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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1965, p. 6

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Tb CndlnSbtesman ownanvMle, Feh. Io, I1so5metingand Initaton#enrat ig U.C.W.'s;.Cet r ?M1omn Jermnigs ea Recreation Director o rr u éUVl PBx97 the milion muiles an1d dk- Dear Editor, minte the whole Latin- Inthe tiret lettes- 1 en- Presents Wîn fer Report Amra cse BBil aordt hwthat Azurian cot.Amei o telda'ud iow t Thefoloin Wntr ro- dY evening. January 4th, with alibre of the skaters and world. W. ae world citizens Vebl inspiration ci the ram Report was submitted by 0 registered. A fourteen week make the o easier for the and canflot be indiferent t a sripture. In the second, T. A. Fannîng. Director nt ReP-course was set up for studcnts instructor. They Win wind uP the problenu of otherr," aaid God's cregtion of the worlds reation for Bowmanville, to'trying for the Red Cross andithe season with their annual Mrs. Jennings. and «Il Uiat is In thenm. Ibis Town Cowidil recentiy. 'Royal Life awards. ;Figure Skating Carnivai l onr.thr oudJr t on "Th r gu ar ad it acîv ti s Th C or So i t xc A rl nd V incent Jackson, Mir . A dd . m ent on our stand on the tire progressing Weil, and therellonger a part o! the 'Rtcrea. !Publlcity and Public Relations son cot and Ms-s. Helrb. mliracles. is littie absentecism. Classesition programme. The commit-i "The Reereation activities Coppins. Sonie of the points The new United Church were ciosed during the holiday tee feit that there were lotare covered mn the Canadian discujased were over popula. Curriculum dots away with season but were re-started inlenough peopie in Bowman ville 1Statesrnan Oshawa Times, and tion, inflation and hunger, the stjpern.atura! of thtel- Jantiary. ýinvolved in this ciass to com.Ion radio station CKLB. Prog- tht extreines of great weilth ble. Tieedildren ofIslrael "The Drama Wrrkshop hadpensate meney spent on thisiranime reports are sent te Rec- and abject poverty, The were gathered togetiier in two sessions on stage make-lactivity. Majonity of the merm- reation Committee members, wealth là, held by fîve per y'Pt, and fallowed Moses to upuder the direction of Mr.10ers were from Oshawa andiTown Council, school princi- cent o! the people, hunger the Red Sea, and through on Robinson, who teaches drama lother out of town places. 1pals, service clubs, and other dots net nieke for agressive- dry land, Ex. 19: 21, and at artHoueTornto Tese "AI i ai th ault prg-groups in the community, and nem. Hall the population is Moie trethed out his two sessions were on January ramme is filling the needs cf give stme idea as to the job illitem-te and education coSts band over the se&, and the '7th and 141h ai eight p.m. îiathe people who are interesteditthe Department cf Recreation ryijc<.j lure is a grMet deai Lord caused the sea to go the Lions Centre. in making good use of their is trying to do. The residents cf politica.i unirest. 