had pulled their collective legs, and they had decided to gang up, in a good natured way, to perpetrate some sort of relaliatory gag, but it wasn't that wav at aIl. They had learned that, March l5th \vas mvý retirement date Swhich meant that we would be vacat- ing this house, at Dur-ham Forest, and moving from the Pontypool area where we have resided since June, 1919. They didn't wvant us to leave without a mcm- enta of our stav among them, and took this very nice wav of saying "Sorrv to see you go; please accept these pres- iebcc ents to remind you, in future, that we ce-di- appreciated you as a neilghhour; good- c;en- bye, and good lucký." Exp Such thoughttul kindness aston- fte ished us, because xve had neyer con- M.sidered ourselves as an'y thing but small our- toads in the local puddle. We arrived Ot-in Ibis area, fortv six years ago, volun- tarily, and unnoticed, and had intend- ed to move to aur new location the same xvay, but the neighbours decided Sugar otherwise, and we appreciate their kindness. The event ended about. l:3Qr arn., but Butch. and 1 sat, like a couple of wide-eyed kids around a Christmias; tree. until afler 3 arn.. re-living the$ magic of the past few pre iqs0jhours.- We don't know what our Ffwman.. ville neighbours will be like,'but we sure hate to leave the ones on the "Ridge", whose generous hospitality has alwavs been a by-word throughout Durham Countv. When Winnie and I were married, our neighbours prescnted us with a set of dishes, of which, only the gravy boat remains. The folks who contributed te that present have ail gone frorn these parts, but some of their children. now mniddle aged, helped organize the affair of Januarv 291h, which liappened ta b. the ninetv sex'cnth birthday anniver- sary of Mrs. George White. in whose house the 1920 presentation tank place, and wbo is nom, in Bowmanville hos- pitl. We particularly appreciated the Opsitnik familv comi ng along because not long1 ago, they lost their house and belongings bv f ire, but didn't let it stop them from helping to make our "going- awa" evening more pleasant by their presence. Thaî'F whatI've always liked about the "Manvers Irish," their Rbility to roll with the punch, ta look adver- sitv rigbt in the eye, and help the other fel ow. At one time, most of the citizens in this neck of the woods were of Irish origin, but nom, thev are a mixed lot - Dutch, Jewish, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Italian, and others of Anglo, and non- Irisb origins, but it makes no difference; if thev sta.V here five 'e'ars afler ar- rival, lhey become typical "Manverq Irish" - quick to snap, and snarl at each other, but just as quick ta give a help- ing hand xvhere necded. and just q qîîick to resent "otsiders" abusing one of their number. Wc're sure as heIl go- ing to miss 'Pm when we mov'e ta Bow- manville. th.,7 won't be there ta squab- bic wilh. Spice By Bill S-miley BAD? IT'S EVEN VERSE! There's no better indoor sport fhan ýver'sifying. And lhere's no better versi- fver around these da 'v- than George Bain. Fiad ouI for vouîself, Read Ibis book, "I've Been Around. . . Aind Around and Around and Aroutid and Bain is a aewspaper man with a livelY eve for the ridîculous, and he has been around. Washington, Ottawa and Londion came under bis guns, and he seldom misses when he lines up bis rhymes and fires a parody of aaything fram a folk sang ta a Gilbert and Sul- livan snalch. He's also a wicked man with a pua. T<î wit: a cbrtpter entitled "Flow To Cet Doxvn From A Duck, Eider Yau Know Or You Doa'l.'t In this chapler, he's talking about an eider-down vest pre- sealed ta a higb digaitary. Bain con- tinues. 4"No doubt, somewberc in the frozea North, Iheme is now a proud eider duck slruîting around with bis little bald chest stuck out, envy of ev- cmx' duck for miles araund." And he adds a ver-se, Said a cbap to the proud donor duck, "To what, do you credit your luck?" Said the duck, "Goodness krrows, But one nmust. 