The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hallý Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hod * gincourt, Mr. and Mrs. gins and son Chnis of London ~..Robinson were Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank White o dinner guests of Mrs. Cecil Trenton, Mr. Elmer Hogg an( ?mobinson. daughters Mary Ellen and Syl Y-Mr. Chas. V. Cooper held a via of Bailieboro, Miss Marg Get-tOge8ý and dinner for aret Syer of Vineland visitec bi azniWon Saturday even- Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. Robinson n tg in I.O.O.F. Hall, when Mrs. James L. Johnson spen 39 were present. Mn. and Mrs,. last week with ber son, Mr Chas. V . Walker, Nancy, Brian Ji ohnson and childrer \and Bruce of Barrie were Sat- Peterborough, when Mrs. Jiri urday overnight guests of Mn. Johnson was a patient in th( ýCooper. Civic Hospital. Mrs. John Cox of Bowmnan- Bonnie Taylor of Bramptor ville has spent the past two is spending this week with hei weeks with Mn. and Mrs. Reg grandparents, Mn. and Mrs Sutton. Marshall Chatterton. Miss Evelyn Harris of Tor- Congratulations to Mr. anc onto spent the weekend with Mrs. E. G. Hay, the formei her parents, Mr. and Mns. Law- Jean Logan who are celebratý rence Harris. ing their Silver Wedding thi! Mrs. Basil E. Long is wean- week. ing a cast on her right wrist Mns. Aleay J. CochranE due to a fall on the icy streets Boyd, wife of Mn. J. Whitne3 last Friday. Eoyd of Kirby, passed awa: DAILY BARGAINS lja31 l Sportswea r 57 King St. W. Bowmanville SEE OUR WINDOW FOR DAILY ,SPECIALS ALI CLEARING AT ONE SALE PRICE --,aturday, r eoruary inn at the Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville in hen 7lst yean. Funeral service at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville on Tues- day. Interment Lang Vault, Orono Cemetery. 'Mn. and Mns. Geo. Greer of Oshawa, Mr. Elford Cox of ýWilîowdale, Mr. and Mrs. ýWaîter Woolley, Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Lobb of Bowmanville, Mrs. Milton Gray, Mrs. Grace May, Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray and son David of Cad- mus, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Sutton last week. Mn. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan, Mn. and Mrs. Francis Cowan, Mn. and Mns. Launence Sher- :win, Mn. and Mrs. Beverly 'Cowan, were in Willowdale Monday evening and again or Tuesday aftennoon ta attenc 'the funeral of their cousin, the late Miss Brenda Louise Rice, 'age 21, who was killed in a car accident on Saturday at .Highway 7 and Dufferin St. Miss Marilyn Major, Tele* The important*C namne to look for when buying GINGER ALE 'You can tell by the taste it's WILSON'S" 64-1 " Terms Up tb 10 vears " No hidden charges " No bonuses aNo brokerage fees cAIor paLrt can be prepaid at any ime without notice or penalty For a FREE brochure on SUPER/OR mortgages, write, phone or visit the SUPER/OR office nearest you THE REALTY DIVISION OF SUPERIOR CREDIT CORPORATION LTD. 17 Simcoe St. OSHAWA 725-6541 Oslty 10 5:30 p.m.; Frday to 800 p.m.; Other evenngs by appointment. 31 SU P ERIOR offices to, serve you Receive Chamber of Com merce Citations of Menit NESTLETON ~h aainSaemn omrvUFb 0 Mr. and Mrs. . 'ack Booth cock who is confined to bed W. G. Bowles who is improv. and Paul of Sca.