'rhere as-e bsck b a strong east wind "The Senior Citizens held'ieisure time," Mr. Fanning's of Bowmanville and the sur- nune Mi bssions in Brazil ai ht n.ight, and made tic their annual Christmas partyirePflrt etated. rounding districts can help us and in recent years the Meth- uta dry land and tlhe waters at the Lions Centre on De-I "St. Johns Ambulance, after in filling the nceds cf the odist Church and United were divdded and Ithe child- cember 8th, and wcre hostedcompIeting an eight week leisure time and activities Churches have joined forces i-en of Israel went into the by Club 15, 1I was unable tolcourse finished on Decemnber where this is required. in their missinary work. niidst of the sea upon dry attend thîs party due to an- 141h after a test and written'ý The breakdown for. registra- cnoctso r.Jnig rund. other commient. the Mem-, exa*mination, There were 321tien for recreation is as foI- saIn Bonclsop roblenis a gr But the U.C.C. stales in onia Pak Asocatin Cris-' egmterd ad 2 cepieed ows: "Adults' Activities -1 our problenis - each can learfi Junior Teachers Guide, p. mias party. the course. Out ni the 23 whe Aquarium Society 38, Conver- jfs-ouithe other. Do we really 14. "Frei n e point of view "Th AdîtSwimîn cass vrote the test al qualifiedfo sational French 18, Fîrst Ai, ad bu u hsc n the escape froni Egypt was escodutd atmthe Boy s rinSt. ohns ambulance awards. 72, Senior Citizens 129, Men's voîre abnt oBrzilis naion ail quite natural. The peo- ing School finished the teniThe presentation ffight for St. IBasketball 39, Square Danc- *l sae hruhmrh week course on December 14th. John awards was held at the 1ig50, Movie Club 40, Draina1 in starcli of it's seul. Witpeecpdtruhmrb îng an ht drisianchurh d toland. Egyptien charlots and 'There were 72 enrolled in this Lions Centre on Tuesday, Jan- Workshop 24, and Choral Sie he Brta n il?" d soldiers ini heavy armour course uary 26th, at 7:00 ciety 25. Total 468. lul rai? ad bogged down, but the The last nght of the course Children and Teens Activities' Children's Activilies - Arts Mrs. T. J. Jackson had story was told and se-ld was devoted 10 the Red Crossý "The registrations in the and Crafts 25, Basketball 30 i charge of the study book for rnany gene-ations Tests, which were given by anlchilds-n's and teens' activilies 'Bowling 138, Girls Gym 56,siness DfGrdsckory fo apps-ovcd Examiner froni theihave increased since my re-IBat.en 62, Tap 19, Figure Skat-ý Hiniself ". "God speaks in B sns ieir Canadian Red Cross. port of November 141h. Theiing 120, Teens' Badminton 25,niany ways and we can cnly _____________ "Thiteenmembrs o themain increase was in the Girls Teens' Dne16 oc ot nwM hog at.H swimin clss erereom-Gyr Clss.Howve, afewbal 64 GilsHockey 45. Boysý reveals Hiniseif iu many c o n a y niended by the examiner for more have joined Basketball, Hockey: Atoni 136, Pee Weeý ways, and speaks by His___ the tests and thcy ail passed .craft class, and a few of the 1121, Bantani 107, Midgets 92,1 Spirit wliich comes touis by RYLD[LIý- Seven in the Beginners, two;'other classes. Juveniles 42. Total 494. Theidiverse routes and through~ Chartered Accountant in the Juniors, ont in the In-' "The Basketball league foritotal number of children reg-; vas-led means, the sense of Hs9 hrhSre tes-mediates and thrcc jin thet boys 1l le 15 is proving popu-i istered for activîties is 1.194.1 presence in the natus-al wos-ld, 623-3861 Seniors. In the Lcarn to Swimlar, and no doubt wiIl bel "Highlights of tht progs-am Uclveo om n-prns MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS group, which consisted of stronger next season. We haveIare (a) Children's Activities, tht tradition of rs-eligious & CO. twenly, now are al able 10 a good start