1 suppose, Assume that 1 showved lots of pluick." Jusî a sample from a rattiing gond book, a combination of rueful humour and satire witb an edge ta il, This business of wvriiing verses is fascinating ta somte people. Me, for one. Evcr 'v 50 oftn 1 gel the urge, and burst in rhymc that bias the readers of Ibis columa wincing, or running ta Ithe bath- room, gagging. Doa't worry, not Ibis w eek. But jusl bv sheer coincidence, 1 bave corne across some aId verses <not mine) Ibat coasolidate m ' opinion that the Enalisli languaile is about bbc most il lugical in tire woî'ld. 'l'lie following effort is dedicated ta English teachers and tire puai. baffled devils of foreign- crs wbo arc lrying ta Icarn the cî-azy tut f. l'lie w'inrl wann rorî-h And <'nid and hiloiîîgh. She kept ber hands wvithin her rnotgh. It chilied her through, lier nose grew blough And stili the squall the faster fIouIrKi, And yet, although There %vas no snough, The weather was a cruel foughý% (Pray do not scough); She coughed until ber hend bicih oîigh. What's thal? You want more? think youi're out of vaur mmid, but tbce's that nid folk saying, partieularly applicable these winter days: li's flot the cough IVot carrnes you off, It's the coffin Tbey carry you off in. Several of the v'er » dean limericks in the wamld also rcveal the odditv et the Englisb longsue. For instance. At fifty-five minutes past eight, The kids at a feverish reight Are seen rushing toward schonl, And you'Il (md, as a rhool, lt's hecause they're afraid they'll 1* leight. REAI ' Aw, camne on. You don't RAM want anothpr! WVeil, 1 just happen to have: A streelcar conductor once sRid To a car full of people, "My haid Ras such a bad ache That 1 fear it will brache, Oh, 1 wish 1 were home and in baid." Thcî-e von are. A brand new party gamer. Think of the fun you'Il have on these long winler evenings with things lîkr, A man on a picnie said, "Please Donni he cross if perchance 1 should snease; V've ohserved from niy youth That the horrible trouth Is it's caîused by the scent of the trea se. Gol the idea. Let's t-y making one up. It'il be lousy, but... A sailor, attempting tb ski, Ran bis head night into a tri. Although almost dead, He angrily scad, "It ain't near as soft as the si." There. That ought ta give you a fà lels îhs cL etters 070 C/ e dxi t 0r A Letter to Bill Smile-y 712 Rarîkiti Ave., Windsor, Ont., .Jan. 30), 1965. Droar Mi.Sily Our copv of the Boxvman- ville papet' usi arri'edti t- day My bcsband is formerlY frooî Box&'ran'ille, hence bis interest in the paper, My interesi xvas jutuac<asual un- tiI 1 first read yaur caluma. I just finished * saur article today. this bas prompted me to xxrite. Each xx'-îk as nit'hiusbancl antd 1 reati 'Sugar and iSpice" xvc jcst (aIl apart. Wc cantt gel the paper opened quick- lx eaougb ta sec what you haxe ta say, E-ach xx'ek 1 intetitet lbvou know how mnuch pkhascir( cour gondi, "Irait hiioiîr hriuicx us. Perbaps it's beoause the" things you write about are jtt ever * day occurrence,% in Our dail 'v ives and you make us see tbem for wbat th cx' are. There is a gret'a rival of laugbter in just ex'er * (l ay living if we would huai take lime ta sec it. 1 have been -utting outt yaur weekly inspirations and intenci ta make a scrapbook sarne day, You bave an ar- tic-le ta fit everY occasion, Wbcn I'm ialking ta some- une wbo ta feeling low I can usualix- refer ta one of your gerna, Ici thirn reaci it. andi il aixtaxs belps. Our- son is la bis second car of ieaching. Ife gels discouraget at lrnes 50 1 ulways make it a point ta forward your articletota im \vhen voit write of x'oîr triais and tribulations. I xxork ia Our localTV~ .tatinn. 1 ktnow ,wbat yorî mean when y'ou speak oi yoîr "fan mail," You get &II kinda. ddnn't Ynu. Even at tbat, there is a lot of humour ta that ton. Sa keep up the.'ýqnd work, ,Mr. Smiley. Thanki r male- ing Saturday a look fr'rward ta, ih nd<I break aur niecks ta see wha will gel the' paper first. This gets bherp first to. Siacerely your-s. Peail Rundie (Mrs. R. W.) Seafortb, Feh. 1, 196,5 Dear Sir: You wili finti oncloset # fw cheque for $4, being amouht, of subscription for 196.5. I arn stili enjOYinR read. iag the Statesman although it is 21 years; incf.. Y>eft Rowman ville. Wish;n" .r best. Fe"ed oungýman 's o/UOlum Still Master of the Tory Ship No Easy Way ta Redistribute r-- -t ~Ije ~tn4~Îtan ~t4te~m4fl to Ille é;ditol* and