-boro were this week. ing in Port Perry Hospital weekend visitors with Mr. and Richard Bowles of Kirkland Mr. and Mrs. Doug Sleep and Mrs. owardLee.Lake made a flying trip on familyv'xsited fi n Bar- Miss Karen Rodman of Lit- the weekend to visit his father rie on Stund,!. )f ie Britain has been staying- ýd Iwith her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. John Cathcart d ~and family have sold the 7Aý SOMETIMES WE REFUSE I. Bar-B-Q and moved on Satur- t day to Kendal, Ontario. To MAKE A SALE r. Mr. and Mrs. James Hedge, 1 Oshawa, were Sundav dinner There are some medicines we cannot legally -nguests of Mr. and Mrs. Don- seli without a prescription,.lie %%iIl protéet e ald Thompson. your health by obeying the latv. 0f course, -we Mr. and Mrs. Perce Hul- A wjil al your physician for you, if you wish n bert, Toronto, spent the week- to get his permission. lend in the village. S.Mn. and Mrs. Clarke Wil- There are other produets wie carry that we lîams and Manvin Nesbitt visit- wilI flot seil to children or teen-agers or even ed Mrs. Dave McMullen and aduits if w~e think thcy might bc harnifully M.EerNsitiOsaaW uscd. It is a pharmacist's duty to protect you. Hospital on Sunday. A W'e are personally interested and your health Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freer is more important than any Immediate profit. is 'have retunned home from Tor- onto. Mrs. Freer spent several l e days in Wellesley Hospital for y; observation. Friends trust al - VOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE l'SS wthen sou the ailing in the community need a medicine. Pick up your prescription If isoon are on the mend.* shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptis Mr. Lloyd Williams and Mrs. without extra charge. A great many people en- IEdwin Wood of Bowmanville, trust us with their prescriptions. M1ay w~e coin- 1. vere Saturday evening giiestsý pound yours? One of the highlights of the Bowmanville Cham- and Rubber Company, Retiring President W. B. Syer, of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Xil-, ber of Commerce annual meeting last Wednesday wvas presenting an award to Mrs. Walter Frank of Frank's ýliams and Miss Eva Williams.:'9 Sthe presentation of several Citations of Menit to busi- Real Estate, Everett King standing in for Harold B.: Mn. and Mrs. Grant Thomp-i ,f'ness firms who had improved their property with McGee of Specialty Paper Produets Limited, and Dr. son visited Mrs. James Nav- POE62-.6 l oi- Pefferlaw, Mr. and Mrs.,APOE6336 .auuitions, major renovations, etc. Those present to re- John Hendry, representing McQueen Motors. Others Russel Francis, BeavertonU U U ',lceive awards were, f rom left to right, Ralph Whyte of who received citations but were not present when thelstayed ovcrnight with Mr. and BI I , I ,'Whyte Bros. Upholstering, Manager R. G. Gropp of photo was taken, include the Royal Theatre, Locke's Mns. Clifford Brethour. Sun-' *' vithe Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Manager T.V., Jackson's Drug Store, Harry Lee's Laundry, L. dherlande to ea enukse2KIGSfog.OW AVIL -!Leo Huhta of the new Reclaimplantof Goodyear Tire and L. Tools hle Catesa llagie tuckwas- 2PRNG S. IPTE. BOEWMANIL if tioguish a f ire in George Heas- -PRSRTIN HMSS ;t ~K. Cam.pbell................. 167 lip's truck. Woococ.........16.5 Friends are wishing a speedy ,Last Years Jr. Chamnpions Wih...........161 recovery to Mrn.ler F. Land.....--............ 158 e im ned bN i h i B. Beers...................... 154 ,,Eiim in ted by N chois iC. Sarginson ...............154 e M . F irt . .... ................ 150! BilI's Edge M cQueen's 4-3 ' A Bns - _.............----145 Wn. el.................. 142 by Jim Clarke Veich was especiallv bnîlliant elected once again to go with The Junior Mcn'sLea.,ue in the final period, when Me- Bob Kemp in the nets and îsed, 200 Games hkeyshedule whirled to a Qucen's held a 16-Il edge. regular goalie, Grant Wright' J. Seae 267, 214, D. Mut-1 thnllng finish, last SundayïVeitch stopped Bob McManus up front. The move paid off,' ton 260, 223, M. Hodgson 241, night. After the smoke of bat-'on a breakaway, Paul Mutton as Grant rapped in the win- M. Firth 240, F. Allen 239,B'J l i1 tle had lifted, last ycar's three times and Larry Pacquet ning manker at 10 minutes of Wilbur 230, E. Mitchell9 Champions, Local 189, found Cunt Vanstone in the b cers' the third pcriod. 