here. jbeys 799, girls 395, a total of! faith and wosship, tlhrough Chartes-ed Accountants swim. W. W. Bagneli was The girls involved nf tht1',l94. (b) In some cases there'moral decîsion, through spirit- Oshawa Shopping Centre pleased to report a record 100 gym class secm tb be enjovingýnîay be a few boys and girlsý ually minded people; àbove 7872 per cent on the swimminglit and they will finish off theiriregistes-ed in more than oZ ail, by Jesus Christ and the 728752 tests. To me this is very grati. course with a gymn display inlactivitY. (c) In a final winter Bible, the wor of God: be- LEONARD JAMES BROOKS fyîng 10 know that the swim-1March. reoIwl bekdw h cause it is the book in w hatte Acontn Iaing staff is doing an excel.' "The Boys Hockey league i number o! beys and girls i-cg- GOd rpeaks for Hiruseif."1 Trustee in Bankruptcy a lent job. prgesigvriwl.T terd n more than ont adti- During the lunch heur, tihe Suite 205W 725-99531 "A tentweekcouse oressng et a c e prisrviy.<Threae 1,68 members joincd in a discus- OshawaShopping Centre I »duits got undcr way at theýand reterces seenis t ettauî n hlrn town sonn te thychptr. j WM J. H. COGGINS 9 Mon ~nwerte nubero! rob egistered, aise 394 outside of Lunch wa's served by Ms. Chartcred Accountant Traiing choo poo on lemis that eccurred last year. town for a grand total cf 1,-IHarold Sandes-son, Mrs. Roeeon los Ther s e poblni ith662, participating lu oui- mcli-, Davidson, Mm-. Herb. Coppiný New Libs-ary Building e ipm no aswe haema boy vities. and Mirs. liarrsy Ryley. Cor, King & Tempes-ance S Là. oer rome n spwectin.v elhtakaon bniooy t.Pu' Vsr MeigPhone 623-3612 who looks afler equipment and' "In closing, 1 would like to Yt.LE, FRIEDLANDeetin - ~ ,Bud Perfect and Jet Kenuett Clerk Jack Reid, tht Recrea- Tta.ulVsr etn & COMPANY are doing an excellent job o! lion Commillet members, ser- !S.Pu nlcnCu-n Chartered Accountants ilsupervisîng on tht okyve groups, school principals,lwas held in tht Parish Hall Lleensed Trustees g hock~~tey asena board and other' on Menday nigilt, ohaired by nakrpy Tht Hockey CIinIc for their co-operation' e. eiaInos.l his 64 King St. E. 728-7371 i drin tt Crisma wek as1toward Programmes during Incumbent's report Rev. RseOswaOtai hrsma ee statedi that ail tht churcie.s in - - *very successful in many ways. j _1964 . tic Parish had discha.rged WILSON & BURROWS "A 20 weeîc Dramatic CourWe theis - francial sespc-'- "'ti Chartered Accuntants for children 10 years of age B T'N completely including the full 114 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. and up bas been launched. I ET Yappostionnents. Tht forth- astuess: * takes place lu the Lions Centre c'oming union cf the Ladies' Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. on Saturday afternoons from U.C.W. Meeting Guild and tht Woznan's Aux- . Edmond BurrwCA. twoo'lok t fur Itstrtdýiliary was explaiued. Speciai Phone 728-7554 toocktfour. Il started ýTht United Ohurch Womien services had included a con- Now W haàt? " *The Baons ad a group held their meeting for th"i fis-mtion service, joint cr- C h ir o p, r a c c euJa uar Tapmiinth ini the Sunday Sciooi vices w iui the U iteýd ChS-c held terChristmas Recitl ________ - on Wednesday evening, Dec- hall on Monday night with on Gond Fridey and a Cas-el G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. jf yoWre imnrcd ith the Hart* me 6ha teTw alMs-s. Carl Porteous presiding. service at Christmias, a joint Chiropractor ,ord thongh this AgeScy you Parents were invited. Their re Tt rsip srvc isludy group d'uring Loent.A Office: lave pienty offr nTear citai gave the parents some hymns, prayers, scriptus-e les- Eâcumenical Sunday er v i4 15 Elgin St., 'cor. of Horsey St., ida ifwhl hee hidrnsou and coniments was con- for both cduurdhes as an- Phone 623-5509 24,0Oe Hartford agets coast-tou ihaeobeen augteduring tht ducted b'> Mrs. Harold White noLlnced for early in tht Offic Hurs: By appointment xat, and over 200 cLalns office& 1 fuist haif of tht seasen. Miss and Ms-. Harry Ryley. Tht SPrin.,g. Improvenients în- ,The Hartford agent yen, oel in îFHarvey and Mrs. Fowler are offerin.g was received by Ms-s. cluded tic laying cf fleor tilt e Lime of uecd will give yen the fo be congsatulated on tht per-- Earl Weatherilt. Ms-s. Ross lu tht kildien and dining- - - esaie gqualty seic 'mwou d for-mance o! tht chîlds-en in- Davidsou gave the, fiiiatcial roon aIt the Rectory aud work DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Iprovide under the sani cism volved. report including mention O! doenu Trinity and St. Mary's. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville iful "The Girls Hockey League the purchase o! ten new hym- Mr-. Rose than.ked the officers Office Heurs: istances So rela.x *..Vllli u nder tht direction of Ms-s. narîts. Ms-s. Grordon Chase «f thte<hurch andi organiza- 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily Ilatfodlmgnc. oanSimsonisfilinga nedread tht minutes andi cors-es- tions and ail mnembers of tht Closeti Saturday andi Sunday hcre for girls who enjoy thsi nec it ak soPars-h for their continued Office Phone - 623-5790 type cf sport. Tht two teams the family of the laie Ms- support andi co-eperation. Res. Plie Newcastle 987-4261 will take pas-lin Miner Hockeyý Ethel Hannah for floral tri- BruceS------ - - -l re nîght lu Mardi, bute; fromý Sophia Pariskeu, BrcSmt'fnaiar-DRC.F AT NDD. "O ymn ist otetht gsoup'sfoster ohilt in port showed an lu Office lAeate check tht FigurelGreece, and Inl this conuection tihe total cffierings. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Skating classesI founti ourl was agi-ced le senti a bis-li- EniorY Smi'th was appoint- Office Heurs : STUART IR'Young "Barbas-a Ann Scotts"1, day guift t Sophia. Plans wes-e eti as Réoctor's Wardcn anti Dr. 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily ! uiyengaged in vas-lots fun-i made to hoiti a Spring Tea, R. M. Bulles- as Peopie's War- Cleseti Saturday and Sunday damentals of this skilful as-tIBake Sale anti Bazaar in May. tien. Telephone: Office 623-5459 JA EStauglit by the group protes-Mus.T. ernings was appoint- Other appointnients inolud- DR. E. W. SiSSONi sioal rs.Babasa eAn 1M-drs -represenlative on tht cd tisaI o! Bruce Smiith as L.D.S., D.D.S. Insurance - Reail state !Donald. President Ait Samelis Manse Boardt. It was agreeti sexton: Levi MeGili, chais-man Office iu his home and his execulive have dont i te pay for tuning o! tht Sun- of Sidesmen, Ms-s. Douglas 100 Liberty St. N, Bowmnan ville King st. E. Bowma.nvllle jan excellent job in osgaizingiday School piano. Announce- Sintît, lay member to Sy'nod, Phone 623-5604 anti supervisiug this gs-eup atlment was matie that Ms-s. with Mrs. Hectos- Moston as Office Heurs:. Office Residence ; the asena. Tht idea of isavingl Olive Richar-dson, Presideut alternate, Mus. Noei Wood- 9 S.M. te 6 p.m. daily 123-581 63-549 thtJunios onont ngltAnde h a fQiteCne-vsr-l2sk r.DulsCosdW dedy-S n a en by Ms-s.n bY N ood -and St. W.