2107 themselves eliminated. cage plavcd weil an~d had no' Both clubs had difficulty 27 1. Wright 207, 200,S. Coombes 207, B. Milîs 206, K. In the ope ncrB il s B iliards chance on the foui that beat' getting u ntracked and penal-i Cambl20520.11 ended in second spot. edging him. Bob Hellam, with bis two.ties kept the pace slowcd. for mpe120,01 MeQueens Ramblers, 4-3. goals, sparked the Billiard',most of the match. OfficiaIs, League - leading Nichais' Mo- squad, with Rae Pickell, Phil Joe Kennett and Bud Perfectý tors, ended Local 189s playoff!Bnagg and Ron Baker, turn- tagged Local 189 with seven of, hopes, dropping them 2-1. Iting in strong efforts. McQueensthe eight penalties called. The, left Local 189 and McQueen's1 most dangerous unit was a line leaguc's Bad Man, Jim Coylc tied for the last playoff posi- composed of McManus, Mutton picked up 16 minutes for the tion. McQueen's, however, and Pacquet. Bob Nemis, with losers. including a 10 minute' with a better goals for and Bob Clarke, turning in a spirit-'Brian Bradley ot 189, also re-, against average. ed effort. ceived 10 minute misconducts.1 The opening game was a toss Pnior to the second game. Nichols' Murray Brown cap- up aIl the way. McQueen's: Steve Burns took a crack at tured the League's scoringi îbattled back fnom a 2-0 defi- the Score-O pnize. With $27.50 crown, despite ending in aý cit, taking a 3-2 lead, midway up for gnabs, the usual dead-'deadlock, with teammate Dave thnough the third. Bills' Howie eye Steve missed, jacking this Werry. Both boys finished the Edmundson tied it at 13:50 and 'Sunday night's amount up to season, with 11 goals and 1Il Bob Hellam scored the wiii- $3000 assists for 22 points. After a' ner at 18:31. McQueen's Larry' Sunday's second game was decision by the League's ex-, Paquet was off for tnipping, a colorless, scrambly affair, ecutives, Murray was award-' when Hellam hanged in Phil with Nichols' managing a 2-Iled the titie, because of fewerý, Bnagg's goalmouth pass. It win over Local 189. Local 189,ý minutes in penalties. was Bob's second goal of the'nedn it aeapay-, Nichols', now await the wio-' game. The Ramblens threw s1ioff berth, took a 1-0 lead, but!ner of the Bills' - McQueen's! attackers out for the final min- couldn't hold Nichols' off. Geneisemi-final, which begins thisl ute, but Bill's hung on for thelBalson, teamed with Jim'Sunday. Gaine time this Sun-ý win. 'Coyle to give the 189 club the',day night is 8:30. The semi-j Rae Pickell's seventh goal at lead at five minutes of the final is the best two of three 8:25 of the first, gave Bills a second. Scott Essery finallylaffain. In four meetings this: 1-0 lead. Bob Hellam's first beat Pat Murphy at 18:15 oflyear, each club bas won two goal, at 4:30 of the second,:the period, on a pass from'games, sa it promises to he gave the Billiards a 2-0 lead. Murray Brown. !an interesting semi - final McQueen's finally got untrack- Nichols' coach John Osborne round. ed, with Bob Nemis making it 2-1, at 11:15. Bob McManus'! (FINAL STANDINGS) sho frm bhind the net, car-! omed off Ken Veitch's skate, G;P W L TRIT(AEts tieing the score 2-2, at 14:45. ihl'Mtr13 9 2 2 5 31 0 PROAL SE CTDT B E Nemis slapped in Harold Nihos'Moor 13 9 2 59 31 20 I"E R O NL L Weckworth's goalmouthpasBisBiiad13 5 6 2 4 53 1 TableRite Skinless Sliced Nutritions and Economical A A ASFNS McQueen's took a .1-2 lead. 1 Local 189 13 5 a O 37 49 10( k.a unals'were os t orinthe N.B. (McQueeni's awanded final playoff position oven 189, SAUSAGES ": 45c PORK LIVER lb 29c BLUJE BRAND BEEF