-Bowmauv.ille Wod Pon os: Ofice 623-5688 V Ms-s. Douglas Smelt, noting a Bts. 623-5553 G RADE "A " L RGE kqq.,.~qijj successful vear. Robert Sis-B., son gave the report o! tht 'E. RICHARD LOVEKIi; Carl Snùlh gave an account Barristes- - Solicitor- o! the Ladies' Guild activities- King St. W. Newcastle fer tht pas-t ytar. Levi 1%k Phone 987-4633 F .R E S H -E O S llntreo enting ort aish NOtant:s95:30 - e,S 91 -alcommittee showed a bal- STRIKE and STRIKE "nce on hanti. ast year a Barristes-s, Solicitors O N LY eture comened the NB.A.. Plie WoHgru f the United Chus-ch. Ewr .Wlmn succeafth l*sarangfement. 40 King St. W..- Bowmanville' 0 CO PON Mr&s.- Rose, 1leader cftht Telephone f23-5791 i Brownies, gave an account o!f t1mir happy year and note s-oves-ai new memberu. Morgages REGULAR PRICE - 43c pr dozen Mm-. Ernest Lamb and Noei SADIM HAMTLTON - ORONO PeWood wil be menbr fthes- Phono 1 s- 16 W. handie onlY eggs fromn Orchland Farme, Produced under the mout Great Ohaiiter. i Firat Mortgage Funds santay ad ffiiet cndtios.On motion of Chasles Pal- Residence - Farina saniary m d ffi ient con iti ns.mer, secondeti by Mrs. D eug- Business Propes-tica SUSE VOUR COUPON LEFT BY DELIVERY SALESMAN to the Aviwr Board ta in. Opia neir vetgate the cotof anew il O>jj Jtry furnace and installation, aise KEITHf A. DILLETW, O1, te explore ways of raiging Optomnetîti , fuds for this project; the s-e- 143 Km igSt E. - Bowrnanvilleî GLEN RAE DAIRY VTtledTciteo6233252Fst KI G T. W.PHONêE 623-5444 ered to Mr. and N s. R ont fer 9 a.m. to 5 -M their fellowghip and itdr-' Thu.rsday evenlngsp duD &UIM t.» »" 314u- Wedmd Ut.m a - - *rOtW many tellings thi wonder of it grew.", God speaks through pea Pi rn H. Morgan, In. termnediate Teachers Guide P. 62, the water was r«113~ quite shallovw, and Mosej nierely needed to get thi PeoPle started wadlnd acrosa." Thec United Church ham PrSnioted a lie. and denied GOd his Place of honor anc power and lias exalted inake light of or deny the il oor, Moses' burning bush, number of lsreelites thai went from Egypt ta the Pro- mised Land, from. 600,00f men, beslides wonien and children (Ex. 12: 37), ta "6,000 oft themn". (G cd speaks through people, p. 38). In thie New Testamient, the first miracle is tihe virgin birth of Christ. This is of Prime importance, Christ was either born of a virgin and conceived by the H-o]y Spirit, Matt. 1: 20 and 23, to be Grod mnanifest in flesh, or he was just another boy borrn with a sinful nature. And if he was, he could flot becorne our Saviour. The U.C.ç. God Speakg througli Peopde: ,Jesus was born in Palestine at a tirne when the Romans ruled that country and most of the ancient world. . . this car- penter% son from the vil- lage of Nazareth (p.p. ý5. 6) there is notihing mentioned Of the virgin birt-h here. The Migîhty Act of God, John B. Hardie (P. 167) sayà "The historical factg inay be briefly stated like this: Jesus 'vas born ir, -Bethlehem to an artisan family belonging to, Nazar- eth." The virgin birth is deliberately omitted. Whait about the physical resurrectiýon of Jesus? It is recorded in Lk. 24- 39, Be- ,tl m y hand and feet that iti I ny.self; handie me, and see; for a spirit bath flot flesh and bories, as ye sce me have. The new u..Cc. Kinder- garten Teachers Guide (P. nO) Al ie stories 0f the I Tht aunual cougregational Phono 623-3303 e resurrection appeara n c e 1convey tht iiprssion Je.suL disiples becarne awa se tisa ho was with t.hemn stili." Tises-t is ne resurs-octici Tise Junior Bock '-ThE hMytery of the Rock" - -Or the shoretoettteseof e!Gali. Ice where tàity had finst mel hilm, tht fishermen discipleý beCame awas-tetofbis ps-es et among theni. <p. 190)" Let us take a look ait Jehn 21: v. 3, tbey (disciples go fishing), v. 4, Jesus slooc on the shore but tht di.s, ciples knew net thaI il wu~ Jes'us, v. 5, Jesus said... Chiltiren bave ye any meat? -.No. v. 6, cas-I net on the sight imd. . unabIle to draw multitude o! fis-bts; v. 7. il is tise Lord: v. 9, fis-e . . fis.h ..breadi v. 10, hsiug fis-b: v. 11, ds-ew lie net to landi full of gi-tait fis-bts. 153, V. 12, Jesus s-aid unto thein corne anti dine . , . knowiug it was lise Lord; v. 13, Jesus taketi bs-tati and finis: v. 14, tbi.s is lise third timethlaI Jesus sistwed hiniseit. Readers, as-t you wîllîng to believe Goti's Word? If you are, you cannot believe thhe new Unitedi Chus-c Sunday Scisool Curriculum. I Cor. 15: 3, Christ dieti for our sins acces-ding te tht scriplure; v. 4, andti ta Ht was burieti, anti that Ht r'ose again Uthestidday. Acces-ding -to tht s'criptus-e, v. 5. andti lat He was seen ,0f CePthas (Peter), lisen et thet twelve; attes- tiat Ht was s-cen cf about 500 bretibren aI once. This is tht Gospel, be- lieveandyou shahl be saveti. Yoiîrs ts-uly, George A. Meeks. (Intended for asat 'veek) Wc extenti eus-sincere syni- pathy te Ms-. Fred Cox, Ms-.; anti Ms-s. Ross Gay' antiMs-. anti Ms-s. Laus-it Buckley in tise sutiden passing et Ms-s.ý Cox. Ms-. antiMs-s. cx liveti inKendal for a few yens-s. gave S4e! 30e Off Pack 10-ox jar- Instant Coffet N4ESCAFE $1*45 Save 318c! Wlth Park 15-at. Tins In Tomate Sauce 'York Beans 7. 99,c Save 20r! 3-l. PkS. Instant Powvered Carnation $1.09 CORN RELISH 33C Westan or Sun beani Reg. Dec ta. BananaBarCake45c 'uit [lavored No. 1 Ige, stalk Milti green large bunehes Pascal Arizona hELERY ea. 25c ONIONS 3for25c Fesh sud Tender No. 1 Waxed No. 1 BROCOLLI 33c TURNIPS lb. 6c 070 JL Eclitor Cet Cash Today For GM Appliances dJiu [dm e] -& h through STATESM AN 16 TEMPERANCE STr. C LA SSIFP1E DS f-jp]b IÉ c 1 SEE HOW YOD SAVE al RED & WHITE M 1< gu nu ns c 's BEST BUY! Save 17e! White or Coloureti DELSEY TISSUES 8 rous99( BEST BUY! Save 12c! Save 13c! Macaroni & ('beese HEINZ TOMATO Kraft Dinners 3 pkgs 35c SOUPFrozen Foos! Save 6c! Haddock 24-os, Pkg. HIGHO.NER FISH & CHIPS ..59C F I SUPREME FANCY 2-lb. cconomy bag Tin* '6 c GREEN PEAS....... 49e l'gr. Pm or4 %-oz. Pk 3GS4 9 15-oz. TL 6R'99 15-oz. TIi Ecouomy 400 M i "I f. r? T BUY! Save 7c! Centenlal Oiter Quick or Instant IUAKER OT INSTAý BEST BUY! Save 13c! Robin Hooti Packet Pack CAKE MIXES 13EST BUY! Save 24c! Llbby's Cooked SPAGHETTI BEST BUY! Save 7c! Fancy Quality Cream style STOKELY CORN BREST BUY! Save 16c! Soit - Facial Quality BEST BUY! Save 12c! MIR LJQUID DETERGENT twin pack 24-ns. 9 ~ rW11\ U1/II/- PRODUCE - s-ee How Yeu SAVECo sweet Juley Califes-ua good iize ~uits & VegetableèsA O NESTINO (STOOL BRONZE TONE FINISH SPECIALLoSELEAVE