theswinergs3-3 gaibuthKen gis vrgwt ak_________________________ _Q AIY RDO hard-earned victony. Bils, because of a betten goals, for and against average.) Fraservale frozen drew five of the seven penal- Nichols' Grant Wight and Bob Kemp win Best Goals tics called. McQueen's outshot, gis vrgwhamr f23.IGA Fancy 28O. FIH & C ý Take Two Straight r w 24 oz. pkg. 55C rel fetv Fe .1.if l, 12,13. strcjwberry flhubarb Hospitality 2-pieqs. ci 6 Town 'N Country pkq. of 12 Chocolate Chip 1-1b. pkq. York il oz. pkq. York 13 oz. pkq. phone operalor is weaning a knée cast due Io a faîl. iMr. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp ofTynone, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson of Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hlodgson and sons of Bowmanville, visited Mrs. D. iG. Hoaper. !The Sacrament of Fl-olp Bap- tisin will be adn'inistcred ncxt Sunday at Orono United Church during the 11:15 a.m. hour of wonship. The Bowmanville Midgets Simpson adding singles. moved a step funther along WhitbY's Reeson scored the the playoff trail, ousting Whit- only goal of the first peniod. by 6-4, on Satunday night, in1 Simpson tied it for Bowman- Bowmanville.I ville at 3:53 of the second, The victory gave the locals Homcniuk and Oyler drawing a two-game sweep in their assists. Wbitby took a 2-1 group semi-finals. lcad at 9:10 when Joncs scored Bowmanvillc, trailing 32 bu t Peters moade things evený outscored the visitons 4-1 dur-lonce marc, at 13:00. MacRae ing the final 20 minutes. of th e visitons put Whitby in Johnny Oylen and Bian Peters1 front again, at 16:35 of the scored txice for the w inners,isecond pcniod. with George Leaven and Ron The final 20 minutes was al Bowmanville, with George Leaver, Bnian Peters and Johnny Oyler twice, breaking' the game wide open. Honak scored for Whitby at 10:15, for> * - the final goal of the game. t Whitby drew six of the nine penalties called by the officials. * .'~--Bowmanvilîe will now IC t inals. The first game in the -y best of five senies was playcd y IS 10 Bowmanville Tuesday of gif t!- ihis week. The second game is i Pot Prryat 3 p.m. this ' '4,. Saturday afternoon. The next ~ 1$ home game will he here, next Tuesday night, at 8 p.m. .1~ "Night-hawks" Team Standing M. Hodgson .............. 111 S. Coombes................. 12 \\ ~J. Shearer ..................ll11 MI. Sedman................. 8 ào ýNç1.B. Wilbur .... .. 8 J. Woodloek ... .- 7 High Triple- D. Mutton 666 High Single J. Shearer 267 Averages NI. Sedmnan . ........... 194 F. Allen .........-............ 186 J. Sheaner .................. 184 D. Mutton ................... 18 2 B. Wilbur ................181 M. Hodgson................. 178 J. Lunn .................... 177 S. Coombes.................. 172 E. Mitchell -................. 172 B. muis ,..................... 169 KclIogg's CORN FLAKES Black Diamond white or coloured 4% %Àemre SAVE THESE GIFTS OR 8-07. A~ e E ut HSIAIYPIE DEMPSTER ROLLS E EXTRA TAPES FOR FREE WALKERS COOKIES tEATON MERCHANDISE BLANCHED PEANUTS CERTIFICATES SPANISH PEANUTS Receive extra $10.00 tape Receive extra $2.00 tape Nescofe 20c off Instant Coffee Johnf;ons liquid Ilc off Klear Wax Tulip Coloured SLMARGARINE 32o. Fraservaie frozen sie RASPBERRIES Receive extra $6.00 tape Tender Leaf TEA BAGS pkq et 60 Foi, 40c off DETERGENT Produce of Mexico TOMATOES Tobleflule Sf îc.d Bîndii .i: SIDE BACON 14-o,. tube 12-1b. pkq. "First of the Season" direct from Sunny Israel" ORANGES sîze 69 dC CELLO SPINACH 2 'ig 3 9c Produce of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 grade California CELERY si., 29c Canada No. 1 grade COOKING ONIONS 3b-lbg. 25c Bowmanville IGA Foodiluner - BOWMANVILLE ,--j 'Midgets Oust Whitby 6-4' From League Playdowns -- --------- a