GRADE 'A' 2'2 t to3-lb. Avg. CHI(KENS WHOLE CUT.UP ' lb. CHICKEN in a BASKET 39c EXTRA LEAN - MILD CLIRED SWEET PICKLED Cryovae Halves COTTAGE ROLLS l49c Loan, Well-Sts-eaked, Llght Smoked I~ndless BACON - - lb 69c Ry-the-Piece! - Mîlti Seasoned AAPLE GROVE RED & WHITE Maple Grovê, OW'RNISH'S RED & WHITE 0 'CKoS REDW& WHITc * Orono 4 How You SAVE S'e RER a 1 on RED&WfflTE D 1 est suys and Features ý p , FOR FRYING OR BOASTING 1 ý m Save 4c' XcLaren's 15-cz. Jar m meeting wax held In tht S.S. Ms-s. J. Sas-chuk Anid famlly ln room on Tuesday, lasI. There. Scas-borougli on Sunday._ Wtt -e sVen persona ps-eseut Ms-s. Swas-brick bas returned anti Bey. R. C. White presitiei. froniOshawa anti is stayiug s A moment o! silence was- oh- with Ms-. antiMs-s. Garbutt. Is ses-yod in memory e! Sir Win-: Kential fricotis were sors- t sten Chus-chill. Ail membersite heas- of tht cas- accident c f of the Session wes-e re-elected.IDou Roughlev last wcek. Mie an Tht Steward Board remains 15, in the Oshawa Gentral the same with tht addition ni Hlospital. le Ms-s. R. EfliolI as President etfi A Tcetn-Age dlance 'as he$ nthe U.C.W. antiMs-. Ktîthlin tht Orangc Hall on Friti4 -Wocd. Mr-. Leonarti Falls wasinigbt. Tht young~)oî a! Sre-electeti as Supesiteutent;an cnjoyable eVlng wittî o! tht Suntiay Scheol, alselîliis chapesonsïing Mr. bs-cas-us-es- of the M. anti M.lad Ms-s. Jack Forîk and Mr. Fund. Ar-thur- Thompson, whOiand Ms-s. Donald Walsh, has been Chus-ch Treasu-es for; Congratulations to Wilma.f many years, resigneti ant i Tras who represenîs Ken- cd mte wsapine edal School in thc Publi< -secure a new treasurer. Mrs.ý.rpeakjflç contcst for Clarkeý A. Foster will be eus- gnitT,,vshpat Orono on Feb. for next yeas- wiîh Ms-s. J. aiso %e congratulate Fonk as assistant. Ms-. Ralph Bs oaHotonb"n'lae Geach, eus- efficient caretaker.j this-tiaIt the Legion Publieý' ewill continue as janitos-. Goodi Sptaking in Bowmanvilie. .' Vfinancial reports wes-e givn Tefuncral cf Sir Winstnri' tby eacb ergRnization shown agoot balnce n cais iClhuîrhilI was viewed by many a Tiss-oi sblnc in tise ncigse.:on tclcvjision on Saturday. 1t' bourbooti o! $1.500 te be paicîd aaSaefuea tedd on our new kitchen anti we by tise Qucco. Prince Pisilip,' hope îiiat we an ipe ùlndothes- members of lie thisdeb intht eas fuureRoyal Family. Tht route takeii- Donations towards Ibis tuud.shovcd so many of thte~ni wil bemuci apreialti. marks of olti London and one., willbc uchapprciaed. coulti almost imagine you wero Mrs. Mes-ces-, yous- glaýter Trul.v' il. wvaF a great 'cosres.poncjent. repos-Is tisât 5heitribuje 10 se famnous a. man.- lis enjoyiog. lise Flos-ida sun-l shine with tempes-atus-es inu lie.Wc ar' glat In report the 8'.Alîhougis they hati haticontinucti imprevement of- a coiti speli wisen il wentlMrs. R. Manning. down te 32' for a short lime.' Tics-e was a gooti attendanceý aI chus-ch on Suutiay. Ms-s. .1. Fouk sang "In tht Gas-tin",i anti tht chois- "Tise Chus-ch To'ý tise Wildwood" Flowers wee, in memnory of Mm-. F. Ccx andi the ses-vice was attentietihier husbanti, Mr. P. Cox. Ms-. antiý Ms-s. Rosa Gay, Ms-. anti Mss Lowrie Buckley andti ieiriWN/AfOV# aunt froni Lucknow. E/'S.Z Miss Diane Turansky ofr, '.'1l&GV Oshawa was at home for tise'Tt//D'O ýweekenti.U W/G . %ÀV4.. MUF ý q6 ILI.» .. .. - -- - - - ,

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